SSS Maternity Requirements

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These are the documents needed in filing your SSS Maternity Benefit Claim in the Philippines:


1. Maternity Benefit Claim Application (SSS Form MAT-2)

2. Maternity Notification (SSS Form MAT-1)
- should have been stamped by SSS BEFORE delivery of child

3. SSS ID card
- or your SSS ID application acknowledgment stub and
2 valid IDs both with signature and at least 1 ID with photo and date of birth

4. Birth certificate of the child
- Original or Certified True Copy by the Local Civil Registrar,
or Original Copy from NSO
(Hindi puede yong certified copy from the hospital where you gave birth.
Hindi rin puede yong merong tatak na "Certified True Copy" pero naka-xerox.
Dapat original o fresh yong tatak na Certified True Copy at yong stamp)

Possible Additional Documents:
SSS might require you to submit these documents whether yours is Normal Delivery or
1. Obstetrical History Form (Request this from your OB or midwife)
2. Summary of Discharge (Request from the hospital)


If Delivery was through Caesarean Section:

Certified true copy of Operating Room Record or Surgical Memorandum

If Child was Born Abroad:

The birth certificate must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate, or notarized by
a notary public in the country where the child was born

If the certificate is in foreign language, it must be with English translation and also authenticated by
the Philippine embassy or consulate or notarized by notary public in the host country

If Mother-Member Is Unemployed at Delivery Date, but was Recently Previously Employed

Certification of Separation from Previous Employer, with Date of Separation

If Mother-Member was Separated from Employment 6 Months or Less Prior to Giving Birth:

1. Certification of Separation from Employer, with Date of Separation
2. Certification of Non-Advancement of Maternity Benefit
3. Signature Specimen Card from Employer (L-501 Form)
Note: The signatures on these 3 documents must look the same

If Miscarriage or Complete Abortion:

1. Pregnancy Ultrasound Report (or pregnancy test results before and after abortion)
2. Histopathology Report (certified by authorized hospital representative)
3. Medical Certificate
4. Obstetrical History (certified by attending physician, with license number, signature and printed

If Incomplete Abortion and Raspa or D & C:

1. Pregnancy Ultrasound Report (or pregnancy test results before and after abortion)
2. D & C and Histopathology Report (certified by authorized hospital representative)
3. Medical Certificate
4. Obstetrical History (certified by attending physician, with license number, signature and printed

If Child Was Stillborn:

Fetal Death Certificate (Original or Certified True Copy from the Local Civil Registrar)

- SSS says it might require additional documents if certain submitted documents have defects.
- SSS might require you to submit these documents whether yours is Normal Delivery or CS:
-- Obstetrical History Form
-- Summary of Discharge

Where to submit your maternity benefit claim:

At the SSS branch nearest your residence or place of work

For overseas workers, you can submit your documents at the branch nearest your Philippine
residence or at the SSS Diliman branch.

Related Post:
Reasons Why Some SSS Maternity Benefit Claims Are Denied or Rejected

To qualify for a Maternity Benefit Claim, you will need to have at least 3 monthly contributions within a 12
month period
immediately prior to the semester of childbirth or miscarriage. The claim is only valid for the first 4 deliveries
or miscarriages only.
To check if you are qualified for a maternity benefit, please contact us on 0207-930-4091.
Please download the maternity benefit forms pack below. Your name and SSS account should match your
name on all the
documents submitted. Failure to provide any of the required documents below will result to the delay or
possibly rejection
of your application.
Requirements are as follows:
Maternity Notification Form or Mat-1
Maternity Reimbursement Form or Mat-2
Obstetrical History Form
Letter of Authorization for Banks Form
Valid Philippine Passport Photocopy (mother)
Pregnancy Ultrasound (photocopy)
Discharge papers from the hospital (if Normal delivery)
Operating room record or Theatrical Report (if Cesarian delivery)
Fetal death certificate (if Miscarriage)
Histopathology (if Miscarriage)
Birth certificate photocopy and/or Report of Birth from Phil. Embassy (child)
Photocopy of your SSS ID card (optional)
Here are some reasons why SSS maternity benefit claims are denied. These are based on the
personal experiences of women SSS members commenting on our blogs.

1. Birth Certificate of Child is not Authenticated by the local registrar or NSO.

Do not submit the birth certificate issued by the hospital. Get your child's birth certificate from
NSO, or get a Certified True Copy of your child's birth certificate from your Local Civil Registrar.

2. Signature in MAT1 is different from Signature in MAT2because in MAT1, the maiden name is
used, and in MAT2, the married name is used, and that SSS has not yet been updated about the
change in civil status using SSS E4 form. Puede ring naka-submit na ng E4, pero hindi pa na-
encode ang change.

If you want to change your surname as you are processing your claim, it is best to first wait that the
change in surname is effected before you submit your MAT2 claim. Check your online SSS account
from time to time.

3. Applicable Contributions are Paid, but Not yet Remitted by Employer or Not Yet Posted

If you're Employed, bago mo i-file yong maternity claim mo, make sure that the 6 monthly
contributions that will be considered by SSS in computing your Maternity Benefit are already posted
in your SSS account. Check your online SSS account.

4. Your Coverage Status in your Record is Different from your Status in your Claim

Example: VOLUNTARY ang naka-check sa MAT2 mo, pero ang nasa SSS record mo ay

5. Questions about the Child's Middle Name and Surname

Example: Because of certain reasons, hindi pareho ang middle name ng bata sa surname ng
mother, at hindi pareho ang surname ng bata sa surname ng father.

Remedy for this: Submit Affidavit to Explain Discrepancy in Names

6. MAT1 was not submitted to SSS before delivery of child. Or maternity notification was not
filed online before date of delivery.

7. Member is not eligible for maternity benefit.
Member has not paid her contributions for at least 3 of the 12 months BEFORE semester of delivery
or semester of contingency.

8. Member delivered her child by CS, but did not submit Operating Room Record

9. Member had Miscarriage, but did not submit Histopathology Report and Medical

10. Member recently resigned from work, but did not submit a Certificate of Separation.

If your date of separation from employment is within 6 monthsof your date of delivery, you need to
submit a Certificate of Separation from your Employer. The certificate needs to include the date of
separation and the statement that the employer did not advance you any SSS maternity benefit.
Get also 2 copies of Specimen Signature Card (SSS Form L-501) from your former employer.

Tanungin ang SSS branch kung less than a year pa lang kayong umalis sa employer ninyo. Merong
mga nag-comment na pina-submit pa rin sila ng Certificate of Separation at L-501 kahit 7 months or
more na silang separated from their employers.

Meron din ditong nag-comment na 11 months and 28 days ang gap ng date of delivery and date of
separation niya, at hindi na siya hinanapan ng separation papers noong nag-submit siya sa SSS
counter, pero na-reject pa rin later on ang claim niya at ang reason ay No Separation Papers.

11. Merong kulang o mali sa Certificate of Separation or L-501.
Hindi pareho ang signature ng employer sa L-501 at sa Certificate of Separation. O walang Date of
Separation. Or there's no statement that Employer DID NOT pay any maternity benefit to the SSS

12. Member has no Date of Coverage.
Usually, nadi-discover nang wala palang Date of Coverage ang member pag-submit pa lang ng
MAT1, pero merong nakakalusot, lalo na ngayon na meron nang Online submission of MAT1.
Bakit merong members na walang Date of Coverage? Ito yong mga nagbabayad ng
contributions as Voluntary at hindi nag-simula nang tama. Sa unang-una pa lang, dapat nai-register
ng Employer, o kung hindi man Employed, nag-register as Self-Employed o Non-Working Housewife
o OFW.
Hindi puedeng Voluntary agad. Ang Voluntary member ay Employed, dating OFW,
dating Self-employed o dating Non-working wife.

13. 5th or Subsequent Pregnancy or Miscarriage
Only the first four child deliveries or miscarriages ang merong SSS maternity benefit. This policy
started on May 24, 1997. Kahit hindi na-cover noon ang first four or yong ibang bata sa first four,
hindi na mako-cover ang 5th or subsequent child deliveries or miscarriages.

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