8915 The Vineyard Labourers' Duty Is To Take Action Against Error ....

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... through Bertha Dudde

The vineyard labourers duty
is to tae a!tion against error ....
"our tas is to stand u# $or the truth you re!eive $ro% &e. '$ '
in$or% you o$ things (hi!h are erroneously #resented other(ise
you are duty bound to su##ort the i%#arted s#iritual no(ledge
and not quietly tolerate it if you are being opposed by
I emanate the light of truth to earth precisely because I
want to invalidate falsehood and error, since they are a
danger to people if they continue to be ignored and thus
exist side by side with the truth.
Try to understand that it is not irrelevant (hether the truth is
besto(ed u#on you or not) try to understand that you !annot
$ind the #ath to &e (ith an error and that you (ill have to
dis!ard it .... i$ not on earth then in the ingdo% o$ the
beyond .... and as long as you do not know the complete
truth there cannot be any bliss for you.
There$ore ' also re*uire $ighters (ho al(ays highlight the truth)
who do not shy away from informing their fellow human
beings of their knowledge, so that everyone can chose
between error and truth ....
You dont know how much error exists in the world, but I
know and therefore cannot tacitly tolerate it.
But sin!e ' do not !o%#el any #erson into a!!e#ting the truth '
!an only edu!ate $ighters $or &ysel$ (ho (ill s#ea on &y behal$
and also $ight against error (here it be!o%es distin!tly
evident .... For as a rule it hides behind a %as (hi!h !on!eals
&y adversary .... The greatest evil !onsists o$ the $a!t that he
(ors in the sa%e (ay in order to e+tinguish &e and &y light ....
This is why it cannot be fought rigorously enough, and
anyone who knows himself to own the pure truth should
always uphold it,
because he receives a most important gift of grace which
makes his battle considerably easier, for he can
substantiate everything and need not be afraid that y
adversary will be superior to him, for faced by the light he
will always give up the struggle.
,nd ' give you light in abundan!e so that you !an easily
re!ognise the origin o$ the s#iritual no(ledge (hi!h o##oses the
light $ro% above.
!nd thus you must not tacitly tolerate it) $or that (hi!h
opposes the truth is a lie, and I declare war on untruth.
"eople dont know in what mass of misguided spiritual
information they live.
,nd anyone (ho !annot $ree hi%sel$ $ro% it on the basis o$ the
#ure truth !onveyed to hi% (ill be burdened by it on entering the
ingdo% o$ the beyond) unless his degree o$ love (ill assure hi%
instant realisation) yet in that !ase he (ill already be able to
re!ognise the error in his earthly li$e and dis%iss everything that
does not !orres#ond to the truth.
For love enlightens hi% and he (ill instin!tively re$use to a!!e#t
(rong s#iritual no(ledge.
The !loser it gets to the end the %ore su##osed -Word.re!i#ients
(ill sho( u#) and they (ill all (ant to s#read their (rong
%essages) and then it is important to differentiate between
the spirits, for they will include truly satanic messengers
who work on instruction of the one who wants to corrupt
the world and tries to completely prevent peoples path of
return to e.
But you) (ho (ant to serve &e) (ill re!ognise the% and no(
(hat to %ae o$ these %essages. You should never accept
these messages for the sake of tolerance, for anyone who
does not fight against falsehood allows himself to be
ensnared by it,
it (ill !on$use his thining and he (ill no longer be able to
re!ognise the #ure truth. ,nd it is &y adversarys intention to
also !reate s#iritual !on$usion in those (ho (ant to se#arate
the%selves $ro% hi% in order to get !ontrol over the% again ....
For no %eans is too evil and no !unning too des#i!able i$ he is to
rea!h his goal ....
/ublished by $riends o$ ne( revelations o$ God 0'n$or%ation)
do(nload o$ all translated revelations) the%e.boolets at1


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