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Grade 10 Iridescence T. Feye

The Bible: A Review
The Bible is one of the most widely read book in the world. Not only is it read by those
who believe in it, but also by those who seemingly have no belief in it. The Bible is not written
by a single author, but rather by multiple persons who have written passages which were
compiled over time. Even if it was written by different authors, all of the passages written were
inspired by God. It took over 1,500 years to make with about 40 authors. Some wrote a single
book, some several. There are 66 books in the Bible; 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New
Testament which was written originally in Hebrew then Greek respectively. For Christians,
however, the Bible is the most important book we are to read. It is the Word of God that is useful
for many things like those stated in 2 Timothy 3:16-17. It is absolute and will never fade away.
Truly the Bible has stood the test of time. Even when we are long gone, the Bible will remain:
absolute and steadfast.
My favorite verse in the Bible can be found in Hebrews 11:1 which states, Now faith is
the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.(KJV). Whenever I read it, it
gives me hope and assures me of what God has in plan for me. I just need to be patient and have
faith. My favorite translation of the verse is the King James Version for it perfectly captures the
essence of what faith is. For me, it gives the clearest description of all other translations.
As a kid born in a Christian home, my formative years were heavily influenced by the
teachings in the Bible. My parents taught me the things that were also taught in the Bible, such as
obeying our parents. I grew up reading Bible stories and watching Veggie Tales and I loved it.
But, before, to me they were simply stories. Yes, they happened and are true, but they were
things I did not apply in my life. But as I grew up, slowly I was able to apply the truths that are
found in the Bible; things such as sharing your blessings. I was a selfish child before, but
gradually I understood the importance of doing these things. Not only did I obey God, but
somehow, it is gratifying to be able to reach out to others. I could say if it werent for what my
parents taught me about God and His Word, I would have strayed away already. I would have
fought my way through if faced with problems. I would have gotten into a physical fight instead
of crying to God if I didnt know Him. The person I am today is mainly because of my faith and
my attitude towards obstacles and how I respond to them is greatly dependent on what I believe
would glorify and please the Lord. I am very thankful that growing up, I was exposed to the
Bible. I did not have to go through terrible things just to testify that the Lord is good. I did not
have to go through painful experiences just to get to know the Lord. I am very glad that as soon
as I was able to somehow reason cognitively, my parents exposed me to the Bible which has
greatly influenced my life.

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