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Emely Medina Rodr!"e#
Uni$er%i&y o' P"er&o Ri(o
Maya!)e# Cam*"%
Men&or: Dr+ Irma M+ Olmedo
Colle!e o' Ed"(a&ion
Uni$er%i&y o' Illinoi% a& C,i(a!o
Exploring the history of Education in Puerto Rico
Emely Medina-Rodrguez
In /0/ year% o' (olonial ,i%&ory in P"er&o Ri(o1 &,ere ,a$e 2een many *oli(ie% r"lin! &,e I%land
&,a& do no& &a3e in&o a((o"n& any o' &,e &radi&ion%1 "ni4"e (ondi&ion%1 or &,e ("l&"re o' &,e P"er&o
Ri(an *eo*le+ T,i% *ro5e(& *re%en&% a %&"dy o' &,e ed"(a&ional %y%&em o' &,e I%land1 and &rie% &o
ar!"e &,a& e$en &,o"!, /6 year% ,a$e *a%%ed %in(e P"er&o Ri(o 7a% re(o!ni#ed a% ,a$in! a non8
(olonial %&a&"% 2y &,e Uni&ed Na&ion%9 i& i% %&ill main&ainin! a (olonial model o' ed"(a&ion+ One o'
&,e 7ay% &,i% i% %,o7n i% in ed"(a&ional *oli(ie% %in(e 0:;:1 7,ere 'or more &,an a (en&"ry &,e
%&r"(&"re o' P"er&o Ri(o<% ed"(a&ional %y%&em ,a% 2een a re*li(a o' &,e ed"(a&ional %y%&em o'
Uni&ed S&a&e%+ Mo%& o' &,e li&era&"re ar!"e% &,a& Ameri(ani#a&ion and &,e main&enan(e o'
(oloniali%m 7a% &,e (a%e in &,e early year% o' Uni&ed S&a&e% domina&ion in P"er&o Ri(o1 2"& no& in
&,i% ne7 (en&"ry 7,ere (oloniali%m ,a% 2een eradi(a&ed &,ro"!, *oli(ie% and re'orm%+
Ne$er&,ele%%1 &,i% (olonial model %&ill ,a% an im*a(& in %ome 7ay% on P"er&o Ri(an% o' &oday and
7ill do %o in &,e '"&"re+ O&,er% ar!"e &,a& &,i% (olonial model o' ed"(a&ion &,a& (ome% 'rom &,e
*oli&i(al %&a&"% re%"l&% in &,e im*o%i&ion o' *a&&ern% 'rom &,e (oloni#er &o &,e (oloni#ed+ Ho7e$er1
&,i% doe%n<& 2ene'i& &,e *eo*le o' &,e i%land1 2"& ra&,er (a"%e% d"ali&ie% 7i&,in P"er&o Ri(an
("l&"re+ T,e main 4"e%&ion 'or &,i% re%ear(, 7ill 2e: In 7,a& 7ay% i% NCLB main&ainin! a
(olonial model o' ed"(a&ion in P"er&o Ri(o= I am !oin! &o e>*lore &,i% i%%"e 2y e>aminin! media
re*or&% o' di%(o"r%e o' *aren&%1 *ro'e%%ional ed"(a&or% and *oli&i(ian% a2o"& NCLB in &,e
ne7%*a*er El N"e$o Da1 &,e main daily ne7%*a*er in P"er&o Ri(o 7i&, a (ir("la&ion o'?????+ I
7ill *re%en& &,e 2a(3!ro"nd "%in! ,i%&ory 2oo3% and li&era&"re on NCLB+
Exploring the history of Education in Puerto Rico
Emely Medina-Rodrguez
Y de pronto surgi en el umbral de la puerta la rojiblanca figura de Santa Claus
con un enorme saco a cuestas, diciendo en voz cavernoso: "Here is Santa, Merry
Cristmas to you all!"
"n grito de terror izo estremecer el saln# "nos campesinos se tiraron por las ventanas,
los ni$os m%s pe&ue$os empezaron a llorar y se pegaban a las faldas de las comadres,
&ue corr'an en desbandada# (odos buscaban un medio de escape# Y Mister )osas corri
tras ellos, para e*plicarles &ue +l era &uien se ab'a vestido de tan e*tra$a forma, pero
entonces aumentaba el griter'o y se ac'a m%s agudo el p%nico# "na vieja se persign y
dijo: "-Conjurao sea! -Si es el mesmo demonio jablando en americano!.
In &,i% 'ra!men& o' one o' P"er&o Ri(an li&era&"re<% mo%& *o*"lar %&orie% Santa Cl va a la
1 A2elardo Da# Al'aro (a*&"re% &,e 'eelin! o' &,e P"er&o Ri(an *eo*le in &,e early --
(en&"ry+ T,i% 'ra!men& i% a !ood ill"%&ra&ion o' ,o7 &,e im*o%i&ion o' a ne7 ("l&"re and &radi&ion
(a"%e% mi>ed 'eelin!% amon! (i&i#en%+ Da# Al'aro (a*&"re% in ,i% %&ory ,o7 li'e 7a% 2a(3 &,en+
To 2e&&er "nder%&and 7,a& Dia# Al'aro *re%en&% 7i&, &,i% %&ory 7e %,o"ld ,a$e a loo3 a& &,e
(olonial ,i%&ory o' &,e I%land1 'o("%in! on &,e re!ime r"lin! a& &,e *re%en& &ime+
Suddenly came out of the threshold of the door, the red and white fgure of Santa
Clause with an enormous ag in his ac!" Saying with a deep #oice$ %ere is Santa
Clause merry Christmas to you all&
' scream of terror ma!e the classroom sha!e" Some countryman threw themsel#es
thru the window, and some of the smallest children started crying and attach
themsel#es to the s!irts of their mothers that were running away" E#eryody was
searching how to escape" 'nd (ister Rosas ran after them to explain to them that he
was the one dress in that strange form) ut then screams were lauder and the panic
increased" 'n old lady cross herself and said$ *s a spell& +ut if is the de#il spea!ing in
Santa Claus #isits the town of ,a Cuchilla"
Exploring the history of Education in Puerto Rico
Emely Medina-Rodrguez
In &,i% *ro5e(& I 7ill e>*lore &,e re*er("%%ion% o' (olonial ed"(a&ional *oli(ie%1 "nder%&andin!
(olonial *oli(ie% a% &,o%e im*o%ed 2y a more *o7er'"l (o"n&ry &o domina&e ano&,er le%% *o7er'"l
E$en &,o"!, &,e I%land 7a% de(lared 2y &,e U+N+ a% ,a$in! a non8(olonial %&a&"% in 0;/@1 i' one
e>*lore% &,e ed"(a&ional *oli(ie% o' &oday on &,e I%land1 one (an (on(l"de &,a& &,e Uni&ed S&a&e%
'omen&% and main&ain% a (olonial ed"(a&ional model+ T,ro"!, &,e ,i%&ory o' P"er&o Ri(o1 one (an
re(o!ni#e %"25e(&% &,a& ,a$e a (olonial *a%& a&&a(,ed &o P"er&o Ri(an ed"(a&ion+ T,e (en&ral
%"25e(& o' &,i% re%ear(, 7ill 2e ed"(a&ional+
T,e li&era&"re a2o"& &,i% &o*i( i% 'o("%ed on &,e early -- (en&"ry+ I& di%(lo%e% &,e (olonial
&rea&men& in &,e 'ir%& ,al' o' &,e (en&"ry on P"er&o Ri(o<% ed"(a&ional %y%&em+ T,e li&era&"re
%,o7% &,e la(3 o' (om*re,en%ion o' &,e ne7 (olonial re!ime %in(e 0:;:+ T,i% li&era&"re al%o
%,o7% &,e a&&em*& a& Ameri(ani#a&ion o' &,e *o*"la&ion %&ar&in! 7i&, %(,ool (,ildren+ T,e Uni&ed
S&a&e% e>er(i%ed &,i% (olonial *o7er &,ro"!, &,e e(onomi( and a!ri("l&"ral *oli(ie% a% 7ell+ My
ar!"men& 'o("%e% on &,e ne7 millenni"m and ,o7 &oday 7e (an %ee a (olonial re!ime in
I 7ill e>amine one o' &,e la&e%& 'ederal ed"(a&ional *oli(ie% &,a& ,a$e (a"%ed a% m"(, "*,ea$al in
&,e S&a&e% a% in &,e &erri&orie% o' &,e Uni&ed S&a&e%1 &,e No C,ild Le'& Be,ind La7 o' ABBA+ I 7ill
ar!"e &,a& &,i% la7 i% an e>am*le o' U+S+ neo8(oloniali%m+ One a%*e(& o' &,i% la7 %ee3% &o (lo%e
&,e a(,ie$emen& !a* 2e&7een middle (la%% 7,i&e %&"den&% and immi!ran&% and re'"!ee<% %&"den&%
o' (olor+ Wi&, &,i% one (an %ee &,a& &,i% la7 i% no& (om*a&i2le 7i&, &,e "ni4"e (ir("m%&an(e% and
need% o' &,e P"er&o Ri(an %&"den& in &,e I%land+ CFEATURES OF NCLBD
Exploring the history of Education in Puerto Rico
Emely Medina-Rodrguez
In &,i% *ro5e(& I ,a$e done an analy%i% o' P"er&o Ri(o<% *rin(i*al ne7%*a*er1 El N"e$o
Da 'rom A"!"%& ABBA &ill E"ne ABB:+ For &,i% I %ear(,ed &,e ele(&roni( (a&alo! o' &,e ne7%*a*er
"%in! &erm% rela&ed TO NCLB: No C,ild Le'& Be,ind CNCLBD1 Federa&ion o' P"er&o Ri(an
Tea(,er%1 P"er&o Ri(an Te%& o' A(ademi( A(,ie$emen&1 e&(+ Wi&, &,i% I &ried &o (olle(& &,e mo%&
're4"en& di%(o"r%e% and (ri&i4"e% or o*inion% on &,o%e %"25e(&% 'rom &,e $oi(e% o' &ea(,er%1
*aren&% and &,e !o$ernmen& o''i(ial%+
I al%o re$ie7ed da&a 'rom ,i%&ory 2oo3%1 *la(in! em*,a%i% on &,e -- (en&"ry and &,e Uni&ed
S&a&e im*o%i&ion o' a ne7 lan!"a!e and ("l&"re+ A% *ar& o' &,i% *ro5e(& I did a li&era&"re re$ie7 on
NCLB in P"er&o Ri(o and &,e Uni&ed S&a&e%+ I al%o re$ie7ed li&era&"re on (ri&i(al *eda!o!y1
lan!"a!e and &,e *eda!o!y o' &,e o**re%%ed+
Research Questions
Ho7 ,a% (oloniali%m 2een mani'e%&ed in P"er&o Ri(o<% ed"(a&ional *oli(ie%=
Ho7 ,a% (oloniali%m 2een mani'e%&ed in P"er&o Ri(o<% ed"(a&ional *oli(ie% in &,e --
I% No C,ild Le'& Be,ind one o' &,o%e (olonial ed"(a&ional *oli(ie%= I' %o1 ,o7 do &,e
di%(o"r%e% o' P"er&o Ri(an ed"(a&or%1 *aren&% and *"2li( o''i(ial% demon%&ra&e &,a&=
Exploring the history of Education in Puerto Rico
Emely Medina-Rodrguez
Education of Puerto Rico under Spain
In &,e 'ir%& (en&"rie% o' S*ani%, (oloniali%m ed"(a&ion 7a% no& %een a% %&a&e a
re%*on%i2ili&y C.Fme# G Cr"# 0;HBD+ Ed"(a&ion 7a% more o' a 'amily &radi&ion9 i& i% no& "n&il &,e
-IIII (en&"ry &,a& &,e (ro7n 2e(ome% in$ol$ed in &,e ed"(a&ion o' &,e ma%%e% in S*ain and i&%
(olonie%+ Ed"(a&ion i% le'& in &,e ,and% o' &,e (,"r(,+ For many de(ade% &,e Ca&,oli( C,"r(,
ed"(a&ed &,e *eo*le in 2a%i( 3no7led!e and reli!io"% in%&r"(&ion+ Primary ed"(a&ion 7a% !i$en
in %mall room% o"&%ide (,"r(,e%+ In &,e *ari%,e% (,ildren *"r%"ed elemen&ary ed"(a&ion1 and i'
&,ey 7an&ed &o (on&in"e %e(ondary %&"die%1 &,ey ,ad &o mo$e &o &,e (a&,edral% or (on$en&%1
e%*e(ially &,o%e in &,e (a*i&al (i&y+ I' &,e %&"den& 7an&ed &o (on&in"e ,i!,er ed"(a&ion1 &,ey ,ad &o
mo$e &o &,e me&ro*oli%+
T,ere are %e$eral *ro2lem% &,a& did no& allo7 &,e e%&a2li%,men& o' a %&ron! ed"(a&ional %y%&em+
A& &,e end o' &,e -IIII (en&"ry S*ain 2e(ame more in$ol$ed in ed"(a&ion+ T,an3% &o &,e ne7
$i%ion% o' &,e Enli!,&enmen&1 &,e !o$ernmen& 2e(ame in$ol$ed in &,e (i&i#en%< %o(ial need%
C.Fme# G Cr"# 0;HBD+ Ho7e$er P"er&o Ri(o 7a% a $i(&im o' S*ain<% enemie% 'or a lon! &ime1
,a$in! (on%&an& (,an!e% in !o$ernmen& admini%&ra&ion+ P"er&o Ri(o 7a% al%o (on%&an&ly ,armed
2y ,"rri(ane% and &,i% (a"%ed in%&a2ili&y in &,e (o"n&ry+
A& &,e 2e!innin! o' &,e -I- (en&"ry1 P"er&o Ri(an ar& and li&era&"re 'lo"ri%,ed+ T,e e(onomi(
!ro7&, o' &,e ne7 (en&"ry and &,e ne7 'o"nd *oli&i(al (on%(io"%ne%% dro$e &,e de$elo*men& o'
ed"(a&ion+ P"er&o Ri(o ,ad &o 7ai& "n&il 0:6/ &o ,a$e a %&r"(&"red ed"(a&ional %y%&em1 7,en
Exploring the history of Education in Puerto Rico
Emely Medina-Rodrguez
S*ain in(l"ded &,e (olonie% in &,e le!i%la&ion on ed"(a&ion+ T,e ne7 le!i%la&ion 7a% (alled
De(re&o Or!Jni(o de 0:6/
&,a& !ran&ed P"er&o Ri(o a %&r"(&"red ed"(a&ional %y%&em+
T,e ne7 ("rri("l"m Kfollo1ed te traditional lines of te Spanis scool: Catecism and
)eligious istory, 1eigts and measures, monetary units but also agricultural elements, industry
and commerce 1it special attention to te needs of te 2uerto )ican communityL C.Fme# G
Cr"# 0;HBD+ D"rin! &,i% *eriod ed"(a&ion 7a% in &,e ,and% o' &,e m"ni(i*ali&ie% (a"%in! %ome
o**o%i&ion a!ain%& &,e !o$ernmen&+ D"rin! &,i% &ime one o' &,e mo%& im*or&an& a&&em*&% o'
in%"rre(&ion (alled El .ri&o de Lare% o(("rred+ In addi&ion ,"rri(ane San Nar(i%o de$a%&a&ed &,e
I%land+ T,i% or!ani( de(ree ended a 'e7 year% a'&er i& ,ad 2een de(lared a% a re%"l& o' o**o%i&ion
'rom &,e *eo*le 2e(a"%e &,e !o$ernmen& *re'erred &o em*loy S*aniard% ra&,er &,an i%lander% and
al%o &,e e(onomy 7a% no& %&a2le+

In %"2%e4"en& year% P"er&o Ri(o<% ed"(a&ional %y%&em ,ad "*% and do7n%: K(ere 1as no
educational progress3 due to te intense political feeling concerning all scool matters#
4ducational conditions in general 1ere te same as in /567 and even 1orse. CO%"na 0;M;D+ In
0:HH S*ain en5oyed a %&a2le !o$ernmen& and %&ar&ed !ran&in! P"er&o Ri(o (on%idera2le %el'8
!o$ernmen& CO%"na 0;M;D+ Ne7 ed"(a&ional re'orm% (ame in 0::B
7i&, a more (en&rali#ed
ed"(a&ional %y%&em and in(l"din! (om*"l%ory ed"(a&ion a& elemen&ary !rade%+ A& &,i% &ime La
E%("ela Normal
7a% (rea&ed &o &rain na&i$e &ea(,er%+ I& 7a% la&er (lo%ed 7i&, &,e (,an!e in
%o$erei!n&y+ T,i% ne7 de(ree 81as te ma*imum autority in matters of public education on te
9sland until sovereignty canged.# CO%"na0;M;D
1rganic 2ecree of 13/.
1rganic 2ecree of 1334
5ormal School
Exploring the history of Education in Puerto Rico
Emely Medina-Rodrguez
In (on(l"%ion1 d"rin! &,e S*ani%, (olonial *,a%e &,ere 7ere no 2i! ed"(a&ional mo$emen&% in &,e
I%land+ P"er&o Ri(o 7a% a *ro*er&y &,a& 7a% la(3in! im*or&an(e 'or S*ain 7,en &,ey di%(o$ered
o&,er 7eal&,ier land%+ T,e "*% and do7n% o' &,e S*ani%, !o$ernmen& and i&% re'le(&ion on &,e
I%land (a"%ed "nderde$elo*men& in P"er&o Ri(o<% ed"(a&ion+ B"& e$en 8in te absence of a
public education system, a number of great men 1it ample culture 1ere surpassing te
limitations of te environment and sining among teir e&uals in Spain and :atin ;merica#.
C.Fme# G Cr"# 0;HBD
Education in Puerto Rico under the United States
We %,o"ld %&ar& &,e &ra5e(&ory o' ed"(a&ion in P"er&o Ri(o "nder &,e Uni&ed S&a&e% 7i&,
&,e end o' S*ani%, (oloniali%m+ In 0:;H S*ain !ran&ed P"er&o Ri(o a"&onomy CCar&a
+ E$en &,o"!, &,i% &y*e o' !o$ernmen& did no& la%& lon!1 i& 7a% &,e 2i!!e%& a(& o'
%el'8!o$ernmen& P"er&o Ri(o e$er ,ad "nder S*ain and 7o"ld ,a$e "nder &,e Uni&ed S&a&e% 'or
&,e ne>& /M year%+ A% a !ood de%(ri*&ion o' &,i% la7 I 4"o&e &,e Prime Mini%&er o' &,e S*ani%,
(o"r&% a& &,a& &ime1 PrJ>ede% Ma&eo Sa!a%&a:
3 it is not e*otic, not a copy or imitation, it is original. <and= 83 luc>ily 1ile te
representatives of te people govern in teir local cambers teir uni&ue needs, oters
cosen by te people, assist and cooperate in te formation of te la1sN CTirado 0;;;D
One o' &,e li2er&ie% !ran&ed 2y &,e Car&a A"&onFmi(a and &oday &,e *eo*le o' P"er&o Ri(o do no&
en5oy 7a% &,e *o7er o' (ommer(e 7i&,o"& &,e in&er$en&ion o' &,e me&ro*oli%+
In E"ly A/1 0:;: KSome /5,??? "#S# troops 1it a naval escort departed for 2uerto )ico from
@uant%namo Aay and te east coast of te "nited States# (ey landed at @u%nica Aay on Buly
'utonomic constitution
Exploring the history of Education in Puerto Rico
Emely Medina-Rodrguez
07, immediately moving to te city of 2once and oter to1ns located on te soutern part of te
island# (e "#S# troops ten proceeded nort to1ards San Buan, 2uerto )icoCs capital and te
main military post of Spanis forces on te island# Aut before tey could reac San Buan, Spain
agreed on ;ugust /Dt to sign a peace treaty 1it te "nited States, putting an end to all
military ostilities+L CBrJ% ABBAD
Mo$in! &o ma&&er% o' ed"(a&ion a& &,e &ime o' &,e mili&ary !o$ernmen&1 i& i% e%%en&ial &o re$ie7
&,e or!ani#a&ion and in&en&ion% o' &,e ne7 re!ime+ In &,e 'ir%& year% o' &,e mili&ary re!ime1 83
most of tese teacers 1ere young men 1o ad come 1it te "#S# ;rmy, militarizing te
scools and advancing little in te area of pedagogy. CWal%, 0;;01*D+Wal%, al%o add%:
K4ducation 1as to serve as te eart of colonization, te site from 1ic imposition, domination,
and control 1ould flo1# 9t 1as to be a policy bot developed and implemented 1itout
understanding of te people, teir culture, or lived realities#.
In 0;BB &,e U+S+ Con!re%% in%&i&"&ed a (i$il !o$ernmen& on &,e i%land+ T,e Fora3er A(& made
P"er&o Ri(o a non in(or*ora&ed &erri&ory o' &,e Uni&ed S&a&e%+ Wi&, &,i% re'orm1 &,e ed"(a&ional
%y%&em 2e(ame a (en&rali#ed one1 7i&, (ommi%%ioner% a%%i!ned 2y &,e *re%iden&+ For almo%& A/
year% &,o%e a**oin&ed (ommi%%ioner o' ed"(a&ion 7ere Ameri(an% 7i&, a %&ron! Ameri(ani#a&ion
a!enda+ A% *ar& o' &,i% *ro5e(& 7e %,o"ld &a3e a (lo%er loo3 a& &,e Ameri(ani#a&ion *ro(e%%e% in
P"er&o Ri(o &,ro"!, *"2li( %(,ool%+ T,e 'ir%& (ommi%%ioner o' ed"(a&ion P"er&o Ri(o ,ad 7a%
Dr+ Br"m2a"!, 7,o ,ad an a!enda &o in("l(a&e Ameri(an ideal% on P"er&o Ri(an (,ildren+ He
*la(ed em*,a%i% on &,e &ea(,in! o' &,e En!li%, lan!"a!e and *a&rio&i( a(&%+ In ,i% 'ir%& re*or& &o
.o$ernor H"n& ,e e>*lained:
Exploring the history of Education in Puerto Rico
Emely Medina-Rodrguez
(e young minds are being molded to follo1 te e*ample of Easington# 9t is one of te
gratifying results so far acieved in our 1or># 9n /F?? te average 2uerto )ican cild
>ne1 more about Easington, :incoln and Aetsy )oss and te ;merican flag, tan te
average cild in te "nited States CE+E+ O%"na 0;M;D
T,i% ne7 la7 ,ad e>&en%i$e o**o%i&ion+ I& 7a% no& ada*&ed &o &,e lo(al need% CO%"na 0;M;D+ An
Ameri(an %y%&em o' ed"(a&ion 7a% im*o%ed 7i&,o"& &a3in! in&o a((o"n& &,e ("l&"re o' o"r
(o"n&ry+ C.Fme# GCr"# 0;HBD
T,ro"!, &,e year% o&,er (ommi%%ioner% im*o%ed on &,e %&"den&% and &ea(,er% an ed"(a&ion 2a%ed
on Ameri(an $al"e%+ T,e e>i%&in! 'a("l&y e>*erien(ed *re%%"re and re*la(emen& d"rin! &,e &erm%
o' Commi%%ioner% Lind%ay and Fal3ner+ P"er&o Ri(o ,ad &o 7ai& "n&il 0;A0 'or a P"er&o Ri(an &o
o(("*y &,a& *o%i&ion o' ed"(a&ional (ommi%%ioner+ E"an B+ H"y3e o(("*ied &,a& *o%i&ion "n&il
0;@B1 2"& ,e ,ad 2i! (on'ron&a&ion% 2e(a"%e ,e 'a$ored En!li%, a% a medi"m o' in%&r"(&ion and
2elie$ed Ameri(ani#a&ion 7a% a !ood &,in! 'or P"er&o Ri(an (,ildren+ In 0;@B ,e 7a% re*la(ed
2y Dr+ Eo%O Padn1 a P"er&o Ri(an &,a& re$er%ed &,e *oli(y and made S*ani%, &,e medi"m o'
in%&r"(&ion in *"2li( ed"(a&ion+ S*ani%, 7a% made P"er&o Ri(o<% o''i(ial lan!"a!e in 0;;0+ T,i%
(ommi%%ioner ,ad a di''eren& $i%ion+ He re!arded En!li%, ,i!,ly 2"& ,e reali#ed &,a& &,e learnin!
o' 2o&, lan!"a!e% m"%& 2e 2alan(ed+
A& &,i% &ime &,e I%land 7a% 'eelin! &,e de$a%&a&ion o' &,e .rea& De*re%%ion+ T,i% 2ro"!,& %ome
e(onomi( ,el* &o &,e I%land &,ro"!, P+R+E+R+A+
T,i% (a"%ed *rod"(&i$i&y in &,e "ni$er%i&y and in
&,e 7ri&in! o' &e>& 2oo3% 'or P"er&o Ri(o+ In 0;@6 Dr+ E+ Padn re%i!ned ,i% *o%i&ion and 7a%
re*la(ed 2y Dr+ E+M+ .allardo &,a& 8;fter some sizing up in te use of language, Gr# @allardo
Puerto Rican Emergency Relief 'dministration
Exploring the history of Education in Puerto Rico
Emely Medina-Rodrguez
adopted Gr# 2ad'nHs plan: tat 1as to use Spanis as medium of instruction in elementary
scoolL C.Fme# G Cr"# 0;HBD
T,ro"!, &,e year% &,e e(onomi( (ondi&ion o' &,e i%land im*ro$ed (rea&in! (,an!e% in &,e
ed"(a&ional %y%&em+ P"er&o Ri(o<% e(onomy 7en& 'rom a!rarian &o man"'a(&"re+ T,e Normal
S(,ool 'or &ea(,er% o*ened a& &,e 2e!innin! o' &,e (en&"ry+ A %*e(ial 'ea&"re o' &,i% Normal
S(,ool 7a% &,a& i& 7a% *ar& o' &,e *"2li( ed"(a&ional %y%&em+ T,e (ommi%%ioner o' ed"(a&ion 7a%
al%o &,e *re%iden& o' &,e Normal S(,ool+ For &,i% rea%on &,e Normal S(,ool al%o *re%en&ed a
("rri("l"m 7i&, En!li%, a% a medi"m o' in%&r"(&ion and ed"(a&ion 7i&, Ameri(an $al"e%+ En!li%,
7a% a& &,i% &ime &,e lan!"a!e o' in%&r"(&ion9 many &ime% a% a medi"m o' in%&r"(&ion1 o&,er% a%
%"25e(& ma&&er+
A& &,e 2e!innin! o' &,e Fir%& World War in 0;0H &,e U+S+ Con!re%% im*o%ed U+S+ (i&i#en%,i* on
&,e i%lander% and a ne7 or!ani( la7
2"& &,i% la7 did no& %a&i%'y &,e *eo*le1 2e(a"%e i& didn<& ,a$e
all &,e %el'8!o$ernmen& le!i%la&ion *eo*le e>*e(&ed+ All &,i% (a"%ed a (,an!e in &,e %&r"(&"re o'
P"er&o Ri(an ed"(a&ion+ Ne7 $o(a&ional %(,ool% aro%e in 7,i(, &,e %&"den&% learned man"al
la2or or a% Sol% 0;;M e>*lain%:
(e constitution of te vocational education program included trades and industries and
ome economics# Some of te e*pected results of te trades and industries component
included yout s>ills training, cooperation bet1een 1or>places and scools, 2uerto
)ican development advancement, increased economic 1ealt of 2uerto )ico troug te
development of uman resources, assistance in reducing unemployment 1it te ne1
7ones 'ct
Exploring the history of Education in Puerto Rico
Emely Medina-Rodrguez
capital tat 1ould be attracted to te country for te development of ne1 industries, and
te development of local industrial leadersip
From &,i% *oin& 'or7ard1 &,e ed"(a&ional *,ilo%o*,y o' P"er&o Ri(o 7a% e(onomy 2a%ed and
&ar!e&ed &o a&&ra(& U+S+ (a*i&al+ T,i% ne7 *er(e*&ion o' ed"(a&ion ,a% 2een main&ained &,r" &,e
year%1 e$en a% &,e e(onomy (,an!ed 'rom a man"'a(&"rin! &o a more %*e(iali#ed ind"%&ry+ In
(on(l"%ion1 %in(e P"er&o Ri(o i% a &erri&ory o' U+S+ ed"(a&ion ,a% 2een mar3ed 2y o"&%ide 'or(e%1
'rom a&&em*&% o' Ameri(ani#a&ion &o an e(onomy 2a%ed ed"(a&ion+ T,e *eo*le o' P"er&o Ri(o
,a$e no& ,ad &,e o**or&"ni&y &o 'orm an ed"(a&ional %y%&em &,a& %"%&ain% 7omen and men1 or a%
.Fme# and Cr"# 0;HB %aid: K(e education must form men in all te senses of te 1ord, men
1it social, etical and spiritual consciousnessL C*+0MD+
United States educational background and legislation
T,e Uni&ed S&a&e% ,a% 2een a *ioneer in ma&&er% o' ed"(a&ion 'or &,e ma%%e%+ I& ,a%
in%*ired ed"(a&ional e4"ali&y aro"nd &,e 7orld+ I& %,ared idea% 7i&, &,e Fren(, Enli!,&enmen&
&,a& (arrie% a me%%a!e o' %o(ial *ro!re%%1 li2er&y and indi$id"al 'reedom CPo*3e7i&# ABBHD+
F"r&,ermore1 ed"(a&ion 7a% %een a% &,e mea%"re 'or moderni&y+ K(e modern state depends on
te formation of a citizen 1ose e*istence depends on te participation in state matters#
4ducation contributes to te formation of tis society by saping te cild. CPo*3e7i&# ABBHD+
Sin(e &,e 2e!innin! o' &,e ne7 (o"n&ry1 &,e 'o"ndin! 'a&,er% 7an&ed &o ma3e %(,ool a %&a&e
re%*on%i2ili&y1 'ree o' reli!io"% '"ndamen&ali%&% and a$aila2le 'or e$eryone inde*enden& o' &,eir
%o(ial %&a&"% CT,a&&ai ABB0D+ P"2li( ed"(a&ion 'inan(ed 2y &,e !o$ernmen& 2e!an in &,e mid 0;

Exploring the history of Education in Puerto Rico
Emely Medina-Rodrguez
(en&"ry+ From &,a& &ime 'or7ard %&"den& a&&endan(e !re7 in %(,ool% and %&a&e% 2e!an ma3in!
ed"(a&ion (om*"l%ory 'or !rade %(,ool+
S(,ool% are "%"ally 'inan(ed 2y &,e %&a&e !o$ernmen&+ Mo%& o' &,e &a>e% are dire(&ed &o7ard% &,e
main&enan(e o' %(,ool% and &,e 'ederal !o$ernmen& *ro$ide% &,e remainin! '"nd%+ T,e 'ir%&
in&er$en&ion o' &,e 'ederal !o$ernmen& on ed"(a&ion 7a% in 0;0H1 7i&, &,e im*lemen&a&ion o'
$o(a&ional *ro!ram% and re4"iremen&% o' %&andard% 'or "ni$er%i&ie% and %(,ool%+ One im*or&an&
'ederal ed"(a&ion la7 7a% T,e Na&ional De'en%e Ed"(a&ion A(& in 0;/:+ T,e Fir%& World War1
&,e Se(ond World War and &,e (old 7ar ,ad an im*a(& on ed"(a&ion in Uni&ed S&a&e%1 e%*e(ially
in &,e area o' a(ademi( a(,ie$emen&+ T,e !o$ernmen& 'eared &,a& *"2li( %(,ool% did no& *re*are
%&"den&% a(ademi(ally a% in o&,er ind"%&riali#ed (o"n&rie% CT,a&&ai ABB0D+ To (o"n&er &,i% de'i(i&
&,e 'ederal !o$ernmen& le!i%la&ed &,e Elemen&ary and Se(ondary Ed"(a&ion A(& in 0;6/+
By &,e &ime o' &,e (i$il ri!,&% mo$emen& &,e 'ederal !o$ernmen& &oo3 a(&ion a!ain%& ra(e and
!ender %e!re!a&ion+ B"& &,e *ro2lem 7a% 2i!!er &,an le!i%la&ion+ 8Most federally mandated
desegregation efforts ave been aimed at increasing educational acievement among ;frican
;merican students# Ho1ever, many educators cite continued ine&uality in educational
opportunities for Hispanic ;merican students. CT,a&&ai ABB0D+ One o' &,e mo%& re(en& la7% on
ed"(a&ion i% &,e No C,ild Le'& Be,ind CNCLBD A(& made &o (lo%e &,e a(ademi( a(,ie$emen& !a*
amon! W,i&e1 Bla(3 and La&ino %&"den&%+ T,i% la7 ,a% $ery %*e(i'i( %"25e(&% i& 7an&% &o
(om*le&e1 2"& i& e>&end% &o more &,an 5"%& ed"(a&ional ma&&er%+ T,i% la7 ,a% re'erred &o %en%i&i$e
ma&&er% %"(, a% mili&ari%m and %(ien&i'i(ally 2a%ed re%ear(,+
Exploring the history of Education in Puerto Rico
Emely Medina-Rodrguez
One o' &,e *rin(i*al *"r*o%e% o' &,e No C,ild Le'& Be,ind A(& i% &o mea%"re &,e a(ademi(
a(,ie$emen& o' &,e %&"den&% &,ro"!, %&andardi#ed &e%&in!1 &e%&% &,a& are im*lemen&ed 2y &,e
S&a&e% 'ollo7in! 2a%i( 'ederal %&andard%+ T,e 2a%i( %&r"(&"re o' &,i% la7 i% &,e 'ollo7in!:
Clo%in! &,e a(ademi( !a* 2e&7een 7,i&e %&"den&% and %&"den&% o' (olor+
Trainin! ,i!,ly 4"ali'ied *rin(i*al% and &ea(,er%+
Im*ro$in! a(,ie$emen& in readin!1 ma&, and %(ien(e+
Re4"irin! En!li%, *ro'i(ien(y 'or limi&ed En!li%, *ro'i(ien& and immi!ran&% %&"den&%+
Pro$idin! ann"al a(,ie$emen& &e%&in! 'or a((o"n&a2ili&y+
Re%&r"(&"rin! "ndera(,ie$in! %(,ool%+
Re4"irin! K%(ien&i'i(ally 2a%edL re%ear(, 'or *ro!ram e$al"a&ion+
Re4"irin! %(,ool% &o *ro$ide %&"den& in'orma&ion &o &,e mili&ary 'or re(r"i&men& *"r*o%e%+
To rea(, &,e%e !oal% &,e !o$ernmen& ,a% *la(ed deadline% 7,ere &,e re4"iremen&% are d"e1 'or
e>am*le1 'or AB0M e$ery %&"den& i% %"**o%ed &o rea(, 0BBP *ro'i(ien(y in &,e 2a%i(% %"25e(&%:
En!li%,1 ma&,ema&i(% and %(ien(e+ For ABB/ e$ery %(,ool %,o"ld ,a$e mo%&ly ,i!,ly 4"ali'ied
&ea(,er%+ I& ,a% ,ad %e$eral (ri&i(% 'or i&% *eda!o!i(al me&,od% and &,e e''e(&i$ene%% o' &,e
%&andardi#ed &e%&in! i% (alled in&o 4"e%&ion+
T,i% la7 a**lie% &o &,e S&a&e% and &erri&orie% o' &,e Uni&ed S&a&e% in(l"din! P"er&o Ri(o 7,ere i&
,a% re(ei$ed ,ar%, (ri&i(i%m 2e(a"%e &,e la7 ,a% no& 2een ada*&ed &o lo(al (ondi&ion%+ T,e mo%&
(ri&i(i#ed %e(&ion o' &,e la7 ,a% 2een Ti&le I- Se(&ion ;/A:+ I& i% &,e one &,a& !ran&% &,e mili&ary
a((e%% &o &,e *er%onal re(ord% o' &,e %&"den&% 'or re(r"i&men& *"r*o%e%+ T,i% %e(&ion (on'li(&%
e%*e(ially 7i&, P"er&o Ri(an $al"e%+ E>*lorin! &,i% i%%"e one (an 'ind &,a&1 in &,e ,i%&ory 2oo3%
a% in &,e ne7% *a*er di%(o"r%e% &,a& ma3in! P"er&o Ri(an% !o &o &,e 7ar (a"%e% (on'li(&% 7i&,in
&,e na&ionali%&i( %en&imen& o' &,e I%land e$en %in(e S*ani%, r"le+
Exploring the history of Education in Puerto Rico
Emely Medina-Rodrguez
S"mmari#in!1 &,i% la7 ,a% no& ,ad &,e %"**or& &,e 'ederal !o$ernmen& e>*e(&ed+ Some &,in3
&,ere are many *"r*o%e% 'or &,i% la7 and no& all are on ed"(a&ional ma&&er%+ S(,olar% (ri&i(i#e &,e
la7<% e(onomi( in&ere%& and i&% (on%er$a&i$e *oli&i(al a**roa(,e%+ Ho7e$er1 *eo*le in !eneral1
e>*e(& (,an!e% in &,e le!i%la&ion1 &o ma3e i& more (om*a&i2le 7i&, &,e *re%en& %o(ie&y+
U.S. colonial influence on Puerto Rico
T,ro"!, P"er&o Ri(o<% (olonial ,i%&ory one (an %ee &,ere ,a$e 2een many *"2li( *oli(ie%
&,a& a''e(& &,e *eo*le o' P"er&o Ri(o+ In e(onomi(1 *oli&i(al1 and ed"(a&ional *oli(ie% one (an %ee
&,e la(3 o' in&ere%& 'rom &,e U+S+ &o "nder%&and &,e ("l&"re and &radi&ion% o' &,e P"er&o Ri(an
*eo*le+ Sin(e 0:;: P"er&o Ri(o ,a% 2een a &erri&ory o' &,e Uni&ed S&a&e% and &,i% en&ail% a *ro(e%%
o' ("l&"ral1 *oli&i(al and e(onomi( a%%imila&ion+ O'&en &,i% *ro(e%% 7a% (on&rary &o &,e P"er&o
Ri(an (olle(&i$e %en&imen&+ In &,e 'ir%& A/ year% o' U+S+ (olonial re!ime &,ere 7ere many
a&&em*&% o' a%%imila&ion &,r" *"2li( ed"(a&ion and *"2li( *oli(ie%+
E$en &oday 7e (an %ee many *"2li( *oli(ie% demon%&ra&e &,a& P"er&o Ri(o i% %"25e(&ed &o
(olonial &rea&men& 2y U+S+ W,en &,e Con!re%% ma3e% a la7 P"er&o Ri(o i% no& re*re%en&ed in any
7ay1 2e(a"%e P"er&o Ri(o doe% no& ,a$e dele!a&e% 7i&, $o&e% in Con!re%%+ T,ere are a2o"& @+;
million U+S+ (i&i#en% &,a& do no& ,a$e any re*re%en&a&ion in any le!i%la&ion &,ey ,a$e &o li$e 7i&,
e$eryday+ Forei!n la7% are im*o%ed &o *eo*le 7i&, a di''eren& ("l&"re1 lan!"a!e and &radi&ion%+
P"er&o Ri(o ,a% *ar&i("lar &y*e o' !o$ernmen& &,a& allo7% a (er&ain amo"n& o' %el'8!o$ernmen&1
2"& many &ime% &,e lo(al le!i%la&ion i% %a(ri'i(ed 2y im*o%i&ion a& &,e 'ederal le$el+ E$en &,o"!,
'ederal le!i%la&ion i% *re%en& in all *ar&% o' P"er&o Ri(an li'e1 I am !oin! &o (on(en&ra&e in
Exploring the history of Education in Puerto Rico
Emely Medina-Rodrguez
e>*lainin! 7,y &,e No C,ild Le'& Be,ind A(& i% no& (om*a&i2le 7i&, P"er&o Ri(an %&"den&%<
A 7ide *ar& o' &,i% la7 i% 2a%ed on (lo%in! &,e a(ademi(1 e(onomi( and ra(ial !a* in *"2li(
%(,ool%+ One o' &,e *ro2lem% I %ee in &,i% %e(&ion i% &,e la(3 o' 3no7led!e o' P"er&o Ri(an
("l&"re+ P"er&o Ri(an% are %o(iali#ed &o 2elie$e &,em%el$e% a% a mi> o' ra(e% and ("l&"re%:
S*aniard1 A'ri(an and Na&i$e Taino Indian%+ T,i% (laim 2rin!% %ome (on'"%ion in re(o!ni#in!
7,o i% 'rom 7,a& ra(e+ Be%ide%1 i' 7e loo3 a& &,i% 7i&, a U+S+ *er%*e(&i$e1 e$ery P"er&o Ri(an i%
la2eled a% La&ino or Hi%*ani( re!ardin! &,eir %3in (olor or ra(ial 2a(3!ro"nd+ On &,e o&,er ,and1
e(onomi(% are ano&,er (on'li(&in! area 'or &,e P"er&o Ri(an *eo*le+ In U+S+ %&andard%1 P"er&o
Ri(o i% a &,ird 7orld (o"n&ry1 *eo*le are &,ree &ime% *oorer &,an &,e a$era!e U+S+ (i&i#en and
&7i(e *oorer &,an &,e *oore%& %&a&e in &,e en&ire Uni&ed S&a&e CMi%%i%%i**iD+
T,e o&,er a%*e(& o' &,e la7 (on'li(&in! 7i&, P"er&o Ri(an ("l&"re i% Ti&le III+ In i& &,e la7
*ro$ide% &,e %&andard% 'or &,e in%&r"(&ion o' %&"den&% 7i&, lan!"a!e limi&a&ion%+ W,a& ,a% no&
2een &a3en in&o a((o"n& i%1 &,a& &,e lan!"a!e o' in%&r"(&ion in P"er&o Ri(o<% %(,ool% i% S*ani%,
and En!li%, i% &a"!,& a% a %e(ond lan!"a!e+ T,ro"!, lo(al la7 S*ani%, and En!li%, are &,e
o''i(ial lan!"a!e% o' &,e I%land+ A'&er many ed"(a&ional 'i!,&% 'rom de'ender% o' &,e P"er&o
Ri(an lan!"a!e1 &,e %(,ool<% lan!"a!e o' in%&r"(&ion i% S*ani%,+ For more &,an A/ year% &,e U+S+
re!ime im*o%ed En!li%, a% medi"m o' in%&r"(&ion+ No7 &,i% ne7 la7 aim% &o ,a$e P"er&o Ri(o
&o re&"rn in&o a (olonial model o' ed"(a&ion and ,a$in! &o deal 7i&, la7% &,a& 7ere no& mean& &o
re%*ond &,e need% o' a Hi%*ani( (o"n&ry+
Exploring the history of Education in Puerto Rico
Emely Medina-Rodrguez
T,i% la%& &o*i( i% &,e mo%& (ri&i(i#ed in &,e Uni&ed S&a&e% and P"er&o Ri(o+ E$en &,o"!, ea(, %&a&e
!e&% &o (on%&r"(& &,eir o7n &e%&1 P"er&o Ri(o ,a% &,e o2li!a&ion &o im*lemen& &,e 'ederal
%&andard%1 7,i(, ,a$e no& 2een &,o"!, 'or P"er&o Ri(an %&"den&%+ In (on(l"%ion1 &,i% ed"(a&ional
re!"la&ion% (on'li(&% 7i&, &,e ed"(a&ion me&,od% on &,e I%land+ T,i% 7ay I %,o7 in only one la7
&,a& &,e Uni&ed S&a&e% %,o"ld (on%ider &,e di''eren(e% amon! *eo*le 7i&,in &,e U+S+ &erri&ory1 no&
only P"er&o Ri(o 2"& al%o &,e S&a&e%+ I 2elie$e &,i% i% a $ery im*or&an& re%ear(, 2e(a"%e one
%,o"ld 2e a2le &o (ri&i(i#e o"r o7n ("l&"re &o modi'y i& i' ne(e%%ary1 'or %o(ie&y &o li$e in
Discussion and Support
No C,ild Le'& Be,ind A(& 7a% im*o%ed in P"er&o Ri(o in ABBA1 a& &,e %ame &ime a% in
o&,er %&a&e% o' &,e na&ion+ Sin(e &,e na&i$e lan!"a!e on &,e I%land i% di''eren& 'rom En!li%,1 &,e
&e%&% are !i$en in S*ani%, and En!li%, a% a %e(ond lan!"a!e+ A% i& i% 7ri&&en in &,e *rin(i*al
ne7%*a*er o' &,e I%land1 CRoldan1 ABBH1 A"!"%& :D: 83 for te year 0?/I every student of te
system JeducationK most demonstrate a proficient or advance command in te evaluated
subjects: Spanis, matematics, science and 4nglis as a second language.+ W,a& remain% &,e
%ame a% 7e %a7 in El N"e$o Da are &,e %&andard% (,ildren %,o"ld rea(, in AB0M1 al&,o"!, &,e
P"er&o Ri(an %&"den&% ,a$e &o &a3e &e%&% in more &,an one lan!"a!e and &,e %(ien(e and
ma&,ema&i(%1 &,ey m"%& '"l'ill &,e re4"iremen&% o' 0BBP *ro'i(ien(y 'or AB0M a% in &,e %&a&e%
7,ere (,ildren do no& ,a$e &o &a3e &e%&% in 'orei!n lan!"a!e%+ In %*i&e1 &,ere i% o**o%i&ion 'rom
&,e &ea(,er%1 a% i% (on'irmed 2y &,e *re%iden& o' &,e 'edera&ion o' &ea(,er% Ra'ael Feli(iano in
CMorale%1 ABB61 E"ly 0MD: 8(ese tests are a fraud, a tric> because tey donHt measure anyting
and tey ave no value# (ey are simply made to discredit our JeducationalK system and in tat
Exploring the history of Education in Puerto Rico
Emely Medina-Rodrguez
1ay ac&uire more funds.+ E$en &,e !o$ernmen& re'le(&ed in &,e %e(re&ary o' ed"(a&ion1 Ra'ael
Ara!"nde do"2&% &,e e''e(&i$ene%% o' &,e &e%&%+
Roldan1 A*ril 061 ABBH:
89 believe 1e sould >eep tal>ing about tis and generate some e*pressions visL%Lvis
"nited States# Een it is time to really e*press myself 9 1ill say tere are oter 1ays to
evaluate3 Aeside te tests 9 1ould add oter criteria+L
E$ery year a& &,e &ime o' &e%&in! &,e !o$ernmen& (on'ron&% &,e %ame di%(o"r%e% 2"& &,ey al7ay%
3ee* '"l'illin! all 'ederal re!"la&ion% and %&andard%+ T,e !o$ernmen& 3ee*% 'i!,&in! &,e %ame
*ro2lem% e$ery year a% in &,e %&a&e%+ For e>am*le *ri$a&i#a&ion o' lo7 a(ademi( *ro!re%% %(,ool%
5"%& a% Ra'ael Ara!"nde rea''irm% &o CHernande#1 ABBH1 A*ril @D K9f 1e need to close some
scools 1e 1ill consider it seriously.# T,e *aren&% ,a$e al%o (om*lained *"2li(ly a2o"& &,e
%&andardi#ed &e%&in! 2"& *arado>i(ally &,e a&&endan(e a& &,e &e%& i% $ery ,i!,+ 8 3te student
participation 1as of FMN, for tat reason e J)afael ;ragundeK catalogued te boycott of te
(eacers Oederation as a failureL CHernande#1 ABBH1 May @0D+ Year a'&er year &,e 'ederal
!o$ernmen& demand% &,e !o$ernmen& o' &,e I%land &o '"l'ill &,e re4"iremen& o' &,e No C,ild Le'&
Be,ind A(&1 and o&,er demand% &,a& 2e&&er de%(ri2e &,e (olonial model o' ed"(a&ion &,a& &,e
I%land i% %"%&ainin!+ A% an e>am*le o' &,i% El N"e$o Da (i&e% &,e %e(re&ary o' ed"(a&ion Ra'ael
Ara!"nde a% 'ollo71 Se*&em2er 001 ABBH: KOor ;ragunde in te bottom, te problem still is te
insistence of te federal department of education on using one teacing metod to learn o1 to
read in 4nglis tat empasizes te use of poneticsL Ano&,er *roo' o' &,i% (olonial model o'
ed"(a&ion i% &,e denial &o a**ro$e '"nd% 'or ne7 *ro5e(&% 'or learnin! ,o7 &o read1 a% &,e *ro5e(&
Readin! 'ir%&1 &,a& ,a$en<& 2een a**ro$ed in &,ree year% 2e(a"%e P"er&o Ri(o<% na&i$e lan!"a!e i%
Exploring the history of Education in Puerto Rico
Emely Medina-Rodrguez
S*ani%, no& 4nglis 8Oor tree consecutive years te department of education of "nited States
as rejected a proposal of te government of 2uerto )ico to implement te program )eading
Oirst, and as prevented tat te department of education from receiving /?? million in funds.
CDel!ado1 ABBH1 Se*&em2er 00D In&ere%&in!ly in all &,e year% %in(e &,e &e%&in! 2e!an in ABBA1 &,e
%"25e(& &,a& %&"den&% ,a$e 2een 'ailin! &,e mo%& i% S*ani%,+ KE$en 7i&, &,i% im*ro$emen& S*ani%,
i% &,e %"25e(& in 7,i(, mo%& o' &,e %&"den&% are 'ailin! 7i&, M/P no& (ommand &,e %3ill and
(on(e*&%1 'ollo7ed 2y M0P in ma&,ema&i(% and MBP in En!li%,L C"rio"%ly &,e &e%&% ,a$e %,o7n
&,a& &,e %"25e(& in 7,i(, P"er&o Ri(an %&"den&% ,a$e &,e lea%& *ro2lem i% in &,e En!li%,+
One o&,er re*e&i&i$e r,e&ori( in &,e ne7%*a*er i% &,e one a!ain%& &,e mili&ary demand% o' &,e la7+
In &,i% r,e&ori( &,e *aren&% and &ea(,er% ,a$e (ommon ne!a&i$e o*inion1 2"& al%o %ome o&,er
!ro"*% are a!ain%& &,i%1 a% &,e an&i mili&ari%m !ro"*% and &,e *oli&i(al !ro"*% ad$o(a&in! &,e
inde*enden(e o' &,e I%land 'rom &,e U+S+ S"mmari#in! mo%& o' &,e di%(o"r%e% in P"er&o Ri(o are
a!ain%& &,i% la71 many 'eel i& i% no& mean& 'or &,e *eo*le o' P"er&o Ri(o and i& %,o"ld 2e (,an!e+
In &,i% *ro5e(& I &ried &o !i$e a 2e&&er $ie7 o' &,e *ro2lem% &,i% la7 i% 'a(in! in P"er&o
Ri(o+ I (an (on(l"de &,a& (oloniali%m ,a% 2een $ery in'l"en&ial in &,e ma3in! o' *"2li( *oli(ie%
%*e(ially &,o%e in ed"(a&ion+ Sin(e &,e S*ani%, r"le &,ro"!, &,i% ne7 (en&"ry P"er&o Ri(o ,a%
Exploring the history of Education in Puerto Rico
Emely Medina-Rodrguez
2een "nderre*re%en&ed in *oli(y ma3in! and &,i% ,a% a $ery %i!ni'i(an& im*a(& on &,e r,e&ori( o'
&,e a"&,ori&ie% in P"er&o Ri(o+
T,e ne7 (en&"ry 2ro"!,& e(onomi( !ro7&, and (,an!e% in &,e ed"(a&ional *a&&er%+ T,i% *ro5e(&
*re%en&% $ery %*e(i'i( 7ay% &,i% la7 in %"%&ainin! a (olonial model o' ed"(a&ion+ No C,ild Le'&
Be,ind *re%en&in! &,i% ne7 (oloniali%m in &,e ne7 (en&"ry+ T,ro"!, &,e ne7%*a*er ar&i(le% I
*re%en&ed &,e 'eelin! o' &,e *eo*le o' P"er&o Ri(o+ Tea(,er% a% 7ell a% &,e !o$ernmen& and o&,er
!ro"*% in P"er&o Ri(an %o(ie&y are *rod"(in! a (on%&an& r,e&ori( a!ain%& &,i% a(&+ In %i> year% &,e
ne7%*a*er %,o7% ,o7 *eo*le are dealin! 7i&, &,i% la71 and 7e (an %ee &,e (,an!e in a((e*&an&
o' &,i% la7+
I (,o%e &o re$ie7 %e(ondary da&a1 2"& 'or '"&"re re%ear(, I 7o"ld li3e &o ma3e a 4"ali&a&i$e
re%ear(, o' &,i% ma&&er+ I &,in3 &,i% la7 %,o"ld 2e re$i%ed in 'or &,e 2ene'i& o' &,e (,ildren and &,e
%o(ie&y+ Similar re%ear(, (o"ld addre%% o&,er la7% im*o%ed on P"er&o Ri(o1 &o 2rea3 *a&&er% o'
(oloniali%m &,a& a''e(& &,e I%land in %o many 7ay%+
Wal%,1 C+E+ C0;;0D+ 2edagogy and te struggle for voice: 9ssues of language, po1er, and scooling for
2uerto )icans+ Ne7 Yor3: Ber!in G .ar$ey+
Sol%1 E+ C0;;MD+ 2ublic scool reform in 2uerto )ico: sustaining colonial models of development+
Conne(&i("&: .reen7ood Pre%%+
.Fme#8Te5era1 C+ G Cr"#8LF*e#1 D+ C0;HBD+ :a escuela puertorri&ue$a# Conne(&i("&: Tro"&man Pre%%+
Exploring the history of Education in Puerto Rico
Emely Medina-Rodrguez
O%"na1 E+E+ C0;M;D+ A ,i%&ory o' Ed"(a&ion in P"er&o Ri(o+ P"er&o Ri(o: Edi&orial de la Uni$er%idad de
P"er&o Ri(o+
Ma&O"1 T+ CABBHD+ :earning by te numbers: critical discourse analysis of representations of no cild left
beind public la1 /?ML//? in 2uerto )ico# Ma%&er<% di%%er&a&ion+ Uni$er%i&y o' P"er&o Ri(o8
Mar&ne#8Ramo%1 L+ M+ CABBMD+ Po Cild Aeind o las seducciones contradictorias de la dereca
conservadora# Re$i%&a ele(&rFni(a de Ed"(a(iFn y P%i(olo!a+ N"mero A+
A2edi1 E+ CABBMD+ (e Po Cild :eft Aeind ;ct and 4nglis :anguage :earners: ;ssessment and
;ccountability 9ssues #Ed"(a&ional Re%ear(,er ABBM9 @@9 M+
Ne7land1 C+ C0;;0D+ :a escuela elemental en Hispanoam+rica: desde la independencia asta la
centralizacin de los sistemas educativos nacionales+ T,e Hi%*ani(al Ameri(an Re$ie7+ D"3e
Uni$er%i&y Pre%%+
Neill1 M+ CABB6D+ Qverauling PC:A+ Re&,in3in! S(,ool%1 Fall ABB6+
Bialo%&o31 S+ CABB:D+ 4ducation and te )is> Society+ An&,ro*olo!y Ne7%+ ,&&*:QQ777+an&,ro%o"r(e+ne&
Co(,ran8Smi&,1 M+ CABB/D+ Po Cild :eft Aeind: D years and counting+ Eo"rnal o' Tea(,er Ed"(a&ion+
/6CAD *+;;
Moore1 M+ CABB:D+ PC:A and Hispanics in Maryland+ Po%&8Ne7%7ee3 Media1 In(+ Sa&1 E"l /1 ABB:+
Rodri!"e#8Melende#1 R+ CABB6D+ :a educacin en 2uerto )ico J/F??L0??7K+
,&&*:QQ777+*"er&ade&ierra+(om+ 6QMQABB:
M(Dermo&&1 Ra&,ryn A+ and Een%en1 La"ra S+ CABB/D+ Gubious Sovereignty: Oederal Conditions of ;id
and te Po Cild :eft Aeind ;ct# Pea2ody Eo"rnal o' Ed"(a&ion1 :B:A1 @; S /6
Demaree R+ M+1 Da$id1 S+ CABBAD+ 4ducation )eform from te (op Go1n: (e Oederal @overnment
4arly (is Year 2assed te Most Compreensive 4ducation :egislation in )ecent Memory# Aut
(ere ;re Many Ruestions and Oe1 ;ns1ers about te )amifications for States# S&a&e
Le!i%la&"re%+ A:C0BD+
PC:A: 9ts 2roblems, 9ts 2romise+ CABB0D+ AFT Tea(,er% Poli(y Brie' N"m2er 0:+ Ameri(an Federa&ion
o' Tea(,er%+ Ne7 Eer%ey: Wa%,in!&on
Cra7'ord1 E+ CABBMD+ Ed"(a&in! 4nglis :earners: :anguage Giversity in te Classroom+ Eame% Bilin!"al
Ed"(a&ional Ser$i(e%1 In(+
T,a&aii1 D+ CABB0D+ ; History of 2ublic 4ducation in te "nited States# Aidmn8e5o"rnal+
Exploring the history of Education in Puerto Rico
Emely Medina-Rodrguez
Da#8Al'aro1 A+M+ C0;0;D+ Santa Clo va a :a Cucilla+Terra#o+ Rio Piedra%: P"er&o Ri(o
Torre%8.on#Jle#1 R+ CABBAD+ 9dioma, AilingSismo Y Pacionalidad: :a 2resencia Gel 9ngl+s en 2uerto
)ico+ Rio Piedra%: P"er&o Ri(o+
PUBLIC LAW 0BHU00B1 EAN+ :1 ABBA1 No C,ild Le'& Be,ind A(& o' ABB0+Ed"(a&ion+ In&er!o$ernmen&al
Roldan8 So&o1 C+ CABBHD+ A&a(ara el DE el *o2re de%em*eVo en *r"e2a%+ El N"e$o Da+
Roldan8 So&o1 C+ CABBHD+ Se o*onen a *r"e2a% *"er&orri4"eVa%+ El N"e$o Da+

Morale%8 Blane%1 S+ CABB6D+ Lidere% (ondenan re%"l&ado% de *r"e2a% e%&andari#ada%+ El N"e$o Da+
HernJnde#8 Ca2iya1 Y+ CABBHD+ Tr"ena Feli(iano (on&ra *r"e2a% a(adOmi(a%+ El N"e$o Da+
HernJnde#8 Ca2iya1 Y+ CABBHD+ Me5ora la re%*"e%&a e%&"dian&il+ El N"e$o Da+
Del!ado1 E+ A+ CABBHD+ Tra% a("erdo (on Ed"(a(iFn Federal+ El N"e$o Da+
Bra%1 M+ CABBAD+ (e cange of te guard: 2uerto )ico in /5F5# Hispanic division: Ly2rary o' Con!re%%+
Tirado8Ri$era1 A+O+ C0;;;D+ :a carta autonmica de /5FM: ; cien a$os#
Po*3e7i&#1 T+ S+ CABBHD+ :a istoria del curr'culum: :a educacin en los estados unidos a principios del
siglo TT, como tesis cultural acerca de lo &ue el ni$o es y debe ser Pro'e%orado+ Re$i%&a de
("rr("l"m y 'orma(iFn del *ro'e%orado+ C00D @+ ,&&*:QQ777+"!r+e%QTre('*roQre$00@ART0+*d'

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