Trinity United Church of Christ Bulletin 07/17/05

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Order of Worship (7:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m.)..........................................................2

Unison Scripture (7:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m.) ...........................................................3
Hymn of Praise (7:30 a.m. – “My Faith Looks Up To Thee”) ...........................................4
Hymn of Praise (11:00 a.m. – “The Lord Is Blessing Me”) ...............................................4
Sermon Notes.......................................................................................................................5
Pastor’s Page ........................................................................................................................6
To Do Justice/Stewardship ..................................................................................................8
Biographical Sketch of Rev. Dr. Frederick D. Haynes III. .................................................9
Calendar .............................................................................................................................10
The Akiba...........................................................................................................................11
Vacation Bible School/Singles Conference.......................................................................13
Youth Summit/Youth Revival ...........................................................................................14
Trumpet Subscription.........................................................................................................15
Community Festival/1st Fridays Worship Service ............................................................16
Heart of the Community ....................................................................................................17
Information & Announcements .........................................................................................18
Prayers Only.......................................................................................................................20
Hospitalized .......................................................................................................................22
Extended Care ....................................................................................................................23
Members At Home.............................................................................................................25
Prayer Concerns .................................................................................................................28
Service and Support Groups ..............................................................................................29

Revival Sunday, July 17, 2005 © 2005 Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

Choral Introit .........................................................................................................................“Holy, Holy, Holy”

Opening Hymn (7:30 a.m.) ....................................................................................................“There’s A Storm”
Opening Hymn (11:00 a.m.).................................................................................“Come Thou Almighty King”
Opening Hymn (6:00 p.m.).......................................................................................“Sing Praises to Our King”
Call To Worship
The Lord’s Prayer
Hymn of Praise (7:30 a.m.) ................................................................................“My Faith Looks Up To Thee”
Hymn of Praise (11:00 a.m.).....................................................................................“The Lord Is Blessing Me”
Unison Scripture (7:30 a.m.) .........................................................................................Genesis 50:15-21 (NIV)
Unison Scripture (11:00 a.m.)........................................................................................Matthew 2:13-23 (NIV)
Unison Scripture (6:00 p.m.) ..................................................................................John 11:1-11/38-44 (NRSV)
Ministry of Music (6:00 p.m.)....................................................................................................“Let God Arise”
Parish Concerns
Baby Dedication
Visitor Recognition
Passing of the Peace
The Pastor’s Word
The Service of Giving
Offertory Sentences
Tithes and Offerings
Guest Minister’s Offering/Scholarship Offering (Deacons)
Altar Call (7:30 a.m.)............................................................................................................................“Healing”
Altar Call (11:00 a.m.) .....................................................................................................“For Every Mountain”
Sermon (7:30 a.m.) ......................................................................“It’s Time To Check Your Family Baggage!”
Sermon (11:00 a.m.) .............................................................................................“Daddy, Are We There Yet?”
Sermon (6:00 p.m.)......................................................................................“A Wake Up Call For Black Men!”
Hymn of Invitation (7:30 a.m.) .............................................................................................................(selected)
Hymn of Invitation (11:00 a.m.) ...........................................................................................................(selected)
Hymn of Invitation (6:00 p.m.) .............................................................................................................(selected)
Benediction .....................................................................................................................“Go Ye Now In Peace”

[Once the Sermon has begun, parishioners may not enter or re-enter the 1st floor Sanctuary]

Revival Sunday, July 17, 2005 2 ©2005 Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
unison scripture
7:30 a.m. reigning in Judea in place of his father Herod, he
GENESIS 50:15-21 (NIV) was afraid to go there. Having been warned in a
15 When Joseph's brothers saw that their father dream, he withdrew to the district of Galilee, 23 and
was dead, they said, "What if Joseph holds a grudge he went and lived in a town called Nazareth. So was
against us and pays us back for all the wrongs we fulfilled what was said through the prophets: "He
did to him?" 16 So they sent word to Joseph, saying, will be called a Nazarene."
"Your father left these instructions before he died: --------------------------------------
17 'This is what you are to say to Joseph: I ask you 6:00 p.m.
to forgive your brothers the sins and the wrongs JOHN 11:1-11/38-44 (NIV)
they committed in treating you so badly.' Now 1 Now a man named Lazarus was sick. He was
please forgive the sins of the servants of the God of from Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister
your father." When their message came to him, Martha. 2 This Mary, whose brother Lazarus now
Joseph wept. 18 His brothers then came and threw lay sick, was the same one who poured perfume on
themselves down before him. "We are your slaves," the Lord and wiped his feet with her hair. 3 So the
they said. 19 But Joseph said to them, "Don't be sisters sent word to Jesus, "Lord, the one you love
afraid. Am I in the place of God? 20 You intended is sick." 4 When he heard this, Jesus said, "This
to harm me, but God intended it for good to sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God's
accomplish what is now being done, the saving of glory so that God's Son may be glorified through
many lives. 21 So then, don't be afraid. I will it." 5 Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus.
provide for you and your children." And he 6 Yet when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he
reassured them and spoke kindly to them. stayed where he was two more days. 7 Then he said
-------------------------------------- to his disciples, "Let us go back to Judea." 8 "But
11:00 a.m. Rabbi," they said, "a short while ago the Jews tried
MATTHEW 2:13-23 (NIV) to stone you, and yet you are going back there?"
13 When they had gone, an angel of the Lord 9 Jesus answered, "Are there not twelve hours of
appeared to Joseph in a dream. "Get up," he said, daylight? A man who walks by day will not
"take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. stumble, for he sees by this world's light. 10 It is
Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to when he walks by night that he stumbles, for he has
search for the child to kill him." 14 So he got up, no light." 11 After he had said this, he went on to
took the child and his mother during the night and tell them, "Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but
left for Egypt, 15 where he stayed until the death of I am going there to wake him up."
Herod. And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said
through the prophet: "Out of Egypt I called my son." 38 Jesus, once more deeply moved, came to the
16 When Herod realized that he had been outwitted tomb. It was a cave with a stone laid across the
by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to entrance. 39 "Take away the stone," he said. "But,
kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who Lord," said Martha, the sister of the dead man, "by
were two years old and under, in accordance with this time there is a bad odor, for he has been there
the time he had learned from the Magi. 17 Then four days." 40 Then Jesus said, "Did I not tell you
what was said through the prophet Jeremiah was that if you believed, you would see the glory of
fulfilled: 18 "A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping God?" 41 So they took away the stone. Then Jesus
and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her looked up and said, "Father, I thank you that you
children and refusing to be comforted, because they have heard me. 42 I knew that you always hear me,
are no more." 19 After Herod died, an angel of the but I said this for the benefit of the people standing
Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt 20 and here, that they may believe that you sent me."
said, "Get up, take the child and his mother and go 43 When he had said this, Jesus called in a loud
to the land of Israel, for those who were trying to voice, "Lazarus, come out!" 44 The dead man came
take the child's life are dead." 21 So he got up, took out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen,
the child and his mother and went to the land of and a cloth around his face. Jesus said to them,
Israel. 22 But when he heard that Archelaus was "Take off the grave clothes and let him go."

Revival Sunday, July 17, 2005 3 ©2005 Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

7:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m.


My faith looks up to Thee, Thou Lamb of The Lord is blessing me right now, o right
Cal-va-ry, Sav-ior di-vine! Now hear me now.
while I pray, Take all my guilt a-way, O The Lord is blessing me right now, o right
let me from this day Be whol-ly Thine!
VERSE II He woke me up this morning and started
May Thy rich grace im-part Strength to me on my way.
my faint-ing heart, My zeal in-spire; As The Lord is blessing me right now, o right
Thou hast died for me, O may my love to now.
Thee Pure, warm and change-less be, A
liv-ing fire! VERSE
VERSE III He woke me up this morning
While life’s dark maze I tread, And griefs I was clothed in my right mind,
around me spread, Be thou my guide; Bid He didn’t let me sleep too late.
dark-ness turn to day, Wipe sor-row’s He woke me, woke me, woke me
tears a-way, Nor let me ev-er stray From right on time.
Thee aside. He woke me up this morning and started
VERSE IV me on my way.
When ends life’s tran-sient dream, When The Lord is blessing me right now, o right
death’s cold, sul-len stream Shall o’er me now.
roll; Blest Sav-ior, then, in love, Fear and (Repeat Chorus)
dis-trust re-move; O bear me save a-bove,
A ran-somed soul!


Revival Sunday, July 17, 2005 4 ©2005 Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

















Revival Sunday, July 17, 2005 5 ©2005 Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

WHILE YOU WERE other way, however. That is the same year
LOOKING THE OTHER WAY that George Bush made gay marriage a
political hot potato!
While the Nation has been “majoring For two years now the public has
in minors” and worrying about who’s sleeping wondered who it was in the administration that
with whom or “Who’s zooming who?,” the leaked the information. This past week it
current administration continues its litany of came to light that Mr. Karl Rove is and was
lies, its specialization in “spin” and they are the culprit! The American public, however,
completely bamboozling the American public. has been (once again) looking the other way.
While you were looking the other way, President Bush stated two years ago
Mr. Joseph C. Wilson IV, a good Republican, that “any administration official found to have
a man loyal to the “party,” and a man of been involved in leaking the name of an
integrity wrote an Op-Ed article for The New undercover CIA officer would be fired!” Mr.
York Times. In his article he disputed George Bush also assured us that Karl Rove and his
Bush’s administration’s claims about Sadaam other senior aides had nothing to do with the
Hussein’s nuclear program. disclosure. The journalist naming Mr. Rove
Mr. Wilson was a former diplomat publicly has now caused the White House to
who traveled to Africa on behalf of the CIA once again engage in a new game of “spin”
before the Iraq war to investigate reports (while we look the other way!).
concerning Sadaam Hussein’s efforts to Why do I say that? I say that because
acquire nuclear material. Mr. Wilson said, Negroes, conservatives and folks who really
“There were no weapons of mass destruction.” “don’t get it” are focusing in on who is
Mr. Wilson’s telling the truth angered sleeping with whom while missing the fact that
the George Bush Administration. They said he the government is “doing it to us!”
was not a “team player.” He was not doing as When will we wake up? When will
the Bush Administration had done to “cook the we stop “majoring in minors” and begin to
books” and make the evidence fit the case that pronounce the word “impeachment?” How
George Bush was trying to build to justify his many lies does it take? How many lost lives
illegal war in Iraq which has cost over 1750 does it take?
American boys’ and girls’ lives! We have been lied to by the president.
Because Mr. Wilson dared to tell the We have been lied to by the administration.
truth, the White House sought retribution! The We have been lied to about an illegal war, and
Bush Administration publicly identified his we are rapidly approaching the funeral services
wife as a CIA operative. The Bush for 1800 American boys and girls.
Administration “leaked” information to Does that matter to anybody else, but
identify his wife, Valerie Plane, as “an agency me? I can’t believe that we don’t care about
operative on weapons of mass destruction.” In that. All we seem to care about is what the
other words, they “outed” her! president said about marriage being between
Robert Novak (a syndicated columnist) one man and one woman.
in July of 2003 wrote that Ms. Plane was a I ask you, my beloved, that you take a
CIA operative. They blew her cover! That look at what is going on in our nation and in
put her life in danger! You were looking the our world. The prices at the gasoline pumps
have just jumped 5.7 cents overnight! Does

Revival Sunday, July 17, 2005 6 ©2005 Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

that have anything to do with gay marriage? Those who work for our denomination
as ministers of the gospel use what we give to
Please wake up and smell the oil! help care for those who are ill and for those
who have lost loved ones to AIDS. That is
Sincerely yours, what our OCWM (Our Church’s Wider
Mission) dollars do. That is what our ministry
in the United Church of Christ does.
Pastor Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. The church in Southern Africa is not
unlike the church in the United States of
THE COOL CUP OF America with respect to its response to the
COMFORTING WATER AIDS pandemic. At one end of the spectrum,
the “Church” is silent and is also in denial
Your denomination, the United Church about the disease.
of Christ, has been and continues to be At the other end of the spectrum, the
involved in ministry overseas and here in the “Church” is very active in trying to bring
States that is far more important than the about relief, care, treatment and support to
“wedge issues” that the press is making the persons who are HIV infected (or affected!).
“agenda” of the Conservative Right Winged About four years ago, several of our
Christians or what I call the “Just-Found- church members went with me to Lesotho to
Jesus” Club. see what Vashti McKenzie was doing in that
Your denomination has been involved country. We did not have time, however, to
in fighting against the HIV/AIDS crisis in see what our own denomination was doing in
Southern Africa. We have been working with that country because of our itinerary.
those ministers who are out there everyday in Our church is doing far more than the
Southern Africa. press gives coverage to! The Moriga
The agenda for them is not “gay Seminary in Lesotho has begun a process to
marriages.” The agenda for them is the integrate HIV/AIDS education into its
children who are dying because they don’t theological education curriculum.
have water! It is their hope that by so doing the
From this week’s “Global Ministries seminarians who go through Moriga will be
News” there comes the question, “How does better equipped to minister to their
one bring both figuratively and tangibly, a cool congregations in Lesotho in the midst of a
cup of water to comfort those suffering worldwide pandemic!
HIV/AIDS?” Our Global Ministries That is what your dollars do. That is
Missionaries and the United Church of Christ what our gifts to OCWM do. That is what our
Health and Wholeness advocacy program both denomination is about. It is not about the
work closely with communities addressing “wedge issues” that the news media is
HIV/AIDS in Africa, Asia and Latin America. pumping up!

It is moving to see the commitment of these Sincerely and respectfully yours,

members of our denomination as they address
the “faces of ordinary people” who make in
many instances less than the widow’s mite. Pastor Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

Revival Sunday, July 17, 2005 7 ©2005 Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
By Rev. Reginald Williams Micah 6:8
The Central America Free Trade Our cruise ship softly rippled through
Agreement (CAFTA) is a proposed agreement the waters of New York’s harbor, as we
between the United States and five Central slowly passed the Statue of Liberty. I joined
American countries (Guatemala, El Salvador, other passengers seeking a close look at this
Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica). Bush majestic work of art.
has signed this agreement, and it now awaits But was it only the artwork
full Congressional approval. The bill has impressing me? No, there was a deeper
passed the Senate by a slim margin of 54-45. symbolism - great ideals! Freedom!
It now awaits the approval of the House of Responsibility!
Representatives. The statue was a centennial gift to the
CAFTA is a dangerous agreement. If United States from France. The United States
passed, many small to medium-sized farmers in erected and financed its pedestal. But an
the region will be driven out of business. interesting twist happened in America when
Moreover, CAFTA’s policies will ensure that raising money for the pedestal went too
multinational corporations, which already enjoy slowly.
financial stability, will become richer while the While exercising freedom, the rich
poor and those literally farming to live are were not giving needed financial support, and
driven out of business. the middle-class was freely depending on the
To put it in perspective, CAFTA would rich to provide the money! Joseph Pullitzer
further enable multi-national corporations to do used his 19th century newspaper to encourage
what Wal-Mart is already doing, putting small contributions. Pullitzer’s editorials urged all
businesses out of business by driving down the people to patriotically accept their
cost of labor and forcing small businesses to responsibility. People became motivated.
close. In this case, the small businesses are the Success!
farmers. It’s easy for us Christians to also
If you are concerned about poor people forge that liberty and responsibility go hand
being further exploited by sick and sinful in hand! God gives us great freedom and
systems, then please contact your U.S. amazing gifts. Christian stewardship says use
Representative today and urge them to vote these gifts - personal treasures, talents and
against CAFTA. time, as well as earth’s bountiful resources -
but use them responsibly and lovingly, as
ACTION ITEMS: God would choose.
1. Contact your Representative: Look at Lady Liberty and remember
freedom. Look at her pedestal and remember
Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. responsibility. Liberty stands on
Ph: (773) 241-6500, Fx: (773) 241-6503 responsibility. It’s true for every freedom in
Rep. Danny Davis God’s world.
Ph: 773/533-7520, Fx: 773/533-7530 Freedom and responsibility are both
Rep. Bobby Rush gifts from God. Let’s show our appreciation
Ph: 773-224-6500, Fx: 773-224-9624 to God by sharing and caring. Let’s accept
2. BOYCOTT WAL-MART & SAM’S our freedom to give generously and our
CLUB responsibilty to be good stewards of all God’s
wonderful gifts.
Power concedes nothing without demand! The Stewardship Ministry
~~Frederick Douglass Constance A. King, Editor
Stacey Moore, Chairperson

Revival Sunday, July 17, 2005 8 ©2005 Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
Biographical Sketch
Humility - the state or quality of being humble; absence of pride or of self-
assertion - is a characteristic that illuminates throughout the persona and
spirit of Rev. Dr. Frederick D. Haynes III. The union between the Lord
and His people has been blessed with the pastoral leadership, teaching and
preaching of a Godly man, Rev. Dr. Frederick Douglas Haynes III.

Pastor Haynes is not a human being attempting to be spiritual, but a

spiritual being living in human surroundings. Often, he is described as a
prophet and philosopher, as he demonstrates the gifts of semantic and
poetic phrases throughout his deliveries. He gives undyingly of his time in
spreading the gospel truth, showcasing the phenomenon of Jesus Christ,
locally and across the world. With trust in God and dedication to his
family, Rev. Haynes is committed to praising the Lord for all his accomplishments and talents, as
he clearly acknowledges that the Word is spoken through him.

A man with a vision, he continues to lead an eager congregation through compelling and
challenging messages, promoting church and community partnerships. As an advocate of being
“socially spiritual and spiritually social,” he mobilizes the church to emerge into the future via
“Vision 2000.”

Following the philosophy of Jesus, Pastor Haynes provides clairvoyance with compassion, vitality
and insurmountable energy that has grown the congregation from a membership of approximately
100 to over 4,000.

Hailing originally from San Francisco, CA, Pastor Haynes was born into a lineage of
pastors/preachers bearing the name which has become legendary. Pastor Haynes attended Bishop
College in Dallas, TX, and graduated with a bachelor of arts in religion and English. In December
1996, he was awarded a master of divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in
Fort Worth, TX. Rev. Dr. Frederick D. Haynes III received a doctorate degree in ministry and
preaching from the University of Oxford.

The Rev. Dr. Frederick Douglas Haynes III has been honored for leadership, preaching and
teaching by many, including: chairman, FW Empowerment Corporation; guest lecturer, 12th
World Youth Baptist Conference in Zimbabwe, Africa; guest speaker, James Robinson Bible
Conference; invitee, 1991 African American Summit in Abidjan-Cote Divoire, Africa; Governor’s
Commission on Non-Violence; secretary, Executive Committee, Evangelistic Board of the
National Baptist Convention; Board of Directors, Dallas Urban League; 1993 NAACP Juanita
Craft Community Service Award; Most Promising Leaders Award, Dallas Urban League, and
member, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

He is married to the lovely Debra Peek-Haynes of Detroit, MI and they are blessed with the
parentage of daughter, Abeni Jewel Haynes.

Revival Sunday, July 17, 2005 9 ©2005 Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
SUN...7/17-FRI...7/22 Churchwide Revival 400 W. 95th Street
WED...7/27 Back To School Service 5:30 p.m. Imani Ya Watume - WC
SAT...7/29 Congregational Meeting 6:00 p.m. Band Rehearsal - SA
SAT...7/30 Youth Summit Voice Class - FH
SUN...7/31-WED...8/3 Youth Revival Sanctuary Choir Retreat
Committee - BR
SUNDAY - 7/17 7:00 p.m. Churchwide Revival - SA
6:30 a.m. Trinity Television Broadcast
TV One FRIDAY - 7/22
(Check your cable & satellite menu) 400 W. 95th Street
7:30 a.m. Revival Worship Service - SA 10:00 a.m. Drug & Alcohol Recovery
9:30 a.m. Breakfast - FH Ministry - 118
Bible Study - WC 5:30 p.m. Music Theory Class - 202
11:00 a.m. Revival Worship Service - SA 7:00 p.m. Churchwide Revival - SA
1:30 p.m. Dinner - FH
2:00 p.m. Adult Ushers - SA SATURDAY - 7/23
6:00 p.m. Churchwide Revival - SA 400 W. 95th Street
7:00 a.m. Food Share - A/FH
MONDAY - 7/18 9:00 a.m. Division of Justice - BR
400 W. 95th Street 9:30 a.m. Church School (Adults) - WC
12:00 p.m. Diabetes Support - FH Church School - 118/202
6:00 p.m. Voice Class - WC 11:00 a.m. Little Warriors For Christ - WC
7:00 p.m. Churchwide Revival - SA Reading Tutorial Registration
- FH
TUESDAY - 7/19 1:00 p.m. Youth Drill Team - 202
400 W. 95th Street 2:00 p.m. Women’s Drill Team - A
6:00 p.m. Kujichagulia - 102 3:00 p.m. Singles Choir Rehearsal - WC
7:00 p.m. Churchwide Revival - SA 6:00 p.m. Church School - 207
For Men Only - 118
WEDNESDAY - 7/20 For Women Only - FH
400 W. 95th Street
6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (532 W. 95th Street)
Prayer & Fasting 12:30 p.m. Intonjane
11:30 a.m. Prayer Service - WC
5:00 p.m. Kujichagulia - 207 TUCC Village Center
5:45 p.m. Praise Team - SA (1947 W. 95th Street)
7:00 p.m. Churchwide Revival - SA 10:00 a.m. Tangeni Retreat - W301
2:00 p.m. Language Camp - W302


(6:30 - 9:30 p.m.) Tues., July 26th & August 4th
Adults (1:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.), Children 6-12 Years (2:00 - 3:00 p.m.)
Sat., July 30th & August 6th

Revival Sunday, July 17, 2005 10 ©2005 Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
Blow the Trumpet in Zion
Full Service Format authors
Audio - $6 ea./$35 Series (s/h add $5) Dr. Iva E. Carruthers,
Rev. Dr. Frederick D. Haynes III and
DVD - $15 ea./$100 Series (s/h add $3) Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
Video - $6 ea./$35 Series
(s/h add $10 local/$15 non-Midwest)

Sermon Only Format

Audio - $5 ea./$25 Series (s/h add $5)
CD - $10 ea./$65 Series (s/h add $3)

Monday, July 18, Tuesday, July 19

and Friday, July 22
Immediately following 7:00 p.m.
(Package prices already include Senior/Special Citizen discounts) Revival service
Packages will be available on/after July 22, 2005 in the Atrium
Order Today, Sunday, July 17th and
receive $5 off audio
Monday thru Thursday • 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Friday – 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. • Saturday – 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. • Sunday – After Each Service

Revival Sunday, July 17, 2005 11 ©2005 Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
Are You Ready
To Be Revived?
Kujichagulia Ministry
Sensitivity Awareness Worship Service
Extending A Hand
Of Compassion

Revival 2005
HIV/AIDS Awareness
Special Guests include:
Today, Sunday, July
24th - Friday, July 29th BRYAN JOHNSON & IMANI YA WATUME


Revivalist: Rev. Dr. Frederick

Douglas Haynes III Sunday, July 24, 2005
Senior Pastor,
Friendship-West Baptist Church
Dallas, Texas 2:30 p.m.
For more information, contact Jackie Payton,
Chairperson, at 773-373-7042

Revival Sunday, July 17, 2005 12 ©2005 Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.



Come and be a blessing to our
youth and spend time with them at
VBS as the youth
Singles Surviving
“Go Global With Jesus” In the Wilderness
with God
Friday, August 26 -

Sunday, August 28th
With Speakers
Rev. Dr. Susan K. Smith
Rev. Dee Mitchell Ford
Rev. Sean H. McMillian
July 25th - July 29th
Turner Drew Illinois Beach Hotel and
Language Academy

Conference Center
9300 S. Princeton Ave. 1 Lake Front Drive, Zion, IL
Today, Sunday, July 17th and REGISTRATION – $130.00
Sunday July 24th Following All Three Worship
After each service in the Atrium Services In The Atrium
Patricia Boseman, 773-726-4127
Contact Ministry Services, or Yolanda “Misty” Douglas, 773-592-2442 Philip Johnson, 773-727-0673
Go into all the world and preach the good news.
Mark 16:15 (NIV)

Revival Sunday, July 17, 2005 13 ©2005 Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.


-2 Timothy 1:7
Saturday, July 30, 2005
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Trinity United Church of Christ
400 West 95th Street, Chicago, IL

For Grades 3 - 12

Continental Breakfast & Lunch Provided • Gifts •
Free HIV & AIDS Testing • Talent Showcase
$2.00 Registration Fee • To Register or more
Information, contact Kenya Jackson, 773-536-0905
Children 12 and under require parent’s/guardian’s
consent for HIV/AIDS testing.
Registration Today, Sunday July 17th
and Sunday July 24th in the Atrium
after each service

Revival Sunday, July 17, 2005 14 ©2005 Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
On Sale Today In The Akiba
(after each service and during the week)

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Revival Sunday, July 17, 2005 15 ©2005 Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
The Singles Community
cordially invites

Gathering In
you to

His Name
Friday, August 5, 2005
Guest Preacher:
Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A.
Wright, Jr.
Senior Pastor, Trinity United
Church of Christ
Chicago, Illinois

HALLELUJAH HAPPY HOUR 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

7:00 p.m.
Enter the TUCC Idol Talent Show or Stepper’s Contest!! “ G A M E N I G H T ” I MMEDIATELY F O L L O W I N G S E R V I C E


activities, the stage,
information booth, sports and logistics!
WE NEED YOU! SHARE YOUR GIFTS!! MEET ***Just Another SCCreation***
Free shuttle buses from the Kipling School, 9531 S. Lowe
To volunteer, donate event prizes or for general information,
contact the Community Festival Hotline at 773-962-5650,
Mailbox #877.

Revival Sunday, July 17, 2005 16 ©2005 Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

6TH WARD PICNIC sponsored by Alderwoman “Gathering Today-Memories for Tomorrow”

Fredrenna M. Lyle, Saturday, July 23, 12:00- Save the dates, September 16 and 17, Banquet:
4:00 p.m., Tuley Park, 501 E. 90th Place, Call Harambee House, Cookout: Ada Park, Call
773-846-7006 Gwen Cyprain, 773-456-1629 or Janice
Woods-Wills, 312-814-6283
presents its seventh anniversary exhibit DUSABLE MUSEUM and the Music
“Footsteps of African American Chicagoans,” Experience present “The Experience with Patti
an interactive showcase of the contributions of Labelle,” an interview and meet and greet
black Chicagoans past and present, Tuesday- event only, Monday, July 25, 740 E. 56th
Saturday, 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., Evergreen Place, Doors open 6:30 p.m., event begins 7:00
Plaza, lower level, 9600 S. Western, Call 708- p.m., Tickets guarantee admission and CD
636-9504 signed by Patti LaBelle, 1959 E. 73rd Street
NURSES Lead screenings for children ages six E-TURNITY presents a musical drama, Dr.
months to six years, Information on asthma and King’s daughter invites Malcolm X’s daughter
obesity will be provided, Free tickets to the to church to fellowship in “Did They Die In
first 100 children whose parents visit all three Vain?” Friday, July 22, 7:30 p.m., VIP
tables, House of Kicks, 95th Cottage Grove, reception, 6:00 p.m., Holy Angels Church, 640
Tuesday, July 19, E. Oakwood Blvd., Call 773-373-0198
or AND…ticket holders could win a $10,000
college scholarship for a deserving youth,
CHICAGO CONFERENCE BLACK tickets at Dr. Wax, 5225 S. Harper and
LAWYERS All-day draft counseling session to Vegetarian Supreme, 1702 E. 97th Street
train lawyers, students and community leaders
in anticipation of the possibility of FREE HOMEBUYERS SEMINAR hosted by
reinstatement of the draft, July 23, 8:30 a.m.- KARAMA Realty, Saturday, July 23, 10:00-
5:00 p.m., DePaul College of Law, Chicago, 11:00 a.m., KARAMA Realty, Olympia Square
Call Danielle L. Thomas, 312-236-2900 or Shopping Center, 3434 Vollmer Road,
Stan Willis, 312-554-0005 Olympia Fields, Refreshments served, Limited
seating, Call 708-503-6300
RN/LPN’s to provide quality homecare for HOOLA-HOOP AEROBICS with “PK”
children, Contact 847-913-7853 or Wednesday mornings, 7:30-8:30 a.m., Trinity UCC, Atrium, For more info 773-213-9156


Class of 1975 thirtieth year class reunion Class Reunion presents an all class Sock Hop,

Revival Sunday, July 17, 2005 17 ©2005 Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
COMMUNITY workshops hosted by Rainbow Push, thru July
23, 8:00-9:30 a.m., and August 13-27, 930 E.
Friday, July 22, 7:00 p.m., 9652 S. Michigan 50th Street, Call 773-256-2757 to register
Ave., Dinner dance, Saturday, July 23, Holiday
Inn Matteson, 7:00 p.m., Registration 800-868- WOOTEN CHORAL ENSEMBLE 56th
7513, Class picnic, Sunday, July 24, Dan Ryan Anniversary Celebration Concert, today,
Woods, grove 7, 87th Western, Call 800-552- Sunday, July 17, 5:00 p.m., Governors State
3986 or Marion Broughton, 312-859-3693 University, 1 University Plaza, University
Park, IL
National Black Nurses Association, Chicago WYATT CREATIVE LEADERSHIP
Marriott Magnificent Mile, Saturday, July 23, INSTITUTE for youth ages 15-19 looking for
8:30-11:30 a.m., Chicago Ballroom FGH a unique exciting summer opportunity, now
through August 21, 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., Call
OLD TIMERS STEPPERS SET Clean and for appointment 773-721-6919
sober event to provide shelter and services to
the homeless and addicted, Every first Friday INFORMATION &
beginning August 5, 9:00 p.m., The New
Joyful Noise, 7508 S. Saginaw, Call 773-592-


“Violence Against Women: The Impact of Golf Outing, August 8, 8:00 a.m., Tuckaway
Direct Action,” Thousand Waves Martial Arts Golf Course, 27641 S. Stoney Island, $60
and Self-Defense Center, 1220 W. Belmont, includes 18 holes of golf, cart, halfway lunch,
Call 773-472-7663 buffet dinner, raffle and prizes, Shotgun start
8:30 a.m., Accepting checks thru August 1,
SALEM UCC Summer garage sale, Friday, payable to Trinity UCC, Athletes for Christ,
July 22, 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. and Saturday, box 04, 400 W. 95th Street, Call Theresa
July 23, 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m., 9717 S. Kostner Smith, 773-375-6898 or Carl Smith, 773-375-
SCHOOL DAZE Pre-college workshop for
first-year college students and their parents, CAREER DEVELOPMENT MINISTRY
Financial aid professionals, admission presenting its first Small Business/Home-Based
counselors and graduates will be on hand to Business Fair, Thursday, July 28, 6:00-8:30
assist, Saturday, July 30, 4:00-7:00 p.m., 4622 p.m., Seeking franchises to join us as vendors
S. King Drive, RSVP 773-347-1230 or that can discuss opportunities in the Chicago area, Mark your calendar and plan to attend if
you are looking for ways to earn income!
Contact M. Allen, 773-962-0139 or

Revival Sunday, July 17, 2005 18 ©2005 Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

Registration for students in grades 3-8 who
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Business meeting, need to improve their reading and test-taking
Sunday, July 24, 2:00-4:00 p.m., Trinity Oaks, skills, Saturday, July 30, Fellowship Hall,
6225 S. Drexel, Call Kenya Jackson, 773-536- 400 building, 11:00 a.m.
EMMAUS ROAD Grief Support Group, Summer College Success Workshop, "College
“Where Is He When You Need Him?” Retention/Survival, 100 Things Every College
Thursday, July 28, 7:00-8:00 p.m., Wright Freshman Should Know” plus “Your Legal
Chapel Rights - Part 2,” Tuesday, July 26, 6:00-9:00
p.m., TUCC Village Center, 1947 W. 95th
FINANCIAL COUNSELING CONSORTIUM Street, Call L. Payton, 773-298-1590
Subcommittee of Long Range Planning is
available to come to ministry meetings and TRINITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
retreats upon request to address tithing, debt presents 8 Weeks to Homeownership through
management, managing risk, savings and the Ujamaa Home Counseling Center, Program
investments, college planning, retirement life designed to teach first-time home buyers about
planning, charitable giving and estate planning, the home buying process and homeownership,
To request a speaker call 773-962-5650 x 819 Mortgage lenders and real estate professionals
available to assist in first-time home purchase,
FOOD SHARE MINISTRY distribution Classes begin Tuesday, July 26, 6:00 p.m.,
Saturday, July 23, Food baskets $18 contain Space limited to 30 individuals, RSVP 773-
meat, fruit and vegetables, Adopt-a-family and 962-5650 x503
use giving envelopes to make donations or
stop by the Food Share table after services, TRINITY UCC AND SAFER FOUNDATION
Atrium Sponsoring Ready 4 Work, aftercare program
for ex-offenders 18-34 years old, not out of
MEN’S FELLOWSHIP Baseball Game, Sox prison more than 85 days, no sex crimes or
against Minnesota Twins, Tuesday, August 16, crimes against women or children
Sox Park, Bus departs from Trinity 6:00 p.m., AND…Ready 4 Work mentors needed, must
returns to Trinity at 10:00 p.m., Tickets now be available to meet with mentees 2-6 hours
available in the Atrium after each service, Cost per month, if ex-offender, must not have been
$20 which includes a box lunch, Call Mike convicted of sex crimes or crimes against
Jones, 773-962-5650 women, children, out of prison for at least 2
years, Call Vanessa Cosby-Shannon, 773-233-
NEWNESS OF LIFE featured ministry is 1492
the Counseling Ministry, Please stop by the
table in the Atrium today after each service

Revival Sunday, July 17, 2005 19 ©2005 Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
Allen, Regan Dorsey, Devin & Family McDade, Darlene
Amacker, Michael Dowell, Roberta Jefferson, Deacon McKennie, Edna
Andrews, Jovan Duke, Annette Morris Means, Paulette
Arnold, Brandon Dunbar, Jr., Clarence Jeffries-Haney, Melton, Baby
Barnes, Julia Edmondson Family Yugunda Dawshierra
Barrett-Gordon, Ellis, Tenyetta Jenkins, Janice Milliner, Carrie
Mamie Everette, Antoine Johnson, Percy & Tommie
Barrigher, Jeffrey Fairchild, Paul Johnson, Reginald Moss, Baby
Bennett, Janvier Fields, Shirley & Ellen Nehemiah
Bethea, Leroy Fisler-Hoffman, Johnson, Renita Moten, Marguerite
& Dallas Milton Johnson, Rev. Muse, Virginia
Bethea, Lila Gaiter, Rosie Delores Norris, Deacon
Bowers, Jeffrey Graham, Elder Johnson, Yolandia Wanda
Boynton, Kay Lucille Jones, Ouida Osborne, Doris
Bradshaw, Nezelle Gray, Deloris Keesee, Warren Palmer, Spencer
Broome, James Gray, Viola Keithley, Barrett & Shirley
Broughton, Ann Grayson, Aletha Kimball, Deacon Parrott, Deacon
Brown, Edna Green, Nina Elizabeth Victor
Bryson, Ruth Greene, Jamaari Kirkpatrick, Tranese Passmore, Cynthia
Cadenhead, LaFronne Gwynn, Mother Irma Lake, Xavier Perry, Megan
Campbell, Deborah Miller & Arthur Larkin, Willie L. Pratt, Percy
Campbell, Theresa Hammond, Sr., & Doris Price, Buren
Carter, Dea. Carole Donald Lassiter, John Priester, Deacons
Caston, Alfred Hardaway-Wheeler, Lee, Ora Francis & Rosalyn
Cochran, Rev. Leona Pamela Lenoir, Dorothy Pugh-Lightfoot, Eric
Conner, Larry Hardy, Michael Lewis, Deacon Ella Rainey Family
Cooksey, Kristen Harris, Vandy Livingston, Mary Richards, Diane
Crawford, Louise Henson, Devoid Lockett, Thetis Rivers, James
Daniels, Mia Hill, Jimmie Lofton, Patricia Roberts, Taylor
& Family Hopkins, Johnny Lucas, Robert M. Robertson, Gregory
Davaughn, Phillip Horton, Eugene Lyles, Johnise Robertson, Linda
Davis, Baby Jacob Hudson, Irean Mabins, Camise Robertson, Taylor
“Ray Ray” Hudson, Jackie Maclin, Freddie Robinson, Candie
Davis, Edrena Jackson, Betty Jo Magee, Warren Robinson, Johnnie
Davis, Marsha Jackson, Janiece Major, James Robinson, Norris
Denson, Deacon James, Debbie Major, Michael Russell, Debra
Patryce James, Safya Mason, Reginald Russell, Shaunna
Dixon, Dyann Jamison, Yolanda McClellan, Lawrence Salone, Elaine

Revival Sunday, July 17, 2005 20 ©2005 Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

Sanders, Norma Jean Tilford, Deacon Doris Weaver, Mr. Ashley

Scates, Hermine Tilford, Malari Westbrook, Nia
Shepard, James Toney, George White, Granvernet
Smith, Claude Travis, Virgil Williams, Deacon
Smith, Debra Trenoir, Joseph Jackie
& Family & Carol Williams, Rev.
Smith, Edward Tribble, Albert Danielle
& Betty Triplett, Mother Sadie Wilson, Hilliard
South, Lucretia Tucker, Carolyn Wilson, Robert
Spencer, Nate Tucker, James Withers, Mother
Stallings, Fatima & Linna Ernestine
Stamps-Jones, Tucker, Sheila Wright, Dr. Mary H.
Naajidaah (Naji) Usher, Iza Wright, Louise
Steele, William Veazey, Rev. Carlton Young, Samella
Stevens, Sr., Claude Vibbes, Ronald
Sykes, Simone Wallace, Jacory
Sykes-Ellis, Barbara Washington, Carl
Tenzey, Margaret & James
Thornton, Barbara Weatherly, Jackie



Mrs. Minnie Bald The Tillman Family, 7547 S. Wood St. (20)
Mr. Burlin Brown Ms. Phyllis Drayton & Family, 4432 E. 13th Ave.
Gary, IN 46403
Mrs. A. Mildred Evans Mr. SL Allen, 9313 S. Peoria St. (28)
Mr. Frank Flowers Ms. Tammye Flowers & Family, 4552 S. Woodlawn Ave. (53)
Mr. Jessie J. Gosa, Sr. Mrs. Margie Shivers & Family, 20050 Lake Lynwood Dr.
Lynwood, IL 60411
Mr. John Henry Hough The Hough Family, 6924 S. Loomis St., 2nd Flr. (36)
Mr. Percy Jiles Mr. John Miller & Family, 10210 S. St. Lawrence Ave. (28)

Revival Sunday, July 17, 2005 21 ©2005 Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

Mr. Henry Jones Mr. Jimmy Roberts & Family, 8029 S. Wentworth Ave. (20)
Mr. Ronald Morris Mrs. Shirley Beasley & Family, 7819 S. Colfax Ave. (49)
Mrs. Patricia Norris Mr. Gregory Norris & Family, 3213 W. 62nd Pl. (29)
Mrs. Jewel Price Mrs. Cynthia Gibson & Family, 14753 S. Langley Ave.
Dolton, IL 60419
Rev. Daniel C. Raines
Mrs. Willie Mae Raines Mr. George Raines & Family, 9630 S. Racine Ave. (43)
Mrs. Dakota Thurman Mr. Richard Thurman & Family, 1919 W. 115th St. (43)
Mrs. Jackie Weatherly-Graves Mrs. Geraldine Tucker & Family, 400 E. 41st St., #602N (53)
Mr. Hilliard Wilson Mr. Charles Wilson & Family, 116 W. Elm St. (10)


Diana Broadney 773-995-3000 Cherie Hunter

Stroger Cook County Hospital St. James Hospital
1969 W. Ogden Ave. (12) Donna Hannah-Linson 1423 Chicago Road
312-864-6000 Christ Hospital Chicago Heights, IL 60411
4440 W. 95th St. 708-756-1000
James Foreman Oak Lawn, IL 60453
John H. Stroger Hospital 708-684-8000 Reginald Johnson
1969 W. Ogden Ave. (12) St. James Hospital
312-864-6000 Glodine Hardy 1423 Chicago Road
St. James Hospital Chicago Heights, IL 60411
Viola Gray 1423 Chicago Road 708-756-1000
Roseland Communty Hospital Chicago Heights, IL 60411
67 W. 111th St. (28) 708-756-1000

Revival Sunday, July 17, 2005 22 ©2005 Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

Rev. Marion McKinney Nathaniel Spencer Mr. Ashley Weaver

South Suburban Hospital St. Francis Hospital John H. Stroger Hospital
178th St. & Kedzie Ave. 12935 S. Gregory St. 1969 W. Ogden Ave. (12)
Hazel Crest, IL 60429 Blue Island, IL 60406 312-864-6000
708-799-8000 708-597-2000

Virginia Muse Ms. Osia Weatherly

Little Company of Mary Northwestern Memorial
Hospital Hospital
2800 W. 95th St. 251 E. Huron St. (11)
Evergreen Park, IL 60805 312-926-2000



BUTLER, Alice Faye Room 315, Bed 2 KIMBALL, Deacon Elizabeth

Washington Heights (312) 842-5000 Renaissance at South Shore
Nursing Home Nursing Home
1010 W. 95th St. (43) ELZIE, Deacon Evelyn 2425 E. 71st St. (49)
Room 224, Bed 2 Renaissance Nursing Center Room 139, Bed C
773-298-1177 2940 W. 87th Street (52) 773-721-5000
Room 203, Bed 1
CARTER, Michael 773-434-8787 LOWE, Gladys
Washington Heights The Coles Supported Living
Nursing Home HAMPTON, Ineze Senior Housing
1010 W. 95th St. (43) Manor Care Health Care 7419 S. Exchange Ave. (49)
Room 329, Bed 1 Services Apt. #404
773-298-1177 2145 E. 170th St. 773-375-5862
South Holland, IL 60473
COLLINS, Laverne Room 338, Bed C MARTIN, Kim
Chevy Chase Nursing Center 708-474-4167 Dawson Nursing Home
3400 S. Indiana Avenue (16) 3500 S. Giles Ave. (53)

Revival Sunday, July 17, 2005 23 ©2005 Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

Room 200, Bed 2 SHEATS, Benjamin WASHINGTON, Deacon

312-326-2000 Rest Haven Central Sadie
13259 S. Central Ave. Warren Barr Pavilion
MASON, Claristine Palos Heights, IL 60463 66 W. Oak St. (10)
Alden-Wentworth Rehabilitation Room 23 Room 316, Bed 2
Center 708-597-1000 312-337-5400
201 W. 69th St. (21)
Room 229 SMITH, Mary Baker WATSON, Janet
773-487-1200 Mongtomery Place Timberview Nursing Home
5550 S. South Shore Dr. (15) 2450 Taft St.
McINTOSH, Deacon Maurice Room 209 Gary, IN 46404
Lexington House Nursing Home 773-753-4100 Room 319, Bed 2
10300 Southwest Highway 219-977-2610 Ext. 342
Chicago Ridge, IL 60415 STEPHENS, Leroy
Room 233, Bed A Bell Haven Nursing Home WATT, Mildred
708-425-1100 11401 S. Oakley Avenue (43) Renaissance at South Shore
Room 125, Bed 1 Nursing Home
MOTEN, Marguerite 773-233-6311 2425 E. 71st St. (49)
Renaissance at South Shore Room 409, Bed A
Nursing Home TEVERBAUGH, George 773-721-5000
2425 E. 71st St. (49) Rush-Barton Supported Living
Room 139, Bed B Facility WILLIAMS, Maudine
773-721-5000 1245 S. Wood St. (08) Halsted Terrace Nursing Home
(COMMUNION VISITS ONLY) Room 320 10935 S. Halsted St. (28)
312-421-5220 Room 231, Bed 2
PEAVY, Irene 773-928-2000
Victory Center of River Oaks THOMPSON, Opreabea
1370 Ring Rd., Apt. #407 Alden Prairie Village WILSON, Louis
Calumet City, IL 60409 16450 S. 97th Avenue Renaissance at 87th St.
708-832-1130 Orland Park, IL 60467 Nursing Home
Room 205, Bed 2 2940 W. 87th St.
SEYMOUR, Otis Chicago, IL 60652
Renaissance on 87th St. TINSLEY, Eddis Room 302, Bed 1
2940 W. 87th St. (52) Dawson Nursing Home 773-434-8787
Room 208, Bed 1 3500 S. Giles Ave. (53)
773-434-8787 Room 201, Bed 1
(PASTORAL & DEACON 312-326-2000

Revival Sunday, July 17, 2005 24 ©2005 Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
ADAMS-CHILDS, Vernita 1621 E. 68th St., Apt. #1A (37) 773-363-8625
ALLEN, Deacon Quinville 11919 S. Harvard Ave. (28) 773-468-8228
BROOKS, Arzulia 9412 S. Eggleston Ave. (28) 773-224-7581
BROUGHTON, Ann 9308 S. Stewart Ave. (20) 773-468-2212
BROWN, Edward 9907 S. Clyde Ave. (17) 773-933-5456
BURKS, Willa A. 18525 S. Center Ave., Homewood, IL 60430 708-799-3581
BURTON, Jr., Archie 20085 Inverness Ct.
Olympia Fields, IL 60461 708-679-1530
CALDWELL, Daphne 2042 W. 75th Pl. (20) 773-874-3151
CLAY, Louise 11626 S. Stewart St. (28) 773-468-9642
CLAY, Nancy 5948 W. Midway Park (44) 773-287-9194
COMPTON, Yvonne 400 E. 41st Street, Apt. #601N (53) 773-285-0555
DAVIS, Patrice 4223 W. 76th Street (52) 773-581-2651
DUKE, Annette 818 Gray Ave., Evanston, IL 60202 847-869-0408
DUNAGAN, Patricia 7318 S. King Dr. (19) 773-846-1453
EILAND, Goletha 11801 S. Bell St. (43) 773-881-7971
ELLIS, Tenyetta 634 E. 95th Street (19) 773-821-0326
EVANS, Jesse 401 E. 32nd Street, Apt. #803 (16) 312-528-1003
EVERETT, Barbara 231 S. Orchard Dr., Park Forest, IL 60466 708-228-5298
FLOWERS, Donna 1518 W. 77th St., Apt. #2A (20) 773-783-1576
FORD, John 8939 S. Dante Ave. (19) 773-734-7363
FUNCHES, Josephine 9312 S. Union Ave. (28) 312-805-1401
Visits before 12:00 Noon on Sundays
GEARRING, Carol 5212 S. Ingleside Ave. (15) 773-493-2848
GILLIAM, Joseph 9804 S. Lowe Ave. (28) 773-445-8204
GORDON, Mary 1440 S. Indiana Ave., Apt. #607 (05) 312-360-1412
GLOVER, Delores 7759 S. Chappel Ave. (49) 773-768-3508
HARDY, Glodine c/o Lois Walker
598 Andover St., Chicago Heights, IL 60411 708-481-5814
HARDY, Maide 1380 Ring Rd., Apt. #412
Calumet City, IL 60409 708-862-2979
HEREFORD, Bessie 9251 S. Parnell Ave. (20) 773-846-0448
HORNSBURGER, Ruby 369 E. 88th St. (19) 773-846-9234
HEWING, Anna 15501 S. Western Ave., Harvey, IL 60426 708-333-8481
HILL, Valjean 2015 W. 146th St., Dixmoor, IL 60426 708-824-1058
HUDSON, Gloria 9446 S. Normal Ave. (20) 773-488-2115
JACKSON, Lillian 7309 S. Dante Ave. (19) 773-493-5421
JENKINS, Deacon Herschel 7615 S. Paxton Ave. (49) 773-734-7583
JOHNSON, Rev. Delores 899 S. Plymouth Court, #709 (05) 312-986-1339
JOHNSON, Florence 1715 E. 91st St. (17) 773-734-4655

Revival Sunday, July 17, 2005 25 ©2005 Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
JOHNSON, Yolondia 14934 Cleveland Ave., Apt. #1, Posen, IL 60469 708-824-1655
LASSITER, John 1440 N. Lake Shore Dr., Apt. #18E (10) 312-654-0445
LOFTON, Madardus 1631 Shirley Dr., Calumet City, Il 60409 708-832-9085
McCORMICK, Judy 9173 S. Harvard Ave. (28) 773-928-2798
McDADE, Darlene 18555 Hickory Ct., Apt. 17, Lansing, IL (17) 708-418-0145
McFADDEN, Deborah 512 Davis St., Park Forest, IL 60466 708-283-1712
MILES, Mary 6142 S. St. Lawrence Ave., 1st Floor (37) 773-667-0167
MITCHELL, Shirley 9556 S. Lowe (28) 773-881-2554
7819 S. Colfax Ave.
NATHANIEL, Willa Mae 14232 S. Stewart Ave., Riverdale, IL 60827 708-841-4763
NORRIS, Deacon Wanda 9706 S. Wallace St. (28) 773-779-3951
PALMER, Spencer 433 E. 133rd St., Riverdale, IL 60827 773-468-7633
PAYTON-LOVE, Mary 7938 S. Jeffrey Blvd. (49) 773-734-7828
PERRY, Richard 22509 Edward St., Apt. #1A 60471 708-679-0831
Richton Park, IL
PEGUES, Mary 120 E. 83rd St. (19) 773-873-2629
TUES & THURS 9:00 A.M. TO 1:00 P.M.
QUINN, Anna 7022 S. South Shore Drive., Apt. #715 (49) 773-684-8831
REED, Alvin 9752 S. Calumet Avenue (28) 773-928-1091
ROBERTSON, Linda 8910 S. Eggleston Ave. (20) 773-723-6404
SINGLETON, Lonnie 12207 S. Loomis St. (43) 773-704-6956
SMITH, Annie 1700 Memorial Dr., Apt. 252
Calumet City, IL 60409 708-862-0154
SMITH, Edward 17791 Arlington Dr.
Country Club Hills, IL 60478 708-206-1457
SMITH, Olah 10510 S. Rhodes Ave. (28) 773-995-6893
SOUTH, Lucretia 439 N. Central Ave., Apt. #1E (44) 773-378-5980
STEELE, William 12351 S. LaSalle St. (28) 773-568-6153

STEVENS, Sr., Claude c/o Pamela Scott

123 Treehouse Rd., Matteson, IL 60443 708-748-7335
STEWART, Irma 12029 S. Laflin Ave. (28) 773-995-0119
THOMAS, Constance 7944 S. Peoria Ave. (20) 773-994-1826
TUCKER, Geraldine 400 E. 41st St., Apt. #602N (53) 773-924-2207
VANCE, Willa 8645 S. Vernon Ave. (19) 773-483-0288
WALKER, Lorraine 9201 S. Wallace St. (20) 773-846-9603
WASHINGTON-DYK, Gwendolyn 2045 W. Jackson Blvd., Apt. #2012 (12) 312-421-7867
WHITTENBURG, Doris 18451 Carrington Ct., Hazel Crest, IL 60429 708-922-0884
WILLIAMS, Deacon Jackie 632 E. 88th Pl. (19) 773-488-2606
YOUNG, Debra 15229 S. Blackstone, Dolton, IL 60419 708-841-2042

Revival Sunday, July 17, 2005 26 ©2005 Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
BROWN, Hysson 10427 S. Hoxie Ave. (17)
CHAPMAN, Malachi 10838 S. Wallace Ave. (28)
CONDA, William 12453 S. Emerald Ave. (28)
GILMORE, Laura 1155 Westgrove Pkwy., Apt. 186, Tempe, AZ 85283
MOORE, Hilton 8620 Peace Way, Apt. #1038, Las Vegas, NV 89147
MUSE, Virginia 9530 S. Lowe Ave. (20)
ROBERTS, Fontain 1829 N. Austin Ave. (39)
TAYLOR, Dr. Brenda 52380 Windemere Dr., Granger, IN 46530
THOMAS, Rosetta 5035 S. Evans Ave., Apt. #2B (15)
WALKER, Jr., Floyd 8428 S. Green St. (20)
WALKER, Sr., Floyd 8428 S. Green St. (20)
WHITE, Willa 3555 S. Cottage Grove Ave., Apt. #705 (53)


BARRETT-GORDEN, Mamie 8436 S. King Dr. (19) 773-846-6229
BENN, Vester 9035 S. Luella Ave. (17) 773-374-8914
BROWN, Ann H. 1342 W. 111th Place (43) 773-445-5315
GWYNN, Arthur 9346 S. Wentworth Ave. (20) 773-821-0102
JEFFERSON, Lorine M. 9600 S. Prospect Ave. (43) 773-429-0754
LLOYD, Cora 6737 S. Oglesby Ave. (49) 773-288-4745
JONES, Lula 11325 S. Union Avenue (28) 773-468-4743
LEGGETT, Aurelia 1639 W. 107th Street (43) 773-233-0286
MARTIN, Willie 9600 S. Lowe Ave. (20) 773-779-5791
NELSON, Mary & Thomas 5401 S. Hyde Park Blvd., Apt. #1101 (15) 773-667-3404
THOMAS-REED, Willa 8742 S. Peoria Avenue (20) 773-994-2056
TRIPLETT, Sadie 9612 S.Wallace (28) 773-779-1689
WILKS, Elizabeth 2960 N. Lake Shore Dr., Apt. #2507 (57) 773-296-0580
WITHERS, Mother Ernestine 340 E. 38th St., Apt. #807 (53) 773-373-3747


WEAVER, Odessa 6751 S. Constance Ave. (49) 773-288-3795

Revival Sunday, July 17, 2005 27 ©2005 Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.


















Revival Sunday, July 17, 2005 28 ©2005 Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.


M - TH MINISTRY 773-928-3233 Zeke Morris
9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. 24-Hour Answering 773-643-5300 Ext. 59
FR - 11:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Service DOMESTIC
SAT - 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. 773-962-0139 KUJICHAGULIA
Mailbox 811
PROGRAM TU & TH - 1:00-9:00 p.m. 773-373-7042
773-298-0473 WED - 10:00-6:00 p.m. DRUG & ALCOHOL
M - FRI FR - 10:00-6:00 p.m. MATH TUTORIAL
9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. SAT - 9:00-5:00 p.m. 773-962-5650
Sundays & Mondays
Tough Love
773-962-5650, Ext. 808
LIBRARY 773-298-1590
Free “N” One Answering Service
773-962-5650, ext. 740 773-962-5650, Ext. 808 773-962-5650
Mailbox 886
11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. & ECONOMIC
6:00-8:00 p.m. EMPOWERMENT
773-962-5650, Ext. 819
10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. MINISTRY LEARNING CENTER
COMMUNITY 773-962-5658
Answering Service
773-962-5650 773-978-0725 or
Mailbox 830 773-734-4033, ext. 111

TU & TH - 6:00-8:00 p.m.
SAT - 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
SUN - After 7:30 MINISTRY
& 11:00 a.m. Services 312-409-AIDS or
773-962-5686 312-409-2437
773-723-8382 (fax)

Revival Sunday, July 17, 2005 29 ©2005 Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr., Senior Pastor
Rev. Melbalenia D. Evans, Executive Minister
Rev. Dr. James L. Miles, Chief Operating Officer
Toya Perry, Chief Financial Officer
Rev. Wanda J. Washington, Associate Pastor, Director of Pastoral Services
Rev. Stacey Edwards, Associate Pastor
Rev. Barbara A. Heard, Associate Pastor
Rev. John E. Jackson, Sr., Associate Pastor
Rev. Regina Reed, Associate Pastor
Rev. Michael G. Sykes, Associate Pastor
Rev. Reginald Williams, Associate Pastor
Rev. Ramah E. Wright, Associate Pastor
Dr. Julia Speller, Director Christian Education
Rev. Michael D. Jacobs, Minister to Youth and Children
Rev. Ann Patton, Minister of Christian Education
Deacon Shirley Bims-Ellis, Director Center for African Biblical Studies
Robert E. Wooten, Jr., Director of Music
Deacon Jeri L. Wright-Harris, Director of Media
Janet Wright-Moore, Executive Secretary

Friday Worship Service (Praise Service begins Television Broadcast

• F.A.T. Fridays • 15 minutes prior) Sundays 6:30 a.m.,
Every Friday • 12:00 Noon Sunday Bible Discovery Hour (TV One, Check Local Listings)
Chicago Federation of Musicians 9:45 a.m. Prayer Line 773-298-2160
Building Sunday Youth Church
175 W. Washington Street 7:15 a.m., 10:45 a.m. Weekly Praise/Prayer Service
Saturday Church School LIVE Webcasts 7:15 a.m., 10:45 a.m., 5:45 p.m.
9:30 a.m. Sundays Wednesdays • 11:30 a.m., 7:14 p.m.
532 W. 95th Street & 400 W. 95th St. 7:30 & 11:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m.
Mondays & Thursdays
Sunday Worship Service 7:00 p.m.
7:30 & 11:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m. Website •

Church Office Hours Reception Desk Hours Synergy Counseling Center

Monday through Friday Monday through Friday 532 W. 95th Street
9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. 773-994-9937
Saturdays • 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Saturdays • 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sundays • 6:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

“There are different ways of serving, but the same Lord is served.”
1 Corinthians 12:5 (TEV)

Revival Sunday, July 17, 2005 30 ©2005 Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

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