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Philosophy - Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems, such as those connected

with reality, existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language.[1][2] Philosophy is
distinguished from other ways of addressing such problems by its critical, generally systematic
approach and its reliance on rational argument.[3] In more casual speech, by extension, "philosophy"
can refer to "the most basic beliefs, concepts, and attitudes of an individual or group". The word
"philosophy" comes from the Ancient Greek (philosophia), which literally means "love of
wisdom".[5][6][7] The introduction of the terms "philosopher" and "philosophy" has been ascribed to
the Greek thinker Pythagoras.
Philosophy approach - The study of philosophy is usually approached in one of two different ways:
the systematic or topical method and the historical or biographical method. Both have their
strengths and weaknesses and it is often beneficial to avoid focusing on one to the exclusions of the
other, at least whenever possible. For irreligious atheists, though, the focus should probably be more
on the topical than on the biographical method because that will provide clear overviews of relevant
Metaphysics: Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy responsible for the study of existence. It is the
foundation of a worldview. It answers the question "What is?" It encompasses everything that exists,
as well as the nature of existence itself. It says whether the world is real, or merely an illusion. It is a
fundamental view of the world around us.
Epistemology is the study of our method of acquiring knowledge. It answers the question, "How do
we know?" It encompasses the nature of concepts, the constructing of concepts, the validity of the
senses, logical reasoning, as well as thoughts, ideas, memories, emotions, and all things mental. It is
concerned with how our minds are related to reality, and whether these relationships are valid or
Politics is ethics applied to a group of people.
Esthetics is the study of art. It includes what art consists of, as well as the purpose behind it. Does art
consist of music, literature, and painting? Or does it include a good engineering solution, or a
beautiful sunset? These are the questions that aimed at in esthetics. It also studies methods of
evaluating art, and allows judgments of the art. Is art in the eye of the beholder? Does anything that
appeals to you fit under the umbrella of art? Or does it have a specific nature? Does it accomplish a
Logic (from Classical Greek (logos), originally meaning the word, or what is spoken, but coming
to mean thought or reason) is most often said to be the study of arguments. logic is the study of
correct reasoning.However, the subject is grounded, the task of the logician is the same: to advance
an account of valid and fallacious inference to allow one to distinguish good from bad arguments.
Ideas are usually construed as mental representational images of some object. Ideas can also be
abstract concepts that do not present as mental images.[1] Many philosophers have considered ideas
to be a fundamental ontological category of being. The capacity to create and understand the
meaning of ideas is considered to be an essential and defining feature of human beings. In a popular
sense, an idea arises in a reflexive, spontaneous manner, even without thinking or serious reflection,
for example, when we talk about the idea of a person or a place.

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