Changing The World

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Changing the World

Quack! Were bigger than the King!

While the teeny-weeny king cheered,
Rah, rah, rah!
The woolly-headed sheep said,
Human Nature
Title for a Japanese ruler
who wed a mortal
Dispute decider
Laying down a bet
in Neverland,
Island of the Blue Dolphins
Media mogul Author
The lions share
Common market money
Slyly disparaging
Eye sore
Believe- not
Shredded Hooks henchman,
Part-man, part-goat.
Would you like to be able to say,
Welcome, birds
Jungle gold
of poverty,
hunger and despair.
Women face a cycle
heres sand in your eye-cathy,
rock on-cathy.
you couldnt do much except
eat and sleep and cry.
I remember when they launched their
tropical half an hour later
we both commented that it
Used some dodgy additive to get the green col
Dodgy whizz!/
Anita felt someone touch her shoulder
Kenyans eastern neighbor
Not many of the hamsters grow up.
In brief, buying cigarettes is a bad idea
2 trios of guinea pigs
To help families in Ecuador add
Protein to their diet
Whats so special
about legs?
Cats wear
Collars around their
Dream phase, for short
Small cut-off piece
Cats need fresh water to
Often, we would only eat
Offspring to another
Smiley faces they used to
feed us in the school cafeteria.
Are you planning to feed him every day?
Sometimes she eats my
Disposing of dead rats
without asking.
Three Serious Sisters
urinate while running.
She was 19,
They werent beautiful.
Cry of disappointment
You can eat whatever you want,
Or: Uh-oh.
Darn of the sock
Lady chaplin
Chaucer narrative
Divas big moment
Lipstick misshap
First class bathroom satisfact is
A nice way of saying,
this is where I masturbate:
Great lake canal system
eventually lead you to
the dark depths of
the underground warehouse
Most futures are like pins in a worm; certain
Major stuff can squiggle around and change
Property measurement
Pandemic of 1918
Underground Warehouse
Your victory against
dragon zombie will
Restore error ---
They make goldfish in different shapes now
Scooby doo I think?
Lake touching four states
Primitive fish first
Doorway step-on
Elongated fish
To enable families
in Arkansas to
2 pigs
attain greater
When the person cannot speak or cough
If someone is choking and they cant talk:
b. They are dusty.
Dont call out, Soups on!
And also, how about alphabet soup?
Ill buy the chicken nuggets in cute shapes if theyre on sale
Serving a whole food like a Cornish hen.
Butter in the shape of turkeys
Gift of a goat $120
Share of a cheeses of
The world basket:
Mystery puddle with chunks
Double this for an African fly
Future officers sch.
Stormy bird
Small bones
15. the sun danced over the cool dark water and
shone through the branches of the tall pine trees
Oubia Bouazizi holds a picture of her son,
whose death set off Tunisias revolution
16. everyone who goes to the construction sight should
wear a hard hat for protection
I dislike jogging.
Therefore, I never do it.
I dislike jogging,
Therefore, I never do it.
I like to swim,
But I dont like to jog.
I swim everyday.
Raise your body slowly.

Lets hear it impulse purchasing
Off to the needles mon petit sunburn
melted little pile over its acrylic ready to flame
I love this stuff the needle my instincts held,
pesky cootie My arms shot about
how a NEW YARN acts about

You may bankrupt me , but I will keep
purchase yarn:
But then I not as squishy,
quite a BEAUT! Le plastique fantastique!

Witchie woman see how words fly wooo wooo !

a reflection of some other universe machine (man(i)fest)
Oh yes he did! He went shopping, yall! // commercial butterfly death//
20 pairs of socks the page is not a gun.
grand total $60 Refresh. Rethawed. Reload.
7. Raise your hand. 6. Sit correctly.
8. The brain is the moment,

I saw my first dandy lion this week!
and that means only one thing!
Time to Cotton Bottoms UP!
rave continued in Applique Aisle
could resist little card shaped
like a dress with some
gingham ribbon?
indicating when an instrument should
swell orchestrated of :re-entry
an opera-sized Daisy to go on conspiring to kill
questions like
police officers
scores more by attacking a funeral using homemade cookies.

Antichrist charged with
Using gas peddle as brakes?
Ask me to believe
slightly effeminite men
When you combine it and I mean 80s movies,
and a steaming hot shower really makes you forget you
are slipping on ice and theres a car in front of you,
I tap what my instincts have so long told me,

apply too much butter
I aim for the sink and flick,
the knife slips
out of my hands
Am I gonna die?
I mayve consumed
a bag of jerky
7 months out of date!
Im really scared, Nate


There was a layer of wet concrete that was a man.
Unknowingly, a boy stepped in to imprint his shoe.
Ouch! the man screamed.
Excuse me sir. I didnt expect you to be a man,
Most concrete puddles are non-men, especially with such texture

Home from school, the boys shoes were caked with man.
My carpet! his mother screamed.
Only to embarrassingly realize a second later, the concrete is a man.
Happens all the time. He reassures.

The man mentions how he is a used car dealer.
I guess theres no competition in that field,
the boys mother responds.
They both laugh and relax noticeably.

You have such soft texture.
The mother writes her name
in his flesh with a stick.

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