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"Realistic Story"

Brutality- Coyote, stands shortly under a normal sized wolf. Father of most of the
pack's pups. Disappears for long amounts of times and whenever he is with the pack, he is known
for his ruthless upbringing of the pups. Eyes are a mix of golden and brown with small speckles
of black. Has little devotion towards his pack but does his job at disciplining the pups and
teaching them to hunt and fight at a young age. Kills the weak pups or exiles them off of pack
grounds. He is approximately four years of age at the introduction of the story.
Description- Fur color on most of the body is a light tan with a hint of mild peach being
seen under daylight. His torso and underbelly is a dull white, tending to have a brown hue from
dirt and dried blood. His tail and ears are tipped with gray. A metallic gray runs down the sides
of his body. Claw has cream colored paws, the color being more frequent on his hind legs. A
thick red claw mark running down his eye, resulting in him being almost blind in one eye.
Personality/History- Giving himself this title after watching both of his parents killed by
a trio of rogue wolves, he swore vengeance to any wolf who aligned themselves with a pack. He
is dark, cynical when around others but has extreme devotion towards his mate, even allowing
himself to be pushed around by her, a behavior that he would never take from anyone else. He
sees the pups as competition and removes the weak and trains the remaining pups to be used to
his advantage. He is extremely wary around anyone who he did not know and spiteful of anyone
who tried to befriend his mate or his pups.
Submissive Alpha, Father, Culler

Fear- Wolf, standing slightly above a normal sized wolf. Mother of the pack's pups.
Standing as the main guardian of the pack, she was known for intense protection of the pack.
Born and raised a wolf of a pack, Fear was well known for her strong sense of loyalty for the
pack and when the time came showed it. She was considered a legendary leader amongst the
pack, working alongside the alpha and the beta to insure victory. However, it was the
viciousness that one day destroyed her, she was exiled from the pack the pack fearing for her
behaviors on the battlefield.
Description- Fur color is mainly pure white but, her fur has a long dark brown colored
stripe going down and follows down her tail. Her face has the small color of brown, covering her
whole face except her eyes and her muzzle. Eyes are a harsh amber and small circle of light
yellow surrounds her pupils. She had a light voice that was always followed by a slight growl
due to a wound on her throat which served her well on the battlefield, giving her voice a
powerful edge. She is five years of age at the introduction of the story.
Personality/ History- Her early pup years were spent in comfort under the wing of the
pack. She became a powerful wolf underneath the training of the pack and was known for her
strength and insight during war. However, her viciousness and desire to see suffering upon her
enemies was what one day caused her to be exiled from the pack she had fought with her blood
and years. This resulted in her becoming a swing pendulum of anger for the pack that
abandoned her and despair for what she had lost. She found peace with Brutality, as they both
had similar goals to get revenge on anyone who was a member of a pack.
Dominant Alpha, Mother, Guardian
Pup- Wolf, small sized wolf due to disease when he was younger. Pup was taken into the
pack after an encounter with them shortly after Fear and Brutality had their litter of pups.
Brought into the pack as an omega but slowly gained the respect of both the alphas and he
approved to being a beta however, his name remained unchanged. He serves as a teacher for the
pups and also serves as a small game hunter for the pack. Slowly fear of the two alphas turned
into a twisted sense of mutual understanding and at that point he became a mostly respected
member of the pack.
Description- A small wolf, only the size of a six month old pup due to a disease that had
followed his family for generations. His eyes were a mild golden with specks of a misty blue
being seen at a close distance. His underbelly, chest, and torso were grayish white and his back
and tail were a darkened gray. His voice was a calm and collected voice that always had a
quiver when put under stress or fear. It was noted that his hind leg had a slightly misshapen
shape, causing him to walk with a slight limp but had learned to conceal it over time. Now it had
only become noticeable when running long distances and shortly thereafter. His ears were
another one of his main features, much larger than usual, they had high sensitivity. Four years of
Personality/ History- Pup spent most of his life as the weakling or the runt of the litter in his
pack. While Pup's pack wasn't necessarily for or against the packs, they were always wary
especially upon that a rogue pack had formed, intent on terrorizing others. His small size serves
an advantage to the pack allowing him to scout the land in search of danger in near complete
silence. One day while he was scouting, he came upon the pack which at that time was two
rogues and a handful of defenseless pups. Fear instantly leaped upon him, threatening to kill him
but Pup insisted that he was not a threat and showed proof of this by pledging his allegiance to
the pack. Pup is known as the drop of sweetness of an otherwise bitter pack, providing
motivation for the pack as well as mentoring the pups.
Beta, Teacher, Scout

Dread- Wolf, one of two of Fear's last surviving pups from when she had been in the
pack. Fear had taken the role of teaching him over all the other pups, believing that Dread had
to be taught the evil history of the pack's ways. He is the eldest pup at fourteen months at the
introduction of the story. His relationship mother's new mate was one that could be described as
mix between confusion, respect, and hatred. When he was first born, he remembers being told
that coyotes and rogue wolves were evil but now he was being told that they were to be
respected. Despite the confusion, he did not break his mother's wishes and learned to despise the
packs and to get along with his new brothers and sisters.
Description- An average sized wolf for his age, Dread was a black wolf with slight hints
of white and gray spreading on his body. The first signs of white were being seen on his face and
on the tips of his paws and tail. He was gifted with natural speed and strength, something that
other members of the pack couldn't say. From a distance, one might say his eyes were brown but
up close his were a dark golden, making them look almost brown. He had a respectable
appearance and was proud of it but never to the extent of being egoistic.
Personality/ History- Dread is a very calm and intelligent wolf who was always respecting
his elders and family. Like his mother, he had extreme devotion and loyalty to his family which
made it easy for him to suddenly change perspectives. His name was almost a jest to his
personality as he was always polite and never seeming to want harm anyone but, it slowly began
to set in overtime which had slowly shaped into a fear. While he would never betray his family
due to his guileless personality, he always questioned and accepted the words of his mother. He
served as a teacher alongside Pup and taught them anything and everything he was asked.
Figurehead of the pack, Questioner, Tutor

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