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Arrk Solutions.

Pradeep Kumar Reddy

Mail: Cell- +91-9930708494

Over 4 years' J2EE experience on developing software and managing projects in challenging, fast-paced
consulting environments. Demonstrated ability to acquire technical knowledge and skills rapidly. Innovative
problem solver, able to see the business and technical sides of a problem.

Experience Working as a Software Engineer at Arrk Solutions (AIN). Mumbai. From Apr
2007 to till now.
 Functionality Study.
 Design and Development.
 CR designs and code rework.

Worked as a Software Engineer at Arrk Solutions (AUK). Manchester, UK. From

Dec 2007 to Dec2008.
 Onsite team representative.
 Client dealings.
 Design, Development.
 Defect fixing Functionality changes.
 CR designs and code rework.
 Release testing and production support.

Worked as a Developer at Mastek Ltd., Mumbai. From Aug 2006 to Apr 2007.
 Project trainee, Design, Development
 Defect fixing Functionality changes
 UTP writing and code rework.
 JSPX implementations.

Worked as a Software trainee & Developer at Hardsoft Solutions Pvt Ltd.,

From Mar 2005 to Aug 2006.
 Functionality Study, Design, Development
 Documentation and Test case Preparation
 Systems Development using Servlets, JSP, Struts 1.1
 Implementation and Maintenance
 Writing validation rules using Struts

Languages Java, J2EE Technologies.
Web Technologies & Servlets, JSP, Struts1.1, Struts2.0,EJB,
Framework Spring 2.5, Hibernate, Web Services, JPA 3.2, Dozer 4.2
Front Scripts Java Script, JQuery
Databases Oracle 10g, MySql 5.1
Servers Tomcat 5.5, Jboss4.3, Sun 8.1
Open Sources Ant, Junit 4.1, Log4j 1.2
IDE Eclipse, JProfiler, JMeter
Arrk Solutions.

Education Master of Computer Applications from Sri Venkateshwara University.

Bachelor Degree in Mathematics, Physics and Computers from S.K University,

12/2008- Till now Arrk Solutions Mumbai

Virgin Money Giving
Client: VIRIGIN (UK)

Team size: 25
Role: Developer - Design, Development

Description: Virgin Money Giving (VMG) is a new, not-for-profit company aiming to support the
Charitable giving for the London Marathon from 2010 onwards. Virgin Money Giving also wants to
become the leading charitable giving site in the UK, operating as efficiently as possible to ensure the
maximum amount of money donated goes to the good causes supported. The site will serve charities,
fundraisers and donors through providing better functionality than competitors, an engaging format to
attract regular and sustained use, all delivered in an easy to use and secure system backed by the Virgin
 Data model & impact analyst.
 Design, Development.

4/2007 – 12/2008 Arrk Solutions. Manchester & Mumbai

Lex Vehicle Leasing.
Client: HBOS (UK),
Technologies Used: JSP, Servlets, JSP, Struts, AJAX, JS, XML, ANT, Oracle 10g

Team size: 40
Role: Developer - Design, Development

Description: This application has been specifically designed to provide Lex customers and drivers with
the fleet information they need, anywhere and at any time.
This web portal provides access to a suite of useful online tools and solutions for both Lex Fleet
Manager and Lex Driver, including live vehicles quotes and high level management reports. Both Lex
Fleet Manager and Lex Driver are modular services and can be tailored to reflect each customer's
specific requirements.

 Onsite team representative.
 Client communication for requirements.
 Design, Development.
 Defect fixing Functionality changes.
 CR designs and code rework.
 Release testing and production support.
Arrk Solutions.

8/2006 – 4/2007 Mastek Ltd. Mumbai

NHS-National Health Service-BT.
Client: British Telecommunication (BT).
Technologies Used: JSPX, Servlets, JSP, Struts, JDBC, XML, ANT, Oracle 10g

Team size: 28
Role: Developer - Design, Development

Description: The Organization Migration Service is a new component for the 2007-A Release of the SDS
Sub-system. It is web based workflow application designed for migration of organizational Persons. The
OMS application interacts with OMS-database and SDS to persist the requests after approval. The requests
are stored in the OMS Database using the JDBC API type 2 drivers and when approved, requests are
synchronized with the directory using the LDAP interface exposed by the Directory Master.

 System Functionality Study.
 Development of Code rework and its rework.
 UTP writing and testing.
 Defects fixing.
 Team representative in CIT.

2/2006 – 8/2006 Hardsoft Solutions Pvt Ltd., Bangalore

Net Banking System
Client: Nervewire Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Technologies Used: Servlets, JSP, Struts, JDBC, Junit, ANT, Oracle 10g
Arrk Solutions.

Team size: 10
Role: Software Engineer - Design, Development

Description The main objective of the proposed solution is to be automated the various functions and
activities of the bank through Internet. The solution will facilitate to the bank employees and the
account holders with the different modules. This solution is very much necessary for the private sector
banks and the corporate sector. The banking industry will take a new shape and explore like never
before. Using the solution the bankers and account holders can generate various kinds of reports.
 System Functionality Study.
 Develop Controllers and form beans.
 Designing and Coding for generating Reports on Desktop
 Reviewing the Test cases
 Involved in executing test cases and create Test reports

3/2005 – 2/2006 Hardsoft Solutions Pvt Ltd., Bangalore

Product Auction
MCA Academic project
Technologies Used :Java Script, HTML, JDBC, Servlets, JSP, Jboss, Oracle 8i
Team size: 4
Role: Software Engineer - Design, Development, Monitoring and Integration of all Modules.

Description -An auction is a sale in which a seller presents his products on a public platform/ forum. The
selling price in an auction is determined by the bids made by interested buyers. The price they
bid is based on their own valuation of, and need for, the product. The product is sold to the
highest bidder. A potential buyer participates by bidding on an item that a seller has listed. The
person who has offered the highest bid at close of auction wins the right to purchase the item at
that price

 Understanding the requirements
 System Functionality Study.
 Designing Screen Shots.
 Designing and Coding for generating Reports on Desktop
 Involved in Tracking the Bugs & Prepare Bug Report Document.

Personal Details:

Name : Pradeep Kumar Reddy Kolukala

Date of Birth : 15-May-1982.
Arrk Solutions.

Passport No : F9224205
Notice period : 30-45 Days
Office Pradeepk.Kolukala
Arrk Solutions Pvt Ltd.,
Building 5,Sector 2,

(Pradeep Kolukala)

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