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1) A nurse is preparing a teaching plan for a client

with diabetes mellitus regarding proper foot care.
Which instruction is included in the plan?
a) Soak feet in hot water
b) Avoid using a mild soap on the feet
c) Apply a moisturizing lotion to dry feet but
not between the toes
d) Always have a podiatrist cut your toenails;
never cut them yourself
2) A client is brought to the emergency room in an
unresponsive state, and a diagnosis of
hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic
syndrome is made. The nurse would immediately
prepare to initiate which of the following
anticipated physicians orders?
a) Endotracheal intubation
b) 100 units of NPH insulin
c) Intravenous infusion of normal saline
d) Intravenous infusion of sodium bicarbonate
3) An external insulin pump is prescribed for a
client with diabetes mellitus and the client asks
the nursing about the functioning of the pump.
The nurse bases the response on the information
that the pump:
a) Is time to release programmed doses of
regular or NPH insulin into the bloodstream
at specific intervals
b) Continuously infuses small amounts of NPH
insulin into the bloodstream while regularly
monitoring blood glucose levels
c) Is surgically attached to the pancreas and
infuses regular insulin into the pancreas,
which in turn releases the insulin into the
d) Gives a small continuous dose of regular
insulin subcutaneously, and the client can
self-administer a bolus with an additional
dose from the pump before each meal
4) A client newly diagnosed with diabetes mellitus
has been stabilized with daily insulin injections.
A nurse prepares a discharge teaching plan
regarding the insulin and plans to reinforce
which of the following concepts?
a) Always keep insulin vials refrigerated
b) Ketones in the urine signify a need for less
c) Increase the amount of insulin before
unusual exercise
d) Systematically rotate insulin injections
within one anatomic site
5) A client with a diagnosis of diabetic ketoacidosis
(DKA) is being treated in an emergency room.
Which finding would a nurse expect to note as
confirming this diagnosis?
a) Comatose state
b) Decreased urine output
c) Increased respirations and an increase in pH
d) Elevated blood glucose level and low
plasma bicarbonate level
6) A nurse teaches a client with diabetes mellitus
about differentiating between hypoglycemia and
ketoacidosis. The client demonstrates an
understanding of the teaching by stating that
glucose will be taken if which of the following
symptoms develops?
a) Polyuria
b) Shakiness
c) Blurred vision
d) Fruity breath odor
7) A client with diabetes mellitus demonstrates
acute anxiety when first admitted for the
treatment of hyperglycemia. The appropriate
intervention to decrease the clients anxiety is to:
a) Administer a sedative
b) Convey empathy, trust, and respect toward
the client
c) Ignore the signs and symptoms of anxiety so
that they will soon disappear
d) Make sure that the client knows all the
correct medical terms to understand what is
8) A nurse provides instructions to a client newly
diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus. The
nurse recognizes accurate understanding of
measures to prevent diabetic ketoacidosis when
the client states:
a) I will stop taking my insulin if Im took
sick to eat
b) I will decrease my insulin dose during
times of illness
c) I will adjust my insulin dose according to
the level of glucose in my urine
d) I will notify my physician if my blood
glucose level is higher than 250 mg/dL
9) A client is admitted to a hospital with a diagnosis
of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). The initial blood
glucose level was 950 mg/dL. A continuous
intravenous infusion of regular insulin is
initiated, alone with intravenous rehydration with
normal saline. The serum glucose level is now
240 mg/dL. The nurse would next prepare to
administer which of the following?
a) Ampule of 50% dextrose
b) NPH insulin subcutaneously
c) Intravenous fluids containing 5% dextrose
d) Phenytoin (Dilantin) for the prevention of
10) A physician has prescribed propylthoiuracil
(PTU) for a client with hyperthyroidism and the
nurse develops a plan of care for the client. A
priority nursing assessment to be included in the
plan regarding this medications is to assess for:
a) Relief of pain
b) Signs of renal toxicity
c) Signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia
d) Signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism
11) After hypophysectomy, a client complains of
being thirsty and having to urinate frequently.
The initial nursing action is to:
a) Increase fluid intake
b) Document the complaints
c) Assess for urinary glucose
d) Assess urine specific gravity
12) A nursing is caring for a client after
hypophysectomy. The nurse notices clear nasal
drainage from the clients nostril. The initial
nursing action would be to:
a) Lower the head of the bed
b) Test the drainage for glucose
c) Obtain a culture of the drainage
d) Continue to observe the drainage
13) After several diagnostic test, a client is
diagnosed with diabetes insipidus. A nurse
performs an assessment on the client, knowing
that which symptom is most indicative of this
a) Fatigue
b) Diarrhea
c) Polydipsia
d) Weight gain
14) A nurse is performing an assessment on a client
following a thyroidectomy and note that the
client has developed hoarseness and a weak
voice. Which nursing action is appropriate?
a) Check for signs of bleeding
b) Administer calcium gluconate
c) Notify the physician immediately
d) Reassure the client that this is usually a
temporary condition
15) A client is admitted to an emergency room, and a
diagnosis of myxedema coma is made. Which
action would the nurse prepare to carry out
a) Warm the client
b) Maintain a patent airway
c) Administer thyroid hormone
d) Administer fluid replacement
16) A nurse is completing an assessment on a client
who is being admitted for a diagnostic workup
for primary hyperparathyroidism. Which client
complaint would be a characteristic of this
a) Diarrhea
b) Polyuria
c) Polyphagia
d) Weight gain
17) A nurse is caring for a postoperative
parathyroidectomy client. Which client
complaint would indicate that a serious, life-
threatening complication may be developing,
requiring immediate notification of the physician
a) Laryngeal stridor
b) Abdominal cramps
c) Difficulty in voiding
d) Mild to moderate incisional pain
18) A client is diagnosed with pheocromocytoma. A
nurse prepares a plan of care for the client; while
planning, the nurse understands that
pheochromocytoma is a condition that:
a) Causes profound hypotension
b) Is manifested by sever hypoglycemia
c) Is not curable and is treated symptomatically
d) Causes the release of excessive amounts of
19) A nurse is performing an admission with a
diagnosis of pheochromocytoma. The nurse
assesses for the major symptom associated with
pheochromocytoma when the nurse:
a) Obtains the clients weight
b) Takes the clients blood pressure
c) Tests the clients urine for glucose
d) Palpates the skin for its temperature
20) A nurse collects urine specimens for
catecholamine testing from a client with
suspected pheochromocytoma. The results of the
catecholamine test are reported as 20 mcg/100
mL urine. The nurse analyzes these results as:
a) Normal
b) Insignificant and unrelated to
c) Lower than normal, ruling out
d) Higher than normal, indicating
21) A nurse caring for a client with
pheochromocytoma who is scheduled for
adrenalectomy. In the preoperative period, the
priority nursing action would be to monitor:
a) Vital signs
b) Intake and output
c) Blood urea nitrogen results
d) Urine for glucose and ketones
22) A nurse is caring for a client with
pheochromocytoma. The client asks for a snack
and something warm to drink. The most
appropriate choice for this client to meet
nutritional needs would be which of the
a) Crackers with cheese and tea
b) Graham crackers and warm milk
c) Toast with peanut butter and cocoa
d) Vanilla wafers and coffee with cream and
23) A nurse is performing an assessment on a client
with pheocromoctyoma. Which of the following
assessment data would indicate a potential
complication associated with this disorder?
a) A coagulation time of 5 minutes
b) A blood urea nitrogen level of 20 mg/dL
c) A urinary output of 50 ml per hour
d) A heart rate that is 90 beats/min and
24) A nurse is preparing to provide instructions to a
client with Addisons disease regarding diet
therapy. The nurse knows that which of the
following diets most likely would be prescribed
for this client?
a) High-fat intake
b) Low-protein intake
c) Normal sodium intake
d) Low-carbohydrate intake
25) A nurse is providing discharge instructions to a
client who has Cushings syndrome. Which
client statement indicates that instructions related
to dietary management are understood?
a) I cant eat foods that have a lot of potassium
in them
b) I will need to limit the amount of protein in
my diet
c) I am fortunate that I can eat all the salty
foods I enjoy
d) I am fortunate that I do not need to follow
any special diet.

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