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Guidewire Education:

ClaimCenter Course

A Description of ClaimCenter Courses Available From
Guidewire Education
Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 1
Table of Contents

Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
Public vs. Private Course Delivery ......................................................................................................... 3
ClaimCenter Courses .................................................................................................................................... 4
ClaimCenter 5.0 Courses ........................................................................................................................ 4
ClaimCenter 5.0 Update Courses ........................................................................................................ 4
ClaimCenter 4.0 Courses ........................................................................................................................ 6
ClaimCenter Reporting Courses ............................................................................................................ 6
Course Descriptions ...................................................................................................................................... 7
ClaimCenter 5.0 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 8
Configuration Fundamentals ................................................................................................................ 13
ClaimCenter 5.0 Application Configuration ........................................................................................ 18
ClaimCenter 5.0 Application Integration ............................................................................................. 23
ClaimCenter 3.1 to 5.0 Configuration Update ..................................................................................... 27
ClaimCenter 3.1 to 5.0 Integration Update .......................................................................................... 30
ClaimCenter 4.0 to 5.0 Configuration Update ..................................................................................... 34
ClaimCenter 4.0 to 5.0 Integration Update .......................................................................................... 37
ClaimCenter 4.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 40
ClaimCenter 4.0 Configuration ............................................................................................................. 45
ClaimCenter 4.0 Integration .................................................................................................................. 53
ClaimCenter 4.0 Reporting .................................................................................................................... 56
ClaimCenter 5.0 Reporting .................................................................................................................... 60
About Guidewire .................................................................................................................................... 64

Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 2
This document is intended to help Guidewire customers and partners learn about the courses available
for the ClaimCenter product through Guidewire Education. This document includes the following
information for each course:

Maximum number of students that can be enrolled in a course with one instructor
Length of each course (in Days)
Identification of which courses should be taken by students based on their job role (Business
Analyst, Configuration Developer, Integration Developer). Note that courses that are appropriate
for the Business Analyst can also be attended by Business users that may be providing subject
matter expertise on a project
Detailed descriptions for each course

The maximum student enrollment number has been determined by Guidewire to be the limit for one
instructor to teach a class. This limit has been determined based upon the time required for the instructor
to assist students with their exercises and to answer questions posed by the students. We have
determined that when the class size is larger, there is a substantial degradation to the learning
experience, and less material can be covered during the allocated timeframe for the course. If the number
of students needs to exceed the maximum for the class, we recommend either adding an instructor to the
class or scheduling two separate classes.

All Guidewire courses are delivered in a lecture/lab format. During lectures, the instructor discusses and
demonstrates the relevant features. During labs, students have the opportunity to answer questions, work
with the product, and in some cases configure the base application or create integration points.

Electronic copies of all lecture and lab materials are available to the students during the course through
the Guidewire Education Portal ( Guidewire Education provides customers with
the same education materials used to train its own employees.

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2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 3
Public vs. Private Course Delivery

Guidewire Education provides two options for training:
Private Delivery: Courses are delivered onsite at a Customer or Partner location
Public Delivery: Courses are offered periodically at Guidewire Headquarters where enrollment is
open to Customer and Partner employees.

Private courses are convenient when a Customer or Partner has several employees they would like to get
trained at the same time. Public courses provide a lower cost option when only one or two staff members
need to be trained.

Guidewire Education publishes brochures for public training periodically. These brochures are posted on
the Customer Support Center Portal ( and also available through your
Guidewire Services Account Manager, Partner Alliances Manager, Customer Support Partner, or by
sending an e-mail to

To schedule a private training class, please contact your Guidewire Services Account Manager or Partner
Alliances Manager. Requests can also be forwarded to
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2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 4
ClaimCenter Courses

ClaimCenter 5.0 Courses

The following courses should be taken by individuals that are new to the Guidewire ClaimCenter product. These courses are included as part of the implementation
project to provide the customer team with the training they will need to effectively implement the ClaimCenter product.

Course Name
Students Days
Developer Prerequisite Course Name
ClaimCenter 5.0 Introduction 20 4 Suggested Suggested Suggested None
Configuration Fundamentals 8 4 Suggested Suggested ClaimCenter 5.0 Introduction
ClaimCenter 5.0 Application Configuration 8 4 Suggested Optional Configuration Fundamentals
ClaimCenter 5.0 Application Integration 8 4 Suggested Configuration Fundamentals

The Configuration Fundamentals course is the same across all Guidewire products. It does not need to be repeated if it has already been taken as part
of the training for ClaimCenter 5.0 or BillingCenter 2.1.

ClaimCenter 5.0 Update Courses

The following courses have been provided for customers who have staff that are already experienced with implementing and maintaining an earlier version of the
ClaimCenter product (ClaimCenter 3.1 or 4.0), but need to gain experience with how to perform configuration and integration tasks in ClaimCenter 5.0 which they are
implementing as part of an upgrade project. Ideally, the students enrolled in these courses will have at least one year of recent experience performing configuration or
integration tasks on the customers implementation of ClaimCenter.

These courses are not recommended for Business Analysts or customer staff that does not have the minimum required experience with the ClaimCenter product and the
Customers implementation. Those resources should take the appropriate courses listed under the full ClaimCenter 5.0 training.

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2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 5
For Customers on ClaimCenter 3.1 that are upgrading to ClaimCenter 5.0:

Course Name
Students Days
Developer Prerequisite Course Name
ClaimCenter 3.1 to 5.0 Configuration
Update 10 8 Suggested Suggested ClaimCenter 3.1 Configuration
ClaimCenter 3.1 to 5.0 Integration Update 10 4 Suggested
ClaimCenter 3.1 Integration and
ClaimCenter 3.1 to 5.0 Configuration

For Customers on ClaimCenter 4.0 that are upgrading to ClaimCenter 5.0:

Course Name
Students Days
Developer Prerequisite Course Name
ClaimCenter 4.0 to 5.0 Configuration
Update 10 5 Suggested Suggested
ClaimCenter 4.0 Application
ClaimCenter 4.0 to 5.0 Integration Update 10 3 Suggested
ClaimCenter 4.0 Application
Integration and ClaimCenter 4.0 to 5.0
Configuration Update

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2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 6
ClaimCenter 4.0 Courses

The following courses are for an older version of ClaimCenter. These should be taken by Customer staff that is new to the Customer project. If you are interested in
courses available for previous versions of ClaimCenter, please contact your Services Account Manager, Customer Support Partner, or Partner Alliances Manager.

Course Name
Students Days Business Analyst Configuration Developer Integration Developer
ClaimCenter 4.0 Introduction 20 4 Suggested Suggested Suggested
ClaimCenter 4.0 Application Configuration 8 10 Suggested First 5 Days Suggested
ClaimCenter 4.0 Application Integration 8 3 Suggested

ClaimCenter Reporting Courses

The following courses are available for customers that are implementing the ClaimCenter Standard Reporting module. These courses provide training on how to design
and implement reports using the InetSoft Style Report product against the ClaimCenter data model:

Course Name
Students Days Report Developer
ClaimCenter 4.0 Reporting 8 5 Suggested
ClaimCenter 5.0 Reporting 8 5 Suggested

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2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 7
Course Descriptions
The following pages include the course descriptions for the courses listed above.
Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 8
ClaimCenter 5.0 Introduction


This course provides students with the knowledge of the features of ClaimCenter and the skills to create,
modify, and manage claims in ClaimCenter. It provides students with an understanding of the ways in
which customers can configure ClaimCenter functionality to meet business requirements and knowledge
of the common types of ClaimCenter integrations with legacy or third-party products.

The course also serves as the first training step for students who will write detailed requirement
specifications for ClaimCenter configuration and integration and for those students who will be performing
the configuration or integration.


After completing this course, students will be able to:

Complete common end-user tasks using the base application
Describe the features available in ClaimCenter
Describe, in a non-technical manner, the ways in which customers can configure ClaimCenter
Describe, in a non-technical manner, the common types of integrations between ClaimCenter and
legacy or third-party products

This course does not provide students with the ability to configure, integrate, or create technical
specifications for ClaimCenter. However, it serves as solid foundation for ClaimCenter technical training.

This course content is subject to change and the instructor may tailor the lessons or order of lessons to
the needs of a specific group of students.


The course is 4 days long.

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2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 9
Audience and Prerequisites

This course is designed for several types of students:
Managers and other people who need to develop an understanding of ClaimCenter features and
its configuration and integration capabilities.
Business analysts, configuration consultants, and integration programmers as the first step in
their technical training.

To successfully achieve the objectives of the course, each student should be able to:

Learn to use new software applications and discuss various aspects of the screens, menus, and
other functionality.

Course Materials

Electronic copies of all lecture and lab materials are available to the students during the course through
the Guidewire Education Portal. Guidewire Implementation Services provides customers with the same
education materials used to train its own employees.
Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 10


Day 1

Introduction to ClaimCenter
ClaimCenter Product Architecture
ClaimCenter Implementation Tasks
Course Outline

The ClaimCenter User Interface
Logging In
Sections of the User Interface
The Screen Hierarchy
Editing Data

The Claim File
The ClaimCenter Data Model
The Claim File

The Claims Process
Business Perspective
The Functional Perspective

Introduction to Claim Intake
The Claim Intake Process
Automated Claim Setup
New Claim Validation

The New Claim Wizard
The New Claim Wizard
Full Claims
Quick Claims
Incomplete Claims

Assignment Basics
Group Assignment
User Assignment via Rules
User Assignment via Users

Day 2

Contact Basics
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2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 11
Creating ClaimCenter Contacts
Working with Contacts

Activity Basics
Working with Activity Patterns
Creating Activities
Working with Claim Activities
Working with Queued Activities
Working with Your Activities

Document Basics
Creating Documents
Working with Documents

Notes Basics
Working with Notes

Review of the Claims Process
Exposure Basics
Creating Exposures

Day 3

Reserve Basics
Working with Reserve Lines

Adjudication Basics
Adjudication for Auto Claims
Adjudication for Workers' Comp Claims
The End of Adjudication

Payment Basics
Creating Checks
Viewing Claim Financials

Closing Claims
The Status Field
Closing Activities
Closing Exposures
Closing Claims

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2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 12
Specialized Claim Processes
Fraud Detection

Day 4

Assigning Permissions to Users
The Security Dictionary

Access Control Lists
The Business Needs for Access Control
Access Control Lists (ACLs)
Security Profile Configuration Options

Supervisor Basics
The Team Tab
Objects That Require Attention

Financials Approval
Authority Limits
Transaction Approval Rules
Approving Transactions

Using Lists as Reports
ClaimCenter Standard Reporting

Configuring ClaimCenter
Overview of ClaimCenter Configuration
The Data Model
The User Interface
The Business Rules
The Integration Point

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2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 13
Configuration Fundamentals


This course provides students with the knowledge and skills required to successfully configure the
fundamental features of Guidewire applications. This course is a prerequisite to all application-specific
configuration and integration courses.


After completing this course, students will be able to:

Set up a Guidewire application, including:
o Starting and using Guidewire Studio, the Guidewire configuration application
o Using the various editors available through Studio
Configure the data model, including:
o Using the data dictionary to identify appropriate business data
o Creating or modifying custom data entities and properties
o Creating typelists
Configure the user interface, including creating and modifying:
o Fields and their attributes
o Detail views, list views, and toolbars
o Cards and screens
Identify the types of navigation and configure several types of navigation
Configure business logic, including:
o Creating and modifying functions
o Creating pre-update rules
o Testing functions and rules
Configuring user interface features that can contain scripted logic, such as:
o Performing data validation from an individual widget
o Changing field values and/or appearance based on current business data

This course content is subject to change and the instructor may tailor the lessons or order of lessons to
the needs of a specific group of students.


The course is 4 days long.

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2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 14
Audience and Prerequisites

This course is designed for all developers who will be configuring or integrating Guidewire applications
such as ClaimCenter, BillingCenter, and PolicyCenter.

To successfully achieve the objectives of the course, each student should be able to:
Read and use XML or another markup language such as HTML.
Program in a programming or scripting language such as C, C++, Java, or JavaScript to create
control structures such as if-then-else or loops, define variables, pass variables, access values in
an array, and so forth.
Use a relational database to define database tables, columns, and foreign keys.

Course Materials

Electronic copies of all lecture and lab materials are available to the students during the course through
the Guidewire Education Portal. Guidewire Implementation Services provides customers with the same
education materials used to train its own employees.

This course uses a simple application to provide students with a training environment for learning skills
applicable to all Guidewire applications.
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2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 15


Day 1

Introduction to the Guidewire Configuration
Guidewire Configuration Technology
The Training Application
Starting Guidewire Applications
Guidewire Studio

Introduction to the Data Model
Data Model Introduction
The Data Dictionary
Using Dot Notation

Data Model Extensions
Extending Base Entities
Defining New Entities
Deploying Data Model Changes

Simple Typelists
Type Key Fields
Filtered Typelists

Day 2

The User Interface Architecture
UI Framework
PCF Editor
Deploy UI Configuration

Display Keys
Display Key Usage
Display Key Editor

Detail Views
View Panel : Detail Views
Detail View Child Widgets
Using Modes For Dynamic Layout
Widget Configuration

Panel References
Panel Ref Widget
Pass Data To Child Widget Containers
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2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 16

Day 3

Card Views
CardViewPanels & Cards
Card Configuration
Panel Reference On A Card
Using Toolbars & Buttons With a PanelRef

List Views
View Panel : List Views
List View Child Widgets
List View Configuration

What is Navigation?
Locations and Screens
Types of Locations
Creating Navigation Widgets
Creating Exit Points
Creating Simple Popups

Introduction to GScript
Guidewire GScript Overview
Using Expressions
Using Statements

Debugging GScript
Studio Debugger Overview
Common Debugging Functions

Introduction To GScript Enhancements
ContactAddresses: A Simple Entity Enhancement

Day 4

Business Rules
Business Rules Overview
Create A Simple Rule

Reacting to Widget Changes
Reflecting Changed Data
Dynamic Widget Display
Converting Displayed Data

ClaimCenter Configuration
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2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 17
PolicyCenter Configuration
BillingCenter Configuration
(NOTE: There are three versions of this lesson - one for each product. In any given delivery, the
only version delivered is the one pertaining to the students' target application.)
Application Data Model
Application User Interface
Application Rules
Importing Data Into the Application

Special Topics

The normal course length does not provide sufficient time to cover the following topics, but we recognize
that these are of interest to certain customers. If a customer has a strong interest in these topics,
arrangements can be made in advance to skip other topics to make time to cover these topics.

Installation and Setup
Using Third-Party Products
Installing the Guidewire Application Software
Setting Up the Application
Opening the Application

Introduction To Blocks
Blocks & Variable Scope
Block Type Literals

Field Validation
Field Validators
UI Validation

Configuring Entity Names
Entity Name Editor
Editor Fundamentals

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2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 18
ClaimCenter 5.0 Application Configuration


This course provides students with the knowledge and skills required to successfully configure the
application-specific features of ClaimCenter.

The course assumes students know the fundamentals of configuration for any Guidewire product. The
course focuses on the features specific to ClaimCenter which are configured in nearly all
implementations. By the conclusion of the course, students should have an understanding of ClaimCenter
sufficient enough that they can use the product documentation to learn how to accomplish more
advanced configuration.

This course does not cover integration. Integration of ClaimCenter is covered in ClaimCenter 5.0
Application Integration.


After completing this course, students will be able to:

Configure ClaimCenter-specific UI locations, such as the Claim tab and the New Claim Wizard
Configure ClaimCenter business rules, including: claim setup rules, assignment rules, validation
rules, exception rules, transaction validation rules, transaction approval rules, and approval
routing rules
Configure users, groups, and user-based functionality, including assignment and security
Establish connectivity between ClaimCenter and ContactCenter and configure contact-based
Configure the Line of Business model

This course content is subject to change and the instructor may tailor the lessons or order of lessons to
the needs of a specific group of students.

As mentioned in the course objectives section, this course does not cover integration. ClaimCenter
integration is covered in ClaimCenter 5.0 Application Integration.


The course is 4 days long. Guidewire strongly recommends that students should attend this course
immediately after Guidewire Configuration Fundamentals.

Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 19
Audience and Prerequisites

This course is designed for developers who will be configuring Guidewire ClaimCenter.

To successfully achieve the objectives of the course, each student should be able to:
Read and use XML or another markup language such as HTML.
Explain the structure of a relational database with regards to tables, columns, and foreign keys.
Program in a programming or scripting language (such as C, C++, Java, or JavaScript) and use
common scripting techniques (such as variables, if-the-else statements, loops, and function calls
with parameters)

To successfully achieve the objectives of the course, each student should have taken:
ClaimCenter 5.0 Introduction
Guidewire Configuration Fundamentals

Course Materials

Electronic copies of all lecture and lab materials are available to the students during the course through
the Guidewire Education Portal. Guidewire Implementation Services provides customers with the same
education materials used to train its own employees.
Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 20


Day 1

Location Groups
Location Group Basics
Location Group Configuration
Page Configuration

Wizard Basics
Wizard Configuration
Wizard Step Configuration

Claim Setup Rules
Claim Setup Basics
Pre-setup Rules
Segmentation Rules
Workplan Rules
Exposure and Activity Setup

Day 2

Users and Groups

Assignment Rules
Assignment Overview
Common Assignment Methods
Dynamic Assignment
Testing Assignment

Contact Basics
ClaimCenter/ContactCenter Integration
Extending the Contact Entity
Linking Configuration
Syncing Configuration

Contact Roles
Categorizing Contacts
Contact Roles
Contact Role Type Constraints
Entity Role Constraints

ClaimContact Widgets
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2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 21
ClaimContact Widget Basics
Configuring ClaimContact Widgets

Day 3

Line of Business: Typelists
Line of Business Model
The LOB Editor
LOB Model Configuration

Line of Business: UI Configuration
LOB Model and the User Interface
Configuring Exposure Types

Validation Rules
Review of Validation Techniques
Review of Validation in the Claims Process
Validation Rules

Day 4

Review of ClaimCenter Security
System Permissions
The Perm Object
Application Permission Keys

Claim History
Claim History Basics
Writing Events to Claim History

Exception Rules
Exception Rules
Preventing Repeated Actions

Introduction to Transaction Rules
Transaction Basics
Transaction Data Model
Transactions and GScript
The Financial Calculations Library

Transaction Validation Rules
Transaction Validation Basics
Transaction Validation Rules

Transaction Approval Rules
Transaction Approval Basics
Transaction Approval Rules
Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 22
Approval Routing Rules

Special Topics

The normal course length does not provide sufficient time to cover the following topics, but we recognize
that these are of interest to certain customers. If a customer has a strong interest in these topics,
arrangements can be made in advance to skip other topics to make time to cover these topics.

Document Templates
Document Template Basics
Document Template Configuration

Localisation Basics
Multiple Display Key Sets
Regions and Zones

Multicurrency Basics
Multicurrency Data Model
Configuring Multicurrency

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2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 23
ClaimCenter 5.0 Application Integration


This course provides students with the knowledge and skills required to successfully integrate
ClaimCenter with external applications, including legacy systems.

This course covers the following types of information:
Data import and export with web services
How to integrate ClaimCenter with legacy or other software using plugins
Generating data from ClaimCenter events and messages

This course does not cover configuration. Configuration of ClaimCenter is covered in the ClaimCenter 5.0
Application Configuration course.


After completing this course, students will be able to:

Create GScript templates for formatting data from ClaimCenter
Write Java applications that utilize web services to extract data from ClaimCenter
Write, deploy and unit test Java plugins in ClaimCenter
Listen for specific events, generate messages with payloads and handle messages with plugins

This course content is subject to change and the instructor may tailor the lessons or order of lessons to
the needs of a specific group of students.


The course is 4 days long. Guidewire strongly recommends that students should attend this course
immediately after the Guidewire Configuration Fundamentals course.

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2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 24
Audience and Prerequisites

This course is designed for developers who will be integrating Guidewire ClaimCenter with legacy
systems or other third-party software.

To successfully achieve the objectives of the course, each student in the course should:
Understand the fundamentals of enterprise system integration
Possess at least one year of recent Java experience and be able to program in Java without
consulting a syntax chart or Java book
Have proficiency working with XML documents and scripting languages
Understand and be able to use a relational database to define database tables, columns, primary
keys and foreign keys
In-depth experience with a Java IDE (Integrated Development Environment) such as Eclipse
Have experience using certain J2EE technologies (JMS, JNDI)
Have experience with multi-tiered web-based applications

To successfully achieve the objectives of the course, each student should have taken:
ClaimCenter 5.0 Introduction
Guidewire Configuration Fundamentals

Course Materials

Electronic copies of all lecture and lab materials are available to the students during the course through
the Guidewire Education Portal. Guidewire Implementation Services provides customers with the same
education materials used to train its own employees.
Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 25


Day 1

Introduction to ClaimCenter Integration
File Transfer
Shared Database Schema
Remote Procedure Calls (Web Services)

GScript for Java Programmers
Classes, Interfaces, Enums
Blocks ( Expressions)
Annotations and Interceptors
Bundles and Transactions

The ClaimCenter Data Model
The ClaimCenter Data Model

Day 2

Authentication Integration
Authentication Overview
User Authentication Source Creator Plugin
User Authentication Service Plugin
Database Authentication Plugin

Claim Number Generator Plugin
Claim Number Generator Overview
Claim Number Generator Plugin
Claim Number Generator Plugin Template
Deploying Claim Number Generator Plugin

Policy Search Plugin
Policy Search Plugin Overview
Typecode Mapper Utilities

Day 3

Document Management System (DMS) Integration
Document Management Overview
Document Storage
Document-Related SOAP API

Messaging Integration
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2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 26
Overview of Messaging Integration
(Guidewire) Destination
Messaging Plugins
Event Fired Rules
Holistic View of Messaging Integration

Day 4

Web Services API
Writing and Publishing GScript Web Services
Optional Web Service Publishing Options
Committing Entity Data in Web Services
Replacing and Augmenting Existing APIs

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2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 27
ClaimCenter 3.1 to 5.0 Configuration Update


This course provides students who are knowledgeable about ClaimCenter 3.1 configuration with the
knowledge and skills required to successfully configure an instance of ClaimCenter 5.0. The course
discusses configuration functionality which changed from 3.1 to 5.0 as well as configuration functionality
that is completely new to 5.0.

The course assumes students are skilled at ClaimCenter 3.1 configuration.


After completing this course, students will be able to:

Modify typelists using the new Typelist Editor
Configure the user interface using the PCF Editor and Display Key Editor
Configure ContactCenter integration and contact roles in 5.0
Configure the Line of Business Model using the LOB Editor
Describe additional features and improvements added to ClaimCenter in the 5.0 release

This course content is subject to change and the instructor may tailor the lessons or order of lessons to
the needs of a specific group of students.


The course is 8 days long.

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2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 28
Audience and Prerequisites

This course is designed for developers who will be configuring Guidewire ClaimCenter.

To successfully achieve the objectives of the course, each student should be able to:
Have extensive experience with the configuration of a ClaimCenter 3.1 application

Course Materials

Electronic copies of all lecture and lab materials are available to the students during the course through
the Guidewire Education Portal. Guidewire Implementation Services provides customers with the same
education materials used to train its own employees.
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2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 29

Section 1: ClaimCenter from a Business Perspective
Introduction to ClaimCenter 5.0
Incidents and Data Model Extensions
The New Claim Wizard
Access Control Lists
Additional End-User Improvements

Section 2: The Guidewire Platform
Introduction to Guidewire Configuration
Typelist Editor
The User Interface Architecture
Display Keys
Detail Views
Panel References
Card Views
List Views
Debugging GScript
Reacting to Widget Changes
Field-Level Validation
Entity Names

Section 3: ClaimCenter-Specific Configuration
Users and Groups
Location Groups
Rules Execution Order and Intro to Assignment Rules
User Assignment Rules
Assignment Rules: Advanced Assignment
ContactCenter Configuration
Contact Roles
ClaimContact Widgets
LOB Configuration: Typelists
LOB Configuration: User Interface
Introduction to Transaction Rules
Outbound Emails
Additional CC Configuration Improvements

Section 4: Internationalization
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ClaimCenter 3.1 to 5.0 Integration Update


This course provides students who are knowledgeable about ClaimCenter 3.1 configuration with the
knowledge and skills required to successfully integrate an instance of ClaimCenter 5.0 with external
systems. The course discusses integration functionality which changed from 3.1 to 5.0 as well as
integration functionality that is completely new to 5.0.

The course assumes students are skilled at ClaimCenter 3.1 integration.


After completing this course, students will be able to:
Create GScript templates for formatting data from ClaimCenter
Write Java applications that utilize web services to extract data from ClaimCenter
Write, deploy and unit test Java plugins in ClaimCenter
Listen for specific events, generate messages with payloads and handle messages with plugins

This course content is subject to change and the instructor may tailor the lessons or order of lessons to
the needs of a specific group of students.


The course is 4 days long.

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2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 31
Audience and Prerequisites

This course is designed for developers who will be integrating Guidewire ClaimCenter with legacy
systems or other third-party software.

To successfully achieve the objectives of the course, each student in the course should:
Have extensive experience with the integration of a ClaimCenter 3.1 application

To successfully achieve the objectives of the course, each student should have taken:
ClaimCenter 3.1 to 5.0 Configuration Update

Course Materials

Electronic copies of all lecture and lab materials are available to the students during the course through
the Guidewire Education Portal. Guidewire Implementation Services provides customers with the same
education materials used to train its own employees.
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2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 32


Day 1

Introduction to ClaimCenter Integration
File Transfer
Shared Database Schema
Remote Procedure Calls (Web Services)

Advanced GScript for Java5 Programmers
Classes, Interfaces, Enums
Blocks ( Expressions)
Annotations and Interceptors
Bundles and Transactions

The ClaimCenter Data Model
The ClaimCenter Data Model

Day 2

Authentication Integration
Authentication Overview
User Authentication Source Creator Plugin
User Authentication Service Plugin
Database Authentication Plugin

Claim Number Generator Plugin
Claim Number Generator Overview
Claim Number Generator Plugin
Claim Number Generator Plugin Template
Deploying Claim Number Generator Plugin

Policy Search Plugin
Policy Search Plugin Overview
Typecode Mapper Utilities

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2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 33
Day 3

Document Management System (DMS) Integration
Document Management Overview
Document Storage
Document-Related SOAP API

Messaging Integration
Overview of Messaging Integration
(Guidewire) Destination
Messaging Plugins
Event Fired Rules
Holistic View of Messaging Integration

Day 4

Web Services API
Writing and Publishing GScript Web Services
Optional Web Service Publishing Options
Committing Entity Data in Web Services
Replacing and Augmenting Existing APIs

CC 3.1 to CC 5.0 Integration Highlights
Adapters Versus Plugins
API Access
Document Management
Base Application Integrations
Custom Pickers

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2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 34
ClaimCenter 4.0 to 5.0 Configuration Update


This course provides students who are knowledgeable about ClaimCenter 4.0 configuration with the
knowledge and skills required to successfully configure an instance of ClaimCenter 5.0. The course
discusses configuration functionality which changed from 4.0 to 5.0 as well as configuration functionality
that is completely new to 5.0.

The course assumes students are skilled at ClaimCenter 4.0 configuration.


After completing this course, students will be able to:

Modify typelists using the new Typelist Editor
Configure the user interface using the PCF Editor and Display Key Editor
Configure ContactCenter integration and contact roles in 5.0
Configure the Line of Business Model using the LOB Editor
Describe additional features and improvements added to ClaimCenter in the 5.0 release

This course content is subject to change and the instructor may tailor the lessons or order of lessons to
the needs of a specific group of students.


The course is 4 days long.

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2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 35
Audience and Prerequisites

This course is designed for developers who will be configuring Guidewire ClaimCenter.

To successfully achieve the objectives of the course, each student should be able to:
Have extensive experience with the configuration of a ClaimCenter 4.0 application

Course Materials

Electronic copies of all lecture and lab materials are available to the students during the course through
the Guidewire Education Portal. Guidewire Implementation Services provides customers with the same
education materials used to train its own employees.
Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 36


Section 1: Introduction and User Interface
Introduction to ClaimCenter 5.0
The ClaimCenter 5.0 User Interface

Section 2: Platform Improvements
Accessing Resources
Introduction to the Studio Editors
Typelist Editor
Display Key Editor
PCF Editor - Basics
PCF Editor - Advanced
Common PCF Elements
Additional PCF Configuration Labs
GScript Editor Tips
Entity Names Editor
Additional Platform Improvements

Section 3: CC Configuration Improvements
Location Groups
Dynamic Assignment
Contact Configuration
LOB Editor - Typelists
Additional CC Configuration Improvements

Section 4: International Functionality

Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 37
ClaimCenter 4.0 to 5.0 Integration Update


This course provides students who are knowledgeable about ClaimCenter 4.0 configuration with the
knowledge and skills required to successfully integrate an instance of ClaimCenter 5.0 with external
systems. The course discusses integration functionality which changed from 4.0 to 5.0 as well as
integration functionality that is completely new to 5.0.

The course assumes students are skilled at ClaimCenter 4.0 integration.


After completing this course, students will be able to:
Create GScript templates for formatting data from ClaimCenter
Write Java applications that utilize web services to extract data from ClaimCenter
Write, deploy and unit test Java plugins in ClaimCenter
Listen for specific events, generate messages with payloads and handle messages with plugins

This course content is subject to change and the instructor may tailor the lessons or order of lessons to
the needs of a specific group of students.


The course is 3 days long.

Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 38
Audience and Prerequisites

This course is designed for developers who will be integrating Guidewire ClaimCenter with legacy
systems or other third-party software.

To successfully achieve the objectives of the course, each student in the course should:
Have extensive experience with the integration of a ClaimCenter 4.0 application

To successfully achieve the objectives of the course, each student should have taken:
ClaimCenter 4.0 to 5.0 Configuration Update

Course Materials

Electronic copies of all lecture and lab materials are available to the students during the course through
the Guidewire Education Portal. Guidewire Implementation Services provides customers with the same
education materials used to train its own employees.
Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 39


Day 1

CC 4.0 to CC 5.0 Integration Highlights
Overall Changes
Base Application Integrations

GScript for Java Programmers
Classes, Interfaces, Enums
Blocks ( Expressions)
Annotations and Interceptors
Bundles and Transactions

Day 2

Plugin Changes
Plugin Deployment
Plugin Configuration
New Plugins
Deprecated and Removed Plugins
Other Plugin Changes

Messaging Changes
Message Plugin Deployment
Message Plugin Configuration
Message Destination Definition
Other Messaging Related Changes

Day 3

Web Services API Changes
Web Services API Changes
Custom Web Services API with GScript

Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 40
ClaimCenter 4.0 Introduction


This course provides students with the knowledge of the features of ClaimCenter and the
skills to create, modify, and manage claims in ClaimCenter. It provides students with an
understanding of the ways in which customers can configure ClaimCenter functionality to
meet business requirements and knowledge of the common types of ClaimCenter
integrations with legacy or third-party products.

The course also serves as the first training step for students who will write detailed
requirement specifications for ClaimCenter configuration and integration and for those
students who will be performing the configuration or integration.

Course Objectives

After completing this course, students will be able to:

Use the product, which includes completing common end-user tasks
List the features available in ClaimCenter
Describe, in a non-technical manner, the ways in which customers can configure
Describe, in a non-technical manner, the common types of integrations between
ClaimCenter and legacy or third-party products

This course does not provide students with the ability to configure, integrate, or create
technical specifications for ClaimCenter. However, it serves as solid foundation for
ClaimCenter technical training.

This course content is subject to change and the instructor may tailor the lessons or order
of lessons to the needs of a specific group of students.

Course Duration

The course is 4 days long.

Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 41
Audience and Prerequisites

This course is designed for several types of students:
Managers and other people who need to develop an understanding of ClaimCenter
features and its configuration and integration capabilities.
Business analysts, configuration consultants, and integration programmers as the
first step in their technical training.

To successfully achieve the objectives of the course, each student should be able to:

Learn to use new software applications and discuss various aspects of the screens,
menus, and other functionality.

Course Methodology

Students learn the ClaimCenter functionality through a series of PowerPoint lectures and
hands-on labs that require interaction with ClaimCenter. They also learn the ways in which
the product can be configured and typical ways in which ClaimCenter integrates with legacy
and other third-party products.

Electronic copies of all lecture and lab materials are available to the students during the
course. Guidewire Implementation Services provides customers with the same lecture
materials and instructors as it uses to train its own employees.

All Guidewire courses are designed and taught with adult learning principles in mind,
including recognition that the students bring a variety of life experiences into the course,
multi-sensory delivery, a focus on active involvement and problem solving, and relevance to
their real-world needs. The instructional approach assumes a high degree of student
motivation while accommodating different learning styles and paces.

Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 42

Section 1: Course Introduction

1.1: Introduction to ClaimCenter
ClaimCenter Product Architecture
ClaimCenter Implementation Tasks
Course Outline

1.2: The ClaimCenter User Interface
Logging In
Sections of the User Interface
The Screen Hierarchy
Editing Data

1.3: The Claim File
The ClaimCenter Data Model
The Claim File

1.4: The Claims Process
Business Perspective
The Functional Perspective

Section 2: Claim Intake

2.1: Introduction to Claim Intake
The Claim Intake Process
Automated Claim Setup
New Claim Validation

2.2: The New Claim Wizard
The New Claim Wizard
Full Claims
Quick Claims
Incomplete Claims

2.3: Assignment
Assignment Basics
Group Assignment
User Assignment via Rules
User Assignment via Users

Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 43
Section 3: Cross-Process Entities

3.1: Contacts
Contact Basics
Creating ClaimCenter Contacts
Working with Contacts

3.2: Activities
Activity Basics
Working with Activity Patterns
Creating Activities
Working with Claim Activities
Working with Queued Activities
Working with Your Activities

3.3: Documents
Document Basics
Creating Documents
Working with Documents

3.4: Notes
Notes Basics
Working with Notes

Section 4: The Adjudication Process

4.1: Exposures
Review of the Claims Process
Exposure Basics
Creating Exposures

4.2: Reserves
Reserve Basics
Working with Reserve Lines

4.3: Adjudicating Claims
Adjudication Basics
Adjudication for Auto Claims
Adjudication for Workers' Comp Claims
The End of Adjudication

4.4: Payments
Payment Basics
Creating Checks
Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 44
Viewing Claim Financials

4.5: Closing Claims
The Status Field
Closing Activities
Closing Exposures
Closing Claims

4.6: Specialized Claim Processes
Fraud Detection

Section 5: Management and Configuration

5.1: Permissions
Assigning Permissions to Users
The Security Dictionary

5.2: Access Control Lists
The Business Needs for Access Control
Access Control Lists (ACLs)
Security Profile Configuration Options

5.3: Supervisors
Supervisor Basics
The Team Tab
Objects That Require Attention

5.4: Reporting
Using Lists as Reports
ClaimCenter Standard Reporting

5.5: Configuring ClaimCenter
Overview of ClaimCenter Configuration
The Data Model
The User Interface
The Business Rules
The Integration Points
Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 45
ClaimCenter 4.0 Configuration


This course provides students with the knowledge and skills required to successfully
configure an instance of ClaimCenter. It is delivered in two parts:

Part 1 of the course contains the material needed to either configure ClaimCenter or
integrate it with third-party software including
o An introduction to the out-of-the-box ClaimCenter so that developers
understand how the application works and how to test configuration change
o How to configure the functionality common to all Guidewire platform
products: the data model, the user interface, and the rules written in scripting
Part 2 provides more advanced configuration information and techniques including
o Dynamic user interface configuration, document template creation and
financials concepts
o How to write assignment, validation and financials business rules
o Practical configuration of different lines of business

This course does not cover integration. Integration of ClaimCenter is covered in the
following course: ClaimCenter Integration Training.

Course Objectives

After completing Part 1 of this course, students will be able to:

Use the product, which includes:
o Identifying and using out-of-the-box features
o Testing configuration changes
Configure the data model, which includes
o Using the data dictionary to identify appropriate business data
o Creating or modifying custom data entities and properties
o Creating and modifying activity patterns
o Linking and synchronizing contact records between ClaimCenter and
Configure the user interface, which includes creating and modifying:
o Screens, tabs, and wizards
o Menus and toolbars
o Fields and sections of pages
o Navigation

Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 46
After completing Part 2 of this course, students will be able to:

Using scripting to develop business practices, which includes:
o Creating automated functions and dynamic UI behavior
o Implementing claim and activity setup and assignment
o Performing data validation
o Automating reserve creation and payment approvals
Managing security issues, including users, privileges, and roles
Automating document creation
Configuring dropdown menus using dynamic filters
Configuring application behaviors unique to each line of business

This course content is subject to change and the instructor may tailor the lessons or order
of lessons to the needs of a specific group of students.

As mentioned in the course objectives section, this course does not cover integration.
ClaimCenter integration is covered in the ClaimCenter Integration Training course.

Course Duration

This course is 10 days long and is taught in two weeks, stopping at noon on each Friday.
Part 1 of the course is taught the first week and Part 2 of the course is taught the second or
third week.

When offering both the configuration and integration courses for ClaimCenter, you can
schedule both classes within 3 weeks using the following schedule:
Week 1 Part 1 of the integration and configuration courses, attended by both
configuration and integration students.
Week 2 Part 2 of the configuration course, attended by configuration students and,
optionally, by integration students. The knowledge and skills provided by this section
can be useful for integration but is not required for Part 2 of the integration course.
Week 2 or 3 Part 2 of the integration course, attended by only the integration
students. Configuration students will not benefit from attending this course.

Audience and Prerequisites

This course is designed for developers who will be configuring Guidewire ClaimCenter.

To successfully achieve the objectives of the course, each student should be able to:
Read and use XML or another markup language such as HTML.
Program in a programming or scripting language such as C, C++, Java, or JavaScript
to create control structures such as if-then-else or loops, define variables, pass
variables, access values in an array, and so forth.
Use a relational database to define database tables, columns, and foreign keys.

Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 47
Course Methodology

Students learn the methods for configuring ClaimCenter through a series of lessons
consisting of PowerPoint lectures, instructor demonstrations and student exercises. The
majority of the lectures are followed by hands-on lab experiences where students are given
business scenarios and each configures his or her own instance of ClaimCenter to meet the
business need.

This course focuses on the acquisition of skills needed for students to perform their role in a
Guidewire implementation, including any necessary conceptual information. Electronic
copies of all lecture and lab materials are available to the students during the course.
Guidewire Implementation Services provides customers with the same course materials and
instructors as it uses to train its own consultants.

All Guidewire courses are designed and taught with adult learning principles in mind,
including recognition that the students bring a variety of life experiences into the course,
multi-sensory delivery, a focus on active involvement and problem solving, and relevance to
their real-world needs. The instructional approach assumes a high degree of student
motivation while accommodating different learning styles and paces.

Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 48

Section 1: Product Overview (1 day)

01: Product Implementation
An introduction to the ClaimCenter implementation

02: Product Installation
Quick installation using a training installer
Using Eclipse to configure and start ClaimCenter

03: Product Demo
The claim intake process
Adjusting claims
Claims management

04: Product Usage
Interacting with ClaimCenters UI

Section 2: The Data Model (1 day)

1: Data Entities
Common data types
Entity relationships
The data dictionary

2: Extending the Data Model
Adding entities
Adding basic fields
Adding foreign key fields

3: Typelists and Arrays
Extending typelists
Creating fields that use typelists
Creating array fields

4: Activity Patterns
Adding activities in the UI
Activity fields
Defining activity patterns

5: Contacts
Contacts vs ClaimContacts
Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 49
Contact syncing
Extending contacts

Section 3: UI Configuration (2.5 days)

1: Introduction to Page Configuration
Page Configuration Format (PCF) Taxonomy
Modifying and Deploying UI elements
The PCF Reference

2: Display Properties
Display Keys
Modifying PCF element text properties

3: Detail Views
Detail View Basics
Structuring a Detail View
Atomic Widgets in Detail Views
Referencing a Detail View

4: Containers
Referencing Panels
Input Sets and Modes
Card Views

5: List Views
List View Basics
Structuring a List View
Atomic Widgets in List Views
Referencing a List View

6: Toolbars
Toolbar Functions
Associating Toolbars to UI Elements
Edit and Add/Remove Buttons on a List View

7: Locations and Navigation
Types of locations
Navigation methods
Location Groups
Location Entry Points
Creating Navigation Widgets
Page and Screen Basics
Exit Points
Menu Links
Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 50

8: Forward and Worksheets
Forward basics
Worksheet basics

9: Range Elements
Displaying Arrays in dropdowns

10: Popups
Popup behavior
Creating Popups
Creating Array Records Via Popups

11: New Claim Wizard
Use cases for modifying the NCW
The NCW PCF files and structure

Section 4: GScript and Studio (1 day)

1: GScript Syntax
GScript basics
GScript expressions
GScript statements

2: Guidewire Studio and Resources
Guidewire Studio
Managed resources
Implementing GScript functions

3: GScript Debugging
Studio debugger use

4: Rules and Rulesets
Purpose of rules
Rule categories, rulesets and rules
Managing rules in studio
Rule execution and hierarchy

5: Exception Rules
Exception rule basics
Preventing repeated actions

6: Rule Triggers and Execution Flow
Triggering rule sets
Claim setup
Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 51
Segmentation, assignment and workplan

Section 5: Assignment (1 day)

1: Users and Groups
User properties
Group properties
Load factors

2: Security
Roles and permissions
Access control
Defining sensitive claim access
Using permissions in the UI

3: Assignment Rules
Group and user assignment
Assigning by location and group type
Assigning by user attribute

Section 6: Advanced Configuration (2.5 days)

1: Document Templates
Document creation
Defining document templates

2: Typelist Filtering
Static filters
Dynamic filters

3: Claim Contact Roles
Contact role constraints
Creating new contact roles
Creating contact pickers

4: Line of Business
Line of business (LOB) hierarchy
Modifying policy coverages
Adding new exposure types

5: Validation
Data type field validation
UI level validation
Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 52
Data validation levels
Validation rulesets

6: Financials
Financial terminology, values and concepts
Configuring financials behavior
Summary screen configuration
Financials rulesets
Process transactions and financials values in rules

Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 53
ClaimCenter 4.0 Integration


This course provides students with the knowledge and skills required to successfully
integrate ClaimCenter with external applications, including legacy systems.

This course covers the following types of information:
Data import and export with web services
How to integrate ClaimCenter with legacy or other software using plugins
Generating data from ClaimCenter events and messages

This course does not cover configuration. Configuration of ClaimCenter is covered in the
ClaimCenter Configuration Training course.

Course Objectives

After completing this course, students will be able to:

Create GScript templates for formatting data from ClaimCenter
Write Java applications that utilize web services to extract data from ClaimCenter
Write, deploy and unit test Java plugins in ClaimCenter
Listen for specific events, generate messages with payloads and handle messages
with plugins

This course content is subject to change and the instructor may tailor the lessons or order
of lessons to the needs of a specific group of students.

Course Duration

The course is 3 days long.

When offering both the configuration and integration courses for ClaimCenter, you can often
schedule both classes within 3 weeks using the following schedule:
Week 1 with part 1 of the configuration course, attended by both configuration and
integration students.
Week 2 with part 2 of the configuration course, attended by configuration students
and, optionally, by integration students.
The integration course can be scheduled for the same week as part 2 of the
configuration course or for week 3, attended by only the integration students.
Configuration students will not benefit from attending this course unless their
programming skills are strong enough to meet the prerequisites of the integration

Audience and Prerequisites
Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 54

This course is designed for developers who will be integrating Guidewire ClaimCenter with
legacy systems or other third-party software.

To successfully achieve the objectives of the course, each student in the course should:

Have completed Part 1 of the ClaimCenter configuration course
Understand the fundamentals of enterprise system integration
Possess at least one year of recent Java experience and be able to program in Java
without consulting a syntax chart or Java book
Have proficiency working with XML documents and scripting languages
Understand and be able to use a relational database to define database tables,
columns, primary keys and foreign keys
In-depth experience with a Java IDE (Integrated Development Environment) such as
Have experience configuring and using a Java application server such as Tomcat

Course Methodology

Students review the techniques for integrating with ClaimCenter through a series of short
PowerPoint lectures. The majority of the course is made up of hands-on lab exercises where
students are given business problems and each student codes his or her own solution with
an instance of the ClaimCenter to meet the business need.

This course focuses on the acquisition of skills needed for students to perform their role in a
Guidewire implementation, including any necessary conceptual information. Electronic
copies of all lecture and lab materials are available to the students during the course.

All Guidewire courses are designed and taught with adult learning principles in mind,
including recognition that the students bring a variety of life experiences into the course,
multi-sensory delivery, a focus on active involvement and problem solving, and relevance to
their real-world needs. The instructional approach assumes a high degree of student
motivation while accommodating different learning styles and paces.

Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 55

Day 1: Data Extraction

1: Integration Overview
An introduction to ClaimCenter integration concepts

2: Environment Setup
Using Eclipse to configure and setup an integration project

3: GScript Template Pages
Using GScript tags
Embedding GScript templates in PCF files

4: Web Service APIs
Data extraction using IClaimAPI
Data extraction using IDataObjectAPI

Day 2: Plugins

1: Plugin Overview
Review plugin architecture
Plugin configuration and deployment

2: Claim Number Generator Exercise
Using JUnit for testing plugins
Hands-on plugin creation and deployment

Day 3: Events and Messaging, Other Integration Points

1: Events and Messaging Overview
Event and Message creation
Messaging transport process flow
Configuring messaging destinations

2: HTML Messaging Exercise
Using JUnit to test Messaging plugins
Writing GScript rules for messaging
Using GScript templates for payload generation
Writing and deploying messaging plugins

3: Other Integration Points
Calling Java classes from GScript
Bulk Data Import
Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 56
ClaimCenter 4.0 Reporting


This course provides students with the knowledge and skills required to successfully
configure the ClaimCenter standard reporting feature using InetSoft StyleReport Writer.


After completing this course, students will be able to:

Describe the Style Report data model
Execute common report administration tasks
Write and format reports using a variety of report types and displaying a variety of
Use advanced report features, such as binding reports to non-query elements,
parameters, drilldown, and scripting


The course is 5 days long.

Audience and Prerequisites

This course is designed for developers who will be configuring Guidewire ClaimCenter
reports using the InetSoft tools.

To successfully achieve the objectives of the course, each student should be able to:
Read and use XML or another markup language such as HTML.
Explain the structure of a relational database with regards to tables, columns, and
foreign keys.
Program in a programming or scripting language (such as C, C++, Java, or
JavaScript) and use common scripting techniques (such as variables, if-the-else
statements, loops, and function calls with parameters)

To successfully achieve the objectives of the course, each student should have taken:
ClaimCenter 4.0 Introduction


Students learn the methods for developing reports in ClaimCenter using the InetSoft Report
Developer tools through a series of lessons consisting of PowerPoint lectures, instructor
demonstrations and student exercises. The majority of the lectures are followed by hands-
on lab experiences where students are given business scenarios and each configures his or
her own report(s) against the ClaimCenter data to meet the business need.

This course focuses on the acquisition of skills needed for students to perform their role in a
Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 57
Guidewire implementation, including any necessary conceptual information. Electronic
copies of all lecture and lab materials are available to the students during the course.
Guidewire Implementation Services provides customers with the same course materials and
instructors as it uses to train its own consultants.

All Guidewire courses are designed and taught with adult learning principles in mind,
including recognition that the students bring a variety of life experiences into the course,
multi-sensory delivery, a focus on active involvement and problem solving, and relevance to
their real-world needs. The instructional approach assumes a high degree of student
motivation while accommodating different learning styles and paces.

Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 58

Course Introduction
High Level Overview & Discussion on ClaimCenter Reporting Module
Establishing the InetSoft Environment
Developing and Configuring Reports
Report Administration / Security
Report Scheduling (Batch versus On-Demand Reports)

Introduction to SREE Data Model
Style Report Data Model

Report Administration
Basic Configuration
Presentation & Optional Components

Style Report Designer
Introduction to Style Reports v8
Report User Interface
Report Elements

Crosstab Reports

Flow Reports
Overview of Flow Reports
Flow Reports vs. Tabular Reports

Reusable Components
Meta Templates

Advanced Data Binding
Binding To Report Elements
Grouping & Summarizing
Display Options
Data Ranking (Top/Bottom N)
Named Groups

Parameters and Drilldowns
Parameterized Reports
Simple Parameter Sheets
Staged Parameter Sheets
Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 59
Hyperlinked Reports (Drilldowns)

Report Scripting
Introduction to Scripting
Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 60
ClaimCenter 5.0 Reporting


This course provides students with the knowledge and skills required to successfully configure the
ClaimCenter standard reporting feature using InetSoft StyleReport Writer.


After completing this course, students will be able to:
Describe the Style Report data model
Execute common report administration tasks
Write and format reports using a variety of report types and displaying a variety of data
Use advanced report features, such as binding reports to non-query elements, parameters,
drilldown, and scripting

This course content is subject to change and the instructor may tailor the lessons or order of lessons to
the needs of a specific group of students.


The course is 5 days long.

Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 61
Audience and Prerequisites

This course is designed for developers who will be configuring Guidewire ClaimCenter reports using the
InetSoft tools.

To successfully achieve the objectives of the course, each student should be able to:
Read and use XML or another markup language such as HTML.
Explain the structure of a relational database with regards to tables, columns, and foreign keys.
Program in a programming or scripting language (such as C, C++, Java, or JavaScript) and use
common scripting techniques (such as variables, if-the-else statements, loops, and function calls
with parameters)

To successfully achieve the objectives of the course, each student should have taken:
ClaimCenter 5.0 Introduction

Course Materials

Electronic copies of all lecture and lab materials are available to the students during the course through
the Guidewire Education Portal. Guidewire Implementation Services provides customers with the same
education materials used to train its own employees.
Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 62


Reporting Installation

Configuring Reporting Permissions

Introduction to Reports
Report Generation
Report Design & Configuration
Report Administration

Introduction to SREE Data Model
Introduction to the Style Report Data Model

Working with ClaimCenter Standard Reports
Running ClaimCenter Reports
Viewing ClaimCenter Reports

Introduction to Report Administration
Basic Configuration
Presentation & Optional Components

Understanding Report Security
Reporting Security Framework
Report Security

InetSoft Report Designer
Report User Interface
Report Elements

Cross Tab Reports

Flow Reports
Overview of Flow Reports
Flow Reports vs. Tabular Reports

Reusable Components
Meta Templates

Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 63
Advanced Data Binding
Binding To Report Elements
Grouping & Summarizing
Display Options
Data Ranking (Top/Bottom N)
Named Groups

Parameters and Drilldowns
Parameterized Reports
Simple Parameter Sheets
Staged Parameter Sheets
Hyperlinked Reports (Drilldowns)

Report Scripting
Introduction To Scripting

Guidewire Education: ClaimCenter Course Catalog

2009 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 64
About Guidewire

Guidewire Software is a leading global provider of technology solutions to property and casualty insurance and
workers compensation insurers. Guidewire delivers proven software to run core insurance operations, including
billing, underwriting, policy administration, and claim management. The Guidewire Insurance Suite

consists of
Guidewire ClaimCenter

, Guidewire PolicyCenter

, and Guidewire BillingCenter

, which provide a modern, web-

based platform for all lines of business. Guidewire is headquartered in San Mateo, California, USA, with offices in
London, Munich, Paris, Sydney, Toronto, and Tokyo. For more information, please visit

2008 Guidewire Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Guidewire, Guidewire Software, Guidewire ClaimCenter, Guidewire PolicyCenter, Guidewire
BillingCenter, Guidewire ContactCenter, Guidewire Insurance Suite, and the Guidewire logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Guidewire
Software, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. WP-SVCXX-0508

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