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Problem Creator: Oki Gunawan

Theoretical 3: Tornado
Gravitational acceleration : g = 9.8 m/s
Air density :
= 1.2 kg/m
Molar mass of dry air : M
= 0.029 kg/mol
Universal gas constant : R = 8.314 J/(mol.K)
Sea level pressure : P
= 10
Standard sea level temperature : T
= 15

Heat capacity ratio of air : = C
= 1.4
Tornado is one of the deadliest atmospheric phenomena known to man. It is a violent vortex
(rotating column) of air connecting the base of cumulonimbus
cloud and the ground. A distinct
feature of the tornado is its funnel-like core or condensation funnel (Region II) which is made
of small water droplets that condense as they are sucked into the core as shown in Fig. 1(b).
This region is dened by the core radius r
(z) which generally increases with altitude forming the
signature funnel-shape of the tornado.
Region I is the region outside tornado core. Region I and II have dierent velocity distribution
prole as we will explore later.
Figure 1: (a) A tornado wreaking havoc in Texas, US. (b) A cross section diagram of a tornado
and its coordinate system.
Let us explore the interesting physics of tornado. Using a simple model as shown in Fig. 1(b)
and few basic principles, you will try to estimate the rotating speed of tornado, calculate the
pressure and temperature inside the tornado and most interestingly derive the equation for the
shape of a tornado r
Cumulonimbus cloud is a towering vertical cloud that is very tall, dense, and involved in thunderstorms and other
rainy weather.
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Problem Creator: Oki Gunawan
Theoretical 3: Tornado

Figure 2: A Tornado landscape
1 The calm weather
We will investigate the atmospheric pressure of the troposphere (the lowest part of the atmosphere)
where most of the weather phenomena including tornado occurs. Let us start from a calm weather
location at point A far away from the tornado. At point A the pressure is P
and temperature T
(see Constants and Data).
(a) Assuming ideal gas law, constant gravity acceleration and a constant temperature T
. Show
that the atmospheric pressure as a function of altitude z is:
P(z) = P
Express in terms of the constants listed in Constants and Data. (0.8 points)
(b) Now we consider a situation where the air density,
, is constant. Derive the pressure as
a function of altitude: P(z)! The temperature T drops with altitude z at a linear rate of b.
Find b! (1.0 points)
(c) Using your result in (b) calculate the pressure at point B on the base of the cumulonimbus!
(use h = 1 km)
(0.2 points)
2 The shape of tornado
Inside the tornados core the water vapor condenses into liquid droplets as the air spirals into the
core forming condensation funnel. The water vapor condenses when the temperature drops below
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Problem Creator: Oki Gunawan
Theoretical 3: Tornado
certain point called dew point. This temperature drop is caused by pressure drop. Thus the region
where the water vapor starts to condense marks a boundary of equal pressure called isobar boundary
layer that stretches from the base of the cumulonimbus cloud down to the base of tornado (shown
as red boundary in Figure 2). This is the boundary between region I and II.
Now only consider region I. Consider a reference point G (Fig. 2) very close to the ground
(z 0) located at radius r
. The speed v
can be treated as the ground rotation speed of the
We further assume: (i) The tornado is stationary (only has rotation and no translation); (ii)
The wind radial velocity is negligible. Velocity v is only tangential (along the circle), not radial.
(iii) The wind velocity v is independent of altitude z, it only depends on the radial position r. (iv)
We ignore turbulence very close to the ground. (v) We assume air mass density (
) is constant.
(a) Show that in both region I and II along r :
(0.4 points)
(b) In region I calculate the tangential wind velocity v as a function of r and in terms of v
(velocity and radius at the core boundary)at any given altitude (z)! (0.5 points)
(c) Estimate the air speed v
at the base of tornado at point G! (0.5 points)
(d) Derive the shape of the condensation funnel or the tornado core i.e. the function r
(z), express
them in terms of r
and v
and altitude z! Plot or sketch this tornado shape in dimensionless
quantities z/h vs. r/r
, where h is the height dened in Fig. 2! (2.0 points)
(e) Most tornadoes look like funnel (the radius is larger at higher altitude) while some is more
uniform in diameter like a pipe. Given everything the same, which one do you think has the
higher ground rotation speed v
? (0.5 points)
3 The core of tornado
We will try to calculate the pressure at the center of tornado. Now we will consider both region I
and II.
(a) In region II (r < r
) the tornado core behaves as rigid body, derive expression for the (tan-
gential) speed v(r) in this region. Plot the velocity prole from r = 0 to !
(1.1 points)
(b) Calculate the pressure at the center of the tornado (point C, at the same altitude as point G!
Use v
from part 2(c)! (1.2 points)
(c) Estimate the temperature at the center of the tornado (point C)! (0.5 points)
(d) Based on your nding in (c) suggest in only few words what could be a possible source of
tornados tremendous energy! (0.3 points)
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Problem Creator: Oki Gunawan
Theoretical 3: Tornado
4 Shall you open or close the windows?
The dierential pressure near a tornado is thought to cause poorly ventilated houses to explode
even though the tornado is only passing at a distance. Therefore some people suggest that the
windows have to be opened to vent or let the pressure in the house equilibrates with outside
quickly. However, opening the windows will risk more damage due to debris and projectiles getting
into the house.
Consider a house with all windows and openings closed with a at roof of dimension (width x
length x thickness) 15 m x 15 m x 0.1 m and mass density
= 800 kg/m
. The tornado is
coming fast and passing at a distance d = 2r
away from the house.
(a) What is the ratio of the lift force on the roof compared to its weight? (0.8 points)
(b) Shall you open or close the windows? (0.2 points)
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