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Final Examinations2006/2007

E 5EF AdditionalMathematics
SectionA (62 marks)

I. Eva l uatef_-I
.r(2x+ 3),,o-.

(3 rnarksi

2' Let f(x) = Irind f'(x) by thefirstprinciple.


(4 marks)
3. ( a ) I ti sg i ve ntl ta t2 }co s0 *2l sin0= r cos( 0+o) ,
wher er >0ancloisanacut eangl e.
Findthevalueof r andcrto thenearest
(\ -b/)l 2 L@.U
e ry:si n g tl re re su l ti n (a) ,findthefangeofthevaluesofy.

(5 marks)

4. Solvethe following equations:

( a ) l 2x -l l =i t;
(b) lr l"r--5xl_tl=t,

5' (5 marks)
Show;by mathematicar
induction,that,for ail positiveintegersn,

e:;c).@#)+ ..'i&l : #1

(5 marks)

6' (a) Expand(2x - r)6 compretery

in descending
orclerof powersof x.

(b) If theconstant
termin theexpansion
of (2x -1161zx* is r7, find thevalue(s)of a.

(5 marks)

7. (a) Showthatsin(4x+ I )cos(4.r

' _ 3n . - I
' .1 ' 7 1:-cos 8x.
4 /-v e \
(b) Hencefind the generalsolution
of the equation

-I f= 1
4 4' 4

Fi nal E x am . 06/ A 7F .s A rl d i ti o n a l (6 marks)

Ma th e ma ti c s
Final Examinations2A0612007
F.sEF AdditionalMathematics
: y : -2x2+ 10x+ 10and
8. In Figure1, theshaded regionABC is formedby L: 5x + y - 38 A' C1:
c,..y = x2 *16* + 26.The coordinates of A'. B aud C are (4,18),(8,-38) and
respectively.Findthe areaof the shadedregion'


Q:!=l x Tfi Qv +10
Figure1 (5 rnarks)

(8, 0) respectively'c is a point on lB such

g. In Figure 2, the coordinatesof I and B are (0, 4) and
thatAC : CB : I : r, where r > 0'


Figure 2

(a) Expressthe coordinatesof C in terms of r'

(b) Find the value(s)of r if
(i) C is9 unitsfrom the straightline 2x +y - 8

(ii) theareaof LCPQ= + units'whereP: (2' 4) and0: (5' 5)'
(6 rnarks)

1 0 . L e t A = (a ,-1 ),B = (l '!) and C 7-2,3)'
-> -2
(a) Find AB and BC in termsof a, b, i andj.
.-> + -> -->
the values of a andbif O C I BC and AC ll AB
(b) F'ind
(6 marks)

Final Exam. 06/0? F. 5 Additional Mathematics
Final Examinations200612007
N 5EF AdditionalMathematics
- ?^
ll. Let y=tan-Jx.

(a) (i) Find $.


(ii) Hence
,tto*'thut 18(3seca3x -2s..2 3*1.

(b) Find the slopeof the normalto thecurve y = tan23x at x = :

(6 marks)

2 - ,r-t"- 1= 0 wherem is a realnurnber'

12. Let a and B be therootsof theequation* ,
(a) (i) Express il + I in tet'msof m.
'P c'

(ii) Findtherangeof valuesof m suchthat I + I < 3(a + B) .


(b) rf t * I < k(cr+ B) for all valuesof m, find therangeof valuesof k.

(6 marks)
End of SectionA

SectionB (48 marks)

Answer any FOUR questionsonly from this section.

with OA: OB :2 and/.AOB: 120o.D is themid-point

13. In Figure3, OACBis a paralleogram of
OA. CD rneetsAB at E. C
Le t OA :a and OB :b,
(a) Find
(a) (i) Find a . b.
(ii) l{encc,
(b) (i) Let BE : EA: ), : (1 - l,)
ExpressOE in termsof 1",a andb.
( ii ) L e tC E : E D : p : (1 - p) .
ExpressOE in termsof p, a andb.

( i i i ) H e n ce ,sh o u ,th aOi:

t ?"*!A. Figure3
(5 marks)
(c) Using the aboveresultsand dot productof vectors,find ZOEB.
(4 marks)
!'inal Exam. 06/07 b-.5 Additional Mathematics 4/8
Final Examinations200612007
F.sEF AdditionalMathematics

14. Consiclerthe familyof circlesF:x2+y2 + (7k- 4)x* 61,- Q3k+ 20) 0, u'hereftis real'
Cr is thecircle,' * y'* 18x- 6y + 26 : 0, asshownin Figure4'

* t * )' t -l8 x -6 )' + 2 6 : 0

L: 4x+3y- 36:0


(a) Showthat Cr is a circle in F

(1 mark)
(b) Cz is a circle centredat (4,75)andtouchesL: 4x a-3y - 36 0'
(i) F'indthe equationof Cz.
(ii) Show that Cz touchesCr.
(4 marks)
(cj The locus of the centresof the circles in F is a straightline Ir" Firrdthe equationof Lr-.
(2 marks)
(d) Cl is anothercircle in F. The line joining the centresof C: and C2 makesan angle

0 with Zp, wheretan 0 : I{ . f in.f the possibleequation(s)of C3'

(5 rnarks)

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Final Examinations2AA6?0A7
5EF AdditionalMathematics

t< Figure5 showsa tetrahedronOPQR with .ROperpendicularto the plane OPQ. IPRQ = 0,
ZPOQ: $, /.RPO: a andIRQO = b .


/ o,+, \
q- -* ----l
Figure 5

(PR cosa)2 + (QR cosh)z- PQ2_

(a) (i) Show that cos $ =
(ii) Henceor otherwise,show that cos O: r - tana tanb.
cos4 coso
(5 marks)
(b) In Figure6 (a),ABCD is a rectangularplate.AB ll EF ll GH. AE - 3 cm,EG:4 cm,
GD :5 cm and CD = h cm.The plate is folded along EG andG.Flsuchthat a triangular
prism is formed as shown in Figure 6 (b),

n E G D
3cm 4cm 5cm
//./ 5 crn

B H C cm

Figure 6 (a) ,4 cm
Figure6 (b)

(i) lf h = [2, using the result in (a) or otherwise,find IHAF correctto thenearest
(ii) If ZHA|-: 30o,lind the exactvalue of lz.
(7 marks)

FinalExam.06/07n 5 AdditionalMathematics 6t8

Final Examinations
F. sEF AdditionalMathematics

16. (a) (i) Evaluate irir,'"dt.

f .4 1
(il) snow tnat xdx: 1"- 1sin2x* sin4x+C.
Jsln 8432
(5 marks)
(b) Figure 7 (a) shows a region boundecl by the y-axis and the curve x : sin2/ * ko
. where0 <y< *: by revolvingtheregionabout the y-axis.
andfr> 0. Avesselis generated

The cross-sectionof the vesselis shown also in Figure 7 (a). The opening of the vesselis a
circlewith radiusr units.

4 units

Figure7 (b)
Figure7 (a)

(i) Find the capacityof the vesselin terms of fr.

(ii) Find the capacityof the vesselwhen r : 7.
(iii) The vesselis placedcompletelyinsidea tall rectangularbox as shownin Figure7 (b).
'fhe baseof the box is a squareof side 4 units. Find, if ftvaries, the capacityof the
largestvesselthat can be placedinsidethe box.
(Note:ignorethe thicknessof the vessel.)
(7 marks)

Final Exam. 06/07 F. 5 Additional Mathematics 'il8

Final Examinations200612007
F. 5EF AdditionalMathematics
suchthatAB : 7^11cm,AP = 3 cm,BQ = 4 cm
17. In Figure8,AB. AP andBQ arelinesegments

andIBAP: IABQ : 90".R is a variablepointonAB suchthatIARP: 0 and/BRQ = $.

3 cm

/vJ cm


(a) lf R is moving towards B at a speedof I cm/s, by consideringRB in terms of Q,frnd the rate

of changeof $ when R is rF cm from A.

(3 marks)

(b) (i) Showthat 3cot0+ 4cot$= 7.,r5,

(ii) Hencerrntl 99 in termsof o andg,

(3 marks)
(c) Let L=P R+QR.
(i) ExpressL in terms of 0 and {.
(ii) Using (c) (i) and (b) (ii). or otherwise,show that
dI, 3 (co s$ -cos0)
de sin20
(iii) Find the positionof R so that L is mtntmum.
('l'estingfor minimum is not required.)
(6 marks)

End of Paper

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