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SDSOFT Solutions (India) Pvt. Ltd. is a leading edge technology and IT

consulting firm focused on delivering the best quality and most cost-effective
solutions to our clients. SDSOFT consider IT as the backbone of a business efficiency
eco-system and we rovide comlete solutions to address all asects of your business!
and across the entire chain - from concetuali"ation to imlementation and actually
running the rocess for you. Office in #angalore! India.
SDSOFT is one of the few comanies in the world to integrate technology and
oerations with a global services model. $e rovide highly customi"ed alication
develoment! integration! internet services and maintenance for a wide range of
SDSOFT want our clients to focus on what they do best while we took care of
the rest! by innovating and adding value. Outsourcing to SDSOFT gives you more
time and resources to concentrate on your core cometencies. Our range includes out-
of-the-bo% solutions! technology consulting! customi"ation and maintenance of
alications! enterrise alication integration! rototying and architecture frame
working. SDSOFT &omany offers a comlete range of the consulting! technology!
oerations and rocess outsourcing value chain. $e develo cometent solutions in
the fields of website and alication design and develoment! sanning a range of
industries including but not limited to
' (-learning
) Financial Services
* (-business
+ ,lication (ngineering
- .ublishing! /edia and Technology
0 1ealthcare
,t SDSOFT we are committed to deliver our clients Total 2uality on budget! on time
every time.
Total Quality
$e make sure that all roducts and services we deliver ass through the most
stringent testing and review rocess and that they are '334 defect free. $e won5t sto
at 6good enough7 because 8OOD is not enough for our customers! and we won5t sto
at anything less than #(ST for our customers. ,t SDSOFT! 2uality is not 9ust about
imlementing a system or working towards a set of standards. It is an attitude! a way
of working! which not only imroves businesses but the way eole work and live.
$e strive to facilitate and romote the use of quality to add value to our customers
and enhance the standing of quality rofessionals. It shows our clients that quality
forms an integral art of everything we do. This makes sure those high quality
standards that not only meet! but consistently e%ceed our client:s e%ectations.
$e believe that the success of any solution deends heavily on ;quick wins5
for the business. SDSOFT delivers on our romise through a mature global delivery
service aroach! which enables reduced time to market! rovides access to world
class technology talent! and delivers a quality roduct at a very cometitive rice
$e believe that the success of any solution deends heavily on ;quick wins5
for the business. SDSOFT delivers on our romise through a mature global delivery
service aroach! which enables reduced time to market! rovides access to world
class technology talent! and delivers a quality roduct at a very cometitive rice
Po!"#t P$as"s
SDSOFT seciali"es in innovative and comle% software solutions and
roduct develoment ro9ects. SDSOFT combines fundamental research activity with
ractical alications in rogramming! custom IT systems design and software
roduct develoment. Through this tight integration of basic and alied activities and
architectures! we have managed to be at the forefront of the Software develoment
outsourcing rocess.
T"a% Stu#tu"
For smooth running of every ro9ect the rocess is divided into various hases.
This ensures a timely delivery and the e%ecution of the best alication in tune with
our client:s needs and e%ectations! all within their budgeting arameters
SDSOFT Mana&"d
SDSOFT manages the resources! infrastructure! ro9ects and deliverables for
the client. SDSOFT is resonsible for tasks allocation and manages communication
reviews with the &lient.,ll rocesses! including the develoment rocess! quality
management systems and standards are rovided by SDSOFT. $e also incororate
client:s requirement for convenient and seedier develoment. ,n ,ccount manager
<coordinator is deloyed for eriodic co-ordination activities with the client.
Co%'l"t"ly Mana&"d T"a%s
The ro9ect teams for the customer are deloyed with a single dedicated oint
of contact for the customer - the .ro9ect /anager. , tyical SDSOFT ro9ect team
would consist of a .ro9ect /anager! #usiness ,nalyst =s>! Information ,rchitects!
.ro9ect ?eaders! and several software develoers and 2, engineers. The si"e and
structure of the team may deend on client requirements and hase of the ro9ect
being e%ecuted. For all customer and interfacing roles! the ,ccounts /anager is the
rime contact on the ro9ect

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