Tarot Affirmations

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Fool: I am God.

Magus: My feelings about my thoughts create my reality.

Priestess: My inner book is worth a thousand times more than any external book or authority.
Empress: ealth! health and lo"e are flowing through me and to me.
Emperor: I am stable! resourceful and down to earth.
#ierophant: e are the powers that be.
$o"ers: My lo"e life is getting better and better.
%hariot: &he energy of the whole uni"erse is flowing through me bringing me all that I can use.
'ustice: It is within my power to ha"e no opinion about a thing.
#ermit: I courageous face up to the fact that I ha"e nothing to do.
Fortune: I attract luck and good fortune.
(trength: I ha"e the strength to carry on.
#anged )ne: I am headless.
*eath: I am immortal.
+rt: I am an artist of cosmic consciousness.
*e"il: (eeing we are trapped by illusion is to be free of illusion.
(tar: My psychic powers are growing all the time.
&ower: I ha"e access to an infinite source of cosmic energy.
Moon: I am guided by direct intuition.
(un: I am reborn.
'udgement: E"erything in my life is perfect ,ust the way it is.
-ni"erse: I am always healing the uni"erse.
+ ands: I am imagination.
. ands: I deeply and completely accept myself.
/ ands: &here are an infinite number of opportunities to choose from.
0 ands: I always take time to ha"e fun and to en,oy myself.
1 ands: &here is no blame.
2 ands: E"eryone is always doing their best gi"en their current awareness! understanding and
3 ands: It is safe for me to experiment and to play with life.
4 ands: 5our life is well organised and together.
6 ands: I now feel centred and complete.
78 ands: It is safe to take it slowly and easily and to gi"e youself enough time.
P ands: I am courageous.
9 ands: I am radiating creati"e and sexual energy.
: ands: 5ou are relaxed and self confident.
; ands: I let go of pain and sufferring.
+ *isks: 5ou create financial and material security.
. *isks: I now own all the wealth in the uni"erse.
/ *isks: I am in touch with the earth.
0 *isks: I create my reality.
1 *isks: I am a sur"i"or.
2 *isks: I am the source of my supply.
3 *isks: I am centered! safe and grounded.
4 *isks: 5ou need to be doing whate"er you are doing right now.
6 *isks: It is good to be bored.
78 *isks: I $o"e money and money lo"es me.
P *isks: *o not worry about anything which can be takenb away from you.
9 *isks: I know what I want.
: *isks: I am in harmony with the Earth.
; *isks: I am always in the right place at the right times succesfully engauaged in the right
+ (words: + single well formulated sentance may be worth more than all the libaries in the
. (words: I say 5E( to life.
/ (words: I look at my relatioships with truth and honesty.
0 (words: I am guarded by di"ine and protecti"e cosmic forces.
1 (words: I am open to change and transformation.
2 (words: I trust my higher self to guide me.
3 (words: I am safe and secure.
4 (words: It is safe to explore your negati"e thopughts.
6 (words: My attitudes and opinions are well integrated within myself.
78 (words: &here is no techni<ue! plan or method for anything worthwhile.
P (words: hat I want I get right now.
9 (words: 5ou are at one with all the life in the uni"erse.
: (words: I express myself fully and powerfully through my life style and acti"ities.
; (words: I ha"e the power to transform reality.
+ %ups: I am learning to lo"e myself more and more all the time.
. %ups: I am in touch with my feelings.
/ %ups: I celebrate my life.
0 %ups: I create peace and serenity.
1 %ups: I am able to adapt my emotional foundations.
2 %ups: I experience happiness! ,oy and bliss.
3 %ups: I am imaginiati"e and intuiti"e.
4 %ups: I am successfully expressing my feelings.
6 %ups: I am mo"ing forward with a sense of purpose and direction.
78 %ups: I am in harmony with my en"ironment.
P %ups: I no longer depend on money as the source of my supply.
9 %ups: )nly that ewhich is of the one can enter my counsciousness.
: %ups: I experience this moment in total en,oyment.
; %ups: I am always powerfully aware of being aware.

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