Bellevue Elementary School Frequently Asked Questions

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Bellevue Elementary School

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. When does school start?
Thursday, August 21
for grades 1-5
1/3 of each !ndergarten class co"es each day #/21, #/22,
and #/25
Tuesday, August 2$
day for all %!ndergarten
Wednesday, August 2&
day for 'reschool
(tudent day) #)45-3)45, 'reschool *)00-11)30 and 12)45-
Q. What !s the earl!est t!"e + can dro, o- "y ch!ld?
.reafast !s ser/ed fro" #)15 0 #)45
(tudents not eat!ng 1reafast should arr!/e after #)30
Q. 2an "y ch!ld 3al to school?
(chool Trans,ortat!on !s the safest 3ay for your ch!ld to
tra/el to and fro" school. We o-er trans,ortat!on to e/ery
student !n grades %-5. We 3!ll ha/e a sta- "e"1er at the
(outh school entrance 3ho 3!ll cross 3al!ng ch!ldren
across the dr!/e 1efore and after school.
Q. 4o3 do + let you no3 3here + 3ant "y ch!ld to 1e afterschool?
'lease 5ll out the 6!s"!ssal for" 1efore lea/!ng 7,en
4ouse. Th!s for" 3!ll let us no3 the cons!stent "ethod
you ,lan to use 8onday through 9r!day.
Q. Where can + ,ar 3hen + co"e to school?
:ou 3!ll not need to ,ar !f you are dro,,!ng your ch!ld o-
1efore school, sta- 3!ll "eet you !n front of the "a!n
entrance. :our ch!ld should e;!t the /eh!cle fro" the
,assenger s!de.
+f you co"e !n for a "eet!ng or !f you are ,!c!ng u, your
ch!ld dur!ng the school day, you can ,ar !n any s,ot that
!s not a hand!ca, s,ot.
+f you are ,!c!ng u, your ch!ld after school ,lease lea/e
5re lanes e",ty.
+f you are here for an e/ent, ,lease do not 1loc e;!ts,
other /eh!cles, or 5re lanes. There !s add!t!onal ,ar!ng !n
the 1ac that 3!ll 1e a/a!la1le for all e/ents. 7n a regular
school day the ,ar!ng !n the 1ac !s for 1uses and sta-.
Q. Where can + ,ar at 7,en 4ouse?
7ur ,ar!ng lot <front and 1ac= and the grassy area 1y
'otter >oad
.elle/ue 8ason!c ?odge 0 2astal!a (treet
2hurch of 2hr!st 0 2astal!a (treet
Q. + 3ant to ,!c u, "y ch!ld on the 5rst day of school only,
the rest of the t!"e they 3!ll r!de the 1us, 3hat should + do?
'lease use the sa"e "ethod on the 5rst day of school
that you 3!ll use for the re"a!nder of the school day. +t !s
e;tre"ely confus!ng for ch!ldren to ha/e a change on the
5rst day.
Q. + ha/e a trans,ortat!on @uest!on.
call 8rs. 4!ll"an at 41*-4#4-5151
e"a!l at athy.h!ll"anA1elle/
Q. + ,lan to ,!c u, "y ch!ld u, after school e/ery day.
What can + e;,ect?
At 7,en 4ouse you should 5ll out a d!s"!ssal for" stat!ng
that they 3!ll 1e a car-r!der 8onday 09r!day. At 3)30 the
cafeter!a doors 3!ll 1e o,ened for you to co"e !ns!de. :ou
3!ll enter /!a the front ,layground gate. (ta- 3!ll sho3 you
3here to s!gn out your ch!ld. At a,,ro;!"ately 3)40
students 3!ll 1eg!n enter!ng the cafeter!a for d!s"!ssal.
'arents 3!ll 3a!t 1y the 3!ndo3s or at a ta1le and sta- 3!ll
release students to the a,,ro,r!ate ,arents. 'lan to ha/e
your +6 ready.
+f you need to ,!c your ch!ld u, fro" school one day and
they are nor"ally a 1us r!der, then ,lease send a note to
school 3!th the date, your ch!ldBs 5rst and last na"e,
teacherBs na"e, and the date/t!"e you 3!ll 1e ,!c!ng
the" u,.
9or e;a",le)
Dear Mrs. Raifsnider,
Please have Sally Smith wait in the
cafeteria afterschool today. She should not ride
the us home. !er dad, "oe Smith, will #ic$ her
u# with all the car-riders at %&45.
Michelle Smith
Q. What nu"1er can + call !f + st!ll ha/e @uest!ons?
2all 41* 4#4-5050 and 3e 3!ll 1e glad to hel, youC

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