Oysterponds U.F.S.D. in Orient 23405 MAIN ROAD ORIENT NY 11957

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Board of Education


August 19, 2014
Executive Session @7:00 PM and Regular Meeting @ 7:30 PM

Janice Caufield 2014 June 30, 2017
Krista de Kerillis 2012 June 30, 2015
Jeffrey Demarest 2014 June 30, 2017
Linda Goldsmith 2012 June 30, 2015
Alison Lyne 2013 June 30, 2016
Thomas Stevenson 2013 June 30, 2016
Dorothy-Dean Thomas 2013 June 30, 2016

The Board expects to enter into executive session at 7:00 PM for the purpose of discussing the employment
history of a particular individual. The regular session will re-convene at approximately 7:30 PM.





Resolved a motion by __________ seconded by __________ that the Board of Education approves the
following items for consent:
Approval of Minutes from the Re-organization and Regular Meetings of July 8, 2014
Approval of Bill Payments for the period July 1, 2014 to July 31, 2014
Warrant # 1 (A Fund): $187,195.75
Warrant # 1 (C Fund): $0.00
Total Warrants: $187,195.75
Approval of Appropriation Status Report for July 2014 Total Expenditures to date: $185,654.48
Approval of Revenue Status Report for the month of July 2014 Earned to date: $
Approval of Financial (Treasurers) Report for the month of July 2014 - Cash Balance: $1,613,819.95
Cash Flow Summary July 2014
Approval of Financial (Treasurers) Report for the month of June 2014 Cash Balance:
Cash Flow Summary June 2013

CONSENT: _____ Yes; _____ No; _____ Abstain

Telephone 631 323-2410

Website: www.oysterponds.org

Correspondence and Communication
Building Use Approvals Mr. Fred Sharman: 12 PM to 4 PM, 7/23 8/2 Volleyball practice
Principal/Superintendent Reports:
- Electronic communications: TV Station, OUFSD School Calendar
- Warren Richmond /NY Law Journal Article


Audience & Communications During this time, the President of the Board will recognize you to speak.
Please state your name, residence and agenda topic you wish to address. You will have (3) minutes to speak.
The total time allotted for audience commentary will be 20 minutes. All speakers are to conduct themselves in
a civil and courteous manner. There will be no audience participation once the Board commences with board
resolutions until the end of the meeting. (Please refrain from remarks of a personal nature.)


The Board President will call for the following motions:
1. Resolved that the Board of Education has heard with sorrow and regret the announcement of the
death of Edward Webb Latham, former Oysterponds Union Free School District Board Member
and President.

WHEREAS, the Oysterponds Union Free School District with immense appreciation does
hereby acknowledge, commend and honor the twenty eight years of distinguished service of
Edward Webb Latham. Mr. Latham served from 1955 to 1983 as a member of the
Oysterponds Union Free School District Board of Education and from 1958 to 1983 as its

WHEREAS, during his tenure, he facilitated the merger of the East Marion and Orient
School Districts and in 1966, directed the construction of the building now known as the
Oysterponds Elementary School.

WHEREAS, the Board of Education expresses profound respect and admiration for Edward
Webb Latham and his legacy of commitment to education and the people of the Oysterponds Union
Free School District.

_____ Yes; _____ No; _____ Abstain

2. Resolved a motion by __________ seconded by __________upon the recommendation of School
Superintendent Malone, that the Board of Education accepts the resignation of Board Member,
Ms. Alison Lyne. _____ Yes; _____ No; _____ Abstain

3. Resolved a motion by __________ seconded by __________ that the Board of Education, upon the
recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Malone, approves the following
Substitutes and Per Diem Wages for the 2014/2015 school year:

Teachers - $100.00 per day/$66.00 per half day
Teacher Assistants - $90.00 per day/$60.00 per half day

Catherine Brigham Samantha Palmer
Samantha Camillery Karriann Seifert
Susan Cerasoli Carol Seigel
Karen Costello Kathleen Syron
Denise Gagen Nancy Tramontana
Constance Gillies Martha Tuthill
Karen Haley Kathy Van Duzer
Ryane Hoeffling Cara Priola
Susan Hohn Heather Cusack
Diane Mulvaney Judith Quinn
Mary Pacinda- Turner Christine Watts

Teacher Aide - $8.00 per hour & Secretarial Aide - $10.00 per hour

JoAnn DeSalvo
Patricia Gomez

Nurse - $100.00 per day/$66.00 per half day

Linda Kaplan
Marilyn Miltner
Irene Webb

Administrator - $250.00 per day

Barbara Gerstenlauer
Karen Lund

_____ Yes; _____ No; _____ Abstain

4. Resolved a motion by __________ seconded by __________ that the Board of Education, upon the
recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Malone, appoints Mrs. Darlene Fulda and
Mrs. Marianne Otis to the position of part-time School Monitor for the period September 2, 2014
to June 26, 2015 at a rate of pay of $10.00 per hour. There are no benefits with this appointment.
_____ Yes; _____ No; _____ Abstain

5. Resolved a motion by ______________ seconded by ______________ that the Board of Education,
upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Malone, approves Jennifer
Wissemanns application for salary adjustment for approved courses of study to Step 14, M+15,
$76,996, effective September 2, 2014. ____ Yes; ____ No; ____ Abstain

6. Resolved a motion by __________ seconded by __________ that the Board of Education, upon the
recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Malone, approves Julianne Eyesters
application for salary adjustment for approved courses of study to Step 7, M+45, $66,027,
effective September 2, 2014. _____ Yes; _____ No; _____ Abstain

7. Resolved a motion by __________ seconded by __________ that the Board of Education, upon the
recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Malone, authorizes the renewal of the
Policy Update Service through NYS School Boards Association for the period August 1, 2014 to
July 31, 2015 at an annual cost of $750.00. _____ Yes; _____ No; _____ Abstain

8. Resolved a motion by __________ seconded by __________ that the Board of Education, upon the
recommendation the Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Malone, authorizes a transportation contract
between Southold Union Free School District and Oysterponds Union Free School District for (1)
one Oysterponds student attending Westhampton Beach BOCES for the period July 7, 2014 to
August 15, 2014, at a cost of $3,101.69. _____ Yes; _____ No; _____ Abstain

9. Resolved a motion by __________ seconded by __________ that the Board of Education, upon the
recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Malone, authorizes a transportation
contract between Sunrise Busses, Inc. and Oysterponds Union Free School District for (2)
Oysterponds students attending the 2014 Summer Program (IEP recommendation) for the period
June 30, 2014 to August 1, 2014 at a cost of $2,610.00. _____ Yes; _____ No; _____ Abstain

10. Resolved a motion by __________ seconded by __________ that the Board of Education, upon the
recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Malone, authorizes a contract extension
between Oysterponds School District and Sunrise Busses, Inc. for district transportation for the
period September 3, 2014 to June 26, 2014 at a cost not to exceed $164,643.20 (based on prevailing
CPI published on 6/17/14 with a cap to 2%). _____ Yes; _____ No; _____ Abstain

11. Resolved a motion by __________ seconded by __________ that the Board of Education, upon the
recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Malone, authorizes a contract between
ECG Engineering, P.C. and Oysterponds Union Free School District for RESCUE compliance
Services for 2014-2015 school year at a cost of $3,225.00. _____ Yes; _____ No; _____ Abstain

12. Resol ved a moti on by __________ seconded by __________ that the Board of
Educati on, upon the recommendati on of the Superi ntendent of School s, Mr.
Mal one, authori zes Board Presi dent, Ms. Thomas to si gn, upon recei pt from
Greenport School , a si gned contract agreeabl e to the Superi ntendent and the
Di stri cts speci al counsel for Oysterponds 6
grade students to attend the Home
and Careers/ Technol ogy cl asses at Greenport School for the 2014/ 2015 school
year. ____ Yes; ____ No; ____ Abstai n

13. Resolved a motion by __________ seconded by __________ that the Board of Education, upon the
recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Malone, approves the budget revision of
$7,605.00 to account code A2330.15 for the 2014 Summer Program to account for parent tuition
payments received. ____ Yes; _____ No; _____ Abstain

14. Resolved a motion by __________ seconded by __________ that the Board of Education, upon the
recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Malone, approves the following budget
transfers in accordance with Policy #6150 (Budget Transfers):

$5,822.50 from budget line A2630.401 (Tech. Support Services) to budget line A2330.15 (Summer
Instructional Salaries)

____ Yes; ____ No; ____ Abstai n

15. Resolved a motion by __________ seconded by __________ that the Board of Education, upon the
recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Malone, approves the budget revision of
$800.00 to account code A2330.4 for the 2014 Summer Program Sheep to Shawl to account for
community donations received. ____ Yes; _____ No; _____ Abstain

16. Resolved a motion by __________seconded by __________upon the recommendation of School
Superintendent Malone, that the Board of Education approves the Integration Technology Plan
as proposed by the District Technology Planning Committee for school years 2014 through 2017.
_____Yes; _____No; _____Abstain

17. Resolved a motion by __________ seconded by __________that the Board of Education, upon the
recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Malone, approves the Committee on
Special Education recommendations for GUFSD and the July 2014 CPSE recommendations for
OUFSD as attached. _____Yes; _____No; _____Abstain

18. Resolved a motion by __________seconded by __________upon the recommendation of School
Superintendent Malone, that the Board of Education adopt the committees and composition for
the school year 2014-15 as follows:
BUILDING AND GROUNDS Jeff Demarest and Tom Stevenson
Master Plan for maintenance and care of building
Capital Projects
Window Replacement Project

FINANCE/AUDIT Janice Caufield, Linda Goldsmith, Tom Stevenson
Selection of Outside and Internal Auditors
Long Range Financial Plan
Annual Budget
Monthly financial reports

POLICY Janice Caufield and Committee of the Whole
Review Policy recommendation from NYSSBA quarterly
Review Existing Policies

STRATEGIC PLANNING Committee of the Whole
Establish mission and goals
Strategic issues
Summer Program
Student Life
Community Outreach
Fund Development

WELLNESS Krista de Kerillis and Janice Caufield

_____Yes; _____No; _____Abstain

19. Resolved a motion by __________seconded by __________upon the recommendation of School
Superintendent Malone, that the Board of Education rescind Resolution VIII B passed at the July
8, 2014 meeting regarding the Regular Monthly District Board of Education Meeting calendar
and adopt the following schedule designating the SECOND TUESDAY of each month beginning
October 14, 2014, unless otherwise posted:
SCHOOL YEAR 2014/2015

JULY 8 2014 (Organizational + Regular Meeting)
AUGUST 19 2014
OCTOBER 14 2014 Begin meetings on 2
NOVEMBER 18 2014*
JANUARY 13 2015
FEBRUARY 10 2015
MARCH 10 2015
APRIL 14 2015
MAY 5 2015** (Budget Hearing + Regular Meeting)
MAY 19 2015 Budget Vote/BOE Election
JUNE 16 2015

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Annual Review of Policies 5300 (Code of Conduct), 6700 (Purchasing), 5100 (Attendance) 6240
Review of revision of Exhibit 3230 E Organizational Chart
School Website/eChalk
Board Retreat October 2014

Audience & Communications (other than agenda items) You will be called upon by the Board President.
Once again state your name, residence and topic. You will be allowed (3) three minutes to speak. The total
time allotted for audience commentary will be 20 minutes. However, the Board will not take action on items
not on the agenda. (Please refrain from remarks of a personal nature.)


Upcoming Events:

Tuesday, Sept. 2, 2014 Superintendent Conference Day
Wednesday, Sept 3, 2014 First Day of School
Tuesday, Sept. 30, 2014 Floyd Memorial Library Budget Vote 2-8 PM

Next Regular Board Meeting: Tuesday, September 16, 2014 @ 7:30 p.m.

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