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Monastery of the Seven Rays

The Last Temple of the Outer Court

Student II Degree (Occult Physics A.)
'y Dear Child of the (uest)
o* that you ha+e reached the le+el of the ,eginning Student II.
Degree) it is important for us to e-plain to you certain profound
matters *hich relate to the su,.ect of &occult physics&) the science
upon *hich you are to em,ar/ *ith your ne-t lesson. 0ere) at the
'onastery of the Se+en !ays) *e ma/e a distinction in studies ,et*een
astrology and the study of astral magnetism) ,ecause *e ,elie+e that
most of astrology is highly superficial and seemingly false) although
there is an ad+anced science of the stars) *hich forms a part of magical
doctrine) and this is presented to you in ad+anced *or/. 1ut) at the
same time it is necessary for you to ,ecome a*are of the forces /no*n as
&astral magnetism& ,ecause they influence you directly and can ,e
e-amined ,y us *ith a great deal of certainty.
Astral magnetism forms ,ut one part of the science of occult
physics) for the other ,ranch of occult physics) *hich you *ill study
this first year is called &Luciferian magnetism&) or the po*er of light
in constituting your +ery ,eing. 2e *ill not discuss this ad+anced study
at this time) e-cept to say that you *ill ,e a,le to study t*o forms of
occult physics during your first year *ith us. 0o*e+er) the main
o,.ecti+e of this letter is to let you /no* the form in *hich the
lessons are gi+en to the student in occult physics. In the field of
occult physics) *e the 'asters of the 'onastery do not teach the
lessons) so to spea/) *e interpret to the student the ,asic teachings)
*hich *e recei+e from the most holy and radiant Sy3ygies (sometimes
called &Sy3ygies& in their dynamic aspect) of the $cclesia Spiritualis
%nostica (The Spiritual %nostic Assem,ly). These +ery metaphysical
,eings are lin/ed ,y destiny to the +arious points in space) *hich
constitute our total system of *orlds. Their assem,ly forms the fullness
of the uni+erse) *hich pre+ents chaos from ma/ing entry into the *orld
as *e /no* it. These *onderful ,eings are the o,.ects of study in the
esoteric la,oratory of the 'onastery) and therefore they are) for us)
+ery important and +ital lin/s ,et*een ad+anced humanity and the higher
*orlds of the uni+erse. It is not necessary at this stage to spea/ of
them further) e-cept to say that they form spheres of astral magnetism)
from *hich come the +arious teachings *hich form our science of astral
magnetism. These spheres are arranged in a precise and mathematical form
from *hich emanate the fundamental teachings concerning the uni+erse and
the true destiny of man.
These magnetic spheres ha+e ,een discussed for centuries ,y
magnetic alchemists and magicians) and their reality has ,een
represented ,y many types of sym,olism. Of most common use has ,een the
alchemical sym,ol of magical properties attri,uted to +arious metals and
elements. Thus) *e read of &the sphere of iron and copper&) &the sphere
of 4uic/sil+er and sil+er nitrate&) &the sphere of sil+er and platinum&)
and) lastly) &the sphere of gold and uranium&. The lo*est of these
spheres of magnetism has the magnitude) or po*er range of
space5consciousness *hich is from .6 to .789. The highest range is from
:.;:<7 to =.6666. In this case) the lo*est pertains to the first
iron5copper sphere of Astral 'agnetism) *hereas the highest sphere is
the fourth gold5uranium sphere of 'agical 'agnetism. 0o*e+er) in occult
physics) *e do not e+en attempt the higher t*o spheres) or *orld of
spheres) ,ecause these are properly magical realms. Our first study of
magnetism *ill ta/e us only up to the fourth gold5uranium sphere of
astral magnetism) *hose range is .;:<7 to >.6666. Our discussion) later
this first year) *ill terminate *ith the sphere at >.;:<7 to 8.6666.
This *ill pro+e to the student to ,e sufficient magnetic influence for
the time) since the 'onastery does not ,elie+e in o+er5fatigue of the
students due to their e-posure to magnetism. In fact the present
feelings *hich you are e-periencing *hile you read this paragraph) are a
form of fatigue induced ,y e-posure to sym,ols)*hich descri,e magnetism.
That is *hy *e must ,e +ery careful in this entire field and see to it
that you are sufficiently protected from +i,rations (radiations and
emanations) *hich are too po*erful for you to a,sor,. On the other hand)
the true magicians and occultists are often stimulated) +italised) made
more po*erful and feel stronger) simply ,y reading a,out these high
forms of magnetism. So depending upon your reactions to *hat I ha+e .ust
said you *ill /no* if you are suited for the higher *or/) or *hether you
should remain at the le+el of the first year of study.
0o*e+er) ,ecause *e are firm ,elie+ers in the acceleration of the
e+olutionary process) I am ta/ing the trou,le to list on the ,ac/ of
this letter the full ranges of magnetism) as they are taught in the
first) second and third years of study gi+en ,y the 'OAST$!# O? T0$
S$@$ !A#S. 2hile *e do not gi+e out any teachings *hich are too
po*erful) ad+anced) or secret for you at this present stage of
de+elopment) yet *e do ,elie+e that no* you are entitled to some general
idea as to the direction of your *or/ *ith us. 2e *ill lea+e out the
Student III Degree from the outline) ,ecause that is a study in
meditation) and does not relate to magnetism as such. 0o*e+er) from the
follo*ing chart you can see e-actly *here *e are going in our *or/.
Degree #ear of Study Title of Study Sphere of 'agnetism
Student II >st. &Astral 'agnetism& Iron5Copper
>. (.; 5 .789)
8. (.787 5 .>896)
:. (.>89> 5 .>A<9)
=. (.>A<7 5 .8966)
(uic/sil+er5Sil+er itrate
>. (.8966 5 .:689)
8. (.:687 5 .:796)
:. (.:79> 5 .=:<9)
=. (.=:<7 5 .9666)


>. (.9666 5 .9789)
8. (.9787 5 .7896)
:. (.789> 5 .7A<9)
=. (.7A<7 5 .<966)
>. (.<966 5 .A689)
8. (.A687 5 .A796)
:. (.A79> 5 .;:<9)
=. (.;:<7 5 .>6666)
Student I@ >st &Luciferian 'agnetism& ?rom Iron5Copper > (>.6666 5
>.7896) through %old5"ranium
=. (>.;:<7 5 8.6666)
Apprentice I. 8nd &Se-ual 'agic& ?rom Iron Copper >. (8.6666 5
8.7896) through
Apprentice II. :rd 'agnetic 'agic& ?rom Iron5Copper >.
(:.6666 5 :.7896)
through %old5"ranium
=. (:.;:<7 5 =.6666)
As you can note from the a,o+e diagram you *ill progress in your
study of magnetism from the lo*est le+el of its manifestation to its
higher forms ,y an intensi+e penetration into the mysteries and secrets
of the +arious spheres of magnetism. Actually) there are only si-teen
spheres as such) ,ut ,y the study of occult physics and) later) magic)
it is possi,le for one to enter more and more deeply into the su,.ect of
the Sy3ygies and their particular po*ers. This is the real astral
pro.ection) that is to say the pro.ection through in+estigation into the
forms of astral magnetism. #ou can also understand *hy *e possess the
most po*erful course of occult instruction if *e deal *ith magnetism and
especially in the occult form of %old5"ranium) *hich is its most dynamic
type. 0O2$@$!) 2$ 2A! T0OS$ 20O ?ID T0IS TOO PO2$!?"L O! TOO
STI'"LATI% TO T0$I! I$! S$L@$S TO !$?!AI ?!O' S$$BI% T0$ AD@AC$D
2IT0 "S) ?O! I? #O" A!$ ST!$%T0$$D 1# T0IS #O" 2$!$ D$$PL# I@OL@$D
2IT0 "S 1$?O!$. 1"T I? #O" DO OT ?$$L T0IS 2A# O2 IT IS LIB$L# T0AT
#O" 2$!$ OT SO D$$PL# A PA!T O? "S 1$?O!$ AD 1# CO'PL$TI% T0$ ?I!ST
#$A! O? ST"D# 2IT0 "S #O" 2ILL 0A@$ AD@AC$D S"??ICI$TL# ?O! T0IS
LI?$TI'$. 2$ '"ST ASB #O" S$$ 1$?O!$ #O" T0IS S$C!$T DIA%!A' LISTI% T0$
?I$LDS O? PO2$! T0AT CA 1$ #O"!S &20IC0 A!$ #O"C A!$ #O" O$ TO %O O
1$#OD T0$ ?I!ST #$A!C O! O$ TO $D #O"! 2O!B 2IT0 T0$ ?I!ST #$A!C&
1e 1old) Dare the Infinite.
The 'aster of Dudgement
Monastery of the Seven Rays
The Last Temple of the Outer Court
Student II. Degree (Occult Physics A.)
&Astral 'agnetism I. The Arithmetic of the Occultist.&
(A) T0$ 1ASIC $L$'$TS) T0$ PLA$TS.
&I am a sy3ygy of the ?irst Archon of the Iron5Copper Sphere of
'agnetism) >
at the magnitude of .6 to .789 of space5consciousness)8
*ho stands in the right 5 foot of the Di+ine Androgyne A1!AEOS.:
There are eight *orlds of astral magnetism for human ,eings)=
?our of the Sun) i 555 ii 555 iii 555) i+ 555 and 9
?our of the 'oon) i 555 ii 555 iii 555) i+ 555 7
'y 'agical colour is #$LLO2 modified ,y 1LACB.<
Dare not to /no* my names in the spiritual assem,ly of the
gnosis) for I am a Sy3ygy.& A
?ollo*ing the directions as set forth in the letter from the
'aster of Dudgement) *e *ill offer an interpretation of the points *hich
the a,o+e ,eing has gi+en us) *ith the TeacherFs permission. The most
important point for you to understand is that these messages) *hich *e
recei+e in our esoteric la,oratory) *ill also ,e gi+en to you) once you
ha+e ,een initiated ,y the 'aster of Initiation) *ho is the 'aster
CAP!ICO!"S) the most po*erful of initiators) after you ha+e prepared
yourself for our *or/ in the monastic system. 0o*e+er) *e *ant you to
/no* that each Sy3ygy has its o*n particular teaching) *hich separates
it out from all others and so to spea/ ma/es up its essence. o other
school of occult training can spea/ of these ,eings) ,ecause none other
than the %nostic Church has the magical /eys for opening the gates of
the outer and entering upon the most esoteric of mysteries. 0o*e+er) *e
do not *ish you to thin/ that you ha+e all of the magical /no*ledge) for
this is only gi+en ,eyond the completion of the third year) in *hat may
only ,e mentioned in a *hisper as the +ery esoteric =th year. The num,er
four is the most po*erful num,er in the entire system of magnetism and
only no* is its po*er ,eing understood ,y psychology. 2e /no* that you
remem,er its po*er and for this reason you came to us) not ,ecause of
the S$@$ !A#S) for these are mere sym,ols) ,ut ,ecause of the num,er
four. o*) I *ill comment and interpret as much as I can of the a,o+e
>. The ,eing addresses himself (the Sy3ygy is al*ays understood
as masculine) as the angels of the 1i,le are called &0$& and &0I'&) to
the see/er after light. 0e has identified himself *ith that sphere of
magnetism *hich is closest to my physical ,ody and to your astral ,ody.
0e represents the ne-t le+el of magnetism from the magnetism of physical
matter and he is therefore the first of the spheres surrounding your
,ody as you mo+e through space and time. The 4uestion of the nature of
Iron and Copper is entirely magical and cannot ,e discussed here) e-cept
it is not the physical iron and copper) ,ut a magnetic refinement of
these elements. The true nature of these elements is) ho*e+er) so
po*erful that only a magical apprentice of +ery strong occult
constitution can hold up under these +i,rations. The *ord &Archon& is
too magical to discuss at this le+el of study.
8. The 4uestion of magnitude is important for us) in that the
*orld *hich is around us is composed of +arious magnitudes of po*er. 2e
ha+e sought to represent these ,y means of e-act num,ers and ha+e had
great difficulty in so doing) ,ecause of the fluidity of the magnetic
po*er) in that it is su,.ect to much change and +ariation. Therefore) in
order to measure this po*er) *e ha+e had to introduce a certain type of
instrument) *hich is useful for gathering all types of magnetism. This
instrument is not physical) ,ut is composed of +arious sym,olic
components) the most o,+ious of *hich is copper *ire. 2ith the help of
my assistant) *hom I *ill introduce to you shortly) I ha+e ,een a,le to
*or/ out the precise scale of measurement of magnitude and po*er for the
space5consciousness of each sphere. That is *hy I *as a,le to gi+e you
the ta,le in the letter from the 'aster of Dudgement.
:. The hea+enly man of the gnosis) *ho is the plan for the entire
uni+erse is called A,ra-os) and he em,odies *ithin himself ,oth positi+e
and negati+e polarities of magnetism) and for this reason he is the
di+ine androgyne) or the supreme representati+e of the union of the
se-es. 0is magical right5foot forms the lo*est of the spheres of the
uni+erse) and so *e ,egin *ith that part of him. 0o*e+er) you must
realise that right5foot of e+ery ,eing contains a corresponding element
of magnetism) *hich is fundamental to the reality of the human race.
Some occultists spea/ of the cha/ras) or *heels of in+isi,le energy
*hich are located in the +arious parts of the ,ody) especially along the
spine. I *ant you to understand that the +arious centers of force e-tend
to other parts of the ,ody and that their magnetism in these areas is
.ust as real as the magnetism of the centers on the spine. 0o*e+er)
,ecause some ha+e thought that these &lo*er& centers *ere 4uestiona,le)
they ha+e not spo/en a,out them. 2e do not feel that these is any need
for this. These centers are all +ital and necessary) for they are the
,asis or the foundation of magnetism) especially the lo*er ones) upon
*hom all of the others are situated.
=. There are eight *orlds of e+erything so to spea/) for eight)
,eing the dou,le of four) is t*ice as magical and therefore t*ice as
po*erful. ?or e-ample) most of our research instruments in the
la,oratory) here) are eightfold in their parts. This means that they are
composed of eight components) or of multiples of eight. So li/e*ise
there are eight *orlds of *onderful magnetism and po*er *hich are to ,e
e-plored ,y us) step ,y step.
9.There are four solar *orlds) or planets. These planets represent
the magnetism of the Sun in its most profound reality. I do not *ish to
suggest that the physical Sun in the s/y is the Sun *e refer to. This is
not so. 2e refer to the positi+ity of A,ra-os) his masculinity) his
a,ility to create and form *orlds and uni+erses) and in so doing he acts
through four agents or planets) *hose sym,ols are the physical planetsG
@enus) 'ercury) Saturn) and "ranus. o*) *hen *e spea/ from time to time
a,out the +arious po*ers of these sym,olical planets) *e do not mean the
+isi,le planets up in the s/y) *hich are studied ,y the starga3ers.
!ather *e refer to magical centers of energy) through *hich the
masculine po*er and cosmic force must operate.
7. Li/e*ise *ith those planets *hose function is to ser+e as
agents for the lunar) or feminine side of A,ra-os. These agents ser+e to
represent the po*er to ,e created and to ,e informed) and therefore)
they represent the passi+e po*er. They should not ,e spo/en of at all as
agents ,ut as patients) and they are represented sym,olically ,y the
four physical planetsG Dupiter) eptune) 'ars) and Pluto. #ou *ill see
from this analysis that *e are 4uite different from con+entional
astrology in our interpretations. 1ut) *e are concerned mainly *ith
astral magnetism) and that is 4uite sufficient.
<. The colours of each Sy3ygy are magical in that they are
in+o/ed ,y means of certain colours. All colours are magical) ,ut only
is the magnetism possi,le *hen the com,inations are +ery correct. The
first of the magical colours in se4uence is yello* modified ,y ,lac/)
.ust as the +ery highest of all colours is red modified ,y ,lac/. It is
important to realise that ,lac/ is a magical e-pression of the
space5time field of the uni+erse) and since all things rest in the field
of space5time) so ,lac/ is the most significant of colours. 2e cannot
agree *ith certain persons *ho thin/ that it represents e+il) since
space5time is the essence of goodness. 0ere) I *ill mention my
assistant) *ho is a human ,eing) a +ery highly de+eloped occultist) *ho
has .ust cele,rated his ,irthday of t*entyfour years. Since he helps me
*ith many e-periments) he is +ery essential to my *or/ as the director
of the occult la,oratory. 0is name is !acine) and it is to him that I
o*e the a,ility to find out the e-act measurement of the Sy3ygies and
their magnetic spheres. 2e *ill tell you more a,out him as time mo+es
A. There are t*o magical names for each Sy3ygy. These are magical
and cannot he discussed) at this time. 0o*e+er) *e ha+e gained enough in
/no*ledge to /no* that a Sy3ygy can ,e /no*n also ,y its measurement in
space5consciousness. Therefore) *e ha+e gi+en out to you a po*erful /ey
for uncoding the mysteries of magnetism. 1ut this is only ,ecause these
mysteries *ere already a part of your understanding) from the times of
your past association *ith us in our *or/.
Our ,lessings al*ays)
The 'aster '. A4uarius and !acine
>< 15:
Monastery of the Seven Rays
The Last Temple of the Outer Court
Student II. (Occult Physics A.)
&Astral 'agnetism I. The Arithmetic of the Occultist&.
(1) T0$ 1ASIC $L$'$TS) T0$ SI%S O? T0$ HODIAC.
&I am a Sy3ygy of the ?irst Archon of the Iron5Copper Sphere
of 'agnetism)>
at the magnitude of .787 5 .>896 of space consciousness)8
*ho stands in the left5foot of the Di+ine Androgyne A1!AEOS.:
There are si-teen topoi astral magnetism for human ,eings=
$ight of the Sun) i 555 ii 555)ii 555) i+ 555) +555
@ii 555) +ii 555)+iii) 9
And eight of the moon) I 5) ii 5) iii 5) i+ 5) + 5) +i 5 )
@ii 5) +iii) 7
'y magical colour is #$LLO2 modified ,y ,lue. <
Dare not to /no* my t*o magical names in the spiritual assem,ly of the
gnosis) for I am a Sy3ygy.&A
!acine has ,rought me a +ery interesting document) *hich has ,een
recei+ed +ia our +ery precise magical instruments from the a,o+e ,eing)
*ho appears to ,e a +ery interesting reality. !acine has ,een thin/ing
that it might e+en ,e possi,le to thin/ of these messages as complete
sym,ols of the entities *ho send them to us. This seems entirely
possi,le and I than/ him for his thoughtfulness and help to*ards the
human race. If these messages are complete sym,ols) then ,y an analysis
of all that is ,oth gi+en in them) for e-ample) *hat *e ha+e ,een
discussing) *ith the o,+ious e-ception of one *ord in the first line)
and *hat is implied in them) *e *ould ,e in a position to /no*
e+erything a,out magnetism and its sources in the in+isi,le. This is
e-actly *hat *e are trying to do *ith your gro*th in understanding to
direct you more and more into the in+isi,le) so that you recall all that
you once /ne*) and then go on to e-plore ne* realities and truths. Let
us ,egin the commentary.
>. This line is fundamentally the same as ,efore) ,ut ta/en in
con.unction *ith line 8) *e may note that there are at least t*o
Sy3ygies for the ?irst Archon. Actually there are four Sy3ygies assigned
,y D$STI# to the ?irst Archon) and you may inform yourself ,y e-ploring
the *onderful chart *hich *e ga+e to you that there are si-teen Archons
in all. 2e cannot discuss *hat they are) e-cept to state that there must
,e a total of si-ty5four Sy3ygies in all the uni+erses. ?or according to
%nostic tradition) not only is our *orld *ithin a perfect picture of the
*orld that is ,eyond) ,ut also our *orld is a perfect image of the
limitless and eternal uni+erse of all uni+erses) *hich *e call %OD most
properly 2$ T$AC0 T0$ DOCT!I$ O? 0I$!A!C0I$S O? LI%0T AD PO2$!. 'A
'A# !IS$ TO T0$ @$!# 0I%0$ST) I? 0$ 2O"LD DA!$ T0$ @$!# LI'ITS O? 20AT
IS POSSI1L$. I *ould li/e to comment on the fact that in this system of
the Student II. Degree) *e do not ha+e a summary principle) since *hen
dealing *ith the re+elations of the su,lime ,eings of sy3yrgical po*er
and reality) *e find the summary of the teaching in the message) *hich
*e are as/ed to interpret.
8. 2e are gi+en the magical measurement of this ,eing *ho spea/s
to us in these *ords of po*er. 0e is truly the supreme messenger of
arithmetic. 2hat does this meanC If arithmetic is the science of num,ers
and their +alues) either positi+e or negati+e) then ,y tal/ing a,out the
positi+e and the negati+e) and the +arious num,ers of the in+isi,le) *e
are relating all things to the +ery ancient science of arithmetic. 2e do
teach a higher science of arithmetic) naturally) ,ut as *e are no*
merely leading you up to the po*ers and realities of truth) *hat *e *ish
to do is no* only to gi+e you the ,asic idea of the sym,olical process
*here,y you are ,eing lin/ed more and more to the realms of astral
magnetism. The magnitude of the sphere is the second in the series of
measurements.It is one of the second dimensions of space5consciousness)
of *hich there are four and four only.
:. o* *e learn that there is a centre of magnetism in the left
foot of the Di+ine. This means that in our collecti+e left feet)
magnetism also has it center of po*er and reality. The esta,lishment of
the left and the right feet) together) forms the ,asis of unity of the
cosmos) they are a polarity *ithin themsel+es. The right foot is
negati+e and the left is positi+e in this union) for polarities of
magnetism are uni+ersally found.
=. The si-teen topoi are the si-teen centers of force scattered
a,out the hea+ens. They correspond in part to the t*el+e signs of the
Hodiac) e-cept that they are more metaphysical and more transcendental
principles than the signs of the Hodiac. The signs of the Hodiac may ,e
seen more as sym,ols of the topoi) *hich are the forms of astral
magnetism most suita,le for human ,eings. Since this is a ,asic lesson)
*e *ill list them) and sa+e commentary to the more ad+anced part of this
degree. ote the num,er si-teen) ho*e+er) for in our art of the
arithmetic of the occultist *e ha+e noted that there are also si-teen
Archons. o*) *e note that there are si-teen centers.of force *hich are
represented ,y the signs of the Hodiac.
9. $ight of these are Solar) that is to say they pertain to the
positi+e side of the uni+ersal processes. Their magnetism is creati+e
and formal) for they ,ring into ,eing and ma/e according to a
metaphysical image of idealisation. They are as follo*sG The 'oon in
%emini) A4uarius and Li,raI LeoI AriesI SagittariusI %eminiI The 'oon in
Leo) Aries) and SagittariusI A4uariusI and Li,ra. Through these signs in
the Hodiac flo* the cosmic energies of ature creating. 2hile all of the
signs and sym,ols represent e4ually po*erful and spiritual forces) they
differ as to function *hich in +ery important. It is the *ay in *hich
they allo* the ,reath of the cosmos to come through them.
7. The eight Lunar sym,ols pertain to the negati+e side of the
uni+erse) to the created and informal) for they are ,rought into ,eing
and made according to a metaphysical image of idealisation. They are as
follo*sG CancerI PiscesI The 'oon in Capricorn) @irgo) and TaurusI
ScorpioI CapricornI @irgoI TaurusI and The 'oon in Cancer) Pisces) and
Scorpio. Through these signs of the Hodiac flo* the energies of ature
created. These negati+e signs are +ery suited for magical *or/) ,ecause
they ,ring the student into contact *ith the elemental forces of his
cosmic destiny. 0o*e+er) it does not hold true that if a person is ,orn
on a certain day he is automatically the sign that con+entional
astrology says he is. !ather the sign or sym,ol of each person is
determined entirely ,y esoteric factors) alone. There is no physical
method of astrology *hich holds +alid for any one person) let alone the
entire human race. ?or that reason *e must compute your true
astrological character from instruments in our la,oratory) and that
happens to ,e *hat !acine is doing no* for some students) as I *rite
this lesson on my type*riter.
<. The colour is yello*) again the first colour in the scale) ,ut
this time it is modified ,y ,lue) *hich represents the element of *ater.
If this is true then yello* is the colour of the element of earth in our
teaching. $ach element has a colour) and you *ill learn) as you de+elop
the more increasingly profound associations of this colour se4uence *ith
metaphysical doctrines.
A. $ach Sy3ygy) *e may infer) has t*o magical names) *hich are its
/eys to the spiritual assem,ly of the gnosis) or the %nostic Church of
the uni+erse) *hich is composed *e may understand of si-ty5four
Sy3ygies. All magical po*er and *isdom has its origin there and returns
there at the end of time. It is the fullness or the PL$!O'A of 1$I%)
*hich has ,een the su,.ect of many metaphysical teachings since time
,egan. It is the true *isdom and life of the cosmic plan and for this
reason the destiny of all those lin/ed to T0$ 'OAST$!# O? T0$ S$@$
A D$STI# 2IT0I T0$ 0I%0$! L$@$LS O? T0$ COS'IC PLA. ?or this reason
*e teach the necessity of hierarchy) *here each soul is called to a
special place of *or/ and spiritual gro*th.
The destiny of man/ind is so *onderful if he) the collecti+ity of
man) *ould only realise that he is not alone in the uni+erse) ,ut that
he is surrounded ,y po*ers and forces of light) healing) and help in
e+ery *ay) and they as/ that man/ind as/ them to help him in his clim,
up the mountain to the 'OAST$!# O? T0$ S$@$ !A#S) *hich is the
mystical Carmel of the Old Testament of the 1i,le) the 'ystical Isle
*here the 1eatific @ision is percei+ed in the 1oo/ of !e+elations) and
the place of peace and grace) a+aila,le to all human ,eings) if they
*ould only dare the +ery limits of their humanity.
Our ,lessings and inspirations to you) al*ays)
The 'aster '. A4uarius and !acine.
Monastery of the Seven Rays
The Last Temple of the Outer Court
Student II. Degree (Occult Physics A.)
&Astral 'agnetism I. The Arithmetic of the Occultist)&
(C) T0$ 1ASIC $L$'$TS) T0$ 'A%ICAL T$ "'1$!S.
&I am a Sy3ygy of the ?irst Archon of the Iron5Copper Sphere of
'agnetism) >
at the magnitude of .>89> to .>A<9 of space5consciousness) 8
*ho stands in the upper right J leg of the Di+ine Androgyne A1!AEOS.:
There are ten magical num,ers of astral magnetism for human ,eings)=
?i+e of the Sun)I5) ii 5 iii5 ) i+ 5 + 5 and 9
?i+e of the 'oon) I 5) ii 5) iii 5) i+ 5) + 5) 7
'y magical colour is #$LLO2 modified ,y %!$$.<
Dare not to /no* my names in the spiritual assem,ly of the
gnosis) for I am a Sy3ygy.& A
This is indeed a most interesting document) *hich my Chela !acine
has .ust ,rought to me. It has .ust ,een recei+ed from the ,eing in
4uestion) and it *ould seem to contain a most interesting metaphysical
possi,ility) namely the mystical representation of num,ers ,y means of
magical sym,ols. I ha+e placed the paper inside of the proper inducti+e
instrument) in order to deri+e the proper sym,ols and) it *ould seem
that *e will ,e a,le to gi+e certain +ery po*erful /eys to astral
magnetism much sooner that I had anticipated) ,ecause neither !acine nor
I had e-pected that *e *ould ,e a,le to gi+e out the sym,ols for the
num,ers one to ten so soon in our program of studies. 1ut) it *ould seem
that the Sy3ygy in 4uestion has felt that you are ready for this
/no*ledge) and therefore he has re+ealed these sym,ols through the media
of the magical instrument of sym,olical induction) unless ,oth !acine
and I are curiously decei+ed) *hich seems most unli/ely. ?or not e+en a
Chela of a 'aster can ,e decei+ed ,y a Sy3ygy. 1ut let us ,egin this
e-citing commentary.
>. There doesnFt appear to ,e any change in this particular line)
since *e are only noting this ,eing to ,e the third Sy3ygy associated
*ith the ?irst Archon of this sphere of magnetism. o*) it is 4uite
o,+ious that the uni+erse must contain *ithin itself old and ne*
elements. 2e are telling you this in passing) for it seems that here *e
ha+e t*o interesting elements) that *hich is permanent and that *hich is
changing) or +aria,le. The Archon appears more fi-ed in his reality than
the Sy3ygy) for there are fe*er archons than Sy3ygies) and thus ,ecause
they) the archons) are higher in the hierarchy) they are more permanent.
This is true also of 'asters and students. The students come and go) ,ut
the 'aster remains.
8. This magnitude is the third dimensional form for this
particular sphere of magnetism. It forms a pro.ection out*ard of
space5consciousness to such a degree that it may 4uite possi,ly ,e seen
*ith physical +ision) ,y those *ho are especially percepti+e. Only the
third dimension can ,e percei+ed as such) clair+oyance or higher
perception is needed for other dimensions. !acine says that this sphere
of magnetism appears to ,e li/e a cloud of ,urning gas) against the
night s/y. Our instruments appear to suggest this also. It *ould seem to
me that there is much truth for this) and my o*n perception of this
physical sym,ol of an astral field of magnetism seems to suggest that
there is much acti+ity *ithin this field. In fact there seem to ,e many
indications that there are entities li+ing in this field) *hose life
comes from the magnetism. These ,eings *e might call nature spirits) for
they seem to prefer to d*ell in the *ooded and forested areas of the
*orld. They seem to *ant to a+oid all contact *ith man/ind) for some
reason. 0o*e+er) they are rather friendly to*ards !acine as he *al/s
among them) perhaps ,ecause they recognise his occult status.
:. The upper right leg) then) contains a sphere of magnetism)
*hich is most interesting and indeed fascinating. The upper legs are
naturally a source of po*er) and ser+e as the ,ridges ,et*een the higher
and lo*er *orlds. They seem to possess a po*er and reality *hich ma/es
man more and more conscious of practical matters) especially attention
to detail. The old phrase the &housemaidFs /nee& appears to ha+e some
foundation in fact. ?or this affliction seems to rise from an o+er
e-tension of the magnetism of this center.
=. 2e are introduced to the concept of the ten magical num,ers)
*hich are fundamental to all systems of magnetism) in that e+ery system
*hich see/s to master the po*ers of magnetism seems to depend upon these
ten num,ers for control of its formation and presentation. Ten is a /ey
num,er for other reasons than ,eing the end of a series) for this is not
an ar,itrary collection) ,ut it does seem to ,e a natural pattern in
nature especially in the in+isi,le order of nature and ,eing. ormally)
these num,ers are forms from one to ten) ,ut they appear to ,e di+ided
according to the positi+e and negati+e pattern) li/e all else. 1ut) *hat
is most important in our understanding of num,ers is their sym,olism) as
these sym,ols are the forms through *hich magnetism operates ,oth here
in our ,odies and e+ery*here else in the uni+erse.
9. The creati+e num,ers are >) :) 9) <) and ;) called ,y their
occult and gnostic names the monad) the triad) the pentrad) the heptad)
and the ennead. These are the forms through *hich forces are presented
to the *orld from their creati+e aspects. These num,ers form the
,uilding ,loc/s of the *orlds as can ,e seen from their sym,olical
designs. 1ut the true meaning of these sym,ols *e ha+e to hold to laterI
it is sufficient to gi+e the sym,ols and let them *or/ on your memory of
past *or/ *ith us.
This ta,le *ill ser+e to e-plain ,y sho*ing *hat they are li/eG
7. 2e can say almost the same thing a,out the created num,ers)
*hich are the Lunar forms of numerical magnetism. These also ha+e the
usual attri,utes of num,ers) conditioned ,y their passi+e character.
They are 8)=)7)A) and >6) or the dyad) the tetrad) the he-ad) the octad)
and the decade. The num,ers 8 and = are especially important) for the
*ays in *hich all science progresses is through these num,ers. This is
to ,e e-pected) ho*e+er) since science studies *hat has ,een created in
order to learn the la*s of the creator. 1oth sets of num,ers are
important) and they cannot e-ist *ithout each other. 2hen *e discuss the
system of T!ASC$D$TAL "'1$!S in the higher *or/ on magnetism) *e
*ill ,e a,le to sho* you ho* each num,er forms a family of magnetic
,eings of unlimited num,er and po*er. This is +ery important ,ecause *e
*ant to understand that num,ers are merely the doors to astral
magnetism) they permit entry and departure of energy. The follo*ing *ill
sho* the sym,olism of the negati+e num,ersG
<. The colour %!$$ is introduced to represent the third element
Air) and also certain mental 4ualities) *hich are necessary in any
understanding of magnetism and its num,ers. 2e ha+e seen that there are
the colours ,lac/) yello*) ,lue) and green. These represent the
fundamental elements. There is another element) of course) *hich *e *ill
discuss in the ne-t lesson.
A. The t*o magical names are again implied as *ords of po*er.
This *ould seem to mean a continuation of the earlier pattern) as
presented in the last t*o lessons. 2e already /no* the magnitude of the
,eing) ho*e+er and also the sym,ols of his ,eing *hich are the ten
num,ers. It *ould seem) then) that at this point *e ha+e sufficient
information upon *hich to ,uild a +ery general idea 55 and this is all
that *e are attempting at this stage 55 or the astral magnetic spheres
of the Sy3ygies. ?uture /no*ledge *ill tell us ho* to use these sym,ols
properly and *ith technical e-pertise.
Our ,lessings al*ays)
The 'aster '. A4uarius and !acine
Monastery of the Seven Rays
The Last Temple of the Outer Court
Student II. Degree (Occult Physics A.)
&Astral 'agnetism I. The Arithmetic of the Occultist.&
(D) T0$ 1ASIC $L$'$TS) T0$ S#'1OLIS' O? T0$ D$%!$$S AD POITS O?
"p to no* *e ha+e ,een tal/ing a,out Solar and Planets) signs) and
num,ers. o*) *e come to the point *here *e must pro.ect these sym,ols
into space) *here *e find the eight planets) si-teen Hodiacal forms) and
ten ,asic units forming t*o types of patternG a) a pattern of :76
degrees) or a circle) complete in space) and ,) a pattern of 897 points
of con.unction or a lattice) against *hich the entire *orld is pro.ected
to form) along *ith other elements (planets and 'oons and
constellations) the uni+erse of uni+erses in all four dimensions.
&I am a Sy3ygy of the ?irst Archon of the Iron5Copper Sphere of
at the magnitude of .>A<7 to .8966 of space5consciousness)8
*ho stands in the upper left 5 leg of the Di+ine Androgyne A1!AEOS :
There are t*o forms of measurement for the astral magnetism of human
Of the Sun there are t*o 5 hundred and fifty si- points of
con.unction) and 9
Of the 'oon there are three 5 hundred and si-ty degrees of a circle.7
'y magical colour is #$LLO2 modified ,y !$D.<
Dare not to /no* my t*o magical names in the spiritual
assem,ly of the gnosis) for I am a Sy3ygy.&A
>)8):). These lines restate much that *e ha+e discussed already.
0o*e+er) the magnitude in 4uestion is clearly that of the
fourthdimension for this sphere of magnetism. This magnitude is one
*hich is clearly a+aila,le only to special occult instruments) and
cannot he percei+e ,y e+en so5called clair+oyance. ot e+en a 'aster has
the e-tra5sensory perception needed to e-perience this dimensional
4uality. The fourth center of magnetism is then located in the upper
leftleg and it is thusly seen to ,alance the other three centers) *hich
*e ha+e already descri,ed.
=. These t*o forms of measurement are /no*n only to specialists
in occult matters) although e+eryone familiar *ith geometry and
elementary forms of measurement /no*s of the principle *here,y a circle
is formed of :76 degrees. 0o*e+er) the astrologer has ta/en the circle
of the hea+ens and has filled it *ith t*el+e constellations) each of :6
degrees) composed of three sets of the magical ten ,asic num,ers. As >6
E : is :6 so >8 E :6 is :76. 1ut) the second form of measurement is much
more special and is /no*n only to those *ho ha+e gone into magnetic and
magical studies
4uite deeply for ordinarily e+en 'asters are not concerned *ith the
details of magnitude and pro.ection of forms of measurement into space.
1ut these are the t*o forms of measuring astral magnetism an the grand
scale. 2e *ill re+erse the order of commentary) in order to simplify
9. 1ut there is another system of measurement against *hich
the elements so far discussed including the sphere are pro.ected. This
is the lattice of the uni+erse) *hich is ,oth the ,asis and the field
upon *hich the *orld is assem,led part ,y part. This lattice) *hich is
discussed in greater detail later in the study of magnetic magic)
although the precise formulae are not gi+en until the student is +ery
ad+anced) is composed of 897 points of con.unction) or intersections of
mathematical energy and patterned force. This num,er is arri+ed at ,y
pro.ecting the num,er of the Sy3ygies) *hich is si-ty four into four
dimensions of spacetime) so that 7= E = is 897. > might add that the
lattice of the 897 is Solar ,ecause it is the C!$ATI@$ 0I$!A!C0# O?
SPAC$ AD TI'$) *hereas the circle of :76 degrees is the Lunar creation)
deri+ed ,y a transcendental deduction or process of coming forth
according to the la*s of the uni+erse) from the Solar Lattice.
7. The field of higher space) *hich is that of astral magnetism
forms a circle) indeed it is a perfect sphere from the standpoint of
special o,ser+ation. 2ithin this circle are to ,e found the planets)
signs and +arious elements already discussed. The magical num,ers guide
the distri,ution of energies through space and from the *ay in *hich
they resem,le patterns of energy and special magnetic force) you can see
ho* this is possi,le. 0o*e+er) the most significant point is that *hat
*e ha+e discussed up to no* occurs *ithin this ,oundary or circle in all
four dimensions.
<)A.The ne*est element is that of ?ire represented ,y the colour
red. ?ire is the element of the fourth dimension) and therefore) it
completes our set of magnetic elements. ?ire is associated *ith
spirituality) especially intuition and creati+e *ill) and is the colour
of the mystical initiates into the great *or/. ?ire is the element most
associated *ith spiritual stri+ing and the hope of attainment in highest
+alues. ?or this reason it represents di+ine inspirations) also) *hich
is the ultimate gift from a,o+e.
So far *e ha+e gi+en you a lot of material for your understanding
and *e ha+e done so only *ith +ery mi-ed feelings. ?or one thing) *e
ha+e ne+er thought that /no*ledge alone *as sufficient) ,ut /no*ledge
must he complemented ,y s/ill. Therefore) *e ha+e gi+en these ideas to
you in the hope that you *ould ,e a,le to use these ideas to a*a/en your
memory of past *or/ *ith us. Therefore) as astral magnetism is +itally a
part of the process of the magical memory) since the e+ents recalled are
pro.ections out upon a field of this magnetism) the reflecti+eness and
insight *hich comes into oneFs self through the thoughtful study of
these ideas) ho*e+er +ague they might appear) or ho*e+er general our
presentation at this point might seem) constitutes the most important
matter *hich *e are aiming to*ards. 2e are concerned *ith de+eloping the
s/ill of the occult student and therefore gro*th in depth through the
sym,olical process is a necessity. 2e ha+e gi+en you materials *hich are
designed to a*a/en in you a grasp of *hat you had ,een associated *ith
,efore. The magnetic po*er of these lessons must ,e allo*ed to operate
and to ,ring out from your deep le+els of unconsciousness the true
memories of your glorious past *or/ and achie+ement) so that you can
,uild upon this reality and surpass all past progress.
Therefore) in closing of this section of the course) for the fifth
month) *e as/ you to read o+er and o+er the messages from the Sy3ygies)
*hich are di+inely ordained of magnetic re+elation) directed from the
*orlds of light to the unconscious mind of the indi+idual) *ho is
see/ing further and further strength and light for his o*n soul. 2e do
not pretend to ha+e done anything ,ut to ha+e co+ered the surface of
this 4uestion) ,ut *ith these elements of occult arithmetic it is
possi,le to de+elop a +ery *onderful method of spiritual e-ercise) or
&yoga& if you *ish to call it that) *here,y through repeated readings of
the su,.ect5matter of each lesson *e can arri+e at a deepening
understanding of the self. And this is really *hat *e are see/ing.
Our ,lessings) al*ays)
The 'aster '. A4uarius and !acine

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