PAD204 Assignment

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Bureaucracy is an arrangement of management procedures. The scope of work
is relates to public administration. Max Weber, a Germany social scientist was the first
person to make a systematic study of bureaucracy. Bureaucracy system needs to
practice by the large organization in order to achieve the aims and objectives of the
organization. The issue that we would like to emphasis here is about the Theory of
Bureaucracy by Max Weber and its validity today.


Max Weber or his real name is Maximillian Weber was born on April 21, 1864 at
Enfurt, Turingia, Germany and died on June 14, 1920 in Munich, German. Weber came
from middle-class family and he is a famous sociologist and German economic analysts.
Weber focuses on a lot of organizations theory. He felt that the organization called
bureaucracy is the best. Study of new forms of organization involving a group of people
formed in a large number of activities is the idea that Weber often associated with
bureaucracy of large organizations.


Concept of Bureaucracy first used in the early 18
century in Western Europe.
The word Bureaucracy has been derived from the root Bureau stands for the post or
office under a government. Popular parlance of Bureaucrats is called civil servants.
Bureaucracy is used before the French revolution in 1789 and later expanded to other
countries. Bureaucracy is a structure of management within a government or a
company. Basically its a way to manage operations which is closely related to the
efficiency, effectiveness, welfare and the administration techniques practice in an
organization. Usually it involves within large corporations or the government.


Weber theory of bureaucracy refers to a structured organization; there are
specialization and work procedures. Their own procedures are according to the
understanding and appropriateness in the context of developing an efficient public
administration, transparency and efficiency to achieve the aims and objectives of the
established organization. Weber's use some features and elements to explains the
concept of bureaucracy championed by him. Public administration is a great
organization that does not escape from being bureaucratic process in terms of


There are typical characteristic of bureaucracy by Weber. One of it is hierarchy
power used in an organization. Admin officer are organized hierarchically by which the
lower level are controlled by the upper level. Thus, this exist a relation of superior-
subordinate among the member of bureaucracy. Furthermore, bureaucracy by Weber
has introduced specialization among civil servant. They are to perform within specific
limit and their roles are specialized according to their expertise. This means they only
worked at the specific task and do not have to bother others. For instant, a magistrate
does not need to know accounting as there is accountant specialist.
Bureaucracy by Weber set that appointment of civil servant is based on
qualification determined by diploma or examination. Promotion for higher position is by
measuring performance, qualification and experience to achieve aim and objectives in
an organization. Impersonally is another characteristic by Weber. In this theory Weber
pointing that an administration officer should not selfish and should cooperate and
sharing knowledge to ensure the organization aim and objective achieved.
Weber also stressed on welfare and responsibilities of public officer towards his
subordinates. Rewards, bonus and incentive should be given to bureaucrats who
deserved as recognition. This is to maintain productivity and excellent job performance.
Bureaucracy by Weber also refers to chain of command in administration which the
administrative officer only giving instruction to its subordinates and the down liner are to
follows instruction. Job rotation is limited and specific in certain range even in big
organization. Instruction through written document also a feature of bureaucracy by
Weber where each command or work guidance should be done in written form.


The public administration in a large organization cannot escape from
bureaucracy process in terms of management. Although today bureaucracy is seen as
bias, time-consuming and inefficient system because a lot of hassle and procedures to
go through, hence this perception is totally wrong because the bureaucracy is actually
necessary in order to achieve the aims and objectives of an organization.
Each department in public administration using different concepts of bureaucracy where
most people interpret the bureaucracy as unfair, slow system, inefficient and takes too
long for an action.
The issue about suitability or validity of Webers theory of bureaucracy today in
public administration should be identified and described in its entirety. Actually, Weber
theory is still relevant and applicable in the context of the current administration, but
there are some views of Weber are not compatible with the changes and the context of
public administration such as in Malaysia itself.
What can be learned from theory and concepts used by Weber is a large
organization is same, neutral and should have their own goals or direction. An officer
may only give orders to subordinates and employees received instructions from his
superiors only. This is the concept of chain of command. This shows the Weber theory
of bureaucracy is more focused on the concept of specialized or centralized and not
Weber also stressed the concept of transfer of power or increasing the grade of
merit based on its merits, skills and experiences. Hierarchical concept emphasized by
Weber is still relevant and practiced in public administration although not present in its

entirety. Meanings power distribution system from the top management to middle
management and subsequently to the formation subordinate place in the context of
management in public administration. For example, in the public administration system
in Malaysia itself, a director will deliver instruction to middle management as assistant
director and assistant director will deliver messages to the administrative assistants to
implement the agenda. General Director as the top management officer is not delivered
directly to the assistant as a subordinates but middle management is conveyed through
the assistant director. This proves the existence of hierarchy shows the relationship
between senior officials with subordinates and superiors have the right to give orders to
Among other theories that are still practiced in public administration institutions in
present system is a meritocracy in the promotion or improvement of public employees to
the ultimate higher grad. Weber theory explains how the promotion system be
evaluated based on competence, experience, achievements and seniority of public
officer himself. Weber rejected favoritism element in determining the productivity and
performance of a public officer to be eligible for enhanced grade. Although elements of
bureaucracy can often cause a person feels an injustice would occur in the issue of
promotion, but these elements is timely as a person is selected based on performance
and actual performance. For example, in public administration in Malaysia, emotional
intelligence test conducted and examinations to measure the efficiency level
assessment of the performance of public officials before evaluated for promotion. This is
what Weber is trying to convey through his theory.

Welfare and the responsibility of an administrator or a government are to protect
the rights and legitimacy of the people as an away to improve productivity and efficiency
of public officials. Reward systems, incentives and bonuses are a recognition given to
public officials for their contributions to the organization and the country generally. In
Malaysia, the bonus is given at each end of the year and outstanding service award
given to individuals in recognition of contribution and service officers in the
administration are the elements featured in Webers thinking.
Weber also felt that the bureaucracy is characterized by chain of command in the
management of the instructions received from one channel only. Constraints of power
occurred when subordinates only accept instructions from his superiors only. This
situation is relevant and formation occurs in public administration at the present time.
However not all organizations use this instrument. Focus on administrative rationalism
in this world, the Weber theory is among the theory is still relevant in public
administration today.
Rationalism is one important aspect of the procedure for appointments to the civil
service in carrying out the work and the relationships between superiors and employees.
At the same time, there is a feature highlighted by Weber theory that is not relevant and
in line with the development of public administration today. Public administration is
making headway and the improvements made from time to time as the development of
a country. Between the theoretical calculated is suitable for a large organization such as
public administrations a division of labor and specialization of work. Task is divided into
departments or certain parts and not in general. The rotation or work cycle and
functions of the department in a small scope and limited. This can lead to inefficiencies

and opportunities for promotion are low because a public servant too long in a particular
department. When a public servant in public administration is too long, the tendency to
corruption, cronyism and power control is high.
In theory, founded by Webers bureaucracy, there is no comparison between the
sub-organizational structures in public administration. In principle, public structure is
different from the structure functions, services and relationships with community. Public
administration relations with civil society are not described specifically. Weber is
focusing on the relationship administrators and employees. In the context of the current
administration, civil servants need to emphasize the concept of relationships with
customers and outsiders, particularly the civil society for service in public service.


In conclusion, concept and theory of Weber is relevant to practiced in public
administration today. Hierarchy power, promotion and rewards should be implemented
to maintain efficiency of the organization. Some says that bureaucracy theory by Weber
is not relevant to practice because human values and relation between management
and subordinates in an organization is not emphasized by Weber to achieve
organization goals. Condition of bureaucracy is actually depends on the efficiency of
government administration in ensuring that the guidelines are not gone far from the
original concept of bureaucracy. Last but not least, there are advantages and
disadvantages in theory bureaucracy by Weber. Thus, the positive things should be
implemented and the negative things should be improve whenever necessary.


1. Ludwig,
2. John B. Miner, Organizational Behavior, Chapter 20 Bureaucracy
3. Stanislav Andreski, Max Weber Insights and Error.
6. Moten & Serajul, Political Science, Bureaucracy.

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