The Journal of Pediatrics: Notes For Editors

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Childrens Hospital Medial Center! MLC"#$%& #### '(rnet A)e*

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Embargoed until 12:01 AM, ET, June 19th, 2014
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I:pro)in1 Aade:i Per3or:ane ;ith Ph5sial Fitness
3incinnati, 45, June 19, 2014 && 6h*ical fitne** in childhood and adole*cence i* beneficial for
both ph*ical and mental health throughout life1 5o7e8er, a gro7ing bod of e8idence *ugge*t* that
it ma al*o pla a "e role in brain health and academic performance1 .n a ne7 *tud *cheduled for
publication in The Journal of 6ediatric*, re*earcher* *tudied the independent and combined
influence of component* of ph*ical fitne** on academic performance1
3ardiore*pirator capacit, mu*cular *trength, and motor abilit are component* of ph*ical fitne**
that ha8e documented potential to impro8e health, each of 7hich ma ha8e different effect* on the
brain and, therefore, academic performance1 According to .rene E*teban&3orne0o, M/c,
Autonomou* 9ni8er*it of Madrid,:!ecau*e the*e ph*ical fitne** component* are highl
a**ociated 7ith each other, it i* important to differentiate 7hich ph*ical fitne** component* are
important in relation to academic performance1;
The *tud *ample included 2,0%< /pani*h children and adole*cent* ='&1< ear* of age> 7ith
complete data on ph*ical fitne**, bod compo*ition, and academic performance1 E*teban&3orne0o
and the 96 ? @4AB /tud +roup member* found that cardiore*pirator capacit and motor
abilit, both independentl and combined, 7ere related to academic performance1 5o7e8er, the
a**ociation of academic performance and ph*ical fitne** 7a* *tronger for motor abilit than
cardiore*pirator capacit, meaning that motor abilit ma be more important for academic
performance1 .n contra*t, children and adole*cent* 7ho had both lo7er le8el* of cardiore*pirator
capacit and motor abilit had lo7er grade*1 Mu*cular *trength 7a* not independentl a**ociated
7ith academic performance1
Although the combined component* of ph*ical fitne** can influence academic performance, thi*
*tud *ugge*t* that cardiore*pirator capacit and, to a greater eCtent, motor abilit, ma be greater
influence*1 Bote* E*teban&3orne0o, :5a8ing high le8el* of cardiore*pirator and motor fitne** ma,
to *ome eCtent, reduce the ri*" of *chool failure1; Effort* *hould be made to promote ph*ical
acti8itie* for children and adole*cent* that in8ol8e aerobic eCerci*e* and motor ta*"* to enhance
cardiore*pirator capacit and motor abilit, thereb impro8ing academic de8elopment1
:.ndependent and combined influence of the component* of ph*ical fitne** on academic
performance in outh,; b .rene E*teban&3orne0o, M/c, 3arlo* M1 Te0ero&+onEFleE, 6h@, @a8id
MartGneE&+HmeE, 6h@, Juan del&3ampo, 6h@, Ana +onEFleE&+alo, M/c, 3armen 6adilla&Moledo,
6h@, Jame* F1 /alli*, 6h@, and 4*car #1 Ieiga, 6h@, on behalf of 96 ? @4AB /tud +roup,
appear* in The Journal of 6ediatric* =77710ped*1com>, @4. 101101'J010ped*120141041044, publi*hed
b El*e8ier1
The Journal of Pediatrics i* a primar reference for the *cience and practice of pediatric* and it*
*ub*pecialtie*1 Thi* authoritati8e re*ource of original, peer&re8ie7ed article* oriented to7ard
clinical practice help* ph*ician* *ta abrea*t of the late*t and e8er&changing de8elopment* in
pediatric medicine1 The Journal of Pediatrics i* ran"ed 4th out of 121 pediatric medical 0ournal*
=2012 Journal 3itation ,eport*K, publi*hed b Thom*on ,euter*>1 9,#: 77710ped*1com
El*e8ier i* a 7orld&leading pro8ider of *cientific, technical and medical information product* and
*er8ice*1 The compan 7or"* in partner*hip 7ith the global *cience and health communitie* to
publi*h more than 2,000 0ournal*, including The #ancet =7771thelancet1com> and 3ell
=7771cell1com>, and clo*e to 20,000 boo" title*, including ma0or reference 7or"* from Mo*b and
/aunder*1 El*e8ierL* online *olution* include /cience@irect =7771*ciencedirect1com>, /copu*
=7771*copu*1com>, /ciIal =http:JJinfo1*ci8al1com>, ,eaC* =7771el*e8ier1comJreaC*>,
3linicalMe =7771clinical"e1com>, and Mo*bL* /uite =7771confidenceconnected1com>, 7hich
enhance the producti8it of *cience and health profe**ional*, helping re*earch and health care
in*titution* deli8er better outcome* more co*t&effecti8el1
A global bu*ine** headNuartered in Am*terdam, El*e8ier =7771el*e8ier1com> emplo* (,000 people
7orld7ide1 The compan i* part of ,eed El*e8ier +roup plc =7771reedel*e8ier1com> a 7orld
leading pro8ider of profe**ional information *olution*1 The group emplo* more than %0,000
people, including more than 1$,000 in Borth America1 ,eed El*e8ier +roup plc i* o7ned eNuall b
t7o parent companie*, ,eed El*e8ier 6#3 and ,eed El*e8ier BI1 Their *hare* are traded on the
#ondon, Am*terdam and Be7 Oor" /toc" ECchange* u*ing the follo7ing tic"er *mbol*: #ondon:
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