Cat Saves A Boy Football Fans in Italy

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The cat that was hailed a hero after this video of her
saving a young boy from a dog attack has thrown the
first pitch at a baseball game.
Tara, the California cat, threw a ceremonial pitch at the
start of a minor league baseball game on Tuesday.
Well, kind of. Four-year-old Jeremy was viciously bitten
on the leg and dragged off his bike by a dog last week
before Tara lunged to save him. Jeremy threw the first
pitch of the game before handing the ball to his cat.
Fearless tabby Tara drew a large crowd of hero cat
fans to the stadium with attendance nearly triple that of
a usual Tuesday night game.
The clip of the daring rescue, uploaded by Jeremys
dad last week, shows a dog dragging him from his bike,
just as Tara ran to the rescue and chased it away. The
video has now been viewed more than 20 million times.

Difficult words: hail (call), viciously (cruelly), drag (pull), lunge (start moving quickly),
tabby (cat with light and dark lines), triple (three times), daring (risky)

Violent clashes near Romes Olympic Stadium
delayed the start of the Italian Cup final between
Napoli and Fiorentina.
Rival fans threw firecrackers and other objects at
each other ahead of the game, which had to be
delayed by 45 minutes.
Three Napoli fans were taken to hospital after being
shot in another incident, one in a critical condition
after being hit in the chest. Police say the three
shootings dont appear to be linked to the clashes
near the stadium.
Im not surprised at all. I dont understand why other
people are shocked. It is to be expected. We are in
In protest to the violence outside, a large number of
Napoli supporters chose to watch the match in almost
complete silence. Their side eventually went on to
beat Fiorentina 3:1 to win the cup for the fifth time.

Difficult words: clash (fight)

This was the dramatic moment a lifeboat crew lassoed
a runaway speedboat in Devon.
According to RNLI a sailor was trying to tie up his boat
when he accidentally knocked the throttle and was
thrown overboard.
They said the man had already unclipped the kill cord
and pushed the throttle lever to full power, as he fell
into the water.
The six-metre-long speedboat began to circle Devon's
Teignmouth Quay, luckily, though a member of the
public spotted it and raised the alarm.
The lifeboat crew managed to get a line aboard the
spinning boat, reach the throttle lever and reduce the
Luckily, the boats owner managed to get ashore safely
and was rushed to hospital.

Difficult words: lassoed (to stop something with a rope by throwing the rope around the
object), throttle (mechanism which controls the speed), kill cord (line which connects
the man and the boat and which turns off the boat when the man falls out), quay (place
for boats to stop), spot (see).

Firefighters have rescued a two-year-old boy in China
who became stuck in a washing machine.
The little one managed to get his leg stuck tightly in
the basket of the spin dryer after climbing in to fetch
his toy on Thursday.
His parents carried the machine out of the house and
called local firefighters for help.
Crews rushed to the site and took the washer apart in
order to free the boy as soon as possible. Several
rescuers gradually cut the washer open and after
about half an hour, the boy was rescued.
The two-year-old was then sent to hospital but luckily
wasnt injured.

Difficult words: clamber (use both hands and feet to move), stray (move), hut (small
simple building with one or two rooms), incident (event).

CCTV footage in China shows this incredible
moment a man caught a baby who fell out of a
two-storey building.
Residents in Guangdong Province scrambled to
catch the one-year-old who climbed onto a
window ledge while looking for his mother.
They laid down cardboard and a sofa to try to
avoid any serious injuries if he fell.
Mr Li, who caught the infant said he didn't think
too much of it the time and was afraid he might
not be able to catch the baby, but said it was just
human instinct to save the child.

Difficult words: scramble (hurry), window ledge (narrow horizontal surface at the
bottom of the window).

A student was left unconscious in Central London
when a man hugged him to steal his 5,000 Rolex
watch from his wrist.
This dramatic CCTV footage shows the moment a
man approached the victim, put his arms around his
throat and squeezed so tight he passed out.
The 24-year-old fell to the ground and lost
consciousness for a few moments before realizing
what happened.
Police say the student, who was on a night out near
Regents Street, got chatting to the man who asked
him for a cigarette at around 3:40 am. The pair carried
on walking and began talking about martial arts when
the hugger mugger attacked the student, ripping off
the expensive watch. The Metropolitan Police says
this kind of attack is not something its seen before in
the area and is concerned the victim could have been
far more seriously injured

Difficult words: unconscious (not able to see, move or feel), martial art (sport like
judo or karate), mugger (somebody who attacks someone and robs them in a public

Oh my God!
Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God. Oh my God.
Not quite what you want on your wedding day. It wasnt
just the bride and groom taking the plunge at this
wedding in Minnesota, when the whole party ended up
in a lake.
The hilarious video shows the moment Dan and Jackie
Anderson were dunked into a lake after lining up on a
dock with their groomsmen and bridesmaids for a photo
shoot, before the wedding was due to begin. The weight
of the 22 people was just too much for the dock and it
collapsed beneath them, resulting in the whole wedding
party getting a soaking.
As screams and laughter echoed around the lake, a
couple of bridesmaids were able to dash off, but the rest
ended up in waist deep water.
The bride, groom and their entire wedding party were
still drying off, as the guests arrived for the wedding.

Difficult words: take the plunge (to do something important or risky), plunge (jump or
dive into water AND to do something important), party (group of people who go
somewhere together), dunk (to put something into a liquid), dash off (run away).

This is a visualisation of what it would look like if a city-
destroying asteroid hit planet Earth. And scarily, the
chance of an asteroid striking our planet is actually higher
than scientists previously believed, according to the
California-based B612 Foundation.
The non-profit group has released the video in the hopes
that it will press home the idea that impacts are more
common than we think.
The visualisation rests on data from a global network that
listens for nuclear weapons detonations, which between
2000 and 2013 detected 26 major explosions on Earth.
None of these were caused by nuclear weapons; they
were all the result of asteroid strikes.
NASA already has a program in place that tracks
asteroids larger than 1 kilometre. An object of this size,
roughly equivalent to a small mountain, would have global
consequences if it struck Earth.

Difficult words: press home (make clear), consequence (something that happens as a
result of something).

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