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Project ID : Project Name: Air India Oracle Applications R11i Implementation-Financial Modules
Application Module : GL
Executable Name : XXAIEAS
Location : /fdevl/app/crpappl/cus/11!"/install/s#l
$oncurrent %ro&ram Name : XXAI Import %ro&ram for Expenditure Accountin& Inbound Interface
Coding Standards Cec! "ist #or $al#our $eatt% De&elopment'Customisation
S(No Description )'N'N(A Comments
1 All temporar' (ariables are initialised )
* +emporar' variables namin& convention is defined as per t,e standards )
- $omments are .ritten properl'/ .,erever re#uired )
0 General functions and routines are used/ .,erever possible )
! All possible error cases and exceptions are ,andled )
1 2or alp,abetic and alp,anumeric fields and static labels on t,e screen/
case of letters is ta3en care of as per t,e Standards
4 Numeric fields do not support t,e non numeric data
5 Standard oracle function are used .,ere ever necessar'
6 Eac, lo&ical step proceeds .it, proper comments identif'in& t,e lo&ic
and its use in t,e module
1" 7se cursors .it, 289 7%:A+E N8;AI+ option for all :eletes and
7pdates to ,andle loc3in& issues
11 <ave all t,e reference to t,e 8racle 9eserved ;ord or t,e =e' ;ords
are in 7%%E9 $ASE
1* In>line documentation is defined properl' )
1- Event pro&rammin& is follo.ed in all tri&&ers
10 ?loc3 level pac3a&es are defined as per t,e standards
1! <ave t,e Namin& convention of Ne. ob@ects are follo.ed as &iven
belo. :
XXAModul S,ort NameBCAS<89+ NAMEB CA8b@ectCt'peB
Ex: %ac3a&e D %=G
2unction D 27N
%rocedure D %9$
11 <ave all t,e temporar' (ariables initialised in t,e %ro&ram before
IS t,e Se#uence of t,e $onstructs .it,in a pac3a&e bod' in t,e order:
1 %rivate variables
* %rivate procedures
%ublic procedure declaration
15 <ave all ne. $onstructs added at t,e end of t,e %ac3a&e in master
detail tri&&ers
16 IS %ac3a&ed Local variable named as lCA(arCNameB )
*" IS %ac3a&ed public variable named as pCA(arCNameB NA
*1 IS %L/SEL &lobal variable named as GCA(arCNameB NA
** <as t,e %ac3a&ed %rocedure / 2unction parameters follo.ed t,e
namin& $onvention of ICA(arB for IN/ oCA(arB for 87+/ ioCA(arB for
IN87+ mode of Ar&uments
*- <ave t,e $ursors referred in t,e pro&ram named as $urCName )
*0 IS t,e $ursor %arameters used named as $%CAparameter nameB NA
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*! IS t,e %riorit' &iven to use :E2A7L+ instead of F :G F8perator
*1 %rofile values are populated usin& 2N:C%982ILE function )
*4 Include t,e in t,e ,eader/ if 'ou do an' c,an&es in t,e code:
Modified ?': A:eveloper NameB/ Sat'am $omputer Services Limited
Modified 8n:
*5 $,an&e ,istor': HGive a brief description of t,e c,an&es 'ou made/
.,ic, s,ould not be more t,an t.o linesI
9edundant code and statements and ,eader &uards put for debu&&in&
are removed
*6 +,e 2unction s,ould not be returnin& N7LL (alue instead of
-" +,ere s,ould be no 87+ mode of %arameter in 2unctions
Limit 2unctions to a sin&le 9E+79N statement in t,e execution
-1 +ables s,ould be referred b' t,e Alias )
-* All t,e Stored procedures s,ould ,ave * out %arameters as per t,e
A%%S Standard
-- An' reference to t,e :7AL table s,ould be :7AL and not
-0 <ave all t,e Standard routine used 2N:C2ILE for all I/8 %rocessin& in
t,e $ode
-! Erase Global variables in 2orm exit tri&&ers NA
Concurrent Programs'+,ecuta-les
-1 $oncurrent %ro&ram name is descriptive .it, all .ords in Init $aps )
-4 $oncurrent Executable name is same as pro&ramJs execution file name
.it,out extension
-5 %ro&ram s,ort name is same as executable name )
*A :
Project "eader :
Project Manager :
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