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PMP Notes

Binas Mohamed
These are my notes on some topics which I found confusing or insufficiently explained (My prep material was
PMBOK 5+ita!"#eepfried$rainpro%ect"com has some wonderful explanations on hard to crac& topics" The wor&
from this $log has $een reproduced with permission from 'arwinder (ingh Bhatia) PMP) *uthor of
#eep+riedBrainPro%ect"com $log" I found so much time was spent on researching these topics" (o I would li&e to
share these so that you can sa,e time in preparation" If any one of you $enefit from these notes) I-ll $e $lessed"
1. Point Of Total Assumption/Break Point
(ome contract calculation terms
(a,ings . (Target /ost 0 *ctual /ost!
Bonus . (a,ings x (eller (hare atio
+inal fee1/ontract /ost . 2Target +ee + Bonus3 or 2Target +ee 0 (ellers share of cost
Total /ost1+inal price . *ctual /ost + /ontract /ost
POT* is the total cost on a +PI+ contract a$o,e which seller $ears all the cost of a
cost o,errun"
POT* . 24/eiling Price 0 Target Price51Buyer-s (hare atio3+Target /ost
/eiling Price 0 'ighest price the $uyer will pay
The point to remember is that ceiling price is compared to the final price and
POTA compares to the actual cost
It can $e higher than /eiling1lower than target
B1( atio at POT* . 67866
+inal Price when actual costs9 POT* . /eiling Price
*t POT*) +PI+ contract $ecomes ++P contract"
(ource : http711www"deepfried$rainpro%ect"com1;66<16<1point:of:total:assumption:pta:
2. tandard !e"iation and Pro#ect !uration $stimates
*lways remem$er these ,alues
8= .>?";@A
;= . <5"B5A
C= . <<"@CA
>= . <<"<<<<<<?A
= . (tandard #e,iation . (# . de,iation from the mean
8 = . >?";@A"Dhat does that meanE
It means >?";@A of the ,alues will $e within the range of :8= to +8=" *nd hence C8"@CA of
,alues would $e outside this range" emem$er the range will $e eFually dispersed on either
side of the mean" Please refer the diagram $elow" (imilarly the ,alues outside the range will
also $e eFually dispersed on either side of mean"
Gn" The expected ,alue of an acti,ity duration is 886 days and it has a standard de,iation of
8;"Dhat are the pro$a$ilities of completing the acti,ity in
: <?:8;; days
: ?>:8CB days
: @B:8B> days
: C?:8?; days
: 886 days
: <? days
: 8;; days
*ns" 'ere the mean ,alue is 886"(o there is a >?";@ A chance (emem$er the 8= ,alue! of
completing the acti,ity within +1:8=" 'ere = is 8;"(o there is a >?";@ A chance of completing
the acti,ity in (886:(8x8;!! to (886+ (;x8;!! i"e" <? to 8;; days"
(imilarly there is <5"B5 chance of completing the acti,ity in 886 +1: (;H(#! i"e" ?>:8CB days"
The pro$a$ility of completing the acti,ity within mean duration is always 56 A"(o pro$a$ility
of completing in 886 days . 56 A
+or the last two Fuestions) refer the diagram $elow"

The dar& $lue area represents the A of ,alues in the 8= range
The pro$a$ility is calculated as the area under the cur,e) or in simple terms the sum of %
from the start of the & a&is up to the re'uired point" In the Fuestion) :8= . <?) I.886)
+8= . 8;;
(o pro$a$ility of completing in <? days . 8C">+;"8+"8 . *pprox 8>A
(imilarly pro$a$ility of completing in 8;; days . ?BA
(. )onflict *esolution Techni'ues
This is easy to understand" The PM is often enforcing his decision" Jo$ody gets to say
anything" +t,s the least preferred and could seriously affect relationships" 'owe,er in case
of an emergency situation) it is the $est option" *lso for a pro$lem which has $een going on
for a long time) it-s the only ,ia$le option"
Most preferred always" The most important to remem$er here is that the differences in
opinion are openl- discussed and ne,er concealed" This helps in reaching )ON$N.
and the pro$lem ne,er resurfaces"
This is the ;nd preferred method" 'ere the PM understands that forcing or colla$orating is
not going to wor& so he proposes solutions which are agreea$le to $oth parties" This is $est
suited for temporar- or partial resol,ing of conflict"
This method may $e sometimes the worst $ecause here the pro$lem is ne,er sol,ed" The
PM retreats from the actual issue or he postpones it to a later time" Mostly done for tri,ial
This method downplays the actual issue and also only sol,es the issue temporarily" 'ere
what the PM does is to $MP/A+0$ A*$A O1 A2*$$M$NT than difference" The areas
where differences are presented as they seem less important" This is only a surface le,el
treatment of the issue and it may resurface at any time"
3. Team Building/Tuckman 4adder
Team:$uilding is reFuired throughout the pro%ect) if Fuestion stresses for a particular
stage) it is essential in initiating"
It is a ne,er:ending process
Team may get stuc& in a stage1s&ip a stage1re,ert $ac& to a stage"
#uration of a stage depends on team dynamics) team siLe and team leadership"
Team meets) learns a$out pro%ect and their roles and responsi$ilities
+ocus is on personal goals
Team $egins to address pro%ect wor&
If team is not colla$orati,e) disagreements occur and en,ironment $ecomes
Team mem$ers who-,e wor&ed together $efore s&ip this stage"
MO(T /TI/*O stage as far as pro%ect manager is concernedS he wants to
o,ercome this stage as fast as possi$le"
Team $egins to wor& togetherS ad%usts wor& ha$its to support team
OOQ( *Q /OQ*
Oearns to trust each other
Team functions as a well:organised unit"
Team mem$ers $ecome IJTQ#QPQJ#QJT"
+ocus is on team goals
/an start when pro%ect is nearing completion
(ome $ecome emotional some sad some excited
/onflicts can arise and hence sometimes PM needs to inter,ene"
5. Moti"ational Theories
McRregor-s Theory of T and P(ita '!
Maslow-s 'eirarchy Of Jeeds(ita '!
#a,id Mc/lelland-s Theory Of *cFuired Jeeds(ita '!
'erL$erg-s Theory(ita '!
Dilliam Ouchi 0 Theory V
Uapanese1Participati,e Management (tyle
It says that $y pro,iding a sta$le employment) employee loyalty can $e increased
Mictor Mroom 0 Qxpectancy Theory(ita '!
/ontingency Theory 0 +red Q +iedler
In stressful times) a tas&:oriented leader will $e effecti,e and in calm times) a
'ershey 0 Blanchard Oife /ycle Theory ( (ituational Oeadership!
Oeadership style must change with maturity of indi,idual employees
#irecting1Telling 0 /oaching1(elling 0 (upporting1Participating 0 #elegating
QR 0 /layton *lderferer
Qxistence (Physiological!) elatedness ((ocial!) Rrowth ((elf:Qsteem and
6. )hange )ontrol teps
1. Pre,ent changes1root cause if possi$le" (/hec& if the proposed changes are allowed as
per charter) chec& if it is gold plating1scope creep" emem$er this is not applica$le in
case of a wor&around"!
2. Q,aluate the impact of the changeS first on the constraints and then on the su$seFuent
wor& pac&ages
(. Identify options(e:estimation) fast trac&ing)crashing)cutting scope) reduce Fuality)
3. Inform and discuss these options with sta&eholders
5. /hanges may $e initiated ,er$ally $ut should $e recorded in written form and entered
into the change1configuration management system"
6. +ormal change reFuest is created and sent for Integrated /hange /ontrol
7. There) it may $e e,aluated and options created $y //B
8. It is then appro,ed1re%ected" If needed appro,al is o$tained from customer
9. /hange log is updated
1:. The pro%"manag"plan and pro%ect documents are updated"
11. The appro,ed change reFuests are sent to7 #irect and Manage Pro%ect Dor&(for carrying
out!)/ontrol Guality(for ,alidating!)/ontrol Procurements(procurement related!
8. $stimation Techni'ues
*nalogous Qstimation
Rross ,alue estimating approach
Nsed when there is limited info on the pro%ect
Nses historical info and expert %udgment
/'Q*P)OQ(( *//N*TQ)GNI/K
Team mem$ers need expertise
Nses a $ase ,alue
#ifficult for uncertain pro%ects
Jot sufficient to predict if pro%ect will meet schedule
Parametric Qstimation
Nses statistical relationship $etween rele,ant historical data and other ,aria$les
Types 0 (catter #iagram) Oearning /ur,e
Qstimates are not always scala$le
esults can $e 'euristics
Bottom:Np Qstimation1#efiniti,e TechniFue
MO(T *//N*TQ
Jeeds an accurate DB(
Accurac- of estimates ; Bottom<up = ( point = Parametric = Analogous
9. $arned >alue Management
Qstimate at /ompletion (Q*/!
Q*/. B*/1/PI 0 Most common) ,ariance will continue) Nse when no other data gi,en
Q*/. */+ (B*/:QM! 0 One time ,ariance) remaining wor& at $udgeted rate
Q*/. */+Bottom:up QT/ 0 Original estimate now in,alid
Q*/. */+ 2(B*/:QM!1 (/PIH(PI!3 0 Both (PI and /PI influence the remaining wor&"
+or explanation of scenarios in which to use these formulas) please ,isit
Qstimate To /omplete (QT/!
QT/ . Q*/:*/
Uust remem$er this formula for QT/(*lso a re,ised $ottom:up QT/ in case of flawed
estimation!" /alculations can $e done $ased on the Q*/ ,alue"
Qxample 0 One time Mariance
Q*/ . */+ (B*/:QM!
Nsing the a$o,e formula) QT/ . Q*/ 0 */ . (B*/:QM!
M*/ . B*/:Q*/
PM . B/D( (PM is $ased on cost $aseline so it doesn-t include management reser,e!
*/ . */DP (what is spent to achie,e QM!
/M . QM 0 */ (/M 0,e . OMQ BN#RQT and +,e . NJ#Q BN#RQT!
/M 0 relationship of physical performance to cost spent):,e /M is often difficult to reco,er
(M . QM 0 PM ((M 0,e . BQ'IJ# (/'Q#NOQ and +,e . *'Q*# O+ (/'Q#NOQ!
/PI . QM1*/ (/PI.8.8 dollar earned for 8 spent! W8 0 $ad)98 : good
(PI . QM1PM ((PI.6"?) pro%ect progressing at ?6A of planned rate! W8 0 $ad)98 : good
/ritical atio . /PIH(PI
A /omplete . (QM1B*/!H866
A (pent . (*/1B*/!H866
/MA . (/M1QM!H866
(MA . ((M1PM!H866
T/PI . 2(B*/:QM!1 (B*/:*/!3 or 2(B*/:QM!1 (Q*/:*/!3 W8 0 good) 98 : $ad
*t end of pro%ect) all planned ,alue has $een earned) so QM.PM and (PI . 8
If (PI not eFual to 8) pro%ect was terminated"
/M and (M 0 useful for determining pro%ect status
/PI and (PI 0 used for comparison to other pro%ects
/M) (M) /PI) (PI) T/PI and M*/ are Dor& Performance Information"
Most critical QMM metric 0 /PI
1:. chedule )ompression techni'ues
*dding1ad%usting resources
*OD*P( IJ/Q*(Q /O(T
May increase ris&
Nsed mostly when fast trac&ing not applica$le
Qgs7 O,ertime) *dditional people) Paying to expedite deli,ery
/Q*TQ( MOQ /TI/*O1JQ* /ITI/*O P*T'(
11. )onfiguration Management and )hange )ontrol
Please refer http711www"deepfried$rainpro%ect"com1;68616C1configuration:management:
12. Basic tatistics
Population 0 large collection of items from which sample is collected through the tool
statistical sampling) $asically done to sa,e time and cost"
/onsider the following sample7 8C)8?)8C)8B)8C)8>);B);8)8C
MQ*J . *,erage . 85
MO#Q . Most found num$er . 8C
*JRQ . (Oargest:(mallest! . ?
MQ#I*J . Middle Jo) for this you need to re arrange in ascending order
'ere MQ#I*J . 8B) If there are e,en no-s in the sample) there will $e two middle num$er
and you-ll ha,e to find the a,erage"
(ource : http711www"purplemath"com1modules1meanmode"htm
1(. 4ogical relationships and 1loat
Qarliest (tart 0 earliest time an acti,ity can start once pre,ious dependent acti,ities are o,er
Qarliest +inish . Q(+#uration
Oatest +inish . latest time an acti,ity can finish without delaying the pro%ect
Oatest (tart . O+ 0 #uration
Total +loat1*cti,ity +loat1+loat . O+ 0 Q+ or O(:Q(
+ree float of an acti,ity . Q( (next acti,ity! 0 O+ (current acti,ity!
+ree float exists only in case of path con,ergence"
Dhen an acti,ity on critical path is delayed) if there are options to use free or total float use
+QQ +OO*T. esource from acti,ity with total float can $e pulled only after seeing networ&
Total float is not the sum of free floats
+ree float will $e always less than or eFual to total float
#uration of acti,ity . Q+:Q(+8
Oeads and Oags
Oead is acceleration of successor acti,ity" IJ/Q*(Q( I(K *J# QDOK) second
acti,ity $egins parallel as first"
Oag is delay of successor acti,ity) found in all relationships) JO Q(ON/Q(
Often lead is represented as 0,e O*R"
Q"g" +++; indicate a finish:to:finish relationship with ; days lag whereas ++:; a ; days lead"
Nnderstanding logical relationships
The tric& is to remem$er that the second part of relationship relates to the successor and
first part to the predecessor and we write the second part always first"
Q"g" +( relationship $etween * and B
Predecessor 0 * (uccessor 0 B (o second part i"e" (tart relates to B and +inish relates to *
and putting the second part first) we can write
B cannot start unless * finishes" (imilarly we can write as follows
*:B (((! : B start only after * start
*:B (++! : B cannot finish unless * has finished"
*:B ((+! : B can finish only after * starts
*:B (++:;! : B finish ; days earlier than * finishes
*:B (((+8! : B start one day after * starts
*:B (+(+8! : B cannot start until * has finished and one day has passed"
+inish 0To:+inish Pro$lems
Pou may find these types of Fuestions on the exam"
8" *:B (++:;! #uration of * 0 86) #uration of B 0 88) Total #urationEE
;" B:* (++:;! #uration of B 0 88) #uration of * 0 86) Total #urationEE
*nswer (8!
*:B(++:;! implies B finish ; days earlier than finish of *) which means * finishes ; days after
B"(o total duration . 88+; . 8C"The point to remem$er here is that B starts first"
*nswer (;! 0 8;
If you still ha,e dou$ts) please post on PMVilla"De can discuss"
13. ?ualit- Management
$d@ard.A.!eming 0 P#/* (Plan:#o:/hec&:*ct! or #eming /ycle"
8B points for Total Guality Management"
P#/* cycle was defined $y (hewart and modified $y #eming"
?5A of Fuality pro$lems are management-s responsi$ility"
Philip )rosb- 0 Guality is free"
VQO #Q+Q/T("
Measurement of Fuality 0 price of non:conformance"
Boseph Buran 0 GN*OITP I( +ITJQ(( O+ N(Q"
*d,ocated in,ol,ement of top management"
*pplied Pareto-s principle to Fuality issues"
Uuran-s trilogy 0 Guality Planning) /ontrol) Impro,ement"
(ix (igma is $ased on statistical wor& of Uuran.
/ontinuous Impro,ement (KaiLen! 0 Masaa&i Imai) +"D Taylor 0 $ased on P#/* cycle
Renichi Taguchi 0 Ooss function 0 Dhen ,ariation from target increases) loss also increases"
Maria$le and *ttri$ute (ampling
There are two types of data measurements7 Maria$le (/ontinuous! and *ttri$ute (#iscrete!
*ttri$ute 0 result conforms1not conforms (P*((1+*IO!
Maria$le 0 measures degree of conformity (If mar&s ;66:>66 P*(() W;66 0 +*IO!
8" /ommon1andom /auses 0 random points within control limits) inherent in system
;" (pecial1*ssigna$le /ause 0 points $eyond control limit or non:random points li&e ule of
(e,en) related to some type of defect"
(PQ/I*O /*N(Q I( NJPQ#I/T*BOQ *J# ('ONO#J-T BQ T'QQ +O * PO/Q(( IJ
If a process is out of control) special cause should $e in,estigated and process should $e
15. Aork Performance !ataC +nformation and *eports
DP# 0 raw data) significance only to a particular Knowledge *rea) not sufficient to ma&e
decision) Output from *ll Qxecuting Processes and input to all /ontrol Processes"Qg7no" of
wor& pac&ages completed) no of change reFuests) actual costs) actual start and finish dates)
in,oices paid) no of defects
DPI 0 DP# from ,arious Knowledge *reas are analyLed and integrated" Output from all
/ontrol processes and fed into Monitor and /ontrol Pro%ect Dor&"Qg7 (M) (PI) /PI
DP 0 physical1electronic representation of DPI intended to generate decisions"
/I/NO*TQ# T'ONR' /OMMNJI/*TIOJ(" Output from Monitor and /ontrol Pro%ect
Dor&"Qg7 (tatus reports) memos
(ource : http711www"deepfried$rainpro%ect"com1;68B16;1wor&:performance:data:,s:wor&:
16. Plain Memorisation
UIT In,entory :6A
Message transmission Body Oanguage 0 55A) Mocal Pitch 0 C?A) Dords (MQB*O! 0 @A
Pro%ect Manager spends <6A of time communicating) 56A with team
17. )losing teps
/onfirm wor& done as per reFuirements
/omplete procurement closure
Rain final product acceptance
/omplete financial closure
'and:off completed product
(olicit feed$ac& from customer
ecord impacts of tailoring to any processes
/omplete final performance reporting
Rather final lessons learned
*pply appropriate updates to OP*
Index and archi,e all rele,ant pro%ect documents in PMI( as historical data
Perform team mem$er-s assessment and release pro%ect resources
Measure customer satisfaction"
OM$ 2$N$*A4 PO+NT
Management By O$%ecti,es (M"B"O! approach 0 for aligning pro%ect goals with
organisational goals) goals of other su$units and indi,idual goals
Bringing expected future performance in line with Pro%ect Management Plan 0
'*MMO/K */TIMITP 0 a group of related schedule acti,ities aggregated at some
summary le,el and displayed as a single acti,ity
+ormal acceptance of pro%ect scope from customer 0 throughout the pro%ect
+ormal acceptance of product of pro%ect 0 /losing stage
Procurement Manager can only sign a change orderS howe,er in case of an
emergency) pro%ect manager can also sign"
Pro%ect Management *cti,ities are part of pro%ect scope) not product scope"
Performance eporting 0 Manage /ommunications) /ontrol Procurements and
Oessons Oearned are $est completed $y sta&eholders
Predicting future performance 0 +orecast eport
*ddresses past performance 0 Trend eport
Qarliest time to complete administrati,e closure 0 end of each pro%ect phase
Procurement (tatement Of Dor& is re,ised and refined throughout the pro%ect
Tool for disco,ering non:,alue acti,ities 0 Process *nalysis
Pro%ect Manager normally not in,ol,ed with pro%ect selection"
Order of preference of pro%ect selection method 0 JPM 9 B/ 9 I 9 Pay$ac&
*ll pro%ect documents need not $e archi,ed at closure" There may $e some
temporary documents as well"
Ri,en a selection) always select the pro%ect with lowest opportunity cost"
Oessons Oearned must $e at least compiled at pro%ect closure"
If you are postponing the pro%ect finish time to arrange time for an expert resource
with limited time 0 QMQ(Q Q(ON/Q *OOO/*TIOJ (/'Q#NOIJR
Tool most suited for finding cost of Fuality of a process 0 +OOD/'*T
* communication constraint may $e deri,ed from specific legislation) organisational
policy or pro%ect constraint
Gualitati,e is& *nalysis 0 for identifying and managing ris& attitudes and a,oiding
$ias in the decision" It is Fuic& and cost:effecti,e"
PMI doesn-t support $orrowing(using an item without paying!
It is possi$le that the next phase can start without appro,al of deli,era$les of
pre,ious phase 0 +*(T T*/KIJR"
etrospecti,e re,iew is done at KIOO POIJT"
Pro%ect Oife /ycle may $e contained within one or more product life cycles" One
product can ha,e multiple pro%ects associated with it"
In a matrix organisation) pro%ect manager is responsi$le for managing dual reporting
#ecision tree 0 future scenarios and outcomes are uncertain"
Pro%ect Management team can create a Fuality policy in case it is missing"
#ocument lin&ing wor& pac&ages to related performing organisational unit 0 OB(
#ocument lin&ing wor& pac&ages to related performing indi,iduals 0 */I
#ocument lin&ing resources and usage(time period! 0 esource 'istogram
#ocument lin&ing resource and responsi$ilities 0 Organisational /hart
#ocument lin&ing resource and primary %o$ 0 Uo$ description"
#ocument showing reporting relationship of a resource 0 Organisational /hart
*ircraft and #efence industries don-t settle with > sigma) they aim for Lero defects"
Issue log at minimum should contain the owner name and target resolution date"
Qxception eport is created in case of crossing a threshold"
Total duration of pro%ect doesn-t affect ma&e:or:$uy analysis"
In a scatter diagram) more closer the points are to the regression line) more related
they are"
+unctional Manager and sponsor controls resources
(chedule controlled $y Pro%ect Manager
+unding done $y sponsor
Process groups occur within phases and can sometimes cross phases" That is when
deli,era$les of a process group ser,e as input to process groups in the next phase"
Business case and sta&eholder management plan may contain sensiti,e info
Jormally procurement manager acts as the lead negotiator"
Jo formal change control is reFuired to change the pro%ect documents
Dhistle $lowing 0 employee-s decision to disclose info on unethical) immoral or illegal
actions at wor& to authorities"
+unding limit reconciliation affects the pro%ect schedule"
Product with lower life cycle cost is always selected"
* status report is not suita$le for a Fuic& re,iew"
Team $uilding cannot $e done fast) needs planning"
OOIROPOOP 0 there are only a few sellers and action of one seller impacts other
sellers- prices"
Mariance *nalysis is not a forecasting method" It is used to find cause of de,iation
during controlling
Jegotiation 9 Mediation 9 *r$itration 9 Oitigation
Team $uilding most difficult in wea& matrix
esource trade:offs are $est illustrated in critical chain
Optional Knowledge *rea 0 Procurement
Bac&ground Process Rroup 0 MonitorX/ontrol
Process group outside team control 0 Initiating
Pro%ect Manager may create the pro%ect charter
In case of emergency) change may $e done $y pro%ect manager without //B
Qnd Jotes
I wanted to include a portion on ( cur,e interpretation $ut I couldn-t find software to draw it
properly" Please refer to me if you ha,e any dou$ts in this area"
Please attempt time management Fuestions ;@ and ;< from +arndale
If you ha,e ample time for preparation) please refer to7
(pecial /redits
#eepfried$rainpro%ect"com (*wesome wor& $y 'arwinder!
ita Mulcahy ?
Qdition (Qxcellent!
PMVilla (Donderful Initiati,e!
The steps in change control and closing (the most difficult process group! cannot $e followed
$lindly" *pply as per Fuestion"
Binas Mohamed PMP

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