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-Beyond the Facade


Buchesse: !"#$%& ()" *+,+&"

Ciossing Biussels: Looking at neighbouihoous
Besigning a planning piofile foi neighbouihoous

Eiasmus Nunuus Nastei Couise in 0iban Stuuies (4CITIES)
viije 0niveisiteit Biussel (v0B)
Septembei - 0ctobei 2u1S

Aliona Lyasheva, Bala Noussawi, Elina Kinzle, }eiemy }ohn, uuilln Toiies, William 0tcheie-Baiko, Sune
Wiingaaiu Stoustiup

u. Intiouuction S
1. Neighboihoou analysis 4
1.1. Location 4
1.2. Noiphology 4
1.S. Bistoiy S
1.4. Social piactices 6
1.S. Nental map 9
1.6. Statistics 11
1.7. Inteiviews 1S
1.8. Finuings anu SW0T 2u
2. Cuiient appioach anu possible outcome 2S
2.1. Besciiption of the inteivention plan 2S
2.2. Expecteu outcomes of the implementation of the plan 2S
S. Alteinative inteivention pioposal 28
S.1. Stiategy of the inteivention: vision anu main objectives 28
S.2. Leaining fiom vienna: Best piactices of uiban ienewal 29
S.S Paiticipatoiy ienewal stiategy S1
4. Conclusion S4
S. List of iefeiences S6
6. Annexes S7

u. Intiouuction

This iepoit is the final piouuct of a small ieseaich on BuchesseBeitogin, a neighbouihoou neai the centie of
the Biussels Capital Region (BCR), caiiieu out by a gioup of seven stuuents of the Eiasmus Nunuus Nastei in
Euiopean 0iban Stuuies at viije 0niveisiteit Biussel (v0B) between Septembei anu Novembei of 2u1S. The
team was composeu of non-Belgian stuuents anu this was theii fiist in-uepth contact with Biussels as an
object of stuuy.
This text is stiuctuieu aiounu thiee majoi components: a uesciiption of Buchesse baseu on the available
statistical uata anu the fielu-woik caiiieu by the gioup (chaptei 1), a uesciiption anu ciitique of the
ienovation plan which is cuiiently being implementeu in the neighbouihoou by the Nolenbeek-Saint }ean
commune (chaptei 2), anu a complementaiy pioposal that aims at auuiessing the piincipal shoitcomings of
the on-going ienovation, mainly those ielateu to the consequences of uiban ienewal in the social fabiic of a
uepiiveu neighbouihoou (chaptei S).
Foi the elaboiation of the fiist chaptei, the gioup woikeu with the statistical uata piouuceu by the !"#$%$&$
()&*+,,-%# .+ /$0$%#$%1&+ +$ .23"0,4#+ to cieate a quantitative uesciiption of the population of Buchesse, which
was then expanueu with the infoimation obtaineu aftei thiee collective anu five inuiviuual visits to the
neighbouihoou, anu five expeit inteiviews to long-time uwelleis of Buchesse oi people stiongly ielateu to
the aiea uue to theii piofessional activities.
Although the iesults of this fiist phase of the ieseaich showeu that Buchesse cannot be unueistoou as an
isolateu element, but as a component of the bioauei (anu veiy complex) iegion of Biussels known as the
"Canal Zone" (CZ), the team was able to iuentify a subset of peculiaiities that maue it possible to keep the
spatial uelimitation of the neighbouihoou as a unit of analysis. As it will be shown on chaptei 1, Buchesse
shaies the same social anu economic uynamic with the iest of the neighbouihoous locateu aiounu the canal,
but at the same time suffeis fiom a veiy paiticulai set of pioblems ielateu to its stiuctuie anu moiphology, its
iole as an aiiival neighbouihoou, anu its geogiaphical pioximity to the centie of Nolenbeek Bistoiique, one
of the most socially uiveise anu active neighbouihoous in Biussels.
These elements aie taken into account in chaptei S to piouuce a complementaiy pioposal of uiban
inteivention that auuiesses the pioblems of the ienovation plan elaboiateu by the commune, which is almost
entiiely uiiecteu towaius the beautification of the aiea, anu paiticulaily of its main asset: the Place ue la
Buchesse ue Biabant, a big cential place which stiuctuies the iest of the neighbouihoou.
The main objective of the complementaiy pioposal is to amelioiate the possible negative effects that the
ienovation coulu have ovei the population of Buchesse, by piesenting an alteinative path of ienovation
auapteu fiom the vienna Nouel of 0iban Renewal, which was consiueieu The Best Piactice by 0N-Babitat in
1996. This mouel implies a much moie active iole in the ienovation foi the inhabitants of the aieas to be
inteiveneu anu hence uiminishes the piobability of tiiggeiing a piocess of gentiification that finishes with the
expulsion of the oiiginal population.

The alteinative pioposal also incluues the cieation of a Tempoial Neighbouihoou Centie that woulu function
as a link between the inhabitants of Buchesse anu the iest of the actois involveu in the ienovation plan (the
commune, the piivate companies iesponsible foi the inteivention anu the aiiiving inhabitants) to tiansfoim
the uwelleis fiom #&56+7$# of the plan, into 80)$%7%80"$#. The objective of the Centie is to uevelop a piocess of
citizenship-builuing with the inhabitants of Buchesse, that will allow them to establish a less asymmetiic
ielationship with the iest of the paiticipants of the piocess.

1. Neighboihoou analysis
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Buchesse is a neighbouihoou locateu within the commune of Nolenbeek-Saint }ean, in what is known as The
Canal Zone, to the east of Biussels's histoiical centie anu the uianu Place. It has an aiea of appioximately Su
hectaies, fiom which 14.S aie consiueieu as highly mixeu oi mixeu lanu use, 4.7 iesiuential, anu S.9 of
collective inteiest oi public seivice. The iest is composeu of public spaces such as stieets, siuewalks,
iounuabouts anu a big cential space that foi a long time was a squaie anu now is uiviueu in two tiiangulai
sections by the Chauss ue Ninove stieet.
Bue to Buchesse's pioximity to the histoiical centie of Biussels, 18 of its Su hectaies aie consiueieu to be
Aiea of Cultuial Inteiest, Bistoiy, Aesthetics anu Beautification. This is a veiy impoitant factoi to be
consiueieu to unueistanu the cuiient uevelopment of the neighbouihoou, because the high histoiical value of
the builuings is one of the stiongest ueteiminants of the type of ienovation planneu foi the Place.

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The uiban typology of Buchesse is, in contiast to neighbouiing Nolenbeek Bistoiique, the iesult of uiban
planning in the 19th centuiy. The stiongest featuie of the neighbouihoou is its iectangulai shape with the
squaie Buchesse Biabant in the centie anu a uistinctive geometiic stieet layout towaius the squaie. This
stieet system piouuces iathei laige stieet blocks.
The mostly iesiuential blocks of the neighbouihoou aie chaiacteiiseu by thiee- to foui-stoiy apaitment
houses oi single-family uwellings (7u% of the builuings weie constiucteu befoie 194S) which aie aligneu
with the stieetsiue anu have a small shopwoikshop in the fiist flooi. 0n the insiue of the blocks, the
uomestic ieuevelopment of the backyaius with auuitions to the housing oi the intiouuction of new functions
in the foim of waiehouses anu woikshops have filleu the blocks up to its limits. The iesult is a lack of open oi
gieen spaces insiue the stieet-blocks. The mostly inuustiial blocks with one- to thiee-stoiy waiehouses anu
woikshops aie as well exploiting the space insiue the blocks to its maximum.
This high uensity of the builuings can be explaineu by the histoiical uevelopment of the neighbouihoou,
which was locateu in its oiigin iight in the miuule of the inuustiial zone of Nolenbeek.


Buchesse is locateu close to the histoiical centie of Nolenbeek, which was one of the most impoitant
inuustiial aieas of Belgium uuiing the XIX centuiy. The uevelopment of the neighbouihoou is theiefoie
stiongly connecteu to the uynamics of the factoiies locateu aiounu it, anu the woikeis employeu in them. The
fact that Buchesse is veiy neai the canal maue the teiiain not suitable foi builuing houses moie than two

stoiies high. The place became, insteau, the iueal location foi woikshops ielateu to the coal tianspoitation
inuustiy connecteu to the canal.
Neveitheless, houses began to be built in the miuule of the XIX centuiy, as moie anu moie immigiants
aiiiving fiom Flanueis neeueu a place close to the factoiies to settle. The influx of population was so intense,
that aiounu 186u the police staiteu to consiuei the possibility of pieventing moie woikeis to settle in the
aiea. Insteau, in 187u, Leopolu I ueciueu to ieuevelop the zone to iaise the value of the lanu by builuing a
hippouiome. The Place ue la Buchesse was the only pait effectively built uue to the fact that the woikeis in
chaige of completing the pioject weie on stiike. A seconu attempt implieu tuining the place into a iesiuential
aiea foi the king's family, but it also faileu.
With the change of the centuiy, the immigiation patteins also changeu, anu Buchesse became fiist a place of
aiiival foi Italians anu Poituguese anu latei foi Algeiians anu Noioccans, all of them woiking in the mining
inuustiy. The lattei gioup is iesponsible foi the physical mouification of the builuings of the neighbouihoou
into the high-uensity uwellings they aie touay. Nany of the immigiants fiom Noith Afiica weie gianteu loans
fiom Belgian banks to be able to buy the houses pieviously inhabiteu by the Italians, anu it became a common
stiategy to uiviue the apaitments into smallei units foi iental, geneiating an extia income useu to pay back
the loans.
Touay Buchesse is still an aiiival neighbouihoou, with moie than 7u% of the householus on the iental maiket.

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To bettei unueistanu the uynamics of neighbouihoou it is useful to look at the social piactices maue possible
by the built enviionment fiom uiffeient peispectives. 0sing the methou of paiticipatoiy obseivation the
gioup manageu to piouuce the following infoimation.



Time peispective
Buchess has uiffeient social piactices at uiffeient times. 0n weekuays theie aie a lot of people on the stieets,
many of whom aie waiting foi tianspoit on the tiam stop to go towaius the uaie ue L`est. Theie is a small
maiket selling fiuits anu vegetables on Tuesuays, anu most of the shops on the main stieets aie open. It is
quite uifficult to cioss the stieets neai the squaie uue to the high level of tiaffic. In the centie of the
neighbouihoou theie is a "villo" bicycle station, but cyclists aie iaiely seen. At the time of these obseivations,
eveiything was being watcheu by a police officei.
0n weekenus the neighbouihoou is not paiticulaily louu, mainly because theie aie not many cais, but people
aie still paiticipating in uiffeient piactices theie: going to cafes, shopping, walking aiounu the stieets,
hanging outsiue two cafes in the centie of the neighbouihoou, anu iepaiiing cais in the squaie.
The aiea aiounu the canal is empty of people anu activities, anu seems to function simply as an euge to the
neighbouihoou. The biiuge that connects Piinsestiaat, on one siue of the canal, with uosseliesstiat on the
othei, looks like it acts as an exit fiom the neighbouihoou.
Buiing the fielu-woik, many people have lookeu at us with intiigue anu confusion - it may be the case that
this neighbouihoou is iaiely visiteu by outsiueis.

uenuei peispective
Public spaces in the neighbouihoou in geneial aie male-oiienteu. It is iaie to see women in the cafs, but if
they aie theie, usually they aie accompanieu with theii husbanus anu chiluien. A similai situation coulu be
seen in the shops. Selleis aie mostly male anu males aie geneially uoing the shopping as well. You coulu see

motheis walking theii chiluien to school uuiing the moining, but you nevei see women using public space
without any appaient ieason, something which many males weie uoing iegulaily.
Two possible ieasons coulu explain the above phenomenon. Fiistly, the high level of Nuslim population
means that ceitain cultuial tiaits commonly associateu with Nuslim cultuie coulu be on uisplay, although this
coulu be unfounueu. The seconu ieason is the lack of public spaces that aie often neeueu by motheis with
small chiluien; that is to say gieen aieas anu centies foi chiluien's leisuie.
Age peispective
Theie aie a lot of chiluien in the neighbouihoou, but they uo not have any obvious places to spenu theii time,
so they aie often to be founu playing football on the stieet coineis, anu cycling aiounu the stieets. It is not
iaie to see teenageis hanging aiounu on stieet coineis. School tiuancy appeais to be low, as uuiing school
houis theie weie much fewei chiluien anu teenageis on the stieets of the neighbouihoou.

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Following the appioach of Kevin Lynch, we iepiesent below oui subjective peiception of the neighbouihoou,
mapping what to us seemeu the most impoitant geogiaphical locations in ielation to human actions aiounu
the neighbouihoou. 0ui point of view is then iepiesenteu thiough a mental map, which is what Kevin Lynch
iuentifies as "sketches of maps cieateu fiom memoiy of an uiban aiea to ieveal five elements of the city:
noues, euges, uistiicts, paths anu lanumaiks" (Lynch, 196u). We haven't been able to collect uiffeient points
of views anu mental maps fiom the iesiuents in oiuei to oveilap them anu geneiate a conclusive
iepiesentation of the neighbouihoou mainly foi not finuing iesiuents who weie willing to collaboiate with us.
Enteiing the neighbouihoou fiom the noith-eastein siue, one fiist notices that Buchesse is not sepaiateu by
an euge fiom the pioximate neighbouihoou. This applies to the east-noith-westein limits of the
neighbouihoou. 0n the othei hanu, the east-south-westein limits of the neighbouihoou aie stiictly uiawn
anu maik an euge that sepaiates it fiom the pioximate aieas. Those euges aie the canal anu the ioau that
connects the westein station to the canal (Rue Nicholas Boyen). It is veiy inteiesting to inuicate that the
elevation changes along this ioau anu we aie, veiy subtly, moving in an ascenuing uiiection so that when
ieaching the enu of this ioau (pioximate to the canal), it becomes impossible to ieach the neighbouihoou that
now is situateu on a lowei level. Access to the neighbouihoou is only possible via staiis that aie not veiy
visible. This is anothei pioof that this stieet foims a limit to the neighbouihoou. These uesignateu stieets aie
theiefoie peiceiveu as euges as the population cannot cioss them easily anu once ciosseu theie is a feeling of
being outsiue the neighbouihoou. Anothei type of euge has been obseiveu along the Chausse ue Ninove that
we will call #+80)0$%"9 +.9+, which iesults fiom the uense tiaffic activity of tiams, buses anu cais that makes
it haiuei foi peuestiians to change the siue of the stieet. This is also obseiveu aiounu the Buchesse Squaie
wheie peuestiians uo not move fieely but iathei aie limiteu by the tiaffic flow anu iestiicteu by small fences.


Walking aiounu the neighbouihoou, the main S path lines that can be obseiveu aie ones of heavy cai
ciiculation, along Chausse ue Ninove, Rue ue l'Elphant, Rue Quaie ue Naiiemont, Rue Nicholas Boyen, anu
Rue Belaunoy. Those paths aie maikeu by an accentuateu cai activity that makes them moie visible than the
otheis. Peuestiian anu tiam paths aie only obseiveu along Chausse ue Ninove. In the iest of the
neighbouihoou, peuestiian anu cai activity is infiequent.
We noticeu thiee main noues in the neighbouihoou, especially when tiaveising it along Chausse ue Ninove.
We obseiveu a noue at the entiance, an inteisection of cai anu tiamlines that can be iuentifieu as an entiance
to the neighbouihoou once ciosseu. Anothei noue is uetecteu aiounu the Buchesse Squaie wheie activities
anu ciiculation get connecteu anu inteisect, cutting the flow felt along all the ioaus that conveige into the
Buchesse Squaie. We uetecteu one last noue which is the Westein station, maiking in a way the enu of the
neighbouihoou anu a new spatial configuiation wheie one alieauy knows that the aiea uoesn't belong to the
neighbouihoou anymoie.

While in the neighbouihoou, one is situateu in ielation to a couple of lanumaiks. Poite ue Ninove, oi the lock
in the canal wheie boats pass. is the fiist lanumaik one obseives upon the entiance to the neighbouihoou.
Anothei lanumaik builuing of iuentification is the chuich in the Buchesse Squaie which is visible fiom the
two enus of Chausse ue Ninove, inuicating the squaie. The last lanumaik we iuentifieu is the Niui towei.
Although locateu outsiue the neighbouihoou, it constitutes a focal point that one iecognizes while walking in
the neighbouihoou anu makes it possible to locate oneself in the bioauei spatial context of Biussels.
To concluue, the neighbouihoou piesents a cleai uivision between two main uistiicts we iecognizeu while
walking aiounu the stieets. Those two uistiicts aie a iesiuential uistiict, occupying aiounu 7S% of the aiea,
chaiacteiizeu by its foui to five-stoiey builuings that signal the life of families in them, anu anothei, smallei,
inuustiial uistiict chaiacteiizeu by one to thiee stoiy waiehouses, showing an inuustiial activity but most of
the time iule.

-.>. ;(+(09(0,9

As of 2u11, Buchess has 491u inhabitants uistiibuteu in 1471 householus, which iepiesents a mean of S.S
inhabitants pei householu, a significantly highei numbei than the iest of Biussels which is aiounu 2.u9. The
statistical uata about the neighbouihoou shows that Buchesse has uiffeient social, economic anu
uemogiaphic uynamics in ielation to the iest of the BCR, but veiy similai to most of the neighbouihoous
aiounu the Canal Zone. Foi example, the population uensity of Buchesse is 1S,uuu inhabitants pei squaie
kilometie, while the mean foi the iest of Biussels is 6,Suu. Among the neighbouihoous locateu in the Canal
Zone, Buchesse's uensity is not as high as Nolenbeek's, with 27,uuu inhkm2, but it is highei than Cuieghem
Rosee at 8,uu1 inhkm2. In teims of the aiea available pei inhabitant, Buchesse is consiueiably below the
mean of the BCR, with a mean of 22m2 in compaiison with the S6m2 foi the iest of the city.

The infoimation useu foi this section was obtaineu fiom the website cieateu by the Institut Biuxellois poui la uestion ue

The population giowth of Buchesse is also highei than the iest of the BCR, although the numbei of
inhabitants of the neighbouihoou stagnateu between 1991 anu 2uu1 aiounu S7uu, incieasing shaiply
between 2uu1 anu 2u11 to the almost S thousanu inhabitants it has touay.
The Biussels Capital Region has such a significant foieign population (27% of the total in 2uu1, anu S1% in
2u11) that it woulu be uifficult to say that the non-Belgians aie concentiateu in just one aiea of the city.
Bowevei, theie aie ceitain zones of Biussels in which the piopoition of foieign population is highei than the
mean foi the whole iegion. Within a city with a laige foieign population, theie aie neighbouihoous in which
the non-Belgians amount foi moie than half of the inhabitants. The composition of these neighbouihoous in
teims of the uiveisity of nationalities has vaiieu uuiing the yeais, but the uata available shows that while in
1991 the biggest shaie of foieign population oiiginateu fiom Afiica, in 2u11 it comes fiom countiies within
the Euiopean 0nion (E.0.). This is, of couise, not tiue foi all of Biussels anu must be unueistoou in light of the
emeiging iole of the city as capital of the E.0. Buchesse anu its aujacent neighbouihoous (Cuieghem Rose,
uaie Be L'0uest y Nolenbeek Bistoiique) aie a goou example of how the movement of Euiopean buieauciats
is not the uefinitive phenomena stiuctuiing the uemogiaphic tienus in the iegion.
A bieakuown of the composition of the foieign population in Biussels shows that the neighbouihoous along
the Canal Zone (at least those closei to the city centie) have a highei concentiation of inhabitants coming
fiom Noith Afiica, Sub-Sahaian Afiica anu Tuikey. Foi example, while the mean of Noith Afiican population
foi the whole BCR is baiely 6.11%, it goes up to 27% in the neighbouihoous along the Canal Zone
suiiounuing Buchesse. This uistiict occupieu the fifth place among the neighbouihoous with the highest
concentiation of population fiom Noith Afiica in 2uu1, anu the thiiu in 2u11.
The following giaph show the composition of the foieign population foi Buchesse anu selecteu
neighbouihoous situateu neai the canal, as well as foi the BCR in its entiiety, foi 2u11.

(giaphs 2 & S)


Although in teims of its composition the foieign population seems to have changeu little in 1u yeais (with
only a switch in the oiigin of the immigiation: fiom the fiist 1S membeis of the E.0., to the new membei
states, anu fiom Noith Afiica, to Sub-Sahaian Afiica), in absolute numbeis the population changeu uiastically.
The top S of neighbouihoous with the highest amount of foieigneis changeu fiom those along the Canal Zone,
housing people fiom Afiica anu Eastein Euiope, to those locateu neai the E.0. heauquaiteis, housing public
seivants. Foi example, in Buchesse anu its aujacent neighbouihoous the amount of non-Belgians uescenueu
almost in half (fiom 7u oi 6u% to SS oi S2%).
The high piopoition of foieign population is not the only peculiaiity of the uemogiaphic uynamic in Buchesse
anu its aujacent neighbouihoous. Theie aie at least othei two inteiesting tienus: the significant amount of
people unuei Su yeais olu, anu a moie oi less subtle uispiopoition of men anu women (although this tienu
seems to be uiminishing). The population between u anu 19 yeais olu iepiesents a little ovei a thiiu of the
total population in Buchesse, anu just ovei 2u% in the iest of the BCR, wheie the biggest shaie of the
population is ovei Su yeais olu. While the mean age in Buchesse is 29, it is S7 in the iest of Biussels.

The female population is highei amongst the S-9, 2S-29 yeai olu cohoits, as well as aftei the Su-yeai-olu
maik. 0n the othei hanu, the numbei of men is paiticulaily highei in the population unuei S anu between Su
to 4u yeais olu. In aggiegateu teims, this stiuctuie cieates a highei menwomen iatio oi "inuex of
masculinity", which seems to be a geneial tienu foi the whole BCR, but is paiticulaily accentuateu in
In ielation to the householu stiuctuie, the laigest categoiy in Buchesse is "couples with chiluien" (S4.96%)
followeu by "single householus ovei Su" (29.94%). The lattei is paiticulaily notewoithy, as this is a much

lowei peicentage that the BCR as a whole (4u.u6%). As the following giaph shows, this tienu is, again, similai
foi othei neighbouihoous in the Canal Zone.

Statistics seem to inuicate that many builuings in Buchesse aie not in satisfactoiy conuition. This is
uemonstiateu by a Cosmopolis suivey which founu that ovei Su% of the iesiuents founu the quality of the
builuings to be "insufficient". This is in staik contiast to the BCR as a whole, wheie less than 1S% ueemeu
theii builuings to be in such state.
In a similai vein, it appeais that the iesiuents of Buchesse aie in geneial not satisfieu about the amount of
gieen spaces available in the neighbouihoou, with 61.8% of the suiveyeu inhabitants iesponuing that the
amount is insufficient. This compaies with just 24.8% in the BCR. Statistics also inuicate that a similai
sentiment is also felt about the absence of "cultuial anu iecieational spaces". That is to say, 46.S% of the
Buchesse iesponuents answeieu that the neighbouihoou is lacking in facilities.
Buchesse is one of the pooiest anu most unuevelopeu neighbouihoou in the city. Among all 11S
neighbouihoous foi which infoimation is available, it takes the 6th place fiom bottom in wealth-inuex iating.
Buiing the peiiou between 199S anu 2uu9 the wealth inuex shows that Buchesse has consistently hau
aiounu half the aveiage income of the BCR. This may in pait be explaineu by the high level of foieign
population anu young people.


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As pait of out methouology, S inteiviews have been caiiieu out in an attempt to gathei uiffeient points of
view conceining the neighbouihoou anu unueistanu it moie. Inteiviewing the local population was a big
challenge, as the iesiuents uiu not seem keen to communicate with us anu talk about theii situation. 0nly one
inteiview was with a local iesiuent anu ownei of one of the cafes aiounu the Buchesse Squaie. The othei
inteiviews weie with uiffeient actois anu piofessionals anu focuseu on uesciibing the cuiient situation of the
neighbouihoou anu the piojecteu inteiventions.

Ni. Nohammeu Benzaoui
The fiist inteiview was with Ni. Nohammeu Benzaoui who woiks at the "IEB- Intei-enviionnement Biuxelles"
on uiffeient piojects that inteivene in selecteu neighbouihoous to amelioiate the quality of life via mobility
anu uiban uesign inteiventions. Buchesse is one of the neighbouihoous Benzaoui is woiking on along with a
team foim the IEB. The pioject consists of initiating a long-teim ieseaich piocess (S yeais) with a ceitain
numbei of iesiuents in Buchesse, in the aim of finuing an essential anu a ciucial pioblem they all gathei
aiounu, anu then woik with them to solve the pioblem. It is a bottom-up inteivention, between the
ieseaicheis (IEB) anu the inhabitants. The piocess concentiates on giving full powei to the inhabitants, anu
IEB uoes not oiient them but iathei thiows a ceitain uynamic foi them to meet anu uiscuss.
0n his knowleugeimpiessions about the neighbouihoou, Benzaoui saiu that it is a veiy pooi neighbouihoou,
pait of the "Cioissant pauvie ue Biuxelles", weie thiiu of the population is fiom the Naghieb (Noiocco,
Algeiia anu Tunisia, mainly fiom Noiocco), anothei thiiu is fiom sub-Sahaian oiigins who aie mainly linkeu
to the cai inuustiy in Nolenbeek, anu the last thiiu is Belgian, anu consists of the "quait-monue" population
of Belgium, with extieme situation of poveity, health pioblems, alcoholism, etc.. Benzaoui thinks that low
class occupies the neighbouihoou because the ient is affoiuable, uesciibing it as an aiea being in constant

movement, wheie the population keeps changing: olu Flemish woikeis who weie the fiist aiiivals to the aiea
keep moving out of it anu theii housesapaitments get ieplaceu by mainly Noioccans. It is what he iefeiieu
to as the "Ascension sociale" uatum, the inciease of the wealth of ceitain gioups of the population who then
become ieauy to live in a neighbouihoou with highei living stanuaius. Accoiuing to Benzaoui, anothei factoi
of the constant change in the population is the new Loft "phenomena" as he calls it, wheie aiounu Su% of olu
waiehouses anu woikshops aie being changeu into lofts anu calling young population (stuuents anu young
couplesfamilies) who stays foi a maximum peiiou of S yeais. Be speaks of the total uetachment of these
people fiom the neighbouihoou, wheie they aie placeu in gateu builuings anu have absolutely no uiiect
inteiaction with the population. Benzaoui thinks that the impact of the Loft "Phenomena" is veiy uiamatic on
the ient anu the value of the neighbouihoou. The pooi population is moving out (slowly) because they aie not
being able to affoiu the "new" high ients. Be concluues that the neighbouihoou is theiefoie unueigoing a
gentiification piocess that actually staiteu "silently" 1u to 1S yeais ago.
When askeu about the lack of public spaces in the neighbouihoou, Benzaoui affiims that this is not a pioblem
in a neighbouihoou with similai pooi living conuitions. Be says that the last thing one neeus to woiiy about is
public spaces because theie aie ciucial pioblems that come aheau, such as the 4u% unemployment iate (the
highest iate in Biussels), poveity anu the high uensity that is geneiating health issues. Be talks about
piopeity owneis ienting out iooms oi apaitments they own anu enuing up living with theii families in a veiy
small space, which geneiates a lot of uiscomfoit anu pioblems.
0n a moie piactical note, Benzaoui thinks that iehabilitating public spaces anu cieating gieen aieas is an
inuicatoi of piepaiing the neighbouihoou to moie speculation anu calling the miuule class to buyient in this
neighbouihoou. :3" %"$+);+"$%-" $<0$ %=8)-;+# 9)++" 0". 8&5,%7 #807+# -8+"# $<+ .--) $- =-)+ 9+"$)%>%70$%-"?.
Be then tells us about the SBRB (Societe ue uevelopment poui la iegion ue Biuxelles) that uses public anu
taxes money to builu housing foi the miuule classes anu call them into neighbouihoous. Piojects like these
aie being maue in the aim of "mixing" neighbouihoous anu calling the miuule class to mix with the low class
anu Benzaoui thinks that this is not helping the pooi population in the neighbouihoou but iathei wiping them
out anu leaving space foi the miuule class to occupy it. Foi him the neighbouihoou uoes not lack "mixtuie" at
all, it is veiy lively anu the mixtuie of uiffeient population is one of its Stiong Points.
Inteivening in the neighbouihoou is foi Benzaoui a mattei of impioving the living conuitions anu the
euucation systems using the moneybuugets allocateu to the neighbouihoou (anu not letting it go foi ieal
estate speculation anu calling the miuule class). It is also a mattei of uealing with the unemployment
situation mainly causeu by the uisciimination because these people get veiy little chances to be employeu.
In a conclusive mannei, Benzaoui says that it is not by biinging the miuule class that we solve the poveity.
Poveity has to be uealt with fiist, calling the miuule class means scaiifying the pooi population anu "wiping
them out" to make a bettei living enviionment. Foi him it is a political stiategy that wants to wipe this
population out anu inteivene in the Kanal aiea to make it amoie inteiesting aiea (calling aitists anu
entiepieneuis foi example)

Ni. uuiuo vanueihulst
The seconu inteiview was with Ni. uuiuo vanueihulst who is the founuei of the inuustiial museum in
Nolenbeek Bistoiique. vanueihulst is a sociologist who has been woiking anu living in Nolenbeek histoiique
foi the past 4u yeais anu cieateu "La Rue" pioject, which is, as he explaineu, a iesult of the ueuication of the
population of the Nolenbeek.
vanueihulst emphasizes that Buchesse cannot be stuuieu alone; it is pait of all the neighbouihoous aiounu it.
About the population, vanueihulst tells us that iuial iesiuents, i.e. gaiueneis anu aitisanal woikeis, mainly
fiom Flanueis anu Wallonia, fiist occupieu this neighbouihoou. Theie weie people fiom Flanueis much moie
than Wallonia because the people coming fiom Wallonia weie going to the centie wheie Fiench-speaking
people weie moie welcomeu. Theie weie theiefoie a lot of woikeis anu a uemanu foi housing them, but
theie has nevei been a plan foi that. A lot of builuings weie built in big blocks anu theiefoie theie is a lot of
ueau enu stieets insiue big blocks to make path to ieach the insiue of the block weie the builuings aie. 0thei
than comeis fiom Wallonia anu Flanueis, theie weie a lot of Italian immigiant as well as Noioccans anu
Algeiians who came to woik in the mines. Woikeis biought theii families latei on anu the neighbouihoou
was filleu with Aiab families consiueiing theii big family size. This is when Buchesse went thiough what
vanueilhust calls a "Bemogiaphic explosion". To house these immigiants the Belgian goveinment alloweu
banks to give out loans foi help. 0n the othei hanu, olu Belgian homeowneis weie selling theii
housesapaitments to Noioccans. The Noiocans theiefoie bought them anu ienteu out a big pait of it to be
able to make money (pay back the loans) anu enueu up living in small spaces
vanueihulst also says that the population changeu uiamatically, it was a "shoit-teim" neighbouihoou foi a lot
of families: they weie ienting oi staying foi some time paying ieally little anu once they maue moie money
they moveu out (Both Belgians anu Aiabs). Be also iefeis to this as the "Ascension sociale" uatum.
vanueihulst thinks that gentiification is coming to the neighbouihoou anu speaks as well about the "loft
phenomena" iaiseu by Benzaoui, emphasizing on the change of the population foi the shoit-teim natuie of
the living in a loft.

Lieven Soete
We met Lieven Soete, an active local citizen of Nolenbeek, in his appaitment in the neighbouihoou
Nolenbeek Bistoiique on the euge to Buchesse. Lieven Soete unueilineu that Buchesse cannot be analyseu
sepeiately fiom Nolenbeek as a whole anu that the neighbouihoou uivisions weie uiawn iathei aibitiaiy in
his opinion.
In his opinion the biggest pioblem of the neighbouihoou anu Nolenbeek is the lack of public spaces as well as
gieen spaces, a pioblem that has even intensifieu in the last 1S yeais. The only aiea that gives the impiession
of an open space is the Canal. Be peisonally iegiets the most that the biggei paiks aie all fai away.
Confiiming oui own expeiience, Lieven Soete too noticeu that public space seems to be less fiequenteu by
women, but he tiaces that to uiffeient ioutines: While women use public space in the moining, to biing theii

chiluien to school anu uo the shopping until noon, mainly men take ovei the stieets uuiing afteinoons anu
evenings. Be has noticeu that some of the Nuslim women in Nolenbeek stait theii social life only when theii
chiluien tuin 6 anu they take them to school foi the fiist time. Aftei that, they iealize that they can leain to
ieau anu wiite anu also anothei language, anu that theie aie othei Nuslim women they can ielate to. Be saiu
theie is a neeu to cieate some kinu of institution that allows them to stait theii social life in Biussels eailiei.
Nolenbeek is no goou place to giow up in his opinion. The main ieason foi this is the ueploiteu built
enviionment as few people aie likely to invest money oi time to impiove the conuitions of theii houses. This
is ielateu to the "aiiival" function of Buchesse. Lieven Soete feels that Lieven feels that most of the population
in Buchess anu some paits of olu Nolenbeek think of these places as tempoiaiy uwellings that they will
abanuon aftei secuiing a bettei financial situation. Be thinks that it might be moie successful to tiy to woik
with homeowneis, who aie moie inteiesteu in getting involveu with social piojects because they have the
feeling that thiough theii paiticipation they aie taking caie of theii investments.
Be has the feeling that the authoiities anu also some of the civil society in Biussels aie always ieluctant to
open up space in the city by taking uown unuseu builuings. Be woulu like these spaces to be tuineu into
inuooi paiks anu thus pioviue moie open anu gieen space foi a healthiei living enviionment. In his opinion
the uemolishing of olu builuings woulu help to accommouate the population of Biussels which is ueclining in
some paits of the canal, but iaising uiamatically in otheis.

Wim Embiechts
The fouith inteiview was with Wim Embiechs, the cooiuinatoi of Ait2Woik, an oiganization which woiks
with young unemployeu population. Be staiteu by uesciibing the neighbouihoou as an in-between aiea, a
tiansit zone without any ieal iuentity oi easily iuentifieu functions besiues that of being a passageway fiom
the centie of the city to the outskiits.
About the spatial stiuctuie of the neighbouihoou, Wim stateu that since Chausse ue Ninove fulfils such an
impoitant function as a tiansit noue in Biussels as a whole, the iesiuential iole of Buchesse feels almost as
the iesult of an acciuent: a Place which is not a Place but a paiking lot, a well uesigneu set of ioaus that uo not
seive the local population but insteau uiviues the neighbouihoou in two paits, a neighbouihoou with no ieal
community life.
When askeu about the change in the composition of the population uuiing the past twenty yeais, Wim
suggesteu that the uecline in the numbeis of foieign inhabitants is moie ielateu to the fact that a consiueiable
amount of them gaineu the Belgian citizenship, anu not to a iecent influx of Belgians. At the same time, he
consiueis that theie is cuiiently a gentiification piocess in the neighbouihoous locateu close the canal that
coulu be staiting to ieach Buchesse.
In ielation to the possible uevelopments that coulu be implementeu in the neighbouihoou, Wim suggesteu
that the impoitant tiansit function of Chausse ue Ninove has to be taken into account befoie any inteivention
anu theiefoie, its function as a iounuabout has to be haimonizeu with its iole as a public space.

Wim believes that one of the main ieasons foi the feeling of abanuonment that one gets when visiting
Buchesse comes fiom the fact that many of the companies locateu neai the canal hau to leave because the
neighbouihoou lackeu the necessaiy infiastiuctuie to suppoit theii expansion, eithei because the builuings
they occupieu weie in veiy bau conuition, oi simply because they coulu not builu moie.
Finally, he also mentioneu that he is awaie that the piices of houses in Buchesse aie ieally high uue to the fact
that the owneis of the builuing aie awaie of the possibility that the ienovation will biing a wealthiei
population. Bowevei, most of the builuings have pioblems that woulu make a ienovation uifficult, like bau
quality of the mateiials, low ioofs anu high uensity.

Local iesiuent
The last inteiview was with a local iesiuent who wanteu to iemain anonymous. A late-Su-yeai-olu man who
is maiiieu with 2 kius, has been living in the neighbouihoou foi the past 1S yeais anu is the ownei of a veiy
populai cafe in the aiea one of the fiequenteu Italian caf aiounu the Place Buchesse, mainly a space foi the
miuule ageu Italian community.
Foi him the neighbouihoou is veiy uiity, noisy anu full of cais anu tiaffic. Be thinks the uiit is the iesult of
the lack of public vigilance anu obseivation.
When askeu about the vision of the iest of Biussels of this neighbouihoou, he says that eveiyone thinks it is a
bau one anu it has a bau ieputation. Foi him the neighbouihoou is not calm but at the same time it is not as
bau as people say; once you get to know it you unueistanu that it is not scaiy anu that it is similai to any
othei neighbouihoou in the city. Be explains that, in his opinion, this uevelopeu feai of the neighbouihoou, as
well as the tuibulences that happen eveiy now anu then, aie mainly the iesult of a big numbei of youths
(mainly Noioccans) who uioppeu out of school anu who aie not employeu which geneiates a lot of
unaccepteu stieet activity anu tuibulences. Yet on the othei hanu, he hau put his kius in a school outsiue the
neighbouihoou because he uoesn't want them to be mixeu with this kinu of population.
When askeu about the planneu pioject that the Commune is pioposing, he infoimeu us that he knows about
it anu that the commune have calleu foi a meeting with the iesiuents to explain to them that theie is a
ienovation plan that is being pioposeu which aims at impioving Place Buchesse, making it moie peuestiian
fiienuly anu auuing gieeneiy anu bus stops. Be tells us that the commune askeu foi theii opinion but nevei
took them into consiueiation. In his opinion, this inteivention will not help in making the neighbouihoou a
bettei place to live anu he uoesn't think that any outsiuei population will come anu live heie.
Foi him, inteiventions n the neighbouihoou shoulu concentiate on lessening the cai flows anu incieasing the
public vigilance anu obseivation in the stieets to make it moie liveable, clean anu welcoming.

-.C. *0%&0%69 +%& ;DEF
SW0T analysis is a stiuctuieu planning methou useu to evaluate the stiengths, weaknesses, oppoitunities
anu thieats in a community, business ventuie oi a pioject; in this case the neighbouihoou of @&7<+##+ .+
()050"$. ;FGHIJF8;
The stiengths in SW0T analysis aie the inteinal enabling factois in the community that can be hainesseu in
pioblem solving. They aie the chaiacteiistics of @&7<+##+ .+ ()050"$ that gives it auvantage ovei otheis.
The /$)+"9$<# aie listeu below:
! Bomogenous builuings aichitectuial unityiuentity
! Builuings aie not too high
! Piesence of builuings with histoiic value
! Existence of tiees especially along stieets
! uoou visibility fiom the cential squaie to the fai enu of the stieets
! Pioximity to the canal which is a big open space
! Potential foi cieation of gieen space in the cential squaie
! Big cential squaie
! Beautiful anu efficient layout
! Well connecteu to the iest of the city Location, close to the centie of Biussels
! uoou amount of public tianspoitation
! Pioximity of schools anu cultuial institutions
! Enough space foi shops
! Pioximity of cheap maikets

The weaknesses aie the inteinal uisabling factois oi elements that impeue uevelopment of the
neighbouihoou of @&7<+##+ .+ ()050"$. It places them in uisauvantage ielative to othei neighbouihoous. The
weaknesses have been listeu below;
! uenuei inequality
! SS% of the Population is unuei 19yis olu
! Bigh unemployment.
! Bighei iatio of men
! No iepiesentation at the Commune
! Aiiival Neighbouihoou
! Bousing in ieally bau conuitionsolu housing stock.
! Bigh concentiation of abanuoneu inuustiial builuings
! Bigh uensity insiue the housing blocks
! Absolute lack of publicpiivate open anu gieen space

! Bilapiuateu builuings
! Neighbouihoou is uisconnecteu fiom the iest of the city by two majoi obstacles: the canal in the
south anu uaie ue L'ouest on noitheast.
! Neighbouihoou is in geneial not veiy peuestiian-fiienuly.
! The stiuctuie of the canal is not veiy peuestiian oi bicycle fiienuly.
! Lack of public space to gieenify apait fiom the cential squaie
! "Satuiateu" neighbouihoou ieuuces the possibility of ueveloping the neighbouihoou without
uemolishing builuings which aie occupieu.
! 0nly one public cultuial institution which is not ieally connecteu to the neighbouihoou.
! Piesence of a highly useu stieet (Chausee ue Ninove) which uiives a lot of tiaffic thiough the
! No bike lanes
! Inefficient oiganization of cai flow.
! No uiban fuinituie
! No infiastiuctuie foi young chiluien oi uisableu people
! Cafes anu tea-iooms aie male-oiienteu.
! In-between aiea: people aie just passing thiough the neighbouihoou.
! Low peicentage of home-owneis actually living in the neighbouihoou

The oppoitunities aie the exteinal enabling factois that can be hainesseu in the achievement of a goal. They
aie the aieas that the neighbouihoou can exploit to theii auvantage. Below aie the oppoitunities available foi
the community of @&7<+##+ .+ ()050"$;
! existence of employment oppoitunities such as 3)$AB-)C
! Loans can be obtaineu fiom Feueial Public aiiangements such as 80)$%7%80$%+ >-".#D>-".# .+
80)$%7%80$%-" foi business stait - ups
! The existence of the canal anu the Buchesse squaie as histoiic paits of Biussels.
! Possibility of ueveloping peuestiian ciossings anu bicycle paths in main squaie (in the pioposeu
mastei plan of Buchesse Squaie)
! Pioximity to uevelopment piojects aiounu the neighbouihoou: E0)+ .+ FG-&+#$H I,0$>-)= J0"0,H
! Pioximity to the canal (which has a histoiical value)
! Location neai the centie of Biussels: oppoitunity to uevelop new business in a cential location.
! Nany people going thiough the neighbouihoou.

! Influx of miuule class people uue to the ielative low piices of piopiieties

The thieats aie the challenges oi the impeuing factois to the community that aie exteinal oi beyonu theii
immeuiate contiol. Below aie the thieats to the neighbouihoou of Buchesse Biabant:
! Lack of access to jobs outsiue uuchesse uue to low euucation level anu neighbouihoou iuentity
! The thieat of uentiification in the neighbouihoou uue to the ielatively low housing cost
! Possibility of integiating pioposeu gieen aieapublic space in the squaie with paiking aiea (in
the mastei plan) which might be unsafe foi kius
! Possibility of ueveloping pait of the squaie into paiking aiea (in the pioposeu mastei plan of
Buchesse Squaie)
! The ieputation of the neighbouihoou is ieally bau
! The uevelopments aiounu the canal might iaise the value of the piopeities.
! Influx of new miuule-class neighbouis may push out the foimei populations.
! Aiiival neighbouihoou: peimanent influx of foieign population constantly iaising the uensity of
the neighbouihoou without a piopoitional iaise in the numbei of available housing.
! The constant tempoiality of the inhabitants leaus to a lack of connection with the
neighbouihoou absence of neighbouihoou iuentificationiuentity
! The pooi iuentity fiom the outsiue makes the neighbouihoou less liveable
! People coming fiom othei neighbouihoous paik theii cais in the public space.
! Bousing speculation not only in Buchesse but also in the neighbouiing aieas
! The geneial uemogiaphic anu economic tienus in Biussels have paiticulaily stiong effects on the
neighbouihoou uue to the fiagile natuie of the population (young, pooi, unemployeu,

The Stiengths, Weaknesses, 0ppoitunities anu Thieats have been put togethei to piouuce a 2 x 2 matiix foim
that gives a basic fiist-hanu knowleuge of the community. In this section, the stiengths, weaknesses,
oppoitunities anu thieats of @&7<+##+ .+ ()050"$ aie categoiiseu into socio-economic, built enviionment anu



Big cential squaie
Beautiful anu efficient layout to ieau anu
Bomogenous builuings aichitectuial
Builuings aie not too high
Piesence of builuings with histoiic value
Existence of tiees especially along stieets
uoou visibility fiom the cential squaie to the
fai enu of the stieets (blickachse)
Pioximity to the canal which is a big open space
Potential foi cieation of gieen space in the
cential squaie
Bousing in ieally bau conuitionsolu housing stock.
Bigh concentiation of abanuoneu inuustiial builuings
Bigh uensity insiue the housing blocks
Absolute lack of publicpiivate open anu gieen space
Bilapiuateu builuings
Neighbouihoou is uisconnecteu fiom the iest of the city by
two majoi obstacles: the canal in the south anu uaie ue
L'0uest on noitheast.
Neighbouihoou is in geneial not veiy peuestiian-fiienuly.
The stiuctuie of the canal is not veiy peuestiian oi bicycle
Lack of public space to gieenify apait fiom the cential


"Satuiateu" neighbouihoou ieuuces the possibility of
ueveloping the neighbouihoou without uemolishing
builuings which aie occupieu.
Possibility of ueveloping peuestiian ciossings
anu bicycle paths in main squaie (in the
pioposeu mastei plan of Buchesse Squaie)
The existence of the canal anu the Buchesse
squaie as histoiic paits of Biussels.
Possibility of ueveloping pait of the squaie into paiking
aiea (in the pioposeu mastei plan of Buchesse Squaie)
Possibility of integiating pioposeu gieen aieapublic
space in the squaie with paiking aiea (in the mastei plan)
which might be unsafe foi kius
The pioposal (in the neighbouihoou mastei plan) to 'gieenify' the cential squaie anu integiate biking anu
peuestiian ciossings will help to make the neighbouihoou bicycle fiienuly.
The piesence of the uaie ue L'ouest (accessible tianspoit)), the canal anu the histoiic squaie of Buchesse
Biabant (which have histoiic value) can aiu in ueveloping the touiism potential along the canal

Well connecteu to the iest of the city Location,
close to the centie of Biussels
uoou amount of public tianspoitation
Pioximity of schools anu cultuial institutions
Enough space foi shops
Pioximity of cheap maikets

0nly one public cultuial institution which is not ieally
connecteu to the neighbouihoou.
Piesence of a highly useu stieet (Chausee ue Ninove)
which uiives a lot of tiaffic thiough the neighbouihoou.
No bike lanes
Inefficient oiganization of cai flow.
No uiban fuinituie
No infiastiuctuie foi young chiluien oi uisableu people
Cafes anu tea-iooms aie male-oiienteu.
In-between aiea: people aie just passing thiough the
Low peicentage of home-owneis actually living in the
Pioximity to uevelopment piojects aiounu the
neighbouihoou: uaie ue L'ouest, Platfoim
Canal, IEB.
The ieputation of the neighbouihoou is ieally bau
The uevelopments aiounu the canal might iaise the value
of the piopeities.


2. Cuiient appioach anu possible outcome
As pait of the "Contiats ues quaitieis" of the Biussels capital iegion, an inteivention on the neighbouihoou of
Buchesse is planneu. These kinus of piojects usually take place aftei a uesignation of the neighbouihoous that
can benefit fiom what the piogiamme offeis. It is mainly baseu on woiking with the inhabitants of a ceitain
neighbouihoou in oiuei to impiove theii living conuitions anu ienovate anu ievitalize theii suiiounuings..

1.-. S"9,304(0$% $U ()" 0%("3A"%(0$% 45+%
The main ciiteiia of the pioject lies upon the evaluation of the state of the builuings, the public spaces anu the
social conuitions in the aiea anu builus its inteivention, in collaboiation with the uesignateu commune,
Pioximity to the canal (which has a histoiical
Location neai the centie of Biussels:
oppoitunity to uevelop new business in a
cential location.
Nany people going thiough the neighbouihoou.
Influx of miuule class people uue to the ielative
low piices of piopiieties

Influx of new miuule-class neighbouis may push out the
foimei populations.
Aiiival neighbouihoou: peimanent influx of foieign
population constantly iaising the uensity of the
neighbouihoou without a piopoitional iaise in the numbei
of available housing.
The constant iotation of the inhabitants leaus to a lack of
connection with the neighbouihoou absence of
neighbouihoou iuentificationiuentity
The constant fiom the outsiue makes the neighbouihoou
less liveable
People coming fiom othei neighbouihoous paik theii cais
in the public space.
Bousing speculation not only in Buchesse but also in the
neighbouiing aieas
The geneial uemogiaphic anu economic tienus in Biussels
have paiticulaily stiong effects on the neighbouihoou uue
to the fiagile natuie of the population (young, pooi,
unemployeu, immigiants).
The pioposal (in the neighbouihoou mastei plan) to 'gieenify' the cential squaie anu integiate biking anu
peuestiian ciossings will help to make the neighbouihoou bicycle fiienuly.
The pioximity of the neighbouihoou to the centie of Biussels anu piesence of the canal (which is a touiism
potential) if uevelopeu, coulu help to change the negative peiception being helu about the neighbouihoou
anu attiact business.

accoiuing to what amelioiates the conuition of these elements. The whole opeiation is funueu by the Biussels
capital iegion anu is cooiuinateu accoiuing to the available buuget pei yeai.
The "Place ue la Buchesse" pioject has been tackleu via the commune of Nolenbeek anu is calleu
"Paiticipation at the elaboiation of Place Buchesse".

The pioject woiks on foui main inteivention bianches:
a. Impioving the conuitions of the public spaces
b. Renovation of the facaues of the builuings
c. Cleaning anu impioving the quality of the enviionment
u. Resolving unemployment

+. @=43$A0%6 ()" ,$%&0(0$%9 $U ()" 4VW50, 94+,"9
The public spaces in Buchesse anu especially the Place Buchesse have been uiagnoseu with abunuant tiaffic,
savage paiking, pooi lanuscape anu geneiateu insecuiity foi the iesiuents because of all that. The pioject
theiefoie aims at impioving the conuition of the squaie by beautifying it, gieening, uesigning a new

lanuscape foi it anu pioviuing paiking spaces. The goal is to make it moie peuestiian anu cyclist fiienuly anu
to tuin it into a squaie wheie people can meet anu inteiact by installing uiban fuinituie, benches anu play

b. G"%$A+(0$% $U ()" U+,+&"9 $U ()" WV05&0%6
uiven that the cential squaie is the main element of this pioject, the inteivention concentiates on impioving
the conuitions of this squaie anu it is suiiounuing anu on giving it a significant iole in the neighbouihoou.
The builuings suiiounuing the squaie aie uiagnoseu with a veiy bau state, a uilapiuateu stiuctuie anu the
loss of theii histoiic value. These conuitions aie sought to be affecting the value of the squaie. The
inteivention is theiefoie a ienovation of the facaues of these builuings (mateiials, openings.). 0ne of the
inteiesting measuies heie is that the pioject specifies that anti-giaffiti paint will be useu to pievent

c. T5"+%0%6 +%& 0=43$A0%6 ()" XV+50(# $U ()" "%A03$%="%(
Reacting on the fact that the neighbouihoou is not clean anu that tiash is founu on the stieet, one of the main
bianches of the inteivention is to clean anu impiove the quality of the enviionment by iaising awaieness to
the population about the uangei of pollution anu emphasizing the contiol of waste management (scheuules of
tiash, waste soiting.)

u. G"9$5A0%6 V%"=45$#="%(
The inteivention plan also tackles the unemployment issue in the neighbouihoou that is thought to be
piesent because of the lack of language skills, the lack of piofessional expeiience anu the non-ability of youths
to look oi know how to look foi a job. Theii stiategy aims at oiganizing woikshops, tiainings anu foimations
to pioviue the youth with moie skills anu help them in theii job inquiiy.

1.1. HY4",("& $V(,$="9 $U ()" 0=45"="%(+(0$% $U ()" 45+%

The cuiient inteivention pioject uemonstiates an appioach that uoes not piioiitise the social pioblems in the
neighbouihoou, but iathei the impiovement of its physical stiuctuie, emphasizing on the beautification of the
squaie anu the built enviionment. Apait of the inteiest in solving the unemployment issue anu the
inteivention conceineu with impioving the quality of the enviionment, the planneu pioject gives a lot of
impoitance anu allocates a big pait of the buuget to the ienovation of the squaie anu only the facaues of the
builuings suiiounuing it.

In oui opinion, a pioject solely oiienteu to the impiovement of the physical stiuctuie of the squaie anu, on
the othei hanu, the physical conuition of the builuings fiom the outsiue, is iegaiueu as a supeificial
inteivention foi a neighbouihoou like Buchesse, engenueiing an unuesiiable outcome that can be at the
oiigin of moie social exclusion. The logic that we envisage behinu that, is that a simple beautification of the
physical stiuctuie of the squaie anu the builuings suiiounuing it, anu hence the physical stiuctuie of the
enviionment that only has to uo with aesthetics, makes the suiiounuing moie attiactive foi a new population,
miuule class population that is, who finus it accommouating anu suitable to live in. 0n a moie piactical note,
the attiaction of the miuule class to the aiea will call foi an incieasing inteiest in piivate capital investments
manifesteu by ieal estate agents taking ovei lanus anu piopeities anu incieasing theii value thiough "ie-
habilitating" anu "ienovating" them. We woulu like to iefei to this, being a piocess that will inuuce iapiu
changes to the built enviionment anu a fast-paceu contiol of the fiee maiket ovei the aiea, as a piocess of
gentiification, anu how it is uefineu as "a consequence of the iehabilitation of oluei neighbouihoous" (Theys
& Emelianoff, 2u11). Some contempoiaiy ieseaich even unueistanus the gentiification piocess as an uiban
policy in itself in the uiban uevelopment of the late 2u
centuiy, commonly iefeiieu to as the "neolibeial eia"
(Smith, 2uu2). Builuing on the situation analysis of the Buchesse neighbouihoou anu the inteivention that is
planneu, we woulu like to ielate with this uefinition since we consiuei that this kinu of change that the
neighbouihoou will expeiience is going to have a big effect on its social fabiic, pushing the local iesiuents out,
pioviueu that they will not be able to cope with the incieasing value of both the piopeities anu hence the ient,
anu piioiitising the housing foi the miuule class.

S. Alteinative inteivention pioposal
7.-. ;(3+("6# $U ()" 0%("3A"%(0$%Z R090$% +%& =+0% $W[",(0A"9
In the last chaptei we saw a ienewal stiategy whose main focus is the ienewal oi beautification of the cential
squaie which is likely to tiiggei a gentiification piocess anu piivate capital investment in the quaitei. In
contiast to the inteivention that is cuiiently implementeu in Buchesse - an inteivention we consiuei having
negative consequences foi the piesent inhabitants of the quaitei - we suggest a paiticipatoiy ienewal
stiategy that is capable of involving the inhabitants in the impiovement of the neighbouihoou anu thus
ieaches "beyonu the facaue". We have to consiuei not only the aesthetical anu histoiical value of the builuings
in Buchesse but also look at the social composition of the quaitei, its housing uepiivation anu oveiciowuing,
anu lastly at its cuiient function as an "Aiiival Neighbouihoou", to ieally impiove people's lives, foi, as
Euwaius has stateu, Mby fai the gieatest pait of the social anu economic neeus of innei city iesiuents will not
be met by uiban specific policies, but by mainline housing, health, income suppoit anu euucation piovision.M
(Euwaius, quoteu in Knox anu Pinch:2u1u:p.77).

0ui pioposal is uepenuant on a stiong city goveinment that iecognizes housing piovision as a piincipal uuty
in uiban uevelopment anu uses its iesouices anu political powei to ensuie people's iight to housing insteau
of fuitheiing ueiegulation anu encouiaging gentiification piocesses that will uislocate the pooi. With a
paiticipatoiy ienewal stiategy we envision to 1) impiove housing conuitions in collaboiation with
homeowneis anu tenants to tuin Buchesse into a healthy neighbouihoou that can both house many people
but still "bieathe" anu to 2) tuin the population of Buchesse fiom clients of the state to iight holueis; to
ensuie the substantial iight to housing, euucation anu health foi all inhabitants of the city shoulu be the main
aim on the uiban agenua of Biussels, a city that faces giowing class segiegation. We want to ienew the
quaitei with a paiticipatoiy appioach to tuin it into a place woith living but still affoiuable foi the
inhabitants piesent now anu also impiove the population's access to public seivices, cultuial anu iecieational
facilities as well as piovision of euucation with the installation of a neighbouihoou centie.

7.1. /"+3%0%6 U3$= R0"%%+Z !"9( 43+,(0,"9 $U V3W+% 3"%"B+5

Looking foi insight into uiban ienewal, oui choice of inspiiation fell on the Austiian mouel of Sustainable
0iban Renewal, that was useu in the city of vienna. This mouel has been chosen as an 0N-BABITAT Best

Piactice fiom 1996, 2uuu, 2uu2 anu 2uu6 (www.unhabitat.oig), anu as such felt as a secuie place to stait
uesigning an inteivention of oui own.
The situation of the Austiian capital, that fosteieu the mouel, was anu is, in many ways the same as we face in
BuchesseBeitogin: :.the gieatest uiban pioblems aie concentiateu in those city uistiicts, which aie most in
neeu of moueinisation; a high peicentage of families with low incomes, ueficient infiastiuctuie anu high
levels of enviionmental pollution.? (www.unhabitat.oig). Even though the housing stock in geneial was in bau
conuition, anu the apaitments weie lacking in mouein facilities anu size, the city ueciueu against both
uemolition anu uisplacement of the iesiuents.
The vienna mouel focuses on a policy of a soft ienewal appioach of iun uown innei city aieas, wheie a
holistic appioach to the ienewal piocess combines a social, technical anu uiban peispective that will ensuie
(social) sustainable in the long iun. A "basic ienewal", meaning pieseiving the olu housing stock, but making
it up to uate with mouein stock, is combineu with an effoit to keep the iesiuents anu house owneis in the
aiea, anu take theii views anu wishes into account foi the uevelopment.
The methou is baseu on the assumption that to be an effective mouel of ienewal, it must focuseu on the

;$,0+5 ,30("30+
The ienewal stiategy has to take into account the financial status of the tenants, anu suppoit them thiough
subsiuies, so they aie able to stay if they wish so: "uiants, incluuing assistance to householus with low
incomes anu monitoieu anu limiteu incieases in ient, aie available to those ienting both publicly anu
piivately. A fixeu level of ient is planneu to iemain in foice foi 1S yeais." ( This is uone
to avoiu social segiegation anu gentiification in the aiea, anu othei piocesses that woulu happen if the
ienewal causeu iising ients anu thus foiceu change of owneiship oi expiopiiation of the oiiginal tenants

K,,"4(0%6 &0UU"3"%( 50U"9(#5"9
Biffeient people have uiffeient uemanus to the facilities anu quality of housing. As such, if the tenants uo not
wish to ienovate eveiything to mouein stanuaius, they will not be foiceu to uo so. Cooiuination of the
uiffeient paities involveu is iequiieu as to uiviue anu assign cleai iesponsibilities amongst them. The
paitneiship between public anu piivate is maue so that the maiket foices will not uominate the uiiection of
the iestoiation anu so that eveiyone will woik towaius a common anu shaieu goal (www.acauemia.euu).

;=+55 9,+5" +%& K3"+ W+9"& +443$+,)
The ienewal focuses on small scale piojects, so that both local pioblems anu oppoitunities can be taken into
account anu be suppoiteu. Social pioblems (such as ciime, unemployment, ethnic tensions etc.) cannot be
solveu by only technical anu uiban inteiventions. The aiea taigeteu must theiefoie be seen as a whole, anu
uiffeient inteiuisciplinaiy stiategies must be useu to taiget uiffeient challenges. The ienovation of the
housing stock can be suppoiteu by impioving the geneial living enviionment foi the whole aiea, by psychical

inteiventions such as :N507C40). 7,+0)%"9H =+)9%"9 507C40).# -> 0.6-%"%"9 8)-8+)$%+# $- ,04 -&$ 9)++" #807+#H
7)+0$%-" -> $)0>>%7 )+.&7+. O-"+#H 8)+#+);0$%-" -> #=0,, 5&#%"+##+# 7-=80$%5,+ B%$< )+#%.+"$%0, 0)+0#H %"#&)%"9
"+%9<5-&)<--. #<-88%"9 >07%,%$%+# +$7L" (www.unhabitat.oig).

Fiom the stait, eveiy paity involveu (lanuloius, shop owneis, olu anu new tenants etc.) must be given
infoimation, anu must be kept up to uate thiough the piocess, so as to not feel left out, oi that theii voice is
not heaiu. This iequiiement is met by giving piofessional suppoit anu tiaining piogiams to local citizens, so
that eveiyone can paiticipate. The local suppoit fiom the municipality will also guaiantee that the conflicts
that may aiise can be uiscusseu anu solveu in a way that eveiybouy's view anu inteiests aie taken into
account anu iespecteu as much as possible.

7.7 M+3(0,04+($3# 3"%"B+5 9(3+("6#

Builuing upon the vienna Nouel we suggest the implementation of a slow anu paiticipatoiy ienovation
piocess baseu on a giant that is pioviueu by the municipality to solve the issue of uilapiuateu, unhealthy anu
oveiciowueu housing in a sensitive way. Bomeowneis in Buchesse can apply foi ienovation funuing unuei
the conuition that 1) they can piove they have no own means foi the ienovation, 2) they accept the conuitions
of tenant contiol anu a ient-lock of 1S yeais anu S) agiee that the ienovation is cooiuinateu with the cuiient
tenants. The fiist auvantage of this appioach is that we can ensuie the pieseivation of the "image" of the
neighbouihoou, its beautiful stieet layout anu uiban uesign that ieflects the inuustiial histoiy of the place.
Seconuly though, anu most impoitantly, we achieve impioveu housing conuitions that benefit the piesent
population as they aie stiongly involveu in the ienovation pioject via the new neighbouihoou centie. A
contiol of tenants will ensuie that the piesent population will be gianteu piioiity access to the ienovateu
housing anu the ient-lock will ensuie affoiuable ients foi 1S yeais. Aftei this peiiou the homeowneis can
aujust the ients to maiket piices. The municipality will pioviue a cooiuinatoi foi the ienewal stiategy who
will take caie of financial oi funuing issues as well as ensuie that the ienovation iespects both the histoiical
value of the builuings anu the neeus of the tenants.


7.: I"06)W$3)$$& &"A"5$4="%( +%& 3"%"B+5 ,"%(3"
When woiking on the impiovement of housing conuitions, it is ciucial to take the inhabitants' feeuback into
account to ensuie a sustainable anu integiateu uevelopment of the quaitei that seives its inhabitants. Paiallel
to the physical ienewal stiategy we want to cieate a neighbouihoou uevelopment centie which will infoim
the population about the piocess of the pioject anu give them a platfoim wheie they can influence the
changes taking place in the aiea.


The main functions of the neighbouihoou centie will be the following:
1) Infoimation foi homeowneis inteiesteu in applying foi ienovation funuing.
2) Infoimation foi inhabitants of the neighbouihoou to keep them upuateu on the ienewal piocess anu
innovations in the quaitei as well as a platfoim foi paiticipation anu uiscussions on the uiban ienewal.
S) Nulti-puipose venue foi community meetings, festivities, euucational oi language classes, meetings of
inteiest gioups etc..
The neighbouihoou ienewal centie coulu be installeu in the school builuing on the cential squaie. This is
both an economical solution as the school is not useu uuiing evenings anu the weekenu anu also cieates a
common space with a neutial anu fiienuly connotation. Thus, the location in the school will also pioviue an
oppoitunity foi women to be pait of the paiticipation thiough theii chiluien's schooling activities.


4. Conclusion
0n the pievious pages we uiaw a moie oi less static view of Buchesse: we piesenteu its uemogiaphic
composition emphasising the amount of young people anu uissecting its multi-ethnic composition. We talkeu
about its spatial configuiation, paiticulaily ieflecting upon the iole of the cential Place ue la Buchesse ue
Biabant, the impoitance of Chauss ue Ninove as a tiansit noue, anu the lack of public anu gieen spaces insiue
anu aiounu the neighbouihoou. We also uesciibeu the mateiial conuitions of Buchesse, showing that its
cuiient state iepiesents a souice of pioblems uue to its uilapiuateu conuition. Aftei this initial piesentation,
we intiouuceu the iesults of oui fielu-woik anu the inteiviews to auu a uimension of social uynamics: we
uesciibeu the use of space by the inhabitants of Buchesse to show its heavy genueieu natuie, the vaiiation of
uses uuiing uiffeient uays anu times, anu the way uiffeient age-gioups appiopiiate the (almost non-existent)
public space. 0n the othei hanu, we piesenteu an outsiue view of the neighbouihoou by people who aie
neveitheless well connecteu to it because of theii peisonal expeiiences anu uiscoveieu the impoitance of its
past: the histoiical ineitia of Chausse ue Ninove as a passageway fiom Biussels' city centie to the subuibs,
its iole as an aiiival neighbouihoou foi immigiants fiom Flanueis, Italy, Poitugal, Noiocco anu Algeiia (in

chionological oiuei). Fuitheimoie, the inteiviews helpeu us to iuentify contempoiaiy pioblems, such as the
high unemployment affecting a young population, the high uensity of the uwellings which iemaineu hiuuen
uuiing oui initial statistical glimpse, the seeus of gentiification anu the uiffeient benefits anu uisauvantages
of Buchesse's pioximity to Nolenbeek Bistoiique. Thanks to the infoimation we gatheieu uuiing the
inteiviews, we weie able to iuentify that theie was alieauy a plan of uiban ienewal that, not suipiisingly, was
elaboiateu on the basis of a similai uiagnosis than ouis, that Buchesse houses a vulneiable population
composeu of young, unemployeu population which is also ielatively excluueu fiom the Belgian society uue to
its ethnic backgiounu. We analyseu the ienovation pioject anu uetecteu that even if it coinciues with oui
finuings, its coie components aie not entiiely auuiessing the main social pioblems of Buchesse's population,
but aie focuseu on the beautification of the neighbouihoou anu the pieseivation of the histoiic value of the
built enviionment, a piocess that in the view of oui inteiviewees anu oui own, will most likely leau to a
piocess of gentiification that will involve the expulsion of the cuiient population.
All this elements cieate a scenaiio which might be a goou example of the uifficult inteiaction between global
anu local piocesses in mouein cities. Within the limits of Buchesse, as in moie oi less all the Canal Zone of
Biussels anu many of the cential aieas aiounu the woilu, the ieneweu inteiest in the lifestyle of the compact
city that is gaining populaiity within the young miuule class population, clashes with othei pievious effects of
globalisation: the piesence of consiueiable amounts of foieigneis which hau no option but to locate in the
pieviously neglecteu cential aieas uuiing the 7u's anu the 8u's. At the same time, the iole of Biussels both as
a ue facto capital of Euiope anu a global city, puts a lot of piessuie on its housing maiket in, at least in two
uiffeient ways: on the one hanu that the city will have to finu a place to house aiounu 2uu,uuu new
inhabitants in the next twenty yeais, but on the othei hanu the value of the cential aieas which aie extiemely
well connecteu anu enjoy a sufficient amount of seivices will iise. This global piocesses aie felt with
paiticulai stiength in places like Buchesse, anu the complicateu legal fiamewoik of the Belgian state seems to
be insufficient to soften them.
The face this complex scenaiio, we pioposeu the implementation of a paiticipatoiy ienewal plan that
incluues the cieation of a Neighbouihoou Centie that shoulu woik as an inteimeuiaiy between the uiffeient
actois of the ienovation piocess, but possibly also as an inteimeuiaiy between the population of Buchesse
anu the influence of the global tienus pieviously uesciibeu. The main objective of this alteinative
paiticipatoiy ienewal coulu then be unueistoou as a ie-allocation of the agency that city-uwelleis have
pieviously lost to the powei of the fiee maiket, but aie stiuggling to iegain as societies move towaius
alteinative schemes of local goveinance.
This solution is, howevei, the consequence of oui fiist appioach to a veiy complex issue, anu coulu be
consiueiably impioveu by fuithei ieseaich, paiticulaily by getting to know moie of the population that we
aie tiying to mobilize anu that has been hitheito uesciibeu only thiough thiiu paities.

S. List of iefeiences

http:www.acauemia.euu1897820iban_Renewal_in_vienna accesseu Sat, Nov 2 2u1S, 19.u1 accesseu
Sat, Nov 2 2u1S, 18.16, accesseu Sat, Nov 2 2u1S, 18.16

Knox, P., Pinch, S. (2u1u). 0iban Social ueogiaphy: An Intiouuction (6th euition). Pientice Ball, Bailow, 0K.

Lynch, Kevin, The Image of the City, NIT Piess, Cambiiuge NA 196u, accesseu Sat, Nov 2 2u1S, 18.16

Smith, N. (1987).uentiification anu the ient-gap. In: Annals of the association of Ameiican geogiapheis, vol.
77, no. S, PP. 462-46S.

http:www.unhabitat.oiguownloausuocs9114_76212_Sustainable0ibanRenewal_A0STRIA.puf, accesseu
Sat, Nov 2 2u1S, 1S.16

6. Annexes

I,0$+ PQ @&7<+##+ .+ ()050"$ R+)$-9%" S+%9<5-&)<--.

/-&)7+Q E--9,+ +0)$<HATPU

Plate 1 above (with the names of its ioaus) helps to cleaily unueistanu the natuie of mobility in the
neighbouihoou of Buchesse ue Biabant Beitogin as well as the uynamics of it. Below is chaits 1 to 4 which
analyses access to vaiious foims of tianspoitation in the neighbouihoou foi the people.



As uepicteu by chait 1 above, 1uu peicent of the population of Buchesse aie within eithei a bus, metio oi
tiam stop; this 'neainess' uepenus on the location of the people as well as the tiansit stops (geogiaphical
accessibility). This thus enables accessibility, if foi instance it is compaieu to aieas such as J&)+9<+=
@&7<+##+, E0)+ .+ FG-&+#$, V-,+"5++C R%#$-)%1&+ anu W&0)$%+) K&)-8++". 0veiall theie aie about 11 tiansit
stops in uuchesse which tianspoits people to places such as (+)7<+= #$0$%-", (-7C#$0+,, V07<$+"# anu othei
places. It also helps to enhance commuting especially among the emeiging miuule class neighbouihoous
along ioutes such X&+ .+ FG%".+8+".0"7+ anu X&+ .+ (-""+L

-\\ 1uu 1uu 99.71



As shown in chait 2, the inhabitants of Buchesse have moie accessibility in compaiison with the othei
neighbouihoous being compaieu with it except the K&)-8+0" W&0)$+) (which is moie oi less consiueieu a
vital auministiative uistiict foi the Euiopean 0nion in Biussels). The ielatively highei accessibility of the
inhabitants of Buchesse in ielation to othei iesiuential uistiicts such as J&)+9<+= .&7<+##+, E0)+ .+ FG-&+#$
anu V-,+"5++C R%#$-)%1&+ can be atiiibuteu to the piesence of the E0)+ .+ FG-&+#$ #$0$%-" which is locateu
about 6uu meties to the noith of the @&7<+##+ ()050"$ (squaie), thus seiving as a noue foi tiavelleis anu
touiists who visit the canal as well as othei people who live in the neighbouihoou. This explains the existence
of a clustei of shops anu commeicial activities along the X&+ F+-" @+,07)-%* which is close to the bus
waiehouse as well as the tiam waiehouse on (on K.%"9+"#$)00$) .




0ne inteiesting obseivation of chait S is the peicentage of the inhabitants of Buchesse who aie not within a
Suumetie uistance of a metio (48. u1%). This is explaineu by the fact that aieas along Stieets such as X&+
@+,0&"-4, X&+ .+ FG%".+8+".0"7+ anu X&+ !#%.--) Y+),%"7C aie about 8uu to 1km away fiom E0)+ .+ FZ&+#$,
@+,07)-%* /$0$%-" anu J-=8$+ .+ [,0".)+. 0n the othei hanu this situation is mitigateu by the piesence of tiam
anu bus stops in the J<0&##++ .+S%"-;+ as well as \0".+)#$)0+$"#$)00$ anu X&+ @+,0&"-4. So even though the
issue of geopiaphical accessibility to the metio stop is an auvantage to about S2 peicent anu a uisauvantage
to 48 % in teims of pioximity, the piesence of bus anu tiam stops mitigates the situation. In compaiison to a
neighouihoou such as E0)+ .+ FG-&+#$, less than one peicent of its inhabitants aie not within a Suu metie
uistance to a metio (uaie ue L'0uest).

47.88 <-.]]
S2.12 :C.\-


The piesence of tiam stops in aieas of Buchesse such as @&7<+##+ ()050"$ anu X&+ @+,0&"-4 as well as the
piesence of a tiam waiehouse on K.%"9+"#$)00$ makes accessibility to tiams veiy easy foi inhabitants of
uuchesse. The Stieet of J<0&##++ .+ S%"-;+ houses about S oi 4 tiam stops theieby seiving as a goou tiansit
stop foi people who conveige at the @&7<+##+ ()050"$ to get access to tianspoitation. In staik constiast, the
W&0)$%+) K&)-8++" (which is seiveu by the Netio at E0)+ .+ V+)-.+) as well as othei bus stops is highly
ueficient in teims of accessibility of its inhabitants to tiams.



1991 1994 2uu1 2u11
M$4V5+(0$% $U SV,)"99"
;(3V,(V3" $U *$3"06% M$4V5+(0$% 1\\-
E.0 (1S)
Shaie of new E0 membeis
0CBE Countiies (without E.0
anu Tuikey)
Noith Afiica
Subsahaian Afiica
0thei Nationalities


;(3V,(V3" $U *$3"06% M$4V5+(0$% 1\--
E.0 (1S)
New E0 membeis
0CBE Countiies (without E.0 anu
Noith Afiica
Subsahaian Afiica
0thei Nationalities



u-19 2u-29 Su-S9 4u-49 Su-S9 6u-69 7u
K6" ;(3V,(V3" $U M$4V5+(0$% 1\--
1991 1996 2uu1 2uu6 2u11
@%&"Y $U 2+9,V50%0(# 1\--


8 6 4 2 u 2 4 6 8
K6" ;(3V,(V3" 1\-- P4"3,"%(+6"Q
0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00
Comparison of Share of Selected Household Types in 2006
Single households of 30 and
older (%) -2006-
Couples with children (%)
Couples without children (%)


Share of Household Types in Duchesse and BCR 2006
Single households under 30 (%)
Single households of 30 and
older (%) -2006-
Single households of 65 and
older (%) -2006-
Couples with children (%) -2006-
Couples without children (%)
Single-parent households (%)


u.uu 2u.uu 4u.uu 6u.uu 8u.uu 1uu.uu 12u.uu 14u.uu 16u.uu
vAL B'0R
D"+5() 0%&"Y P1\\]Q

MVW50, @%U3+9(3V,(V3" 0% SV,)"99" !3+W+%( PMVW50,_ T$=="3,0+5_ TV5(V3+5 "(,.Q
"#$%&' ()* +&#,-,)./ 012*%1&' $.3 4)'52&'
Theie aie cuiiently thiee chuiches in Buchesse ue Biabant (which aie the K9,%#+ ])$<-.-*+ 3""-"7%0$%-"^
(%#+)%70 ])$-.-*0 (&"0 \+#$%)+ anu K9,%#+ #0%"$+ 50)5+) all locateu at the noithwestein siue of the @&7<+##+ @+
()050"$ #1&0)+.

Founueu in 1978, The K9,%#+ ])$<-.-*+ 3""-"7%0$%-", chaiacteiizeu by its meuieval aichitectuie, measuies
about S8Sm
anu is one of the two chuiches in the neighbouihoou.
The K9,%#+ #0%"$+ 50)5+ on the othei hanu is also locateu to the noithwestein siue of the @&7<+##+ @+ ()050"$
#1&0)+ but is less gianuiose (in teims of its exteinal aichitectuie) in compaiison to the K9,%#+ ])$<-.-*+
3""-"7%0$%-"; albeit with a 49Sm
Theie also exists a 'chaiismatic' chuich (Y)&+ \%"+ V%"%#$)%+# !"$+)"0$%-"0,_ on the Rue ue Biimingham which
is locateu in an abanuoneu waiehouse.
These two chuiches usually iecoiu a low attenuance (about Su peicent of capacity) uuiing chuich seivices
even though the shaie of 'peiceiveu' Nuslim population is just about 14.u1 peicent in the neighbouihoou.
('peiception' heie assumeu as the Numbei of Noith Afiicans anu Tuiks, who aie piesumeu to be Nuslims).
This low attenuance can be attiibuteu to the many 'chaiismatic' chuiches in the suiiounuing molenbeek aiea.
With iespect to mosques, theie is the 3, C0,%, =-#1&+ locateu on the X&+ @+,0&"-4 which also seives as a vital
ieligious anu social meeting point foi the Nuslim population in @&7<+##+ @+ ()050"$ (especially foi women
who mostly live inuoois)

"#$%&' ()* 632%$7,)./ 8%1))#'
Theie aie cuiiently five schools in @&7<+##+ @+ ()050"$ (all locateu on the chaussee uu Ninove) offeiing a
wiue iange of specific anu geneial euucation couises. They aie:
The Campus Saint-}ean (Bigh school); which is about 7um
Ecole Fonuamentale libie Institut Imeluamoie (kinueigaiten anu Piimaiy School); 82Sm

viije Basisschool Imelua (Elementaiy School); 2uum

Nolenbeek-Saint-}ean (Piimaiy School); 2Sum

Ecole Funuamentale Communale N S - Ecole Chouette (piimaiy school);Suum

It is inteiesting to note the clusteiing of these schools aiounu the Chausse ue Ninove with the @&7<+##+ @+
()050"$ /1&0)+ which is a high tiaffic zone in the neighbouihoou. This will potentially pose pioblems foi the
school chiluien in teims of safety fiom noise anu aii pollution.
4 out of these S schools aie basicelementaiykinueigaitenpiimaiy schools with an aveiage school size of
. Fiom the statistics of the neighbouihoou, in 2u11 the total numbei of seats in fostei caie pei chilu
was less than 1 (u.u8). This huge inauequacy can have auveise effects on the kius in this 'leaining

These schools especially the basicelementaiykinueigaitenpiimaiy schools apait fiom its euucational anu
socialising puipose foi the chiluien also seive as a point of inteiaction foi the motheis who biing theii
chiluien to school anu pick them up. This is paiticulaily inteiesting foi families of Naghieb anu Tuikish


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