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Order of Worship (7:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m.)..........................................................2

Unison Scripture (7:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m.) ...........................................................3
Hymn of Praise (7:30 a.m. – “Pass Me Not”) .....................................................................4
Hymn of Praise (11:00 a.m. – “Is There Anybody Here?”)................................................4
Sermon Notes.......................................................................................................................5
Pastor’s Page ........................................................................................................................6
To Do Justice .....................................................................................................................11
Calendar .............................................................................................................................12
Stewardship ........................................................................................................................14
Pastor’s Pupils....................................................................................................................15
Vacation Bible School/Singles Conference.......................................................................16
The Akiba...........................................................................................................................17
Trumpet Subscription.........................................................................................................18
Heart of the Community ....................................................................................................19
Information & Announcements .........................................................................................20
Prayers Only.......................................................................................................................22
Hospitalized .......................................................................................................................25
Extended Care ....................................................................................................................26
Members At Home.............................................................................................................28
Prayer Concerns .................................................................................................................31
Service and Support Groups ..............................................................................................33

Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19, 2005 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
F A T H E R ’ S D A Y
Choral Introit.......................................................................................................................“All People Of God”
Opening Hymn (7:30 a.m.) ..........................................................................................“While I Run This Race”
Opening Hymn (11:00 a.m.).............................................................................“Father, We're Calling On You”
Opening Hymn (6:00 p.m.)....................................................................................................“Oh, Give Thanks”
Call To Worship
The Lord’s Prayer
Hymn of Praise (7:30 a.m.) ..........................................................................................................“Pass Me Not”
Hymn of Praise (11:00 a.m.) .....................................................................................“Is There Anybody Here?”
Unison Scripture (7:30 a.m.)........................................................................................Genesis 18:9-19 (NRSV)
Unison Scripture (11:00 a.m.) .............................................................................. Mark 5:21-24/35-36 (NRSV)
Unison Scripture (6:00 p.m.) ......................................................................................... Luke 15:11-20 (NRSV)
Ministry of Music (6:00 p.m.)...............................................................................“You Brought The Sunshine”
Parish Concerns
Baby Dedication
Visitor Recognition
Passing of the Peace Happy
The Pastor’s Word
The Service of Giving FATHER’S
Offertory Sentences
Tithes and Offerings
Scholarship Offering (Deacons)
Altar Call (7:30 a.m.) ................................................................
“Bless The Lord, O My Soul!”
Altar Call (11:00 a.m.) .............................................................................................................“He's Not Dead!”
Sermon (7:30 a.m.) ............................................................“What God Expects From Fathers” (Genesis 19:19)
Sermon (11:00 a.m.) .........................................................................“Daddies and Daughters!” (Mark 5:22-23)
Sermon (6:00 p.m.)..................................................................................“When A Father Loves” (Luke 15:20)
Hymn of Invitation (7:30 a.m.) .............................................................................................“Thank You, Lord”
Hymn of Invitation (11:00 a.m.) ...............................................................................“I Need Thee Every Hour”
Hymn of Invitation (6:00 p.m.)...................................................................................“I Really Love The Lord”
Benediction .....................................................................................................................“Go Ye Now In Peace”
[Once the Sermon has begun, parishioners may not enter or re-enter the first floor Sanctuary]

Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19, 2005 2 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
unison scripture
7:30 a.m. the point of death. Come and lay your hands on
GENESIS 18:9-19 (NRSV) her, so that she may be made well, and live."
9 They said to him, "Where is your wife 24 So he went with him. And a large crowd
Sarah?" And he said, "There, in the tent." followed him and pressed in on him.
10 Then one said, "I will surely return to you in 35 While he was still speaking, some people
due season, and your wife Sarah shall have a came from the leader's house to say, "Your
son." And Sarah was listening at the tent daughter is dead. Why trouble the teacher any
entrance behind him. 11 Now Abraham and further?" 36 But overhearing what they said,
Sarah were old, advanced in age; it had ceased Jesus said to the leader of the synagogue, "Do
to be with Sarah after the manner of women. not fear, only believe."
12 So Sarah laughed to herself, saying, "After I
have grown old, and my husband is old, shall I --------------------------------------
have pleasure?" 13 The LORD said to
Abraham, "Why did Sarah laugh, and say, 6:00 p.m.
'Shall I indeed bear a child, now that I am old?' LUKE 15:11-20 (NRSV)
14 Is anything too wonderful for the LORD? At 11 Then Jesus said, "There was a man who had
the set time I will return to you, in due season, two sons. 12 The younger of them said to his
and Sarah shall have a son." 15 But Sarah father, 'Father, give me the share of the
denied, saying, "I did not laugh"; for she was property that will belong to me.' So he divided
afraid. He said, "Oh yes, you did laugh." his property between them. 13 A few days later
16 Then the men set out from there, and they the younger son gathered all he had and
looked toward Sodom; and Abraham went with traveled to a distant country, and there he
them to set them on their way. 17 The LORD squandered his property in dissolute living.
said, "Shall I hide from Abraham what I am 14 When he had spent everything, a severe
about to do, 18 seeing that Abraham shall famine took place throughout that country, and
become a great and mighty nation, and all the he began to be in need. 15 So he went and
nations of the earth shall be blessed in him? hired himself out to one of the citizens of that
19 No, for I have chosen him, that he may country, who sent him to his fields to feed the
charge his children and his household after him pigs. 16 He would gladly have filled himself
to keep the way of the LORD by doing with the pods that the pigs were eating; and no
righteousness and justice; so that the LORD one gave him anything. 17 But when he came
may bring about for Abraham what he has to himself he said, 'How many of my father's
promised him." hired hands have bread enough and to spare,
but here I am dying of hunger! 18 I will get up
-------------------------------------- and go to my father, and I will say to him,
"Father, I have sinned against heaven and
11:00 a.m. before you; 19 I am no longer worthy to be
MARK 5:21-24/35-36 (NRSV) called your son; treat me like one of your hired
21 When Jesus had crossed again in the boat to hands."' 20 So he set off and went to his
the other side, a great crowd gathered around father. But while he was still far off, his father
him; and he was by the sea. 22 Then one of the saw him and was filled with compassion; he
leaders of the synagogue named Jairus came ran and put his arms around him and kissed
and, when he saw him, fell at his feet 23 and him.
begged him repeatedly, "My little daughter is at

Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19, 2005 3 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

7:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m.


Pass me not, O gentle Savior, Hear my Is there anybody here who loves my
humble cry, While on others Thou art Jesus? Anybody here who loves the
calling, Do not pass me by. Lord? I want to know if you love my
Jesus; I want to know if you love the
Savior, Savior, Hear my humble cry;
While on others Thou art calling, Do not VERSE I
pass me by. Happy day, oh, happy day. I want to
know if you love the Lord. When Jesus
VERSE II washed my sins away. I want to know if
Let me at a throne of mercy Find a sweet you love the Lord.
relief; Kneeling there in deep contrition, (Repeat Chorus)
Help my unbelief.
(Repeat Chorus) VERSE II
He taught me how to watch and pray. I
VERSE III want to know if you love the Lord. And
Trusting only in Thy merit, Would I seek live rejoicing ev’ry day. I want to know if
Thy face; Heal my wounded, broken you love the Lord.
spirit, Save me by Thy grace. (Repeat Chorus)
(Repeat Chorus)
VERSE IV I went to the valley but I didn’t go to stay.
Thou the Spring of all my comfort, More I want to know if you love the Lord. My
than life to me, Whom have I on earth soul got happy and I stayed all day. I
beside Thee? Whom in heav’n but Thee? want to know if you love the Lord.
(Repeat Chorus) (Repeat Chorus)


Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19, 2005 4 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

















Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19, 2005 5 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

THE TRUTH ABOUT boys and girls to their death on a pack of lies.
STEM CELL RESEARCH The President said, "The use of federal dollars
to destroy life is something I do not support."
In late May, the House of The truth, however, is just the
Representatives voted 238-194 in bipartisan opposite. In Baghdad, federal dollars are
support of a bill that would revoke restrictions being used to destroy life in an incredible
placed on federal funding of embryonic stem manner! This same President decided to wage
cell research by President Bush in 2001. A an "elective war" against a country that
companion bill, the Stem Cell Research presented no threat to us whatsover. The
Enhancement Act (S. 471), was introduced in Downing Street Memos are now showing that
the Senate by Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA). the "culture of life" President "cooked the
President Bush has vowed to veto the bill. As books" to make the case for his illegal war;
usual, President Bush's advisors have misled and he calls himself supporting a "culture of
him and he just doesn't "get it." life?" Does anybody besides me and Molly
Supporters of the legislation argue that Ivins see anything wrong with this picture?
the bill would demonstrate respect for life and In 2001, the United Church of Christ
the alleviation of human pain by allowing General Synod adopted a statement in support
federally-funded research that holds hope for of federally-funded embryonic stem cell
millions suffering from Alzheimer's disease, research within National Institute of Health
spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, Parkinson's (NIH) guidelines. This statement helps UCC
disease, diabetes and other illnesses. The bill members examine the issue from a theological
would allow funding of research on embryos perspective.
that were created for infertility treatments and To send a fax or e-mail message to
will be discarded after treatment is your senators in support of the Stem Cell
discontinued. Research Enhancement Act of 2005, click
Some religious critics of embryonic
stem cell research, including the Family 92&l=96373
Research Council, are tying their opposition to
the legislation to their anti-choice perspective.
However, the legislation has the support of
key leaders who have expressed opposition to
abortion, including Senators Harry Reid (D- WITNESS FOR JUSTICE
NV), Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Gordon Smith
Let's be clear on what is at stake! The CANCEL AFRICA'S DEBT AND
President spent some valuable time trying to SHARE THE WEALTH
confuse the issue as he talked against the By Bernice Powell Jackson
Senate Bill saying that he supported a "culture
of life!" Foolish Americans listened to him If you were only to read most of the
and failed to connect the dots! He supports a newspaper headlines, you'd think that the U.S.
culture of life while sending 1700 American government is being quite generous to the

Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19, 2005 6 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

world's poorest continent, Africa, but it just Paul Wolfowitz, has said that a case can be
ain't so. In fact, we're being awfully stingy and made for more funds going to development in
while President Bush is trying to put a happy Africa. President Bush, however, doesn't seem
face on his meetings with British Prime to agree with his protege, Mr. Wolfowitz. In
Minister Tony Blair, Mr. Blair must be pretty his meetings with Prime Minister Blair,
disappointed at how little he is coming away President Bush has expressed an openness to
with for Africa. canceling debts, but he has refused to increase
The truth is that thirty-four of the substantially U.S. foreign aid to Africa.
world's 48 poorest nations are in Africa, which Instead, he has agreed to use $674 million
is also facing a rampant AIDS epidemic, already allocated by Congress for emergency
where thousands die every day. Moreover, a famine relief to a few African countries.
number of African nations are still recovering The extra $25 billion a year for Africa,
from civil wars and/or enormous national sought by Mr. Blair, are not budgeted
debts, many of which were incurred by President Bush replied. Nevermind that almost
unscrupulous dictators and illegitimate the entire $220 billion allocated for the wars in
governments who never used the funds for the Iraq and Afghanistan have been unbudgeted by
hospitals and schools for which they were this same administration.
intended. The truth is that Africa is a continent Many Americans believe that we
whose natural resources of gold, diamonds, oil, spend about 25 percent of our federal budget
chromium and other much-needed minerals on foreign aid to poor nations when we
have been ravaged by much of the rest of the actually spend about 1 percent. Many
world. Moreover, tens of millions of its most Americans believe the headlines when our
precious resource - human beings - died or government agrees to fund programs like the
were stolen in the African slave trade a century $15 million announced for AIDS in Africa.
ago. I remember being on a World Council of The reality is that little of that money has been
Churches panel in 1998 in Zimbabwe, where sent. Similarly, three years ago the U.S. signed
an African leader reminded us that when you onto the United Nation's Millennium Project.
count the billions of dollars lost to Africa In it, the world's riches nations agreed to
through these ways, "we don't owe Europe and increase their aid to .7 percent by 2015 to the
America anything. You still owe us, " he said. poorest nations. Two weeks ago the European
The truth is that for many of the Union agreed to double their aid by 2015. But,
poorest nations, paying back these huge it seems that President Bush has told Mr. Blair
national debts is not only burdensome, it is that we won't be doing the same. It's the old
impossible. For most, they will never be able story of the check is in the mail.
to pay off the principle, while the interest costs In a recent editorial, the New York
continue to mount. But many of these nations Times pointed out that .7 percent of the
are forced to make these interest payments, American economy would equal about $80
which means that they cannot put funds into billion. That's roughly equivalent to the
health care and education, which are critical to amount the Senate approved for additional
their national survival. military spending in Iraq and a little more than
Even the new World Bank President, half of the corporate tax cut last year.

Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19, 2005 7 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

Three hundred million Africans live on of a Black person's life never quite equals that
less than $1 a day on a continent trapped in of someone who is white. In the article, Tom
$300 billion in foreign debt. If we're serious Morris, Jr. indicated that news directors
about fighting the war on terrorism and serious identify more closely with white women so
about living out the moral values we're so white women always get more media
quick to talk about, then we must not only coverage.
cancel the debt of Africa's poorest nations, but It made our member remember one
we must also substantially increase our foreign powerful line of dialogue from the movie "A
aid to Africa. Time To Kill" with Samuel L. Jackson. In that
You can write or call President Bush movie Samuel L. Jackson's ten-year-old
and tell him so. You can write or call your daughter was brutally and savagely raped and
Senator. You can ask others to join you - it's beaten by two white men on the way home
up to us, all of us. from the store in a small southern town in the
1960s. Samuel L. Jackson shot and killed
(Note: For more information, contact Jubilee both of them and was on trial for murder. In
USA Network at or Africa his summation, his attorney, a young idealistic
Action at lawyer played by Matthew McConaughey,
asked the jurors to close their eyes and he
began to tell the story of the vicious rape and
loss of innocence of a ten-year-old Black girl.
His powerful and poignant last sentence was,
A FATHER'S DAY PLEA "Now imagine that the girl was white."
In this unjust world in which we live
One of our members recently sent me where race and color are the yardstick to
an article from an online magazine, determine your worth as a human, our member
Diversity.Com, and the article was about shared with me the names of the beautiful
Natalee Holloway and other white women and Black women who went missing and the world
how they are always portrayed as the "damsel was never told. I share them with you on this
in distress." There is always tremendous Father's Day as a father of four daughters.
media coverage about white women who are Perhaps you can remember them and their
missing and it made the member wonder if families in your prayers this week. Also, as
Black women ever suffer the same fate. you pray for them and the Holloway family,
Our member said they didn't think too please pray for all the other families who have
much of the article (same old, same old) until loved ones who are missing. The age listed is
they read an article last week in the July 2005 the age they were when they went missing.
issue of Essence Magazine called "Missing."
In the article, there is recounted the stories of DAPHNE PHILISIA JONES - Age 22
seven Black women who are missing...but with Missing since January 3, 1999
nary a peep from the media, and our member New Orleans, Louisiana
was reminded, yet again, about the disparities
in this world in which we live where the value LATOYA NATASHA THOMAS - Age 25

Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19, 2005 8 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

Missing since September 30, 2000 African Americans really do care about what
Hayward, California happens in the budgeting process, the
Congress not only did not cut out the GEAR
TYESHA PATRICE BELL - Age 22 Program and the TRIO Programs; they
Missing since May 2003 requested an additional $300 million dollars
Aurora, Illinois for those two programs which help African
Americans even out the playing field in the
MARCIE CRANE - Age 28 area of education in these “yet-to-be United”
Missing since October 2003 States of America.
Marietta, Georgia I put an article on the Pastor's Page
last week and when I stood up to offer my
KIREASHA PAM LINKHORNE - Age 19 pastoral emphasis on “The Day of the African
Missing since October 2003 Child” (June 12th) I said to you, “We won!” I
Camden, New Jersey am putting this note in today’s bulletin to say
to you that We won again!
SHIRLEY GEANES - Age 40 Monique Mitchell had a gross and
Missing since September 2004 egregious injustice perpetuated upon her by
Richardson, Texas one of the judges here in the city of Chicago.
On the first Sunday in June I asked for your
Missing since August, 2003 I asked for you to support Monique
Atlanta, Georgia and to show up in court on Monday, June 13th,
to make sure that the “Clarence Thomas
judge” in our city understood clearly that we
were not going to stand by idly and let another
Pastor Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr injustice occur to an innocent Black woman.
Monique Mitchell is a 21-year-old
pregnant college student. She is doing her best
to improve her life and “the system” is doing
its best to lump her together with other Black
WE WON AGAIN! and poor students who do not live in the right
zip code!
Last Sunday I shared my joy with the I asked you for your help and you
congregation for your participation in a justice helped tremendously. On Monday, June 13th,
issue. On the first Sunday of the month, you God stood up and made injustice sit down!
signed over 5,000 letters in support of two You came out in great numbers to the
federally-funded programs that were about to courtroom to support Monique Mitchell and
be cut in the new budget being proposed by the case was dismissed.
the Bush administration. Judge R. Eugene Pincham stood up as
Because of your letters and because of the legal representative to voice his objections
your demonstrating to the Congress that to the callous, cruel, and “colored” way in

Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19, 2005 9 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

which Monique had been treated. Judge R. all the years we have investigated the many
Eugene Pincham made his appearance in court different issues our families face.
and made a statement in court while he was on This year I am preaching eight
his way to surgery at Mercy Hospital! What a different messages on the Family and you can
mighty God we serve! add these eight to your Family Month series
Judge Pincham was not alone when it for your own personal growth; or you may
comes to the legal representation that Monique give them as a gift to someone in your family
had from Trinity Church. Standing with her in or someone whom you think would be blessed
court on this past Monday were attorneys Bill by the messages.
Hooks and from our congregation, attorneys Two of the all-time favorite Family
Carl Walker, Bruce Cook, Bervie Powell, Month sermons across the years have been
Terrance Godboldt, State Senator Kwame "The Toughest Sermon I Ever Preached" and
Raoul, Steve Stern and Karen Wallace! "What's Wrong With My Family?" Two of the
Bill Hooks, Carl Walker, Bervie most controversial and helpful sermons have
Powell and Karen Wallace filed personal been "Good News For Homosexuals" and
appearances on behalf of Monique Mitchell. "What's Wrong With This Kid?"
Bruce Cook filed an appearance on behalf of Be a blessing in someone's life and
the Cook County Bar Association! share the good news of the Gospel with them
Our lawyers stood up for justice. Our this month. My book, Good News!, is a book
members stood up for justice. You stood up of Family Month series of sermons from over
for justice and We won again! a decade ago. Pick up the book and the
I am writing you to say, “Thank you,” accompanying set of tapes and/or CD’s today.
and I am writing you to urge you to stay on the They make a perfect Father's Day gift!
battlefield for our Lord!

Gratefully yours,

Pastor Jeremiah A Wright, Jr.

Pastor Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.


For two decades now, June has been
family month. You can pick up the Family
Month series of tapes from the Akiba today
after service and catch up on all the ground we
have covered Biblically and sermonically for

Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19, 2005 10 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
To Do Justice
By Rev. Reginald Williams Micah 6:8

On September 22, 1862, Abraham Upon second blush, this still sounds
Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation like a formidable plan to try to eliminate the
which stated that “On the first day of January, vestiges of economic racism and exploitation
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight that have handcuffed the continent for years.
hundred and sixty-three, all persons held as However, upon further review, prophetic
slaves within any State or designated part of a interrogation must occur to ensure that this
State, the people whereof shall then be in seeming attempt at thwarting exploitation isn’t
rebellion against the United States, shall be further exploitation. So the questions must be
then, thenceforward, and forever free; and the asked: Who benefits? Who will decide what
Executive Government of the United States, type of education is good enough? Who will
including the military and naval authority decide what is included in anti-corruption
thereof, will recognize and maintain the measures? Who will decide what health
freedom of such persons, and will do no act or programs should be included?
acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in The answers to these questions will
any efforts they may make for their actual probably reveal that the conditions placed upon
freedom.” these African nations will force the nations to
However, news of the freedom of the mold their operations into a format that
enslaved did not reach all parts of slaveholding supports the further exploitation and White
states before January 1, 1863. In fact, the last World Supremacy of the G8. While this looks
slaveholding area of the country to hear of the like a deal to relieve some of the debt of a few
Proclamation was Galveston, TX, on June 19 African nations, it really ensures that some
1865, over two years after the proclamation had countries will be further indebted to these G8
gone into effect. Out of this, the African and others because of the demands that are
American community marked this day as placed on the countries.
“Juneteenth,” African American Emancipation
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ACTION ITEMS:
While upon first blush, the recent
commitment of a group of eight nations called 1. DO NOT SHOP AT WAL-MART OR
the G8 to lighten the debt burden of the poorest SAM’S CLUB
countries in the world may look good, one must
look at the conditions attached to the easing of THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK:
the debt. First of all, each nation must take “Africa has always had what other people
anti-corruption measures. Secondly, the wanted, what other people needed, and did not
countries must use the money they save on debt want to pay for.”
for servicing health, education, or the relief of ~Dr. John H. Clarke

Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19, 2005 11 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
HIGHLIGHTS Tangeni Business Meeting
Today, SUN...6/19 - W302
Father's Day
FRI...6/24 Isuthu Rites-of-Passage WEDNESDAY - 6/22
Fishing Trip 400 W. 95th Street
SAT...6/25 Can-Cer-Vive Mother/Daughter 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Luncheon Prayer & Fasting
Justice Ministries “Fresh Start” 11:30 a.m. Prayer Service - WC
Introductory Program 5:00 p.m. Kujichagulia - 207
5:45 p.m. Praise Team - SA
SUNDAY - 6/19 6:00 p.m. DIT 2005 Prayer Service Prep
6:30 a.m. Trinity Television Broadcast - 102
TV One 7:14 p.m. Prayer Service - SA
(Check your cable & satellite menu)
7:30 a.m. Worship Service - SA THURSDAY - 6/23
9:30 a.m. Brunch - FH 400 W. 95th Street
Bible Study - WC 5:30 p.m. Imani Ya Watume - WC
11:00 a.m. Worship Service - SA 6:00 p.m. Band Rehearsal - SA
1:30 p.m. Dinner - FH Voice Class - FH
4:00 p.m. Adult Usher Ministry - SA Sanctuary Choir Retreat
6:00 p.m. Worship Service - SA Committee - BR
7:00 p.m. Sanctuary Choir - SA
MONDAY - 6/20 Emmaus Road - WC
400 W. 95th Street Men’s Week Planning - BR
12:00 p.m. Diabetes Support - FH
6:00 p.m. Voice Class - FH TUCC Village Center
7:00 p.m. Women’s Chorus - SA (1947 W. 95th Street)
Leadership Council - A 10:00 a.m. Memory and Aging Project
- E101
TUESDAY - 6/21 6:00 p.m. Tutoring - E102
400 W. 95th Street 6:30 p.m. Career Development - W307
5:30 a.m. Trinity Television Broadcast 7:00 p.m. Adult Usher Leadership
TV One Training - W302
(Check your cable & satellite menu)
6:00 p.m. Band Rehearsal - SA FRIDAY - 6/24
Voice Class - WC 400 W. 95th Street
Women’s Drill Team 5:30 p.m. Music Theory Class - 202
- Narthex II 6:00 p.m. Drug & Alcohol Recovery
Cultural Festival Meeting - BR Ministry - 203
6:30 p.m. Black and Christian - FH High School Teen Girls Only
7:00 p.m. Men’s Chorus - SA - WC
Singles Community-Just A 6:30 p.m. Singles Community Single
Single Moment - A Parent Family - 116/118
Mental Health Support - 102 7:00 p.m. Free In One - 207
TUCC Village Center TUCC Village Center
(1947 W. 95th Street) (1947 W. 95th Street)
6:00 p.m. Tutoring - E102 10:00 a.m. Tutoring - E102
6:30 p.m. Logistics Committee - W301 Memory and Aging Project

Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19, 2005 12 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
- E101
4:30 p.m. Immabasi Training Session
- W302
5:00 p.m. Prison Ministry Healing Event
7:00 a.m.
400 W. 95th Street
Food Share - FH/A
9:30 a.m. Church School (Adults) - WC
Church School - 118/202
Church School Family Day
June 20th
Festival - A/FH 6:45 p.m. - Refershments
11:00 a.m. Little Warriors For Christ
- WC 7:00 p.m. - Meeting
Healing Ministry
- 118/203/207
Prison Ministry Healing Event
Follow-Up Meeting - A
12:30 p.m. Walaika Rehearsal - WC This meeting is
1:00 p.m. Youth Drill Team - Narthex II
2:00 p.m.
Black & Christian - FH
Singles Community Same
Gender Loving Family - 116
3:00 p.m. In-care Reception - 118 for all chairpersons
5:30 p.m. Women’s Drill Team
6:00 p.m.
- Narthex II
Church School - 207
and vice chairpersons
For Men Only - 118
For Women Only - FH of each ministry!
(532 W. 95th Street)
12:30 p.m. Intonjane MINISTRIES:
TUCC Village Center
9:00 a.m. Can-Cer-Vive Mother
Daughter Luncheon - W301 MEETING EACH MONTH!
10:00 a.m. Tutoring - E102


(6:30 - 9:30 p.m.) Tues., June 21st & 28th
Adults (1:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.), Children 6-12 Years (2:00 - 4:00 p.m.)
Sat., June 25th & July 2nd

Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19, 2005 13 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.


Can you hold a dozen pumpkins in one hand? “Of course not,” you may be thinking.
“That's impossible. Pumpkins are too big.” True.

Can you hold a dozen pumpkin seeds in one hand? “Sure, but that's different. A
pumpkin seed is not a pumpkin.” Also true, but it will grow into a pumpkin if it is
planted and given proper care. It's possible to hold what will become an entire pumpkin
patch in one hand.

Financial offerings to the church are like seeds. A few coins can grow into a can of
soup to feed someone who's hungry, or pencils for a student with little money. A bill
can grow into a blanket for a family without heat, or a Bible for a new Christian. A
check can grow into a building that will house a larger Sunday School classroom to
teach more children about Christ, or a recording system to enable shut-ins to hear
worship services.

The Apostle Paul wrote that “he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.” We
should remember that we “plant” our “seeds” in the offering basket so that we can help
the church do more good works in the future.

The Stewardship Ministry

Constance A. King, Editor
Stacey Moore, Chairperson

Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19, 2005 14 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
Pastor’s Pupils
Acasia Anne Gibson Anthony Morris
Ariella Grace Gibson Imani Amirah Muhammad
Alyson C. Godbolt Michael Odom
Imani Gwendolyn Graham Mikaela Odom
Kennedy Green Emmanuel Owusu
Cynthia Gregory Samuel Owusu
Lindsey Alexander Jazmin Hall Michellai Parks
Doucette M. Alvarez Herbert Harper Ariel Parrott
Brenda Aghahowa Brianna Harris Brandon Parrott
Stephanie Aghahowa Dejona Hawkins Noah Perkins
Stephen Aghahowa Morgan Hawthorne Zelatandria Quinn
Khary Armster Cameron Hill Aaron Reese
Ayinke Arnett Elaine L. Hill Melissa Sanders
Mawusi J. Arnett Tiffany Hill Tiffrany Schofield
Bria Atkins Nia Holmes Nasr Simpkins
Kimaria Baker Brittany J. House Tariq Simpkins
Sydni M. Barclay Halona Esther Jackson Dean Stallworth
Elliot Boston Kendal Jackson Logan Taylor
Markeyta M. Bowen Nabal M. Jefferson Darrell Thomas
Porsche Buckner Jordan Johnson Dominique Thomas
Ahmad Carter Nailah Johnson Kyla Thomas
Christa Aluse Carter Taylor Simone Johnson Vernon Thomas
Roberta Carter Kayla Jones Victoria Thomas
Rachel Cato-Evans Kia Jones Kamaya Thompson
Jasmine Cephas Kamia Jones Imani Timms
Taylore Cephas Barrett Keithley Indigoe Timms
Joshua E. Chapman Rena Keithley Gregory Turk
Violet Clemons Whitley King Lindsey Turner
Brandi A. Coleman Earle Lawrence Jamila Arielle Tyler
Laurel D. Cosby Gene Linton, Jr. Joya Laurelle Tyler
Morgan Ashley Craft Krystal Little Jamaul Wade
Patrick Cobb Robert Little Tosha Wells
Kia Dean Andre Mace Troy White
Courtney M. Denton Anthony Mace Alicia V. Wilson
Crystal Denton Tajean Mathis Johari B. Wilson
Diamond Dixon Herdie Matthews Isaiah Woods
Melissa El Akinlawon Siobhan A. McKissic Joshua Woods
Micah A. Ellis Racquel McNeil Jamila Wright
Malik R. Fowler Ronald McNeil Tanya R. Wright
Debra Franklin Rikida Mitchell Jeremiah Wright-Haynes
Aaron Demarcus Gaines Lindsay Moorer

Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19, 2005 15 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.




Singles Surviving
Teachers’ Training
In the Wilderness
Friday, June 24th
with God
6:30 p.m. • Room 202 Friday, August 26 -

Sunday, August 28th
Teachers and Classroom
Support Needed Illinois Beach Hotel and
Conference Center
Vacation Bible School 1 Lake Front Drive, Zion, IL
July 25th - July 29th REGISTRATION – $130.00

Turner Drew Language Following All Three
Academy Worship Services
Come and be a blessing to our Contact
youth and spend time with Patricia Boseman, 773-726-4127
them at VBS as the youth Yolanda “Misty” Douglas, 773-592-2442
“Go Global With Jesus” Philip Johnson, 773-727-0673

Mark 16:15 (NIV)

Go into all the world and preach the good news.

Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19, 2005 16 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
The Akiba

Real Men Cook

Rites, Rituals and RECIPES for Living
Featuring our member, Reggie Carter


Monday thru Thursday - 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Friday – 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Saturday – 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sunday – After Each Service

Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19, 2005 17 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
On Sale Today In The Akiba
(after each service and during the week)

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Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19, 2005 18 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

ACTS Doctor of Ministry Program Don M. Hotel accommodations not included, Call
Wardlaw Lectures 2005, speaker Rev. Dr. 800-237-4933, Contact Angela Taylor-Tukes,
Jeremiah Wright, Jr., July 5-6, 11:30 a.m.- 773-802-6337 or
12:30 p.m., Augustana Chapel, 1100 E. 55th
Street, Contact Danna Gobel, INTERDEPENDENT LIVING SOLUTIONS CENTER Six-week class for persons interested
in becoming a certified nursing assistant,
AUDITORIUM THEATER hosts “Hands Tuition grants available, day and evening
Together, Heart to Art,” a two-week, non- classes, 193 W. Joe Orr Road, Chicago
residence arts camp specifically designed for Heights, Call 708-754-4900
children ages 7-14 who have lost one or both
parents to death, Healing process to employ KENWOOD UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST
theatre, music, dance and adults who overcame and Rev. Leroy Sanders, Pastor, hosts “Taste
similar, Call LaShaon Smith, 312-431-2395 of Kenwood,” Saturday, June 25, 1:00-6:00
p.m., Food, fun, health information, 4608 S.
CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY HEALTH Greenwood Ave., Call 773-373-2861
CENTER “I Need You to Survive,” “Living
with HIV/AIDS” seminars, Facilitator Zyra KWANZAA SUMMER FESTIVAL featuring
Gordon Smith, APN, CS-FNP, Thursday, June old-time gospel jubilee, seniors’ tent
23, Call 773-233-4100 x2061 AND… w/refreshments, games, prizes entertainment,
National HIV testing day community fest, family picnics and African marketplace,
Saturday, June 25, 12:00-4:00 p.m., 9718 S. Saturday, July 2, Abbott Park, 95th and State,
Halsted 10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m., Call the Soweto Center,
Cotillion celebrating the presentation of forty MONARCH AWARDS FOUNDATION
young adult scholars, Friday, July 15, 6:00 of Xi Nu Omega Chapter, Alpha Kappa Alpha
p.m. Grand Ballroom, Chicago Hilton Towers, Sorority, Inc., “Old School…School’s Out
720 S. Michigan Ave., Call 312-355-1680 Skate Jam,” June 25, 3:30-6:30 p.m., The Rink,
1122 E. 87th Street, Children 11 years and
FREE-N-ONE CHICAGO CHAPTER under must be accompanied by an adult,
CONFERENCE “Bridging the Gap – Contact Danette, 773-315-7995 or
Strengthening Relationships,” free plenary
session Thursday, July 28, 6:00-9:00 p.m.,
Conference Friday and Saturday, Cost $150.00, NELEH ARTISTIC EXPRESSIONS and the
Church and group rate $125 for two or more, Lake Meadows Shopping Center “Art

Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19, 2005 19 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

Renaissance-Rebirth of the Lake Meadows Art APARTMENT RENTALS Do you have

Fair,” honoring Chicago’s living art legends, affordable apartments or homes to rent that do
featuring Trinity’s Artists-in-Residence Patrick not exceed $800/month? Contact Leeta
Thompson, Stephanie Coleman and Cheryl Johnson, or fax 773-298-
Toles, June 25-26, 11:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m., 1151, Listings on Habari Gani rack, Atrium
Saturday and Sunday, 11:00-6:00 p.m., 35th
Street and King Drive ATHLETES FOR CHRIST calling all softball
players ages 18 plus, AFC would like to enter a
NIA INSTITUTE FOR THE ARTS Summer team in the Christian Softball League at Abbott
Program for children ages 5 to 12, begins July Park, beginning July 16, We are still in need of
5-August 12, Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 participants, Contact Kandias Conda, 773-495-
p.m., Childcare subsidy accepted, We can help 5585 or
you apply, June 20-July 1, Mention Trinity for
half off registration, Call 773-925-6473 CAN-CER-VIVE MINISTRY Mother and
Daughter luncheon “Not Without My
NU HARVEST ENSEMBLE will hold open Daughter,” a special breast and cervical cancer
auditions for all voices interested in joining the event sponsored by the Illinois Department of
community gospel ensemble, Call 773-381-5779 Public Health Center for Minority Health
Services, Saturday, June 25, 10:00 a.m.-1:00
OPERATION TINCUP featuring Trinity p.m., Trinity Village Center, Call 773-962-
Ministers-In-Training, Saturday, June 25, 9:30 5650 mailbox 830 to register
a.m, Living Water Baptist Church, 6511
Jefferson Street, Hammond, IN, For preaching CAREER DEVELOPMENT MINISTRY
assignments contact M. McKinney, 708-647- Small Business/Home-Based Business Fair for
6726 companies that grow by adding new
distributors/franchises of your products and
THIRTEENTH ANNUAL AFRICAN/ services, Thursday, July 28, 6:00-8:30 p.m.,
CARIBBEAN INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL Call ministry hotline, 773-962-0139 or pick up
OF LIFE featuring Ashford and Simpson, registration forms after 7:30-11:00 a.m.
Darius Brooks, Third World Mutabaruka, services in the Atrium
Malik Yusef, Maurice Mahon and Calypso
Rose, July 1-4, 10:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m., COMMUNITY FESTIVAL 2005 Save the
Washington Park, 55th Street and Cottage date! Saturday, August 6, 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.,
Grove, Call 312-559-1212 or Martin’s Inter- Robicheaux Park, 9247 S. Eggleston, Contact
Culture, 312-427-0266 Gisele Marcus, 312-415-4444 or

Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19, 2005 20 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
INFORMATION AND ANNOUNCEMENTS completed forms in Prison Ministry mailbox,

Seating is limited, Call the Prison Ministry
CULTURAL FESTIVAL 2005 Save the date, hotline, 773-962-5650 x886
Saturday, July 16, 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., main
parking lot AND…there will be a planning MENS FELLOWSHIP/ISUTHU This is the
meeting, Tuesday, June 21in the Boardroom last Sunday to sign up for the annual rites-of-
passage fishing trip to Lacon, Il, June 24-26,
EMMAUS ROAD Grief Work Support Group Cost $30 includes a free t-shirt, meals,
“Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda,” Thursday, June activities, Space is still available, Sign up in
23, 7:00-8:00 p.m., Wright Chapel the Atrium after each service, Call Michael
Jones, 773-962-5650 or Fred Mead 773-547-
Subcommittee of Long Range Planning is
available to come to ministry meetings and TRINITY UCC AND SAFER FOUNDATION
retreats upon request to address tithing, debt Sponsoring Ready 4 Work, aftercare program
management, managing risk, savings and for ex-offenders 18-34 years old, not out of
investments, college planning, retirement prison more than 85 days, no sex crimes or
life planning, charitable giving and estate crimes against women or children
planning, To request a speaker call AND…Ready 4 Work mentors needed,
773-962-5650 x 819 must be available to meet with mentees 2-6
hours per month, if ex-offender, must not have
GREETERS MINISTRY If you like meeting been convicted of sex crimes or crimes against
people, have an award-winning smile and women, children, out of prison for at least 2
personality plus, this ministry is for you! years, Call Vanessa Cosby-Shannon, 773-233-
Greeters new member orientation Thursday, 1492
June 30, 7:00-9:00 p.m., room 207
AND…Greeters Newness of Life Sunday is
June 26, Stop by the Atrium after 7:30
and 11:00 a.m. service to say hello

JUSTICE MINISTRIES present “Fresh Start,”

a program of healing, support and
empowerment for ex-offenders, Introductory
program June 24, 5:00 p.m., workshops, June
25 and July 2, Registration forms available on
Habari Gani rack in the Atrium, Leave

Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19, 2005 21 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
Allen, Regan Bowers, Jeffrey Clark, Craig Davis, Patricia
Allen, William Boyd, Darlene Clark, Esther Davis, Winona &
Amerson, Lelvin G. Boynton, Kay Clark, Patricia Byron
Anderson, Patricia Breaux, Coleman Clay, Barbara Delaney, Jr., Herbert
Andrews, Jovan Bridges, Pourtrice & Clay, Izetta Dennis, Coreen
Arnold, Brandon Family Cochran, Rev. Leona Dennis, Thelma
Atkins, Anthony Bridges, Jr., Matthew Colbert, Reggie Denson, Deacon
Austin, Sean Briggs, Donta Coleman, Stephanie Patryce & Family
Avery, Dorothy Briley, Mrs. Louis Coles, Janet Donaldson, Anthony
Bailey, Mary Broome, James Collier, Tabria Dorsey, Finis
Baker, Edna Brown, Barbara Collins, Karl Doty-Thornton,
Ballenger, Sedrick Brown, Jermaine L. Collins, Laverne Barbara Jean
Banks, Marnie Brown, Linda Cooper, Mary Driver, Joyce
Barnes, Ineather Brown, Michael A. Cosby, Roger Duke, Annette
Barrett, Wayne Browner, Ariel Cotton, Gail Dumas Family
Barrett-Gorden, Brydie, Rochelle Cox, Mary & Family Ellison, Gregory
Mamie Burnett, Earnest Crayton, John Eubanks, Roy
Barrigher, Jeffrey Butler, Juanita Crenshaw Family Eubanks, Twyla
Bates, Jr., Freddie Caldwell, William Crosby, Cynthia Evans, Mother A.
Baynes, Ruthie Campbell, Chris Dabney, Baby LaVell Mildred, Everett
Beacoat, Frieda Campbell, Courtney Dabney, Cher & Antoine
Bell, Allen Campbell, Deborah Family Everett, Barbara
Bell, Pamela & Campbell, Joyce Dale, Charletta Fisher, Karen
Family Campbell, Theresa Daniels, Cynthia Fontenot, Melanie
Bennett, Janvier Cannon, Alvin Daniels, Emmonie Foster, Robin
Bevill, Ruby Mae Carmichael, Jerry Dark, Paul Franklin, Linda
Bevill, Sr., Joseph & Carter, Deacon Carole Darke, Jerome Galloway, Norman H.
Family Carter, Donald Darling, Rosia Gillie-Timms,
Billups, Latimore Carter, Eula Davis, Armani Louvenia
Black, Oliver Chaney Family Davis, Baby Jacob Gist, Arthur
Blackman, Darryl Chapman, Bertha “Ray Ray” Glover, William
Blair, Baby India Chapman, Walter Davis, Brijaie Gonder, Joann
Blizzard Family Charles, Tyrik & Davis, Jeanine Goodrich, Zabrian
Boose, Christopher Pamela Davis, Louise Gordon, Mary
Bowen, Ethel Charleston, Arthur Davis, Marsha Graham , Elder Lucille

Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19, 2005 22 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
Gray, Deloris Hudson, Irean Betty Martin, Heyward
Gray, Viola Humphrey, Babette & Kelley, Dorothy Ann Martin, Janet
Greed, Deon William Kimball, Deacon Mason, Claristine
Green, Lincoln Hunter, Cherie Elizabeth Matthews, Vivian
Griffin, Rev. Darrell Hunter, Darryl Kimble, Rosa Mayo, Lois
& Family Hunter, Deborah King, Abdul McClay, Alexis
Gutney, Jesse Hunter, Kenzie King, Nicholas McCoy Family
Guyse, Elois Hunter, Tracey Kirkpatrick, Edith McFadden, Deborah
Gwynn, Mother Irma Isaac, Manuel Kitching, Cynthia & Family
& Arthur Jackson, Debra Kizer, Armani McKinney, Dorothy
Hale, Marjorie Jackson , Queen Land, Rev. William McKinnon, Pat
Haley, Adonnis Jackson , Stephanie & Family McMillan, Howard
Hamilton, Danielle Jackson IV, Stf. Sgt. Lashea Family McMillan, Leon
Hamilton, Deacon Prince Lewis, Anita McNeil, Stephen
Edwina James, Bobbie Lewis, Patrice Kim McQueen, Dorothy E.
Hamilton, Nijell James, Safya Little, Julius Melton, Baby
Hammond, Sr., Jamison, Curtis Ocie Lloyd, Alexander Dawshierra
Donald Jawdat, Anecia Lloyd, Cora Metlock, Don Diego
Hardaway-Wheeler, Johnson, Dr. Fran Lofton, Madardus Michelson, June
Pamela Johnson, Hattie Mae Love, Ernestine & Miller, Freddie
Harris, Michelle Johnson, Lois Family Miller, Ms. Sidney
Harris, Roger Johnson, Olester Lusk, Janice Milliner, Carrie &
Harris, Vandy Johnson, Percy Lyles, Johnise Tommie
Hatchett, Jessie Johnson, William Mack, Devon Mitchell, Leona
Hill, Aieko “Skip” Mack, Ruben Mitchell, Monique
Hill, Chase Jones, Carol Maeins, Camise Mitchell, Shirley
Hill, Gladys M. Jones, Cecile Magett, Valerie Moran, Ollie
Hill, Ione Jones, James Major, Sr., James Morett, Juanita
Hill, Jimmie Jones, Rameese Malone, Alvin Moss, Baby Neomia
Hollmon, Cindie Jones, Raymond Mannie, Andre Moten, Marguerite
Holloway, Alfretta Jones, Tamika Marsh, LaShawn Muse, Virginia
Honesty, Laura Jones-Cornes, Marsh, Vickie & Ncgobo, Rev. Thanda
Hooker, Timothy Tawana Family Nickerson Family
Hoskins, Bertha Jordon, Diane Martin, Carol Norris, Deacon Wanda
Howell, Alexis Keesey, Warren & Martin, Evan Oakley, Robbie C.

Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19, 2005 23 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
Owens, Barbara Rollins, Eddie Smith, Debra & Vernardo, Helen
Owens, Latrese Roper, Alice Family Wafer, Rodney
Palmer, George U. Rowell, Nicholas Smith, Frankie Walker, Elizabeth
Parker, Sarah Rucker, Robert Smith, Pamela Y. Walker, Hattie
Patterson, Inez Russell, Tamon Smith, Sheree Wallace, Sammy
Pecina, Ashley Rutledge, Charles South, Lucretia Ware, Fred & Irene
Perry, Deacon Dr. Ryhal, Tommie Jean Sowell, Darlene & Washington, Audrey
Lamorris Samuels, Blanch Family Watkins, Henry
Phillips, Dorothy Samuels, Stephen Spencer, Nate Westbrook, Nia
Pickens, Charles Samuels, T.J. Stephens, Rose Wharff, Agatha
Platt, Fairee Samuels, Tommy Stevenson, Shirley Wharff, Nicole
Pope, Deympert Samuels, Wiley Stewart, Marvin & White, Brian L.
Pork, Minister Sanders , Norma Jean Family White-Merritt, Rev.
Malachi Sanders , Robert Swann, Vincent Dora
Poston, William Sanders, Sr., Joseph Swindell, Warna Wilks, Elizabeth
Presley, Willie Scates, Hermine Sykes-Ellis, Barbara Williams, Christopher
Price, Buren Scott, Anthony Tanner, Willa Mae Williams, Deacon
Priester, Deacon Scott, Mildoree Taylor, Debra Jackie
Rosalyn Scott, Sheila Taylor, Jade Williams, James
Pugh-Lightfoot, Eric Sewell, Candice Taylor, Raven Williams, Janna
Quinn, Sabrina Shadie, Louise Thomas, Dr. Charles Williamson, Donna
Ramse, Baby Arion Shannon, Vanessa Thomas, Kristin Wilson, Dardina
Reed, Alvin Cosby Thomas, Mary L. Wines, Kina
Richmond, Patricia & Shavers, London Thomas, Vernice Withers, Mother
Family Shavers, Reba & Thomas-Reed, Willa Ernestine
Riley, Beverly Family Thornton, Barbara Wright, Dr. Mary H.
Roberts, Rev. Shavers III, Willie H. Tibbs, Delran Wright-Miller,
Howard Shavers, Sr., Willie H. Tilford, Deacon Doris Mildred
Robertson, Patricia Shavers-Adams, Tollizer, Louis Young, Barbara
Robinson, Candie Elizabeth Towner, Marleta Young, Samella
Robinson, Eartha Shaw, Mayor William Trask, Bobbie
Robinson, Norris Simmons, Laverne Trenoir, Joseph &
Rogers, Monet & Simpson, Helen Carol
Gregory & Family Smart, Hattie Triplett, Mother Sadie
Rolle, S. Smith, Carlton Usher, Iza

Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19, 2005 24 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.


Mrs. Laura Burnett Mr. James R. Burnett & Family, 2145 E. 93rd St. (17)
Mr. Robert Hazzard, Sr. Mrs. Kelly Gilbert-Hazzard & Family
493 Bloomfield Dr., Bolingbrook, IL 60440
Mr. Monroe King Ms. Pat King & Family, P.O. Box 495947 (49)
Mr. Richard King
Mr. Reuben Mack Mrs. Rhoda Crayton & Family, 8746 S. Cottage Grove Ave. (19)
Mrs. Donna Pitts Ms. Linda Rounsaville, 9344 S. Bishop Ave. (20)
Mr. Herbert Poe Mrs. Drucilla Fielder & Family
Mrs. Onie Mae Adams 7450 N. Rogers Ave., Unit #613 (26)


Regan Allen Chicago, IL 60637

Christ Hospital 773-702-1000
4440 W. 95th St.
Oak Lawn, IL 60453 Alfred Caston
820 S. Damen Ave.
Ava Butler Chicago, IL 60612
Northwestern Memorial Hospital 312- 569-8387
251 E. Huron St.
Chicago, IL 60611 Gloria Hudson
312-926-2000 Provident Hospital
500 E. 51st St.
Theresa Campbell Chicago, IL 60615
University of Chicago Hospital 312-572-2000
5841 S. Maryland Ave.

Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19, 2005 25 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

Janice Jenkins Mrs. Lonnie Singleton

Mercy Hospital St. Francis Hospital
2525 S. Michigan Ave. 12935 S. Gregory St.
Chicago, IL 60616 Blue Island, IL 60411
312-567-2000 708-597-2000
Reginald Johnson Claude Stevens, Sr.
St. James Hospital Mercy Hospital
1423 Chicago Rd. 2525 S. Michigan Ave.
Chicago Heights, IL 60406 Chicago, IL 60616
708-756-1000 312-567-2000
Madardus Lofton Willa Vance
University of Chicago Hospital Mercy Hospital
5841 S. Maryland Ave. 2525 S. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60637 Chicago, IL 60616
Judge R. Eugene Pincham
Mercy Hospital
2525 S. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60616



BUTLER, Alice Faye 1010 W. 95th St. ELZIE, Deacon Evelyn

Washington Heights Chicago, IL 60643 Renaissance Nursing Center
Nursing Home Room 329, Bed 1 2940 W. 87th Street
1010 W. 95th St. 773-298-1177 Chicago, IL 60652
Chicago, IL 60643 Room 203, Bed 1
Room 224, Bed 2 COLLINS, Laverne 773-434-8787
773-298-1177 Chevy Chase Nursing Center
3400 S. Indiana Avenue EVANS, Jesse
CARTER, Michael Chicago, IL 60616 Renaissance at 87th St.
Washington Heights Room 112, Bed 1 Nursing Home
Nursing Home (312) 842-5000 2940 W. 87th St.

Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19, 2005 26 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

Chicago, IL 60652 McINTOSH, Deacon Maurice Room 207, Bed 2

Room 104 Lexington House 708-598-3460
773-434-8787 Nursing Home
10300 Southwest Highway SMITH, Mary Baker
FLOWERS, Donna Chicago Ridge, IL 60415 Mongtomery Place
Manor Care Nursing Center Room 233, Bed A 5550 S. South Shore Dr.
9401 S. Kostner Ave. 708-425-1100 Chicago, IL 60615
Oak Lawn, IL 60453 Room 209
Room 127, Bed C MOTEN, Marguerite 773-753-4100
708-423-7882 Renaissance at South Shore
Nursing Home STEPHENS, Leroy
HAMPTON, Ineze 2425 E. 71st St. Bell Haven Nursing Home
Manor Care Health Chicago, IL 60649 11401 S. Oakley Avenue
Care Services Room 139, Bed B Chicago, IL 60643
2145 E. 170th St. 773-721-5000 Room 125, Bed 1
South Holland, IL 60473 (COMMUNION VISITS 773-233-6311
Room 338, Bed C ONLY)
708-474-4167 TEVERBAUGH, George
PEAVY, Irene Rush-Barton Supported
KIMBALL, Deacon Elizabeth Victory Center of River Oaks Living Facility
Renaissance at South Shore 1370 Ring Rd., Apt. #407 1245 S. Wood St.
Nursing Home Calumet City, IL 60409 Chicago, IL 60608
2425 E. 71st St. 708-832-1130 Room 320
Chicago, IL 60649 312-421-5220
Room 139, Bed C SEYMOUR, Otis
773-721-5000 Renaissance on 87th St. TINSLEY, Eddis
2940 W. 87th St. Dawson Nursing Home
LOWE, Gladys Chicago, IL 60652 3500 S. Giles Ave.
The Coles Supported Living Room 208, Bed 1 Chicago, IL 60653
Senior Housing 773-434-8787 Room 202, Bed 1
7419 S. Exchange Ave. 312-326-2000
Apt. #404 SHEATS, Benjamin
Chicago, IL 60649 Rest Haven Central WALKER, Lorraine
773-375-5862 13259 S. Central Ave. Bell Haven Nursing Home
Palos Heights, IL 60463 & Rehab Center
MASON, Claristine Room 23 11401 S. Oakley Ave.
Alden-Wentworth 708-597-1000 Chicago, IL 60643
Rehabilitation Center Room 221, Bed 1
201 W. 69th St. SIMPSON, Helen 773-233-6311
Chicago, IL 60621 Palos Hills Extended
Room 229 Care Facility WASHINGTON, Deacon Sadie
773-487-1200 10426 S. Roberts Road Warren Barr Pavilion
Palos Hills, IL 60465 66 W. Oak St.

Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19, 2005 27 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

Chicago, IL 60610 WILLIAMS, Maudine

Room 322 Halsted Terrace
312-337-5400 Nursing Home
10935 S. Halsted St.
WATSON, Janet Chicago, IL 60628
Timberview Nursing Home Room 231, Bed 2
2450 Taft St. 773-928-2000
Gary, IN 46404
Room 319, Bed 2 WILSON, Louis
219-977-2610 Ext. 342 Renaissance at 87th St. Nursing Home
2940 W. 87th St.
WATT, Mildred Chicago, IL 60652
Renaissance at South Shore Nursing Home Room 302, Bed 1
2425 E. 71st St. 773-434-8787
Chicago, IL 60649
Room 409, Bed A


ADAMS-CHILDS, Vernita 1621 E. 68th St., Apt. #1A (37) 773-363-8625
ALLEN, Deacon Quinville 11919 S. Harvard Ave. (28) 773-468-8228
Visits after 5:00 p.m. on Sundays
BROOKS, Arzulia 9412 S. Eggleston Ave. (28) 773-224-7581
BROUGHTON, Ann 9308 S. Stewart Ave. (20) 773-468-2212
BURKS, Willa A. 18525 S. Center Ave., Homewood, IL 60430 708-799-3581
CHANDLER, Lorre 3510 N. Pine Grove Ave., Apt. #310 (57) 773-871-8171
CLAY, Louise 11626 S. Stewart St. (28) 773-468-9642
CLAY, Nancy 5948 W. Midway Park (44) 773-287-9194
COMPTON, Yvonne 400 E. 41st Street, Apt. #601N (53) 773-285-0555
DUKE, Annette 818 Gray Ave., Evanston, IL 60202 847-869-0408
DUNAGAN, Patricia 7318 S. King Dr. (19) 773-846-1453
EILAND, Goletha 11801 S. Bell St. (43) 773-881-7971
EVANS, Mother A. Mildred c/o Shirley Allen
6946 S. Wolcott Avenue (36) 773-778-8016
EVERETT, Barbara 231 S. Orchard Dr., Park Forest, IL 60466 708-228-5298
FORD, John 8939 S. Dante Ave. (19) 773-734-7363
FUNCHES, Josephine 9312 S. Union Ave. (28) 312-805-1401
Visits before 12:00 Noon on Sundays

Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19, 2005 28 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

GILLIAM, Joseph 9804 S. Lowe Ave. (28) 773-445-8204

GORDON, Mary 1440 S. Indiana Ave., Apt. #607 (05) 312-360-1412
GRAYSON, Aletha 9526 S. Avalon Ave. (28) 773-734-4702
GREEN, William 21735 Carol Ave., Sauk Village, IL 60411 773-684-3509
HARDY, Glodine c/o Lois Walker
598 Andover St., Chicago Heights, IL 60411 708-481-5814
HARDY, Maide 1380 Ring Rd., Apt. #412
Calumet City, IL 60409 708-862-2979
HEREFORD, Bessie 9251 S. Parnell Ave. (20) 773-846-0448
HICKS, Karen B. 727 S. Maple Ave., Unit #106
Oak Park, IL 60304 708-386-1622
HILLER, Jerrilyn 9629 S. Michigan Ave. (28) 773-468-2797
HORNSBURGER, Ruby 369 E. 88th St. (19) 773-846-9234
HOUGH, John Henry 123 E. 70th St. (37) 773-224-8682
HEWING, Anna 15501 S. Western Ave., Harvey, IL 60426 708-333-8481
JACKSON, Betty Jo 6140 S. Drexel Ave., Apt. #319 (37) 773-363-0527
JACKSON, Lillian 7309 S. Dante Ave. (19) 773-493-5421
JEFFRIES-HANEY, Yugunda 9249 S. Throop St. (20) 773-445-8088
JENKINS, Deacon Herschel 7615 S. Paxton Ave. (49) 773-734-7583
JOHNSON, Florence 1715 E. 91st St. (17) 773-734-4655
LASSITER, John 1440 N. Lake Shore Dr., Apt. #18E (10) 312-654-0445
LITTLE, Nettie 200 Park Ave., Apt. #626
Calumet City, IL 60409 708-891-5154
McCORMICK, Judy 9173 S. Harvard Ave. (28) 773-928-2798
McDADE, Darlene 18555 Hickory Ct., Apt. #17, Lansing, IL 60438 708-418-0145
McFADDEN, Deborah 512 Davis St., Park Forest, IL 60466 708-283-1712
MILES, Mary 6142 S. St. Lawrence Ave., 1st Floor (37) 773-667-0167
MITCHELL, Shirley 9556 S. Lowe (28) 773-881-2554
MITCHELL, Vernita 7251 S. Princeton Ave. (21) 773-488-4855
MORRIS, Ronald c/o Shirley Beasley (49) 773-731-0152
7819 S. Colfax Ave.
NATHANIEL, Willa Mae 14232 S. Stewart Ave., Riverdale, IL 60827 708-841-4763
NORRIS, Deacon Wanda 9706 S. Wallace St. (28) 773-779-3951
PALMER, Spencer 433 E. 133rd St., Riverdale, IL 60827 773-468-7633
PAYTON-LOVE, Mary 7938 S. Jeffrey Blvd. (49) 773-734-7828
PERRY, Richard 22509 Edward St., Apt. #1A, 60471 708-679-0831
Richton Park, IL
PEGUES, Mary 120 E. 83rd St. (19) 773-873-2629
TUES & THURS 9:00 A.M. TO 1:00 P.M.

Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19, 2005 29 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

PLAYER-KING, Jerry 9400 S. Bishop St. (20) 773-726-4647

QUINN, Anna 7022 S. South Shore Drive., Apt. #715 (49) 773-684-8831
SMITH, Claude 8739 S. Harper Ave., Apt. #1 (19) 773-768-5953
SMITH, Edward 17791 Arlington Dr.
Country Club Hills, IL 60478 708-206-1457
SMITH, Olah 10510 S. Rhodes Ave. (28) 773-995-6893
SOUTH, Lucretia 439 N. Central Ave., Apt. #1E (44) 773-378-5980
STEELE, William 12351 S. LaSalle St. (28) 773-568-6153
THOMAS, Constance 7944 S. Peoria Ave. (20) 773-994-1826
THOMPSON, Beverly 352 Dogwood St., Park Forest, IL 60466 708-481-1066
TUCKER, Geraldine 400 E. 41st St., Apt. #602N (53) 773-924-2207
WASHINGTON-DYK, Gwendolyn 2045 W. Jackson Blvd., Apt. #2012 (12) 312-421-7867
WHITTENBURG, Doris 18451 Carrington Ct., Hazel Crest, IL 60429 708-922-0884
YOUNG, Debra 15229 S. Blackstone, Dolton, IL 60419 708-841-2042

BROWN, Hysson 10427 S. Hoxie Ave. (17)
CHAPMAN, Malachi 10838 S. Wallace Ave. (28)
CONDA, William 12453 S. Emerald Ave. (28)
MOORE, Hilton 8620 Peace Way, Apt. #1038, Las Vegas, NV 89147
MUSE, Virginia 9530 S. Lowe Ave. (20)
ROBERTS, Fontain 1829 N. Austin Ave. (39)
THOMAS, Rosetta 5035 S. Evans Ave., Apt. #2B (15)
WALKER, Jr., Floyd 8428 S. Green St. (20)
WALKER, Sr., Floyd 8428 S. Green St. (20)
WHITE, Willa 3555 S. Cottage Grove Ave., Apt. #705 (53)


BARRETT-GORDEN, Mamie 8436 S. King Dr. (19) 773-846-6229
BENN, Vester 9035 S. Luella Ave. (17) 773-374-8914
BROWN, Ann H. 1342 W. 111th Place (43) 773-445-5315
CARTER, Deacon Carole 4934D S. Cornell Ave. (15) 773-493-3698
GWYNN, Arthur 9346 S. Wentworth Ave. (20) 773-821-0102
JEFFERSON, Lorine M. 9600 S. Prospect Ave. (43) 773-429-0754
LLOYD, Cora 6737 S. Oglesby Ave. (49) 773-288-4745
JONES, Lula 11325 S. Union Avenue (28) 773-468-4743

Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19, 2005 30 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
LEGGETT, Aurelia 1639 W. 107th Street (43) 773-233-0286
MARTIN, Willie 9600 S. Lowe Ave. (20) 773-779-5791
NELSON, Mary & Thomas 5401 S. Hyde Park Blvd., Apt. #1101 (15) 773-667-3404
TRIPLETT, Sadie 9612 S.Wallace (28) 773-779-1689
WILKS, Elizabeth 2960 N. Lake Shore Dr., Apt. #2507 (57) 773-296-0580
WITHERS, Mother Ernestine 340 E. 38th St., Apt. #807 (53) 773-373-3747


WEAVER, Odessa 6751 S. Constance Ave. (49) 773-288-3795











Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19, 2005 31 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.


















Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19, 2005 32 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.


M - TH MINISTRY 773-928-3233 Zeke Morris
9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. 24-Hour Answering 773-643-5300 Ext. 59
FR - 11:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Service DOMESTIC
SAT - 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. 773-962-0139 KUJICHAGULIA
Mailbox 811
PROGRAM TU & TH - 1:00-9:00 p.m. 773-373-7042
773-298-0473 WED - 10:00-6:00 p.m. DRUG & ALCOHOL
M - FRI FR - 10:00-6:00 p.m. MATH TUTORIAL
9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. SAT - 9:00-5:00 p.m. 773-962-5650
Sundays & Mondays
Tough Love
773-962-5650, Ext. 808
LIBRARY 773-298-1590
Free “N” One Answering Service
773-962-5650, ext. 740 773-962-5650, Ext. 808 773-962-5650
Mailbox 886
11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. & ECONOMIC
6:00-8:00 p.m. EMPOWERMENT
773-962-5650, Ext. 819
10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. MINISTRY LEARNING CENTER
COMMUNITY 773-962-5658
Answering Service
773-962-5650 773-978-0725 or
Mailbox 830 773-734-4033, ext. 111

TU & TH - 6:00-8:00 p.m.
SAT - 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
SUN - After 7:30 MINISTRY
& 11:00 a.m. Services 312-409-AIDS or
773-962-5686 312-409-2437
773-723-8382 (fax)

Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19, 2005 33 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr., Senior Pastor
Rev. Melbalenia D. Evans, Executive Minister
Rev. Dr. James L. Miles, Chief Operating Officer
Toya Perry, Chief Financial Officer
Rev. Wanda J. Washington, Associate Pastor, Director of Pastoral Services
Rev. Stacey Edwards, Associate Pastor
Rev. Barbara A. Heard, Associate Pastor
Rev. John E. Jackson, Sr., Associate Pastor
Rev. Regina Reed, Associate Pastor
Rev. Michael G. Sykes, Associate Pastor
Rev. Reginald Williams, Associate Pastor
Rev. Ramah E. Wright, Associate Pastor
Dr. Julia Speller, Director Christian Education
Rev. Michael D. Jacobs, Minister to Youth and Children
Rev. Ann Patton, Minister of Christian Education
Deacon Shirley Bims-Ellis, Director Center for African Biblical Studies
Robert E. Wooten, Jr., Director of Music
Deacon Jeri L. Wright-Harris, Director of Media
Janet Wright-Moore, Executive Secretary

Friday Worship Service (Praise Service begins Television Broadcast

• F.A.T. Fridays • 15 minutes prior) Sundays 6:30 a.m.,
Every Friday • 12:00 Noon Sunday Bible Discovery Hour Tuesdays 5:30 a.m.
Chicago Federation of Musicians 9:45 a.m. (TV One, Check Local Listings)
Building Sunday Youth Church Prayer Line 773-298-2160
175 W. Washington Street 7:15 a.m., 10:45 a.m.
Weekly Praise/Prayer Service
Saturday Church School LIVE Webcasts Sundays
9:30 a.m. Sundays 7:15 a.m., 10:45 a.m., 5:45 p.m.
532 W. 95th Street & 400 W. 95th St. 7:30 & 11:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m. Wednesdays • 11:30 a.m., 7:14 p.m.
Mondays & Thursdays
Sunday Worship Service 7:00 p.m.
7:30 & 11:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m. Website •

Church Office Hours Reception Desk Hours Synergy Counseling Center

Monday through Friday Monday through Friday 532 W. 95th Street
9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. 773-994-9937
Saturdays • 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Saturdays • 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sundays • 6:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

“There are different ways of serving, but the same Lord is served.”
1 Corinthians 12:5 (TEV)

Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19, 2005 34 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

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