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200-120 CCNA Exam Topics

Exam Description

CCNA Exam: The 200-120 CCNA exam is the composite exam associated with the CCNA Routing
and Switching certification Candidates can prepare for this exam !" ta#ing the $nterconnecting
Cisco Networ#ing %e&ices 'art 1 ($CN%1) &20 and the $nterconnecting Cisco Networ#ing %e&ices
'art 2 ($CN%2) &20 courses This exam tests a candidate*s #now+edge and s#i++s re,uired to insta++-
operate- and trou!+eshoot a sma++ to medium-si.e enterprise !ranch networ# The topics inc+ude a++
the areas co&ered under the 100-101 $CN%1 and 200-101 $CN%2 exams

Exam Topics
The fo++owing topics are genera+ guide+ines for the content +i#e+" to !e inc+uded on the CCNA
Composite exam /owe&er- other re+ated topics ma" a+so appear on an" specific de+i&er" of the
exam The guide+ines !e+ow ma" change at an" time without notice in order to !etter ref+ect the
contents of the exam and for c+arit" purposes

Operation of IP Data Networks
Recogni.e the purpose and functions of &arious networ# de&ices such as Routers- Switches-
0ridges and /u!s
Se+ect the components re,uired to meet a gi&en networ# specification
$dentif" common app+ications and their impact on the networ#
%escri!e the purpose and !asic operation of the protoco+s in the 1S$ and TC'2$' mode+s
'redict the data f+ow !etween two hosts across a networ#
$dentif" the appropriate media- ca!+es- ports- and connectors to connect Cisco networ#
de&ices to other networ# de&ices and hosts in a 3AN
LAN witc!in" Tec!no#o"ies
%etermine the techno+og" and media access contro+ method for Ethernet networ#s
$dentif" !asic switching concepts and the operation of Cisco switches
Co++ision %omains
0roadcast %omains
T"pes of switching
CA4 Ta!+e
Configure and &erif" initia+ switch configuration inc+uding remote access management
Cisco $1S commands to perform !asic switch setup
5erif" networ# status and switch operation using !asic uti+ities such as ping- te+net and ssh
%escri!e how 53ANs create +ogica++" separate networ#s and the need for routing !etween
Exp+ain networ# segmentation and !asic traffic management concepts
Configure and &erif" 53ANs
Configure and &erif" trun#ing on Cisco switches
Auto negotiation
IP a$$ressin" %IP&' ( IP&)*
%escri!e the operation and necessit" of using pri&ate and pu!+ic $' addresses for $'&6
$dentif" the appropriate $'&7 addressing scheme to satisf" addressing re,uirements in a
3AN28AN en&ironment
$dentif" the appropriate $'&6 addressing scheme using 53S4 and summari.ation to satisf"
addressing re,uirements in a 3AN28AN en&ironment
%escri!e the techno+ogica+ re,uirements for running $'&7 in con9unction with $'&6 such as
dua+ stac#
%escri!e $'&7 addresses
:+o!a+ unicast
3in# +oca+
;ni,ue +oca+
eui 76
IP +o,tin" Tec!no#o"ies
%escri!e !asic routing concepts
'ac#et forwarding
Router +oo#up process
Configure and &erif" the C3$ to set !asic Router configuration
Cisco $1S commands to perform !asic router setup
Configure and &erif" operation status of an ethernet interface
5erif" router configuration and networ# connecti&it"
Cisco $1S commands to re&iew !asic router information and networ# connecti&it"
Configure and &erif" routing configuration for a static or defau+t route gi&en specific routing
%ifferentiate methods of routing and routing protoco+s
Static &s %"namic
3in# state &s %istance 5ector
next hop
ip routing ta!+e
'assi&e interfaces
Configure and &erif" 1S'< (sing+e area)
0enefit of sing+e area
Configure 1S'< &2
Configure 1S'< &=
Router $%
'assi&e interface
Configure and &erif" inter53AN routing (Router on a stic#)
su! interfaces
upstream routing
Configure S5$ interfaces
IP er&ices
Configure and &erif" %/C' ($1S Router)
configuring router interfaces to use %/C'
%/C' options
exc+uded addresses
+ease time
%escri!e the t"pes- features- and app+ications of AC3s
Se,uence num!ers
3og option
Configure and &erif" AC3s in a networ# en&ironment
3og option
$dentif" the !asic operation of NAT
1 to 1
Source addressing
1ne wa" NAT
Configure and &erif" NAT for gi&en networ# re,uirements
Configure and &erif" NT' as a c+ient
Network De&ice ec,rit-
Configure and &erif" networ# de&ice securit" features such as:
%e&ice password securit"
Ena!+e secret &s ena!+e
%isa!+e te+net
'h"sica+ securit"
Ser&ice password
%escri!e externa+ authentication methods
Configure and &erif" Switch 'ort Securit" features such as
Stic#" 4AC
4AC address +imitation
Static 2 d"namic
5io+ation modes
Err disa!+e
'rotect restrict
Shutdown unused ports
Err disa!+e reco&er"
Assign unused ports to an unused 53AN
Setting nati&e 53AN to other than 53AN 1
Configure and &erif" AC3s to fi+ter networ# traffic
Configure and &erif" an AC3s to +imit te+net and SS/ access to the router
Trou!+eshoot and correct common pro!+ems associated with $' addressing and host
Trou!+eshoot and Reso+&e 53AN pro!+ems
identif" that 53ANs are configured
port mem!ership correct
$' address configured
Trou!+eshoot and Reso+&e trun#ing pro!+ems on Cisco switches
correct trun# states
correct encapsu+ation configured
correct &+ans a++owed
Trou!+eshoot and Reso+&e AC3 issues
'ermitted networ#s
Trou!+eshoot and Reso+&e 3a"er 1 pro!+ems
%ropped pac#ets
3ate co++ision
$nput 2 1utput errors
LAN witc!in" Tec!no#o"ies
$dentif" enhanced switching techno+ogies
Configure and &erif" '5ST' operation
descri!e root !ridge e+ection
spanning tree mode
IP +o,tin" Tec!no#o"ies
%escri!e the !oot process of Cisco $1S routers
Router !ootup process
Configure and &erif" operation status of a Seria+ interface
4anage Cisco $1S <i+es
0oot preferences
Cisco $1S image(s)
Show +icense
Change +icense
%ifferentiate methods of routing and routing protoco+s
Administrati&e distance
sp+it hori.on
next hop
Configure and &erif" 1S'< (sing+e area)
neigh!or ad9acencies
1S'< states
%iscuss 4u+ti area
Configure 1S'< &2
Configure 1S'< &=
Router $%
3SA t"pes
Configure and &erif" E$:R' (sing+e AS)
<easi!+e %istance 2 <easi!+e Successors 2Administrati&e distance
<easi!i+it" condition
4etric composition
Router $%
Auto summar"
'ath se+ection
3oad !a+ancing
'assi&e interface
IP er&ices
Recogni.e /igh a&ai+a!i+it" (</R')
Configure and &erif" S"s+og
;ti+i.e S"s+og 1utput
%escri!e SN4' &2 ? &=
$dentif" and correct common networ# pro!+ems
;ti+i.e netf+ow data
Trou!+eshoot and Reso+&e Spanning Tree operation issues
root switch
mode is correct
port states
Trou!+eshoot and Reso+&e routing issues
routing is ena!+ed
routing ta!+e is correct
correct path se+ection
Trou!+eshoot and Reso+&e 1S'< pro!+ems
Neigh!or Ad9acencies
/e++o and %ead timers
1S'< area
$nterface 4T;
Networ# t"pes
Neigh!or states
1S'< topo+og" data!ase
Trou!+eshoot and Reso+&e E$:R' pro!+ems
neigh!or ad9ancies
AS num!er
3oad !a+ancing
Sp+it hori.on
Trou!+eshoot and Reso+&e inter53AN routing pro!+ems
Nati&e 53AN
'ort mode trun# status
Trou!+eshoot and Reso+&e 8AN imp+ementation issues
Seria+ interfaces
<rame re+a"
4onitor Net<+ow statistics
Trou!+eshoot etherchanne+ pro!+ems
/AN Tec!no#o"ies
$dentif" different 8AN Techno+ogies
4etro Ethernet
Ce++u+ar =: 2 6:
T1 2 E1
<rame re+a"
Configure and &erif" a !asic 8AN seria+ connection
Configure and &erif" a ''' connection !etween Cisco routers
Configure and &erif" <rame Re+a" on Cisco routers
$mp+ement and trou!+eshoot '''oE

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