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A Slight Accident

By Morpheus
Waking up a little late, 14 year old Brian Palmer had to hurry to make
sure that he didn't miss his bus to school. He knew that if he missed
the bus one more time his Dad was going to tan his hide and he had no
intention of letting that happen. So with unaccustomed speed, Brian ran
through all of his morning routine, stopping only to grab a cold pop
tart before running out the door.
Barely managing to get on the bus in time, Brian high fived a couple of
his friends as he passed by them on the bus. Finding an open seat, he
plopped down and let himself relax. Brian hadn't been looking forward
to school that day too much, but knew that he didn't really want to miss
it either. That was the day that Mr. Duncan, his science teacher, was
going to take the class on a field trip to the Montgomery Institute. The
place at the edge of town that everyone jokingly called Frankenstein's
castle. They were a bunch of eggheads who liked to do things with
quantum physics and stuff. All pretty boring as far as Brian was
Still sitting in his seat, Brain cheerfully chatted with other kids
sitting nearby, absently rubbing at his wrist. Glancing away from his
friends, Brian stared at the golden blonde bracelet on his wrist and
frowned as he remembered how his girlfriend Kelly had given it to him
several days earlier. She had to move to another state with her family
and had given him the bracelet, braided from her own hair so that he'd
have something to remember her by. Though he was saddened by Kelly's
leaving, Brian of course wouldn't admit it to anyone and was already
keeping his eye out for another girlfriend. Still, he thought glumly to
himself, it just wouldn't be the same.
After going through several of his classes, it was finally time to go on
the field trip and Brian was beginning to look forward to it. Simply
because it would get him out of regular classes for a few hours, which
he felt was worth the boredom that the field trip was guaranteed to
bring. Snorting and making clear his contempt for the whole thing, just
for the record, Brian hopped onto the bus with the rest of his class,
impatient to be off and away from the school.
Soon they were at their destination and the students were taken off the
bus, Brian sarcastically mooing like a cow as they came off in a steady
stream. Much to the annoyance of Mr. Duncan and the bus driver both.
"All right class," Mr. Duncan said once they were all off the bus, "now
that we're here, lets be on our best behavior." He glanced meaningfully
at Brian, and continued, "We don't want to give them a bad impression of
our school. Especially since these people were kind enough to let us
come here."
Just then a tall red haired man with a mustache, wearing a white lab
coat arrived. "Hello everyone" he said cheerfully, "My name is Dr.
Holland and I'll be giving you all the tour." Grinning to everyone, Dr.
Holland said, "In spite of what you may have heard, this isn't a mad
scientists club." Winking towards the class, he called out to a fairly
attractive woman who was standing nearby, saying "Igor, get the door
won't you" This caused everyone in the class to start chuckling, even
Brian who thought the joke was a bit corny.
"Sure thing" she called back, going over and pushing some buttons so
that the front door opened. "Right this way" she said, gesturing for
everyone to enter.
"And that's how this new rover unit will help explore distant planets."
Dr. Holland said as he finished explaining some small robot thing that
Brian found boring.
"Blah blah blah" Brian whispered to the boy standing next to him,
wishing that this was a little more exciting. "You'd think that for mad
scientists that they'd have something cool to show us." The other boy
nodded slightly, obviously not paying too much attention to Brian.
"Right this way for the last, and best part of the tour" Dr. Holland
called out, making Brian wonder just what could be so good about a bunch
of tinker toys. So far he wasn't really all that impressed, in spite of
having already seen several very advanced breakthroughs. "I think that
you'll all like this one" Dr. Holland smiled, leading the class through
another hallway, electronically locked door and finally into a rather
large room.
"Cool" one girl up front said once they looked around. There were two
big black metal chambers, one on each end of the room. Several
computers and things were connected to each. Almost in spite of
himself, Brian started to get a little interested, wondering just what
all this gear was for. It certainly looked impressive.
Once Dr. Holland had gathered the students around one of the chambers,
he started to explain. "These are our latest breakthrough. Though
normally security wouldn't be allowing me to show you these, certain
circumstances have removed that restriction. Primarily the fact that
we're about to go public with these." He smiled proudly, gesturing
towards the chamber in front of them. "This is a lot like a modem for
your computer. Only instead of just electronic signals, this machine
sends matter from one place to another."
"Beam me up Scotty" Brian said aloud, earning a lot of snickers and
laughs from the students and a glare from Mr. Duncan.
"Actually that young man is fairly close. These are sort of like the
transporters in Star Trek, but these are a lot more limited." Dr.
Holland stopped for a second, then continued. "These require two
chambers so that one can transmit and one can receive."
"Wow, that would be awesome" someone else said excitedly.
Brian sorted sarcastically. "Dude, have you ever heard of the Fly?"
Dr. Holland glanced at Brian then sighed. "That's an act of fiction.
This machine is perfectly safe. We've tested it numerous times with
great results. It can transport and keep organic and inorganic matter
easily separated. And just to be on the safe side, it automatically
scans to ensure that there is only one living thing inside before it
will send anyone." Grinning broadly, Dr. Holland assured the class "No
flies are going to sneak through here."
"So when can I use one to take a vacation to Paris?" Mr. Duncan asked,
obviously looking both impressed and amused.
Sighing, Dr. Holland said "I'm afraid that you won't. At least not
anytime soon. You see, there is one small problem with these chambers."
"I knew it!" Brian interrupted loudly, earning him several chuckles from
the students. He grinned, satisfied at all the attention, especially
since it annoyed Mr. Duncan at the same time.
Trying to ignore Brian's interruption, Dr. Holland continued, telling
the class that though the machine worked fine, the power required to
receive and reassemble a signal geometrically increased with distance.
Looking embarrassed, Dr. Holland coughed into his hand and said "It
isn't practical beyond 50 feet." Glancing towards several other
scientists in the room, watching the tour, Dr. Holland explained that
beyond that distance it required far too much power and that the signal
was far too weak to be of any use at all. Shrugging, he said "More than
that and you might as well be standing in a phone booth." Several of
the students laughed, obviously amused by the irony. Science finally
develops a teleporter, just like in all the sci fi stories, and you can
only use it to go from one side of a room to another. What a
Brian snorted in disbelief. It all looked cool and certainly sounded
neat, but he knew that it was all just a hoax. Just to see how gullible
the students really were, he strongly suspected. Most of the other
students seemed to be thinking the same thing.
"Why don't we give them a demonstration?" the pretty woman who had let
them in asked Dr. Holland. "I think that they'd all appreciate that."
"You mean then they wouldn't think I was pulling their legs" Dr.
Holland called back. "All right, a demonstration it is." Looking around
for a moment, Dr. Holland said "I will need a volunteer though." Though
several hands came up from students who were eager to get involved with
the game, or to just prove it a lie, Dr. Holland didn't call on any of
them. Instead he pointed at Brian, grinning widely "Why don't you help
us young man?"
Shrugging, Brian stepped forward. He didn't really like this being put
on the spot, but he didn't dare back down in front of all the other
kids. He'd look like he was chicken or something and there was no way
that he wanted that. "Sure, why not" Brian told Dr. Holland bravely.
"Right this way then." the doctor said, directing Brian through a door
in the chamber, which was then sealed behind him. Brian looked around
the inside of it with mixed amusement and nervousness. They certainly
seemed willing to go to pretty good lengths for a joke. That was
something that he could admire, but at the moment he wasn't sure that he
liked being at the end of it either. "In just a second" Dr. Holland's
voice came through the chamber. Brian nodded his head, listening
nervously as strange humming sounds began to start and rubbing the
bracelet for comfort. Soon the humming was at its strongest, and Dr.
Holland cried out "Now!" pressing some switches on the outside
Brian felt a strange tingling sensation sweep through his entire body,
then he went numb. It was almost like when his leg would go to sleep,
but over his entire body. Suddenly a wave of cold seemed to sweep over
him and Brian had the impression that he was being pulled apart into a
million directions. Almost immediately the wave of cold faded and
Brian's sense of touch started to return. "God that felt weird" Brian
said to himself, looking around the chamber uncomfortably. Nothing
seemed to have changed. Just then the door opened up and Brian climbed
out, startled to see that he was on the other side of the room. The
rest of his class was way across from him, all staring at him with
amazement in their eyes. Not sure what had just happened, Brian grinned
and put on a brave face, determined to soak up as much respect for his
"brave feat" as possible.
"What do you think now?" Dr. Holland asked from across the room,
obviously pleased. Brian shuddered, definitely impressed though trying
hard not to show it. "Well everyone, that's about all we have to show
you for today. Thank you for being such a good audience and I hope you
all enjoyed yourselves as well as learned something.
Brian stretched, gave an obviously fake yawn, then started walking back
across the room to the rest of his class, failing to notice that the
bracelet of Kelly's hair was missing from around his wrist.
Getting home from school, Brian excitedly told his Dad all about the
transporter that they'd seen at the lab, amazed that he'd actually seen
something cool there. Brian's Dad snorted, saying "Don't be ridiculous.
You know things like that aren't really."
"But Dad" Brian protested.
"I don't want to hear your stories" Brian's Dad said sharply, turning
away from Brian to signify that the discussion was over.
Snorting, Brian said "Yeah, whatever" and stormed away, disgusted at
practically being called a liar to his own face. "I've got better
things to do anyway" he told himself as he hurried upstairs to his room,
absently rubbing at his wrist and looking down in surprise as he noticed
that the bracelet was missing. "Damn!" Brian snapped in annoyance,
unhappy at having lost it. Still wondering where he could have lost it
at, Brian went into his room for the night.
The next morning when Brian woke up, the nipples on his chest felt
rather sore and sensitive for some reason. Brian winced at the
discomfort when he touched one of them, thinking that it almost felt
like they'd had sandpaper run over them. They even seemed a little
larger as well as irritated. Deciding that he just had a cold, Brian
tried to ignore the discomfort, finding that it wasn't easy when he put
his t shirt on and they rubbed up against the seemingly rough fabric. If
he didn't know better, he would have sworn that his t shirt felt like it
had sandpaper all over the insides of it. Or at least where his nipples
were touching.
By lunch time the irritation had faded and Brian quickly forgot about
it. However that night after eating dinner, the irritation returned,
and Brian hurried to his room to take off the shirt and get rid of the
painful rubbing. Sitting down on the edge of his bed, he examined his
chest, searching for some clues as to why it was sore. Though his
nipples seemed a little larger and darker, Brian decided that this was
just a side effect of the irritation, and of too much rubbing against
his shirt.
After a little while, Brian made sure his parents didn't see him as he
grabbed a couple ice cubes from the freezer and returned to his room,
trying to numb the irritation with ice. Though it only worked
partially, it was still better than nothing. Finally Brian went to bed,
unable to sleep at first due to the continuing irritation.
The next morning Brian was pleased that the irritation in his nipples
was gone, though he was having stomach cramps instead. He winced as he
made his way slowly to the kitchen, hating the aching discomfort in his
guts. Seeing his Mom, Brian complained about feeling sick. "It hurts"
he whined.
Feeling Brian's forehead for a moment, his mother frowned and told him,
"You're not going to get out of school by playing sick today." Slapping
him gently on the back, she said "Go on and take that history or math
test you have, but don't go pretending to be sick."
"But Mom..." Brian whined more, stopping suddenly as a small spasm of
pain went through his stomach.
"No buts." She told him, not noticing his real discomfort. "Go on now."
Knowing that he wasn't going to receive any sympathy, Brian gritted his
teeth, determined not to let the discomfort stop him, and went on to
catch his bus.
In first period Brian's teacher noticed how pale he looked and sent him
to the nurses office. After a quick examination, the nurse told Brian
that there didn't seem to be anything wrong. Suspecting that Brian was
just having a panic attack or stress reaction, the nurse had him rest
for awhile then continue to his next class. "Thanks for nothing" Brian
mumbled to himself as he left the nurses office, feeling no better than
when he had come in.
Eventually the cramps subsided, much to Brian's relief. He didn't know
if he could stand having them for much longer. Though the nurse had
told him that he was just fine, Brian was beginning to suspect that
maybe there was something wrong with him. Not wanting to accept that,
Brian vainly tried to pretend to himself that everything was fine. Once
the cramps had faded away though, Brian told himself hopefully that
maybe it had all gone away. That now he was better.
The rest of the day passed pretty normally, except for some teasing
Brian received for being a guinea pig. Word had spread around the
school pretty quickly about the field trip, and about Brian's
experience. Though half the students seemed fairly impressed, even
affording Brian something of a celebrity status, the other half either
doubted any truth to the stories or thought he was stupid for doing it.
Either way Brian received a lot more attention than he was used to at
school, and he loved every bit of it.
Getting home from school, Brian walked into the door, only to be
confronted by his Mom who demanded "What did you do to your hair?"
Brian frowned, asking "What do you mean? I didn't do anything.
"Oh really?" his Mom replied sarcastically, then grabbing his hair she
asked "Then what's this? I don't remember you having any blonde hair,
do you?"
"What?" Brian asked confused, going and looking for a mirror to find out
what his Mom was talking about, half sure that she was joking with him
or something. But she seemed a little too serious for that he knew.
Finding a mirror, Brian stared in surprise. A lock of his hair dangling
on his forehead had turned blonde. "What the hell?" Brian asked no one
in particular, wondering who had somehow bleached his hair. And how they
had done so without his knowing about it.
"Well" his Mom demanded, "What happened?"
Brian snorted, turning away from the mirror. "That's what I'd like to
know." Leaving his Mom without an answer, Brian went upstairs to wait
for dinner.
Sitting at the table eating dinner, Brian felt uncomfortable under the
watchful eyes of his parents. Both kept glancing at him as if there were
something wrong with him, though Brian didn't know what it could be,
except for the little blonde hair. "What are you looking at?" He
finally snapped at his Mom, only to earn him a warning from his dad.
"Don't you dare talk to your mother that way!"
Brian glared at him for a moment, then suddenly gasped as the cramps
returned. This time with an aching pain just below his testicles as
well. "Oh shit" Brian muttered as he clenched his stomach in pain, not
noticing the worried looks his parents were giving each other and him.
"What's wrong honey?" his Mom asked in a worried voice. Brian just
closed his eyes and wished the pain would go away. "That's it, I'm
calling a doctor" his Mom announced, already getting up and going for
the phone.
"No" Brian protested weakly, forcing himself up off his chair and giving
a faint smile, "I'm fine." Seeing that his parents didn't believe him,
Brian made an extra effort to ignore the trembling in his stomach and
the rising fear he was feeling. He was horribly afraid that if he went
to the doctor then something would be seriously wrong with him. But
telling himself that he was fine and didn't need a doctor, Brian left
his parents at the table, mumbling that he just needed to get some rest
and going to his room to lay down for awhile.
An hour later, not only had the cramps not left, but Brian's nipples
felt raw again. And this time the tissue surrounding his nipples
started to ache as well. "What's wrong with me?" Brian quietly asked
himself as he looked in fear at his chest, noticing that the nipples
seemed even larger than before. They looked so....wrong.
"Honey?" Brian's Mom asked with a knock from outside his door. Before
Brian could answer, the door opened and she came in on her own, a deeply
worried look on her face. "Oh, I'm so sorry that I didn't believe you
this morning." she told Brian as she touched his forehead, feeling for
a fever. Frowning, she looked thoughtful and said "I probably need to
get my eyes checked, but that blonde spot looks bigger." Giving Brian a
nervous kiss on the cheek, she started leaving the room, telling Brian
"I'm going to call the doctor and make an appointment for tomorrow. You
sleep good dear, and feel better soon." With that she was gone.
Brian quietly said "Thanks" after she'd left.
For the next several hours Brian laid on his bed, trying to go to sleep
early, but finding it nearly impossible with the strange discomforts of
his body. Finally the cramps in his stomach started to fade away,
letting Brian finally start to relax. Scratching at his still slightly
tender chest as he was drifting off to sleep, Brian absently noticed
that it felt somewhat swollen.
In the morning, Brian stared at himself in the mirror in horror, gasping
out in confusion and shock. His hair had turned all blonde overnight,
and his chest was really puffy. When he scratched at it, it felt almost
like it was jello or something. Fortunately it didn't seem to be to
noticeable. And what was just as strange was that Brian had woken up to
find almost all the hair he had been starting to grow on his arms and
legs was gone.
Panicking, Brian's screamed out in fear before finally managing to calm
himself down some. His Mom came bursting into his bedroom, screaming
"What's wrong?" Then stopped and stared at Brian with confusion and fear
written clearly on her face.
"What's happening to me?" Brian cried, staring fearfully at his Mom,
hoping that she would have some answers.
Crying, she came over and gave Brian a hug, telling him "I don't know.
God, I don't know." She ran a hand through her son's hair, staring at
the blonde strands of hair that passed between her fingers. "Maybe the
doctor will know" she suggested to Brian unconvincingly.
As Brian pulled away from his Mom, he tried putting on a brave face and
started to get dress, not noticing the strange look on her face as she
stared intently at his chest.
The Palmer family nervously waited for Dr. Hershaw to complete his
examination of Brian, each one twinging slightly every time the doctor
had a confused or surprised look on his face. Dave Palmer, Brian's
father had come straight home from work as soon as his wife Wendy had
called him, telling him about their son's condition. He didn't care if
he might get in trouble at work for taking off so abruptly, he had far
more important things to worry about at the moment.
Brian shivered as the doctor put the cold stethoscope against his chest
another time, apparently not satisfied with the results of the first
check. "That's cold" Brian complained, getting a brief and unmeant
apology from the elderly Dr. Hershaw who had quickly changed positions
to start examining Brian's eyes.
"I'm afraid that I've never seen anything like this" Dr. Hershaw
explained to Brian and his parents. "It appears as if you're..." Dr.
Hershaw coughed, looking embarrassed "As if you're taking on female
characteristics. You're," he gestured at Brian's chest, "developing
female mammies. And other traits."
"I'M GROWING TITS?" Brian blurted out, staring at the doctor with
Dr. Hershaw nodded. "It appears so, among other changes in your body."
The doctor ran a hand over his gray beard, shaking his head slightly.
"I'm sorry. We'll try to find out what's causing this and get you fixed
"I can't believe this." Brian muttered, staring down at his chest in
disgust. His parents both looked at him in stunned silence and his Mom
turned and gave his Dad a look that said "I told you so." While his
parents started arguing, Brian mumbled to himself "I'm growing tits."
Sighing, Dr. Hershaw interrupted them, saying "In order to get more
information, I'll need to take a blood sample." Brian winced at that.
He HATED needles. But he knew that the only way to possibly get rid of
whatever was messing him up was to cooperate with the doctor. Hesitantly
Brian agreed. He didn't want to have boobs.
Brian waited uncomfortably for Dr. Hershaw to get the labs results back.
His chest had started hurting again, this time spread out more over his
chest and less on his nipple. Brian worried at that, knowing just what
it meant. He also had a throbbing ache at the base of his testicles and
an itchy sensation that came and went over his skin. Finally the results
came back and Brian's Dad demanded impatiently, "Well, what is it?"
Dr. Hershaw coughed slightly, looking embarrassed. "I'm afraid that I'm
just not sure. Something is very strange with his blood. The sample I
took had two different blood types in it, which is as I don't need to
say, incredibly strange." Dr. Hershaw looked thoughtful for a moment,
then looked at Brian curiously for a moment. "Do you know of anything
odd happening around you in the last, say, two weeks?"
"No..." Brian started to say, then stopped, "Oh SHIT!" Everyone stared
at him intently, wondering what it could be.
"Well?" Brian's Dad asked him gently, "What is it?"
"The field trip" Brian sputtered, staring down at his hands and
noticing for the first time that they seemed different somehow. He
couldn't tell exactly how, but they were. Shaking his head, Brian
continued, "Something happened at there." Brian shook his head in
disgust, "Shit."
"Take your time" Dr. Hershaw told Brian gently, putting a hand on his
shoulder, "Tell us what happened."
Brian nodded and took a deep breath, then started telling them. "There
was this machine there, and it was like Star Trek." When he saw that no
one understood what he was saying, Brian continued "They can send things
from one box into another, all the way across the room, just like in
Star Trek. Or..." he stopped horrified, "like in the Fly"
"Your stories aren't going to help anything" his Dad said impatiently.
"But it's not a story!" Brian snapped back angrily. "They did have that
stupid machine, and they used it on me. They sent me all the way across
the room. And..." he gestured down at himself, "It's like the Fly. Just
like in the movie." Brian was breathing fast, nearly hyperventilating.
"But there was no one in there with me." At this point Brian couldn't
hold it anymore and started crying.
"It'll be all right honey" his Mom said trying to comfort him.
Dave frowned as he watched his wife hugging his son tightly. "Let's get
hold of the Montgomery people" he told Dr. Hershaw in a dangerously calm
tone, "I want to ask them a few questions."
Once they got home, Brian avoided any mirrors, afraid to see what had
happened to him. He didn't want to have to face it, to have to admit it
to himself. His parents both avoided looking at him. When Dave got off
the phone with the Montgomery Institute, he stormed around the house
angrily yelling "They'll look into it they say. They're going to try
finding out what could have possibly gone wrong." Grumbling, he glanced
at his son, quickly averting his eyes. Brian looked so.....androgynous.
That was the word. With his small A cup breasts and now blonde hair,
he certainly didn't look like the 14 year old boy that Dave had been
proud to call his son.
"What did they say dear?" Wendy cautiously asked Dave once Brian was out
of hearing. They didn't need to upset him anymore than they needed to
they decided. He was already going through too much as it was.
Sighing and forcing himself to calm down for his wifes sake, Dave
explained that Dr. Holland had told him over the phone that "nothing
like that had ever happened with their device before." That they had
"safety measures to prevent that sort of thing from happening" and that
they were going to "carefully investigate what could have gone wrong."
Snorting, Dave said "At least they aren't trying to deny that they're
the ones that did it."
Brian listened to his Dad raving on from the other side of the door,
trying not to be noticed. He shuddered as he looked down and saw the
very slight bumps pushing out from his chest. Barely noticeable at all,
but they were still far too obvious to Brian. Turning away from the
door, Brian went back to his room, tired of listening to his Dad raving
and repeating himself.
Throwing himself down onto his bed, Brian tried to forget about what was
happening, but that proved impossible. All he could think of was the
horror that he seemed to be turning into a girl. God what a horrible
fate, he decided. Quickly sliding a hand down his pants out of a sudden
fear, Brian sighed in relief when he found that his penis was still
there, and apparently unchanged. Still with his hand down his pants,
Brian frowned as his fingers touched the spot at the base of his
testicles that had been aching all day. It felt strange for some reason.
Sort of like there there was more skin there. Suddenly hearing his Mom
calling his name, Brian pulled his hand out, afraid that she was going
to walk in and catch him. There was no way that he wanted to face that
embarrassment as well.
Going back to the living room to see what his Mom was calling him for,
Brian stopped in surprise to see Dr. Holland there with his parents.
Turning to look at Brian, a look of surprise on his face, Dr. Holland
said "I came over as soon as I got off the phone. I had to come see for
myself." Dr. Holland came over to Brian, examining him carefully and
making Brian feel like he was a lab specimen or something. "Besides the
obvious, how have you been feeling?" Dr. Holland asked Brian.
"Um... all right... I guess." Brian muttered, looking down in
embarrassment. He felt like such a freak.
"I'm sorry" Dr. Holland told him, actually sounding sorry which
surprised Brian some. "The transmitter had been perfectly safe in every
test we'd run before. When I put you through it, I had no idea that
anything like this could have happened. I have no idea how it could
have." Staring at Brian, he continued "It seems like you're somehow
turning into someone else, but I don't see how it could have happened.
You were sent through completely alone and the scanners would have shut
down the machine if someone else had been in there with you. I don't
see how someone else's DNA could possibly have gotten mixed in with
your signal in transmission."
"DNA?" Brian asked, remembering what little he'd heard about it. Mostly
from Jurassic Park. Wishing that Kelly were there to talk to, Brian
glanced down at the empty spot on his wrist and frowned, an idea dawning
on him. "Doctor..." Brian began, "Is there DNA in hair?"
"Oh yes." Dr. Holland replied absently, then stopped and stared back at
Brian even harder. "Why do you ask?"
Brian felt embarrassed and didn't know if he should keep talking. After
all, Dr. Holland was the scientist and should already know what he was
doing. Taking a deep breath, Brian mumbled, "You said your machine
looked for living things." When Dr. Holland nodded, Brian blushed with
embarrassment and continued, "What about someone's hair. Would it notice
if just someone's hair went through. Would that do it."
Dr. Holland looked thoughtful then slightly surprised. "It just might."
Shaking his head, Dr. Holland repeated, "Yes, it just might." Turning
back to Brian he asked "What do you know about this?"
Feeling a little better, Brian told them all about the bracelet of
Kelly's hair that had disappeared after the demonstration. "My God" Dr.
Holland said, while both of Brian's parents echoed the sentiment. They
were all in shock, staring at Brian.
"I'm turning into Kelly?" Brian said in amazement. "I can't turn into
Kelly." he cried out.
"I don't know that you are." Dr. Holland told him. "Your own DNA is
still in your body. Hers was just added to it." Looking embarrassed,
Dr. Holland muttered "In the fly, Jeff Goldblum didn't turn all the way
into a fly, but became half fly and half human. I think that may be
what happens to you." Stopping, Dr. Holland coughed, obviously
embarrassed that he had to make reference to a science fiction movie to
explain his point. Especially when he was a man who had no tolerance
for such exaggerations and fantasy in science.
"Shit!" Brian muttered, staring down at his hands in barely concealed
disgust and horror.
After talking about it for a little longer, Dr. Holland left, promising
to be in touch. Especially if he found out anything that could be of
help. "I'll talk to you later." Dr. Holland said as he walked out the
Still in shock, Brian numbly walked back to his room, wondering if he
should call Kelly and tell her about what had happened. After all, he
figured that she probably had a right to know about it too since it was
her DNA that was involved.
The next morning, Brian woke up feeling fine. All the aches and pains
he'd been feeling were gone and he suspected that this might mean that
he was done changing. That maybe he was going as far as he was going to.
Closing his eyes, Brian touched his chest, feeling that his (shudder)
breasts were bigger than before. They were now either a large B cup or a
small C. Brian didn't know, but he realized that he didn't like them.
Opening his eyes, Brian examined them, feeling both curiosity and
disgust at the same time. He'd never seen a girls breasts before, not
even Kelly's. Then with a feeling of dread, Brian put a hand between
his legs, breathing out a sigh of relief as he found that his penis and
testicles were still intact, apparently without having suffered at all
due to the changes.
Still leaning back on his bed, hand on his crotch, Brian absently
reached back a little further to scratch, then froze as his fingers
reached something very unfamiliar. At the base of his testicles there
was a slight mound, with folds of skin around it. And what shocked
Brian even more, his finger found a slit in the middle and slid in.
Gasping in horror, Brian pulled his hand back and stared at it, then
down at his crotch. "OH MY GOD" Brian muttered, then reaching down
again, he let out a scream.
Minutes later Brian's parents were in his room, having come running to
see what had caused him to scream. Brian felt humiliated as he
proceeded to explain what the problem was. "WHAT?" His Dad asked in
"Oh dear" Brian's Mom muttered, staring at her son. Looking very
embarrassed, she said "Can you let us see."
"What?" Brian looked disgusted and shocked at the idea.
"It's not anything that I've never seen before" she gently assured him.
Nodding fearfully, Brian let his parents see.
Several hours later, after a thorough examination from Dr. Hershaw and
from Dr. Holland, they both assured Brian that his body had stopped
changing. "For now at least" Dr. Holland said quietly. "Remember,
you've got the DNA of a teenage girl mixed in with yours. That's
saying it's time for puberty as well."
"Yeah" Brian nodded understanding, not liking it. He still hadn't
talked to Kelly and wondered just how he'd tell her about this. Or even
if he should. How would he even tell everyone at school. He'd be
treated like a complete and total freak. "Face it" he told himself
silently, "You are a freak."
Once the doctors had Brian go through several more tests, taking several
hours, Brian and his parents were told that they could go home. Nodding
tiredly, Brian let his Dad lead him out the door.
Over the next month, Brian tried hard to hide his condition from
everyone at school, binding his small breasts and wearing loose shirts
and pants so that no one could notice anything strange about his body.
He even dyed his hair back to his original color. However he couldn't
hide the slight change of tone in his voice or the more androgynous cast
to his face. None if mattered though as word of his condition leaked
out anyway, and soon he became the topic of everyone's attention at
school. Though most started teasing and tormenting him, some others were
more curious, giving him something of a celebrity status around school.
Though the people at the Montgomery Institute tested Brian numerous
times, poking and prodding him everywhere, even embarrassingly enough,
his newest orifice, they couldn't seem to find a way to return him to
normal. In disgust, the teleporter project was shut down completely,
already having been declared a failure before the accident, but
completely condemned afterward.
The Palmer family settled out of court with the Montgomery Institute for
10 million dollars, and the bad press resulting from the accident forced
the Institute to relocate to a much less populated area.
Though Brian was less than pleased with condition, he did slowly get
used to it, though his first period struck him especially hard. Using
some of the money from the lawsuit, Brian's parents bought an out of the
way home so that they could retain some privacy, and a private tutor was
hired to teach Brian at home so that he wouldn't have to deal with the
horrible teasing that would happen in school. Shortly after moving into
their new home, Kelly moved in with them, becoming even closer to Brian
than before.
The End

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