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Human communication can be divided into two broad categories - verbal

and non-verbal. Language is used in both verbal and non-verbal

communication. Verbal communication occurs when we use language to
speak and listen to others. Non-verbal communication uses gestures and
body movements. In addition to that, we also use nonverbal communication
when we read and write using language. So, language can be defined in
many ways. The definition that appeals most to me is that language is a
systematic and structured representation of things, ideas, thought and
actions using distinct symbols and sounds. Language is structured and
systematic because each language has a specific set of rules called
grammar" which makes it unique.

Communication is a way of conveying information. Language is the tool
used to communicate. Developmental psychologists such as Piaget and
Vygotsky explored the theories of language development.
According to Piaget, language development, as well as other areas of
development occurs in stages. The perfecting of one stage, leads to the
development of the next stage. Each stage builds on the previous one.
These stages are distinct yet continuous in nature.
Using language as a means of communication is a process that every child
learns, and continues to use till death. Piaget states that the development
of language depends on the maturity of thought in a child. Cognitive
abilities form a vital part of language development. Vygotsky on the other
hand advocated that cognitive development is dependent on language
development. He also stated that language and thought are separate and
not interlinked until a child reaches the age of 2 years.

Langer, in her essay entitled Language, describes language as a means of
communication as an organic need". She suggests that language as a
communication tool has become as vital to us as food, clothes and shelter
is. Current research shows that a child's language development is
dependent on social interactions and how much exposure a child has to
language while growing up. A child brought up in an upper middle class
neighbourhood will have better language development than a child who
grows up in a neighbourhood that is less stimulating and less privileged.

Language as a means of communication in itself is continuously evolving. It
constantly grows to feed the need of each era. As we continue to strive to
become a highly evolved society, we have to be able to expertly use
language not only for communication purposes, but also to educate
ourselves in order to formulate new ideas and improve ourselves, thereby
directly contributing to the evolution of the human race.

There are many ways in which language is integrated with the various
forms of communicational activity. For example, politically, it can be
generally categorized as being used as a tool to persuade and influence
people, or perhaps even as a tool to impose power and domination
inherent to one group of people over another group of people, or even
society at large. Culture also plays a role in the way language is used. For
example, someone from Ireland might say something like, wheres the
crack in this town?" For the Irish, this would mean enquiring about the fun
places or pubs available in a given area but to an American, it would mean
that the person wants to find out where to get some drugs. Sometimes
using words alone is not enough. It is important to understand language in
context as well. Different people from the different geographical areas of
the world will use language differently as well. They may all be speaking
English but each one with his own accent, pronunciation and speech
patterns. The way in which we speak a language will also reflect on
whether or not this language is our native tongue or not.

The way we speak can also indicate emotion. Other clues that can be
transmitted through language include the relationship between the speaker
and listener, tones of the conversation such as sarcasm, respect or the lack
of it, contempt, truth, lies, etc. Whether or not we would like to admit it, our
voices, the means by which language is communicated, reflects important
clues about which we are, what we feel and where we come from. An
academic who speaks will use more formal language whereas, a street
urchin would use slang and the speech patterns would tell us just who he is
and give us a good idea of his background. These clues in our voices are
clear. Another interesting area in non-verbal language is the use of sign
language as a means for communication. With sign language, a person
communicates with bodily movements involving mainly the utilization of
hand movements and facial expressions. Key words are signed and
communication is purely contextual. Meaning of the conversation is derived
from the context in which it is being used. Grammar does not form an
integral part of sign language. However, it is interesting to note that sign
language is not universal. It is just like the different verbal languages.
Norwegian sign language and the sign language used in Malaysia, for
instance, are totally different. It would be quite difficult for these two
different hearing impaired people to communicate.

Language in the end, is indeed the only means of communication between
human beings. If we did not have a system such as language to
communicate, be it, signing, use of symbols or verbal, it would be
impossible for human beings to put forth ideas, feelings and thoughts to
one another. The reason the human race is so much more evolved than
animals, in my opinion, is because; we have a system of language by
which we communicate. As Vygotsky also believed, thought and language
cannot exist as separate entities but rather are interrelated one being
dependant on the other.

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