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Order of Worship (7:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m.)..........................................................2

Unison Scripture (7:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m.) ...........................................................3
Hymn of Praise (7:30 a.m. – “We’ve Come This Far By Faith”).......................................4
Hymn of Praise (11:00 a.m. – “O, How I Love Jesus”)......................................................4
Sermon Notes.......................................................................................................................5
Pastor’s Page ........................................................................................................................6
To Do Justice .....................................................................................................................11
Calendar .............................................................................................................................12
Stewardship ........................................................................................................................14
Vacation Bible School/Youth Concert ..............................................................................15
The Akiba...........................................................................................................................16
Trumpet Subscription.........................................................................................................17
Prayer Vigil/Singles Conference........................................................................................18
Heart of the Community ....................................................................................................19
Information & Announcements .........................................................................................20
Prayers Only.......................................................................................................................22
Hospitalized .......................................................................................................................26
Extended Care ....................................................................................................................27
Members At Home.............................................................................................................29
Prayer Concerns .................................................................................................................32
Service and Support Groups ..............................................................................................33

Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12, 2005 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
Children’s Day • FAMILY MONTH
Choral Introit ............................................................................................................................“Bless The Lord”
Opening Hymn (7:30 a.m.) ............................................................................................“I Will Bless The Lord”
Opening Hymn (11:00 a.m.) ..........................................................“Hallelujah, You’re Worthy To Be Praised”
Opening Hymn (6:00 p.m.) .............................................................................................................“Siyahamba”
Call To Worship
The Lord’s Prayer
Hymn of Praise (7:30 a.m.) ............................................................................“We’ve Come This Far By Faith”
Hymn of Praise (11:00 a.m.) ...........................................................................................“O, How I Love Jesus”
Unison Scripture (7:30 a.m.) ................................................................................................ Job 42:1-10 (NCV)
Unison Scripture (11:00 a.m.) ................................................................................. I Samuel 17:28-33 (NRSV)
Unison Scripture (6:00 p.m.) ......................................................................................... Luke 10:38-42 (NRSV)
Ministry of Music (6:00 p.m.) ...............................................................................“Never Seen The Righteous”
Parish Concerns
Visitor Recognition
Passing of the Peace
The Dance Ministry
The Pastor’s Word
The Service of Giving
Offertory Sentences
Tithes and Offerings
Community Renewal Society Offering
Altar Call (7:30 a.m.) .....................................................................................................“I Can’t Give Up Now”
Altar Call (11:00 a.m.) ............................................................................................................“Come To Christ”
Sermon (7:30 a.m.)...........................................................................................................“Faithful To The End”
Sermon (11:00 a.m.) ........................................................“What Do We Tell Our Children?” (I Samuel 17:33)
Sermon (6:00 p.m.) ........................................................................................“Single and Saved!” (Luke 10:42)
Hymn of Invitation (7:30 a.m.) ...............................................................................................“We Offer Christ”
Hymn of Invitation (11:00 a.m.) ..............................................................................“Spirit Of The Living God”
Hymn of Invitation (6:00 p.m.).............................................................................................“Safe In His Arms”
Benediction ..............................................................................................................................................“Amen”

[Once the Sermon has begun, parishioners may not enter or re-enter the 1st floor Sanctuary]

Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12, 2005 2 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
unison scripture
7:30 a.m. David. He said, "Why have you come down?
JOB 42:1-10 (NCV) With whom have you left those few sheep in
1 Then Job answered the Lord: 2 "I know that the wilderness? I know your presumption and
you can do all things and that no plan of yours the evil of your heart; for you have come down
can be ruined. 3 You asked, 'Who is this that just to see the battle." 29 David said, "What
made my purpose unclear by saying things that have I done now? It was only a question."
are not true?' Surely I spoke of things I did not 30 He turned away from him toward another
understand; I talked of things too wonderful for and spoke in the same way; and the people
me to know. 4 You said, 'Listen now, and I will answered him again as before. 31 When the
speak. I will ask you questions, and you must words that David spoke were heard, they
answer me.' 5 My ears had heard of you before, repeated them before Saul; and he sent for him.
but now my eyes have seen you. 6 So now I 32 David said to Saul, "Let no one's heart fail
hate myself; I will change my heart and life. I because of him; your servant will go and fight
will sit in the dust and ashes." 7 After the Lord with this Philistine." 33 Saul said to David,
had said these things to Job, he said to Eliphaz "You are not able to go against this Philistine
the Temanite, "I am angry with you and your to fight with him; for you are just a boy, and he
two friends, because you have not said what is has been a warrior from his youth."
right about me, as my servant Job did. 8 Now
take seven bulls and seven male sheep, and go --------------------------------------
to my servant Job, and offer a burnt offering for
yourselves. My servant Job will pray for you, 6:00 p.m.
and I will listen to his prayer. Then I will not LUKE 10:38-42 (NRSV)
punish you for being foolish. You have not said 38 Now as they went on their way, he entered
what is right about me, as my servant Job did." a certain village, where a woman named
9 So Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, Martha welcomed him into her home. 39 She
and Zophar the Naamathite did as the Lord had a sister named Mary, who sat at the Lord's
said, and the Lord listened to Job's prayer. feet and listened to what he was saying. 40 But
10 After Job had prayed for his friends, the Martha was distracted by her many tasks; so
Lord gave him success again. The Lord gave she came to him and asked, "Lord, do you not
Job twice as much as he had owned before. care that my sister has left me to do all the
work by myself? Tell her then to help me."
-------------------------------------- 41 But the Lord answered her, "Martha,
Martha, you are worried and distracted by
11:00 a.m. many things; 42 there is need of only one
I SAMUEL 17:28-33 (NRSV) thing. Mary has chosen the better part, which
28 His eldest brother Eliab heard him talking to will not be taken away from her."
the men; and Eliab's anger was kindled against

Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12, 2005 3 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

7:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m.


CHORUS There is a name I love to hear, I love to
We've come this far by faith; sing its worth; It sounds like music in
Leaning on the Lord; mine ear, The sweetest name on earth.
Trusting in His Holy Word,
He's never failed me yet. CHORUS
Oh, Can't turn around, O, how I love Jesus, O, how I love Jesus,
We've come this far by faith. O, how I love Jesus, Because He first
loved me!
Don't be discouraged with VERSE II
trouble in your life It tells me of a Savior’s love, Who died to
He'll bear your burdens set me free; It tells me of His precious
And move all misery and strife, blood, The sinner’s perfect plea.
That's why we've (Repeat Chorus)
(Repeat Chorus)
VERSE II It tells me what my Father hath In store
Just the other day for ev’ry day, And tho’ I tread a darksome
I heard a man say path, Yields sunshine all the way.
he didn't believe in God's Word; (Repeat Chorus)
I can say God has made a way,
He's never failed me yet, VERSE IV
Thank God, We've It tells of One whose loving heart Can feel
(Repeat Chorus) my deepest woe, Who in each sorrow
bears a part, That none can bear below.
(Repeat Chorus)


Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12, 2005 4 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

















Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12, 2005 5 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

Pack The Courthouse! The Day of the African Child

Tomorrow, on June 13, 2005 at 9:00 in the Between this Sunday and next
morning, we are asking as many Trinitarians
Sunday is June 16th. Between this Sunday
as possible to be at Room 203 in the
and next Sunday Africans on the
courthouse at 26th and California to support
Monique Mitchell. Monique is the 20-year- continent, Africans in South Africa
old college student who is pregnant and whom especially and Africans throughout the
Judge Preston Bowie ordered held with no Diaspora will be observing “The Day of
bond! the African Child.” June 16th is “The Day
of the African Child.”
Unfortunately, Judge Bowie is not a judge that The original date (June 16th) marks
we can vote out of office. He is an associate
the day of the Sharpsville Massacre. That
judge. He was assigned and not elected.
is the day where Black children stood up
We can show up at the courthouse, however, and said “No More!” They refused to “go
to show our support for Monique and to show along to get along.” Their refusal and
the judge that “We don’t play that!” their determination caused their parents to
join in the fight to end Apartheid.
I am asking you to be orderly and I am asking Today we celebrate the end of
you to act in a dignified Christian manner. I Apartheid, but even as we celebrate its
am asking most importantly, however, for you
ending, Black children are dying in Darfur.
to be in the courthouse to let Judge Bowie
The war in Darfur (and in all of Sudan)
know that Monique has a church family that
stands behind her 100%.
has left an estimated 180,000 persons
dead, two million persons displaced in
Sincerely and respectfully yours, camps in West, North and South Darfur
provinces and another estimated 200,000
Sudanese refugees in Eastern Chad.
African children are suffering and dying
Pastor Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
as we worship today!

Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12, 2005 6 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

Conditions at the refugee camps are civilians, the raping of women and girls,
overcrowded with more families raiding villages, burning down houses,
continuing to arrive daily in search of looting and damaging crops.
safety and the basic necessities for The United States considers these
survival. The humanitarian agencies’ acts genocide but the United States has not
capacity to address the massive need is done anything about the genocide! The
difficult with some areas in Darfur still situation in Darfur is being called one of
being inaccessible. the worst humanitarian crises in the world
Many Sudanese refugees are but the United States is not doing
traumatized, terrified, and totally anything about it.
demoralized by the war and violence that What is even worse is that the
they have witnessed or been victims of Black churches across this country are
themselves. Over half of the refugees are exhibiting a silence which is deafening!
children! The Black churches, in the eyes of
The Darfur conflict broke out in the media in capturing the heart of
February of 2003 after rebels (who became Americans with their push for “moral
known as the Sudanese Liberation Army values,” are talking about gay marriages
and later, the Justice of Equality and abortion while Black African
Movement) took up arms, complaining of children are dying like flies.
discrimination by Sudan’s Arab-dominated Most Black Christians, who are
government. The government in turn saved, sanctified, filled with the Holy
began supplying weapons to nomadic Ghost, and have the precious gift of
tribes in efforts to counteract the local tongues, are trying to get rich, get bling-
opposition. bling and become “prosperous.” In the
The government-backed militia – meantime they have turned a deaf ear to
called the Janjaweed – are accused of the cries of the African children in Darfur.
committing gross violations of human The average Black Christian can’t even tell
rights among the indigenous population on you where Darfur is!
a large scale, including the execution of A group of Black Pastors here in

Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12, 2005 7 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

Chicago are doing like the children in Congress concerning the TRIO and GEAR
Sharpsville. We are saying, “No more!” UP programs; and you did! The letters
We are holding a protest in front of the were delivered on Monday and Rev.
Dirksen Federal Building on Friday, June Reginald Williams got the following
17, 2005 at noon. response from the Capitol!
Father Mike Pfleger called on the ----------------------------------
Black churches last month to join him in a Hey Rev. Williams,
candlelight vigil on behalf of Darfur and Just wanted to update you. This
Sudan. I was out of the city on the day of morning your letters where organized and
the vigil, but according to the Cliff Kelly hand delivered to the offices of Obama,
Show no other Black Pastor in the whole Jackson Jr., Rush, Davis, Hasert and
city showed up for that prayer vigil! Durbin. Now Brother Reggie, I know I
If you work in the loop or you can don't have to tell you but let me testify for
take your lunch hour from noon until one one minute.
on June 17th, I am asking you to join us in By 3:00 p.m. today a representative
front of the Dirksen Building to call for Durbin called the GEAR UP and TRIO
attention to the inaction of the United national offices in D.C. and requested that
States government to the Blacks who are we send no more letters, petitions, faxes,
dying by the thousands in Sudan. e-mails, or phone calls to their offices.
They said and I quote, "We give up; you've
Prayerfully yours, got our vote."
By 4:00 p.m. a representative for
the Speaker of the House Hastert called
Rev Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. my director and said that our voice had
_________________________ been overwhelming and not only are they
voting down Bush's proposal for a new
Letters To Congress "high school" program to replace GEAR
Congress has heard from us! Last Sunday UP and TRIO, they are now fully behind
we asked you to sign letters to the GEAR UP and TRIO, and they are in the

Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12, 2005 8 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

process of trying to put 300 million more Justice For Junior ... FINALLY
dollars into educational funding. By Bernice Powell Jackson
This is coming from Hasert who is
third in command in D.C. You see what It really just boggles the mind. No one
could have written this in a book or play or
happens when God's people get working!
movie script because it just wouldn't have been
The vote is tomorrow. Don't stop praying
believable. It's like a trip to the Twilight Zone
because we know the devil is busy and we ... except it's true and it's real. Junior Allen, the
can't count on the word of these 65 year old who served 35 years (yes, that's
politicians, but we can definitely sleep a three and a half decades) for stealing a $140
little easier tonight. black and white television set from an
Oh yeah, and if you are wondering, unlocked home in North Carolina in 1970, has
of course, we have NOT stopped sending finally been released. On his 26th visit before
the North Carolina parole board, he was
letters to their offices. Who cares if we are
released to the custody of his relatives in
giving them too much paperwork to deal
Georgia, albeit with the ridiculous provision
with? that this senior citizen, who has been
Thank you from the bottom of my incarcerated almost all his working life, must
heart for your help. My thanks are not for hold down a job for the next five years. But
me because I am so highly favored that I finally, Junior Allen is a free man. In his own
know I can find a job if these programs get words to his supporters who met him outside
cut. My thank you is on behalf of the kids the prison, "I won't be truly happy until I see a
sign that says I'm outside of North Carolina."
that I serve every day.
Junior Allen's release, one can
God bless,
surmise, did not come about because of the
Khadeejah kindness of the North Carolina parole board.
---------------------------------- No, it was the work of supporters like Rich
Rev. Williams and I thank you for your Rosen, a Chapel Hill law professor who took
support and for your prayers. up the Allen case three years ago. It was the
work of many community activists and
religious leaders in North Carolina, who led
Pastor Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. petition and letter drives to the governor and

Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12, 2005 9 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

parole commission on Allen's behalf. It was with them.

because of the persistence of hundreds of We can all celebrate the release of
citizens in North Carolina and across the Junior Allen from North Carolina prisons. But
nation, who continued to confront the governor the question remains, how many other African
and the parole board with the inequities of the American men are unjustly being held in
justice system when it came to Junior Allen. It prisons not only in North Carolina, but across
was because, in the words of Dr. Martin the nation? Oh, and did I mention that the
Luther King, Jr., "The moral arc of the woman who owned the television set was
universe is long, but it bends towards justice." white? How many African American men are
It's just too bad it didn't bend Mr. Allen's way trapped in a system rife with racism, which has
before he spent more than half of his life no fail safe for them? Oh, and did I mention
incarcerated for stealing this one television set, that the chairperson of the Parole Commission
while he watched murderers and rapists come was an African American woman? How many
and go from prison. persons of all races have been co-opted into
As the nation's attention turned to this the prison industrial complex? Oh, and did I
case of judicial blindness, the state of North mention that Junior Allen was a migrant
Carolina judicial system came under well- worker when the burglary occurred? How
earned ridicule. Even now the Parole many poor prisoners, male and female of all
Commission excuses the 35-year punishment races, are trapped in a system where their
by saying that in 1970, 35 years was the going income level determines their justice?
sentence for nighttime burglary of an Junior Allen's is a bittersweet story. In
unoccupied house. If Mr. Allen were convicted the words of the prison program director who
of the same crime today, he would receive a worked with Junior Allen over the past year,
three year sentence. Moreover, the Parole "For a black and white TV, how much do you
Commission insisted that Mr. Allen had to have to pay?" adding, "We've got an in-house
spend a year in a transitional work-release joke here: How much time would he have
program before he would be released from gotten if he had stolen a color TV?" How
custody. This makes absolutely no sense for a much time indeed. The case of Junior Allen
man Mr. Allen's age, who would have been gives new meaning to the phrase "Lock them
eligible to collect his Social Security had he up and throw away the key." We must find
been able to work all those years. And he has those keys and those cases of injustice and
no need to earn income since his relatives in make them right. Thanks to all those who
Georgia had agreed to let him come and live helped to make this one right.

Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12, 2005 10 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
To Do Justice
By Rev. Reginald Williams Micah 6:8

This is the Sunday on which we delivered to Speaker of the House Hastert, he

celebrate the accomplishments of our youth. indicated that the overwhelming support shown
However, we live in a world which disrespects, by the letters helped him to decide not only to
and denigrates our youth, especially youth of vote for the GEAR UP and TRIO programs,
the ebony hue. Consider the following but to also try to expand the educational
examples. Just last week, on a local level, our funding for those programs.
own member, Monique Mitchell, an expectant Both of the examples above detail just
mother, was jailed without bond upon orders how much or little this society thinks of our
from Judge Preston Bowie. Monique, who is a youth. We ought not be guilty of the same
student, was ordered by her doctor not to go to offense. We signed letters last week to affirm
the second day of jury duty, and for that she that we want a better future for our youth.
was subjected to a no-bond warrant and put in Today, lets show our youth how much we
jail. If it had not been for a team of lawyers support them by packing the sanctuary for the
from the Legal Counseling Ministry of Trinity youth concert and scholarship awards.
UCC and Atty. William Hooks, Monique may Tomorrow, let’s show Monique and the world,
still be in jail for obeying her doctor’s orders. how much we support her and our young
Monique will be in court on Monday, June 13, people by packing the courtroom at 26th and
2005 to defend her case. Therefore, I urge you California at 9:00 a.m.
to pack the courtroom on tomorrow, June 13, to
let Monique know that we love and support ACTION ITEMS:
her, and to let the judge know that we will not 1. Attend the Youth Choirs Concert and
stand for the disrespect of our young people at Scholarship Awards ceremony today at 2:30
any time. p.m., in the sanctuary
On the national level, another example 2. Pack the courtroom tomorrow, June 13,
of the disrespect of our youth is the proposed 2005, 9:00 a.m., 26th & California, room 203
budget cuts which would affect those low in support of Monique Mitchell
income and disadvantaged students who desire 3. Pack the Dirksen Plaza on Friday, June 17,
to attain opportunities at higher education. At 2005, 12:00 p.m., demanding that this
the time this article was submitted for print, government and the United Nations act to end
Congress had not yet voted on whether or not the genocide that is killing our brothers and
to support the GEAR UP and TRIO programs sisters in the Sudan.
which afford low income and disadvantaged 4. BOYCOTT WAL-MART & SAM’S CLUB
youth a chance at higher education. That vote 5. Subscribe to the TRUMPET
was to occur Thursday, June 9, 2005 at 9:30
a.m. The fact that this vote even needs to occur Thought for this week:
indicates the lack of love and care of this I believe the children are our future. Teach
society for the future of this society. Letters them well and let them lead the way. Show
which were signed last week by this them all the beauty they possess inside.
congregation, however, show and speak to the ~~George Benson
care and commitment we should have toward
our children. In fact, when the letters were

Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12, 2005 11 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
HIGHLIGHTS 7:00 p.m. 20 S.O.M.E.T.H.I.N.G. - W305
Today, SUN...6/12
Children's Day TUESDAY - 6/14
Scholarship & Graduation 400 W. 95th Street
Recognition Sunday 5:30 a.m. Trinity Television Broadcast
Confirmation Sunday TV One
Little Warriors For Christ & (Check your cable & satellite menu)
Imani Ya Watume Concert 6:00 p.m. Band Rehearsal - SA
SUN...6/19 Father's Day Voice Class - WC
Women’s Drill Team
SUNDAY - 6/12 - Narthex II
6:30 a.m. Trinity Television Broadcast 7:00 p.m. Men’s Chorus - SA
TV One Singles Community-Just A
(Check your cable & satellite menu) Single Moment - A
7:30 a.m. Confirmation Sunday Sanctuary Choir Executive
Worship Service - SA Committee Meeting - BR
9:30 a.m. Brunch - FH Financial Counseling
Bible Study - WC Consortium - 202
Scholarship & Education
Committee - 118 TUCC Village Center
11:00 a.m. Worship Service - SA (1947 W. 95th Street)
1:30 p.m. Dinner - FH 6:00 p.m. Tutoring - E102
Scholarship & Education 7:00 p.m. Career Development - W302
Committee - 118/WC Photography Ministry - W307
2:00 p.m. In-care Committee - 207
3:00 p.m. Children's Day Scholarship & WEDNESDAY - 6/15
Graduation Recognition & 400 W. 95th Street
Little Warriors For Christ & 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Imani Ya Watume Concert Prayer & Fasting
6:00 p.m. Worship Service - SA 11:30 a.m. Prayer Service - WC
5:45 p.m. Praise Team - SA
MONDAY - 6/13 6:00 p.m. DIT 2005 Prayer Service Prep
400 W. 95th Street - 102
11:00 a.m. Active Seniors - FH 7:14 p.m. Prayer Service - SA
12:00 p.m. Active Seniors & Friends - WC
2:00 p.m. Active Seniors - FH/116 THURSDAY - 6/16
6:00 p.m. Voice Class - FH 400 W. 95th Street
7:00 p.m. Women’s Chorus - SA 2:00 p.m. Mwanabaraka - FH
Men’s Chorus Meeting - BR 5:30 p.m. Imani Ya Watume - WC
Men’s Fellowship - FH 6:00 p.m. Band Rehearsal - SA
Voice Class - FH
TUCC Village Center 7:00 p.m. Sanctuary Choir - SA
(1947 W. 95th Street) Trustee Ministry - BR
6:30 p.m. Hurston-Hughes Writers 7:45 p.m. Singles Conference Planning
Ministry - W307 Committee - 203

Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12, 2005 12 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
TUCC Village Center Can-Cer-Vive - 116
(1947 W. 95th Street) 12:30 p.m. Walaika Rehearsal - WC
6:00 p.m. Tutoring - E102 1:00 p.m. Youth Drill Team - Narthex II
6:30 p.m. Prison Ministry Member 1:30 p.m. Christian Education Ministry
Meeting - W302 - BR
2:00 p.m. Mwanabaraka Ice Cream
FRIDAY - 6/17 Social - A
400 W. 95th Street Young Adult Ushers - WC
Drug & Alcohol Recovery
5:30 p.m. Music Theory - 202 Ministry - 207
6:30 p.m. Africa Ministry - 118 Lupus Support Ministry - 116
7:00 p.m. Tough Love - 203 3:30 p.m. Adult Usher Ministry - FH
Free In One - 207 4:00 p.m. Baby Dedication Class - SA
Caribbean Connection - 116 Women’s Drill Team General
Healing Ministry - 202 Meeting - 202
Singles Community-40 Women’s Guild - 118/207
P.L.U.S. - FH 5:30 p.m. Women’s Drill Team
Credit Union - Credit Union - Narthex II
Office Baby Dedication Class
(Non-Members) - SA
(532 W. 95th Street) 6:00 p.m. Church School - 207
5:30 p.m. Social Enterprise Training For Men Only - 118
For Women Only - WC
TUCC Village Center 7:00 p.m. Usher Ministry Training - SA
(1947 W. 95th Street)
10:00 a.m. Tutoring - E102 (532 W. 95th Street)
5:30 p.m. Social Enterprise Training 2:30 p.m. Isuthu
- W301/W302
TUCC Village Center
SATURDAY - 6/18 (1947 W. 95th Street)
400 W. 95th Street 10:00 a.m. Tutoring - E102
7:00 a.m. Ministers-In-Training - FH Usher Ministry Retreat -
7:30 a.m. Yoga Ministry - Narthex II W301/W303/W305/W307
9:30 a.m. Church School (Adults) 12:00 a.m. Singles Community Outreach
- WC/202/118 & Advocacy - W302
Discipleship Class Dress 3:00 p.m. Fine Arts & Literary Guild
Rehearsal - SA -W302
11:00 a.m. Little Warriors For Christ
- WC


(6:30 - 9:30 p.m.) • Tues., June 21st & 28th (2:00 - 3:00 p.m.)
(1:00 - 4:00 p.m.) • Sat., June 25th & July 2nd Sat., June 25th & July 2nd

Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12, 2005 13 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.


Grace is free, but the church needs help. There is a story about a young lad bouncing
through the front door carrying a large candy bar. Quite curious, his mother asked,
“Where did you get that?” “I bought it with the money you gave me,” the boy replied.
“Why didn’t you give it to the church?” she asked. “I was going to but the minister met
me at the door and didn’t ask for money; I got in for free.”

We all like to go places and experience happy times for free. When we go to worship
we never buy a ticket, never bargain to serve in lieu of money and never are compelled
to put money in the offering plate. Basically, we can get in and out of a church without
any cost at all if we wish.

More than that, it is likely that while worshipping we will come to understand that
God’s grace is also free. After all, God is our parent and provides for our needs with
unlimited love and it is freely given. God alone does not need our money, just our
hearts. Still, God’s house and God’s work, which we are to do on earth, do require gifts
and services. A church must have people who volunteer to help pay the bills of the
church. A church always needs more givers than takers.

A church must have workers to serve in countless ways. A church must provide for
missionaries, services to the needy, support for the sick and elderly, a place for children
of whatever age. We must be “workers together with God” or we are not really the

The Stewardship Ministry

Constance A. King, Editor
Stacey Moore, Chairperson

Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12, 2005 14 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
Teachers’ Training

Little Warriors
for Christ
Friday, June 24th
6:30 p.m. • Room 202
Imani Ya Watume
Teachers and Classroom

Support Needed

“We’ve Got A Right

To Praise Him”
Vacation Bible School
July 25th - July 29th
Turner Drew Language
Come and be a blessing to our
youth and spend time with Today,
them at VBS as the youth Sunday, June 12th
3:00 p.m.
“Go Global With Jesus”
TUCC Sanctuary

Mark 16:15 (NIV)

Go into all the world and preach the good news.

Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12, 2005 15 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
Pastor’s Pupils
Acasia Anne Gibson Anthony Morris
Ariella Grace Gibson Imani Amirah Muhammad
Alyson C. Godbolt Michael Odom
Imani Gwendolyn Graham Mikaela Odom
Kennedy Green Emmanuel Owusu
Cynthia Gregory Samuel Owusu
Lindsey Alexander Jazmin Hall Michellai Parks
Doucette M. Alvarez Herbert Harper Ariel Parrott
Brenda Aghahowa Brianna Harris Brandon Parrott
Stephanie Aghahowa Dejona Hawkins Noah Perkins
Stephen Aghahowa Morgan Hawthorne Zelatandria Quinn
Khary Armster Cameron Hill Aaron Reese
Ayinke Arnett Elaine L. Hill Melissa Sanders
Mawusi J. Arnett Tiffany Hill Tiffrany Schofield
Bria Atkins Nia Holmes Nasr Simpkins
Kimaria Baker Brittany J. House Tariq Simpkins
Sydni M. Barclay Halona Esther Jackson Dean Stallworth
Elliot Boston Kendal Jackson Logan Taylor
Markeyta M. Bowen Nabal M. Jefferson Darrell Thomas
Porsche Buckner Jordan Johnson Dominique Thomas
Ahmad Carter Nailah Johnson Kyla Thomas
Christa Aluse Carter Taylor Simone Johnson Vernon Thomas
Roberta Carter Kayla Jones Victoria Thomas
Rachel Cato-Evans Kia Jones Kamaya Thompson
Jasmine Cephas Kamia Jones Imani Timms
Taylore Cephas Barrett Keithley Indigoe Timms
Joshua E. Chapman Rena Keithley Gregory Turk
Violet Clemons Whitley King Lindsey Turner
Brandi A. Coleman Earle Lawrence Jamila Arielle Tyler
Laurel D. Cosby Gene Linton, Jr. Joya Laurelle Tyler
Morgan Ashley Craft Krystal Little Jamaul Wade
Patrick Cobb Robert Little Tosha Wells
Kia Dean Andre Mace Troy White
Courtney M. Denton Anthony Mace Alicia V. Wilson
Crystal Denton Tajean Mathis Johari B. Wilson
Diamond Dixon Herdie Matthews Isaiah Woods
Melissa El Akinlawon Siobhan A. McKissic Joshua Woods
Micah A. Ellis Racquel McNeil Jamila Wright
Malik R. Fowler Ronald McNeil Jeremiah Wright-Haynes
Debra Franklin Rikida Mitchell Tanya R. Wright
Aaron Demarcus Gaines Lindsay Moorer

Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12, 2005 16 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
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Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12, 2005 17 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.


Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

Trinity United Church of Christ


Rev. Dr. Michael L. Pfleger
Faith Community of Saint Sabina

Rev. Marshall Hatch – New Mount Pilgrim Baptist Church

Singles Surviving
In the Wilderness
Rev. James T. Meeks – Salem Baptist Church
Rev. T. L. Barrett – Life Center C.O.G.I.C.
Rev. Tyrone Crider – Mount Calvary Baptist Church
Rev. James Foley – Timothy Lutheran Church
with God
Rev. Jo Ann Long – New Covenant Life Church
Bishop Tavis Grant – Greater First Church International Friday, August 26 -

Rev. Sean McMillan – Shekinah Chapel
Rev. LaDonna Sanders Sunday, August 28th
Illinois Beach Hotel and
invites elected officials, ministers and the Conference Center
general public to join them on
1 Lake Front Drive, Zion, IL
Friday, June 17th REGISTRATION – $130.00

Noon – 1:00 p.m. Following All Three
Dirksen Federal Plaza
Worship Services
(Adams & Dearborn)
To a prayer vigil demanding that the Contact
United States and the United Nations Patricia Boseman, 773-726-4127
end their indifference and stop the Yolanda “Misty” Douglas, 773-592-2442
genocide in Darful now! Philip Johnson, 773-727-0673
For more information, 773-483-4300

Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12, 2005 18 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

AUDITORIUM THEATER hosts “Hands High School, A reunion for all classes with
Together, Heart to Art,” a two-week, non- reflection, dining, dancing and live
residence arts camp specifically designed for entertainment, Saturday, June 18, 3:00-9:00
children ages 7-14 who have lost one or both p.m., 4934 S. Wabash, Call Sylvia J. Walton,
parents to death, Healing process to employ 773-536-0959 or Linda A. Shells, 773-955-
theatre, music, dance and adults who overcame 0224
similar, Call LaShaon Smith, 312-431-2395
“Juneteenth Celebration,” Keynote speaker Foundation “Community Connections,”
Dorothy Spruill Redford, author of Somerset bringing the “system” to the community,
Homecoming, Saturday, June 18, 1:00-5:00 Saturday, June 18, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., 7956
p.m., 9525 S. Halsted, Contact Isdsa, 773-238- S. King Drive, Call 773-723-3232 or 773-723-
2686 or AND…Educational 3737
seminar to help you plan for financial security,
Smart Women Finish Rich, based on the New FREE-N-ONE CHICAGO CHAPTER
York best seller by David Bach, 9525 S. CONFERENCE “Bridging the Gap –
Halsted, RSVP 773-445-8478 by June 20 Strengthening Relationships,” free plenary
session Thursday, July 28, 6:00-9:00 p.m.,
CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY HEALTH Conference Friday and Saturday, Cost $150.00,
CENTER “I Need You to Survive,” “Living Early registration through June 17, $140,
with HIV/AIDS” seminars, Facilitator Zyra church and group rate $125 for two or more,
Gordon Smith, APN, CS-FNP, Thursday, June Hotel accommodations not included, Call 800-
23, Call 773-233-4100 x2061 AND…National 237-4933, Contact Angela Taylor-Tukes, 773-
HIV testing day community fest, Saturday, 802-6337 or
June 25, 12:00-4:00 p.m., 9718 S. Halsted
COALITION FOR IMPROVED African American men, Thapelo Institute, Inc.
EDUCATION South Shore Tenth Annual diabetes, prostate, cancer, kidney disease, high
“Juneteenth” Freedom Parade and Celebration, blood pressure, HIV/AIDS screening, free for
Saturday, June 18, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., Kick first 3,000 attendees, Saturday, June 18,
off 79th and Stony Island, ends Rainbow 8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m., Kennedy King College,
Beach Park, 3111 E. 77th Street, Battle of the 6800 S. Wentworth AND…Step’n 2 Fitness
bands to follow at the park, Call 773-684-6070 Walk, Sunday, June 19, 8:30, 63rd Street
Jackson Park Beach House, Contact MeBain
COVENANT UCC YOUTH REVIVAL Media Group, 708-333-6558 or
Featuring youth ministers: Today, Sunday,
June 12, 7:30 a.m., Rachel Thomas, Memphis,
TN; 11:00 a.m., Jeremiah Wright-Haynes; INTERDEPENDENT LIVING SOLUTIONS
Monday, June 13, 7:00 p.m., Julian DeShazier; CENTER Six-week class for persons interested
Tuesday, June 14, 7:00 p.m., Rachael Thomas; in becoming a certified nursing assistant,
Wednesday, June 15, 7:00 p.m., Jeremiah Tuition grants available, day and evening
Wright-Haynes, 11300 E. 154th Street, South classes, 193 W. Joe Orr Road, Chicago
Holland, 708-333-5955 Heights, Call 708-754-4900
COALITION FOR ACTION 70th Anniversary old-time gospel jubilee, seniors’ tent
Celebration of Jean Baptiste Pointe DuSable w/refreshments, games, prizes, entertainment,

Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12, 2005 19 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

family picnics and African marketplace VIVIAN G. HARSH SOCIETY, INC. hosts
Saturday, July 2, Abbott Park, 95th and State, eighth Annual Fundraising Breakfast,
10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m., Call the Soweto Center, supporting the Vivian G. Harsh research
773-264-1298 collection of Afro-American history and
literature housed at the Woodson Library,
MONARCH AWARDS FOUNDATION of Xi Keynote speaker, Rev. Dr. Ozzie Smith, and
Nu Omega Chapter, Alpha Kappa Alpha M.C. Cliff Kelly, 9525 S. Halsted, Saturday,
Sorority, Inc., “Old School…School’s Out June 18, Harambee House, 11910 S. Loomis,
Skate Jam,” June 25, 3:30-6:30 p.m., The Rink, Call 773-233-9355 or William Bertha, 773-
1122 E. 87th Street, Children 11 years and 988-8872
under must be accompanied by an adult,
Contact Danette, 773-315-7995 or WYATT COMMUNITY AND FAMILY LIFE CENTER After-school program, Monday-
Friday, 2:30-6:30 p.m., Action for Children
NU HARVEST ENSEMBLE will hold open vouchers accepted, 8950 S. Stony Island, Call
auditions for all voices interested in joining the Ms. Stokes, 773-721-6919 AND…Summer
community gospel ensemble, Call 773-381- Enrichment Academy Ages 5-14, June 27-
5779 August 26, Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-6:30
p.m., Enroll today, Call 773-721-6919
REAL MEN COOK Mental Health Focus -
Beyond May presented by Real Men Charities
recruiting cooks for June 19, Father’s Day event,
Stop by the health and wellness pavilion hosted by
Dr. Carl Bell of Community Mental Health and INFORMATION &
Dr. Eric Whitaker, Director of the Illinois ANNOUNCEMENTS
Department of Public Health, Call South Side
YMCA, 773-947-0700 or Community Mental
Health Council, 773-734-4033 APARTMENT RENTALS Do you have
affordable apartments or homes to rent that do
THIRTEENTH ANNUAL not exceed $800/month? Contact Leeta
FESTIVAL OF LIFE Featuring Ashford and 1151, Listings on Habari Gani rack, Atrium
Simpson, Darius Brooks, Third World
Mutabaruka, Malik Yusef, Maurice Mahon and CAN-CER-VIVE MINISTRY Mother and
Calypso Rose, July 1-4, 10:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m., daughter luncheon “Not Without My
Washington Park, 55th Street and Cottage Daughter,” a special breast and cervical cancer
Grove, Call 312-559-1212 or Martin’s Inter- event sponsored by the Illinois Department of
Culture, 312-427-0266 Public Health Center for Minority Health
Services, Daughters ages 14 and over,
TITLE X FAMILY PLANNING PROGRAM Saturday, June 25, 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.,
Need free birth control? Uninsured? We can Trinity Village Center, Call 773-962-5650
mailbox 830 to register AND…monthly
help! Program provides confidential women’s meeting, Saturday, June 18, 11:00 a.m., room
health services including pelvic exams, pap 207
smears, HIV testing, family planning,
reproductive health education and counseling, CAREER DEVELOPMENT MINISTRY
Michael Reese Hospital, 2929 S. Ellis, 6 Small Business Home-Based Business Fair for
Kaplan, Call 312-791-2850 companies that grow by adding new
distributors/franchises of your products and
Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12, 2005 20 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

services, Thursday, July 28, 6:00-8:30 p.m., Mead, 773-547-6007

Call ministry hotline, 773-963-0139 or pick up
registration forms after 7:30 and 11:00 a.m. JUSTICE MINISTRIES present “Fresh Start,”
services in the Atrium a program of healing, support and
empowerment for ex-offenders, Introductory
CHURCH SCHOOL invites everyone to the program June 25, workshops, June 26 and July
celebration of JUNETEENTH, Saturday, June 2, Registration forms available on Habari Gani
18, Sanctuary, 9:30-11:00 a.m., Celebration rack in the Atrium, Leave completed forms in
includes stories and music Prison Ministry mailbox, Seating is limited,
Call the Prison Ministry hotline, 773-962-5650
COMMUNITY FESTIVAL 2005 Save the x886
date! Saturday, August 6, 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.,
Robicheaux Park, 9247 S. Eggleston, Contact SINGLES COMMUNITY Divorced/Widowed
Gisele Marcus, 312-415-4444 or Family, If you are divorced, widowed or in the process, know there is healing for the soul and
mind, Isaiah 53:5 With His stripes we are
EMMAUS ROAD Grief Work Support Group healed, You are not alone! Join us every 2nd
“Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda,” Thursday, June Friday, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Trinity Village Center,
23, 7:00-8:00 p.m., Wright Chapel Contact Denise Turner, 773-742-8289, or James Turner,
Subcommittee of Long Range Planning is
available to come to ministry meetings and TRINITY ACRES AND TRINITY OAKS
retreats upon request to address tithing, debt Senior Housing has immediate openings for
management, managing risk, savings and studio apartments, Applicant must be 62 years
investments, college planning, retirement life or older and able to live independently, Income
planning, charitable giving and estate planning, guidelines apply, Call Denis Conway, 773-373-
To request a speaker call 773-962-5650 x 819 8480 or Iva Robinson, 773-955-6603
June 18, 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., Focolare House, Sponsoring Ready 4 Work, aftercare program
5001 S. Greenwood, $25.00 per person for ex-offenders 18-34 years old, not out of
includes materials, continental breakfast and prison more than 85 days, no sex crimes or
lunch, Payment deadline, today, June 12, Call crimes against women or children
Patricia Graham, 773-476-3385 AND…Food AND…Ready 4 Work mentors needed,
Share distribution: Saturday, June 25, Adopt- must be available to meet with mentees 2-6
A-Family baskets only $18.00, Donation may hours per month, if ex-offender, must not have
be noted on the Giving envelope been convicted of sex crimes or crimes against
women, children, out of prison for at least 2
ISUTHU Parents dues and camp fees are due years, Call Vanessa Cosby-Shannon, 773-233-
before June 18, Mandatory meeting for 1492
Summer Camp will be Saturday, June 18, 2:00
p.m. during general meeting, AND…Brothers,
don’t miss the opportunity to bond with the
young men that are important in your lives,
The annual Trinity Fishing Trip is June 24-26,
Cost $30 includes t-shirt, meals, activities for
the boys and relaxation for you, Call Fred

Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12, 2005 21 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
Allen, William Boyd, Darlene Clark, Craig Dennis, Coreen
Amerson, Lelvin G. Boynton, Kay Clark, Esther Dennis, Thelma
Anderson, Patricia Breaux, Coleman Clark, Patricia Denson, Deacon
Andrews, Jovan Bridges, Pourtrice Clay, Izetta Patryce & Family
Arnold, Brandon & Family Cochran, Rev. Leona Donaldson, Anthony
Atkins, Anthony Bridges, Jr., Matthew Colbert, Reggie Dorsey, Finis
Austin, Sean Briggs, Donta Coleman, Stephanie Doty-Thornton,
Avery, Dorothy Briley, Mrs. Louis Coles, Janet Barbara Jean
Bailey, Mary Broome, James Collier, Tabria Driver, Joyce
Baker, Edna Brown, Barbara Collins, Karl Duke, Annette
Ballenger, Sedrick Brown, Jermain L. Collins, Laverne Dumas Family
Banks, Marnie Brown, Linda Cooper, Mary Ellison, Gregory
Barrett, Wayne Brown, Michael A. Cosby, Roger Eubanks, Roy
Barrett-Gorden, Browner, Ariel Cotton, Gail Eubanks, Twyla
Mamie Brydie, Rochelle Cox Family Evans, Mother A.
Barrigher, Jeffrey Burnett, Earnest Crayton, John Mildred
Barrigher & Fletcher Butler, Juanita Crenshaw Family Everett, Antoine
Families Caldwell, William Crosby, Cynthia Everett, Barbara
Baynes, Ruthie Campbell, Chris Dabney, Baby LaVell Fisher, Karen
Beacoat, Frieda Campbell, Courtney Dabney, Cher Fontenot, Melanie
Bell, Allen Campbell, Deborah & Family Franklin, Linda
Bell, Pamela Campbell, Joyce Dale, Charletta Galloway, Norman H.
& Family Campbell, Theresa Daniels, Cynthia Gillie-Timms,
Bennett, Janvier Cannon, Alvin Daniels, Emmonie Louvenia
Bevill, Ruby Mae Carmichael, Jerry Dark, Paul Glover, William
Bevill, Sr., Joseph Carter, Dea. Carole Darling, Rosia Gonder, Joann
& Family Carter, Donald Davis, Armani Goodrich, Zabrian
Billups, Latimore Carter, Eula Davis, Baby Jacob Gordon, Mary
Black, Oliver Cephas, Kaaron “Ray Ray” Graham, Elder
Blackman, Darryl Chaney Family Davis, Brijaie Lucille
Blair, Baby India Chapman, Bertha Davis, Jeanine Gray, Deloris
Blizzard Family Chapman, Walter Davis, Louise Gray, Viola
Boose, Christopher Charles, Tyrik Davis, Marsha Greed, Deon
Bowen, Ethel & Pamela Davis, Winona Green, Lincoln
Bowers, Jeffrey Charleston, Arthur & Byron

Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12, 2005 22 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
Griffin, Rev. Darrell Isaac, Manuel Land, Rev. William McMillan, Howard
& Family Jackson, Debra & Family McMillan, Leon
Gutney, Jesse Jackson, Queen Lashea Family McNeil, Stephen
Guyse, Elois Jackson, Stephanie Lewis, Anita McQueen, Dorothy E.
Gwynn, Mother Irma Jackson IV, Stf. Sgt. Lewis, Patrice Kim Melton, Baby
& Arthur Prince Little, Julius Dawshierra
Hale, Marjorie James, Bobbie Lloyd, Alexander Metlock, Don Diego
Haley, Adonnis James, Safya Lloyd, Cora Michelson, June
Hamilton, Danielle Jamison, Curtis Ocie Lofton, Madardus Miller, Freddie
Hamilton, Deacon Johnson, Dr. Fran Love, Ernestine Miller, Ms. Sidney
Edwina Johnson, Hattie Mae & Family Milliner, Carrie
Hamilton, Nijell Johnson, Lois Lusk, Janice & Tommie
Hammond, Sr., Johnson, Olester Lyles, Johnise Mitchell, Leona
Donald Johnson, Percy Mack, Devon Mitchell, Monique
Hardaway-Wheeler, Johnson, William Mack, Ruben Mitchell, Shirley
Pamela “Skip” Maeins, Camise Moran, Ollie
Harris, Roger Jones, Carol Magett, Valerie Morett, Juanita
Harris, Vandy Jones, Cecile Major, Sr., James Moten, Marguerite
Hatchett, Jessie Jones, James Malone, Alvin Muse, Virginia
Hill, Aieko Jones, Rameese Mannie, Andre Ncgobo, Rev. Thanda
Hill, Chase Jones, Raymond Marsh, LaShawn Nickerson Family
Hill, Gladys M. Jones, Tamika Marsh, Vickie Norris, Deacon
Holloway, Alfretta Jones-Cornes, & Family Wanda
Honesty, Laura Tawana Martin, Carol Oakley, Robbie C.
Hooker, Timothy Jordon, Diane Martin, Evan Owens, Barbara
Hoskins, Bertha Keesey, Warren Martin, Janet Owens, Latrese
Howell, Alexis & Betty Mason, Claristine Palmer, George U.
Hudson, Irean Kimball, Deacon Matthews, Vivian Parker, Sarah
Humphrey, Babette Elizabeth Mayo, Lois Patterson, Inez
& William Kimble, Rosa McClay, Alexis Pecina, Ashley
Hunter, Cherie King, Abdul McCoy Family Perry, Deacon Dr.
Hunter, Darryl King, Nicholas McFadden, Deborah Lamorris
Hunter, Deborah Kirkpatrick, Edith & Family Phillips, Dorothy
Hunter, Kenzie Kitching, Cynthia McKinney, Dorothy Pickens, Charles
Hunter, Tracey Kizer, Armani McKinnon, Pat Platt, Fairee

Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12, 2005 23 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
Pope, Deympert Samuels, Wiley Stevenson, Shirley White-Merritt,
Pork, Minister Sanders, Norma Jean Stewart, Marvin Rev. Dora
Malachi Sanders, Robert & Family Wilks, Elizabeth
Poston, William Sanders, Sr., Joseph Swann, Vincent Williams, Christopher
Presley, Willie Scates, Hermine Swindell, Warna Williams, Deacon
Price, Buren Scott, Anthony Sykes, Baby Keona Jackie
Priester, Deacon Scott, Mildoree Sykes-Ellis, Barbara Williams, James
Rosalyn Scott, Sheila Taylor, Debra Williams, Janna
Pugh-Lightfoot, Eric Sewell, Candice Taylor, Jade Williamson, Donna
Quinn, Sabrina Shadie, Louise Taylor, Raven Wilson, Dardina
Ramsey, Baby Arion Shannon, Vanessa Thomas, Dr. Charles Wines, Kina
Reed, Alvin Cosby Thomas, Kristin Withers, Mother
Richmond, Patricia Shavers, London Thomas, Mary L. Ernestine
& Family Shavers, Reba Thomas, Vernice Wright, Dr. Mary H.
Riley, Beverly & Family Thomas-Reed, Willa Wright-Miller,
Roberts, Rev. Shavers III, Willie H. Thornton, Barbara Mildred
Howard Shavers, Sr., Tibbs, Delran Young, Barbara
Robertson, Patricia Willie H. Tollizer, Louis Young, Samella
Robinson, Candie Shavers-Adams, Towner, Marleta
Robinson, Eartha Elizabeth Trask, Bobbie
Robinson, Norris Shaw, Mayor William Trenoir, Joseph
Rogers, Monet & Simmons, Laverne & Carol
Gregory & Family Simpson, Helen Triplett, Mother Sadie
Rolle, S. Smart, Hattie Usher, Iza
Rollins, Eddie Smith, Carlton Vernardo, Helen
Roper, Alice Smith, Debra Wafer, Rodney
Rowell, Nicholas & Family Walker, Elizabeth
Rucker, Robert Smith, Frankie Walker, Hattie
Russell, Tamon Smith, Pamela Y. Wallace, Sammy
Rutledge, Charles Smith, Sheree Ware, Fred & Irene
Ryhal, Tommie Jean South, Lucretia Washington, Audrey
Samuels, Blanch Sowell, Darlene Westbrook, Nia
Samuels, Stephen & Family Wharff, Agatha
Samuels, T.J. Spencer, Nate Wharff, Nicole
Samuels, Tommy Stephens, Rose White, Brian L.

Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12, 2005 24 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.


Mr. Fred Allen Mrs. Ruth Allen & Family, 5020 W. Adams St. (44)
Mrs. Bernice Cato Ms. Karen Sarazen & Family, 4800 S. Lake Park Ave.
Apt. #908 (15)
Mrs. Pamela Conrad Mrs. Carolyn Conrad & Family, 8344 S. Bennett Ave. (17)
Mrs. Hiroko Cousins Judge William Cousins & Family, 1745 E. 83rd Pl. (17)
Mrs. Mary Cox Mrs. Mamie Spencer & Family
7048 S. Maplewood Ave. (29)
Mr. Herbert Delaney, Jr. Mrs. Beatrice Delaney & Family, 411 W. 99th Pl. (28)
Mrs. Mary Gruber Ms. Pamela Menzies & Family, 17440 Sterling Ave.
Country Club Hills, IL 60578
Mrs. Alice Johns Mrs. Tracey Gibson-Jackson & Family
P.O. Box 147022 (14)
Mr. Tauheed Johnson Ms. Katrina Johnson & Family
4714 S. St. Lawrence Ave. (15)
Mrs. Barbara Miller Dea. Carole Carter & Family, 4934-D S. Cornell Ave. (15)
Mr. Russell S. Nelson Ms. Yvonne Nelson & Family, 352 E. 89th Pl. (19)
Mr. Charles R. Stanback Deacon Howard Stanback & Family, 5136 S. Harper Ave.
Apt. #3B (15)
Mr. Aurelius Stewart, Sr. Ms. Melanie Gray & Family, 1357 E. 48th St. (15)
Mrs. Willie Mae Tanner Mrs. Orine Woolridge & Family, 9355 S. Racine Ave. (20)
Mrs. Celestine Verner Mr. Ray Verner & Family, 8111 S. Marshfield Ave. (20)

Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12, 2005 25 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

Alfred Caston Mrs. Lonnie Singleton

Westside VA Hospital St. Francis Hospital
820 S. Damen Ave. 12935 S. Gregory St.
Chicago, IL 60612 Blue Island, IL 60411
312- 569-8387 708-597-2000

Kimberly Goodman Claude Stevens, Sr.

Christ Hospital Mercy Hospital
4440 W. 95th St. 2525 S. Michigan Ave.
Oak Lawn, IL 60453 Chicago, IL 60616
708-425-8000 312-567-2000

Reginald Johnson Deacon Doris Tilford

St. James Hospital St. Francis Hospital
1423 Chicago Rd. 12935 S. Gregory St.
Chicago Heights, IL 60406 Blue Island, IL 60411
708-756-1000 708-597-2000

Madardus Lofton Willa Vance

University of Chicago Hospital Mercy Hospital
5841 S. Maryland Ave. 2525 S. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60637 Chicago, IL 60616
773-702-1000 312-567-2000

Kim Martin
Michael Reese Hospital
2929 S. Ellis Ave.
Chicago, IL 60616

Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12, 2005 26 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

BUTLER, Alice Faye FLOWERS, Donna LOWE, Gladys

Washington Heights Manor Care Nursing Center The Coles Supported Living
Nursing Home 9401 S. Kostner Ave. Senior Housing
1010 W. 95th St. (43) Oak Lawn, IL 60453 7419 S. Exchange Ave. (49)
Room 224, Bed 2 Room 127, Bed C Apt. #404
773-298-1177 708-423-7882 773-375-5862

CARTER, Michael HAMPTON, Ineze MASON, Claristine

Washington Heights Manor Care Health Alden-Wentworth
Nursing Home Care Services Rehabilitation Center
1010 W. 95th St. (43) 2145 E. 170th St. 201 W. 69th St. (21)
Room 329, Bed 1 South Holland, IL 60473 Room 229
773-298-1177 Room 338, Bed C 773-487-1200
COLLINS, Laverne McINTOSH, Deacon
Chevy Chase Nursing Center JACKSON, Betty Jo Maurice
3400 S. Indiana Ave. (16) Rehabilitation Institute Lexington House
Room 112, Bed 1 of Chicago Nursing Home
(312) 842-5000 345 E. Superior St. (11) 10300 Southwest Highway
Room 620, Bed 1 Chicago Ridge, IL 60415
ELZIE, Deacon Evelyn 312-238-1000 Room 233, Bed A
Renaissance Nursing Center 708-425-1100
2940 W. 87th Street (52) KIMBALL, Deacon
Room 203, Bed 1 Elizabeth MOTEN, Marguerite
773-434-8787 Renaissance at South Shore Renaissance at South Shore
Nursing Home Nursing Home
EVANS, Jesse 2425 E. 71st St. (49) 2425 E. 71st St. (49)
Renaissance at 87th St. Room 139, Bed C Room 139, Bed B
Nursing Home 773-721-5000 773-721-5000
2940 W. 87th St. (52) (COMMUNION VISITS ONLY)
Room 104

Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12, 2005 27 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.


Victory Center of River Oaks Bell Haven Nursing Home Timberview Nursing Home
1370 Ring Rd., Apt. #407 11401 S. Oakley Ave. (43) 2450 Taft St.
Calumet City, IL 60409 Room 125, Bed 1 Gary, IN 46404
708-832-1130 773-233-6311 Room 319, Bed 2
219-977-2610 Ext. 342
Renaissance on 87th St. Rush-Barton Supported WATT, Mildred
2940 W. 87th St. (52) Living Facility Renaissance at South Shore
Room 208, Bed 1 1245 S. Wood St. (08) Nursing Home
773-434-8787 Room 320 2425 E. 71st St. (49)
312-421-5220 Room 409, Bed A
SHEATS, Benjamin 773-721-5000
Rest Haven Central TINSLEY, Eddis
13259 S. Central Ave. Dawson Nursing Home WILLIAMS, Maudine
Palos Heights, IL 60463 3500 S. Giles Ave. (53) Halsted Terrace
Room 23 Room 202, Bed 1 Nursing Home
708-597-1000 312-326-2000 10935 S. Halsted St. (28)
Room 231, Bed 2
SIMPSON, Helen WALKER, Lorraine 773-928-2000
Palos Hills Extended Bell Haven Nursing Home
Care Facility & Rehab Center WILSON, Louis
10426 S. Roberts Road 11401 S. Oakley Ave. (43) Renaissance at 87th St.
Palos Hills, IL 60465 Room 221, Bed 1 Nursing Home
Room 207, Bed 2 773-233-6311 2940 W. 87th St. (52)
708-598-3460 Room 302, Bed 1
WASHINGTON, Deacon 773-434-8787
SMITH, Mary Baker Sadie
Mongtomery Place Warren Barr Pavilion
5550 S. South Shore Dr. (15) 66 W. Oak St. (10)
Room 209 Room 322
773-753-4100 312-337-5400

Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12, 2005 28 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

ADAMS-CHILDS, Vernita 1621 E. 68th St., Apt. #1A (37) 773-363-8625

ALLEN, Deacon Quinville 11919 S. Harvard Ave. (28) 773-468-8228
Visits after 5:00 p.m. on Sundays
BROOKS, Arzulia 9412 S. Eggleston Ave. (28) 773-224-7581
BROUGHTON, Ann 9308 S. Stewart Ave. (20) 773-468-2212
BURKS, Willa A. 18525 S. Center Ave., Homewood, IL 60430 708-799-3581
CARTER, Anedra 7600 S. Indiana Ave. (19) 773-371-0712
CHANDLER, Lorre 3510 N. Pine Grove Ave., Apt. #310 (57) 773-871-8171
CLAY, Louise 11626 S. Stewart St. (28) 773-468-9642
CLAY, Nancy 5948 W. Midway Park (44) 773-287-9194
COMPTON, Yvonne 400 E. 41st Street, Apt. #601N (53) 773-285-0555
DUKE, Annette 818 Gray Ave., Evanston, IL 60202 847-869-0408
DUNAGAN, Patricia 7318 S. King Dr. (19) 773-846-1453
EILAND, Goletha 11801 S. Bell St. (43) 773-881-7971
EVANS, Mother A. Mildred c/o Shirley Allen
6946 S. Wolcott Avenue (36) 773-778-8016
EVERETT, Barbara 231 S. Orchard Dr., Park Forest, IL 60466 708-228-5298
FORD, John 8939 S. Dante Ave. (19) 773-734-7363
FUNCHES, Josephine 9312 S. Union Ave. (28) 312-805-1401
Visits before 12:00 Noon on Sundays
GILLIAM, Joseph 9804 S. Lowe Ave. (28) 773-445-8204
GORDON, Mary 1440 S. Indiana Ave., Apt. #607 (05) 312-360-1412
GRAYSON, Aletha 9526 S. Avalon Ave. (28) 773-734-4702
HARDY, Glodine c/o Lois Walker
598 Andover St., Chicago Heights, IL 60411 708-481-5814
HARDY, Maide 1380 Ring Rd., Apt. #412
Calumet City, IL 60409 708-862-2979
HEREFORD, Bessie 9251 S. Parnell Ave. (20) 773-846-0448
HICKS, Karen B. 727 S. Maple Ave., Unit #106
Oak Park, IL 60304 708-386-1622
HILLER, Jerrilyn 9629 S. Michigan Ave. (28) 773-468-2797
HORNSBURGER, Ruby 369 E. 88th St. (19) 773-846-9234
HOUGH, John Henry 123 E. 70th St. (37) 773-224-8682
HEWING, Anna 15501 S. Western Ave., Harvey, IL 60426 708-333-8481
JACKSON, Betty Jo 6140 S. Drexel Ave., Apt. #319 (37) 773-363-0527
JACKSON, Lillian 7309 S. Dante Ave. (19) 773-493-5421
JEFFRIES-HANEY, Yugunda 9249 S. Throop St. (20) 773-445-8088
JOHNSON, Florence 1715 E. 91st St. (17) 773-734-4655
JONES, Katherine 9501 S. Union Ave. (28) 773-779-4206

Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12, 2005 29 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

JONES, Deacon Walter 7926 S. St. Lawrence Ave. (19) 773-994-5418

LASSITER, John 1440 N. Lake Shore Dr., Apt. #18E (10) 312-654-0445
LITTLE, Nettie 200 Park Ave., Apt. #626
Calumet City, IL 60409 708-891-5154
McCORMICK, Judy 9173 S. Harvard Ave. (28) 773-928-2798
McDADE, Darlene 18555 Hickory Ct., Apt. #17, Lansing, IL 60438 708-418-0145
McFADDEN, Deborah 512 Davis St., Park Forest, IL 60466 708-283-1712
MILES, Mary 6142 S. St. Lawrence Ave., 1st Floor (37) 773-667-0167
MITCHELL, Shirley 9556 S. Lowe (28) 773-881-2554
MITCHELL, Vernita 7251 S. Princeton Ave. (21) 773-488-4855
NATHANIEL, Willa Mae 14232 S. Stewart Ave., Riverdale, IL 60827 708-841-4763
ONLY, Ebony 6614 S. Washtenaw (29) 773-737-0948
PALMER, Spencer 433 E. 133rd St., Riverdale, IL 60827 773-468-7633
PARKER, Dr. Melverlene 5411 S. Damen Avenue (09) 773-436-6788
PAYTON-LOVE, Mary 7938 S. Jeffrey Blvd. (49) 773-734-7828
PEGUES, Mary 120 E. 83rd St. (19) 773-873-2629
TUES & THURS 9:00 A.M. TO 1:00 P.M.
PETERS, Petrina 9624 S. Carpenter St. (43) 773-779-3985
QUINN, Anna 7022 S. South Shore Drive., Apt. #715 (49) 773-684-8831
SMITH, Claude 8739 S. Harper Ave., Apt. #1 (19) 773-768-5953
SMITH, Edward 17791 Arlington Dr.
Country Club Hills, IL 60478 708-206-1457
SMITH, Olah 10510 S. Rhodes Ave. (28) 773-995-6893
SOUTH, Lucretia 439 N. Central Ave., Apt. #1E (44) 773-378-5980
STEELE, William 12351 S. LaSalle St. (28) 773-568-6153
THOMAS, Constance 7944 S. Peoria Ave. (20) 773-994-1826
THOMPSON, Beverly 352 Dogwood St., Park Forest, IL 60466 708-481-1066
TUCKER, Geraldine 400 E. 41st St., Apt. #602N (53) 773-924-2207
WALKER, Lorraine 9201 S. Wallace Ave. (20) 773-846-9603
WASHINGTON, Deacon Sadie 5412 S. Drexel Ave. (15) 773-643-7978
WASHINGTON-DYK, Gwendolyn 2045 W. Jackson Blvd., Apt. #2012 (12) 312-421-7867
WHITTENBURG, Doris 18451 Carrington Ct., Hazel Crest, IL 60429 708-922-0884
YOUNG, Debra 15229 S. Blackstone, Dolton, IL 60419 708-841-2042

BROWN, Hysson 10427 S. Hoxie Ave. (17)
CHAPMAN, Malachi 10838 S. Wallace Ave. (28)

Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12, 2005 30 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
CONDA, William 12453 S. Emerald Ave. (28)
MOORE, Hilton 8620 Peace Way, Apt. #1038, Las Vegas, NV 89147
MUSE, Virginia 9530 S. Lowe Ave. (20)
ROBERTS, Fontain 1829 N. Austin Ave. (39)
THOMAS, Rosetta 5035 S. Evans Ave., Apt. #2B (15)
WALKER, Jr., Floyd 8428 S. Green St. (20)
WALKER, Sr., Floyd 8428 S. Green St. (20)
WHITE, Willa 3555 S. Cottage Grove Ave., Apt. #705 (53)


BARRETT-GORDEN, Mamie 8436 S. King Dr. (19) 773-846-6229
BENN, Vester 9035 S. Luella Ave. (17) 773-374-8914
BROWN, Ann H. 1342 W. 111th Place (43) 773-445-5315
CARTER, Deacon Carole 4934D S. Cornell Ave. (15) 773-493-3698
GWYNN, Arthur 9346 S. Wentworth Ave. (20) 773-821-0102
JEFFERSON, Lorine M. 9600 S. Prospect Ave. (43) 773-429-0754
LLOYD, Cora 6737 S. Oglesby Ave. (49) 773-288-4745
JONES, Lula 11325 S. Union Avenue (28) 773-468-4743
LEGGETT, Aurelia 1639 W. 107th Street (43) 773-233-0286
MARTIN, Willie 9600 S. Lowe Ave. (20) 773-779-5791
NELSON, Mary & Thomas 5401 S. Hyde Park Blvd., Apt. #1101 (15) 773-667-3404
TRIPLETT, Sadie 9612 S.Wallace (28) 773-779-1689
WILKS, Elizabeth 2960 N. Lake Shore Dr., Apt. #2507 (57) 773-296-0580
WITHERS, Mother Ernestine 340 E. 38th St., Apt. #807 (53) 773-373-3747


WEAVER, Odessa 6751 S. Constance Ave. (49) 773-288-3795

Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12, 2005 31 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.


















Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12, 2005 32 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.


M - TH MINISTRY 773-928-3233 Zeke Morris
9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. 24-Hour Answering 773-643-5300 Ext. 59
FR - 11:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Service DOMESTIC
SAT - 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. 773-962-0139 KUJICHAGULIA
Mailbox 811
PROGRAM TU & TH - 1:00-9:00 p.m. 773-373-7042
773-298-0473 WED - 10:00-6:00 p.m. DRUG & ALCOHOL
M - FRI FR - 10:00-6:00 p.m. MATH TUTORIAL
9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. SAT - 9:00-5:00 p.m. 773-962-5650
Sundays & Mondays
Tough Love
773-962-5650, Ext. 808
LIBRARY 773-298-1590
Free “N” One Answering Service
773-962-5650, ext. 740 773-962-5650, Ext. 808 773-962-5650
Mailbox 886
11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. & ECONOMIC
6:00-8:00 p.m. EMPOWERMENT
773-962-5650, Ext. 819
10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. MINISTRY LEARNING CENTER
COMMUNITY 773-962-5658
Answering Service
773-962-5650 773-978-0725 or
Mailbox 830 773-734-4033, ext. 111

TU & TH - 6:00-8:00 p.m.
SAT - 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
SUN - After 7:30 MINISTRY
& 11:00 a.m. Services 312-409-AIDS or
773-962-5686 312-409-2437
773-723-8382 (fax)

Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12, 2005 33 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr., Senior Pastor
Rev. Melbalenia D. Evans, Executive Minister
Rev. Dr. James L. Miles, Chief Operating Officer
Toya Perry, Chief Financial Officer
Rev. Wanda J. Washington, Associate Pastor, Director of Pastoral Services
Rev. Stacey Edwards, Associate Pastor
Rev. Barbara A. Heard, Associate Pastor
Rev. John E. Jackson, Sr., Associate Pastor
Rev. Regina Reed, Associate Pastor
Rev. Michael G. Sykes, Associate Pastor
Rev. Reginald Williams, Associate Pastor
Rev. Ramah E. Wright, Associate Pastor
Dr. Julia Speller, Director Christian Education
Rev. Michael D. Jacobs, Minister to Youth and Children
Rev. Ann Patton, Minister of Christian Education
Deacon Shirley Bims-Ellis, Director Center for African Biblical Studies
Robert E. Wooten, Jr., Director of Music
Deacon Jeri L. Wright-Harris, Director of Media
Janet Wright-Moore, Executive Secretary

Friday Worship Service (Praise Service begins Television Broadcast

• F.A.T. Fridays • 15 minutes prior) Sundays 6:30 a.m.,
Every Friday • 12:00 Noon Sunday Bible Discovery Hour Tuesdays 5:30 a.m.
Chicago Federation of Musicians 9:45 a.m. (TV One, Check Local Listings)
Building Sunday Youth Church Prayer Line 773-298-2160
175 W. Washington Street 7:15 a.m., 10:45 a.m.
Weekly Praise/Prayer Service
Saturday Church School LIVE Webcasts Sundays
9:30 a.m. Sundays 7:15 a.m., 10:45 a.m., 5:45 p.m.
532 W. 95th Street & 400 W. 95th St. 7:30 & 11:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m. Wednesdays • 11:30 a.m., 7:14 p.m.
Mondays & Thursdays
Sunday Worship Service 7:00 p.m.
7:30 & 11:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m. Website •

Church Office Hours Reception Desk Hours Synergy Counseling Center

Monday through Friday Monday through Friday 532 W. 95th Street
9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. 773-994-9937
Saturdays • 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Saturdays • 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sundays • 6:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

“There are different ways of serving, but the same Lord is served.”
1 Corinthians 12:5 (TEV)

Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12, 2005 34 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

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