Research Student Log Book: Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

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Faculty of Medicine and

Research student log book
October 2008 version
Faculty organisation & personnel
The Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry is one of six Faculties within the University of
Bristol. Medicine & Dentistry consists of the following five deart!ents"
#linical $cience at %orth Bristol
#linical $cience at $outh Bristol
Deart!ent of #o!!unity Based Medicine
Deart!ent of $ocial Medicine
Deart!ent of &ral & Dental $cience
The 'ead of the Faculty is the Dean ()rofessor *areth +illia!s,.
The Graduate Dean (Dr. -an )aterson, is resonsible for all .cade!ic issues
related to )ostgraduate /ducation.
The Postgraduate Administrator (.llison Maggs, and the ead of Academic
administration ($ylvia /lliott, are based in the Faculty Office (012 $t. Michael3s
!upport & guidance
/ach ostgraduate student will be assigned a Principal !upervisor who is there
to ensure that your research studies run s!oothly. 4our rincial suervisor is
resonsible for organising !eetings with you2 aiding2 initially2 in your day5to5day
research activities and for !aking sure you are on target to co!lete your
ostgraduate degree. 4ou will also have a "o#supervisor who will have the
aroriate background and exertise to facilitate your research. Through your
rincial suervisor you should !eet regularly with the co5suervisor to discuss
your rogress. #o5suervisors !ay not be in the sa!e Deart!ent.
&ne of your fellow students will act as Graduate $ep who coordinates social
functions and liaises with both the Graduate Dean and Postgraduate %utor&
The ostgraduate tutor has the resonsibility of !onitoring the welfare2 suort
and assess!ent of all ostgraduates in your deart!ent. -f there are any issues
that you feel you cannot discuss with either of your suervisors then your
ostgraduate tutor and6or graduate re !ay be able to hel.
-t is essential that you are fa!iliar with the relevant safety infor!ation ertaining
to your articular tye of work. 4ou !ay re7uire further infor!ation on safety
issues fro! your Departmental !afety Adviser&
&n the following age are the contact details for both ostgraduate tutors and
ostgraduate res for your Deart!ent.
"ontact details of postgraduate tutors and graduate representatives 'it(in t(e Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry
Department Postgraduate %utor )ocation e#mail address Graduate
representative &
e#mail address
"linical !cience at
!out( *ristol
Dr. 8ate +hittington
Dr. $arah *eorge
Dr. 9inda 'unt
Dorothy 'odgkin
BR- level :
UB'T /ducation
#entre 5 T&R#
Daniel +hitco!b and
Matt 8easey2 D'B
Myria! #herif2 BR-
level :
"linical !cience at
+ort( *ristol
Dr. Moin $alee! $outh!ead
!.salee!; *eorgina #oade
$outh!ead 'osital
Department of !ocial
)rofessor -an day
Dr. Richard Martin
#anynge 'all
#anynge 'all;
$ue -ngle2 #anynge
Department of
"ommunity *ased
Dr. .lan Montgo!ery
Dr .lan /!ond
Dr Richard 'uxtable
Dr %icole +iles
Rosie 9ees and
Rebecca )earson for
Department of Oral &
Dental !cience
Dr. >ason Mansell Dental $chool <..!ansell; 'elen )etersen2 Dental
Progression & ac(ievement
This training log is broken down into five !ain co!onent arts"
,& $egistration
+ithin the first week of your registration you should have received so!e basic but
essential infor!ation. 4ou will need to !eet your postgraduate tutor and know who
your safety adviser is. 4ou will also need to find out if you need specific training in
order to conduct your research2 e.g.2 using ionising radiation.
2& At - mont(s
To ensure that you are building good foundations for your ro<ect and are !aking
good use of the rogra!!e of training courses rovided here and elsewhere. 4our
log should give a brief listing of workshos2 courses2 se!inars attended. The age
will then be signed off2 as confir!ation that it has been seen by all arties.
.& At /#,2 mont(s # Annual $evie'
Towards the end of your first year2 your rogress will be assessed in a thorough
review. 4ou will be asked to write a first5year reort (for which your )ostgraduate
Tutor can rovide details, and to give an oral resentation of your rogress to date.
#ontinuation of your research towards a )hD re7uires the sub!ission of a
co!rehensive reort followed by a viva voce exa!ination with two !e!bers of
staff. This articular hase of your develo!ent is esecially i!ortant? it rovides a
valuable insight into what to exect in your actual )hD viva and you should have a
very clear idea of where you are rogressing with your research. The for! in this
logbook is for you to record rogress with training and conferences attended and is
to be included in your first5year reort.
0& At 2,#20 mont(s
There will be a rogress interview towards the end of your second year. This age
of the log serves as a continuation to the @A !onth reort2 and asks the sa!e
1& At .0#.2 mont(s
The ai! at this stage is to check that you are on target for a )hD. +ith only four to
six !onths before the end of a standard B5year studentshi2 you should be able to
write an abstract and thesis lan even if exeri!ental work has not finished. The
signatories include the )ostgraduate Tutor2 who needs to be aware of any roble!s.
Part#time students
The ti!ings listed above are for full5ti!e students. .ll students should co!lete a
Faculty Reort For! every year. For art5ti!e students2 the !ain adatation of the
log book is to sub!it an annual continuation sheet towards the end of the B
year2 C
year2 etc.
%(esis submission
+orking full5ti!e2 you should ai! to sub!it your thesis within three years. $tudents
who continue to write u after three years are entered in Faculty records as Dwriting
u3 but are still re7uired to register at the start of the year. -f students are using
significant deart!ental facilities (esecially if undertaking exeri!ental work, they
will be regarded as Dart5ti!e3 and charged a fee. +e hoe you will sub!it well
before the four5year deadline. $ub!ission after this deadline (hoefully a rare
occurrence, is only allowed if you have an e2tension of your studies. The case for
an extension !ust be !ade C !onths before the deadline. 4ou should start by
contacting your )ostgraduate Tutor for advice.
4our thesis will need to be sub!itted to the Postgraduate 32aminations Office
(ostgraduate5exa!; telehone" =@@: BB@:EB12!s6ostgraduate,. The necessary for!s and guidance are
available fro! the web site.
To be completed within 1 week of registration and signed
$ub5deart!ental grouing (if alicable," FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
-f art5ti!e2 G of work ti!e to be sent on )hD" FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
'ave you received"
Regulations and #ode of )ractice for Research Degree )rogra!!es"
)ostgraduate 'andbook (for the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry"
)re5.rrival *uide for -nternational $tudents (if alicable,"
Continued on next page
Continued from previous page
The following 7uestion !ay not be relevant to research students in the Deart!ents
of $ocial Medicine and #&BM.
During the next few !onths2 do you
exect to use"
-f Dyes32 are you clear what training and
registration is necessaryHI
.ni!als 4es6%o 4es 6 %o
*enetically !odified
4es6%o 4es 6 %o
)athogens 4es6%o 4es 6 %o
Radioactivity or J5rays 4es6%o 4es 6 %o
&ther rotocols re7uiring
secial training6registration"
4es6%o 4es 6 %o
I-f your suervisor is uncertain2 ask the Deart!ental $afety .dviser. .dditional
!easures !ay include i!!unisation or a lung function test.
Signature Date
FFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFF ()ostgraduate Tutor,
Please give a copy of the signed sheet to your Postgraduate tutor.
%o be completed at - mont(s 4,2 mont(s part#time5 by t(e supervisor 'it( t(e
student6 p(otocopied and copy 7ept6 and t(e original returned to t(e
Departmental Graduate %utor&
FA"8)%9 OF M3D:":+3 A+D D3+%:!%$9
PO!%G$AD8A%3 $3!3A$"; A)F#93A$)9 P$OG$3!! $3PO$%
Date of this report
Name of student
Title of research
Degree for which registered
s student studying Full5ti!e6)art5ti!e
Date of commencement of study
!"pected su#mission date
P$OG$3!! :+ )A!% !:< MO+%!; (indicate training taken2 !ain tasks co!leted
including2 as aroriate2 literature reviews2 fieldwork or data collection2 written work2
se!inars given2 chaters co!leted,
P)A+ FO$ %3 +3<% !:< MO+%!; (indicate !ain tasks and training to be
"OMM3+%! *9 !8P3$=:!O$
$ignature of .dviser(s,.......................................................................... Date
"OMM3+%! *9 !%8D3+%;
$ignature of $tudent.............................................................................. Date
"OMM3+%! *9 G$AD8A%3 %8%O$ (including any action to be taken,"
$ignature of *raduate Tutor"................................................................ Date
8+:=3$!:%9 OF *$:!%O)6 FA"8)%9 OF M3D:":+3 & D3+%:!%$9
A++8A) G$AD8A%3 !%8D3+% P$OG$3!! $3PO$%
93A$ ,
+ame; 8niversity +umber;
!upervisor 4s5; Degree;
!tart Date; 3nd Date;
!tatus; 4P%>F%5
%itle of Dissertation;
This student has co!leted @A !onths of study but has not yet been assessed for
ugrade to )hD GO %O PA$% A
$tudent is registered for a )hD and has co!leted @A !onths of study. GO %O
PA$% A
PA$% A; !8P3$=:!3$?! A!!3!!M3+% OF P$OG$3!!
'as the student resented a written reort of annual rogressH 4 %
+as the reort satisfactoryH 4 %
'as the student !ade an oral resentation of their work this yearH 4 %
.ssess!ent by the suerviser of the student3s rogress
/xcellent *ood .verage +eak Unsatisfactory
#o!!ents by the suerviser on the student3s rogress
#o!!ent articularly if co!letion is esti!ated to take longer than B0 !onths
+ame of supervisor !ignature Date
+ame of supervisor !ignature Date
#o!!ents by the -nterviewers
!ignature of :ntervie'er A Date
!ignature of :ntervie'er * Date
#o!!ents by the student
Please ensure t(e student (as seen and signed t(e form or it 'ill be returned
to you&
!ignature of !tudent Date
).RT B" F.#U9T4 .))R&K.9
!ignature of Postgraduate %utor Date
!ignature of Director of Graduate !tudies; Date
)rogress to year A is sub<ect to satisfactory rogress in the first year of study and re7uires
the co!letion of a !ini5thesis co!rising .bstract2 -ntroduction2 Methods2 Results2
Discussion and references. -t is anticiated that this thesis will co!rise aroxi!ately A=5
B= ages of double5saced text. Following co!letion of the !ini5thesis2 the candidate will
be interviewed by one or !ore !e!bers of staff who are %&T the candidate3s suervisor.
The suervisor !ay be resent at the interview if the student re7uests it2 as an observer. .
coy of the thesis should be forwarded to the *radate $chool Director after the viva
together with this co!leted for!. The thesis will be returned to the student.
To be completed at 24 months*
and signed off at the annual progress interview
I)art5ti!e students should co!lete a si!ilar record in the B
year2 etc2 until one
year before exeri!ental work ends.
&nly include training since the log was last co!leted (e.g. at 15@A !onths,.
$or any section where more space is needed% please continue overleaf.
-f art5ti!e2 G work5ti!e sent on )hD"
4ear of registration"
@. )ostgraduate workshos6training courses
.rox total ti!e (hours,"
)lease list"
A. Deart!ental6subdeart!ental se!inars
.rox. nu!ber attended"
B. &ther lectures6courses attended at the University of Bristol
)lease list"
C. #onferences and courses attended outside the University.
(-nclude short5ter! second!ents to industrial and other laboratories,
%ote" dates2 location2 title. $ource of funding for travel (if aroriate,
.end any .bstracts that you have resented.
Date of progress interview
Please give a copy of the signed sheet to your &raduate Tutor.
8+:=3$!:%9 OF *$:!%O)6 FA"8)%9 OF M3D:":+3
A++8A) G$AD8A%3 !%8D3+% P$OG$3!! $3PO$%
93A$ 2
+ame; 8niversity +umber;
!upervisor4s5; Degree;
!tart Date; 3nd Date;
!tatus; 4P%>F%5
%itle of Dissertation;
PA$% A; !8P3$=:!3$?! A!!3!!M3+% OF P$OG$3!!
'as the student resented a written reort of annual rogressH 4 %
+as the reort satisfactoryH 4 %
'as the student !ade an oral resentation of their work this yearH 4 %
.nticiated dissertation sub!ission (fro! date of registration,
.t B0 !onths within CL !onths !ore than CL !onths (extension
Reason for
.ssess!ent by the suerviser of the student3s rogress
/xcellent *ood .verage +eak Unsatisfactory
#o!!ents by the suerviser on the student3s rogress
"omment particularly if completion is estimated to ta7e longer t(an .-
+ame of supervisor !ignature Date
+ame of supervisor !ignature Date
#o!!ents by the -nterviewers (if alicable,
!ignature of :ntervie'er A Date
!ignature of :ntervie'er * Date
#o!!ents by the student
Please ensure t(e student (as seen and signed t(e form or it 'ill be returned
to you&
!ignature of student Date
).RT B" *R.DU.T/ $#'&&9 .))R&K.9
!ignature of Postgraduate %utor Date;
!ignature of Director of Graduate !tudies; Date;
8+:=3$!:%9 OF *$:!%O)6 FA"8)%9 OF M3D:":+3
%:$D 93A$ P$OG$3!! FO$M
To be co!leted by the $uervisor with the student2
hotocoied and coy ket2 and the original returned to the
Deart!ental *raduate Tutor.
/xected end date"
"omments by !upervisor
&n the ability of the student to discuss their work N do you feel your student has sufficient background
understanding of their ro<ect and the associated literatureH
&n the rogress of their thesis N have you discussed the route to co!letion with your studentH
$ecific co!!ents to the $tudent"
/sti!ated date for co!letion of thesis"
$ignature of $uervisor" Date"
"omments by !tudent
)lease !ake the effort to !ake detailed co!!ents on the for!. #oies of the co!leted for! will
be returned to $tudent2 -nterviewer2 $uervisor and Faculty &ffice.
)lease !ake the effort to !ake detailed co!!ents on the for!. #oies of the co!leted for! will
be returned to $tudent2 -nterviewer2 $uervisor and Faculty &ffice
Please return the completed form to ...................... b ..............................
"omments by !tudent 4cont?d5
Resonse to co!!ents of $uervisor"
.dditional co!!ents"
/sti!ated date for co!letion of thesis"
$ignature of $tudent" Date"
"omments by Postgraduate %utor
$ignature of )ostgraduate Tutor" Date"

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