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S e - Voice For Justice - e-news weekly

Spreading the light of humanity & freedom
Editor: Nagaraja.M.R..
APPA! "#$% S& '( )*+ OF %,- A&, .//0 OF
1OV%#2#, OF -#$-A & 1OV%#2#, OF
APP!-&A,-O# FO% -#FO%2A,-O# AS P% %,- A&,
) S %"! .. OF %,- A&, .//0 +

%,- First Appeal 4efore 5
Shri . 2.3. 6an7ura 8
%egistrar & %,- First Appellate Authority 8
Supreme &ourt of -ndia 8
#ew $elhi .
%ef 5 $y #o '/9:;%,-;':-'0;S&- dated /(./<../':
F"!! #A2 OF ,6 APP!-&A#, 5 #A1A%AJA.2.%.

A$$%SS OF ,6 APP!-&A#, 5 #A1A%AJA.2.%.8
$-,O% 8 SOS -VO-& J"S,-& & SOS -&!A%-O#
OF $A!-, 8
= !-1-. ; <9'8 OPP >A,% >O%3S OFF-&8
6"$&O F-%S, S,A18 !A?2-3A#,A#A1A%8
644A!8 2@SO% 8 3A%#A,A3A P-# A 0<//'<.
BPower will go to the hands of rascals8 8 rogues and
freeCooters. All -ndian leaders will Ce of low caliCre
and men of straw. ,hey will haDe sweet tongues
and silly hearts. ,hey will Eght among themselDes
for power and will Ce lost in political sFuaCCles . A
day would come when eDen air & water will Ce
taGed.B Sir >inston made this statement in the
6ouse of &ommons 7ust Cefore the independence
of -ndia & Pakistan. Sadly 8 the forewarning of
!ate >inston &hurchill has Ceen proDed right Cy
some of our criminal 8 corrupt peopleHs
representatiDes 8 police 8 puClic serDants & Judges.
Some of the Celow mentioned 7udges fall among
the category of churchillHs men A %ogues 8 %ascals
& FreeCooters.
Denthough the information is readily aDailaCle
with S&- 8 information was denied citing
unaDailaCility. -f at all information is not truly
aDailaCle 8 why didnHt the &P-O ,%A#SF% rti
application to concerned departments of S&- 8
2inistry of !aw 8 Justice 8 %espectiDe 6igh &ourts 8
,he action of &P-O S&- amounts to coDer up of
7udges & their crimes. ,hereCy 8 &P-O is also
committing a crime. >ith respect to preDious %,-
Appeals also &P-O & %,- First Appellate Authority
S&- haDe repeatedly committed crimes Cy
coDering up 7udges & their crimes. 4illions of
indians are Carely sustaining on a single piece
meal a day 8 we lower middle class people toiling
hard to earn a few hundreds of rupees Cut still
paying taG. -s it not shame to them ; shame to
J"$1s that they draw pay & perks amounting
to lakhs of rupees from our money 8 from taGes
paid Cy us still not do their constitutional duties
1-V >6A, A&,-O# 6AS 4# ,A3# A1A-#S,
,6 1"-!,@ J"$1S 2#,-O#$ -# ,6 4!O>
2#,-O#$ >4 S-,S & FO!!O>-#1 A%,-&!S.

>e salute honest few in puClic serDice 8 Judiciary 8
police 8 parliament & state legislatiDe assemClies.
our whole hearted respects to them. 6%4@ 8 -
$O 6"24!@ %I"S, @O" ,O 1-V 2 >%-,,#
S,A,2#,S ; A#S>%S ,O ,6 FO!!O>-#1
I"S,-O#S A >6-&6 -# -,S!F ) ie answers + A%
,6 -#FO%2A,-O# SO"16, 4@ 2. 6% >-,6 -
A2 S3-#1 #O, ,6 OP-#-O#S A4O", SO2
6@PO,6,-&A! -SS"S 8 4", @O"% OFF-&-A! S,A#$
8 !1A! S,A#$ O# -SS"S >6-&6 A% OF
F%I"#, O&&"%%#& >6-&6 A% V-O!A,-#1
POP!HS F"#$A2#,A! %-16,S & 6"2A#
%-16,S. > $O 6AV 6-16S, %SP&,S FO%
J"$-&-A%@ & A!! P"4!-& -#S,-,",-O#S 8 ,6-S -S A#
APPA! FO% ,%",6 8 -#FO%2A,-O# SO ,6A, ,O
APP%6#$ &O%%"P, F> -# P"4!-& S%V-&8
>6O A% A-$-#1 & A4,,-#1 ,%%O%-S2 8
"#$%>O%!$ & &%-2-#A!S. - 6AV S6O># -#
$,A-! >-,6 !-V 8 A&,"A! &ASS 8 ?A2P!S 8
6O> -#$-A# !1A! S@S,2 -S 2A#-P"!A,$ 4@
&%-2-#A!S >-,6-# J"$-&-A%@ 8 PO!-& 8
P%OS&",-O# 8 ,&. %A$ $,A-!S A, 5
ng-dealing-7udges-police 8
Atrocities o !o"e #$ %&'(E)

A A J of 2anipulation of -ndian !egal System
Manipuation-of-!ndia-"#$a-%&st#m '*hi#f-+ustic#-of-
!ndia-A-*rimina '

+ustic# %athasi,am - Ar# &ou -.A/ -0M1 2 1"!3-
sathasi,am---ar#-&ou-d#af-dumb-bind '
5a4i, 6andhi Assassination *o,#r-up
$andhi-assassination-co,#r-up '
%7AM. %7AM. M8s 2 M"As
sham#-mps-mas '
+0-6.s or 1ro9#rs of +ustic#
or-bro9#rs-of-4ustic# '
5:! 2 "and 6omaa
$omaa-in-9arnata9a '
$rabb#rs-in-m-u-d-a '
co,#r-up-and-scams '
6ereCy 8 we do reFuest &P-O O;O 6onouraCle
&hief Justice of -ndia 8 Supreme &ourt of -ndia 8
#ew $elhi to answer the following Fuestions in
puClic interest 8 for safeguarding national
security 8 #ational unity & integrity & to legally
apprehend anti-nationals 8 criminals within the
7udiciary & police.

1 . 7ow man& 4ud$#s ar# boo9#d for $raft ' s#;ua
crim#s ' crim#s a$ainst wom#n ' irr#$uariti#s ' amassin$
disproportionat# w#ath ' faiur# of dut& ' $#ttin$ i#$a
aotm#nt of sit#s 2 oth#r crim#s sinc# ind#p#nd#nc# ti
dat# ' &#arwis# <
2. what action ta9#n cas#wis# <
(. ar# th# action ta9#n simiar to common#rs ' common
p#op# committin$ sam# t&p# of crim#s <
). did a th# cas#s hand#d b& taint#d 4ud$#s sub4#ct#d
to r#,i#w ' r#tria b& oth#r hon#st 4ud$#s <
5. how man& ad,ocat#s w#r# pros#cut#d b& court for
in=u#ncin$ witn#ss#s / #,id#nc#s ' for tutor#d / concoct#d
#,id#nc#s ' #tc sinc# ind#p#nd#nc# ti dat# ' &#arwis# <
what action < if not wh& <
6. how man& poic# o>cias / aw #nforcin$ o>cias w#r#
pros#cut#d b& court for in=u#ncin$ ' intimidatin$
witn#ss#s throu$h thr#ats ' (
d#$r## tortur# ' for
concoct#d #,id#nc#s ' #tc sinc# ind#p#nd#nc# ti dat# '
&#arwis# < what action < if not wh& <
7. how man& poic# / aw #nforc#m#nt o>cias w#r#
pros#cut#d for oc9-up d#aths ' fa9# #ncount#rs ' i#$a
d#t#ntion ' (
d#$r## tortur# ' #tc sinc# ind#p#nd#nc# ti
dat# ' &#arwis# < what action < if not wh& <
8. in how man& cas#s poic# / aw #nforc#m#nt o>cias
w#r# mad# to pa& comp#nsation to innoc#nt ,ictims who
w#r# wron$& char$#d ' d#tain#d 2 tortur#d ' murd#r#d
b& poic# ' sinc# ind#p#nd#nc# ti dat# ' &#arwis# < what
action < if not wh& <
?. in som# cas#s ' on app#a 4ud$#m#nts of hi$h#r court
turns down th# 4ud$#m#nt of ow#r court. !n how man&
such cas#s ' ow#r court 4ud$# is mad# to pa&
comp#nsation to ,ictims of th#ir wron$ 4ud$#m#nt ' sinc#
ind#p#nd#nc# ti dat# &#arwis# < what action < if not
wh& <
10. how man& 4ud$#s ha,# d#faut#d in @in$ th#ir
annua @nancia r#turns $i,in$ out th#ir w#ath ' incom#
d#tais ' &#arwis# sinc# ind#p#nd#nc# ti dat# < what
action < if not wh& <
11. how &ou ar# ,#rif&in$ th# annua @nancia r#turns of
4ud$#s <
12. sinc# ind#p#nd#nc# ' how man& con,icts ha,# b##n
s#nt#nc#d to Ad#ath b& han$in$B ' &#arwis# <
1(. how man& d#ath s#ntanc#s w#r# carri#d out 2 how
man& ar# p#ndin$ <
1). how man& poic# o>cias w#r# mad# to pa&
comp#nsation 2 pros#cut#d for d#famation ' wh#n
innoc#nts fas#& char$#d b& poic# w#r# acCuitt#d '
dropp#d from char$#s b& courts < if not wh& <
15. how man& ow#r court 4ud$#s w#r# mad# to pa&
comp#nsation 2 pros#cut#d for d#famation ' wh#n
innoc#nts wron$& con,ict#d b& ow#r court ' but on
app#a hi$h#r courts acCuittin$ ' droppin$ th#m of
char$#s < if not wh& <
16. ar# 4ud$#s $#ttin$ paid from pubic #;ch#Cu#r ' for
th#ir #;p#ns#s on iCuor / acoho ' bod& massa$#s ' #tc in
th#ir :A -A bi whi# on tour ' o>cia ,isits ' o>cia
parti#s host#d b& 4ud$#s <
17. how man& app#as for 4ustic# conc#rnin$ pubic
w#far# ' ,ioation of human 2 fundam#nta ri$hts ' thr#at
to i,#s / i,#ihood ' #tc w#r# mad# to supr#m# court of
india ' b& na$ara4a m&sor# ra$hupathi aias na$ara4a M 5
aias m&s#f sinc# 1??0 ti dat# < app#as w#r# mad#
throu$h ordinar& post ' r#$ist#r#d post ' #-mai 2 b& w#b
throu$h -A586 ' -86. Dhat A*:!E3 ta9#n b& supr#m#
court of india with r#sp#ct to #ach app#a <
18. du# to n#$i$#nc# / conni,anc# of supr#m# court
4ud$#s in4ustic#s w#r# m#t#d out to pubic 2 pubic ar#
sti suF#rin$ in4ustic#s. *rim#s which coud ha,# b##n
pr#,#nt#d b& %* happ#n#d #,#nthou$h brou$ht to #ar&
notic# of supr#m# court. Dhat action a$ainst #rrin$ %*
+ud$#s < if not wh& <
1?. ! ha,# r#p#at#d& oF#r#d m& s#r,ic#s to supr#m#
court of india ' to appr#h#nd criminas within 4udiciar& '
poic# 2 pubic s#r,ic#. Dhat action ta9#n b& supr#m#
court of india < if not wh& <
20. in m& #$a stru$$# for 4ustic# ' du# to n#$i$#nc# /
conni,anc# of %*! 4ud$#s ! ha,# suF#r#d murd#r
att#mpts on m& if# ' 4ob oss#s ' m& n#wspap#r cos#d '
not $#ttin$ pr#ss accr#ditation to m& w#b n#ws pap#rs '
thr#ats b& rowdi#s ' poic# ' #tc. what action a$ainst
#rrin$ chi#f 4ustic# of india < if not wh& <
22. ! r#p#at#d& app#a#d to supr#m# court of india to
p#rmit m# to app#ar as amicus curi# b#for# supr#m#
court of india 2 4ain commission of #nCuir& r#$ardin$
at# 8M 5a4i, 6andhi assassination cas#. ! was not
p#rmitt#d wh& <
2(. who ar# th# 4ud$#s co,#rin$-up 5a4i, 6andhi
assassination cas# < what action ta9#n < if not wh& <
2). "aw is on# 2 sam# for a ' but aw #nforc#m#nt 2
aw int#rpr#tation is not sam# for common p#op# '
+ud$#s 2 8oic# < wh& <

@A% ,O >6-&6 A4OV P%,A-#S 5 2AJO%-,@ OF
$O&"2#,S P%,A-#S ,O @A% '((/-./': . SO2
OF ,6 $O&"2#,S A% $A,$ 4A&3 ,O '(:<.
P"4!-& -#FO%2A,-O# OFF-&% >6O FA-!$ ,O
1-V -#FO%2A,-O# 5
&P-O 8 o;o &hief Justice of -ndia 8 S"P%2 &O"%,
OF -#$-A 8 #> $!6-.

FS PA-$ 5 -PO ..F .K.K/0 for rupees ten only

$A, 5 '0./K../': LLLLL..LLLLLLLLL

P!A& 5 2@SO% 8 -#$-AL.. LLLLLLLLL.
) APP!-&A#,+

>ritten Argument A %,- APPA!
At the outset 8 we eGpress our whole hearted
respects to the honest few puClic serDants in
puClic serDice including 7udiciary. 6oweDer8 the
corrupt in puClic serDice donHt deserDe respect as
indiDiduals A as they are parasites in our legal
system. Still we respect the chairs they occupy Cut
not the corrupt indiDiduals.

All the following articles ; issues 8 whole articles
puClished in the weClinks mentioned Celow forms
part of this appeal. ,he term MJ"$1Nmentioned
throught includes all puClic serDants discharging
7udicial functions right from taluk magistrates 8
Fuasi-7udicial oOcers to &hief Justice of -ndia.

-ndian !egal ; Judicial System is manipulated at
Darious stages & is for sale. -t is a S6A2. ,he
persons who raise their Doice seeking 7ustice are
silenced in many ways. ,he criminal neGus has
already attempted to silence me in many ways . -f
anything untoward happens to me or to my family
memCers 8 my dependents 8 6onouraCle &hief
Justice of -ndia together with 7urisdictional police
oOcer will Ce responsiCle for it.

6ereCy8 we do once again oPer our conditional
serDices to the honouraCle supreme court of -ndia
& other goDernment authorities8 in apprehending
criminals including corrupt 7udges & police.
6erewith 8 we once again appeal to the
honouraCle supreme court of -ndia 8 to consider
this as a P-! Appeal in puClic interest.

,o my repeated appeals for 7ustice 8 repeated
appeals to utiliQe my serDices to apprehend
criminals 8 repeated P-! petitions 8 repeated
appeals for information under %,- act 8
your response was silence with respect to %,-
applications literally no information was giDen to
((R of Fueries nor you transferred the Fueries to
respectiDe department which can proDide
answer . ,his silence or intentional negligence of
duty amounts to crime coDer Aup. $ue to improper
action on your part crimes which could haDe
Ceen nipped at the Cud )information of crime giDen
Cy us to S&-+ happened 8 which amounts to
aCetting crime. Once again if you deny
me information to following Fueries 8 you
are reinforcing the proof that concerned supreme
court of india 7udges are also &%-2-#A!S
themselDes. Answer following Fuestions 5

1 . 7ow man& 4ud$#s ar# boo9#d for $raft ' s#;ua
crim#s ' crim#s a$ainst wom#n ' irr#$uariti#s ' amassin$
disproportionat# w#ath ' faiur# of dut& ' $#ttin$ i#$a
aotm#nt of sit#s 2 oth#r crim#s sinc# ind#p#nd#nc# ti
dat# ' &#arwis# <
2. what action ta9#n cas#wis# <
(. ar# th# action ta9#n simiar to common#rs ' common
p#op# committin$ sam# t&p# of crim#s <
). did a th# cas#s hand#d b& taint#d 4ud$#s sub4#ct#d
to r#,i#w ' r#tria b& oth#r hon#st 4ud$#s <
5. how man& ad,ocat#s w#r# pros#cut#d b& court for
in=u#ncin$ witn#ss#s / #,id#nc#s ' for tutor#d / concoct#d
#,id#nc#s ' #tc sinc# ind#p#nd#nc# ti dat# ' &#arwis# <
what action < if not wh& <
6. how man& poic# o>cias / aw #nforcin$ o>cias w#r#
pros#cut#d b& court for in=u#ncin$ ' intimidatin$
witn#ss#s throu$h thr#ats ' (
d#$r## tortur# ' for
concoct#d #,id#nc#s ' #tc sinc# ind#p#nd#nc# ti dat# '
&#arwis# < what action < if not wh& <
7. how man& poic# / aw #nforc#m#nt o>cias w#r#
pros#cut#d for oc9-up d#aths ' fa9# #ncount#rs ' i#$a
d#t#ntion ' (
d#$r## tortur# ' #tc sinc# ind#p#nd#nc# ti
dat# ' &#arwis# < what action < if not wh& <
8. in how man& cas#s poic# / aw #nforc#m#nt o>cias
w#r# mad# to pa& comp#nsation to innoc#nt ,ictims who
w#r# wron$& char$#d ' d#tain#d 2 tortur#d ' murd#r#d
b& poic# ' sinc# ind#p#nd#nc# ti dat# ' &#arwis# < what
action < if not wh& <
?. in som# cas#s ' on app#a 4ud$#m#nts of hi$h#r court
turns down th# 4ud$#m#nt of ow#r court. !n how man&
such cas#s ' ow#r court 4ud$# is mad# to pa&
comp#nsation to ,ictims of th#ir wron$ 4ud$#m#nt ' sinc#
ind#p#nd#nc# ti dat# &#arwis# < what action < if not
wh& <
10. how man& 4ud$#s ha,# d#faut#d in @in$ th#ir
annua @nancia r#turns $i,in$ out th#ir w#ath ' incom#
d#tais ' &#arwis# sinc# ind#p#nd#nc# ti dat# < what
action < if not wh& <
11. how &ou ar# ,#rif&in$ th# annua @nancia r#turns of
4ud$#s <
12. sinc# ind#p#nd#nc# ' how man& con,icts ha,# b##n
s#nt#nc#d to Ad#ath b& han$in$B ' &#arwis# <
1(. how man& d#ath s#ntanc#s w#r# carri#d out 2 how
man& ar# p#ndin$ <
1). how man& poic# o>cias w#r# mad# to pa&
comp#nsation 2 pros#cut#d for d#famation ' wh#n
innoc#nts fas#& char$#d b& poic# w#r# acCuitt#d '
dropp#d from char$#s b& courts < if not wh& <
15. how man& ow#r court 4ud$#s w#r# mad# to pa&
comp#nsation 2 pros#cut#d for d#famation ' wh#n
innoc#nts wron$& con,ict#d b& ow#r court ' but on
app#a hi$h#r courts acCuittin$ ' droppin$ th#m of
char$#s < if not wh& <
16. ar# 4ud$#s $#ttin$ paid from pubic #;ch#Cu#r ' for
th#ir #;p#ns#s on iCuor / acoho ' bod& massa$#s ' #tc in
th#ir :A -A bi whi# on tour ' o>cia ,isits ' o>cia
parti#s host#d b& 4ud$#s <
17. how man& app#as for 4ustic# conc#rnin$ pubic
w#far# ' ,ioation of human 2 fundam#nta ri$hts ' thr#at
to i,#s / i,#ihood ' #tc w#r# mad# to supr#m# court of
india ' b& na$ara4a m&sor# ra$hupathi aias na$ara4a M 5
aias m&s#f sinc# 1??0 ti dat# < app#as w#r# mad#
throu$h ordinar& post ' r#$ist#r#d post ' #-mai 2 b& w#b
throu$h -A586 ' -86. Dhat A*:!E3 ta9#n b& supr#m#
court of india with r#sp#ct to #ach app#a <
18. du# to n#$i$#nc# / conni,anc# of supr#m# court
4ud$#s in4ustic#s w#r# m#t#d out to pubic 2 pubic ar#
sti suF#rin$ in4ustic#s. *rim#s which coud ha,# b##n
pr#,#nt#d b& %* happ#n#d #,#nthou$h brou$ht to #ar&
notic# of supr#m# court. Dhat action a$ainst #rrin$ %*
+ud$#s < if not wh& <
1?. ! ha,# r#p#at#d& oF#r#d m& s#r,ic#s to supr#m#
court of india ' to appr#h#nd criminas within 4udiciar& '
poic# 2 pubic s#r,ic#. Dhat action ta9#n b& supr#m#
court of india < if not wh& <
20. in m& #$a stru$$# for 4ustic# ' du# to n#$i$#nc# /
conni,anc# of %*! 4ud$#s ! ha,# suF#r#d murd#r
att#mpts on m& if# ' 4ob oss#s ' m& n#wspap#r cos#d '
not $#ttin$ pr#ss accr#ditation to m& w#b n#ws pap#rs '
thr#ats b& rowdi#s ' poic# ' #tc. what action a$ainst
#rrin$ chi#f 4ustic# of india < if not wh& <
22. ! r#p#at#d& app#a#d to supr#m# court of india to
p#rmit m# to app#ar as amicus curi# b#for# supr#m#
court of india 2 4ain commission of #nCuir& r#$ardin$
at# 8M 5a4i, 6andhi assassination cas#. ! was not
p#rmitt#d wh& <
2(. who ar# th# 4ud$#s co,#rin$-up 5a4i, 6andhi
assassination cas# < what action ta9#n < if not wh& <
2). "aw is on# 2 sam# for a ' but aw #nforc#m#nt 2
aw int#rpr#tation is not sam# for common p#op# '
+ud$#s 2 8oic# < wh& <

,he puClic serDants & the goDernment must Ce role
models in law aCiding acts 8 for others to emulate
& follow. if a student makes a mistake it is
eGcusaCle & can Ce corrected Cy the teacher. if the
teacher himself makes a mistake 8 all his students
will do the same mistake. if a thief steals 8 he can
Ce caught 8 legally punished & reformed . if a
police himself commits crime 8 many thieDes go
scot- free under his patronage. eDen if a police 8
puClic serDant commits a crime 8 he can Ce legally
prosecuted & 7ustice can Ce sought Cy the
aggrieDed. 7ust think 8 if a 7udge himself that too
of apeG court of the land itself commits crime -
Diolations of %,- Act 8 constitutional rights &
human rights of puClic and oCstructs the puClic
from performing their constitutional fundamental
duties 8 what happens S it giDes a Cooster dose to
the rich & mighty 8 those in power 8 criminals in
puClic serDice to committ more crimes. that is
eGactly what is happenning in india. the educated
puClic must raise to the occassion & peacefully 8
democratically must oppose this criminalisation of
7udiciary 8 puClic serDice. then alone 8 we can Cuild
a %A2 %AJ@A OF 2A6A,2A 1A#$6-TS $%A2.

.idl$ go t*roug* t*e ,ollo/ig articles 0 +ro1ide
justice #$ gi1ig co"+lete trut*,ul i,or"atio to
us 2 #$ +u#licl$ as/erig t*e ,ollo/ig
3uestioaire i a ua"#iguous "aer.

4*e costitutio o, Idia *as +rescri#ed certai
5&N'AMEN4A6 '&4IE) to eac* citi7es o, Idia. It
is t*e dut$ o, e1er$ citi7e to +rotect 0 u+*old t*e
digit$ 2 *oour o, our de"ocratic istitutios 2 to
+rotect our atioal itegrit$ 2 to res+ect 0 +rotect
t*e rig*ts o, our ,ello/ citi7es. No costitutioal
aut*orit$ *as t*e rig*t to o#struct t*e disc*arge
o, t*ese duties #$ citi7es o, Idia. No legal
+ri1ileges o, costitutioal ,uctioaries is
su+erior o1er t*e 5&N'AMEN4A6 '&4IE) 85
9I4I:EN;) 85 IN'IA.
!e eed rig*ts to +er,or" our duties. 9ostitutio
o, Idia *as guarateed t*ose rig*ts as
5&N'AMEN4A6 RI(<4) to all citi7es o, Idia 0 #$
#irt* itsel, e1er$oe o, us *as secured <&MAN
RI(<4) as idi1iduals. 4o e=+ress oursel1es 2 /e
eed i,or"atio 2 data ,eed #ac> 2 to ascertai
/*et*er /e are gettig e3ual o++ortuit$ 2
/*et*er /e are gettig e3uita#le justice 2 etc 2 /e
eed i,or"atio . so 2
#asicall$ Rig*t 4o I,or"atio is a ialiea#le
+art o, our ,uda"etal rig*ts 0 *u"a rig*ts.
!*at R4I Act *as doe is ?=ed ti"e li"it 2
res+osi#ilities o, +u#lic ser1ats u+ to certai
e=tet. <o/e1er t*e citi7e;s ,uda"etal rig*t 0
*u"a rig*t to see> i,or"atio e=teds ,ar
#e$od t*e sco+e o, R4I Act.
<ere#$ 2 /e see> co"+lete trut*,ul i,or"atio
,ro" su+re"e court o, Idia 2 /it* res+ect to "$
R4I a++licatio a++eal. <ERE@A 2 !E ARE 8N6A
)EE.IN( A998&N4A@I6I4A 85 B&@6I9 )ERVAN4)
IN B&@6I9 IN4ERE)4 0 %&)4I9E. <ere#$ 2 /e
re3uest $ou to register t*is a++eal as a BI6
+etitio 0 to ascertai t*e stad o, a+e= court o
1arious "atters raised i "$ R4I A++licatio 2 i
+u#lic iterest 0 e3uita#le justice. Read :

#otice to &J- Justice % 2 !odha
to-c4i-4ustic#-r-m-odha 8

>hy #O, Punishment for %apist Judges & Police S

>e salute honest few in puClic serDice 8 Judiciary 8
police 8 parliament & state legislatiDe assemClies.
our whole hearted respects to them. 6%4@ 8 -
$O 6"24!@ %I"S, @O" ,O 1-V 2 >%-,,#
S,A,2#,S ; A#S>%S ,O ,6 FO!!O>-#1
I"S,-O#S A >6-&6 -# -,S!F ) ie answers + A%
,6 -#FO%2A,-O# SO"16, 4@ 2. 6% >-,6 -
A2 S3-#1 #O, ,6 OP-#-O#S A4O", SO2
6@PO,6,-&A! -SS"S 8 4", @O"% OFF-&-A! S,A#$
8 !1A! S,A#$ O# -SS"S >6-&6 A% OF
F%I"#, O&&"%%#& >6-&6 A% V-O!A,-#1
POP!HS F"#$A2#,A! %-16,S & 6"2A#
%-16,S. > $O 6AV 6-16S, %SP&,S FO%
J"$-&-A%@ & A!! P"4!-& -#S,-,",-O#S 8 ,6-S -S A#
APPA! FO% ,%",6 8 -#FO%2A,-O# SO ,6A, ,O
APP%6#$ &O%%"P, F> -# P"4!-& S%V-&8
>6O A% A-$-#1 & A4,,-#1 ,%%O%-S2 8
"#$%>O%!$ & &%-2-#A!S. - 6AV S6O># -#
$,A-! >-,6 !-V 8 A&,"A! &ASS 8 ?A2P!S 8
6O> -#$-A# !1A! S@S,2 -S 2A#-P"!A,$ 4@
&%-2-#A!S >-,6-# J"$-&-A%@ 8 PO!-& 8
P%OS&",-O# 8 ,&. - do hope
sense of constitutional propriety 8 7ustice will
preDail. JA- 6-#$. VA#$ 2A,A%A2.

$ate 5
@ourHs sincerely8
Place 5

PA@ "P Justice % 2 !odha 8 Shri 2 3 6an7ura &
Smt Smita Vats Sharma - $A2A1S PA@2#,
/ F-#A! S6O>-&A"S #O,-& ,O &6-F J"S,-& OF

- donHt know whether secretariat staP of &J-
oOce & $A%P1 ; $P1 oOcials are forwarding my
appeals for 7ustice 8 e-mails to you or not. ,hey
will Ce held accountaCle for their lapses if any.
,his notice is against the repeated failure of
constitutional duties & indirect collusion with
criminals Cy preDious &6-F J"S,-&s OF -#$-A.
#otice is serDed against them 8 to the oOce of
&J- 8 #O, personally against you. At the indiDidual
leDel - do whole heartedly respect 6onouraCle
Justice % 2 !odha 8 Shri 2 3 6an7ura & Smt Smita
Vats Sharma.
Please refer my appeal for 7ustice through $A%P1 U

-n india democracy is a farce 8 freedom a mirage.
the most Casic freedom %-16, ,O -#FO%2A,-O# &
?P%SS-O# 8 is not honoured Cy
the goDernment8as the information opens up the
crimes of V.V.-.Ps & leads to their ill-gotten wealth.
,he puClic serDants are least Cothered aCout the
liDes of people or 7ustice to them. these type of fat
cats 8 parasites are a drain on the puClic eGcheFuer
. these people want 8wish me to see dead 8 wish to
see 6"2A# %-16,S >A,&6 closed . so that8 a Doice
against in7ustices is silenced foreDer 8 the crimes
of V.V.-.Ps closed 8 Curied foreDer.
,o my numerous appeals 8 6%>Hs appeals to you
8you haDe not yet replied. -t clearly shows that you
are least Cothered aCout the liDes of people or
7ustice to them .it proDes that you are hell Cent
to protect the criminals at any cost. you are 7ust
pressurising the police to enFuire me 8to take my
statement8 to repeatedly call me to police station
all with a Diew to silence me.all of you en7oy
Mlegal immunity priDilegesN 8why donHt you haDe
giDen powers to the police ; inDestigating oOcer to
summon all of you for enFuiry Sor else why donHt
all of you are not appearing Cefore the police
Doluntarily for enFuiry Sat the least why donHt all
of you are not sending your statement aCout the
case to the police either through legal counsel
or through postS you are aiding criminals 8Cy
denying me 7oC oppurtunities in %.4.- &"%%#&@
#O, P%SS mysore 8 city ciDil court 8Cangalore 8
distict court 8 mysore 8etc & Cy illegally closing my
there is a gross8 total mismatch Cetween your
actions and your oath of oOce. this amounts to
puClic cheating & moral turpitude on your part.
'.you are making contempt of the Dery august
oOce you hold. are making contempt of the constitution
of india.
*.you are making contempt of citiQens of india. are sponsoring & aiding terorrism &
organiQed crime. are Diolating the fundamental & human
rights of the citiQens of india and of neighCouring
countries. are Diolating & making contempt of the ".#
6"2A# %-16,S &6A%,% to which india is a
<.you are oCstructing me from performing my
fundamental duties as a citiQen of india.
K. As a result of your gross negligence of
constitutional duties you haDe caused me damages
; losses to the tune of %"PS ,>O &%O% O#!@.
you are hereCy called upon to Pay damages to
me and S6O>-&A"S within */ days 8 why
you cannHt Ce legally prosecuted for the aCoDe
mentioned crimes .

-f i am repeatedly called to police station or else
where for the sake of inDestigations 8 the losses i
do incurr as a result like loss of wages 8
transportation 8 7oC 8 etc must Ce Corne Cy the
goDernment. preDoiusly the police ; -4 personnel
repeatedly called me the complainant )suPerer of
in7ustices+ to police station for Fuestioning 8 Cut
neDer called the guilty culprits eDen once to police
station for Fuestioning 8 as the culprits are high &
mighty . this type of one sided Fuestioning must
not Ce done Cy police or inDestigating agencies . if
anything untoward happens to me or to my family
memCers like loss of 7oC 8 meeting with hit & run
accidents 8 loss of liDes 8 etc 8 the 7urisdictional
police together with aCoDe mentioned accussed
puClic serDants 8 &hief Justice of -ndia &
Jurisdictional $istrict 2agistrate will Ce
responsiCle for it. Den if criminal neGus leDels
fake charges 8 police Ele fake cases against me or
my dependents to silence me 8 this complaint is &
will Ce ePectiDe.
if anything untoward happens to me or my
dependents 8 the goDernment of india is liaCle to
pay %s. ,>O crore as compensation to surDiDors of
my family. if my whole family is eliminated Cy the
criminal neGus 8then that compensation money
must Ce donated to -ndian Army >elfare Fund.
afterwards 8 the money must Ce recoDered Cy 1O-
as land arrears from the salary 8 pension 8 property
8 etc of guilty 7udges 8 police oOcials 8 puClic
serDants & &onstitutional fuctionaries. ,hanking
you. Jai 6ind 8 Vande 2ataram.

$ate 5
Place 5 2ysore 8 -ndiaLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.
#agara7a 2 %

&hief Justice of -ndia ) &J- + a &riminal S
- P-! Appeal to 6onoraCle Supreme court of -ndi
a For >rit of 2andamus

7onourab# 5#$istrar '
%upr#m# *ourt of !ndia '
3#w -#hi.

%ub4#ct : 8!" app#a
for D5!: E/ MA3-AM0% 2 -iscipinar& action '
crimina proc##din$s a$ainst *hi#f +ustic# of !ndia

- donHt know whether secretariat staP of &J- oOce
& $A%P1 ; $P1 oOcials are forwarding my
appeals for 7ustice 8 e-mails to you or not. ,hey
will Ce held accountaCle for their lapses if any.
,his notice is against the repeated failure of
constitutional duties & indirect collusion with
criminals Cy preDious &6-F J"S,-&s OF -#$-A.
#otice is serDed against them 8 to the oOce of
&J- 8 #O, personally against you. At the indiDidual
leDel - do whole heartedly respect 6onouraCle
Justice % 2 !odha.
Please refer my appeal for 7ustice through $A%P1 U

:h# chi#f 4ustic# of india is not r#p&in$ to m& r#p#at#d show-
caus# notic#s 'dama$# pa&m#nt notic#s nor ta9in$
appropriat# #$a actions ' in tim# . 7ow#,#r th#
pubic s#r,ants ta9# th#ir thousands of rup##s
saar& 2 p#r9s w# in tim# without fai on 1
of #,#r& month.
As a r#sut of continu#d n#$i$#nc# of
constitutiona duti#s sinc# &#ars
w# pubic ar# suF#rin$ in4ustic#s ' crim#s which coud
ha,# b##n pr#,#nt#d ar# ta9in$ pac#. :h#r#b& *+! is
aidin$ th# criminas in committin$ crim#s 2 co,#r up of
crim#s ' in th# cours# b#comin$ a crimina hims#f. D# saut#
our fr##dom @$ht#rs ' miitar& p#rsonn# 2 mart&rs for a
th# sacri@c#s mad# b& th#m. "#t us buid a stron$ ' %#cuar '
-#mocratic !ndia b& $#ttin$ rid oF f#w corrupt
##m#nts ' anti nationas ' traitors amon$
pubic s#r,ants ' amon$ 4udiciar& 2amon$ poic# who ar#
$r#at#r thr#at to !ndiaG s#curit& 2 int#$rit& than
8a9istani t#rrorists or chin#s# miitar&.

!nformation input forms part of proc#ss of on#Gs #;pr#ssion.
En#Gs #;pr#ssion in an& forms H writt#n ' ora ' #tc b#com#s
information input to th# opposit# p#rson ' in turn h#
#;pr#ss#s his r#p&. !nformation 2 .;pr#ssion
ar# ins#parab# parts 2 form if#in# of a d#mocrac&. :hat
is th# r#ason ' 5i$ht to .;pr#ssion is th# basic
fundam#nta ri$ht as w# as human ri$ht of #,#r& !ndian
citiI#n. Dh#n a p#rsonGs ri$ht to #;pr#ssion is
,ioat#d ' his oth#r ri$hts to #Cuait& ' 4ustic# ' #tc aso ar#
,ioat#d. %uppr#ssion of !nformation amounts to curbin$ of
.;pr#ssion. !n a d#mocrac& ' p#op# ha,# a ri$ht to 9now how
th# pubic s#r,ants ar# functionin$ . 7ow#,#r ti dat#
pubics#r,ants ar# hidin$ b#hind th# ,#i of E>cias %#cr#ts Act
Jwhich is of british ,inta$# cr#at#d b& british
to suppr#ss nati,# !ndians K. 1& this co,#r-up pubic s#r,ants
ar# hidin$ th#ir own corruption ' crim#s ' mismana$#m#nt '
faiur#s ' #tc. #,#n 5:! Act is not b#in$foow#d intoto b& pubic
s#r,ants. 7ow#,#r th# r#c#nt d#hi hi$h court ruin$ a>rmin$
that *+! is und#r 5:! pur,i#w 2 bound to answ#r 5:!
r#Cu#st ' is not# worth&. Eur pr#,ious 5:! r#Cu#st to *+! '
union hom# s#cr#tar& of 6E!' 8r#sid#nt of !ndia ' -6 2 !68 of
6EL and oth#rs w#r# not honor#d. :h# information is sou$ht
w#r# answ#rs to th# foowin$ Cu#stions m#ntion#d in th#
b#ow m#ntion#d w#bsit#s . th# Cu#stions conc#rn#d th#
past ' pr#s#nt continuin$ in4ustic#s m#t#d out to miions of
!ndian citiI#ns ' du# to wron$ / i#$a wor9practic#s of
!ndian 4ud$#s ' poic# 2 pubic s#r,ants . :h#
information w# sou$ht woud #;pos# th# traitors ' anti-
nationas ' criminas in pubic s#r,ic# .:h# information w# ar#
s##9in$ ar# no d#f#ns# s#cr#ts ' no nationa s#cr#ts .:h#
truthfu information #;pos#s th# anti-nationas ' traitors in th#
pubic s#r,ic# 2 str#n$th#ns our nationa s#curit& ' nationa
unit& 2 int#$rit&.

7#r#b& ' i do r#Cu#st th# honourab# supr#m# court of
india ' for a %upr#m# *ourt monitor#d *1! .nCuir& into this
who# issu# as 9arnata9a poic# ar# h#p#ss ' th#& donMt ha,#
#$a pow#rs to pros#cut# hi$h 2
mi$ht& 'constitutiona functionari#s. :h#& ha,# not #,#n
#nCuir#d th# $uit& NN!8s #,#n
onc# how#,#r 0nd#r pr#ssur# from hi$h#r-ups th#&
r#p#at#d& ca#d m# th# compainant to poic# station
too9 stat#m#nts from m# a for cosin$ th# @#s. 7#r#b& ' !
do r#Cu#st th# honorab# supr#m# court of !ndia to consid#r
this as a 8!" for : Awrit of MandamusB and to issu# instructions
to th# conc#rn#d pubic s#r,ants in th# foowin$ cas#s to
p#rform th#ir duti#s 2 to answ#r th# Cu#stions. As
th# tria court +ud$#s cross ,#rif& th# ant#c#d#nts ' histor& of
th# parti#s in a cas# to asc#rtain part&Gs hon#st& 'int#$rit& '
as th# in,#sti$atin$ poic# o>c#rs cross ch#c9 th#
ant#c#d#nts ' histor& of a compainant / accuss#d /witn#ss#s
to asc#rtain th#ir hon#st& ' int#$rit& of th#
accuss#d / compainant 'in th# sam# wa& th# parti#s in a
cas# ' as compainant / accuss#d / witn#ss#sha,# a ri$ht
to asc#rtain th# int#$rit& ' hon#st& of th# tria court 4ud$#
2 in,#sti$atin$ poic# o>c#rs to #nsur# th#& ar# not bias#d
and pro,id# a fair '#,# $round. +A! 7!3-. NA3-. MA:A5AM.

-at#: 26.0).201)
OourGs sinc#r#& '
8ac# : M&sor#

#;-*+! 1aa9rishnan push#d for ##,ation of corrupt 4ud$#
Aft#r tar$#tin$ form#r *hi#f +ustic# of !ndia %7 Lapadia'
8r#ss *ounci of !ndia J8*!K chairp#rson +ustic# Mar9and#&
Lat4u on Monda& train#d $uns at th# th#n *hi#f +ustic# of
!ndia J*+!K L6 1aa9rishnan.
%to9in$ a fr#sh contro,#rs&' Lat4u a#$#d *+!
1aa9rishnan had push#d for th# ##,ation of a Madras
7i$h *ourt 4ud$# with Pbad r#putationP to th# %upr#m#
7# said that th# co#$ium h#ad#d b& +ustic# 1aa9rishnan
and aso ha,in$ +ustic# Lapadia Pamost suc##d#dP in
brin$in$ th# 4ud$# to th# ap#; court but aw&#rs in th#
south !ndian stat# of :ami 3adu thwart#d it b& producin$
P,ouminous docum#ntar& #,id#nc# of his corruption.P
+ustic# L 6 1aa9rishnan' chairman of th# 3ationa 7uman
5i$hts *ommission J375*K' was not imm#diat#&
a,aiab# for comm#nts with his o>c# statin$ that h# is
on an o>cia tour to Maa&sia and wi b# bac9 this
Lat4u had #ari#r accus#d +ustic# 1aa9rishnan and two
oth#r form#r *+!s of Pimprop#r compromis#sP in r#tainin$
a :ami 3adu 4ud$# und#r corruption coud durin$ 0nit#d
8ro$r#ssi,# Aianc# ru#. +ustic# 1aa9rishnan had
dubb#d th# a#$ations as bas##ss.
A form#r 4ud$# of th# %upr#m# *ourt' Lat4u mad# th#
fr#sh caims on his bo$ whi# aso r#actin$ to r#mar9s
mad# b& +ustic# Lapadia' in r#spons# to his %unda&Ms
post. +ustic# Lapadia had said that h# had not brou$ht to
%upr#m# *ourt an& un@t 4ud$#.
Lat4u aso char$#d thr## form#r *hi#f +ustic#s of !ndia
incudin$ OL %abharwa and L6 1aa9rishnan of
succumbin$ to th# pr#ssur# from th# th#n $o,#rnm#nt
h#ad#d b& -r. Manmohan %in$h. Lat4u thou$h did not
nam#d th# sout#rn poitica part& for #;#rtin$ th#
pr#ssur#' it was a 9nown fact that h# was r#f#rrin$ to th#
-ML which had 18 M8s in th# 08A !. :h# 4ud$# in Cu#stion
+ustic# %. Asho9 Lumar di#d in 200?.
P! ma& r#mind him JLapadiaK that th# %upr#m# *ourt
co#$ium' h#ad#d b& Jth#nK *+! L 6 1aa9rishnan' and of
which +ustic# Lapadia was a m#mb#r' amost succ##d#d
in brin$in$ a tota& un@t p#rson into th# %upr#m# *ourt'P
Lat4u said.
P:hat 4ud$# was a 4ud$# of th# Madras 7i$h *ourt wh#n !
was *hi#f +ustic# th#r#' so ! 9n#w a about his bad
r#putation. "at#r' h# was mad# *hi#f +ustic# of anoth#r
7i$h *ourt' and was b#in$ consid#r#d for ##,ation to th#
%upr#m# court'P h# furth#r said.
Lat4u said that on# da& durin$ unch int#r,a' h# w#nt to
+ustic# LapadiaMs chamb#r and tod him about th# Pbad
r#putationP of that 4ud$#' $i,in$ d#tais.
P! tod him that ! was not in th# %upr#m# *ourt co#$ium'
but h# was' and now it was for him to do what#,#r h#
thin9s prop#r' and ! ha,# don# m& dut&. :h#r# was no us#
informin$ +ustic# 1aa9rishnan sinc# it was h# who was
pushin$ for th# 4ud$#Ms ##,ation to th# %upr#m# *ourt'P
h# wrot#.
Lat4u furth#r said that aft#r ist#nin$ to him' +ustic#
Lapadia than9#d him and said that in futur# aso if h# has
such information it shoud b# pass#d on to him.
P-#spit# this' th# co#$ium' of which +ustic# Lapadia was
a m#mb#r' r#comm#nd#d th# nam# of that 4ud$# ha,in$
Cu#stionab# int#$rit&' and h# woud ha,# d#@nit#& b##n
##,at#d to th# %upr#m# *ourt but for th# :ami 3adu
aw&#rs who produc#d ,ouminous docum#ntar& #,id#nc#
of his corruption'P Lat4u wrot#.
/orm#r Attorn#& 6#n#ra %oi %orab4## said th# co#$ium
s&st#m is not p#rf#ct but attac9in$ it th# wa& it has b##n
b& a form#r %* 4ud$# is not d#sirab#.
POou cannot #,# p#rsona attac9s i9# this on *hi#f
+ustic# and som# of th# oth#r 4ud$#s'P h# said r#spondin$
to Lat4uMs bo$.
/orm#r 7i$h *ourt 4ud$# 5% %odhi said th# 4udiciar&
shoud not b# tr#at#d in this mann#r. P-onMt $o around
mai$nin$ it b#caus# &ou ar# $oin$ to b# und#rminin$ th#
#>cac& of th# institution. +udiciar& cannot b# ca#d
corrupt i9# that.P
%#nior ad,ocat# Ma4##d M#mon said th# faith of th#
common man in 4udiciar& is sha9in$. PD# shoud wor9
to$#th#r not on& to sustain but aso #nhanc# th# faith of
th# p#op# in th# s&st#m'P h# said.
Lat4u r#ca#d that th# 4ud$# in Cu#stion was
cons#Cu#nt& transf#rr#d to a sma 7i$h *ourt' and at#r
imp#achm#nt proc##din$s w#r# brou$ht a$ainst him in
8ariam#nt' which aps#d wh#n h# r#si$n#d.
P%o +ustic# LapadiaMs caim that h# did not brin$ an&
corrupt 4ud$# to th# %upr#m# *ourt' has to b# Cuai@#d
b& at #ast on# instanc# wh#r# h# Jor rath#r th# co#$ium
of which h# was a m#mb#rK amost succ##d#d'P Lat4u
7# furth#r add#d that #,#n thou$h h# had inform#d
+ustic# Lapadia about that P4ud$#Ms r#putationP' n#ith#r
th# co#$ium' nor +ustic# 1aa9rishnan #,#r consut#d
him on th# matt#r.
:his was ob,ious& don# b& +ustic# 1aa9rishnan P9nowin$
that if consut#d ! woud $i,# an ad,#rs# r#port. 1ut wh&
did +ustic# Lapadia not t# +ustic# 1aa9rishnan to consut
m#<'P h# add#d.
Lat4u said that h# had at#r r#mind#d +ustic# Lapadia that
h# had inform#d him about th# Pbad r#putationP of that
4ud$#' but no h##d was paid to his words. ! said that th#
%upr#m# *ourt coud ha,# b##n sa,#d so much
#mbarrassm#nt if m& ad,ic# had b##n sou$ht' Lat4u
P+ustic# Lapadia admitt#d that ! had inform#d him' but
said that +ustic# 1aa9rishnan' th# *+!' was adamant' and
so th# r#comm#ndation was mad#'P h# add#d.
*orruption in +udiciar&
:h#r# was a +ud$# in a 7i$h *ourt who had a ,#r& bad
r#putation about his int#$rit&' and on this account was
transf#rr#d to Aahabad 7i$h *ourt. "at#r with passa$#
of tim# h# b#cam# ,#r& s#nior and Actin$ *hi#f +ustic# of
Aahabad 7i$h *ourt.
%om# p#op# start#d d#mandin$ that h# b# mad# *hi#f
+ustic# of som# 7i$h *ourt' and at#r brou$ht to th#
%upr#m# *ourt.
:h# th#n *hi#f +ustic# of !ndia' +ustic# Lapadia' had
r#c#i,#d s#,#ra compaints about this +ud$# that #,#n at
Aahabad h# was indu$in$ in corruption'and +ustic#
Lapadia r#Cu#st#d m# to @nd out th# tru# facts about
that +ud$# J ! was th#n a +ud$# of th# %upr#m# *ourtK.
At that tim# ! had to $o to Aahabad' m& hom# town for
att#ndin$ a function' and whi# th#r# ! contact#d som#
aw&#rs ! 9n#w' and $ot ( mobi# numb#rs of th# a$#nts
of this +ud$# throu$h whom h# was ta9in$ mon#&. En
r#turnin$ to -#hi ! $a,# th#s# ( mobi# numb#rs to
+ustic# Lapadia' and su$$#st#d that h# $#t th#s#
numb#rs tapp#d throu$h int#i$#nc# a$#nci#s.
About 2 months th#r#aft#r +ustic# Lapadia tod m# that
h# had don# as ! had su$$#st#d' and th# con,#rsations
tapp#d r#,#a#d th# corruption of this +ud$#.
Aft#r this' +ustic# Lapadia shoud ha,# ca#d this +ud$# to
-#hi and as9#d for his r#si$nation' faiin$ which h# woud
r#f#r th# matt#r to 8ariam#nt for imp#achm#nt' but h#
did no such thin$'Jthou$h h# did not aow th# +ud$# to
b#com# *hi#f +ustic# of an& 7i$h *ourt or a %upr#m#
*ourt +ud$#K
Most *hi#f +ustic#s of !ndia ar# r#uctant to #;pos#
corruption in th# 4udiciar& thin9in$ that this wi d#fam#
th# 4udiciar&' and so th#& pr#f#r to bur& corruption und#r
th# carp#t' not r#aiIin$ that th# bu$# und#r th# carp#t
wi show.
%om# thin9 that #;posin$ corruption d#fam#s th#
4udiciar&. M& r#p& to such p#op# is : -o#s corruption b&
+ud$#s d#fam# th# 4udiciar&' or do#s #;posin$ such
corruption d#fam# it <
! ma& $i,# anoth#r #;amp#. Dh#n ! was Actin$ *hi#f
+ustic# of Aahabad 7i$h *ourt ! w#nt to -#hi and m#t
+ustic# "ahoti' th# th#n *hi#f +ustic# of india' and $a,#
him a chit containin$ nam#s of 5 4ud$#s of Aahabad
7i$h *ourt who w#r# doin$ shoc9in$ thin$s. +ustic# "ahoti
as9#d m# what shoud b# don# < ! r#pi#d that if h#
p#rmitt#d' ! woud so,# th# prob#m in 2) hours. 7#
as9#d' how <
! r#pi#d that ! was $oin$ bac9 to Aahabad b& th# ni$ht
train' and on r#achin$ th#r# woud ca th# 5#$istrar
6#n#ra and t# him to t##phon# th#s# 5 +ud$#s' and t#
th#m that th# *hi#f +ustic# had instruct#d that th#& woud
not b# aow#d #ntr& into th# 7i$h *ourt pr#mis#s. 8oic#
was b#in$ post#d at th# $at# of th# 7i$h *ourt with
instruction from m# that th#s# 4ud$#s w#r# not to b#
aow#d #ntr&. :h#ir chamb#rs had b##n oc9#d' and th#&
wi r#c#i,# th#ir saar& ch#c9s at hom#' and th#& n##d
not com# to th# 7i$h *ourt. ! did not want to s## th#m
insid# th# 7i$h *ourt pr#mis#s as th#& had dis$rac#d th#
7i$h *ourt.
Dh#n ! said this +ustic# "ahoti said P8#as# do not do this'
b#caus# th#n th# poiticians wi $#t a hand#' and th#n
th#& wi s#t up a 3ationa +udicia *ommissionP. ! r#pi#d
that sinc# h# was not p#rmittin$ m# to do this' i woud
not' but h# ma& ta9# what#,#r action h# thou$ht @t.
"at#r som# of th# 5 4ud$#s whos# nam#s ! $a,# w#r#
transf#rr#d to anoth#r 7i$h *ourt.
1ut is transf#r a soution < %uch corrupt 4ud$#s shoud b#
sac9#d' but this is not don# to M a,oid d#famin$ th#
4udiciar&M. ! a$ain as9 : do#s corruption b& +ud$#s d#fam#
th# 4udiciar&' or do#s #;posin$ such corruption d#fam#
it <
! ha,# $i,#n on& two instanc#s of corruption in this post'
but ! can $i,# s#,#ra mor#.
J"$1s or 4rokers of Justice S

A A J of 2anipulation of -ndian !egal System
Manipuation-of-!ndia-"#$a-%&st#m '*hi#f-+ustic#-of-
!ndia-A-*rimina '

)<AME 48 98RR&B4 RABI)4 %&'(E) 85 IN'IA

1walior additional 7udge says she was seGually
harassed Cy 6& 7udge8 Fuits

An additiona district and s#ssions 4ud$# in 6waior' who
was h#adin$ th# Nisha9a committ## a$ainst s#;ua
harassm#nt' coud not sa,# h#rs#f from th# pr&in$ #&#s
of a Madh&a 8rad#sh hi$h court 4ud$# and had to r#si$n
from 4udicia s#r,ic# to prot#ct h#r Pdi$nit&' womanhood
and s#f-#st##mP.
Aft#r practicin$ aw for 15 &#ars in -#hi courts' sh#
pass#d th# M8 7i$h#r +udicia %#r,ic# #;am and was
post#d in 6waior on Au$ust 1' 2011. Aft#r trainin$ und#r
+ustic# - L 8aiwa' sh# was post#d as additiona district
and s#ssions 4ud$# in 6waior in Ectob#r 2012.
!n Apri 201(' sh# was appoint#d chairp#rson of -istrict
Nisha9a *ommitt##. 7#r annua con@d#ntia r#port of
+anuar& 201) t#rm#d h#r wor9 P#;c##nt and
outstandin$P. 1ut that was not #nou$h. :h#
administrati,# 4ud$# from 6waior b#nch of Madh&a
8rad#sh 7* 9#pt p#st#rin$ h#r to ,isit him in his
bun$aow aon#' sh# a#$#d.
!n h#r compaint to *hi#f +ustic# of !ndia 5 M "odha and
%upr#m# *ourt 4ud$#s +ustic#s 7 " -attu' : % :ha9ur' Ani
5 -a,#' -ipa9 Misra and Arun Misra' as w# as th# M8 7*
chi#f 4ustic#' sh# said th# administrati,# 4ud$# s#nt h#r a
m#ssa$# throu$h th# district r#$istrar to Pp#rform danc#
on an it#m son$P at a function in his r#sid#nc#. %h#
a,oid#d th# function on th# pr#t#;t of h#r dau$ht#rMs
5#spondin$ to h#r compaint' +ustic# "odha said' P:his is
th# on& prof#ssion wh#r# w# r#f#r to our co#a$u#s as
broth#rs and sist#rs. :his is unfortunat#. ! wi ta9#
appropriat# action aft#r th# compaint is pac#d b#for#
:h# ,#r& n#;t da& of s#ndin$ a m#ssa$# to danc# in his
r#sid#nc#' th# administrati,# 4ud$# tod h#r that Ph#
miss#d th# opportunit& of ,i#win$ a s#;& and b#autifu
@$ur# dancin$ on th# =oor and that h# is d#sp#rat# to
s## th# sam#P' sh# a#$#d.
:h# 4ud$# $ot an$r& wh#n sh# did not pa& h##d to his
P,arious ad,anc#s and maicious aspirationsP. %h# was
sub4#ct#d to int#ns# scrutin& b& th# administrati,# 4ud$#.
7# $ot mor# a$itat#d wh#n no faut was found' sh# said.
P! start#d comm#ncin$ court at 10.(0 am inst#ad of 11
am and #;t#nd#d th# wor9in$ hours in th# #,#nin$ b&
on# hour to 6 pm'P sh# said but compain#d that this did
not app#as# th# administrati,# 4ud$#' who continu#d to
harass h#r.
:ir#d of harassm#nt' sh# aon$ with h#r husband on +un#
22 w#nt to m##t th# administrati,# 4ud$#' who was
Pirritat#dP to @nd h#r with h#r husband and as9#d h#r to
m##t him aft#r 15 da&s. 1ut #,#n b#for# 15 da&s coud
ha,# #aps#d' sh# was s#r,#d with a transf#r ord#r.
!n h#r compaint' sh# said' P:h# administrati,# 4ud$#'
aon$ with district 4ud$# and district 4ud$# Jinsp#ctionK'
possib& mad# a fas#' fri,oous' bas##ss and maicious
r#portin$ to th# chi#f 4ustic# of M8 and $ot m# transf#rr#d
on +u& 8' in th# mid-acad#mic s#ssion of m& dau$ht#rs to
a r#mot# pac# %idhi b& o,#rruin$ th# transf#r poic& of
M8 7*.P
7#r r#pr#s#ntation for #i$ht-month #;t#nsion to aow h#r
dau$ht#rs comp#t# th# acad#mic s#ssion was r#4#ct#d.
"#ft with no choic#' sh# ca#d on th# administrati,#
4ud$# and p#ad#d a$ainst th# abrupt transf#r sa&in$ it
woud aF#ct th# studi#s of h#r chid who was in *ass 12.
!n h#r compaint' sh# said' PMoc9in$&' h# r#pi#d that !
fac#d this mid-acad#mic s#ssion transf#r to %idhi for not
fu@in$ his aspirations and for not ,isitin$ his bun$aow
aon# #,#n onc# and h# aso thr#at#n#d m# that now h#
wi spoi m& car##r comp#t#& and ma9# sur# that ! fac#
ruinous prosp#cts a m& if#.P
%h# caim#d th# 7* chi#f 4ustic# d#cin#d to m##t h#r
wh#n sh# want#d to appris# him of th# situation. P! was
#ft with no option but to r#si$n' so' ! r#si$n#d on +u& 15
in comp#in$' humiiatin$ and dis$rac#fu circumstanc#s
to sa,# m& di$nit&' womanhood' s#f-#st##m and car##r
of m& dau$ht#r.P
%##9in$ 4ustic# from th# *+!' sh# said' PEn& b#caus# th#
p#rp#trator is as pow#rfu as an Madministrati,# 4ud$#M
that h# can cast an #,i #&# on m#' and ! do not #,#n $#t
a h#arin$. Dhat s&st#m ar# w# foowin$ and #adin$ this
d#mocrac& to< !f this is how a moth#r' sist#r and wif# can
b# tr#at#d' who is h#rs#f no #ss than a 4udicia o>c#r
dut&-bound to prot#ct soci#t& and aw' what
constitutiona $oas ar# w# s#r,in$<P
2adhya Pradesh seGual assault on >oman Judge

*as#s of harassm#nt at th# wor9pac# ha,# b#com# an
#,#r&da& aFair. 1ut this tim#' th# ,ictim is not a r#$uar
o>c# $o#r. %h# is an Additiona -istrict and %#ssions
*ourt +ud$# in Madh&a 8rad#sh. :h# woman 4ud$#
incid#nta& was aso h#adin$ th# Nisha9a *ommitt##
a$ainst s#;ua harassm#nt' but coud not sa,# h#rs#f
from th# snoopin$ #&#s of a Madh&a 8rad#sh 7i$h *ourt
+ud$# and had to $i,# up h#r s#r,ic# to prot#ct h#r
di$nit& and s#f-#st##m.
As if this was not #nou$h' th# woman +ud$# was as9#d to
danc# to a 1o&wood it#m son$ b& h#r harass#r.
Accordin$ to r#ports' th# administrati,# 4ud$# as9#d h#r
to Ap#rform danc# on an it#m son$B at a function at his
hom# and in=u#nc#d h#r transf#r to a r#mot# ocation
d#spit# h#r r#Cu#sts. 7ow#,#r' sh# #;cus#d h#rs#f citin$
h#r dau$ht#rGs birthda&.
!n h#r compaint' sh# a#$#d that th# 7i$h *ourt +ud$#
aso forc#d h#r to ,isit his bun$aow aon#' which sh#
n#,#r did. :h# woman +ud$# was transf#rr#d in th#
midd# of h#r dau$ht#rGs *ass 12 acad#mic s#ssion.
Dh#n sh# prot#st#d' sh# was tod this was happ#nin$
b#caus# sh# did not fu@ his aspirations. !n h#r
compaint' sh# said' AMoc9in$&' h# r#pi#d that ! fac#d
this mid-acad#mic s#ssion transf#r to %idhi for not
fu@in$ his aspirations and for not ,isitin$ his bun$aow
aon# #,#n onc# and h# aso thr#at#n#d m# that now h#
wi spoi m& car##r comp#t#& and ma9# sur# that ! fac#
ruinous prosp#cts a m& if#.B

%h# caim#d th# 7* *hi#f +ustic# d#cin#d to m##t h#r
wh#n sh# want#d to appris# him of th# situation. A! was
#ft with no option but to r#si$n. %o ! r#si$n#d on +u& 15
in comp#in$' humiiatin$ and dis$rac#fu circumstanc#s
to sa,# m& di$nit&' womanhood' s#f-#st##m and car##r
of m& dau$ht#r.B
!n h#r compiant to *hi#f +ustic# of !ndia 5M "odha and
%upr#m# *ourt 4ud$#s +ustic#s 7" -attu' :% :ha9ur' Ani 5
-a,#' -ipa9 Misra and Arun Misra' as w# as th# Madh&a
8rad#sh 7* *hi#f +ustic#' sh# said' AEn& b#caus# th#
p#rp#trator is as pow#rfu as an QAdministrati,# +ud$#G
that h# can cast an #,i #&# on m# and ! do not #,#n $#t
a h#arin$. Dhat s&st#m ar# w# foowin$ and #adin$ this
d#mocrac& to< !f this is how a moth#r' sist#r and wif# can
b# tr#at#d R who is h#rs#f no #ss than a 4udicia o>c#r
dut&-bound to prot#ct soci#t& and aw R what
*onstitutiona $oas ar# w# s#r,in$<B' a :im#s of !ndia
r#port said.
%h# furth#r stat#s that th# administrati,# 4ud$#' aon$
with district 4ud$# and district 4ud$# Jinsp#ctionK' possib&
mad# a fas#' fri,oous' bas##ss and maicious r#portin$
to th# *hi#f +ustic# of M8 and $ot m# transf#rr#d on +u&
8' in th# mid-acad#mic s#ssion of m& dau$ht#rs to a
r#mot# pac# %idhi b& o,#rruin$ th# transf#r poic& of M8
:h# :im#s of !ndia r#port furth#r Cuot#s +ustic# "odha
sa&in$' A:his is th# on& prof#ssion wh#r# w# r#f#r to our
co#a$u#s as broth#rs and sist#rs. :his is unfortunat#. !
wi ta9# appropriat# action aft#r th# compaint is pac#d
b#for# m#.B
:h# ,ictim pass#d th# M8 7i$h#r +udicia %#r,ic# #;am
and was post#d in 6waior on Au$ust 1' 2011. Aft#r
trainin$ und#r +ustic# -L 8aiwa' sh# was post#d as
additiona district and s#ssions 4ud$# in 6waior in
Ectob#r 2012. !n Apri 201(' sh# was appoint#d
chairp#rson of -istrict Nisha9a *ommitt##. 7#r annua
con@d#ntia r#port of +anuar& 201) t#rm#d h#r wor9
A#;c##nt and outstandin$B. 1ut that was not #nou$h.
!t has b##n mor# than a &#ar sinc# th# %#;ua
7arassm#nt of Dom#n at Dor9pac# Act was pass#d. 1ut
it s##ms that th# Act is pow#rfu on& on th# pap#r and
nothin$ mor# as s#,#ra compani#s fai to imp#m#nt
th#m. :h# ,ast ma4orit& of compani#s and s#,#ra
#stabishm#nts ar# sti tr&in$ to @$ur# out what to do.
Accordin$ to th# 8r#ss !nformation 1ur#au of th#
6o,#rnm#nt of !ndia' A:h# Act wi #nsur# that wom#n ar#
prot#ct#d a$ainst s#;ua harassm#nt at a wor9 pac#s'
b# it in pubic or pri,at#. :his wi contribut# to r#aisation
of th#ir ri$ht to $#nd#r #Cuait&' if# and ib#rt& and
#Cuait& in wor9in$ conditions #,#r&wh#r#. :h# s#ns# of
s#curit& at th# wor9pac# wi impro,# wom#nGs
participation in wor9' r#sutin$ in th#ir #conomic
#mpow#rm#nt and incusi,# $rowth.B
7ow#,#r' it is an iron& that this cas# com#s at a tim#
wh#n th# *#ntra 6o,#rnm#nt has dir#ct#d a th# %tat#
6o,#rnm#nts to pro,id# (( p#r c#nt r#s#r,ation for
wom#n in th#ir poic# forc#s to #F#cti,#& d#a with cas#s
of s#;ua ,io#nc# and crim# a$ainst wom#n. En& tim#
wi t# if this wi b#com# a r#ait& soon or not.

#otice to &J- Justice % 2 !odha
to-c4i-4ustic#-r-m-odha 8

-ndian police Tgang-rape woman after she fails to
pay CriCeT
Doman sa&s sh# was attac9#d at a poic# station in 0ttar
8rad#sh aft#r $oin$ th#r# to s##9 h#r husbandMs r##as#

An !ndian woman has said sh# was $an$-rap#d b& four
o>c#rs at a poic# station' th# at#st in a strin$ of s#;
attac9s in th# stat# of 0ttar 8rad#sh.
:h# woman said sh# was attac9#d wh#n sh# w#nt to th#
station o,#rni$ht on Monda& in th# 7amirpur district to
s##9 h#r husbandMs r##as#.
PAt 11.(0pm wh#n th#r# was no on# in th# room th# sub-
insp#ctor too9 m# to his room and rap#d m# insid# th#
poic# station'P th# woman tod *33-!13.
%h# @#d a compaint with a s#nior o>c#r on D#dn#sda&
o,#r th# attac9' which a#$#d& occurr#d wh#n sh#
r#fus#d to pa& a brib# to s#cur# th# r##as# of h#r
husband. Nir#ndra Lumar %h#9har' a poic# o>cia from
7amirpur' said: P:h# proc#dur# wi b# foow#d. :h#
,ictim has @#d a compaint and th# $uit& wi b# arr#st#d
%ub-insp#ctor 1abir %in$h said a crimina cas# had b##n
od$#d a$ainst four o>c#rs from th# station.
:h# cas# is th# at#st in a strin$ of rap#s and murd#rs in
0ttar 8rad#sh' !ndiaMs most popuous stat#' wh#r# th#
chi#f minist#r' A9hi#sh Oada,' is und#r $rowin$ poitica
pr#ssur# o,#r his handin$ of aw and ord#r.
"ast month' two $irs' a$#d 12 and 1)' w#r# $an$-rap#d
and &nch#d in th#ir ,ia$#. :h#& w#r# attac9#d aft#r
$oin$ into a @#d to r#i#,# th#ms#,#s at ni$ht b#caus#
th#& did not ha,# a a,ator& at hom#.
:h#ir famii#s r#fus#d to cut th# bodi#s down from th#
tr## for hours in prot#st' sa&in$ poic# had fai#d to ta9#
action a$ainst th# attac9#rs b#caus# th# $irs w#r# from a
ow cast#.
:h# prim# minist#r' 3ar#ndra Modi' ' in his @rst
comm#nts on th# issu# sinc# th# han$in$ of th# $irs
spar9#d pubic outra$#' on D#dn#sda& ur$#d a
poiticians to wor9 to$#th#r to prot#ct wom#n. Modi
warn#d poiticians a$ainst Ppoiticisin$ rap#P' sa&in$ th#&
w#r# Ppa&in$ with th# di$nit& of wom#nP in his @rst
sp##ch to pariam#nt sinc# sw##pin$ to pow#r at ast
monthMs ##ction.
!ndia brou$ht in tou$h#r aws ast &#ar a$ainst s#;ua
oF#nd#rs aft#r th# fata $an$-rap# of a stud#nt in 3#w
-#hi in -#c#mb#r 2012' but th#& ha,# fai#d to st#m th#
tid# of ,io#nc# a$ainst wom#n.
Aso on D#dn#sda&' a )5-&#ar-od woman was found
han$in$ from a tr## in 0ttar 8rad#sh. 7#r fami& said sh#
had b##n rap#d and murd#r#d. A poic# o>c#r said @,#
m#n w#r# b#in$ Cu#stion#d o,#r th# incid#nt' which
occurr#d s#,#ra 9iom#tr#s from h#r hom# in 1ahraich
district. P:h#& Sh#r husband and sonT ha,# a#$#d that
th# woman' b#for# b#in$ strun$ up from th# tr##' was
rap#d and murd#r#d b& th#s# m#n'P th# district
sup#rint#nd#nt 7app& 6uptan tod A/8.

%AP-S, Judges & %apist Police - #o punishm
ent S
>hen a Judge 6imself &ommits &rime 8 >hen
a PO!-& 6imself roCs 8 2urders L.

!n th# rap# cas# of Ms.3irbha&a committ#d ast &#ar in
3#w -#hi ' a th# accuss#d w#r# from ow#r midd#
cass bac9$round. %o ' th# who# soci#t& ' m#dia ' poic#
rais#d ,oic#d a$ainst th#m and th# $uit& w#r# ri$ht&
1ut ta9# th# r#c#nt cas# of %upr#m# *ourt +ud$#s
accuss#d of s#;ua oF#nc#s Mr. A . %. 6A360"O ' Mr.
%DA:7A3:.5 L0MA5 or -68 %8% 5athor# in,o,#d in
5uchi9a cas# or som# som# Minist#rs ' M"As ' M8s' th#
m#dia ' soci#t& ' poic# 2 8ros#cutin$ 4ud$#s ar# bias#d
towards th# accuss#d. 1#caus# th# accuss#d ar# rich 2
mi$ht& ' b#on$ to ruin$ #it# cass.

Are not the laws & itHs enforcements fair 8
eFuitaCle 8 7ust and same for one & all S
,he puClic serDants & the goDernment must Ce role
models in law aCiding acts 8 for others to emulate
& follow. if a student makes a mistake it is
eGcusaCle & can Ce corrected Cy the teacher. if the
teacher himself makes a mistake 8 all his students
will do the same mistake. if a thief steals 8 he can
Ce caught 8 legally punished & reformed . if a
police himself commits crime 8 many thieDes go
scot-free under his patronage. eDen if a police 8
puClic serDant commits a crime 8 he can Ce legally
prosecuted & 7ustice can Ce sought Cy the

7ust think 8 if a 7udge himself that too apeG court
of the land itself commits crime - Diolations of %,-
Act 8 constitutional rights & human rights of puClic
and oCstructs the puClic from performing their
constitutional fundamental duties 8 what happens S

it giDes a Cooster dose to the rich & mighty 8 those
in power 8 criminals in puClic serDice to commit
more crimes. that is eGactly what is happening in
india. the educated puClic must raise to the
occasion & peacefully 8 democratically must
oppose this criminaliQation of 7udiciary 8 puClic
serDice. then alone 8 we can Cuild a %A2 %AJ@A OF
2A6A,2A 1A#$6-TS $%A2.

! ha,# shown in th# foowin$ attachm#nt how 4ustic#
is bou$ht ' purchas#d ' manipuat#d in !3-!A with
actua cas#s. +ust s## th# r#c#nt #;amp#s of
supr#m# court 4ud$#s in,o,#d in s#;ua assaut
cas# 2 5EE%: 5#sort M&sor# %#; scanda in,o,in$
4ud$#s ' if an& ordinar& f#ow had committ#d th# sam#
crim#s h# woud ha,# b##n hau#d o,#r th# coa @r#.
+ust ta9# anoth#r r#c#nt #;amp# of 8rison#r Mo,i# actor
san4a& dutt ' :A-A pro,isions w#r# diut#d b& th# 4ud$#
to fa,our him and now h# is $#ttin$ paro# w##9 aft#r
w##9 whi# th# ordinar& con,icts n#,#r $#t a sin$#
paro# throu$ht th#ir s#nt#nc#. Dhat 1riiant +ud$#s '
what briiant poic# sir4i.

ditorial 5 6ang %apist Judges to !amp Posts -
J"$1S & S?"A! &%-2S

At the outset 8 we eGpress our whole hearted
respects to the honest few puClic serDants
in puClic serDice including 7udiciary & Police.
6oweDer8 the corrupt in puClic serDice donHt
respect as indiDiduals A as they are parasites in our
legal system. Still we respect the
chairs they occupy Cut not the corrupt indiDiduals.
All the following articles ; issues 8 past cases of
seGual assaults on women Cy 7udges )hushed
up S+ 8 whole articles puClished in the weClinks
Celow forms part of this appeal. ,he term MJ"$1N
mentioned throught includes all puClic
serDants discharging 7udicial functions right from
taluk magistrates 8 Fuasi-7udicial
oOcers to &hief Justice of -ndia.
-ndian !egal ; Judicial System is manipulated at
Darious stages & is for sale. -t is a S6A2.
,he persons who raise their Doice seeking 7ustice
are silenced in many ways. ,he
criminal neGus has already attempted to silence
me in many ways . -f anything untoward
happens to me or to my family memCers 8 my
dependents 8 6onouraCle &hief Justice of
-ndia together with 7urisdictional police oOcer will
Ce responsiCle for it.
6ereCy8 we do once again oPer our conditional
serDices to the honouraCle supreme court
of -ndia & other goDernment authorities8 in
apprehending criminals including corrupt
7udges & police. 6erewith 8 we once again appeal
to the honouraCle supreme court of
-ndia 8 to consider this as a P-! Appeal in puClic
&onsider the cases of seGual assault Cy J"$1S 8
PO!-& on women . ,he J"$1S
haDe legal immunity with respect to their oOcial
duties8 oOcial actions Cut not their
indiDidual actions amounting to &%-2S.
,he puClic serDants & the goDernment must Ce role
models in law aCiding acts 8 for others
to emulate & follow. if a student makes a mistake
it is eGcusaCle & can Ce corrected Cy
the teacher. if the teacher himself makes a mistake
8 all his students will do the same
mistake. if a thief steals 8 he can Ce caught 8
legally punished & reformed . if a police
himself commits crime 8 many thieDes go scot- free
under his patronage. eDen if a police 8
puClic serDant commits a crime 8 he can Ce legally
prosecuted & 7ustice can Ce sought Cy
the aggrieDed. 7ust think 8 if a 7udge himself that
too of apeG court of the land itself
commits crime - Diolations of %,- Act 8
constitutional rights & human rights of puClic and
oCstructs the puClic from performing their
constitutional fundamental duties 8 what
happens S it giDes a Cooster dose to the rich &
mighty 8 those in power 8 criminals in
puClic serDice to committ more crimes. that is
eGactly what is happenning in india. the
educated puClic must raise to the occassion &
peacefully 8 democratically must oppose
this criminalisation of 7udiciary 8 puClic serDice.
then alone 8 we can Cuild a %A2 %AJ@A OF
2A6A,2A 1A#$6-TS $%A2.

6ereCy 8 we reFuest the honouraCle court to
reopen all hushed up old cases of seGual assault
inDolDing 7udges and to punish the guilty 7udges.

Read Is 9<IE5 %&)4I9E 85 IN'IA a#o1e 6A! CCC
ie,-justice-a#o1e-la/ 2

Is 9<IE5 %&)4I9E 85 IN'IA a#o1e 6A! CCC
ie,-justice-a#o1e-la/ 2

!aw student seGually harassed Cy eG-Supreme
&ourt 7udge5 case is not uniFue8 Cut speaking out
is nearly impossiCle


<AN( RABI)4 98RR&B4 %&'(E)

#othing Cut the truth
4y -ndira Jaising
A midst th# risin$ din of th# d#mand for d#ath p#nat& for
rapists com#s th# n#ws that thr## 4ud$#s of th#
Larnata9a 7i$h *ourt ha,# b##n in,o,#d in what has
com# to b# d#scrib#d as a Ms#; scandaM on th# outs9irts
of M&sor# at a pac# ca#d 5oost 5#sorts.
Eur att#ntion is now dir#ct#d to thos# who disp#ns#
4ustic# rath#r than thos# who 9noc9 at th# doors of
4ustic#. !n both cas#s' w# ar# ta9in$ about th# us# and
abus# of wom#n R thos# who ar# ,ictims of s#;ua
abus#' and thos# who ar# us#d as s#;ua ob4#cts'
wiin$& or unwiin$&.
Aft#r th# r#ports in oca n#wspap#rs that thr## hi$h court
4ud$#s w#r# found with wom#n at a r#sort' th#r# was th#
usua crop of d#nias. Athou$h th# M&sor# poic# w#r#
ca#d in to s#tt# a braw' on b#in$ tod that th# p#rsons
in Cu#stion w#r# 4ud$#s th#& said that th#& h#ard no #,i
and saw no #,i.
And #,#r&on# thou$ht th# matt#r #nd#d th#r#.
Att#mpts to $#t th# nam#s of th# 4ud$#s or of th# wom#n
in Cu#stion dr#w a ban9. :h# bar association aso dr#w a
ban9 as most p#op# said' P-onMt Cuot# m#U butUP
En 3o,#mb#r (0' th# 1an$aor# #dition of :h# :im#s of
!ndia pubish#d a front-pa$# stor& $i,in$ th# nam#s and
photo$raphs of th# thr## 4ud$#s and con@rmin$ that th#
!nt#i$#nc# 1ur#au had don# an in,#sti$ation and com#
to th# concusion that th# incid#nt had ind##d occurr#d.
:h#r# w#r# sti no d#tais of th# incid#nt' thou$h it was
stat#d that th# r#port has b##n $i,#n to th# chi#f 4ustic#
of !ndia.
:h#r# w#r# r#ports on th# sam# da& that th# Larnata9a
7i$h *ourt chi#f 4ustic# had sou$ht th# transf#r of th#
thr## 4ud$#s to 8atna' +ammu and Lashmir and 6uwahati.
Appar#nt&' th# chi#f 4ustic# has a$r##d to this r#Cu#st
and th# transf#r ord#rs ha,# b##n issu#d.
:h#n cam# th# n#ws that th# chi#f 4ustic# of !ndia has s#t
up a committ## of inCuir& und#r th# Min-hous#M proc#dur#
consistin$ of th# chi#f 4ustic# of th# Andhra 8rad#sh 7i$h
*ourt' th# chi#f 4ustic# of th# Madras 7i$h *ourt and th#
chi#f 4ustic# of th# 8atna 7i$h *ourt.
:h#r# w#r# sti no d#tais in th# pr#ss about th# actua
incid#nt and th# #ntir# #pisod# continu#d to b# r#f#rr#d
to as a Ms#; scandaM.
Dhat is int#r#stin$ about th#s# r#ports is not what th#&
r#,#a' but what th#& conc#a. !t is a conspirac& of
si#nc#. !f th# information is now a,aiab# to th# chi#f
4ustic# of !ndia' wh& is it not b#in$ mad# pubic< -o w#'
th# pubic' not ha,# th# ri$ht to information< !ronica&'
th# mornin$ n#wspap#rs brou$ht th# n#ws that th#
/r##dom of !nformation Act has b##n pass#d. Dhat ar#
th# #$itimat# imits of th# ri$ht to fr##dom of information
and th# r#Cuir#m#nt of 9##pin$ information a s#cr#t< :his
#pisod# woud ma9# an int#r#stin$ cas# stud&.
Dhat #;act& is at sta9# h#r#< :h#r# is much that shoud
conc#rn th# nation about th# incid#nt. :his is not a cas#
about th# pri,at# morait& of th# 4ud$#s' b# that as it
ma&' but about th# abus# of o>c# that th#& hod. Dhat
has not b##n mad# 9nown is that th# thr## wom#n in
Cu#stion ar# wom#n aw&#rs practisin$ in th#ir courts.
Dhat is at sta9# h#r# is th# poution of th# str#am of
4ustic# at its ,#r& sourc#. :h#r# must b# count#ss cas#s
in which th#s# wom#n app#ar#d b#for# th#s# ,#r& 4ud$#s
da& in and da& out of th#ir routin# practic#. *an on#
hon#st& sa& that in such a situation 4ustic# is b#in$ don#
Pwithout f#ar or fa,ourP< +ud$#s sw#ar on oath of
a#$ianc# to Pb#ar tru# faithP to th# *onstitution and do
4ustic# Pwithout f#ar or fa,ourP. 7ow w# ha,# th#s#
4ud$#s honour#d this oath<
Dhat is at sta9# h#r# is th# c&nica us# of wom#n as
s#;ua commoditi#s. :h# usua 4usti@cations ha,# ar#ad&
b#$un ma9in$ th# rounds. !f th# wom#n ha,# not
compain#d' what ob4#ction can an&on# #s# ha,#' it is
as9#d. Dhat is ost si$ht of is th# fact that th# 4ud$#s ar#
in a position of dominanc# ,is-V-,is th# wom#n' in a
position to do fa,ours that p#rtain to th#ir o>c#.
Dhat is at sta9# h#r# is th# c&nica us# of pubic o>c#'
th# s#at of 4ustic#' for p#rsona p#tt& $ain. !t is irr##,ant
wh#th#r th# wom#n cons#nt#d or not. :h# usua bam#
$am# wi now b#$in R bamin$ th# ,ictim rath#r than
th# p#rp#tratorW th# usua oos# ta9 about th# charact#r
of th# woman in Cu#stionW th# usua att#mpt to co,#r up
b& di,#rtin$ att#ntion from th# actua incid#nt to th#
moti,#s of thos# who brou$ht th# incid#nt to i$ht.
Dhat is at sta9# h#r# is th# p#rc#ption of wom#n as
s#;ua commoditi#s b& thos# who ar# r#sponsib# for
sittin$ in 4ud$m#nt o,#r cas#s brou$ht for and on b#haf
of wom#n.
:h# issu#s at sta9# h#r# conc#rn on# haf of !ndians. Dith
what faith can !ndian wom#n approach th# courts
d#mandin$ th# ri$ht to #Cuait&' th# ri$ht to b# fr## from
s#;ua harassm#nt or rap# and th# ri$ht to i,# with
di$nit&' if th# p#rs#cution of 4ud$#s who sit in 4ud$m#nt
o,#r th#m is non-n#$otiab#<
!n th# circumstanc#s' th# su$$#st#d soution is wors#
than th# oF#nc# R to transf#r th#m to 8atna' 6uwahati
and +ammu and Lashmir. Dh& th#s# particuar citi#s< Ar#
th#& not an int#$ra part of th# countr&' or ar# th#& m#r#
isands within th# countr& that ar# consid#r#d
Mpunishm#nt postin$sM wh#r# p#op# ar# s#nt a a
Mcrossin$ Laa 8aniM of th# od da&s< :o th# cr#dit of th#
6uwahati 1ar Association' it prot#st#d a$ainst th#
propos#d transf#r.
:h# on& d#c#nt thin$ to do is for th# chi#f 4ustic# of !ndia
to discos# fu d#tais of th# incid#nt so that rumour-
mon$#rin$ com#s to an #nd. :his woud b# in th# b#st
int#r#st of th# 4udiciar& its#f.
As thin$s stand' th# rumours ar# ma9in$ th# rounds that
th#r# w#r# mor# than thr## 4ud$#s in,o,#d' that th#
wom#n w#r# prof#ssiona ca $irs' man& of which ar#
bas##ss. D#' th# p#op#' ha,# th# ri$ht to 9now. :h#
conspirac& of si#nc# must b# bro9#n.
:h# 4ud$#s in Cu#stion must n#ith#r b# assi$n#d an&
4udicia functions p#ndin$ an inCuir& nor b# transf#rr#d to
sit in 4ud$m#nt o,#r oth#rs. :wo of th# 4ud$#s ar# stat#d
to b# additiona 4ud$#s. :h#& must not b# con@rm#d. !f
th#r# is prima faci# #,id#nc# a$ainst th# on# r#mainin$
4ud$#' th# chi#f 4ustic# must r#comm#nd his
!t is tim# for a conc#rn#d bar associations' bar councis
and oth#r ma#-dominat#d bodi#s of #$a prof#ssionas
to act and #nsur# that th#r# is no co,#r-up. :h#r# is itt#
point in showin$ s&mpath& to wom#n in 4ud$m#nts and in
s#minar rooms' or in r#comm#ndin$ th# d#ath p#nat& for
rap# if w# cannot d#a with th# m#n who disp#ns#
:h#r# ar# cont#mpt of court p#titions p#ndin$ in th#
Larnata9a 7i$h *ourt a$ainst som# of th# pubications for
discosin$ d#tais of th# incid#nt. *i,i soci#t& and
wom#nMs or$anisations must d#mand that 4ustic# is now
don# wh#n it com#s to th# 4ud$#s th#ms#,#s.
:h# aw of cont#mpt can oF#r no soution to th# crisis of
cr#dibiit& in th# 4udiciar& that this incid#nt has thrown
up. En# positi,# asp#ct of th# incid#nt is that it is on&
aft#r th# chi#f 4ustic# of th# hi$h court issu#d a pubic
notic# in,itin$ information that h# r#c#i,#d 20
r#pr#s#ntations' which #d to th# disco,#r& of th# truth.
"#t th# truth now b# mad# pubic.

Judge accused of molesting . rape surDiDors in "P

A sitting 7udicial magistrate seGually assaulted

08: :wo rap# ,ictims caim that a sittin$ 4udicia
ma$istrat# s#;ua& assaut#d th#m. :h# $irs
a#$#d that wh#n th#& w#nt to th# ma$istrat#Gs chamb#r
to $i,# th#ir stat#m#nt' h# a#$#d&
mad# th#m strip and mo#st#d th#m.
En# of th# $irs is a minor and th# poic# ha,# @#d a
compaint. :h# $irs aso caim#d that th#
4ud$# thr#at#n#d th#m to not sp#a9 of th# incid#nt to
"aw&#rs and th# $#n#ra pubic in 6onda aunch#d a
prot#st a$ainst th# 4ud$#.

J"$1 S#$-#1 O4S&# S2S ,O >O2#

!ucknow ,aking cognisance of the allegation
against a ciDil Judge )7unior diDision+ of
4udaun court that he sent oCscene S2Ses to a
woman lecturer8 the %egistrar 1eneral of
AllahaCad 6igh &ourt today sought a report from
the district 7udge into the matter.
,he ciDil 7udge of 1unnor suC-diDision court of
4udaun V Pramod 3umar 1angwarV was
accused of sending oCscene S2Ses from his
cellphone to a woman lecturer of &lassic
&ollege of !aw8 4areilly. A lecturer of the same
college8 ViDek 1upta8 was named in the F-%
lodged Cy the Dictim while 1angwarHs name
surfaced in the primary inDestigation.
%egistrar 1eneral $inesh 1upta said8 M,he district
7udge of 4udaun has Ceen asked to
send a detailed report into the allegations.
Appropriate action would Ce taken on the Casis
of the report.N
$istrict Judge Suresh 3umar SriDastaDa said8 M-
haDe asked the 4areilly district police to
send a report aCout the matter. ,he report on the
Casis of the police inFuiry would Ce sent
to the AllahaCad 6igh &ourt %egistrar 1eneral.N
M- am not aware aCout the matter8 as the 4areilly
police did not intimate me Cefore initiating
the proCe against the ciDil 7udge. ,hey should haDe
informed me when they had receiDed
any such complaint8N the 7udge added.
2eanwhile8 4areilly &O -- %a7 3umar8 who is
inDestigating the case8 today recorded the
statement of the Dictim. M- haDe collected the call
details of the cellphone used for sending
the S2Ses8 Cut - haDe yet to get the address of the
person who is suCscriCer of the S-2
card8N he said.
M,he proCe is on to Derify if the accused in the
case were present on the location recorded
in the call details when the S2Ses were sent. ,he
details of the Endings of the
inDestigation would Ce sent to the 4udaun district
court to seek the direction8N the &O
Asked if the inDestigation was earlier conducted
into the matter8 %a7 3umar said8 M,he SP
)&rime+ had initiated proCe into the matter8 Cut -
am not aware if the inDestigation had
reached to any conclusion.N
,he woman lecturer had lodged an F-% at the
2ahila police station on ,hursday alleging
she had receiDed oCscene S2Ses on her cellphone
inDolDing her colleague ViDek 1upta.
,he preliminary inFuiry into the case Cy the police
yesterday had found that the moCile
phone used in the crime Celongs to the ciDil 7udge.

!okayukta5 $& demanded seG from widow

In the midst of a national outrage over former Haryana
DGP SPS Rathore molesting a teenager,
the Karnataka Lokayukta on Saturday made a startling
revelation that the state government was
shielding a top ureau!rat who had demanded se"ual
favours from a young widow#
"o9a&u9ta +ustic# %antosh 7#$d# discos#d that th#
o>cia conc#rn#d' who was th# d#put&
commission#r of on# of th# districts wh#n h# d#mand#d
s#; from th# widow in r#turn for
dischar$in$ his duti#s as pubic s#r,ant' has sinc# b##n
promot#d to a s#nior position.
+ustic# 7#$d#' in th# cours# of an int#raction with
4ournaists at th# -#ccan 7#rad o>c#
%aturda& aft#rnoon' said th# unnam#d widow had dar#d
th# d#put& commission#r and
approach#d th# "o9a&u9taGs o>c# with a compaint
a$ainst th# o>c#r.
En #;amination of th# compaint' th# "o9a&u9ta had
found su>ci#nt $rounds to r#comm#nd to
th# stat# $o,#rnm#nt th# susp#nsion and pros#cution of
th# -* conc#rn#d. :h#
r#comm#ndation was subs#Cu#nt& consid#r#d b& th#
conc#rn#d d#partm#nt h#ad as w# as
th# chi#f s#cr#tar& and both #ndors#d it.
1ut' accordin$ to +ustic# 7#$d#' no action was initiat#d
a$ainst th# -* as th# sam# o>cia who
had #ndors#d th# r#comm#ndation subs#Cu#nt& found
no basis for initiatin$ d#partm#nta action
a$ainst him. !nst#ad' th# o>cia c#ar#d th# -*Gs nam#
for promotion in th# sup#r-sca#.
8r#s#nt&' th# o>cia hods a s#nior position in th#
:h# widow' in h#r at# 20s' had approach#d th# -* with a
r#pr#s#ntation to sort out som#
prob#ms. 1ut sh# was shoc9#d wh#n th# -* d#mand#d
+ustic# 7#$d# did not id#ntif& th# o>cia in Cu#stion or
th# compainant. 3or did h# oF#r to nam#
th# district wh#r# th# o>cia was s#r,in$ as d#put&
commission#r. 1ut th# incid#nt has
happ#n#d som#tim# in th# cours# of ast thr## &#ars as
+ustic# 7#$d# too9 o,#r as th#
"o9a&u9ta in mid-2006.

*-year 7ail term for WdirtyH 7udge

$amily !ourt %udge Ramrao Gangaram &hise attempted to
get se"ual favours from a housewife in
/ami& court 4ud$# 5amrao 6an$aram 1his#Gs att#mpts to
#;tract s#;ua fa,ours' in addition to a
brib#' from a hous#wif#' A9a 6ai9wad R who had sou$ht
an incr#as# in h#r month&
maint#nanc# aowanc# from h#r #stran$#d husband' in
1??7 R pro,#d cost& to him.
8ronouncin$ him $uit& on both counts' th# sp#cia court
h#arin$ anti-corruption bur#au JA*1K
matt#rs s#nt#nc#d him to thr## &#ars ri$orous
imprisonm#nt and a co#cti,# @n# of 5s55' 000'
on Monda&.
Accordin$ to th# /!5 in th# cas# r#$ist#r#d a$ainst 1his#
b& th# A*1' %ur&a9ant 6ai9wad had
@#d for di,orc# from his wif#' A9a' b#for# th# 1andra
fami& court. A9a' a hous#wif#' in turn'
@#d a p#tition s##9in$ mutua cohabitation with h#r
husband. :h# th#n fami& court 4ud$#' M##ra
Lhada99ar' dir#ct#d th# husband to pa& h#r an int#rim
maint#nanc# aowanc# of 5s750 p#r
%ubs#Cu#nt&' in +anuar& 1??7' A9a @#d anoth#r
appication b#for# th# sam# fami& court Jnow
pr#sid#d o,#r b& 1his#K s##9in$ to incr#as# th# month&
maint#nanc# amount to 5s('500. AEn
Ectob#r 27' 1??7' 1his# issu#d an int#rim ord#r'
incr#asin$ th# maint#nanc# aowanc# to
5s2'000 to b# paid b& %ur&a9an to his #stran$#d wif# ti
th# disposa of th# cas#. !mm#diat#&
aft#r issuin$ th# ord#r' 1his# as9#d A9a to m##t him and
$a,# h#r his r#sid#ntia t##phon#
numb#r' as9in$ h#r to ca him wh#n th# court hours
#nd#d. 7# tod h#r that h# woud as9 h#r
husband to pa& h#r a ump sum of 5s2 a9h in addition to
th# month& maint#nanc#' pro,id#d sh#
ca#d him up'B th# /!5 stat#s.
Dh#n sh# ca#d up th# 4ud$# at 7 pm th# sam# da&'
1his# tod h#r that sh# woud ha,# to pa&
him a sum of 5s2'000 in addition to $rantin$ his s#;ua
fa,ours if sh# want#d an ord#r in h#r
fa,our. 7# aso dir#ct#d h#r to m##t him at th# 7a4i Ai
bus stop with th# brib# amount th#
foowin$ #,#nin$.
AA9a approach#d th# A*1' which sou$ht p#rmission from
th# *hi#f +ustic# of th# 1omba& 7i$h
*ourt b#for# a&in$ a trap on th# @rst cass 4udicia
ma$istrat# J1his#K. :h# 7* whi# $rantin$ th#
p#rmission d#si$nat#d a court o>cia to b#ar witn#ss to
th# #,#nts #adin$ to th# trap. A9a'
und#r ,id#o cam#ra sur,#ianc# of A*1 s#uths' aon$
with th# court o>cia and oth#r wom#n
witn#ss#s m#t 1his# at 8.(0 pm at th# 7a4i Ai bus stop.
1his# too9 hod of A9aGs wrist and wh#n
sh# prot#st#d' r#p#at#d his d#mands'B th# /!5 stat#s.
A9a was th#n ta9#n to a n#arb& hot#' %harda' wh#r# th#
4ud$# acc#pt#d th# brib# amount. 1ut
b#for# h# coud do an&thin$ #s#' A*1 s#uths swoop#d in
and arr#st#d him.

%a7asthan 7udge is indicted for seeking seGual

*hi#f +ustic# of !ndia 6 1 8attanai9 r#tir#s toni$ht and h#
do#snGt ha,# much to writ# hom# about
on th# unpr#c#d#nt#d dri,# h# aunch#d to #nforc#
4udicia accountabiit&.
Aft#r th# 88%* scam @asco' r#port#d in :h# !ndian
.;pr#ss toda&' com#s th# cas# of th#
5a4asthan 4ud$# who has b##n indict#d in a s#; scanda
and &#t has #scap#d actionRp#ndin$
anoth#r inCuir&.
En -#c#mb#r 1)' a thr##-4ud$# committ## s#t up b&
8attanai9 con@rm#d th# QQin,o,#m#ntGG of
+ustic# Arun Madan of th# 5a4asthan 7i$h *ourt in a
proposition to a woman doctor to ha,# s#;
with him in #;chan$# for a 4udicia fa,our.
:h# committ##' h#ad#d b& th# *hi#f +ustic# of th# 8un4ab
and 7ar&ana 7i$h *ourt +ustic# 1 L
5o&' submitt#d its r#port to 8attanai9' indictin$ Madan on
a compaint mad# from +odhpur b& th#
woman conc#rn#d' %unita Ma,i&a.
1ut 8attanai9 has not announc#d an& action a$ainst
Madan. Dh#n contact#d b& :h# !ndian
.;pr#ss' 8attanai9 con@rm#d that th# committ## had
indict#d Madan and his QQbad r#putationGG in
s##9in$ s#;ua fa,ours in r#turn for 4udicia on#s.
7ow#,#r' 8attanai9 said that no action was b#in$ ta9#n
sinc# th# committ## had aso m#ntion#d
a#$ations of corruption a$ainst Madan. And so h# had
ord#r#d a furth#r inCuir& b& th# sam#
committ## into th# corruption char$#s.
Dh#n as9#d what h# did with th# indictm#nt of Madan in
th# s#; scanda' 8attanai9 said' QQ:hat
is on hod b#caus# ! coud not ha,# ta9#n pi#c#m#a
action a$ainst himU.! am pra&in$ to 6od
that th# @na r#port wi $i,# som# tan$ib# mat#ria to
ta9# action.GG
7i$h& pac#d sourc#s tod :h# !ndian .;pr#ss that wh#n
th# committ## r#cord#d stat#m#nts ast
w##9 in +odhpur of about (0 p#rsons o,#r four da&s' it
aso cam# to 9now of s#,#ra a#$ations
of corruption a$ainst Madan and anoth#r 4ud$# of th#
sam# hi$h court. :h# committ## put th#s#
on r#cord as w#.
8attanai9 said that wh#n h# summon#d Madan to 3#w
-#hi ast w##9' h# did not rais# th# s#;
scanda issu# and inst#ad imit#d hims#f to sa&in$ that
h# was ord#rin$ a furth#r inCuir& into
corruption a#$ations.
!n #F#ct' 8attanai9 has now pass#d th# 5a4asthan buc9 to
his succ#ssor +ustic# N 3 Lhar#.
:h# $ist of Ma,i&aGs compaint is that Madan mad# a
s#;ua proposition to h#r in Ectob#r
throu$h a d#put& r#$istrar of th# hi$h court' 6o,ind
Lawani' who said that th# 4ud$# woud h#p
h#r' in turn' $#t out of a crimina cas# boo9#d a$ainst h#r.
Dith this' 8attanai9Gs much-tout#d in-hous# 4udicia
accountabiit& s##ms to ha,# hit a wa. :h#
@rst committ##Gs r#port into th# 88%* scam #;on#rat#d
on# 4ud$# d#spit# #,id#nc# and #t two
oth#rs oF with a m#r# sap on th# wrist. :h# third
committ## is now bus& probin$ th# in,o,#m#nt
of 4ud$#s in th# M&sor# s#; scam.

,en reasons why criminals in khaki get away
%iddharth Naradara4an

1#hind #,#r& man i9# %.8.%. 5athor# who abus#s his
authorit& stand th# $#n#ras and
footsodi#rs who h#p and support him. D# n##d to ta9#
th#m a down.
%.8.%. 5athor#' th# crimina form#r top cop of 7ar&ana'
ma& app#ar aon# toda& but w# must
n#,#r for$#t that h# was ab# to $#t awa& with th# s#;ua
mo#station of a &oun$ chid and th#
i#$a harassm#nt of h#r fami& for 1? &#ars b#caus# h#
had hundr#ds of m#n who support#d
him in his #Fort to #,ad# 4ustic#.
:h# fact that th#s# m#n H f#ow poic# o>c#rs'
bur#aucrats' poiticians' aw&#rs' 4ud$#s' schoo
administrators H w#r# wiin$ to b#nd th# s&st#m to
accommodat# a man accus#d of mo#stin$ a
minor sp#a9s ,oum#s for th# mora impo,#rishm#nt of
our #stabishm#nt and countr&. -#c#nt
soci#ti#s shun thos# in,o,#d in s#;ua oF#nc#s a$ainst
chidr#n. .,#n criminas 4ai#d for
Xordinar&M crim#s i9# murd#r tr#at thos# s#r,in$ tim# for
mo#stin$ chidr#n as b#&ond th# pa#.
1ut in !ndia' m#n i9# 5athor# ha,# th#ir us#s for th#ir
mast#rs' so th# s&st#m circ#s its wa$ons
and prot#cts th#m.
:h# *1!Ms app#a ma& #ad to th# #nhanc#m#nt of
5athor#Ms s#nt#nc# and p#rhaps #,#n th#
sappin$ of ab#tm#nt to suicid# char$#s' sinc# his &oun$
,ictim 9i#d h#rs#f to put an #nd to th#
crimina intimidation h#r fami& was b#in$ sub4#ct#d to b&
5athor# and his m#n. 1ut th# s&st#mic
rot which th# cas# has #;pos#d wi not b# r#m#di#d
un#ss sustain#d pubic pr#ssur# is put on
8rim# Minist#r Manmohan %in$h and 0nion 7om# Minist#r
8. *hidambaram' two m#n who ha,#
it in th#ir pow#r to push for simp# r#m#di#s in th# wa&
th# !ndian aw #nforc#m#nt and 4ustic#
d#i,#r& s&st#m wor9s.
/irst' aboish th# n##d for o>cia' i.#. poitica sanction to
pros#cut# bur#aucrats' poic#m#n and
s#curit& forc#s p#rsonn# wh#n th#& ar# accus#d of
committin$ crim#s. :h# ori$ina int#nt b#hind
this buit-in sta&-out-of-4ai card was to prot#ct stat#
functionari#s from acts don# in th# cours# of
dischar$in$ th#ir duti#s in $ood faith. %om#wh#r# aon$
th# in#' this has com# to m#an
prot#ctin$ our custodians of aw and ord#r wh#n th#&
murd#r innoc#nt ci,iians J#$. th# infamous
8anchathan cas# in Lashmir wh#r# th# tria of arm& m#n
indict#d b& th# *1! for murd#rin$ @,#
,ia$#rs in 2000 sti cannot ta9# pac# b#caus# th#
*#ntra $o,#rnm#nt wi not $rant
p#rmissionK' or assaut or mo#st wom#n and chidr#n. 3o
ci,iis#d' d#mocratic soci#t& $rants
such impunit&. !t is dis$ustin$ to s## form#r o>cias and
bur#aucrats from 7ar&ana sa&in$ how
th#& had want#d 5athor# pros#cut#d but w#r# pr#,#nt#d
from doin$ so b#caus# of pr#ssur#.
%uch o>cias shoud #ith#r b# mad# forma& to t#stif& in
a crimina cas# a$ainst th# poiticians
who so pr#ssur#d th#m or th#& shoud th#ms#,#s b#
hau#d up for p#r,#rtin$ th# cours# of
%#cond' stop ta9in$ about how ma9in$ th# poic# and
arm& answ#rab# to th# aw wi som#how
d#morais# th#ir mora#. -o#s an&bod& car# about th#
mora# of ordinar& citiI#ns an& mor#< Er
th# mora# of upri$ht poic# and arm& o>c#rs' who do
not thin9 it is ri$ht for th#ir co#a$u#s to b#
ab# to $#t awa& with crimina acts<
:hird' brin$ an #nd to th# cos& r#ationship b#tw##n th#
poic# and poiticians. 5athor# was
prot#ct#d b& four chi#f minist#rs of 7ar&ana. 7# s#r,#d
th#m and th#& s#r,#d him b& #nsurin$
his unf#tt#r#d ris#. !t is absurd that th# !ndian 8oic# is
sti $o,#rn#d b& a coonia-#ra Act datin$
bac9 to 1861. A numb#r of commissions ha,# mad#
r#comm#ndations for r#formin$ th# poic#
o,#r th# &#arsW but no $o,#rnm#nt or poitica part&
wants to $i,# up its abiit& to us# and misus#
th# poic# for th#ir own b#n#@t
/ourth' #nsur# that poic# o>c#rs who abus# th#ir
authorit& and #n$a$# in maa @d#
pros#cutions ar# dismiss#d from s#r,ic# and s#nt#nc#d to
4ai for a on$ p#riod of tim#. Mr.
*hidambaram shoud us# th# consid#rab# r#sourc#s at
his command to @nd out who w#r# th#
poic#m#n in,o,#d in @in$ 11 bo$us cas#s a$ainst th#
t##na$#d broth#r of th# &oun$ $ir
5athor# mo#st#d. 7# shoud th#n ma9# sur# crimina
proc##din$s ar# initiat#d a$ainst a of
th#m. :h# m#ssa$# must $o out to #,#r& poic#man in
th# countr&: !f &ou abus# th# aw at th#
b#h#st of a sup#rior' &ou wi suF#r #$a cons#Cu#nc#s.
/ifth' #nsur# that crimina char$#s a$ainst aw
#nforc#m#nt p#rsonn# ar# fast-trac9#d as a
matt#r of routin# so that a pow#rfu d#f#ndant is not ab#
to us# his position to d#a& proc##din$s
th# wa& 5athor# did for &#ars on #nd. :h# d#struction or
disapp#aranc# of mat#ria #,id#nc# in
such cas#s must b# tr#at#d as a $ra,# oF#nc# with strict
crimina iabiit& impos#d on th#
indi,idua r#sponsib# for br#a9in$ th# chain of custod&.
%i;th' #mpow#r th# 3ationa 7uman 5i$hts *ommission
with t##th so that poic# d#partm#nts
and stat# $o,#rnm#nts cannot brush asid# th#ir ord#rs as
happ#n#d in th# 5athor# cas#. :his
woud aso r#Cuir# appointin$ to th# 375* wom#n and
m#n who ha,# a pro,#n r#cord of
d#f#ndin$ human ri$hts in th#ir prof#ssiona if#'
som#thin$ that is don# toda& on& in th# br#ach.
:h# attitud# of th# Manmohan %in$h $o,#rnm#nt to this
commission and oth#rs i9# th# 3ationa
*ommission for Dom#n J3*DK and 3ationa *ommission
for Minoriti#s is shoc9in$. Nacanci#s
ar# not @#d for months on #nd.
%#,#nth' #nsur# th# #ar& #nactm#nt of p#ndin$
#$isation broad#nin$ th# ambit of s#;ua
crim#s' incudin$ s#;ua crim#s a$ainst chidr#n. 1#tw##n
rap#' d#@n#d as forc#d p#n#trati,#
s#;' and th# ,a$u#' Nictorian-#ra crim# of Xoutra$in$ th#
mod#st& of a womanM' th# !ndian 8#na
*od# r#co$nis#s no oth#r form of s#;ua ,io#nc#. As a
r#sut' a forms of s#;ua mo#station
and assaut short of rap# attract fair& #ni#nt
punishm#nt' of th# 9ind 5athor# $ot. !n his cas#' th#
4ud$# did not #,#n hand down th# ma;imum s#nt#nc#'
citin$ conc#rns for th# criminaMs a$#.
%ad&' h# did not ta9# into account th# a$# of th# ,ictim
and n#ith#r do#s th# !8*' which fais to
distin$uish b#tw##n Xoutra$in$ th# mod#st&M of an adut
woman and a &oun$ chid.
A draft aw chan$in$ th#s# pro,isions and brin$in$ !ndia
into in# with th# r#st of th# mod#rn
word has b##n p#ndin$ with th# 3*D and "aw Ministr&
for &#ars. 8#rhaps th# $o,#rnm#nt ma&
now b# sham#d into pushin$ it throu$h 8ariam#nt at th#
.i$hth' ta9# st#ps to introduc# a s&st#m of prot#ction of
witn#ss#s and compainants. :h# fat#
that th# fami& of 5athor#Ms &oun$ ,ictim had to #ndur# is
t#stam#nt to th# fact that p#op# who
s##9 4ustic# in !ndia do so at th#ir own p#ri.
3inth' #nsur# that robust int#rro$ation t#chniCu#s i9#
narco-ana&sis' which ar# routin#& us#d
a$ainst oth#r a#$#d criminas' ar# aso #mpo&#d
a$ainst poic# o>c#rs accus#d of crim#s.
:#nth' th# m#dia and th# hi$h#r 4udiciar& must aso turn
th# i$ht inward and as9 th#ms#,#s
wh#th#r th#& w#r# aso d#r#ict in th#ir dut&. :h# 5athor#
cas# did not attract th# 9ind of constant
m#dia att#ntion it d#s#r,#d' nor do oth#r cas#s in,o,in$
s#r,in$ poic# o>c#rs accus#d of
crim#s a$ainst wom#n' wor9#rs' p#asants and minoriti#s.
As for th# upp#r courts' th#ir r#cord is
too patch& to inspir# con@d#nc#. !t was' aft#r a' th# hi$h
court which chos# to disr#$ard th#
*1!Ms r#Cu#st for incudin$ ab#tm#nt to suicid# char$#s.
L#&words: %iddharth Naradara4an' %.8.%.
5athor#' criminas' 9ha9i' form#r -68 of
7ar&ana' custodians' s#;ua ,io#nc#' 375*

PorCandar 7udge accused of dowry harassment

A compaint has b##n @#d a$ainst -istrict and %#ssions
4ud$# of 8orbandar for a#$#d&
harassin$ his dau$ht#r-in-aw for dowr&' poic# said h#r#
on %unda&.
-arshana -a,#' a nati,# of Amr#i' has @#d a compaint
a$ainst h#r husband Linnar' fath#r-inaw
and district 4ud$# Ar,ind -a,#' moth#r-in-aw 8ratibha
and broth#r-in-aw 8rashant' th#
poic# add#d.
-arshana marri#d Linnar two &#ars a$o. 7#r compaint
sa&s that sh# was harass#d from th#
b#$innin$' and was #,#n b#at#n up b& th# husband and
in-aws' who w#r# d#mandin$ 5s 10
a9h as dowr&.
%h# has aso a#$#d that sh# was thrown out of th#
hous# a f#w months bac9' and h#r husband
is now s##9in$ di,orc#' th# poic# said.
Amr#i %up#rint#nd#nt of 8oic# 7 5 Mui&ana con@rm#d
to ha,# r#c#i,#d th# compaint a$ainst
th# 4ud$# and oth#rs. 7# said that action wi b# ta9#n
aft#r ,#rif&in$ th# compaint.
:his is th# s#cond compaint r#at#d to dowr& harassm#nt
@#d a$ainst a 4ud$# in th# stat# in th#
r#c#nt past.
.ari#r' a woman had @#d a compaint a$ainst additiona
s#ssions 4ud$# of +#tpur aft#r h#r
dau$ht#r and th# 4ud$#Ms wif# committ#d suicid#.

1urgaon 7udge to also face dowry harassment

6ur$aonMs *hi#f +udicia Ma$istrat# 5a,n##t 6ar$' boo9#d
for th# murd#r of his wif#' wi aso
fac# dowr& harassm#nt char$#' poic# h#r# said Monda&.
8oic# ha,# issu#d notic#s to th# *+MMs fath#r L.L. 6ar$
and moth#r 5achna 6ar$' who ha,#
aso b##n nam#d in th# dowr& harassm#nt cas#.
:h# *+MMs fath#r r#ach#d h#r# Monda& mornin$ from
7ar&anaMs 8anch9ua town and contact#d
poic#' who want#d to Cu#stion him.
PD# had ca#d *+MMs par#nts...L.L. 6ar$ was Cu#stion#d
b& sp#cia in,#sti$ation t#am J%!:K'P
6ur$aon 8oic# *ommission#r Ao9 Mitta said.
Mitta said on th# basis of writt#n compaint @#d b& th#
par#nts of th# *+MMs wif# 6##tan4ai'
p#na s#ctions of dowr& harassm#nt and #;tra-marita
aFair w#r# incud#d in th# /!5 od$#d
a$ainst th# *+M %aturda&.
6##tan4ai' 2)' bor# thr## bu#t wounds - on h#r chin'
ch#st and stomach - but no bu#ts w#r#
found in h#r bod& that was r#co,#r#d h#r# :hursda&. :h#
*+MMs ic#ns#d @r#arm was found n#ar
th# bod&' poic# said.
Mitta said two bu#ts w#r# s#iI#d from th# sc#n# of
crim# and woud b# s#nt for baistic
#;amination Monda&' a da& aft#r baistic #;p#rts
#;amin#d th# crim# spot.
P:h# %!: %unda& Cu#stion#d two wom#n r#ati,#s of
5a,n##t 6ar$ for hours at his $o,#rnm#nt
aott#d hous# h#r# in th# E>c#rs *oon&'P said Mitta.
PD# ha,# as9#d *+M to produc# supportin$ #,id#nc#s to
pro,# his stat#m#nt'P h# said.
:h# *+M a#$#d& said that his dri,#r and dom#stic h#p
ma& throw som# i$ht on his wif#Ms
+ud$# 6ar$Ms in-aws a#$#d that two cars w#r# pro,id#d
to th# accus#d on his and his fami&Ms
d#mand. 5s.2 a9h w#r# aso d#i,#r#d to him at th# tim#
of th# admission of his dau$ht#rs in
schoo in Ma&.
6##tan4aiMs broth#r 8rad##p A$$arwa %aturda& od$#d a
@rst information r#port a$ainst 6ar$
and his par#nts' accusin$ th#m of murd#r.
P5a,n##t and 6##tan4ai $ot marri#d in 3o,#mb#r 2007.
.,#r&thin$ was @n# for a f#w &#ars but
th# attitud# of 5a,n##t and his par#nts towards
6##tan4ai start#d chan$in$ aft#r sh# d#i,#r#d
two bab& $irs Jnow a$#d around four and a haf and
thr## &#arsK'P A$$arwa said in his
7# d#mand#d a prob# b& th# *#ntra 1ur#au of
!n,#sti$ation J*1!K into his sist#rMs murd#r.

seGual harassment5 -ntern moDes S& for inFuiry
against Justice Swatanter 3umar

#ew $elhi5 A form#r aw int#rn' who has mad# s#;ua
harassm#nt a#$ations a$ainst +ustic# %watant#r Lumar'
toda& mo,#d th# %upr#m# *ourt s##9in$ inCuir& a$ainst
th# r#tir#d 4ud$#.
A b#nch h#ad#d b& *hi#f +ustic# 8 %athasi,am' b#for#
whom th# matt#r was m#ntion#d for ur$#nt h#arin$'
a$r##d to ta9# up th# cas# on +anuar& 15.
:h# int#rn' in th# p#tition' cha#n$#d th# ap#; courtMs
-#c#mb#r 5' 201( fu court r#soution in which it was
d#cid#d that no compaint a$ainst its r#tir#d 4ud$#s wi
b# #nt#rtain#d.

:h# p#tition#r aso submitt#d that a prop#r forum b#
constitut#d to conduct inCuir& in such cas#s and h#r
compaint b# aso oo9#d into b& th# ap#; court i9# it was
don# in th# cas# of s#;ua harassm#nt a#$ations a$ainst
+ustic# Jr#tdK A L 6an$u&.
:h# int#rn has mad# +ustic# Lumar' %#cr#tar& 6#n#ra of
th# %upr#m# *ourt and 0nion of !ndia parti#s in th# cas#.
%h# submitt#d that +ustic# Lumar was a sittin$ 4ud$# at
th# tim# of th# a#$#d incid#nt and th# ap#; court must
oo9 into th# compaint as p#r Nisha9a $uid#in#s.
+ustic# Lumar' who is curr#nt& h#adin$ th# 3ationa
6r##n :ribuna' has d#scrib#d th# a#$ations as
Pincr#duous and fas#P and Psom# 9ind of conspirac&P.

-4 conErms 2ysore %oost %esort seG scandal

:h# !nt#i$#nc# 1ur#au has pro,id#d th# *#ntr# with a
d#tai#d account of th# #scapad#
in,o,in$ thr## Larnata9a 7i$h *ourt 4ud$#s on
3o,#mb#r ( in a r#sort on th# outs9irts of
M&sor#' hi$h& pac#d sourc#s tod :h# :im#s of !ndia on
Accordin$ to a s#nior o>cia' AMost of th# information
sou$ht has not on& con@rm#d th# ,#racit&
of th# incid#nt but th# $o,#rnm#nt has crossch#c9#d it
with anoth#r poic# a$#nc&. 1oth th#
r#ports match.B
:h# incid#nt was wid#& r#port#d in th# m#dia. Dhat has
surpris#d th# *#ntr# is th# Ado$$#d
r#fusaB of th# Larnata9a poic# to con@rm th# incid#nt.
AM&sor# 8oic# *ommission#r *.
*handras#9har @rst d#ni#d that th# incid#nt #,#r too9
pac#. En& wh#n a pubic notic# was
issu#d throu$h th# hi$h court r#$istrar s##9in$
information on th# M&sor# scanda' did th# facts
com# out in th# op#n. 8ubic prot#st h#p#d a ot'B sa&s
th# sourc#.
Dhat transpir#d at th# r#sort' sa&s th# sourc#' Acannot b#
#;p#ct#d from an&on# in ci,i soci#t&'
#a,# aon# p#rsons sworn to uphodin$ th# awB.
Accordin$ to him' A:h# !1 r#port consists of
unm#ntionab# facts and aso ma9#s it amp& c#ar that
th# M&sor# incid#nt is not th# @rst tim#
such thin$s ha,# happ#n#d. *an an&on# #;p#ct
uphod#rs of th# aw to pic9 a @$ht with p#op#
who compain#d to th# poic# wh#n cau$ht in a
compromisin$ position<B
!n a r#at#d d#,#opm#nt' Larnata9a 7i$h *ourt *hi#f
+ustic# 3.L. +ain has writt#n to *hi#f
+ustic# of !ndia +ustic# 6.1. 8attanai9 as9in$ that thr##
4ud$#s b# transf#rr#d. +ain has propos#d
that +ustic# 3.%. N##rabhadraiah b# transf#rr#d to th#
8atna 7i$h *ourt' +ustic#
*handras#9haraiah to +ammu 2 Lashmir and +ustic# N.
6opaa 6owda to th# 6auhati 7i$h
Dhi# +ain is und#rstood not to ha,# $i,#n an& r#asons'
hi$h& pac#d sourc#s sa& th# proposa
for transf#rs is in9#d to th# M&sor# incid#nt.
7ow#,#r' th# sourc# sa&s that now th# $o,#rnm#nt is
worri#d about th# appropriat# Ar#m#dia
m#asur#sB. !n such cas#s' transf#rrin$ a 4ud$# to a
r#mot# hi$h court do#snGt awa&s wor9. 7#
sa&s' A1ar associations and th# p#op# of north#ast#rn
stat#s w#r# up in arms wh#n som#
4ud$#s of th# 8un4ab and 7ar&ana hi$h courts w#r#
transf#rr#d th#r#. D# #;p#ct simiar prot#sts
if th# *+! acc#pts +ustic# +ainGs proposa to transf#r th#
thr## 4ud$#s of th# Larnata9a 7i$h
:h# 1ar *ounci of !ndia on /rida&' whi# #;pr#ssin$ its
an$uish at th# Larnata9a incid#nt' ca#d
for Afoow-up actionB.
A0n#ss prompt and appropriat# action is ta9#n' it wi
#rod# th# faith of pubic in th# on&
institution consid#r#d to b# th# bastion of our @$htin$
faith in d#mocrac&'B it said in a stat#m#nt.
:h# 1*! has Aam#nt#dB inaction in this cas# b& Ath#
hi$h#r 4udiciar& and th# $o,#rnm#ntB.

5#ad mor#: !1 con@rms M&sor# s#; scanda H :h# :im#s
of !ndia$aor#/!1-
s#;scanda/artic#show/2?801662.cmsYi;II1178t,/d0 '

5#ad fu d#tais in th# attachm#nt

Panel names former -ndia Supreme &ourt 7udge
1anguly in seG harassment allegation

%hoc9#d' shatt#r#d b& a#$ations: form#r %upr#m# *ourt
4ud$# 6an$u&
3#w -#hi: A thr##-m#mb#r pan# that prob#d th# char$#
of s#;ua harassm#nt of a &oun$ aw&#r b& a %upr#m#
*ourt 4ud$# has submitt#d its r#port' id#ntif&in$ th# 4ud$#
as A L 6an$u&' court sourc#s said on /rida&.
:h# r#port was submitt#d on :hursda& aft#r th#
committ## of thr## 4ud$#s m#t si; tim#s. :his is th# @rst
tim# an a#$#d p#rp#trator has b##n nam#d.
:h# r#port' submitt#d to *hi#f +ustic# 8 %athasi,am' aso
carri#s th# stat#m#nts of th# ,ictim' who int#rn#d in th#
%upr#m# *ourt' and that of th# now-r#tir#d +ustic#
6an$u&' th# sourc#s said.
:h# $raduat# of Lo9ata-bas#d 3ationa 0ni,#rsit& of
+udicia %ci#nc#s J30+%K had a#$#d s#;ua harassm#nt
b& 6an$u& whi# int#rnin$ for him in -#c#mb#r 2012.
:h# committ##' which h#d si; sittin$s on 3o,#mb#r 1('
1?' 21' 26' and 27' submitt#d its r#port to *hi#f +ustic#
%athasi,am on 3o,#mb#r 28.
:h# ,ictim app#ar#d b#for# th# committ## on 3o,#mb#r
1? and was #;p#ct#d to app#ar a$ain on 3o,#mb#r 21
but chos# to sta& awa&.
%h# @rst m#ntion#d th# incid#nt in a bo$ for +ourna of
!ndian "aw and %oci#t& on 3o,#mb#r 6 and at#r tod th#
sam# in an int#r,i#w with "#$a& !ndia w#bsit#.
:h# ,ictim' who is wor9in$ with 3atura +ustic#: "aw&#rs
for *ommuniti#s and .n,ironm#nt' said sh# h#ard that
th#r# w#r# thr## oth#r $irs b#sid#s h#r who w#r#
s#;ua& harass#d b& th# sam# 4ud$#.
%h# aso caim#d to ha,# 9now#d$# of four mor# $irs
who w#r# a#$#d& harass#d b& oth#r 4ud$#s in th#ir
-#n&in$ an& s#;ua harassm#nt' 6an$u& on /rida& said
h# was Ashoc9#d and shatt#r#dB b& th# char$#s a$ainst
A! am d#n&in$ #,#r&thin$. ! ha,# tod th# committ## that
a th# a#$ations #,##d b& th# int#rn ar# wron$. ! donGt
9now how such a#$ations ha,# b##n #,##d a$ainst
m#'B h# said.
A! am a ,ictim of situations'B h# tod t##,ision chann#s.
A! am not asham#d of an&thin$'B h# said in r#p& to a
Cu#stion r#$ardin$ th# a#$#d #pisod# which cam# out in
pubic aft#r th# ,ictim spo9# about it in th# #$a porta
#ari#r this month.
7# said th# char$#s a$ainst him w#r# tota& wron$. :h#
$ir had not rais#d an& s#;ua harassm#nt issu# with him'
h# said' addin$ that h# had not don# an& ph&sica harm
to h#r.
:h# form#r 4ud$# said th# int#rn wor9#d with him thou$h
sh# was not o>cia& aocat#d to him. %h# cam# in th#
pac# of anoth#r int#rn who had $on# abroad aft#r
marria$#. A! n#,#r put up a post#r. %h# cam# on h#r
7# said th# $ir had com# to his hous# on a numb#r of
occasions in conn#ction with wor9.

%uchika 1irhotra case5 Family giDes up Eght
against eG-6aryana $1P
A4a& %ura' :33 \ +un 2' 2012' 0).0?8M !%:

*7A3-!6A57: :h# fami& of 5uchi9a 6irhotra' a minor $ir
who a#$#d& committ#d suicid# aft#r mo#station b&
form#r 7ar&ana dir#ctor $#n#ra of poic# J-68K %8%
5athor#' has $i,#n up its @$ht for 4ustic# in th# court of
aw aft#r 22 &#ars.
:h# sp#cia *1! court 8anch9ua on /rida& acc#pt#d th#
cosur# r#port submitt#d b& th# *#ntra 1ur#au of
!n,#sti$ation J*1!K in two cas#s - att#mpt to murd#r and
for$#r& of docum#nts- @#d a$ainst form#r 7ar&ana -68
%8% 5athor#.
5uchi9aMs fath#r %ubhash and broth#r Ashu rais#d no
ob4#ction to th# cosur# r#port.

Admittin$ that h# was not in a position to pursu# th#
matt#r furth#r' %ubhash said' P! do not s## an& hop# now.
D# f## ch#at#d. M& fami& is ,un#rab#. :h#
circumstanc#s ha,# push#d us bac9 b& 20 &#ars.P
PDh#n 5athor# was con,ict#d in 200?' ! m#t union hom#
minist#r 8 * *hidambaram who assur#d m# of 4ustic#. !
thou$ht tim# and s&st#m had chan$#d and dar#d to
mo,# fr#sh compaints a$ainst 5athor#.P En +anuar& 12'
2010 th# *1! r#$ist#r#d thr## fr#sh /!5s a$ainst 5athor# -
att#mpt to murd#r' ab#tm#nt to suicid# and doctorin$ of
docum#nts. 7ow#,#r' in 3o,#mb#r 2010' th# *1!
submitt#d th# cosur# r#port in two cas#s. :h# cosur#
r#port was acc#pt#d b& th# court on /rida&.
P1ut now aft#r @ndin$ that th# s&st#m cannot b#
chan$#d' w# d#cid#d not to pursu# it furth#r'P 6irhotra
5uchi9aMs disiusion#d fath#r said that h# had pr#s#nt#d
a ot of mat#ria and som# witn#ss#s r#at#d to th# fr#sh
cas#s b#for# th# a$#nc&. P1ut th# a$#nc& was adamant
on cosin$ th# cas#.P
%ubhash forc#d his son and fami& into #;i# aft#r
5uchi9aMs d#ath' f#arin$ furth#r harassm#nt at th# hands
of th# form#r -68. -urin$ this p#riod' th# fami& shift#d
b#tw##n s#,#ra citi#s and r#turn#d to 8anch9ua man&
&#ars at#r on& to #ad an inconspicuous if#.
:h# third cas# a$ainst 5athor#- ab#tm#nt to suicid# - is
sti p#ndin$. :h# *1! coud not @# an& r#port as th#
8un4ab and 7ar&ana hi$h court has ord#r#d status Cuo on
it. 1#sid#s 5athor#' form#r Ambaa %8 L8 %in$h' sub-
insp#ctor 8r#m -utt and assistant sub-insp#ctors +ai
3ara&an and %#wa %in$h w#r# aso nam#d in th# /!5.
!n its cosur# r#port' th# *1! has said that th# a#$ations
#,##d b& %ubhash 6irhotra and his son Ashu a$ainst
5athor# w#r# unfound#d. :h# *1! aso caim#d that th#
a#$ations coud not b# substantiat#d Pas p#r th#
docum#ntar& #,id#nc# and ora t#stimon& of witn#ss#s.P
%uchika &ase---,imeline
Au$ust 12' 1??0-- %8% 5athor#' th#n !6 and 8r#sid#nt'
7ar&ana "awn :#nnis Association J7":AK mo#st#d
%#pt#mb#r 1??0--5uchi9a #;p##d from schoo for
Mindiscipin#M foowin$ h#r a#$ations a$ainst 5athor#
%#pt#mb#r (' 1??0-- An !nCuir& r#port indicts 5athor#
Ectob#r 2(' 1??(-- 5uchi9aMs broth#r arr#st#d in s#,#ra
th#ft cas#s
-#c#mb#r 28' 1??(-- 5uchi9a consum#d poisonous
-#c#mb#r 2?' 1??(-- 5uchi9a di#d
Au$ust 21' 1??8-- 7i$h *ourt dir#cts *1! to conduct
-#c#mb#r 21' 200?-- *1! court s#nt#nc#d si; monthsM
ri$orous imprisonm#nt to 5athor#
+anuar& 12' 2010-- *1! r#$ist#r#d thr## fr#sh /!5s #,#in$
char$#s of att#mpt to murd#r' ab#tm#nt to suicid# and
doctorin$ docum#nts
3o,#mb#r 10' 2010-- *1! @#d cosur#

/i$htin$ %#;ua Nio#nc# !n A *ountr& Dhos# 8oic#
-o#snGt 5#spond :o -istr#ss *as
4y Samar

:h# cas w#r# not $#ttin$ answ#r#d' not a sin$# on# of
th#m. :h# fri#nd was r#countin$ th# ta# of a f#ma#
fri#nd h#d hosta$# b& som# p#op# in h#r own hous#
with horror. ! was cain$ th# %#nior %up#rint#nd#nt of
8oic# and oth#r o>c#rs' district administration' th# oca
poic# station. .,#r& passin$ minut# was s#ndin$ shi,#rs
down m& spin#' h# continu#d.
Dorst was th# r#spons# of th# poic# station wh#r# fu
rin$s w#nt with nobod& answ#rin$ th#m. Dhat for th#s#
poic# stations ar# if th#& cannot r#spond to such
#m#r$#nci#s< :h# stor&' in short' was ##ri& simiar to
count#ss oth#r stori#s of bodi#s of wom#n b#in$ turn#d
into th# sit# of QhonourG and batt#s for th# sam#. :h#
&oun$#r broth#r of th# woman in this cas# had marri#d a
$ir out of o,# and th#n th# coup# #op#d for saf#t&. :h#
cas# did not in,o,# an& cast# con=icts' ironica&' as both
of th#m b#on$#d to th# sam# cast#. !t was th# $irGs
d#cision to choos# h#r if# partn#r on h#r own that had
ir9#d th# fami& m#mb#rs' s#f-d#si$nat#d custodians of
th# $ir in an& patriarcha soci#t&. !t was this th#& want#d
to a,#n$# and had' th#r#for#' and#d on th# womanGs
hous# in th# d#ad of th# ni$ht and h#d h#r hosta$#.
:h#& had aso con@scat#d h#r phon#s for stoppin$ h#r
from s##9in$ an& h#p. %h# was as9#d to t# wh#r# th#
coup# was and thr#at#n#d with rap# and $#ttin$ parad#d
na9#d if sh# did not. %h#' in fact' did not 9now. O#t' sh#
as9#d for h#r phon# on th# #;cus# that a fri#nd mi$ht
9now th# coup#Gs ocation and sh# wi as9 h#r. :hat is
how th# fri#nd ! was ta9in$ to cam# to 9now about th#
incid#nt. %h#' in turn' tri#d to contact #,#r& possib#
p#rson who coud h#p startin$ with th# oca poic#.
As ! said b#for#' th# poic# did not answ#r th# cas #,#n
onc# #a,in$ h#r =ummo;#d. :h#n sh# start#d contactin$
h#r fri#nds in m#dia and wom#nGs mo,#m#nt who coud'
@na&' r#ach th# poic# and ma9# th#m act. :h# hosta$#
situation was bro9#n n#;t mornin$ aft#r hours on$ ord#a
for th# woman. . :han9fu&' sh# was r#scu#d b#for#
$#ttin$ ,ioat#d d#spit# b#in$ 9#pt in i#$a con@n#m#nt.
:hat too' it bro9# b#caus# th# woman was w# conn#ct#d
and h#r fri#nd coud r#ach p#op# in positions of h#pin$
Dhat woud happ#n to an ordinar& woman with no such
contacts is an&bod&Gs $u#ss.
:his happ#n#d in a countr& which saw a nationa
outpourin$ of an$#r a$ainst ,io#nc# a$ainst wom#n aft#r
bruta $an$ rap# and subs#Cu#nt d#ath of a &oun$ $ir in
-#hi ast -#c#mb#r. :h# popuar prot#sts had sha9#n th#
$o,#rnm#nt of th# da& into action and it cam# up with
n#w aws a$ainst rap# and promis#d h#i$ht#n#d s#curit&
for wom#n across !ndia. :hat th# chan$#s w#r# cosm#tic
$#ts b#tra&#d b& stori#s aft#r stori#s of ,io#nc# a$ainst
wom#n b#in$ committ#d in th# countr&. 0ttar 8rad#sh'
most popuous pro,inc# of th# countr& has b##n in n#ws
for spat# of $an$ rap#s and murd#rs. Madh&a 8rad#sh
which has not b##n in n#ws d#spit# p#rformin$ wors# is
o>cia& ac9now#d$#d rap# capita of th# countr&. .,#n
pac#s which w#r# consid#r#d saf#r for wom#n in th# past
ha,# s##n a ris# in incid#nts of s#;ua ,io#nc#. Mumbai'
for instanc#' witn#ss#d a pass#n$#r attac9in$ a f#ma#
bus conductor and t#arin$ h#r coth#s in broad da&i$ht.
:h# n#w aw' #,id#nt&' has not wor9#d on th# $round. !t
wi not for aws' how#,#r $ood' n##d institutions to wor9
and if institution ar# d#funct and/or d#,iant th#& ar#
bound to fai. Dhat aw can sa,# a woman if th# poic#
woud not do as much as ta9in$ a distr#ss ca< Dhat aw
woud sa,# som#on# from $#ttin$ rap#d if sh# is h#d
hosta$# for hours in h#r own hous#< Dhat aw woud sa,#
a $ir wantin$ to marr& out of h#r own choic# if th# poic#
cannot oF#r as much as prot#ction to h#r< :h# countr&
has s##n cas#s of Lhap 8ancha&ats Jcast# councisK 9iin$
coup# ha,in$ poic# prot#ction and th#n thr#at#nin$ th#
4ud$# who s#nt#nc#d thos# r#sponsib#. !nt#r#stin$&' th#
oca poic# did not b##f up th# s#curit& co,#r for th#
4ud$# d#spit# h#r r#p#at#d p#as as th#& w#r# hand in
$o,#s with th# murd#r#rs.
!ntroducin$ n#w#r' harsh#r aws is not $oin$ to curb
s#;ua ,io#nc# in !ndia. En& thin$ that can is radica
r#structurin$ of th# crimina 4ustic# s&st#m b& ma9in$ it
r#sponsi,# and r#sponsib#. 7a,in$ d#dicat#d t#ams to
r#spond to #m#r$#nci#s mi$ht b# a b#$innin$ but unti
and un#ss impartia in,#sti$ations #ndin$ in sp##d&
con,ictions b#com# th# norm' nothin$ wi chan$# on th#
:i th#n' w# can ma9# do poic# stations which do not
r#spond to distr#ss cas.

%ethinking %ule Of !aw -n ,he ,imes Of %ape 4id
On A Judge
4y Samar

An att#mpt to rap# a 4ud$#' that too in +ud$#sG *ompound
in Ai$arh which r#mains und#r tw#nt& four hour ,i$i of
th# 8ro,incia Arm#d *onstabuar& sp#a9s ,oum#s about
th# status of aw and ord#r in 0ttar 8rad#sh' th# most
popuous stat# of !ndia. Dho wi b# saf# on th# str##ts
wh#n #,#n a 4ud$# is not spar#d b& th# rapists< 3o on#'
in fact is' as #,id#nc#d b& th# r#c#nt spat# of incid#nts of
s#;ua ,io#nc# a$ainst wom#n from mar$inais#d and
disposs#ss#d bac9$rounds. :h# $ru#som# $an$ rap# and
murd#r of two minors in 1adaun' th# most $hast& of
th#m' has caus#d a nationa outra$# 4ust a f#w da&s
b#for# this incid#nt. :h# braI#n attac9 on th# moth#r of a
rap# sur,i,or in ord#r to forc# h#r to withdraw th#
compaint a$ainst th# accus#d' curr#nt& in 4ai' in n#arb&
.tah was anoth#r $arin$ #;amp# of tota coaps# of ru#
of aw in 0ttar 8rad#sh.
%ad&' th# stat# has n#,#r b##n 9nown for maintainin$
#,#n aw and ord#r' for$#t #nforcin$ ru# of aw. !t has
rath#r had th# dubious distinction of b#in$ th# pro,#rbia
1ad "ands' th# countr&sid# run b& mi$ht and not b&
ru#boo9s. Dith both poitica and bur#aucratic #ad#rship
osciatin$ b#tw##n th# d#nia to dod$in$ mod#' th#
r#c#nt cas#s of s#;ua assauts ha,# m#r#& r#inforc#d
th# ima$#. :hin9 of a *hi#f Minist#r sa&in$ that rap#s
w#r# common and a 6oo$# s#arch woud r#turn man&
A1adaun i9# incid#ntsG. :hin9 of his fath#r' a form#r chi#f
minist#r and curr#nt pariam#ntarian' t#rmin$ rap# as
minor mista9#. :h# -ir#ctor 6#n#ra of 8oic# of th# stat#'
how#,#r' too9 th# crown b& 4ustif&in$ th# incid#nts of
rap# as QnormaG in a stat# of th# siI# and popuation of
0ttar 8rad#sh.
:h#r# w#r# oth#rs' ar$#& in th# s#cuar ib#ra
int#i$#ntsia of th# countr&' who saw a poitica
conspirac& hatch#d b& th# 7indu ri$ht b#hind d#famin$
th# stat#. :h#& cam# up' ri$ht&' with th# data from th#
3ationa *rim# 5#cords 1ur#au that shows Madh&a
8rad#sh as th# rap# capita of !ndia and rais#d Cu#stions
o,#r th# undu# scrutin& of 0ttar 8rad#sh. :h#
int#i$#ntsia' unfortunat#&' s##ms to ha,# $ot it wron$
onc# a$ain' @rst tim# b#in$ its si#nc# on th# cas#s wh#r#
,ictims cam# from disposs#ss#d and mar$inais#d
communiti#s. :h# ac9 of outra$# o,#r s#;ua ,io#nc#
a$ainst wom#n from -ait' triba' minoriti#s and oth#r
such communiti#s unti th# cas#s ar# r#a& $or&' as
1adaun was' has #d to a s#ction of p#op# osin$ faith in
th#m' it woud do b#tt#r not to os# a.
:h# Cu#stion' how#,#r' is if th# faiur# of a stat# in
pro,idin$ s#curit& to its wom#n can b# us#d as an #;cus#
to d#f#nd th# tota coaps# of ru# of aw in anoth#r<
%houd not a sin$# cas# of rap# b# horrif&in$ #nou$h for
th# stat# to wa9# up and @; th# s&st#m< *an a stat#
r#a& ta9# r#fu$# in comp#titi,# statistics and shir9 from
its r#sponsibiit& of maintainin$ aw and ord#r' at #ast<
:his is #;act& wh#r# that th# $o,#rnm#nt of 0ttar
8rad#sh has fai#d and fai#d absout#&. :hatGs not
biIarr# if on# s##s th# numb#r of criminas in it ri$ht from
its ran9s and @#s to th# ministr&. Aft#r a' th# stat# has a
dubious distinction of s##9in$ th# withdrawa of rap#
char$#s a$ainst a minist#r in Qpubic int#r#stG.
!t is in this cont#;t that th# rap# att#mpt on a sittin$
4ud$# must b# s##n as a wa9#up ca for both th#
citiI#nr& and th# stat#. 3o p#op# can i,# in p#rp#tua
f#ar of ,io#nc# a$ainst wom#n and stat#Ms inaction wi
m#r#& incr#as# both ,i$iantism and contro of th#
mobiit& of wom#n in th# nam# of saf#t&' a dan$#rous
thin$ for a d#mocrac&. 8arr&in$ awa& th# Cu#stions o,#r
th# stat# of $o,#rnanc# in 0ttar 8rad#sh is not $oin$ to
s#r,# an& purpos#' on& brin$in$ th# criminas to 4ustic#
wi. :h# stat# $o,#rnm#nt must #nsur# sp##d& and
impartia 4ustic# to th# ,ictims and th#ir famii#s to
r#stor# th#ir faith in th# s&st#m.
APPA! "#$% S& '( )*+ OF %,- A&, .//0 OF
1OV%#2#, OF -#$-A & 1OV%#2#, OF
%ef 5
$POJ;;./':;//0*' %,- First Appeal sent Dia
APP!-&A,-O# FO% -#FO%2A,-O# AS P% %,- A&,
) S %"! .. OF %,- A&, .//0 +

%,- First Appeal 4efore 5
Shri . 2.3. 6an7ura 8
%egistrar & %,- First Appellate Authority 8
Supreme &ourt of -ndia 8
#ew $elhi .

F"!! #A2 OF ,6 APP!-&A#, 5 #A1A%AJA.2.%.

A$$%SS OF ,6 APP!-&A#, 5 #A1A%AJA.2.%.8
$-,O% 8 SOS -VO-& J"S,-& & SOS -&!A%-O#
OF $A!-, 8
= !-1-. ; <9'8 OPP >A,% >O%3S OFF-&8
6"$&O F-%S, S,A18 !A?2-3A#,A#A1A%8
644A!8 2@SO% 8 3A%#A,A3A P-# A 0<//'<.

At the outset 8 we eGpress our whole hearted
respects to the honest few puClic serDants in
puClic serDice including 7udiciary. 6oweDer8 the
corrupt in puClic serDice donHt deserDe respect as
indiDiduals A as they are parasites in our legal
system. Still we respect the chairs they occupy Cut
not the corrupt indiDiduals.

All the following articles ; issues 8 whole articles
puClished in the weClinks mentioned Celow forms
part of this appeal. ,he term MJ"$1Nmentioned
throught includes all puClic serDants discharging
7udicial functions right from taluk magistrates 8
Fuasi-7udicial oOcers to &hief Justice of -ndia.

-ndian !egal ; Judicial System is manipulated at
Darious stages & is for sale. -t is a S6A2. ,he
persons who raise their Doice seeking 7ustice are
silenced in many ways. ,he criminal neGus has
already attempted to silence me in many ways . -f
anything untoward happens to me or to my family
memCers 8 my dependents 8 6onouraCle &hief
Justice of -ndia together with 7urisdictional police
oOcer will Ce responsiCle for it.

6ereCy8 we do once again oPer our conditional
serDices to the honouraCle supreme court of -ndia
& other goDernment authorities8 in apprehending
criminals including corrupt 7udges & police.
6erewith 8 we once again appeal to the
honouraCle supreme court of -ndia 8 to consider
this as a P-! Appeal in puClic interest.

,he puClic serDants & the goDernment must Ce role
models in law aCiding acts 8 for others to emulate
& follow. if a student makes a mistake it is
eGcusaCle & can Ce corrected Cy the teacher. if the
teacher himself makes a mistake 8 all his students
will do the same mistake. if a thief steals 8 he can
Ce caught 8 legally punished & reformed . if a
police himself commits crime 8 many thieDes go
scot- free under his patronage. eDen if a police 8
puClic serDant commits a crime 8 he can Ce legally
prosecuted & 7ustice can Ce sought Cy the
aggrieDed. 7ust think 8 if a 7udge himself that too
of apeG court of the land itself commits crime -
Diolations of %,- Act 8 constitutional rights &
human rights of puClic and oCstructs the puClic
from performing their constitutional fundamental
duties 8 what happens S it giDes a Cooster dose to
the rich & mighty 8 those in power 8 criminals in
puClic serDice to committ more crimes. that is
eGactly what is happenning in india. the educated
puClic must raise to the occassion & peacefully 8
democratically must oppose this criminalisation of
7udiciary 8 puClic serDice. then alone 8 we can Cuild
a %A2 %AJ@A OF 2A6A,2A 1A#$6-TS $%A2.

.idl$ go t*roug* t*e ,ollo/ig articles 0 +ro1ide
justice #$ gi1ig co"+lete trut*,ul i,or"atio to
us 2 #$ +u#licl$ as/erig t*e ,ollo/ig
3uestioaire i a ua"#iguous "aer.

4*e costitutio o, Idia *as +rescri#ed certai
5&N'AMEN4A6 '&4IE) to eac* citi7es o, Idia. It
is t*e dut$ o, e1er$ citi7e to +rotect 0 u+*old t*e
digit$ 2 *oour o, our de"ocratic istitutios 2 to
+rotect our atioal itegrit$ 2 to res+ect 0 +rotect
t*e rig*ts o, our ,ello/ citi7es. No costitutioal
aut*orit$ *as t*e rig*t to o#struct t*e disc*arge
o, t*ese duties #$ citi7es o, Idia. No legal
+ri1ileges o, costitutioal ,uctioaries is
su+erior o1er t*e 5&N'AMEN4A6 '&4IE) 85
9I4I:EN;) 85 IN'IA.
!e eed rig*ts to +er,or" our duties. 9ostitutio
o, Idia *as guarateed t*ose rig*ts as
5&N'AMEN4A6 RI(<4) to all citi7es o, Idia 0 #$
#irt* itsel, e1er$oe o, us *as secured <&MAN
RI(<4) as idi1iduals. 4o e=+ress oursel1es 2 /e
eed i,or"atio 2 data ,eed #ac> 2 to ascertai
/*et*er /e are gettig e3ual o++ortuit$ 2
/*et*er /e are gettig e3uita#le justice 2 etc 2 /e
eed i,or"atio . so 2
#asicall$ Rig*t 4o I,or"atio is a ialiea#le
+art o, our ,uda"etal rig*ts 0 *u"a rig*ts.
!*at R4I Act *as doe is ?=ed ti"e li"it 2
res+osi#ilities o, +u#lic ser1ats u+ to certai
e=tet. <o/e1er t*e citi7e;s ,uda"etal rig*t 0
*u"a rig*t to see> i,or"atio e=teds ,ar
#e$od t*e sco+e o, R4I Act.
<ere#$ 2 /e see> co"+lete trut*,ul i,or"atio
,ro" su+re"e court o, Idia 2 /it* res+ect to "$
R4I a++licatio a++eal. <ERE@A 2 !E ARE 8N6A
)EE.IN( A998&N4A@I6I4A 85 B&@6I9 )ERVAN4)
IN B&@6I9 IN4ERE)4 0 %&)4I9E. <ere#$ 2 /e
re3uest $ou to register t*is a++eal as a BI6
+etitio 0 to ascertai t*e stad o, a+e= court o
1arious "atters raised i "$ R4I A++licatio 2 i
+u#lic iterest 0 e3uita#le justice.

>e salute honest few in puClic serDice 8 Judiciary 8
police 8 parliament & state legislatiDe assemClies.
our whole hearted respects to them. 6%4@ 8 -
$O 6"24!@ %I"S, @O" ,O 1-V 2 >%-,,#
S,A,2#,S ; A#S>%S ,O ,6 FO!!O>-#1
I"S,-O#S A >6-&6 -# -,S!F ) ie answers + A%
,6 -#FO%2A,-O# SO"16, 4@ 2. 6% >-,6 -
A2 S3-#1 #O, ,6 OP-#-O#S A4O", SO2
6@PO,6,-&A! -SS"S 8 4", @O"% OFF-&-A! S,A#$
8 !1A! S,A#$ O# -SS"S >6-&6 A% OF
F%I"#, O&&"%%#& >6-&6 A% V-O!A,-#1
POP!HS F"#$A2#,A! %-16,S & 6"2A#
%-16,S. > $O 6AV 6-16S, %SP&,S FO%
J"$-&-A%@ & A!! P"4!-& -#S,-,",-O#S 8 ,6-S -S A#
APPA! FO% ,%",6 8 -#FO%2A,-O# SO ,6A, ,O
APP%6#$ &O%%"P, F> -# P"4!-& S%V-&8
>6O A% A-$-#1 & A4,,-#1 ,%%O%-S2 8
"#$%>O%!$ & &%-2-#A!S. - 6AV S6O># -#
$,A-! >-,6 !-V 8 A&,"A! &ASS 8 ?A2P!S 8
6O> -#$-A# !1A! S@S,2 -S 2A#-P"!A,$ 4@
&%-2-#A!S >-,6-# J"$-&-A%@ 8 PO!-& 8
P%OS&",-O# 8 ,&. %A$ $,A-!S A, 5
ng-dealing-7udges-police 8
Atrocities o !o"e #$ %&'(E)

A A J of 2anipulation of -ndian !egal System
Manipuation-of-!ndia-"#$a-%&st#m '*hi#f-+ustic#-of-
!ndia-A-*rimina '

+ustic# %athasi,am - Ar# &ou -.A/ -0M1 2 1"!3-
sathasi,am---ar#-&ou-d#af-dumb-bind '
5a4i, 6andhi Assassination *o,#r-up
$andhi-assassination-co,#r-up '
%7AM. %7AM. M8s 2 M"As
sham#-mps-mas '

6ereCy 8 we do reFuest P-O O;O 6onouraCle
&hief Justice of -ndia 8 P-O 8 O;O 6..6onoraCle
President of -ndia 8 P-O O;O 6onoraCle Speaker of
!ok SaCha 8 P-O O;O $y &hairman of %a7ya SaCha 8
P-Os of 3arnataka %a7 4hawan 8 3arnataka &2O 8
"nion 6ome 2inistry 1O- and $1 & -1 of Police of
1oDernment of 3arnataka to answer the following
Fuestions in puClic interest 8 for safeguarding
national security 8 #ational unity & integrity & to
legally apprehend anti-nationals 8 criminals within
the 7udiciary & police.
2ain A 5
'. >hat action you haDe taken against
7udges inDolDed in atrocities against women 8
casewise S if not 8 why S
.. >hat action you haDe taken against
7udges inDolDed in land scams 8 casewise S if
not 8 why S
*. - haDe shown with actual cases how
manipulation ; EGing takes place 8 from
complaint Eling to 7udicial pronouncement
stage. Are the 7udges & police 8 aCoDe law S
:. - haDe numerous P-!s 8 %,- appeals
Cefore supreme court of india. 4ut they were
not registered 8 not honoured 8 why S
0. ,o my legal notice ; show cause notice ;
damage payment notice to supreme court of
india & chief 7ustice of india 8 till date - haDe
not receiDed the reply 8 why S
9. -s it not the duty of supreme court of
india to protect the life & liCerty of all -ndian
citiQens S
<. -s it not the failure of supreme court of
india8 when it failed to protect the life of a
complainant S
K. 4y negligence of their duties 8 are not
supreme court 7udges aiding & aCetting
criminals 8 anti nationals & terrorists S
(. >hile crores of -ndians are Carely
surDiDing on a single piece meal a day 8 people
dying due to starDation 8 supreme court 7udges
are getting salary & perks amounting to lakhs
of rupees from the same suPering puClic ;
puClic eGcheFuer. Are not those duty shirking
7udges ashamed S
'/. >hat action you haDe taken against
7udges inDolDed in hushing up late prime
minister ra7iD 1andhi assassination case S
''. >hy the supreme court of india didnHt
allow me to appear Cefore it in the said case
of late P2 %a7iD 1andhi Assassination &ase S
'.. >hy the supreme court of india didnHt
protect my life 8 my 7oC oppurtunities 8 my
newspaper from the wrath of criminal neGus S
'*. >hen eDen caCle ,V 7ournalists 8 weC
7ournalists are getting P%SS ; 2$-A
accreditation 8 my weC news papers 8 myself
are not getting P%SS accreditation since (
years 8 why S
':. Are the supreme court 7udges hand in
gloDes with the criminal neGus S

2ain 4 5
@ou haDe not taken appropriate action to my
preDious %,- reFuests 8 #umerous appeals for
7ustice & police complaints. @ou haDe not replied to
show-cause notice also. @our inaction has helped
the criminals in manipulating & destroying

@our inaction ; delay in performing your duties not
only amounts to denial of information 8 Cut
amounts to Diolation of our fundamental & human
rights 8 coDer-up of crimes 8 aiding & aCetting
criminals . ,he criminal neGus tried to silence me in
many ways. -s not these acts of yourHs a crime in
itself S

-f your acts of crime coDer-ups 8 information ;
eDidence coDer-ups 8 aiding & aCetting criminals 8
silencing a crusader is 7ust & legal. ,he same type
of acts of crimes performed Cy other citiQens will
also Ce legal S

2ain & 5
At the outset 8 we eGpress our whole hearted
respects to all constitutional institutions & to the
honest few in puClic serDice. &ontempt of
constitutional institutions 8 citiQens of -ndia is
Ceing made Cy the corrupt persons in
constitutional positions themselDes. ,his is an
appeal to the honest few in puClic serDice 8
constitutional positions 8 to Cring their corrupt
colleagues to Cook.

'. does the action of 2Ps 8 2!As taking
money ; receiDing faDors from Dested interests 8 to
formulate policy decisions 8 to raise Fuestions in
parliament ; legislatiDe Codies or to aCstain from
Doting legal S
.. why transparent 8 fair inDestigation is
not done in such cases S
*. 7ust rememCer 8 the Dulgar acts of
2r.4ora 4aCu Singh in state legislature & how
some 2!As Dulgarly CehaDed with 2s.Jayalalita
in state legislature 8 years ago. Are these type of
Dulgar actions Cy 2Ps & 2!As legal S does not
these constitute contempt of the house Cy 2Ps &
2!As themselDes S
:. all the peopleHs representatiDes from
panchayath memCer to president of -ndia must
read A4&$ Of $emocracy proDide along with.since
independence of -ndia till date 8 2Ps & 2!As are
forcing pro7ects on people against the wishes of
people 8 formulating policies against the wishes of
people. Are not such pro7ects 8 goDernment policies
& !aws 8 undemocratic & illegal S
0. is the election commission of -ndia
Derifying the authenticity of aOdaDits suCmitted
Cy electoral candidates S
9. how many candidates haDe Ceen
caught so far for giDing false aOdaDits S are all the
Diolators prosecutedS
<. are the 2Ps 8 2!As suCmitting their
wealth details on aOdaDits yearly to Digilance
authorities S defaulters 8 Diolators how many S
K. what legal action taken against
Diolators 8 defaulters 8 for giDing false aOdaDits S
(. who is checking the authenticity of
those aOdaDits suCmitted Cy 2Ps 8 2!As S
'/. the agricultural incomes of some 2Ps 8
2!As 8 their kih & kin raises eDen during the time
of seDere drought 8 Xoods 8 fall in prices of
agricultural products 8 their companies register
increase in turnoDer ; proEts eDen during recession
8 the trusts ; #1Os set up Cy them receiDe huge
donations. Are all these income legal S

2ain $ 5
'. we do once again oPer our
conditional serDices to the goDernment of india 8 all
state goDernments & supreme court of india 8 in
apprehending taG eDaders 8 land graCCers 8
corrupt police 8 corrupt 7udges 8 corrupt puClic
serDants 8 laCor law Diolators 8 etc. whom the the
goDernment oOcials 8 Digilance authorities haDe
failed to apprehend. >hy the authorities 8 courts 8
supreme court of -ndia 8 are not ready to utiliQe
our serDice S are they afraid of Ceing caught S
.. the puClic serDants 8 courts theselDes
are delaying giDing information ; records to us in
many cases. So in the issues ; cases raised Cy us 8
the clause of time Car doe not apply. Are these
delaying tactics of puClic serDants 8 courts legal S
*. why no proper 8 timely action was not
taken Cased on numerous police complaints made
Cy us S
:. why $1 & -1P 8 1oDernment of
3arnataka 8 has not made any ePorts to seek legal
sanction for prosecution of VV-Ps ) mentioned in
our complaint + 8 from union & state home
ministries S
0. the criminal neGus is trying to silence
me in many ways 8 Cut the supreme court of -ndia
& national human rights commission has failed to
undo the in7ustices 8 why S is it Cecause it is not a
high proEle case S is it Cecause it is not hi-E 8
does not get image ratings 8 ,%Ps S
9. the puClic serDants are aiding
underworld 8 naGalites & terrorists 8 Cy their
delaying tactics & denial of information 8 records.
>hat action has Ceen taken against such anti-
national elements in puClic serDice S
<. how many complaints are made Cy
#agara7 .2.%. 8 6uman %ights ActiDist 8 2ysore
)editor of SOS e-clarion of dalit & SOS e-Doice for
7ustice+ to 3arnataka police 8 to national human
rights commission to supreme court of -ndia till
date S what action taken with respect to each
complaint S
K. the delay in taking action Cy puClic
serDants with respect to following cases has
resulted in more crimes 8 destruction ;
manipulation of eDidences 8 records and more
in7ustices to commonman. >hy the authorities did
not take timely action against criminals in
following cases S

)8) A++eal to )&BREME 98&R4 o, IN'IA
'EA6) IN 98&R4) 0 B86I9E )4A4I8N) REA' :
e1a-ja$ate 2
ja$ate.*t"l 2
A99&)E' 9*ie, %ustice o, Idia
9R8)) EEAM 85 <8N8&RA@6E 9<IE5 %&)4I9E 85
IN'IA 2 )&BREME 98&R4 85
*tt+://"/ 2
*tt+://crosse=a"o,c*ie,"/ 2
*tt+://cri"eso,su+re"ecourt./"/ 2
*tt+://crosscji./"/ 2
*tt+://crosse=a"o,c*ie,justice./"/ 2
9R8)) EEAM 85 &NI8N <8ME )E9RE4ARA 2 (8I 2
NE! 'E6<I F
*tt+://"/ 2
*tt+://crosse=a"o,c*ie,"/ 2
*tt+://cri"eso,su+re"ecourt./"/ 2
*tt+://crosscji./"/ 2
*tt+://crosse=a"o,c*ie,justice./"/ 2
9R8)) EEAM 85 '(0I( 85 B86I9E 2 (8. 2
*tt+://"/ 2
*tt+://crosse=a"o,c*ie,"/ 2
*tt+://cri"eso,su+re"ecourt./"/ 2
*tt+://crosscji./"/ 2
*tt+://crosse=a"o,c*ie,justice./"/ 2
9R8)) EEAM 85 (8VERN8R 2 RE)ERVE @AN. 85
*tt+://t*e,"/ 2 *tt+://t*e,tir#i.r"/
2 *tt+://t*e,tir#i./"/
9R8)) EEAM 85 M&'A 98MMI))I8NER 2 M&'A 2
*tt+://cri"eso,""/ 2 *tt+://"ai1a
2 *tt+://cri"esat"uda"$sore./"/ 2
9R8)) EEAM 85 @'A 98MMI))I8NER 2 @'A 2
*tt+://cri"eso,"/ 2 *tt+://#dacri"e
s./"/ 2
98RB8RA4E 9RIME) RB( 9A@6E) 6IMI4E'
*tt+://cri""/ 2
*tt+://cri"esatr+g./"/ 2
*tt+://"ega,raud#$"/ 2
*tt+://"ega,raud#$goi./"/ 2
are $ou read$ to catc* ta= t*ie1es C
*tt+://"ega,raud#$"/ 2
*tt+://"ega,raud#$goi./"/ 2
M8@I6E B<8NE) 2 9&RREN9A )9AN'A6)
*tt+://"ega,raud#$"/ 2
*tt+://"ega,raud#$goi./"/ 2
reliace idustr$ /*ere is accouta#ilit$ C
*tt+://"ega,raud#$"/ 2
*tt+://"ega,raud#$goi./"/ 2
cri"es at i,os$s ca"+us
*tt+://cri"eati,$"/ 2
*tt+://cri"eati,$./"/ 2
cri"es #$ @.'.A agaist a +oor /o"a
*tt+://cri"eso,"/ 2
*tt+://#dacri"es./"/ 2
cri"es o, lad "a?a i Idia
*tt+://ladsca""/ 2
*tt+://ladsca"./"/ 2
currec$ t*e,ts i R@I Bress
*tt+://t*e,"/ 2
*tt+://t*e,tir#i./"/ 2
>iller colas 0 >iller "edicies o, Idia
*tt+://deat*"/ 2
*tt+://deat*cola./"/ 2
<8N8R 85 IN'IAN BA6IAMEN4 58R )A6E
Persecuted -%O2 S6A%2-!A of Puttaparthi AP A
pushpa kolasani on hunger strike in anantapur
district 7ail Andhra Pradesh

(. how many 7udges are caught Cy
authorities for doing improper 8 immoral & illegal
acts 8 since independence till date S what action
taken in each case S
'/. what action taken against copy cat
7udges caught red handed while copying in puClic
eGamination in Andhra Pradesh S
''. haDe you reDiewed all the preDious
7udicial decisions taken Cy such 7udges of douCtful
integrity & honesty S
'.. is it not the duty of goDernment &
supreme court of -ndia 8 to protect the
fundamental rights & human rights of all -ndian
citiQens S
'*. why the goDernment & supreme court
of -ndia has failed to protect the fundamental
rights & human rights of me & those mentioned in
my complaint S
':. how many former &J-s 8 supreme court
& high court 7udges haDe disproportionate wealth S
'0. @our denial of information to my
preDious %,- reFuests amounts to suppression of
eDidence 8 hiding crimes 8 what action against
erring puClic serDants S
'9. why my preDious %,- reFuests or part
there of was not transferred to appropriate
authorities and information giDen to me in a
consolidated form S

2ain 5
I'. >hy not death sentence to corrupt police who
murder people in in lock-up ; fake encounters S
I.. >hy not death sentence to corrupt police who
apply *
degree torture on prisoners S
I*. >hy not death sentence to corrupt police 8 who
conniDe with criminals & CackstaCs our motherland
8 itHs national security S
I:. $onHt the police haDe suo-motto powers to take
action in the interest of puClic welfare 8 law &
order S
I0. $aily we see numerous reports of misdeeds Cy
police 8 puClic serDants 8 industrialists 8 etc in the
media . ,hen why not police taking any action with
respect to them S
I9. nowadays we see numerous reports of scams 8
scandals Cy constitutional functionaries 8 puClic
serDants in the media. -nstead of wasting money 8
killing time Cy prolonging formation of
parliamentary committees 8 7udicial commissions 8
why not suC7ect those accussed puClic serDants to
narco analysis 8 lie deector test 8 etc to ascertain
truth & proDide timely 7ustice S
I<. -f a commonman Eles a complaint 8 police ;
courts wants eDidences 8 witnesses to take action
against the rich & mighty crooks. >here as if a rich
person 7ust giDes a complaint against a poor chap 8
he is arrested 8 tortured eDenthough there are no
eDidences 8 witnesses. >hy this douCle standard S
IK. -f a poor chap tries to collect eDidences as per
his fundamental rights or as per %,- A&, 8 the
puClic serDants donHt giDe full 8 truthfull
information. Still 8 police ; courts donHt take action
against those puClic serDants hiding crimes. >hy S
I(.why - was not permitted to appear as an
Mamicus curieN Cefore 7ain commission of enFuiry
or supreme court of india proCing late prime
minister ra7iD 1andhi assassination case S
I'/. ,he criminal neGus tried to silence me 8 Cy
closing my news paper 8 Cy snatching away my 7oC
oppurtunities in goDernment serDice8 Cy physically
assaulting me 8 Cy threatening me of false EG-ups
in cases & Cy attempts to murder me. 4ut no
action against culprits 8 why S
I''. >hereas 8 - was enFuired numCer of times Cy
police & intelligence personnel aCout this case 8
Cut the culprits were not enFuired eDen once 8 why
I'..who compensates the losses - haDe suPered
due to these in7ustices S are not police responsiCle
for it S
I'*. -s it not the duty of police to protect the
liDes 8 liDelihood of witnesses & all parties inDolDed
8 Coth during case & afterwards S
I':. 6ow do you monitor & check corrupt police
personnel & increase in their familyHs wealth year
after year S
I'0. >hile getting appointed into goDernment
serDice from the rank of peon to -AS oOcer 8 police
DeriEcation is mandatory. >hile appointing to
sensitiDe defense estaClishments 8 research
institutes in addition to police DeriEcation 8 central
intelligence agencies cross-check candidateHs
Cackground. 6oweDer is there no Cackground
checks of constitutional functionaries 8 2Ps 8
2!As 8 8 who are priDy to national secrets S why S
I'9. %ecently 8 the opposition parties haDe made
allegations during presidential allegations that
close relatiDe of one of the front running
candidates haDe swindled puClic money Cy their
Cank 8 misused puClic money through one of their
#1O. -s it true S
I'<.has 1O- funded any terrorist outEts in india or
aCroad S
I'K.india preaches non-Diolence 8 panchasheel
principles to the world. -n india 8 more than half
the population are poor 8 people are starDing to
death. -nspite these Cackground 8 1O- funded &
aided terrorist outEts in former east Pakistan
ensuring the creation of 4angladesh 8 1O- has
funded & aided terrorist outEts like !,, 8 ,"!F 8
,& in srilanka 8 2I2 in Pakistan. -n turn these
terrorist outEts haDe murdered thousands of
innocents in those countries. Are these acts of 1O-
7ust & legal S -s not 1O- responsiCle for all those
murders of innocents S has 1O- paid any
compensation to those Dictims or their family
meCers S why not S
I'(.within india 8 to reduce the inXuence of certain
terrorist groups 8 1O- has funded & aided couter
terrorist groups 8 is it right & legal S
I./. -n Jharkhand 8 chattisgarh 8 etc 8 the
goDernment has armed 8 trained & funded Msalwa
7udumN to counter naGalites. Salwa 7udum cadres
are terroriQing innocents 7ust like naGalites. -s this
action of goDernment 7ust & legal S
I.'.in india8 ,A$A 8 PO,A is Ceing rampantly
misused Cy police. Den where there are no
proClems of terrorism 8 ,A$A ; PO,A is Ceing
slapped against innocents 8 eDen children. -n
2.2.6ills of 3arnataka state 8 S,F personnel
charged triCal people with ,A$A on friDolous
charges of taking lunch to Deerappan 8 stiching
dress for the forest Crigand8 etc. where as the
prominent political8 Elm 8 sports personalities who
haDe links with underworld 8 anti national elements
& attended parties hosted Cy dawood -Crahim 8
other dons in gulf countries 8 else where. 4ut these
hi-E people are not charged with ,A$A ; PO,A S
why S
I... Film actor san7ay dutt had contacts with
underworld & fully knowing well the criminal
oC7ectiDes of criminals 8 hid the dangerous arms &
ammunition in his home 8 which were intended for
terroriQing puClic. 6oweDer mr.dutt is not charged
with ,A$A ; PO,A instead he is charged with illegal
possession of arms act ) which is normally applied
to farmers who use illegal home made guns to
scare away animals 8 Cirds in their farms +. >hy
this faDouraCle treatment of mr.dutt Cy police S
prosecution S is this Cecause dutt is politically
mighty & rich S
I.*. !aw is one & same for all 8 the puClic
serDants8 police interpretes 8 enforces it
diPerentially Cetween rich & poor S why this
diPerentiation S
I.:.recently in 4angalore police naCCed criminals
Celonging to international criminal syndicate
selling duplicate nokia moCiles. Dery nokia moCile
comes with '0 digit -2- numCer 8 this numCer is
also used Cy police for tracking criminals. -n
consumer dispute at consumer disputes redressal
forum 2ysore &$ :(;/0 8 nokia company stated
that all itHs products come with -2- numCer only &
stated that the product in dispute sold Cy tata
indicom dealer 2;S -#,O,O &O22"#-&A,-O#S 8
2ysore are not theirHs as it doesnHt haDe -2-
numCers. Further nokia stated they donHt haDe any
Cusiness relationship with either tata indicom or
itHs dealer. 6oweDer the tata indicom dealer stated
that indeed his products are genuine 8 Erst hand
products 8 Cut doesnHt haDe -2- numCers . this
proDes the dealer in collusion with tata company is
selling illegal nokia moCile hand sets & cheating
the puClic. ,hese moCiles are eDading taGes 8 as
well as these are without -2- numCers Cest Cuy
for criminal elements who want to eDade police
tracking. >hat police are doing
I.0. >ho 8 of which rank among police personnel
takes the decision to close a case ie to Ele M4N
report 8 when after certain time limit no leads are
found in inDestigation S
I.9. 6ow do you monitor corrupt police
personnel 8 who purposefully fail to inDestigate
case properly 8 so that either the case can Ce
closed with M4N report or the prosecution fails to
proDe the case in court S
I.<. >ho among police takes the decision to
appeal against the Derdict of a lower court 8 when
the prosecution fails S
I.K. >ho took the decision 8 not to appeal against
the argentina court order acFuitting mr.Fuatrochi
accussed in Cofors scandal S
I.(. $o you treat all the prison conDicts same in
the prison or does the notorious Cig time rich
criminals get spacious Carracks with tD8 news
paper 8 adeFuate food 8 medical care 8 etc while
small time criminals 8 poor are crammed into pig
sty like rooms with 9/-</ inmates without any
Casic reFuirements S
I*/. >hat is the status of my complaint made to
the $1 & -1 of police 8 goDernment of 3arnataka on
'/;'.;.//: S the copies of complaint was released
at press meet at patrakartara ChaDan 2ysore on
same day8 eDen copies were giDen to police &
intelligence personnel S
I*'. >hy no action 8 reply regarding the complaint
till date S
I*.. Our constitutional frame workers gaDe legal
immunity priDileges to certain constitutional
functionaries 8 so that they are not Curdened with
friDolous court cases & can concentrate on their
constitutional duties. 4ut these priDileges doesnHt
coDer the indiDidual actions of those puClic
serDants like rape 8 murder 8 dowry harassment 8
taG eDasion 8 misuse of oOce 8 etc. Cut still law
enforcement ; police department is Cound to send
reFuest to home ministry seeking permission &
home ministry sits oDer Eles for months. ,his giDes
the accussed ample time to destroy eDidences. -s it
right & legal S
I**. $oes legal immunity priDileges coDer their
oOcial actions alone S if not what does it coDer S
I*:. >hat is the time limit for home ministry to
giDe sanction for the prosecution of tainted
constitutional functionaries S
I*0. 6ow many present 2Ps 8 2!As 8 2"#-&-APA!
&O%PO%A,O%S 8 other peopleHs representatiDes are
facing criminal charges S
I*9. -n the past 8 how many 2Ps 8 2!As 8
corporators were facing criminal charges 8
yearwise since '(K< S how many of them were
eDentually conDicted S
I*<. 6ow many 2Ps 8 2!As 8 prominent Elm 8
sports personalities haDe haDe contacts with
underworld 8 foreign intelligence agencies S
I*K. 6ow many of them haDe attended freFuent
parties hosted Cy underworld dons in gulf
countries 8 else where S
I*(. 6ow many 2P 8 2!A 8 other peopleHs
representatiDes are wanted Cy police in Darious
cases . Cut shown in the police records as
aCsconding Cut in reality are attending the
proceedings of the house as usual S
I:/. >hen did smt. Sonia 1andhi Cecame a citiQen
of india S did she occupy any puClic oOce Cefore
naturaliQation S
I:'. -n india 8 how many 2Ps 8 2!As 8 2!&s are of
foreign origin or haDe a spouse of foreign origin S
I:.. $oes smt. Sonia 1andhi haDe citiQenship of
any other country S
I:*. $id she occupy any puClic oOce while
en7oying dual citiQenship S
I::. 6ow do you monitor puClic serDants who haDe
spouses of foreign origin & while they are on
foreign tour 8 from national security perspectiDe S
I:0. -s mr. 2.S S"44A memCer of parliament a
citiQen of india S
I:9. >hat is the status of complaint made Cy
former union minister mr.suCramanya swamy
alleging that late P.2 ra7iD gandhiHs family receiDed
money from foreign intelligence agencies S
I:<. -n many cases like mass riots inDolDing
certain political parties 8 when that culprit party
comes to power all the cases inDolDing itHs
partymen are withdrawn Cy the goDernment orelse
prosecution fails to proDe itHs case & prefers not to
appeal. Just rememCer 4omCay riot case inDolDing
shiD sainiks & others 8 when shiD sena A 4JP came
to power in 2aharashtra 8 all the cases against itHs
partymen were withdrawn. Are these type of
decisions Cy goDernment 7ust & legal S
I:K.what damages has Ceen done to indiaHs
national security due to mole in the P2O8 as
alleged Cy former union minister mr.natwar singh S
I:(. >hat action Cy the goDernment S
I0/. 6ow many -ndians are in the custody of police
; military in Darious foreign countries S
I0'. 6ow many foreigners are there in -ndian
prisons S
I0.. 6ow 1O- is protecting the human rights of
these prisoners S
I0*. -s the goDernment paying any compensation
to Dictims of police failures 8 EG-ups 8 8 who suPer
in 7ail for years & acFuitted Cy courts upon Ending
them as not guilty S
I0:. $o you register murder charges ; attempt to
murder charges against guilty police oOcers who
are responsiCle for lock-up deaths 8 fake
encounters & *
degree torture S
I00. 6ow many cases has Ceen Eled since '(K< till
date S
I09. >hat action has Ceen taken against guilty
police oOcers 8 S,F personnel who were
responsiCle for gross human rights Diolations 8
degree torture 8 lock-up deaths of innocents in
forest Crigand DeerappanHs territory 8 Cased on
7ustice A.J.SadashiDa commission Endings S if not
why S
I0<. - 8 as a citiQen of india as my Mfundamental
dutyN hereCy do oPer my conditional serDices to
1O- & 1O3 to apprehend corrupt puClic serDants.
Are you ready to utiliQe my serDices S
I0K. Police personnel are always in the forefront of
containing crimes 8 mass fury 8 riots 8 etc. they
suPer more & eDen their family memCers suPer
threats from the criminal elements. $o the
goDernment proDide insurance coDerage to police
& their family memCers on the lines of defense
forces S
I0(. >hat is the amount of coDerage to a police
constaCle & his family S
I9/. >ho makes the premium contriCutions S
I9'. $o the goDernment proDide oDertime
allowance 8 food allowance to police who daily
work Ceyond K hours of duty S
I9.. -s the goDernment giDing any training to
police personnel in puClic interaction 8 human
rights S
I9*. -s it right to post professionally trained police
to sentry 8 orderly duties of ministers S
I9:. >hat is the ratio of police personnel to total
population in india since '(K< S
I90. -S ,6 1OV%#2#, 1-V-#1 A$I"A,
FOO$8 2$-&A! &A% 8 &!O,6-#1 8 !-V-#1 SPA&
,O P%-SO# -#2A,S 8 AS %I"-%$ 4@ A #O%2A!
6"2A# -#1 A&&O%$-#1 ,O >.6.O #O%2S S
I99. -s the forensic science department which
conducts narcfo-analysis 8 lie-detector test 8 etc
under the control of police department S
I9<. -s it not right to put it under impartial control
of #6%& or like Codies S
I9K. -s the action of some police oOcers arranging
compromise meetings & suCtly insisting the poor
to tow the line of rich or else face the
conseFuences 8 is it right & legal S this happens
mostly in real estate matters.
I9(. $id goDernment make any ransom payments
to forest Crigand Deerappan during his Darious
kidnappings S
I</. >hat action has Ceen taken Cased on
reDealations Cy karim telgi during narco analysis
aCout puClic serDants inDolDement S
I<'. 6ow many cases of allegations against 7udges
were made in the media aCout misuse of oOce 8
criminal acts Cy 7udges from munsiP court to
supreme court of -ndia S since '(:< till date
I<.. are the enFuiry report Endings8 action taken
reports of such cases accessiCle to puClic S if not
why S
I<*. what action has Ceen taken against guilty
7udges S
I<:. are the guilty 7udges legally prosecuted in all
such cases S or has it 7ust ended with their
resignation from serDices or his superior 7udge not
allotting him any 7udicial work S
I<0. why some high ranking 7udges are not legally
prosecuted for their wrong doings S
I<9. are 7udges aCoDe law S are not eDeryCody
eFual Cefore law S
I<<. do the 7udiciary suC7ect 8 all the cases
handled Cy accussed ; tainted 8 guilty 7udges to
reDiew 8 to undo past un7ust 7udgements S
I<K. how S if not why S
I<(. how do the 7udiciary monitor the net wealth
growth of some 7udges including the wealth in the
name of 7udgeHs family memCers S
IK/. do all the 7udges Ele their annual income 8
wealth statements on sworn aOdaDits to the
higher 7udiciary S defaulters how many S
IK'. how does the 7udiciary DeriEes those
statements S
IK.. is such statements made puClic 8 on weC S
IK*. when the 7udgement of a lower court is
turned down Cy the higher court 8 what action is
initiated against lower court 7udge for making
un7ust 7udgement & meating out in7ustice S
IK:. when allegations of corruption 8 misuse of
oOce 8 etc against 7udges are made 8 why the
accussed A 7udges are not suC7ected to tests like
Mpoly graph 8 lie detector 8 Crain mapping 8 etcN 8 in
the interest of 7ustice & truth S
IK0. 7udges are not employees of goDernment 8 so
they are ineligiCle to Ce the memCers of
M3arnataka state goDernment 7udicial department
house Cuilding co-operatiDe societyN. ,hen how
come 8 many 7udges including supreme court
7udges are admitted as memCers of this society &
allotted prime residential site worth crores of
rupees for a few thousands Cy the said society at
said societyHs A 7udicial layout 8 yelahanka 8
4angalore S while the ordinary memCers like peons
8 clerks in 7udicial department are waiting for a site
since years 8 is not the whole thing grossly illegal S
IK9. in more than </R of cases Cefore all courts in
-ndia 8 central goDernment or state goDernment or
goDernment agency is one of the parties. 6ow
many 7udges or their family memCers 8 haDe
receiDed out of turn 8 faDouraCle allotments of
sites 8 gas agency 8 petrol pumps 8 etc Cy the
goDernment S is not such allotments illegal S what
action S
IK<. when a person under police custody or
7udicial custody suPer *
degree torture Cy police 8
is not the 7udge of the respectiDe court which is
handling that tortured personHs case responsiCle
for it S
IKK. has the higher 7udiciary legally prosecuted
respectiDe 7udges & the police oOcers for
committing *
degree torture 8 on charges of
attempt to murder & murder S if not why S
IK(. registrar 8 2ysore district & sessions court 8
has called for the candidatures to Darious
Dacancies in that court from the puClic Dide
notiEcation no 5 A$2#;A;'/K.0;.//* dated
'(;'';.//*. Please furnish me the merit ranking
list of selected candidates along with my merit
ranking for the post of peon.
I(/. registrar 8 4angalore city ciDil court 8 has
called for the candidatures to Darious Dacancies in
that court from the puClic Dide notiEcation no 5
A$2--)A+:..;/* dated '(;/0;.//*. Please furnish
me merit ranking list of selected candidates for the
post of peon.
I('. when a person doesnHt get adeFuate food 8
medical care while under police custody or 7udicial
custody 8 is not the respectiDe 7udge dealing that
personHs case responsiCle for it S what action S
I(.. how 7udiciary is monitoring food & medical
care to prisoners S
I(*. numerous accussed persons are suPering in
7ail under 7udicial custody 8 for periods far
eGceeding the legally stipulated sentence periods.
For eGample 5 a pick-pocketer is in 7ail for one
year 8 the 7udge Ends him guilty of oPence & giDes
him * months sentence. >hat aCout the eGcess
punishment of ( months. -s not the 7udge
responsiCle for the illegal 8 eGcess punishment of
the conDict S what action against the 7udge in such
cases S
I(:. numerous innocents suPer in 7ail for years &
Enally the 7udge Ends them as innocents & acFuits
them of the charges. >hat aCout the prison
sentence 8 the innocent has already serDed S is not
the 7udge responsiCle for this illegal 8 un7ust
punishment to an innocent S remedy S what action
against the 7udge S
I(0. does the priDileges of 7udges coDer Coth their
oOcial actions & the actions arising out of misuse
of oOce S
I(9. does the priDileges of 7udges coDer Coth their
oOcial actions as 7udges & their personal actions
as indiDiduals S
I(<. are the fundamental rights of citiQens
supreme or the priDileges of 7udges 8 constitutional
functionaries supreme S
I(K. what is the criteria adopted for promotion of
7udges S
I((. what is the criteria adopted for appointment
of adDocates from Car 8 as the 7udges S
I'//. what is the criteria adopted for appointment
of retired 7udges 8 as goDernors of states 8
memCers or as chairman of commissions 8 etc S
I'/'. how many 7udges Celonging to oppressed
classes A scheduled caste 8 scheduled triCe 8 other
Cackward classes 8 minorities & women are their in
supreme court 8 state high courts & suCordinate
courts S kindly proDide speciEc Egures .
I'/.. what are the legal measures enforced Cy
7udiciary 8 to enforce the accountaCility of 7udges &
to check corruption in 7udiciary S
I'/*. are not these measures a failure 8 looking at
present state of aPairs of 7udiciary S
I'/:. does the 7udges arrange for distriCution of
alchoholic drinks at the oOcial meetings 8 parties 8
at the taG payerHs eGpense S
I'/0. does any 7udges haDe included their
consumption of alchoholic drinks 8 in their hotel Cill
& claimed traDeling allowance S
I'/9. what action has Ceen taken
against A selectors ie 3arnataka high court 7udges
& newly selected women 7udges inDolDed in roost
resort scandal in 2ysore 8 3arnataka S
I'/<. when common people ; taG payers & eDen
goDernment employees are not getting proper
health care from goDernment at goDernment
hospitals. -s it right & 7ust to proDide premium
health care to 7udges 8 constitutional functionaries
at 0-star priDate hospitals in -ndia 8 aCroad 8 all at
taG payerHs eGpense S
I'/K. are the 7udges suC7ected to periodical health
check-ups to ascertain their health 8 mental
faculties & mental Calance in the midst of all work
pressures 8 emotional tensions S
I'/(. what is the criteria adopted Cy 7udiciary for
accepting applications seeking puClic interest
litigations S
I''/. why numerous appeals for P-! Cy me 8 were
not considered S
I'''. what is the criteria adopted Cy 7udiciary 8 for
appointing Mamicus curieN in a case S
I''.. why my appeal to honouraCle supreme court
8 to make me as an Mamicus curieN in late P.2 %a7iD
1andhiHs assassination case 8 was not considered
Cy the court S
I''*. what is the criteria adopted Cy 7udiciary 8 for
initiating suo-motto action S
I'':. numerous cases of in7ustices are reported in
the media daily 8 with supporting eDidences . why
not the 7udiciary take suo-motto action in all such
cases S
I''0. legal aid Coards pre-7udge the cases in the
name of taking legal opinion 8 Cefore proDiding
legal aid to the needy S is it not needy personHs
rights Diolation S
I''9. is not the safety of witnesses 8 parties in
cases responsiCility of the court 8 Coth during
hearing of the case & afterwards S
I''<. is the use of *
degree torture Cy police on
prisoners 8 during the police custody ; 7udicial
custody ; prison sentence right S what action S
I''K. when the corrupt police oOcer &
goDernment prosecution adDocate together coDer-
up eDidences 8 conducts improper inDestigation
intentionally to fail the case A to coDer-up rich
crooks 8 high & mighty people 8 what action 7udge
takes in such cases S
I''(. how does the 7udiciary monitor the wealth
growth of police 8 goDernment adDoctes 8 taG
oOcials 8 oOcials of licensing authorities 8 to
ensure proper & fair prosecution of cases against
rich & mighty S
I'./. what are the status of appeals made Cy
human rights actiDist #A1A%AJ.2.%. to the
honouraCle supreme court of -ndia S
I'.'. corruption is rampant for selection of
oOcers to Fuasi-7udicial positions like district ;
taluk magistrates 8 taG oOcers 8 reDenue oOcers 8
land acFuisition oOcers 8 etc. how the 7udiciary
monitors oDer their Fuasi-7udicial actions S
I'... suC7ect to conditions 8 - 8 #A1A%AJ.2.%. 8
editor 8 e-Doice of human rights watch 8 do oPer my
free serDices to honouraCle supreme court of
-ndia 8 to apprehend corrupt 7udges 8 are you A the
honouraCle court ready to utiliQe it S
I'.*. what are the status of my appeals 8 sent to
the honouraCle supreme court of -ndia 8 through
goDernment of indiaHs on-line grieDance system
) $P1 & $A%P1 + 5
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$P1;2;.//<;K//K. 8 $A%P1;;.//<;/.9'K
I'.:. the appeals made to the honouraCle
supreme court of -ndia 8 copies of which are
aDailaCle at following weC pages
K. 8
/9 8
/K 8
'. 8
/( 8
what are the status of those appeals S
I'.0. in the media 8 we haDe seen reports aCout
7udges committing crimes A rape 8 attempt to
murder 8 swindling goDernment money 8
untouchaCility practice 8 the disrespect to national
Xag 8 sale of 7udicial orders 8 Cail 8 receipt of
monetary gains Cy way of royalty for Cooks 8 prime
real estate purchase at discounted rate 8 taking
round aCout long foreign tours along with family in
the name of oOcial work 8 etc. Cy this way 8 7udges
themselDes are making contempt of court 8
constitution of -ndia & citiQens of -ndia. 6ow you
are protecting the honour of the 7udiciary 8
constitution of -ndia & citiQens of -ndia S please
I'.9. -s the goDernment giDing any facilities ;
aOrmatiDe actions to policemenHs family as Ceing
giDen to defense personnel 8 eG-serDicemen & their
families 8 like preferential site allotment 8 lpg
agency 8 ration depot 8 reserDation in college
admission 8 soft Cank loans 8 etc S
I'.9. if not 8 why S after all 8 the contriCution of
police to national security is on par with defense
I'.<. is not some high police oOcials addressing
their suCordinates in singular term 8 aCusing them
with Dulgar words wrong S
I'.K. is not some police personnel calling puClic
with singular term8 aCusing puClic with Dulgar
words wrong S
I'.(. is it not the duty of prison authorities to
protect the health8 liDes of prison in-mates S
I'*/.what action is taken against police personnel
who wrongly charged an innocent person of
criminal acts 8 resulting in his conEnement in 7ail 8
Enally acFuitted Cy court as found to Ce innocent S
I'*'. is it not right to with hold salary 8 gratuity 8
pension to such guilty police personnel & pay it as
compensation to Dictims of police failures &
atrocities S
I'*.. does our -ndian constitution legally permit a
citiQen of foreign origin naturaliQed Cy marriage to
an -ndian or naturaliQed Cy option 8 to occupy any
constitutional oOce S
I'**. during Critish rule in india & Darious other
Critish colonies 8 criminal cases were foisted
against our freedom Eghters in -ndia & other
Critish colonies. After indiaHs independence what
happened to those cases S did our -ndian
goDernment close all such cases or did it continue
with the prosecution S
I'*:. in how many cases 1O- & other state
goDernment continued with the prosecution
A1A-#S, O"% F%$O2 F-16,%S S why S
I'*0. what aCout the status of cases against
shri.neta7i suCash &handra Cose S
I'*9. has 1O- deported any freedom Eghters to
4ritain or itHs colonies 8 to face prosecution after
-ndia gained independence S 6AS 1O- %&-V$
A#@ %I"S, F%O2 4%-,A-# ,O ,6A, FF&, S if
yes 8 why 8 whom S
I.'*<. the honouraCle supreme court of -ndia
failed proDide information to me as per my %,-
reFuest appeal no 5 (' ; .//< in response to your
letter no 5 F' ; %,- ; A.(' ; .//< dt '*.'../< 8 why S
I'*K . the honouraCle union home secretary failed
to giDe me information as per my rti reFuest 8 he
transferred my application to others 8 in turn they
transferred the application to some others.
Finally 8 complete truthful information was not
giDen 8 why S as the union home secretary has got
copies of all those replies in response to
transferred %,- application 8 will he send me a
consolidated reply to my present %,- reFuest S
I'*(. in a high proEle case Cefore the honouraCle
delhi high court 8 we haDe seen how defense
adDocate mr. %.S.A#A#$ & prosecution adDocate
mr. -.".36A# made a secret pact to win the case in
faDour of rich criminal 8 totally manipulating
prosecution witnesses 8 eDidences & prosecution
stand 8 totally making mockery of 7ustice system .
how you are ensuring the deliDery of 7ustice 8 there
Ceing numerous such adDocates in practice S
I':/. Smt. Sonia 1andhi is person of foreign origin
8 she wields enormous clout more than the Prime
2inister himself oDer the goDernment of -ndia
Ceing the chair person of "PA. -s she legally
permitted to summon conEdential oOcial records 8
minutes of the caCinet 8 to hold the caCinet
meeting of union ministers S
I':'. As per law 8 is she permitted to hold
constitutional oOces like prime minister of -ndia or
president of -ndia 8 etc S
I.':.. >hat are the fundamental rights of a citiQen
guaranteed under the constitution )Article .'+ S
I':*. >hat are the priDileges conferred on
legislators & parliamentarians Cy the constitution
of -ndiaS
a+ -nside the 6ouse C+ Outside the 6ouse
I'::. >hat are priDileges conferred on
constitutional functionaries8 like
a+ President of -ndia C+ Prime 2inister of -ndia
c+ &hief Justice of -ndia d+ &hairman of #6%&
e+ &entral Vigilance &ommissioners.
I':0. Are the priDileges legal immunity conferred
on aCoDe mentioned constitutional functionaries S
a+ &oDer all their oOcial actions irrespectiDe of
C+ &oDer Coth their oOcial & personal actions.
I':9. Are the priDileges deEned & codiEed S
I':<. Are these priDileges aCoDe freedom of the
press S
I':K. Are the liCerty & fundamental rights of the
citiQens guaranteed Cy the constitution8 aCoDe the
priDileges of the constitutional functionaries or
eFual or Celow S
I':(. &an the -ndian legislatures & parliament Ce
eFuated to the 6ouse of commons in ngland
which is considered to Ce a superior court and
court of records S
I'0/. &an the diDision of powers8 namely the
legislature8 the eGecutiDe and the Judiciary8 Ce
eFuated to the functioning of the 6ouse of
commons and 6ouse of !ords in ngland S
I'0'. &an a citiQen Ce said to haDe committed
Creach of priDilege of the 6ouse or court and
causing contempt of the house or court Cy raising
the issues of accountaCility of constitutional
functionaries S
I'0.. &an a !egislature or Parliament enact a new
law8 to circumDent or to nullify the Judicial orders
with respect to wrongdoings Cy peoples
representatiDes & eGecutiDe S does not it amount
to infringement of Judicial powers & contempt of
the court Cy the 6ouse.
I'0*. Are the F"#$A2#,A! $",-S of a citiQen
more important than constitutional duties of a
constitutional functionary or eFual in importance
to it S
I'0:. &an a constitutional functionary commit
crimes8 anti-national actiDities in the name of
constitutional duties8 Cehind the legal Deil of
oOcialHs secret act & go unaccountaCle for his
actions and go unpunished Cy his legal immunity
I'00. Are the !egislators memCers of parliament8
6igh court & Supreme court Judges and other
constitutional functionaries not willing to codify
their priDileges for the reason that if codiEed their
priDileges would Ce curtailed and their action
would Ce suC7ected to legal scrutiny. S
I'09. 4y Dotes of citiQens !egislators and
parliamentarians get seats in the legislature and
Parliament out of taG payerHs money8 they get their
pay8 perks & lead 0-Star luGurious lifestyles. 6ence
whether a Dote of a citiQen is aCoDe )2ore Dalid+ or
a seat of legislator or parliamentarian is aCoDe or
more Dalid in a democracy S
I'0<. Judges & &onstitutional functionaries are
indirectly appointed Cy Doters ; taG payers. Out of
taG payers money8 they get their pay8 perks & lead
0-star luGurious lifestyles. 6ence8 whether the Dote
of a citiQen8 fundamental duties of a taG payer is
aCoDe )more Dalid+ or a seat of 7udge ;
constitutional functionary is aCoDe )more
Dalid+ in a democracy S
I'0K. -f there is a Dacuum in the !egislature or
parliament8 who is to Ell up that Dacuum till such
time that the legislature or parliament acts proDide
a solution Cy performing its role Cy enacting
proper legislation to coDer the Eeld )Dacuum+ S
I'0(. >hile it is an unhealthy practice for a Judge
to claim to Ce a Judge in his own cause8 is it not
worse for the memCers of the legislature and
parliament to Ce 7udges in their own cause S
I'9/. Are the ,echnicalities of the case more
important to a 7udge or Justice to a citiQen8
protection of fundamental rights of citiQen.S
I'9'. >hy not the constitutional functionaries
initiate suo moto action with respect to numerous
cases of in7ustices reported in 2edia S
I'9.. >hy not the Judges admit Darious cases of
-n7ustices aPecting puClic8 as the PuClic -nterest
!itigationN S -n some cases8 the PuClic or the
person representing them is unaCle to aPord the
high cost of the case. >hy not free legal aid is
giDen S.
I'9*. >hat is the criteria for admitting a P.-.!. &
giDing free legal aid S
I'9:. &ommunication A free Xow of information is
the lifeline of a democracy. >hy the constitutional
functionaries are not honouring the %ight to
-nformation of &itiQens S
I'90. %ecently 8 while assuming oOce as
honouraCle chief 7ustice of 3arnataka 8 7ustice.
P.$.$-#A3A% 8 gaDe a Clanket withdrawal of all
internal departmental enFuiries against
approGimately .// 7udges 8 is it 7ust & legal S giDe
me the names of accused 7udges & description of
charges against them S
I'99. does it not show that 7udges are more eFual
than others S
I'9<. who are inDolDed in PF scam S what action
against guilty 7udges S
I'9K. >hy you did not giDe information to me as
per %,- Act inspite of appeal S refer.
I'9(. Almost a year ago 8 in the 3arnataka state
new chief 7ustice of 3arnataka high court honCle
2r.$inakar )now eleDated to supreme court of
-ndia+ 7ust on assuming oOces within hours
scrapped disciplinary inFuiry proceedings against
.//Y erring 7udges. -n such a short time no human
Ceing can study all the cases in detail 8 then how
come he arriDed at this Dital decision in such short
timeS >ho are those .//Y 7udges facing enFuiry S
I'</ .%ecently in the 3arnataka state 8 high court
found out that a district 7udge without conducting
hearings properly 8 entering Ectious dates of
hearings )which happens to Ce goDernment
holidays + facilitated in eGonerating a top politician
. has the court enFuired into the preDious
7udgements of the accussed 7udge S did it End any
I'<'. As per law 8 while on duty a person should
not Ce drunk 8 under the inXuence of alchohol 8 as
it limits the functioning of his senses & Crain. ,hat
is why the acts & sayings of drunkards 8 committed
; said when they are drunk are not taken seriously.
6oweDer most of the police oOcers after eDening
hours are drunk 8 in that state only they apprehend
many suspects & produce those suspects at the
residences of magistrates Cefore magistrate
during wee hours ; night. Some of of the 7udges are
also drunk during that time. $oes the senses of
drunken police & 7udges work properly to do their
respectiDe duties in identifying criminals 8
apprehending them & to issue 7udicial orders. Are
these actions of police & 7udges in drunken state
legal S
I '<. . >hat action has Ceen taken in Chopal gas
leak case against the guilty police oOcials who
changed the charge sheet against union carCide
oOcials S
I '<* . >hat action has Ceen taken against guilty
police oOcials 8 district magistrate 8 state
ministers & central ministers who fully aided the
criminals A "nion &arCide oOcial 2r. Anderson to
escape law 8 to 7ump Cail & Xee the country
without courtHs permission S
I '<: . >hat action has Ceen taken against the
aCoDe said guilty with respect to their contempt of
court & for aiding a criminal to escape S
I '<0. >hat action has Ceen taken against the
chief 7ustice of -ndia 8 who changed the legal
clause under which the guilty should Ce tried S
what action has Ceen taken against the &J- who
Cecame an oOcial of the trust Celonging to the
criminal S
I '<9 . >hat action has Ceen taken against the
-ndian PuClic serDant who decided to withdraw
cases from "S &ourts with respect to 4hopal gas
tragedy S
I '<< . >hat action has Ceen taken against the
state laCour department & pollution control Coard
oOcials who haDe failed in their duties 8 inspite of
earlier warnings Cy 7ournalists S
I '<K . >hat action has Ceen taken against state
caCinet ministers who decided the Fuantum of
compensation money to faDour the criminal
although they donHt haDe right to do so S
I '<( . >hat action has Ceen taken against
Presiding Judge of the trial court 8 &hief Justice of
-ndia 8 state police oOcials 8 puClic prosecutors &
&entral 4ureau of -nDestigation oOcials who kept
Fuite all along and didnHt press for the eGtradition
of the criminal 2r.Anderson 8 for producing the
criminal accussed no.' Cefore the trial court S
I 'K/ . -s it not S6A2F"! for the 7udiciary 8 police
8 goDernment oOcials & peopleHs representatiDes
who Cecame part of Operation &rime 6ush "p &
aided criminals responsiCle for ghastly murders of
thousands & maiming of lakhs of hapless puClic in
4hopal 1as !eak ,ragedyS
I 'K' . Are these &orrupt Police 8 corrupt 7udges 8
corrupt ministers 8 corrupt laCour ; pollution
control Coard oOcials 6"2A# 4-#1S S
I 'K. >hy police are not registering my
complaint against &J- & other VV-PS 8Den after
years S
I 'K* donHt the police of Di7ayanagar police
station mysore haDe legal 7urisdiction to register
the case against these VV-Ps S or 7ust Cecause
the criminals happens to Ce VV-Ps 8they are not
Cooked Cy policeS -f the said police donHt haDe
legal 7urisdiction to Cook these VV-Ps 8 they should
haDe transferred the complaint to those
authorities who haDe 7urisdiction & authority to
Cook & prosecute these VV-Ps 8 Cut not done
so 8 why S
I 'K: are not all these actions 8 of VV-Ps & police
amounting to coDer up of crimes & criminals S are
not these coDer ups itself is a crime S
I 'K0. Den an appeal for 7ustice Cy post card
must Ce treated as P-! Cy courts of 7ustice .
howeDer my appeals for 7ustice concerning puClic
welfare 8 national security sent through post 8 e-
mail to supreme court of india are not admitted as
PuClic interest litigation 8 why S does not these
acts of Supreme court amount to aiding criminals 8
anti nationalsS
I 'K9 Are not the honouraCle chief 7ustice of
india together with the 7urisdictional police &
%eDenue district magistrate responsiCle to
protect the fundamental & human rights of
people S why the &J- 8 2ysore $& & Jurisdictional
Police haDe failed to protect the fundamental &
human rights of people including mine S For all
the preDious in7ustices - haDe suPered at the hands
of the criminal neGus 6onouraCle &J- 8 2ysore
reDenue district magistrate & 7urisdictional police
are together responsiCle 8 if anything untoward
happens to me or to my family memCers or to my
dependents the Fuartet A 6onouraCle &hief Justice
of -ndia 8 6onouraCle $istrict 2agistrate 8 2ysore 8
6onouraCle Police &ommissioner of 2ysore city &
&ircle -nspector of police 8 Di7ayanagar police
station 8 mysore will Ce responsiCle .
,hese corrupt parasites will feel 8 understand the
pain only when they also suPer in the same
manner. !et us pray to almighty A -n whose &ourt
of 7ustice 2A,&6 F-?-#1 is not there & eDery Cody
is eFual 8 let us pray to that god to giDe these
corrupt parasites ghastly deaths nothing less
nothing more.

@A% ,O >6-&6 A4OV P%,A-#S 5 2AJO%-,@ OF
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