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Canada, The True North. (Spaces and exchanges.

Read pages 108, 109 and find the Engish for!
"e pa#s $ a feuie d%&ra'e!
a (ie dans une r&ser(e!
e peupe )nuit!
es *ac+feet!
a fronti,re entre es Etats-.nis et e Canada!
(oer une terre!
a 'an/uise!
d&fendre ses droits!
(en(ironne0ent) pr&ser(&!
(terre) st&rie!
"oo+ at the picture (p.109)and find the 1rench for!
a sed dog!
an es+i0o!
2'origine! (3 put the stress on the 4ord)
Canadian! (3 accent)
#ing outside an igoo!
carr#ing sno4shoes!
harsh ci0ate!
su'-5ero te0peratures
Turn to pages 110, 111.
Facts and Figures.(p110)
1. 6o4 arge is Canada co0pared 4ith other countries in the 4ord7
8. 9hat anguages are spo+en in Canada7
:. Canada is a constitutiona 0onarch#. True; 1ase 7
<. )t is a federa paria0entar# de0ocrac#. True; 1ase7

"From sea to sea" (p111)
1. Canada%s nationa anthe0 is =1ro0 sea to sea=. Can #ou expain 4h# 7 (to extent>
8. )s the popuation densit# ho0ogeneous7 Co0pare the North of the countr# and the
(sparse# popuated! fai'e0ent peup&
dense# popuated! forte0ent peup&
distri'ution of popuation! r&partition de a popuation
e(en! &ga
une(en! in&ga
:. Co0pete! The coser #ou get to the .S-Canada 'order, .................
<. 9here are ocated Canada%s argest ur'an centres7
?. 9hat reasons can expain this distri'ution7
"oo+ at the te0perature chart.
1. 9hat do #ou notice in the te0peratures 'et4een 4inter and su00er7
8. 9hat are Canada%s a(erage te0peratures in @anuar#7
(to range fro0.... to! aer de A $)
:. "oo+ at the photo and co0pete!
The photo ................ a 4o0an A............. in s+i outfit A............ across a road.
The picture is a cich& of 4hat peope ha(e in A..... 4hen the# i0agine A...............- a
countr# 4here free5ing A....................... and sno4stor0s are A................................
<. 1ind 8 adBecti(es in the text on page 111 to descri'e Canadian ci0ate.
?. 9hat is organi5ed in cities 4hen te0peratures drop to +eep Canadian peope 4ar0
and out of the cod 7
C. 9hat is their attitude regarding 9inter 7
Text 1. Citizenship? Page 11! 11"
The <9th parae north for0s 0ost of the 'order 'et4een the .S2 and Canada. )t is the
resut of the 2ngo-20erican Con(ention of 1818 and the Dregon Treat# of 18<C. 9hen
the .S2 and the .nited Eingdo0 setted the 'oundar# 'et4een the t4o countries, the#
did not ta+e into consideration the oca nations (F&tis, 2ssini'oine, "a+ota and
*ac+foot), 4hich had effecti(e contro o(er the territories on each side of the ine.
The expression G<9th paraeH is so0eti0es appied to the entire Canada-.S
'order e(en though CanadaIs 0ost popuated ur'an areas (Toronto, Fontrea and
Dtta4a) are ocated south of the <9th parae.
Ji(e another na0e for the .S-Canada 'order.
9ho set the 'order 'et4een the .sand Canada7
So0e peope 4ere hurt and 4ronged in the process. Expain.
"oo+ at the tite and the photo and anticipate 4here the scene pro'a'# ta+es pace and
4hat the text coud 'e a'out.
Su00ar# of the stor#!
The narrator and his 0other are .............................................. fro0 Canada.
The# 4ant ...................................... to (isit the narratorIs sister, "aetitia, 4ho i(es in Sat
"a+e Cit#, .tah. 9hen the# arri(e at the 20erican side of the .S-Canada 'order, their
car is stopped '# a friend# ........................................ 4ho as+s the
0other ........................................ 'efore ao4ing her ..........................................................
6o4e(er, the 0other tes the guard that she is *ac+foot, 4hich is not recogni5ed as
................................ '# 20erican and Canadian a4. Since the 0other refuses to ad0it that
she is Canadian and +eeps repeating that she is *ac+foot, she and her
son ........................................................................................................................ the .S. Then, after a
fe4 da#s, ......................................... arri(e at the 'order and than+s to their presence, 0other
and son are fina# ................................... to cross the .S 'order.
The *ac+foot 4o0an is ..................................... )ndeed, she refuss to sa# 4hether she is
20erican or Canadian. She cai0s that she is *ac+foot and she doesnIt understand 4h#
the 'order guards +eep as+ing her a'out her.............................. This situation
pro'a'# 0a+es her /uite angr#.

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