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In Satan's Honour

To Inspire and Encourage

What Satan Means to Me
How I became a Satanist
Satanic Psalms
Satanic Hymns
Poems about Satan
For New Satanists
For Teenage Satanists
S!iritual Warfare
The Ser!ent#s Tongue $%
The Ser!ent#s Tongue $&
S' Tongue S!ecial Issue
The Ser!ent#s Tongue $(
About Me an. /ontact
Have you ever felt .e!resse.1 An2ious1 Worthless1 Stu!i.1 Scare.1
/hances are the answer is yes' 3ou are not alone' Most !eo!le have
e2!erience. feeling at least one of these emotions at one time or another an.
often this is because of the way we thin*' Instea. of thin*ing !ositively4 we tell
ourselves that we cannot han.le the .ifficult times in our life5 we believe that
we .on#t have what it ta*es to get the 6ob we want5 that we aren#t worth hanging
out with' These things are 6ust not true4 but often we believe them' When we
thin* these negative thoughts4 we are our own worst enemy when it comes to
*ee!ing ourselves .own an. *ee!ing ourselves from being all who we were
meant to be' I have written these affirmations to encourage4 ins!ire an. u!lift'
Say them to yourself often an. you will begin to see a .ifference in how you
see yourself an. the situations that you fin. yourself in' Some of these are
!ersonal to me4 naming the .emons I have a relationshi! with5 feel free to
change the names to the .emons who you *now an. where the situation fits'

Connection with Satan
I treasure the connection I have with Satan
Nothing can com!are to it
I honour his symbol an. his image every .ay of my life

A commitment has been forme.
With myself Independence
To stu.y always the ways of Satan
I search in !laces .ar* I can .o things on my own
To fin. his hi..en treasures If I .on#t have the s*ills I nee.4 I will learn
I am in.e!en.ent
I chose Satan
7ut Satan chose me first I trust myself to ma*e the right .ecisions
It is a !art of me that can never be .estroye. I listen to a.vice
7ut in the en. I .o what is right for me
My !ri.e is in being a Satanist
I .eclare myself o!enly as such I .on#t have to rely on anyone to survive
I will never hi.e my .evotion to him I am strong in myself
No matter what it might cost me I can ma*e goo. choices

As I raise the chalice in Satan8s honour I learn from others
I ta*e !art in his Will / their wor.s an. .ee.s
It is who I am 3et my own e2!eriences in life
Will .etermine my outcome
I believe in Satan
His essence is within me an. aroun. me I .o what I am able on my own
My eyes shine with his glory 7ut I as* for hel! if nee.e.
I .o not feel ba. for
I will remember the !ast with Satan always To reach the highest mountain
His teachings will never esca!e my min.
Never will I forget his ancient wor.s ven though an2iety may fill me
I will teach those he sen.s me An. it#s as if I can#t ta*e another ste!
I let go of what gives me
I wal* the !ath of Satan An. live my life to the
Des!ite goo. or ba.
No a.versary can ri! me from his gras!

I will honour my commitments to Satan
I live my life to his .ecrees
No one can ma*e me stray from what I have !romise.

Loving Others
Connection with Demons
I love with a !assion
those who I .eem worthy
I hol. the Demons in the highest regar. I cannot4 nor will not4 love everyone
They are my eternal teachers I .o not have to love those who hurt me
Possessing the mysteries of the ages
I treasure their gifts as an ancient relic I .o not abi.e by another#s .efinition of love
Dee! within my soul That is for me to ma*e
I refuse to love because it is written to .o so
In the voice of a chil. I re6ect the false laws of a false go.
Phene2 ins!ires me to write wor.s of
To teach the ways of Satan )ove is not forcing one#s Will on another
Nor the .omination of another#s life
With ancient han.s 7ut it is ins!iring some to greatness
-errine heals me of my sic*ness Wal*ing si.e by si.e along the way
An. !ushes me to my health
I honour the !romises I have ma.e to !eo!le
With .ee! 9nless they harm me or my love. ones
7elial teaches me the ways of the mun.ane Abuse negates commitments ma.e
I will !ut them into !ractice I refuse to roll over li*e a .ea. .og
I learn from my s!iritual mother I love with my soul an. bo.y
A great warrior in battle4 a of her young The soul mate I have chosen
0reat Ashtoreth4 is she I will not argue as it is useless
7ut will listen an. encourage
Through the halls of !hiloso!hy As that is the way to true eternal ha!!iness
,onwe lea.s me
I learn from him I !rotect those whom I love
The meaning of life Those of my bloo. I hol. close
Never hesitating to bare my fangs if they#re threatene.
Among the .ea.4 Aba..on rises I am a force to be rec*one. with
He a.vises me on ways of vengeance an. war
My soul is stronger
7ecoming the warrior I was meant to be
As I .elve .ee! into myself
ligos ri!s o!en the walls I constructe. I will .o something every.ay that gives me 6oy
I am face. with who I truly am I smile at the little things
An. I s!rea. my wings an. fly
7eing ha!!y is the ultimate
No matter what my status in life
Strength I am .etermine. to be ha!!y

I am strong Not all !aths lea. to ha!!iness
I can over come anything !ut in my way 7ut I ta*e the one that fulfils me
Nothing is too big for me to han.le It is u! to me where I will go

When things are .ifficult I am ha!!y
I stan. strong an. !ersevere Ha!!iness comes from within me
I use my !ain to ma*e me stronger
I .o everything I can to be ha!!y
I have ha. har. times If my situation in life ma*es me sa.4 I will change
7ut I have gotten through them
I can get through the times ahea. It is not u! to someone else to ma*e me
It#s my res!onsibility
Things seem to be falling .own aroun. me I am the only one who can control my
3et I will .eal with whatever I must I choose ha!!iness
I will continue to go on
ven though I feel right now that I can8t I !romise myself to smile lots
I am stronger than I reali:e To laugh often at the small things
Act silly out of nowhere
very ste! that I ta*e I become stronger I will have fun
I will leave behin. that which is not goo. for me
I my achievements instea. of my
I will always *ee! in min. Aba..on My future instea. of my !ast
An. his ama:ing !ower an. strength 0oo. things not the ba.
ven though I may feel wea* I focus on what ins!ires an. causes me to
I will stan. u! for what is right
For I am a Warrior
Self Love

I love myself enough to !ursue my .reams
I am smart To never let go of what I have always .esire.
I will continue to learn always Nothing is worth the giving u! of what is in me
I am a stu.ent of ,onwe
I am ca!able of many things I will ma*e my Will manifest
As it is a !art of me
I am intelligent It is my right to become what I was meant
to be
ven though I have a learning .isability
I will not let that *ee! me .own I love who I am
No matter what my teachers have sai. in the !ast 9ni;ue an. .ifferent
I can be anything I want to be <ust the way I want to be
I am *nowle.geable in many things Peo!le may say what they want about
I have s*ills that are uni;ue to me 7ut I am the only one who .efines
who I am
I will use them to better my life No one *nows me better than myself
I will not listen to anyone who !uts me .own I li*e who I am
I will not allow !eo!le who thin* they *now me I en6oy my own com!any
Determine my course in life
What I am ca!able of is not base. on the of others I love myself
I am a goo. !erson

Freedom I love myself enough to care for myself
I owe it to myself to live life to the fullest
I am free
In bo.y4 min. an. soul I will e2!ress myself in what I write
No one has the right to ta*e this away from me How I .ress an. what I .o
I have bro*en the chains that hel. me ca!tive No one has the right to try to change
I will be me
No longer will I obey a law from above
I am no longer a slave4 but free Ashtoreth teaches me to embrace every !art of
Satan has .estroye. the Tyrant8s authority The goo. an. the ba.
I can be who I was meant to be To grow from all my e2!eriences
To overcome an. be a true warrior
My country may be at war
3et insi.e I am free
I will not let the threats of others Friendship
=ee! me from my rightful .estiny
I am a goo. frien.
Where I live I might not be free to worshi! as I want I have a lot to offer
3et no one can ta*e away what I believe I am worth *nowing
My love for Satan is strong
I worshi! him in my heart an. soul I will be sociable
I will ma*e the effort to get to *now
No matter what might be going on aroun. me I will be a frien. to others
I am at !eace with myself
I am free

The country in which I live tells me what to believe
3et no one can force my soul to follow what is not true


I will take good care of my body
I will eat well and take time to sleep
I am worth taking care of

No sickness can keep me down
I will do what needs to be done to get well
No malady is the end of the world
I will ask Verrine for healing

I will take care of my mind
I will think positive
I will not .well on ba. things
I will banish all negative thoughts

If I need to get professional help, I will
If I need to take medication, I will
To do this is NOT weakness, but strength esponsi!ilit"

I am res!onsible for myself
#cceptance What I .o I will answer for4 whether goo. or ba.

I will not be acce!te. by everyone I will live well
7ut I acce!t myself My life is mine
I am a cool !erson It will be what I ma*e it

I love what ma*es me who I am
I embrace my uni;ueness
I have a lot to offer

When I am not acce!te. by others
I move on
I hol. my hea. high
I will try again
I am uni;ue
7ecause of my .ifferences I can change some !arts of the worl.
It .oes not matter what others thin* of me
It only matters what I believe about myself


I will achieve my goals
I will ma*e my .reams a reality
I will succee. in what I set out to .o

I have what it ta*es to get the 6ob I want
I am a goo. wor*er with many s*ills

It is goo. to ma*e money
I will save for the future

It .oes not matter if I am successful in the eyes of others
It only matters if I am successful in my own eyes
I am the only one who can .etermine my own success

Marie ,avenSoul>In Satan#s Honour ? &@@A>&@%@ All ,ights ,eserve.'

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