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Cordially im}itesjou tOjOirl

Senator Byron Dorgan
Senator Blanche Lincoln
Senator Sherrod Brown
Other Members of the Senate
Democratic Caucus
For the annual DSCC Ii'all Retreat
N emacolin Woodlands Resort
September 12-14, 2008
Farmington, PA
$1 5,000 PAC contribution recjuired for attendance
For further information, please contact Diana DOllkas: Or (202) 485-3109
To RSVP, please contact Rachel Lasseter:
Phone: (202) 314-3238
Fax: (202) 969-03,59
Please note: Registration det\dline is AUgl.Ist 8, ao08,
Leadership Circle members are entitled to attend only nNE DSCCretreat per yeal' **
P,lid for by the DCl1'locr,ttlc SenHt'orial Campaign Comm.ittee.
'm.d not authorized by any Cilndld,He or: candidatt' cornmiuee.
September 12-14, 2()()8
Nemacolin Woodlands Resort
Ftu'mingtOll, Pennsylvania
.RegistrlltiC)n l;{wtn - Mlt.,'lt be retul'necl by August 8, 2()o8
Fedel'allaw requires us to use our best "fforts to eoll,,()! Hud nlport the naUH,., mailing address, occupation.. and mane of
employer for individuals whos.e eontl'ibulions exeeetl $2(')0 il1 a year.
Guest:l. N,uue , _
_ ,,__Guest :2 Name _
Oeeup,ltioIl __." ..,..m.m , " " _._, EIIlployer , __ , _'__.._ _ , .
BusinElSS Address __""'_"'__'__""'_"'_''''_ """"_,,,,,,_,,_, ,,,,.,_
City State "__,.,._",__,,,__Zip.. ,..,, ,.. __
Phone Fax E-Mail _
__Yes, I will Ilttend the DSC Fall Retreat at the Nemacolin Woodlands Resort.
r tI'''1 my l'<ilglslratlon form will .1101 b(, l'ro()(,ss('d ,mtillh", Dsee r(,()(,lve", my ao08 ()(mtrlbu!ion of,
__$:15,000 Le4(1('r",hir CiX'ele memh(,r",hil' (I'ACl
....._ $:.:8,5()() Maj0l1ty '1l'lIst (Imlivi<lnal)
The Dsee has a limited block of rooms that m..\lSJ: be resoTved thl'ough the DSee, A minimum stay of two
nights is required. The usee room block begins on F'ridilY, Septembel' 12, with check'out on
Sunday, Septemher 14. Th()$e who wish to tlxtend th('>jr stay m,ly do so baStld availability at the
discretion ()fthe hotel, !.t.nd will be responsible [01' ally additional charges.
__ I am 1"'$e1'"vi11g my hotel room 1111'0\1$11 the D$CC. I understand the DSCe will forward this form to the
hotel lind is not responsible for c.harges to my ac.count, including cancellation eharg<!iS. Dep()s1ts are
required at the time of booking to g,uardntee all reservations, I would like to request H room in the
following building:
..._.._ Falling Ro(']( ($379 pel: night, plus tax and gratuity)
_ ..... Chateau ($:379 per night, plus tax and gratuity)
Single Occupancy (one king bed) __ Double O(:cupancy (two double beds) .__
An-ivai Date _ Depa11ure/Cheek Out , _
Special Hotel Requests _
Type of Credit Card __... _.....Card Number ._, ._._._"""""""......""._.__.__Exp. Date _._......._.,_...."",,,._
Card Bearer's N;une (please print) ....._ .. _
Authorized Signature _
Please return immediately to the attention qfRachel Lasseter:
Fax: (202.) 969-0359
Mail: llW MaJyland Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20002
Contdbutions or" g,iftB to DSCC (\I'e not deduetihle 'for irworne tux pm"poses,
f'.ll by D"Jnocnltk Senatorial Carnp'l.ign <>lrnmitt(:c,
and nc,1: authuri"ed by any candidate or candidal:,' committee. .

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