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Effect of
spectral distribution. Since most of the energy radiated by
incandescent sources is of the long invisible infrared wavelengths, the
achievable efficiencies are low as compared with the theoretical maximum
(G50 lumens per watt) that would be obtained if all of the power input were
emitted as green light of 0.5550 micron wavelength for which the luminosity
factor is greatest.*
Because of the shift with increases in temperature from the infrared to
shorter wavelengths of the maximum of the radiation curve, efficiency may
be increased by operating lamps at higher temperatures.
Effect of
material characteristics. In practical lamps the rate of evapora-
tion and the melting point of the filament limit the extent of such gains.
The melting point of tungsten is 3,655 degrees Kelvin, the highest of all
metallic elements.
Because evaporation of the filament at temperatures approaching the
melting point is great enough to cause unreasonably short life and much
bulb blackening, it is necessary to operate practical lamp filaments at tem-
peratures well below the melting point. However, even if it were possible
to go much higher than known filament materials allow, the efficiency would
not greatly exceed the maximum of 85 lumens per watt achievable with
blackbody radiators operating at the optimum temperature of about 6,500
degrees Kelvin, because much of the energy is radiated outside the visible
The maximum attainable efficiency of any white light source (whether it
be a blackbody, tungsten, gaseous discharge, or fluorescent type) with its
entire output distributed uniformly with respect to wavelength within the
visible region, is of the order of 200 lumens per watt.
Efficiencies greater than 200 lumens per watt can be obtained but only
from sources of which the entire output approaches concentration in the
green wavelength of the maximum luminosity factor.
Maximum attainable brightness. From a superficial consideration of the
matter it may appear that the brightness of an illuminated surface might
be raised to any desired value merely by concentrating light upon it from
a sufficient number of sources. The fact remains that the attainable
brightness is limited by the attainable brightness of the available light
The top limit depends on the optical arrangement. If the arrangement
does not return significant amounts of radiation to the sources, the maxi-
mum brightness attainable will be that of the sources. If radiation is
returned to the sources, the top limit will approach the brightness of a
blackbody operating at the true temperature of the sources.
Whereas the radiation of incandescent sources results from the irregular
excitation at high temperatures of innumerable molecules interacting on
*The value adopted by the I.E.S. (650 lumens per watt) is based on: 1. the 1924 I.C.I, luminosity factors;
2. the second radiation constant in Planck's equations ci
1.436; and 3. the brightness of a blackbody at the
freezing point of platinum (58.9 candles per square centimeter). It is consistant with the calculations of
H.T. Wensel published in 1939 ("Research Paper 1189" J. Research Nat. Bur. Stand.). See note page 1-S.

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