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Complete these sentences using the right verbal tense.

1. I .............................(be) abroad several times but I ...................................(never /meet) the locals.

2. Where ........... they...........................(spend) this night?
3. om ...........................................(!ust/ leave) but i" you ..............................(hurry) you ........
probably .................(catch) him.
#. $ou ..............................(loo%) terrible today. ................. you ................... (have) any problems today?
&. In my opinion' this painting ...............................(cost) much because it .....................(be) horrible(
). *e hardly ever ......................................(travel) by train but today he ............................(ta%e ) the
+.1, train.
+. In t-o months' -e ................................. (.nish) the high school and by !uly -e ...............................
(ta%e) our /01 e2ams.
3. 4obody .....................................(see) a tsunami until that terrible day.
5. *is eyes -ere red because he ..............................................(cry) all night.
1,. While he .................................... (sleep)' a thie" ................................(brea% into) his house
and .............................(steal) all his money. 6y the time he ........................(-a%e) up'
he ........................(reali7e) that someone ........................................(ta%e) all his things.
Choose8 active or passive.
1. 0 long time ago' computers didnt use / werent used.
2. Who has just phoned / has just been phoned? I9ve heard the phone ring.
3. :he has booked / has been booked t-o seats in that ;ight.
#. *arry /otter reads / is read all over the -orld.
&. We didnt believe / werent believed their story.
). I sent / was sent an invitation to their -edding.
+. What time does the train arrive / is the train arrived?
3. hese clothes can only buy / can only be bought in our shop.
<a%e these sentences passive8
1. I haven9t let them my boo%s yet.
2. *e had told his "riends his secret but they didn9t believe his story.
3. =verybody can .nd good bargains at the car boot sale.
#. <y secretary has been -riting letters all morning.
&. What colour did you paint your room last month?
/ut these sentences into reported speech8
1. >?esearch has sho-n that this ne- policy is really e@ectiveA the mayor said.
2. >Can you pass me the salt' please?A 0nn said to me.
3. >I" I -ere you' I -ould leave this to-n no-.A I said to om.
#. >-ould you li%e to come -ith me to the cinema?A om said to 0nn. >It sounds great(A 0nn ans-ered.
&. >$ou mustn9t eat these unhealthy snac%s.A he doctor said.
). >What time does the .lm begin?A I as%ed :am.
+. >Bur teacher is going to give us an e2am ne2t -ee%A *e said to his mum.
3. >*ave you already revised your notes?A *is mum said to him.
Coin these sentences by means o" a relative clause8
1. <r. Cames -as an e2cellent actor. *e loved speeding.
2. he city -as "ounded in 151,. there -as a terrible ;ood then.
3. hat lady is going to retire ne2t -ee%. :he is -earing a blue dress.
#. I can9t stand that boy. $our sister is deeply in love -ith him.
&. he criminal has robbed a ban%. he police is currently loo%ing "or him.
). he criminal has robbed a ban%. <y cousin is currently -or%ing there.
?e-rite these sentences using conditionals8
1. om usually touches his nose -hen he lies.
2. hey didn9t phone him because they didn9t have his phone number.
3. *e adviced me to get a ne- computer.
#. I can9t a@ord it because it is too e2pensive.
&. <y parents may buy me a car -hen I pass my e2ams.
). om is too egotistic so he hasn9t got many "riends.
+. We arrived late so -e couldn9t -atch the .lm.
?e-rite these sentences using modals. <a%e all changes as necessary8
1. It is possible that I arrive late to the meeting.
2. We9d better loo% "or another !ob.
3. It is impossible that he comes to my party.
#. When I -as younger' I -asn9t able to play the guitar.
&. It is "orbidden to tal% to the driver.
). Dogs aren9t allo-ed in this restaurant.
+. here is no need to phone us in advance. $ou are "ree to come -hen you -ant.
3. It -asn9t a good idea to argue -ith your brother.
5. here -as a little chance that our ;ight arrived on time.
1,. I9m sure that they -ill get a discount.
11. Is it possible to spea% to the manager' please?
12. *e tried to -in the match but in the end he didn9t ma%e it.
?e-rite these sentences using the -ords in the brac%ets. <a%e all changes as necessary.
1. he last time -e sa- =llen -as t-o months ago. ("or)
2. he mechanic -on9t repair our car until ne2t -ee%. (have)
3. >I" I -ere you' I -ouldn9t boo% a table in this restaurantA om said. (adviced)
#. It is a pity you lost the game yesterday. (i" only)
&. here -as a possibility that om -ent to our party. (may have)
). -e have !ust met your girl"riend. We -ere interested about her. (-hom)
+. I" you don9t help me' I -ill get very upset. (unless)
3. In the past' it -as obligatory to -ear a uni"orm. (had)
5. *e -ould send his "riends an invitation i" he got married.
*is "riends...
1,. 0s soon as they had .nished' they phoned us.
6y the time...

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