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Ryan Thomas 416.458.1334 ryan@squabandpigeon.

Summary of Qualications
Entrepreneur, concept developer, digital strategist, experienced business developer, with a proven
public relations track record, client facing leadership.
Digital Communications & Business Management
Squab & Pigeon
2012 Present
Founder - Digital + Brand Strategist
Squab & Pigeon was founded to bridge the gap between product development and
public relations. S&P today can be found working with RBCs innovation team and The
Toronto Burlesque Festival crafting ideas that drive brands.
Established and implemented a strategic plan for Rogers Outrank to
leverage big data for ongoing PR and SEO efforts.
Managed creative teams for a 12.5 million impression media buy for cross
promotional event with Womens College Hospital and Art Battle.
Oversaw award winning design and strategy for Silver Snail Comics.
Playground Inc.
2010 2012
Partner - Digital + Business Strategist
Playground is a user experience design agency, developing web products with an
integrated tip to tail approach that fuses digital strategies, design, and development
into a one stop digital shop. Playground is working to develop a better web experience
for clients like Canada Goose, BlogTO, and Random House.
Generated over $1 million in new business in a range of market categories providing
strategic, business, and technical leadership as part of the pitch team.
Created integrated digital growth strategies for client platforms and products.
Promoted agile development strategy that increased development capacity.
Initiated professional development and learning activities for the staff.
Implemented public relations plan generating over 10 million
media impressions.
2008 2010
Founder - Creative Partner + Director of Business Development
Switch was founded on a simple premise: be social, be digital, be newsworthy.
At a time when most agencies were laying off staff, we established new client
relationships at the cutting edge of social and ambient advertising.

Created integrated ambient, digital, and public relations campaigns for clients.
Generated 3.5 million media impressions for the Toronto Cyclists Union.
Developed a site strategy that improved SEO and social referrals by 200%.
SMAK Agency
Concept Developer
Smak is Canadas leading guerrilla and ambient agency, able to pull off seemingly
impossible stunts in the most unlikely of places, with a clear focus on brand recall and
earned social and traditional media.
Collaborated on campaigns for Nandos Chicken, B.C. Dairy, and Future Shop.
Helped pitch as part of the new business development team for Coca-Cola.
Assisted in project management of street level campaigns for Koodo and more.
Board Advisor & Creative Consultant
Art Starts
2012 2013
Advisor to the Board of Directors
Created content management and public relations for charity efforts.
Advised on strategic partnerships with larger arts community.
Established touch point plan for micro-fundraising.
Film Festival
Creative Consultant
Led board of directors in creative insight and creative development discussions.
Advised on creative execution and briefng methodology.
Taught briefng requirements and best practices.
Teacher + Writer
Passion For
2012 Present
Youth Employment Services Teacher
Taught branding and digital communications to fashion startups.
Provided one-on-one mentorship on business development and sales.
Judged business plans and marketing communications for intake bursaries.
Advertising Week
Social Club
2010 Present
Selected as a founding contributor to the Advertising Week NYC blog.
Wrote over 25 published articles on a variety of topics.
Attended Advertising Week for 5 years, the past 3 as an AWSC representative.
Volunteer Experience
Advertising Week
2008 - 2009
Event Coordinator
Handled guest speakers such as Richard Branson and Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor.
Managed almost 100 volunteers at multiple venues around Toronto.
Supervised site setups and guest registration.
Seneca College of Applied Arts
Creative Advertising (Honours - Copywriting)

York University
2000 - 2003
Fine Art + Art History BFA

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