Agriculture Breakfast Conference For Minneapolis Saint Paul 2008 Host Committee

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1>ATE: Tuesday, S,'ptcl1lber 2. 2008
11ME: 9:00 a,m.
LOCA.110N: Minneapolis Convention Center, 130 I SCC()l1d Avenue SOlldl, Minneapolis, MN
(TUES7:') TO BE INVl1'f):
Senator $:lxby Chambliss
Sem,tor Thud Cochran
Senator N'lTI11 Coleman
Semltor Mike emp,'
Senator Lindsey Gl'allam
Senator Charles Gmsslcy
Senator Rich<lrd Lugar
Senator Mitch MeC,mllell
Senator Pat Roberts
Senator John Thulle
Rep, C1li:lrlcs BOllstany, Jr. Rep, John "Randy" Kuhl
Rep, K. Michael Conaway Rep. Robert Latta
Rep, Terry Everett Rep, Frank D. Lucas
Rep, Jeff Fortcnoorry Rep, Jerry Moran
Rep, Virginia Foxx Rep, Mllrilyn Mlisgrave
Rep, B,)b Goodlatte Rep. Randy Neugeb:lUcr
RCI). Sam Gnlvcs Rep. Miko Roger.
Rep. Robin Hayes Rep. Jean Sc1ullidt
Rep. Timothy V. Johnson Rep. Adrian Smith
Rep, Stl>ve King Rep, Tim
FORMA1': "fhere will be a continental breakfast, followed by opening remarks from the most senior
S<lnator and Representative present alld a question ::md answer seSsion with Members of
COIlf!ress on importlln! agriculture issues, In addition, there will be ample signag":lnrl
$SOO,OOO eOlltrib\ltorS will be hosts ofillc brCllkfast and will receive 20 tiekcts to the
breakfast along with Host Committce bcnclits comparable te) their contribution. In
addition. thcy will be involved with the introduction of the speakers.

$2S0,OOO contributors will be co-hosts (,ftlle brcakfast and will receive IS tickets to the
breakfast along with Host Committee bellefit::; comparable to their contribution,
$]OO,()()O contribll!ors will bc hcncfach)fS of the breakfast and will receive 10 tickets to the
breakfast along with Host Committee benefits comparable to their contribution.
$50,000 contributors will be sponsors ofthc breakfast alld will receive 5 tickets t<> the akmg with Host Comlllittoo bcndits comparable to their contribution,
RSVP: If interested in participnting in the Host COlllmittee Agriculture Breakfast Conference,
please cont,let lAlum Von How or Lindsey Schauer at 703,,8369500 or
1vallhQVol(i'}QQg9tll.("uIIiIll!: cOIn and
EIN #208397116
Minnel\polis Saint Paul20Q8 Host C0l111l1itteo, Inc. is a 50J(:)(3) non-profit organization.
Contributions are tllX deductible to the tlillest <'xtcnt of the law.

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