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Compare the two texts below and deduce:
The components are included in a formal letter
The order of these components.
Ang Kah Kee
Blk 2 Upper Bedok Road
Singapore 213002
8 April 2014
Mr Jeremy Chia
Customer Service Manager
Sheng Bong Supermarket
Bedok North Street 10
Singapore 312010
Dear Mr Chia
Dropping standards of produce at Sheng Bong Supermarket
I am writing in to complain about the standard of produce in your fresh vegetable section.
I have been very disappointed with both the quality and variety of the vegetables over the
last six months and I am considering switching my shopping to the NTUB Hypermarket,
even though it is further from my home.
I patronise your supermarket twice a week. I prefer to shop there rather than at the wet
market as it is conveniently close to my flat and to my place of employment. However, on
several occasions recently you did not have items I was looking for, even though they are
common cooking ingredients such as salt, sugar, and soy sauce.
I inquired about the items from your staff but they were unable to enlighten me as to
when you would be restocking on these essentials. The state of your customer service was
deplorable: without looking at me in the eye, a member of your staff pointed to the empty
shelf that carried the salt and sugar, and asked me to look for it there. When told that the
stock has depleted, he shrugged his shoulders and walked away.
Apart from the availability, the quality of your fruit and vegetables is dropping. Just last
week, I found that the tomatoes at the bottom of the pre-packaged selection were rotten.
The lettuce, too, was brown and wilted.
I feel that it is crucial that the management reviews the variety and standard of goods at
your supermarket lest losing customer. Certainly, my family is now considering shopping
elsewhere. I look forward to your response to my complaint.
Yours sincerely
Ang Kah Kee
Harry Potter
The Cupboard under the Stairs
Blk 34 Privet Drive
Singapore 461034
8 April 2014
Albus Dumbledore
Principal of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
51 Hogwarts Road
Singapore 654321
Dear Dumbledore
Job Application as Defense Against the Dark Arts (DADA) Professor
I am writing in to apply for the Defense Against the Dark Arts professorial position at the
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Currently, I am an intern at the Bertie Botts
Every-Flavoured Beans factory as a security assistant.
I am an alumnus of Hogwarts, and graduated with First-Class Honours. I have had several
years of experience in dark-arts defence. In my freshman year, I deterred Ex-DADA
Professor Quirrells plan to secure the philosophers stone for the ressurection of
Voldermort. In my sophormore year, I fought against a female basilisk, which was the
Serpant of Slytherin, and hindered Voldermorts plan to acquire a students physical body
as an agent for his soul. In my final year, too, my skills against the dark arts were put to a
final test, as I battled with Voldermort. In my current job, I have arrested several thieves
who had attempted to steal the beans.
As a member of the Order of the Phoenix, I have good contacts with prominent figures in
this industry, such as Minerva McGonagall, Remus Lupin, and Mundungus Fletcher. They
are also mentors in my aspiration toward the taking up of this academic position.
I would greatly appreciate hearing from you for the opportunity to speak to you in person
to share how my experience, skills and ideas can benefit Hogwarts. My resume is attached
with letter. I can be reached at 94372626 or
Thank you for your consideration and taking the time to read this. I look forward to
hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely
Harry Potter

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