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Sent: Monday, June 09, 2014 8:14 PM

Subject: Action-Items-CLI [Temple-U-anti-Semitism, Holocaust-Education-Mandate, Illegals,
Social-issues & GOP, BHO-out-of-control, Bergdahl, LGBTQ, Hillary-Cruz, Israel & Islamism]

The first item-of-business is to recognize that a new-recipient said he wants to stop-smoking; thus, he
may wish to interact with Bill Godshall @ Smoke-Free-PA, whose yeoman-efforts have been expended
for a quarter-century [and who is now fighting for e-cigs, noting they create vapor and not smoke].
{Once Bill uploades his weekly literature-summaries onto scribd, they will be disseminated (hint/hint);
meanwhile, he may confront the claim that Plain Packaging Failed as Cigarette Sales Rise in Australia.}

Victor David Hansen concluded Americans are getting the full measure of Brothel
Government. We get lied to, everything is under the covers, we pay too much for the
experience and what we get...may have consequences for which we never bargained.
There no truth in a brothel. When a Republican holds office the media act as the Vice
Squad; in this Administration, they are just down the hall with their legs in the air. And
during Obama's second term, we are learning the true meaning of flexibility.

Next, it is desirable to summarize what was disseminated on Saturday by updating key-components
thereof; for example, there will indeed be a high-profile effort to initiate a LGBTQ [with my son advising
Q denotes Questioning and not Queer] entity within the loco-regional GOP, even as THE END OF
GOPROUD has been declared [opening the way for the Log-Cabin effort to expand, one would presume].
Symptomatic of the challenge, here, is the fact that the CONSERVATIVE MEDIA REFUSE TO COVER NEW
BOOK ON GAY MOVEMENT and that Hellfire and Brimstone Flew Over Gays at Texas GOP Convention
[with Young Republicans Rejecting its Platform and its declining to Pass the Marijuana]. {Also, note that
participants in this effort have a facebook page [Log-Cabin-Republicans-of-Pennsylvania].}

One point must be clarified; the Hellfire piece APPROPRIATELY [in my view] opens
with a double-negative ["The Texas GOP Platform committee approved language in the
2014 Texas Republican Platform to prohibit Texas from creating laws to ban reparative
therapy when such treatment is sought by a patient. Other states, like California and
New Jersey have passed laws that interfere in the doctor or therapist-relationship.].
Thus, recognizing the importance of the competition extant in the free-market [and the
ability, over many decades, for physicians to prescribe The Pill for dysmenorrhea], it is
desirable to allow for people to pursue what others might condemn [without passing
judgment on the posture of either individual]. This encompasses the Q-point made
[perhaps inadvertently] by my son, namely, that a Questioning individual may wish to
try-out what it might mean to go-straight [regardless of the outcome of this effort].

Regarding POTUS-16, Hillary claimed she differed with BHO on Middle East and dodged responsibility
for Benghazi Security ['That's Why We Hire People'], although she Will Have 'Difficulty' Distancing herself
from Obama. Hillary also claimed her family had a Knock Life After the White House, was dead broke
by the time that her husband President Bill Clinton left the White House, but the couple still spent

millions on expensive homes in Washington D.C. and New York. Even Chris Cuomo said Media Have
Given Hillary a 'Free Ride.'

Political-controvesies debated currently that undoubtedly will rage into 16 include the
effort to kill Common Core [The Texas GOP Convention, Public Education and Efforts to
Stop Common Core; Bill Gates: Common Core Meant to Close Gap Between Poor and
Wealthy Students; Strong Stop Common Core Plank Could Make GOP Platform], the VA
[More than 57,000 veterans awaiting initial VA visits and Over 100,000 Veterans Face
Delays Receiving Health Care]; ObamaDontCare [Fox News Poll: Voters regret
ObamaCare, say country is worse off under new law and six Million Medicaid
Enrollments Since Rollout of Obamacare].

Cruz Crushed Perry/Bush in Texas GOP Straw Poll and, as he chalked-up ANOTHER WIN, he showed
TEXAS IS CRUZ COUNTRY [All Aboard the Ted Cruz Photo Train!]. This may be why the GOP
Establishment [permanent political class in Washington, D.C.] is Ready to Wage War on Ted Cruz after
the midterm elections, having failed to co-opt him, thus far; as has been noted repeatedly in these
Blast e-mails, he is rapidly becoming the consensus of the Conservatives [even if its possible that
pragmatic folk would slot him as veep behind Scott Walker]. Cruz @ the Texas-GOP Convention:
'Today Liberty Is Under Assault Like Never Before' and Texas Will Lead the Way in the Fight for Freedom.
Once an outsider, Cruz is now Texas GOP's mainstream; the Republican establishment has regrouped
and managed to brush back the tea party, except in Texas.

WH. He has been doing the most visible spadework of the partys potential presidential
consider running for reelection and president at the same time, and that a Kentucky
ballot law against dual candidacies would not be an obstacle. In this regard, both Noam
Chomsky [Obama Determined To Demolish Our Civil Liberties] and Richard Murdoch
raising this concern; this may be the first time I ever agreed with Chomsky, on anything.
{Also, inexplicably, a Judge Changed Mind & Said NSA Can Resume Destroying Evidence.}

The Trouble with 'Reform Conservatives' [according to JOEL B. POLLAK] is that these "policy wonks"
[who want to "move the GOP beyond its Reagan-era script of cutting taxes and shrinking government
and toward a focus on what a more limited government can and should do, especially for the middle
class"] is that they failed to distinguish itself sufficiently from the liberal model because they regard
citizensespecially in the so-called "middle class"primarily as consumers of government services;
having failed to anticipate just how radical the Dems' agenda would be [and how urgent a response
would be needed], their pitch contains elitism, ironically, when seeking a more populist GOP and, thus,
their policy ideas are helpful as 2016 approaches but, for vision, the GOP must look elsewhere.

BHO seemingly presents an increasingly clear and present danger, imperialistic
and abandoned by DEMS; also, Rush noted the Bergdahl-capitulation led to BHOs
having replenished-the-enemy [while we remain chronically at-war with radical-Islam].
CORRECT TO SAY IT OR NOT'; meanwhile, Ben Shapiro's Obama Solution is Prosecution

as opposed to Judge Pirros suggestion, impeachment. It has gotten to the point
whereby the media ignored the fact that [at least] five OBAMA OFFICIALS LIED, THEN
LIED ABOUT LYING, and even the Left now questions Susan Rice's credibility; for
example, note multiple quotes by Sen. Feinstein and that Another Dem Quit on Obama
claiming 'Even I have had enough.' {BHO has gone-rogue, according to an e-mail from
David Horowitz, and a psychologist worries erratic-obama-may-not-be-sane.}

Thus, the challenge facing the GOP is not only to trumpet the severity of the above, but
also to formulate a positive/assertive social-policy platform that can [at the very least]
entice wayward-Dems to try-it-youll-like-it regarding fundamental Republicanism.
This challenge does NOT focus on Domestic Policy [limited taxes & government, etc.],
for leaders such as Sen. Cruz are subject to the claim that they disrespect equal rights
due to vehement opposition to gay marriage; it is not viewed as hypothetical or subject
to federalism [i.e., states rights] and, although public renouncement from the national
party is felt to be required to quell such concerns, it seems support for Cruz is growing.
because the gay movement transformed from an initial plea for tolerance into a
movement that forcefully demands universal acceptance by all societal institutions; also,
Liberals and Conservatives United in DC to Launch Gay Marriage Initiative.}

Cruz has fought to protect innocent human life, having played a leading
role in key-cases have all been part of ongoing efforts to ensure that
every child in America receives the protection and respect he or she
deserves; telegraphing his punch is use of the word child rather
than fetus. This has been manifest in his defense of the partial-birth
abortion ban and parental consent laws, and also in his defense of a
Texas law prohibiting state funding of entities that perform abortions].

This latter item has been attacked [Women's rights advocates battle
new restrictions on abortion access and The Texas legislature has almost
succeeded in making it impossible for women to recieve abortions] and,
an updated legal-opinion by the successor to Cruz explores this issue.
When asked a key-question [How can you not say that his long-term
goal is to further impede access to abortion when his rhetoric talks in
this context about the protection of the child?], my initial reaction is
that he is defending Rider 8 in conjunction with his being Texas-AG;
what must be determined is whether he would adopt a posture c/w that
which I articulated supra regarding reparative therapy, to wit, that
federalism and limited government would preclude his advocating
adoption of rigorous federal law proscriptions in this particular regard.

Cruz feels that companies should have the ability to deny women birth
control coverage at their discretion, based upon owners religious views.
This posture supersedes a tantential argument [If one is so against
abortion, should we not encourage easy access to birth control that may
employ medications, devices and/or medical procedures?] buttressed
by the claim that half of all pregnancies are unintended [December 2012
Committee Opinion of the American College of Obstetricians and

Gynecologists. Also, this view supersedes tagential data in statements
from medical societies suggesting unintended pregnancies are
associated with negative consequences to the pregnant woman and,
regarding short inter-pregnancy intervals, yield adverse neonatal
outcomes [costing taxpayers $11.1 billion]. {Ref. Burnt Orange
Report on 2012 Texas Senate Debate, Apr 16, 2012.}

Cruz opposes gay-pride parades and opposes gay marriage (Feb. 2012)
because he feels one-man-one-woman marriage is the building block of
society (Jul 2011), supporting definition of traditional marriage (Oct.
2012). {Ref. On the Issues and the political guide.]

In my view, although debate is vital regarding how a multiple choice
stance on abortion is to be manifest in each state, none of these issues
rises to the level whereby the pro-choice concern trumps worriment
regarding the survival of America. Noting that abortion survived the
Presidencies of Reagan, Bush-41 and Bush43, it would be difficult to
surmise that it would not survive GOP-leadership in 16 [c/o Cruz].

Applying these concerns to the Gubernatorial race, That 20-point spread will narrow
but, No matter how good Kane's report, Corbett is not out of the PSU woodshed yet;
concerns regarding the timing of the home-inspection are dwarfed by the need to know
why he assigned so few troopers for years; that may be why a Penn State trustee said,
absent reading the text, its too soon to judge the report on Corbett. [As anticipated,
those who've seen drafts say it DOES raise some serious questions about probe.]
Meanwhile, completing the legislative-agendaincluding a LIQUOR REFORM PLAN
legislative downsizing [for PA Senate Appropriations], and a pension-fix [in the House]
would afford him a rating-boost; so, too, would passage of paycheck-protection [with
the base] and, naturally, the Holocaust-Education-Mandate [in a bipartisan fashion].
{These views accommodate input by Mike Vereb, re-elected as MCRC-chair.}

One avid reader wrote, regarding the Temple U. anti-Semite, that he
was probably raised and educated in the Catholic school system; since I
see he has an Italian last name, he has to be Catholic. My three, all went
to Catholic schools and they never mentioned the Holocaust to them at
all. I told them about it. Catholics dont mention the New Testament at
all to the kids. All they teach is the Catholic Church Dogma. The kids
should boycott this ignorant shmuck! Everyone whos not Catholic
knows that Israel belongs to the Jews, so saith the Lord. {It is unclear
what should be done in this regard, but it cannot be ignored.}

Among GOP-Primary Civil-War, there was only Polite Criticism of Lindsey Graham at
South Carolina GOP Senate Debate But No Fireworks and Tea Party's McDaniel Took
Slight Lead Over Thad Cochran Heading Into Runoff; also Joni Ernst Leads Two IA Polls
after Bruce Braley Insulted Women and Farmers. {Note also, Busted was Charlie Rangel
when he was Caught Using His iPad During Primary Debate.}


As ILLEGALS POUR INTO USA, headlines are unnerving:
Arizona Still Struggling with Shipment of Foreign Children from Texas Border
Sen. Inhofe: Forcing Military Bases to Shelter Illegal Immigrants Threatens National Security
NYC Bar Association Backs Plan for TaxPayer-Funded Lawers for Illegals
White House Launches Program to Provide Lawyers
Texas GOP Reaches Illegal Immigration Compromise at Convention
Enjoy your deliberate crisis, border states
JUDGE: 'Government has simply chosen not to enforce border security laws'
Sheriffs: Feds Should Pay for Housing
Agents threatened with firing after photos leak
230,000 children expected over 24 months
Growing concern of diseases
No end in sight for 'dumping' policy
More from Border 'Insecurity': Texas Taking Charge
Officers diverted from handling crimes
'40% of agents not at border'
Cruz: Obama 'lawlessness' responsible for crisis
Supreme Court rules against immigrants over visa eligibility
Sen. Jeff Sessions: Obama 'Committed to Escalating' Lawlessness at Border
Numbers USA Mobilizes Activists to Protest House Immigration Reform Push
Ingraham, Fmr SEIU Official Square off on Immigration

Politically, there is no doubt that this issue has affected at least one GOP-Primary race, as Dave Brat
claimed Illegal Immigrants are Pouring into USA After House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA)
betrayed his district on amnesty, Announced 'Kids Are Welcome,' and shares the blame for surge in
illegal immigrant children flooding into the country. When his Hometown Paper Endorsed Cantor, it
Made No Mention of Amnesty; perhaps, as a result, a POLL showed CANTOR'S LEAD had been CUT TO
52-39 IN VIRGINIA PRIMARY. Nevertheless, Cantors comment on Border Crisis [incomprehensively] was:
Let's Work with Obama to Give 'Kids' Amnesty.

No immigration is in GOP's June plans, explaining [perhaps] why BHO is holding-off any
action on deportations to give House Republicans time to act [and to experience the
passive-aggressive effects of their not capitulating to his will]; now, Obama claims there
is a 50-50 chance House will act on amnesty next month and RYAN RENEWED AMNESTY
PUSH. Quietly, immigration is being pushed by a group of key Republicans including
Mick Mulvaney, spending a Summer Of Apostasy, knowing that Congress' legislative
agenda for 2014 will be swallowed in the summer recess within only a few weeks.


Politico-Libs [falsely] claimed IMMIGRATION HAS HAD LITTLE IMPACT ON PRIMARIES by ignoring other
factors affecting local races and by cherry-picking analysis of the national races, ignoring Cantors: Sen.
Lindsey Graham appeared to put himself in political jeopardy when he wrote and championed an
overhaul of immigration laws, but he is poised to lap the field in Tuesday's Republican primary in South
Carolina. GOP Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, who also backed the bill, is in a strong position ahead
of his primary this August. Rep. Renee Ellmers (R., N.C.) easily survived a primary challenge after backing
liberalized laws. And Tim Donnelly, a leader in the movement to stop illegal immigration, lost to another
Republican this month in California's open primary for governor. Opposition to an immigration-law
overhaul remains high within the Republican Party, but primary season is showing that support isn't
necessarily a career-ending move, nor is opposition a clear path to the nomination. That could factor
into the decision by House GOP leaders on whether to move broad immigration legislation this year.
Boehner (R., Ohio) hasn't brought any immigration bills to the House floor, allowing his members to
avoid taking a position. Defeats of Republicans who back new legislation surely would have hurt the
measures' chances.

It has been suggested that the Phillies can't get any worse, but they can, as other teams
improve and they dont; note that they havent been hitting during the past five weeks
[Marlon Byrd .241 Ryan Howard .220 Dominic Brown .194 Jimmy Rollins .221].

The Bergdahl Dozen: Thirteen Reasons Why the Story Has Legs encompass these headlines:
Sgt. Bergdahl Wandered Off Base on Multiple Occasions
After arriving in Qatar, Noorullah Noori kept insisting he would go to Afghanistan and
fight American forces there, a Taliban commander told NBC News via telephone from
John Kerry Talks Tough to the Taliban Five - The United States may have released five
dangerous Taliban detainees in exchange for the release of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, but
Secretary of State John Kerry reminded them that they shouldnt feel safe.
Max Hastings: 'Obama Is a Pygmy When Compared to Wartime Leaders Like Roosevelt'
David Brooks: Obama Thought Bergdahl Would Be the 'Oprah Show'
WH grants parents access to briefings
Dianne Feinstein: I See No Signs of the Taliban Relenting
House Intel Chair: Bergdahl Swap Empowered the Taliban
Bergdahl-Taliban Swap Resurrects Charges of 'Imperial Presidency' for President Obama
Poll: Veterans Overwhelmingly Oppose Obama's Bergdahl Swap
WH Orchestrated Campaign Of Threats and Intimidation Against Servicemen To Keep
Them Quiet About Bergdahl
Secretary of State John Kerry was caught napping during a news conference held by
President Barack Obama and his Polish counterpart in Warsaw on Tuesday.

MSNBCs Morning-Joe crew were universally condemnatory, and one claimed the BHO-clan was so very
out-of-touch that they perceived the one-year Qatar-residency mandate as a Junior Year Abroad.
The NY-Times rationalized-away one defense of the BERGDAHL SWAP by claiming,
"When the heads of the two major intelligence committees criticized the Obama
administration on Sunday for swapping Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl for five members of the
Taliban, they homed in on one part of the deal that the White House has struggled for a
week, unsuccessfully, to explain. The question is why the five were released without any
commitments to a larger agreement, under which the Taliban would renounce
international terrorism, and begin a process of reconciliation with the government of
Afghanistan. ... "It was abandoned last year ... because the Taliban were no longer
interested in a broader deal - probably because the Taliban understood American forces
were leaving. Now, both in Afghanistan and in Washington, there are questions about
whether the release of the five men gives the Taliban legitimacy, and enhances their
power over a weak government in Kabul. Like the senior members of Congress, Afghan
officials said they were caught off guard by the prisoner swap for Sergeant Bergdahl.
According to one Afghan security official and another former official who maintains
close ties to the presidential palace, many in the Afghan government believed that
American officials misled them into thinking that the prisoner swap would not be done
unless it was connected to a broader peace effort."

Regarding the Middle East [and Israel]:
No End to a Self-Inflicted Tragedy of Palestinian Arabs upon themselves.
Israeli-Palestinian Collision Course - New York Times Editorial - The U.S. and other
countries that consider Hamas a terrorist group may find it impossible to
continue aiding the Palestinians if Hamas plays a more pronounced role. There
are the inescapable facts of Hamas' hatred of Israel and its heavily armed militia.
The U.S. has to be careful to somehow distinguish between its support for the
new government and an endorsement of Hamas and its violent, hateful
behavior. To have some hope of doing that, the U.S. and Europe must continue
to insist Abbas stick to his promises and not allow Hamas to get the upper hand.
Palestinian Leaders Don't Want an Independent State
Facing pressure and incitement, Palestinian professor resigns over Auschwitz trip
Pro-Palestine Charity Head Refused to Condemn Stoning of Adulterers
A Palestinian terrorist opened fire Monday night at Tapuah Junction, marking the
second attack at the crossing in less than a week. Israeli forces stationed at the
junction returned fire and killed the attacker on site.
Abbas Is Lying to Americans, Says Former Hamas Spokesman
"Cold-Blooded Murder" or a War on Terror?
Israel Won't Negotiate with Palestinian Hunger-Striking Security Detainees
Jihadist Group More Extreme than al-Qaeda in Battle to Establish Islamic State across
Iraq and Syria
IDF Chief: Dramatic Armament Taking Place in Gaza

Iraq Attacks, Bombs at Kurdish Offices Kill 29

El-Sisi sworn in as Egypt's president, cool reception from West

Iran's Ballistic Missile Program

Steinitz: A Bad Deal Will Lead to an Iran with Dozens of Nuclear Bombs Ten Years from Now

Pakistan Weighs Strike Against Taliban Over Airport Attack

Boko Haram Abducts 20 Additional Women Near Chibok

Worldwide Islamism also rages [recommending another resourceful website, elder of ziyon]:

Report: Venezuela, Cuba Providing Easy Access for Islamists to US and Canada - A report
by the Secure Free Society reveals this week that Venezuela and Cuba have
been providing passports and national identification cards to Middle Eastern
immigrants, later used to surreptitiously enter the United States and Canada,
with Venezuela providing a passport to the right-hand man of the head of
Hezbollah in Lebanon.
German Security Police Failed to Stop Brussels Killer as He Returned from Syria
Brussels killer 'no lone wolf' and Europe must expect more Syria-linked terror -
European Union officials have told a Lebanese newspaper they do not believe
the Algerian-French gunman who allegedly murdered three people at the Jewish
Museum in Brussels and seriously injured another acted alone, according to a
report in the Jerusalem Post.
Schools being investigated over an alleged Islamist takeover plot tried to trick inspectors
by hiding evidence of wrongdoing.
May aide quits in 'Islamist' schools row - Home Secretary Theresa May's special adviser
has resigned in a row between two prominent government ministers over
claims that Islamists took control of some schools in Birmingham.
Activists Hijacking Feminism to Attack Israel at Women's Studies Association Meeting -
The next National Womens Studies Association annual meeting will take place
in San Juan, Puerto Rico on November 13-16, 2014 and is aptly named Feminist
Transgressions. Indeed, the conference itself is transgressive in that it
minimizes the cause of women to focus, yet again, on the cause of Palestine,
aka the destruction of Israel.
student-leaders-and-jewish-kids are frightened-at-ucla
Cleveland convenience store features antisemitic murals
'Anti-Semitic Filth' Remarks by old Le Pen Tarnish his Daughter's Victory
[Islamic-prayers held-at-the-Vatican]

Lest we forget the antics of Putin:
Pro-Russians Claim Ukraine Shelling Killed Three Civilians in Slaviansk - Pro-Russians in
Slaviansk claim three civilians died from Ukrainian government shelling while
Kiev announced the three pilots died after pro-Russians shot down their An-26
plane. The plane carried humanitarian cargo for people in the war-torn east.
World View: Russia Forced to Change Tactics after Ukraine's Election
Crimea's Leaders Resolute Against Rejoining Ukraine
Pro-Russians Claim Ukraine Shelling Killed Three Civilians in Slaviansk
Fighting Continues in Slaviansk, Luhansk in East Ukraine

Vladimir Putin: Volgograd Could Be Stalingrad Again With Votes - Putin claims he does
not want to put back together the USSR, but the little things he does says

CNN Promoted David Chalian [Who Was Fired by Yahoo For Racist Comments]. Raising sour-grapes to a
new level, California Chrome Owner said Tonalist Took 'Coward's Way Out' by skipping prior races. And
the DoD and DoS were Sued for Congressional Benghazi Briefing Records by Judicial Watch.

Jim Geraghty appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher to promote his book, agreeing
because of the need to break out of conservative comfort zones and preach beyond the
converted; one portion is here and the web-only "After-Time" portion is here. Every
topic and statement is another opportunity for the host to remind his audience that
religious people are fools and that Republicans are stupid, racist, hypocritical lunatics.
Here's the Washington Times report about scrubbed rescue missions for Bergdahl that
Maher contended was simply made up. For what it's worth, the Daily Beast cites "U.S.
officials" saying no rescue was attempted because Bergdahl's captors moved him
around too much; the Daily Mail cites an unnamed Pentagon official saying the
president wanted to establish a precedent for removing detainees from Guantanamo
Now? Now? Now You Guys Want to Talk Up an Immigration-Reform Bill?
What could wreck GOP unity heading into the midterm campaign season? How about an
immigration-reform bill that a good chunk of the grassroots will call "amnesty," at a time
when the Obama administration has proven itself ruthlessly partisan and blatantly
duplicitous at every opportunity? How could Republican leaders on the Hill possibly
think this is a good idea?
Mickey Kaus lays out the unintended consequences of seemingly-compassionate
proposals such as offering a path to citizenship to those who came into the country
illegally as children:
The "kids," often unaccompanied, started surging across the southern
border, causing a humanitarian and policy crisis just as [Eric Cantor] was
facing a challenge in Tuesday's Virginia primary. Even the New York
Times couldn't help but notice that the young illegal migrants said they
were motivated, not just by conditions back home in Central America,
but also by the prospect that they'd qualify for Cantoresque
amnesty."Central Americans, [said a Salvadoran immigration official]
were left with the sense that the United States had 'opened its doors' to
women and children."
. . . You'd think the embarrassment of this latest surge with thousands of recently
arrived illegals being shipped all over the country, obviously never to leave would be
enough to kill amnesty, at least for this year. But you'd have thought the slack job
market would be enough to kill amnesty, and you'd have thought Obama's troubles (and
the chance for the GOP to retake the Senate) would be enough to kill amnesty. You'd
have thought Marco Rubio's precipitous drop in the polls, after he championed the

"Gang of Eight bill, would be enough to kill amnesty. And you'd have thought the
administration's release of illegal-immigrant criminals back into the population would be
enough to kill amnesty.
But amnesty is hard to kill. It's as if, at the height of the "welfare explosion" in 1970,
Congress were seriously considering a bill to double welfare benefits and Ronald
Reagan was nowhere to be found.
What, are these guys thinking that the midterm outlook is just too good and they have
to do something to disrupt it?
Another Reason to Miss Having Leon Panetta in Obama's Cabinet
Easily overlooked from last week:
A former top adviser to President Obama on Wednesday questioned the
release of dangerous terrorists in exchange for an imprisoned American
soldier as anger spread among lawmakers in Washington over the
secret deal to free Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.
"I don't fault the administration for wanting to get him back. I do
question whether the conditions are in place to make sure these
terrorists don't go back into battle," former CIA director and Secretary
of Defense Leon Panetta told a gas-industry gathering in Pittsburgh.
Panetta, who was in the Cabinet for four of the five years Bergdahl
spent in Taliban custody, said he opposed a swap for the terrorists held
at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, when he was Defense secretary.
"I said, 'Wait, I have an obligation under the law,'" Panetta said during a
lunchtime address at the Hart Energy Developing Unconventionals DUG
East conference at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center,
Downtown. "If I send prisoners from Guantanamo, they have to
guarantee they don't go back to the battlefield. I had serious concerns."
He said talks fell apart because the Taliban "asked for five top guys." He
did not say when during his 2011-13 tenure in the Pentagon that
discussions took place.
"I just assumed it was never going to happen," Panetta said.
If only our president also thought he had an obligation under the law to get a guarantee
that any released prisoners from Guantanamo would never go back to the battlefield.
A friend noted the absence of graphics, lately, and attemped to compensateto wit:






Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 2:05 AM
Subject: Action-Items-CLII [Israel, Social-Issues, Generic-Follow-Up]

The purpose here is twofold. First, myriad follow-up points are provided regarding key-components of
the immediate-past Blast e-mail; second, the reaction of a Dem/lib to my social-policy analysis is to be
parsed-out. The former doesnt add substantially to what had already been covered; the latter perhaps
refines what everyone already knows, even after painstaking analysis of key-dynamics. [The immediate
provocation for this fast follow-up is the need to provide an erratum: reference to BHOs "Brothel
Government" was from a comment to Victor David Hansen's article; he didnat write it himself.]

Know that efforts are ongoing to address two facets of Holocaust remembrance; in addition to
attempting to push for a Senate-Vote on the Mandatory Holocaust Education bill, efforts have been
triggered to communicate directly with the Temple University Government and Community Relations
Department regarding its decision not to fire the Holocaust-denier on its faculty. [Rumored is the
defense that a language-barrier may explain why this guy both denied the Holocaust and attacked
Zionism by claiming Jews are too influential, while lobbying for adoption of an anti-Israel resolution by
his academic society; this is quite-a-stretch.]

Illustrating the ongoing potency of Senator Ted Cruz is the video of his speech to the Texas-GOP.

Illustrating the fact that BHOs pacifism is increasingly manifest, note that RUSH said today [as did I, last
grinding-desire to close GitMo; also, in Europe, Obama Refused To Salute Marines. {Note that CRUZ

Here are 10 key passages in Hillary's book; also note the claim that Hillary has been Anti-Israel.


tryting to change the subject [prior to Mid-Terms], OBAMA claimed GOP lawmakers CARE MORE ABOUT

Regarding Bergdahl, Bergdahl declined to Call his Parents and SoS Kerry said it is 'Baloney' to Think
Released Taliban Will Kill More Americans; Rogers charged Obama empowered the Taliban
The implications are intuitively conveyed by the titles in a bunch of essays from todays Townhall [Kerry:
Americans Shouldn't Worry About the Released Taliban Leaders; Iran's Takeaway From Obamas West
Point Speech: America Cannot Do a Damn Thing; Bergdahl Confirms Obama and the Dems as the
Damnedest Fools; Treason: Obamas Gitmo Five; Bergdahl Release Reveals a Presidency Out of Control;
and Liberals Bogus Lashback against the Bergdahl Backlash]. A high-level intelligence official involved in
efforts to find and rescue the Army sergeant said Details about Bergdahl Dont Add Up. Finally, analysis
of intertwined issue The Taliban/Bergdahl Swap, Gitmo, and the Revenge of the Lawyer Left reflects,

also, the view that BHOs primary focus has been upon ways to close GitMo prior to the end of his term.
{Again reflecting the severity of this problem, The Taliban Swap and High Crimes and Misdemeanors.}

Liberal Al Hunt said Obama is Waging War on Media.

Regarding Iran, a Conference Call was held TODAY at 12 noon EDT with former IAEA Deputy Director Olli
Heinonen themed on this topic ["Deadlines and Oversight: Iran Talks, Sanctions, and Congress"],
addressing recent reports that wide gaps remain in negotiations between the P5+1 global powers and
Iran, coupled with consistent patterns indicating that the Islamic republic is busting through limits on
energy exports set by the interim Joint Plan of Action (JPA), have renewed calls by lawmakers for a
stronger congressional voice in shaping and overseeing progress in the talks. [Leaders from both sides of
the aisle and both chambers of Congress have signaled that they intend to hold hearings in the coming
weeks on the issue. The House Foreign Affairs Committee will meet on Tuesday to hear testimony from,
among others, Olli Heinonen, former deputy director of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
and current senior fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School of Governments Belfer Center for Science and
International Affairs.For further information, contact The Israel Project [].
judging from a follow-up Blast e-mail, it seems spekers at this phone conference raised concerns that
Surprise U.S.-Iran talks risk deepening fears that Western allies are being outmaneuvered. {Also, BHO
told the US delegation not to leave talks with Iran without an improved interim deal.}

Because this TIP [The Israel Project] sheet is replete with hyperlinks, it is provided as
it arrived via e-mail; anyone wishing to subscribe thereto will be able to access
considerable cogent-analysis and synthesis of what emerge as utile Action-Items.

Iran officials over the weekend acknowledged plans to hold meetings with the United
States and Russia outside of ongoing negotiations between the P5+1 global powers
and Tehran, a development that media outlets described as everything from evidence
that the parties were scrambling to reinvigorate faltering talks over the Islamic
republic's atomic program to a breakthrough in bilateral relations. Reuters
characterized the meetings, which began Monday, as coming "after the most recent
round of nuclear talks between Iran and the six powers in Vienna last month ran into
difficulties, with both sides accusing the other of having unrealistic demands." Agence
France-Presse (AFP) quoted Iran's official IRNA news agency, which was in turn quoting
Iran's Foreign Ministry, announcing Tehran's intentions to hold "negotiations
with...American counterparts," which the wire characterized as "unprecedented." AFP
read the Iranian move against recent remarks from Tehran's leaders "urg[ing] western
powers to resist pressure from third parties not directly involved in negotiations," and
told readers that "Israel and lawmakers in the US Congress have repeatedly warned
against lowering the pressure... on Iran." Calls by Arab states for a hard line on Iran,
some of which have included transparent threats of nuclear proliferation across the
region, were not mentioned by the outlet. That the Iranians use divide-and-conquer
tactics in nuclear negotiations has become somewhat commonplace. Iranian President
Hassan Rouhani bragged in his autobiography that he had managed to divide the
Americans and Europeans in the early 2000s as Iran's nuclear negotiator, and that the
moves had enabled Iran to lock in nuclear progress. Last April, Iranian Parliament
Speaker Ali Larijani urged European nations to "chart an 'independent' foreign policy
course" from Washington. Two weeks ago rumors emerged that the White House was
considering potential bilateral negotiations with Iran - which would partially freeze out

France and Britain - with the news breaking just a week after Reuters assessed "with
concerns rising among Iran's foes, especially Israel and the Gulf states, that the United
States has turned softer on Iran, France has become a key player in defending their
interests." Evidence that U.S. diplomats are being outmaneuvered by Iranian
counterparts would likely become an issue as Congress gears up for a series of hearings
evaluating the progress of the nuclear negotiations.

An official visit to Turkey by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani triggered a flurry of
diplomatic statements and economic agreements celebrated by both sides on
Monday, announcements that were read by observers as straightforward evidence
that relations between the two sometimes rivals were on the upswing. Turkey's office
of the presidency issued a press release - and linked to it from the office's official Twitter
account for good measure - declaring that "Rouhanis visit will open a new chapter in
our bilateral relations." The mostly Persian-language Twitter account thought to speak
for Rouhani boasted that "Turkish and Iranian presidents signed 10 documents of
cooperation" during the visit. Ankara has come under increasingly public criticism from
Washington over literally years of sanctions-busting transactions with Iran, and the
Washington Free Beacon quoted Jonathan Schanzer - vice president of research at the
Foundation of Defense of Democracies (FDD) - explicitly contextualizing Monday's
events as coming amid "massive sanctions busting facilitated by Turkey on behalf of
Iran.... some $12 billion in oil sales... followed up by revelations of sanctions busting on
the part of Iranian businessmen in Turkey to the tune of 87 billion [Euro]." Relations
between Ankara and Tehran have in recent years been complicated as each sought to
maneuver within and across three regional blocs - a camp of Washington's traditional
Arab and Israeli allies, an Iranian-dominated Shiite crescent, and a Turkish/Muslim
Brotherhood/Qatari axis - but Schanzer told Bloomberg that "there appears to be far
more drawing these two neighbors together than driving them apart... [t]his, of course,
raises questions about Turkeys reliability as a U.S. ally and as a NATO ally." Reuters was
a little more terse in conveying the same dynamic, publishing its article under the
headline "Iran, Turkey pledge cooperation despite split over Syria." Merve Tahiroglu and
Behnam Taleblu - respectively a research associate and an Iran research analyst at FDD -
assessed that "Iran appears intent to peel Turkey away from the Western block."

Egyptian media outlets hailed the Sunday inauguration of the country's former
military chief Abdel Fattah el-Sisi as a victory for democracy and the rule of law, even
as various Western powers continued to respond with something less than warmth to
last month's election, which saw Sisi win 97 percent of the popular vote. Publishing
under a staff byline, Al Arabiya opened by declaring that "For the first time in Egypt's
history an outgoing president has peacefully handed out power to an elected leader,"
and describing how "the 'unprecedented' ceremony in Egypts modern political history
saw both men signing the 'handover of power document' in the presence of dozens of
local and foreign dignitaries." Outgoing interim president Adly Mansour - whom the
outlet noted is "known by some as the 'man of the law'" and will not take back his post
as chief justice of the Supreme Constitutional Court - became the only president in
modern Egyptian history to leave his post voluntarily. Reuters noted however that the
West has continued to be cool to Sisi, who last year led army moves that ousted the
country's Muslim Brotherhood-linked former president Mohammed Morsi amid
unprecedented mass demonstrations calling for the resignation of Morsi's Islamist

government. Al-Monitor revealed last week that the Obama administration has
continued to withhold counter-terrorism assets from Cairo, which have been partially
frozen over concerns stemming from the overthrow and the interim government's
subsequent actions against the Brotherhood. The freeze has been blasted by analysts
from across the ideological spectrum for among other things abandoning seven decades
of bipartisan U.S. policies aimed building alliances that would block out Russia and other
rivals from the Middle East.

Washington Institute Managing Director Michael Singh two weeks ago outlined ways to
restabilize U.S.-Egyptian relations, while warning that "Egypt has had the upper hand in
the relationship despite its troubles, mainly because it believes it can turn to others to
meet its needs in the short run -- Russia for military equipment, the Persian Gulf states
for aid, and the international community for validation. Washington, in contrast, has no
geopolitical substitute for Egypt."

Hamas is using the current period of political and military calm - most recently locked
in by a unity pact between the terror group and its rival Fatah faction - to build a
missile arsenal that can blanket population centers throughout Israel during any
future conflagration, according to remarks made by IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz on
Monday. The Israeli leader described "a dramatic increase in medium- and long-range
rockets." The recent Palestinian unity deal - publicly aimed at paving the way for
elections throughout the Gaza Strip and West Bank - saw Fatah abandoning its long-
standing demand that Hamas put its fighters and missile arsenal under Ramallah's
control. Hamas officials quickly bragged that they had secured a kind of "Hezbollah
model," boasting that the Iran-backed Lebanese group had used a similar arrangement -
allowing the central government to establish civil authority, even while maintaining an
overwhelming military presence - to dominate the political and security institutions of
Lebanon. Meanwhile a top Israeli security source revealed on Sunday that Hamas was
also moving to establish a shadow civilian infrastructure throughout the West Bank,
which would leverage a rebuilt socio-economic infrastructure to "enable the
replacement of the PAs secular government with an Islamic government whose
ideology will be similar to that of Hamas."

To understand contemporary Israel and the emotions present in any discussion of Middle East peace,
one needs to grasp the significance of two dates,The Seventh of June and the Ninth of Av. Lieberman
slammed Netanyahus lack of leadership [although this is probably more for internal political
consumption than a reflection of reality, noting the degree to which the Palestinian Arabs are bickering
and BHOs Policy that, Come hell or high water, there will be a Palestinian State].

Similarly, when Finance Minister Yair Lapid threatened to bring down govt if it annexes
Judea/Samaria, he also called for a freeze on settlement construction and construction
of a map of Israel's future borders; in addition, he criticized BB and Economy Minister
Naftali Bennett, and urges a halt of construction in the West Bank, particularly in areas
Israel was not expected to keep in any future peace accord. Predictably, Hawks
questioned the need for peace with Palestinians at the Herzyliya Conference [available
on-line]. Bibi may very well pursue A New Plan of Peaceful Non-Reconciliation.


Finally, Obamas Outrageous Decision to Fund the Hamas-Aligned Palestinian Regime may soon unravel
[along with everything else he has done in the realm of Foreign Policy.] {Finally, even those who had
lived through the six day war are advised to review its history, particularly parallels between its
prodrome and the current [increasingly unsettled] atmospherics in the region; also note Anti-Israel, anti-
Semitic Arab cartoons published on the eve of the Six Day War.}

Regarding anti-Semitism, the war against the Jews is being waged as it becomes clear that Western
citizens who go to Syria to join jihadist militias and return after being indoctrinated in fanatical Islam
constitute a danger to Jews wherever they go.

Regarding Jewish anti-Zionism/anti-Semitism, the liberal fringe group J Street is facing renewed
questions over its purported dishonesty to journalists and editors after one of its top campus officials
penned an op-ed that was so thoroughly riddled with factual errors that a leading Israeli publication was
forced to delete the piece and apologize. Also, illustrating the deterioration of American Foreign Policy
during the past half-decade, analysts claim the wave of Iran-Turkey economic and political coordination
undermines Western diplomacy and "raises questions about Turkeys reliability as a U.S. ally."

This is the reaction to my analysis of how the GOP must neutralize the social-issuesand my response:

Sorry to say, but you have not persuaded.

My dual-goal was to articulate these details [and then to note the feedback] and to
provide suasion [recognizing that hard-core Dems would likely be unmoved].

Comparing reimbursement of the Pill outside of its approved labeling to providing
coverage for so-called reparative therapy falls flat. This is not about the free market.
Anyone can seek psychological therapy (now, fortunately, a more consistently covered
service under Obamacare) if they struggle with their sexual orientation. What data exist
that reparative therapy does anything positive All references I see cite negative
consequences and the suggestion that very often such "therapy" is being pushed by
parents and / or religious leaders unaccepting of someone's sexuality. I am all in favor
of fully supporting someone who is "questioning." We have existing medically
appropriate support systems in place for that. We do not need to foster reimbursement
for "providers" motivated by the thought that there is something inherently wrong with
being gay.

Inherent in this set of assertions is a query [What data exist that reparative therapy does
anything positive?] that has been addressed in a disinterested survey of this issue; after
having cited multiple condemnations by medical societies, the conclusion is instructive:

However this distinction between religious identity and sexual
orientation may be viewed, psychology does not have the right to
interfere with individuals rights to seek the treatments they choose.
This is why the mental health organizations have adopted advisory
policies about conversion therapy that affirm the right of LGB clients to
unbiased treatment in psychotherapy and that reject treatments based
upon the premise that homosexuality is a treatable mental disorder.
They do not, however, ban the practice of conversion therapy outright

out of concern for the individual whose personal spiritual or religious
concerns may assume priority over his {or her} sexual orientation.

Therefore, identical considerations regarding insurance policy options are applicable to
decisions regarding coverage of contraceptives [plus the morning-after pill] and/or
psychotherapy [that would reasonably be intended to provide a patient surcease].

Why do issues such as abortion / birth control and gay rights matter so much Both are
matters of human rights and economics.

They matter, but pivotal is whether they should be controlling.

In certain demographics, it would be hard to discount the logic that the cycle of poverty
for women starts and/or is perpetuated by unintended pregnancies - a situation which
in turn leads to a demand for more government services. No one should be "for"
abortion per se; hence the need to provide ready-access to birth control. I certainly
hope those companies which claim religion as a reason not to cover birth control have
beefed-up their support for adoption services. If not, I fail to see the "godliness" of their
personnel policies.

Regardless of your personal assessment of what others prioritize, pivotal is the need to
preserve their right to differ from what you may view as Politically Correct.

Gay rights is straightforward - it's a fundamental issue of respect. If you want to get
religious, then "do unto others" seems to be appropriate. Should we have opposed bra
burnings in support of women's rights? Presuming the answer is no, then why should we
be afraid to watch a gay-pride parade?

I think most do not fear watching such events, but many feel force-fedan emotion
that then could retard achieving what the LGBTQ movement avers is highly-desired.

As you have suggested, these social issues should be areas where liberals and "true"
conservatives readily agree in the spirit of keeping the government out of the bedroom.
But instead, many on the right like Cruz let their presumably religious views
overpower their political positions. You say there are bigger concerns on which I should
focus. That these leaders won't be successful in pushing what I see as a radical
agenda. Perhaps. But, I am not trusting of political leaders who allow their religion to
interfere with common sense and humanity.

Your skepticism was not warranted, as previously noted, regarding the three most-
recent GOP-POTUS politicians [Reagan, Bush-41 and Bush-43]; actually, because there
are many characteristics of religion in the pursuit of contemporary secularism, it is far
easier to muster extreme-distrust of BHO and Dems who are so extremely ideological.
And we have yet to hear if Cruz would adopt the federalism approach that I advocate,
thereby reassuring reasonable libs/Dems that privacy-rights wont be attacked.

I respect that the US was founded on the principle of religious freedom; yet, we also
recognize a separation of church and state. While perhaps hyperbole, your opposition

to extremists among Islamists has been discussed in the context of their
"fundamentalist" Interpretation of their theology. You can suggest it is different - that
the religious views of folks like Cruz are not killing people. I would respond that their
beliefs are indeed damaging to the fabric of society.

First, the separation myth must be debunked; this quote is not from the Constitution,
and all 50 states mention the Deity in their Constitutions; thus, it is incumbent upon you
to document your claim that Cruzs beliefs have damaged the fabric of society.

You can discount these concerns as peripheral to what you see as immediate "threats."
But, if you have not convinced me - who has been open to listening - you will have a
very challenging time overcoming Ds concerns. It remains very easy to claim that
conservative Rs just don't get or care about people, despite protestations about
individual rights. Social policies matter - they are reflective of our leaders' ethical
compass - a compass imperative to remain in or in your mind re-gain) a position of
national exceptionalism.

Your broad-brush assumption [It remains very easy to claim that conservative Rs just
don't get or care about people, despite protestations about individual rights] is facile;
notwithstanding the right of any individual to claim anything [Everyone has the right to
be stupid], you must show how your belief-system has initiated and promoted this idea
for, otherwise, it would be just as easy [perhaps] to level this charge against BHO and his
brand of collectivism. And then you must demonstrate why all of these issues trump
worriment about the survival of a secure America [noting multiple debacles overseas].


Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 9:15 AM
Subject: Action-Items-CLIII [Foreign-Policy]

The headlines appearing this-a.m. servein the aggregateto illustrate why BHOs Foreign Policy is
increasingly exposed as unabashedly-disastrous; those who reflexly elevate social-policy over such
considerations are thereby oboigated to explain why they would deem to sacrifice Americas potential
demise for maintaining a 100% pro-choice abortion-policy [reducing the argument to its fundamentals].
BHO is outa-control, and only the GOP can help America escape a fate worse than that that was almost
imposed by Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter [and, even then, expunging the damage he has wrought will
require at least two election-cycles]; what is most amazing is that Americas enemies arent even waiting
until after the mid-terms to achieve their goals, for they are that confident that BHO has such an
uncanny ability to maintain his in-your-face egocentric postures regardless of what transpires.
Wayward-Dems must accept the fact that this is an emergency, for they can return to their traditional
home after they have helped to staunch now-gushing hemorrhage [and after it has rediscovered and
elevated those within its midst such as Scoop Jackson and Joseph S. Clark, Jr.]; compare this state-of-
affairs with the qualities exuded by the House GOPs top recruit and by the GOP'S safe-bet MIA LOVE;
meanwhile, BHO is rapidly bleeding-away Americas greatness, hanging a shattered Dem-ideology on is
own petard {mixed metaphor, sorry}.

1. Illustrative of what is wrong with depending upon drones for targeting the enemy [BHOs
video-game strategy] is the fact that five U.S. troops were killed by friendly fire air strike in
Afghanistan; denying yourself a ground-troop presence predisposes to such errors [which include under-
reported civilian tragedies that reinforce the Ugly American imagery].

2. Iraqi troops fleed as insurgents seize control of the northern Iraqi city of Mosul including the
provincial government headquarters, certainly a key city; this offered a powerful demonstration of the
mounting threat posed by extremists to Iraqs teetering stability.

3. Iran and Turkey Met Amid Massive Sanctions Busting Schemes, and Iranians solidly support
their government; meanwhile, a NY Dem Invested in Irans Biggest Oil Customer.

4. Illustrative of how BHO hides behind secrecy to achieve short-term politicized-goals are the
facts that the State Department Still Wont Say If Bergdahl Ransom Was Paid, that Feinstein feels she is
out-of-the-loop because she receives little outreach from the Obama administration on the Bergdahl
deal, and that the HOUSE GOP is justifiably outraged that YOU TOLD THEM OF BERGDAHL BEFORE YOU

The Obama administration had its first chance to convince House lawmakers it made the
right call to trade five Taliban detainees for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. It didn't work.
House Republicans came out of a more than hourlong classified briefing by top national
security officials on Monday complaining they'd learned nothing new about the incident
that hasn't already been disclosed in the news media. GOP lawmakers, in particular,
were upset that an estimated 80 to 90 executive branch officials in the Pentagon, White

House and the intelligence agencies, but no members of Congress, were informed
beforehand, including the chairs of the House and Senate intelligence panels.

The Bergdahl briefing kicked off what could be a tough week for Obama on Capitol Hill.
The House will continue to dig into the VAs 'secret waiting list' scandal, and the House
Foreign Affairs Committee will begin its own hearings on Iran's nuclear program.
DEFENSE SECRETARY CHUCK HAGEL will defend the prisoner exchange when he testifies
Wednesday before the House Armed Services Committee; he will make the legal and
policy case for it, and he will discuss broadly the reassurances the U.S. was given that
the Taliban officials released from the Guantanamo Bay prison would be monitored
[notwithstanding the fact that press-reports already include the stated-plan of at least
one of them that he will return to the effort in Afghanistan to kill Americans].

5. Illustrative of the profundity of the VA-Crisis is the VA AUDIT that IDed the startling-fact that
120K VETS SAW LONG WAITS FOR CARE at 731 VA medical centers nationwide; they misrepresented or
sidetracked patient scheduling for more than 57K former military personnel, and about 64K were not
even on the agency's electronic waiting list for doctor appointments they requested. These data further
verify wrongdoing uncovered in Phoenix and show that dysfunctional practices permeate the agency's
medical system and jeopardize health care for 9.3 million enrolled veterans; there was widespread
confusion about record-keeping practices and pressure at some locations for schedulers to 'utilize
unofficial lists or engage in inappropriate practices in order to make wait times appear more favorable.'
{This includes a handy graphic to show at which facilities vets waited for care; in Philly, 754 cases were
delayed and the average weight-time was 43 days.}

6. Yaalon concluded Israel successfully took peace talks off the agenda [although BHO keeps trying
to resurrect them, by pressuring Israel to relent on its policies in Judea/Samaria despite increased
Hamas-generted disruption [promulgated by the reconciliation with the PA that BHO/Kerry endorsed].

7. Z-Street is the Lower Merion group that is at the center of IRS allegations, an atmosphere which
has recently been characterized as BHO is doing what Nixon only imagined he could do. {This is not to
be confused with J-Street, which Fayyad considers Irrelevant.

8. Even ultra-lib Politico acknowledged that Hillarys stint at Foggy Bottom constituted a mixed
legacy, illustrating the damage that occurs when a real diplomat runs up against a dont do stupid s***
foreign policy [BHOs avowed Doctrine], and even ultra-lib DAVID IGNATIUS concluded that Hillary
portrays herself in her book [Hard Choices] as hesitant to take big risks; there are times when the reader
feels he is being 'spun' rather than enlightened. Futher illustrating why lionizing Hillary would relocate
Ameica from the skillet to the fire is the fact that Hillary Got a Key Benghazi Fact Wrong in her book;
the Benghazi chapter states that, unlike at the embassy in Benghazi, there were U.S. Marines stationed
at the embassy in Tripoli, even though Marines were not sent until after the deadly terrorist attack. [The
Clinton camp maintained that the version of the story told in the book is factually accurate, though
they agree that the passage could have been written more clearly.] This is how CNNs Jake Tapper
[who also could double as a cartoonist] has explained the factual mistake:

Noting how many members of the public and Congress were surprised upon discovering
there were no U.S. Marines assigned to our Benghazi compound, Clinton notes that
Marines are assigned to only slightly more than 50% of the diplomatic posts throughout
the globe, focused primarily on protecting and, if need be, destroying classified items.

So while there were Marines stationed at our embassy in Tripoli, where nearly all of
our diplomats worked and which had the capability to process classified material,
because there was no classified processing at the diplomatic compound in Benghazi,
there were no Marines posted there, Clinton writes. [...]

But, as General Carter Hamm, the former commander of Africa Command, testified
before Congress on June 26, 2013, there was no Marine security detachment in

It wasnt until after the attack that Marines were sent to the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, a
contentious issue before and after the attacks, since so many diplomatic officials and
security forces before the attack had been pleading to the State Department for greater
military protection in Libya. The former regional security officer at the Embassy in
Tripoli, Eric Nordstrom, testified that the most frustrating part of his job had been
dealing and fighting against the people, programs, and personnel who are supposed to
be supporting me For me the Taliban is on the inside of the building.

9. Also, domestically, U.S. in Talks with Snowden on Possible Plea Deal, ObamaDontCare Penalty
to Hit One Million Low-Income Americans, Kentucky-Senate candidate, Democrat Alison Lundergan
Grimes, STEERED CLEAR OF 'COAL' AT D.C. FUNDRAISER, and avowed-environmentlist Tom Steyer
Remains Invested in Fossil Fuels Despite Divestment Pledge.

10. Finally, domestically, not to be ignored is the GOP-Establishments messaging, which touts a
new Poll that allegedly [inexplicably] found that 60% of Americans and 37% of tea party respondents
back path to citizenship for Illegals; the smear-campaign has also predictably launched via the WaPo
against McDANIEL, 41, who GIVES the GOP ESTABLISHMENT HEARTBURN, allegedly embodying
everything mainstream Republicans fear about the tea party movement. [He is aggressive, unpredictable
and, at times, allegedly-insensitiveif not offensiveon matters of gender and race; party leaders
worry about feeding an impression that could hurt their chances elsewhere, in the same way Senate
candidate Todd Akin of Missouri tarnished the GOP in 2012 when he referred to 'legitimate rape.' {Note
innuendo that permeates the illustrative claims, none of which impacts the policies he has articulated.}

-- In his former role as a talk-radio host before becoming a state senator,
McDaniel referred to Hispanic women as 'mamacitas,' proclaimed that he would never
again pay taxes if African Americans were paid reparations for slavery, mused about
whether 'homosexual churches' exist and wondered aloud whether former attorney
general Janet Reno 'was a woman.'
-- McDaniel is dealing with problems that arose during his campaign, in which he
and his supporters at times have appeared disorganized and careless.
-- Hinds Countys DA is looking into why McDaniel allies were found trapped in a
courthouse hours after polls closed on the night of the primary; four men were arrested
in connection with illicitly taking a photo of Cochran's bedridden wife, Rose, who has
dementia and lives in a nursing home.



Although I feel Pot should be legalized, it has been suggested that it may be playing a larger role in fatal
crashes; as more states are poised to legalize medicinal marijuana, Columbia University researchers
performing a toxicology examination of nearly 24,000 driving fatalities concluded that [1]marijuana
contributed to 12% of traffic deaths in 2010, tripled from a decade earlier; [2]nearly a quarter of
drivers killed in drug-related car crashes were younger than 25; and [3]nearly half of fatally injured
drivers who tested positive for marijuana were younger than 25.

Lest we forget about the dangers of Islamism, note the topics covered yesterday by Pamela Geller:

Jihadists Have 170,000 Missiles Aimed at Israel
Media Alert: Pamela Geller Radio Appearances
Muslims attack French Jewish Teens with Axes in Paris
Inter-faith groups protest truth on AFDIs bus ads Metro DC buses
Honor killing in Scotland: Muslim burns ex-wife to death for being too Westernised, twin
daughters: We had an hour to say goodbye. She was so badly burned we were told we couldnt
look at her face.
Who Guards the Guardian The Guardian may be Britains most dishonest newspaper
Obamas Spiritual Adviser Visited Iran to Discuss Religious Tolerance, Will Brief President on
Pamela Geller, WND: Bergdahl: The tipping point
Sharia: Saudi divorces wife for buying beverage can
Taliban jihadists attack Pakistans largest international airport, 24 dead, disguised as police
guards and wearing suicide vests, five-hour siege


Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 2:13 PM
Subject: Action-Items-CLV [Bergdahl, Illegals, Hillary, Dems-Libs]

Corroborative data abound [after watching this fantastic swing-dance]; following a digest thereof [plus a
few elabortive essays], the ongoing dialogue with a lib/Dem continues.

In Pa. a Pollster suggested the Sandusky Report could help Corbett's reelection bid [it cost $180K+], and
a Reader Poll @ PoliticsPa suggested the Sandusky Scandal will affect Voting. That is why it is vital to
maximize the deliverables that the GOP can muster in November, as Weak tax collections will test
Corbetts tax pledge; meanwhile, the Senate GOP and Gov restarted campaign to loosen PA alcohol sale
laws and the PA HOUSE WAS SCHEDULED TO DEBATE 'HYBRID' PENSION PLAN. {Also, the Philly pot bill's
future unclear and to-be-investigated is the fact that the State gave embattled ex-NAACP head $100K to
fix a football field [which was financed by Vick].}

Regarding Bergdahl, in its umpteenth iteration, after rapidly recognizing that its Rift with Congress over
deal had deepened, the White House blamed Hagel for Bergdahl terrorist swap, which a HOUSE PANEL
IS TO INVESTIGATE; pilloried for its dependence upon anonymous sources and innuendo, the NYT
Treasonous. Meanwhile, State Dept Spokeswoman Marie Harf Called Terrorists Released in Bergdahl
Trade "Gentlemen" while appearing on MSNBC with Andrea Mitchell, who also disputed her claim [citing
personal experience] that Congress had Not been Briefed on Bin Laden Raid. One commentator
[mirroring my view] has remitted a Memo to Krauthammer, reminding him that, When It Comes to
Bergdahl, America Is Not Israel; almost none of Obamas usual media enablers have defended, let alone
supported, last weeks Taliban-terror-masters for alleged-army-deserter swap, but Krauthammer did so
[although has backtracked since] by citing Israel [forgetting major differences, among them BHOs
having pressured Israel to release prisoners]. {Also, LETTERMAN WAS THE ONLY LATE NIGHT COMIC TO

Regarding Illegals:
Child Alien Crisis Obama's Fault, But GOP Won't Pounce

Immigration: Republicans should take the president to task for unlawfully enticing
thousands of "unaccompanied illegal children" from Latin America to cross the border.
Instead, a GOP leader asks for an amnesty deal.
What is at the top of the Republican wish list? A vibrant economy? An America strong
and respected in the world? Capturing the Senate? A Republican elected to the White
House in 2016?
Nah. The GOP wants amnesty for illegal aliens.
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., made that abundantly clear in an interview
with a local Virginia TV station WTVR last Friday. He said he told President Obama that
"we can work on the border security bill together. We can work on something like the

And Breitbart reports that Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., is secretly gauging House GOP
support for action on amnesty legislation before August.
On almost every issue, it makes more sense to wait until Republicans fulfill their current
excellent chances this year of getting a Senate majority and retaining the House before
considering dealing with Obama. But on immigration it makes no sense at all to make a
Democrats use immigration to smear Republicans as racists. Expanding immigration will
give Democrats millions of new votes in the coming decades, destroying forever the
political forces that oppose big government.
The more than 90,000 children who crossed the Mexican border into the U.S. and were
apprehended this year, and the more than 140,000 expected next year, could and
should turn the immigration issue into a GOP weapon against Democrats.
Instead of sending them back home to their parents, Attorney General Eric Holder made
it a priority to hire taxpayer-funded lawyers for them. Why don't we hear Cantor, Ryan
and other GOP leaders shout that Democrats are exploiting children to further their
political agenda?
Moreover, this whole crisis is of the administration's making. Its Deferred Action for
Childhood Arrivals program two years ago prevented minors' deportation for two years,
and now Obama has added two more years. As the immigration system becomes
overloaded, disease and hygiene issues are coming into play.
Cantor himself is suffering for defying his base. A June 2 Daily Caller/Vox Populi poll
found him at only 52% against GOP primary challenger Dave Brat.
Obama is equating immigration law enforcement with cruelty to children in the public's
mind. Instead of holding him responsible, Republicans are asking how they can help him.
Regarding other Domestic Policies, there is Growing Rejection of Common Core, which has been viewed
as a 'Gross Abuse of Democracy' [as Arne Duncan Threatened Entire State Of Oklahoma Because State
Backed Out Of Common Core and Common Core contains a strong whiff of Orwellian indoctrination];
regarding gun-laws, the libs are exuding frustration [Esquire: Police Who Support NRA Are Traitors 'to
the Uniform' and The Daily Beast: Gun Rights Opponents Need to Go Big or Go Home]. Regarding
ILLEGALLY Sent CONFIDENTIAL Taxpayer Info to FBI. Regarding Climate-Change, Australias Prime
Minister Tony Abbott is seeking out like-minded countries to form an alliance to thwart climate
policies being pushed by President Obama and other world leaders and Krugman wrote that climate
denialism is Ayn Rand's fault. Regarding the Media, JUDICIAL WATCH THREATENED TO SUE FEDS OVER
Charge $6 a Mo. for Opinion Pieces and Will Run Paid-Ads as Op-Eds; meanwhile, FNC appears
Topped O'Reilly in the ratings for the First Time For Entire Week and Adam Housley, a senior Fox
correspondent Blasted White House and 'Washington Post' for alleged coordination [an end-around]

Over a Diplomatic Security Report related to a story that was critical of the administration's post-
Benghazi security for American diplomats overseas.

Regarding Israel and the Middle East:
Reuven Rivlin Elected New President of Israel
Amidror: U.S. Is Israel's "Irreplaceable" Ally, But Israel May Have to Stand Alone
The establishment of a Palestinian Authority (PA) unity government that includes Hamas
is the last inning of a ballgame which has been in extra innings far too long.
Ministerial committee to vote on contentious bill defining Israel as Jewish state
Israel: Inspectors Won't Derail Iran Nukes
Israel: Hamas Aiming to Boost West Bank Support, Terror via Charity Groups
BB was accused of having no plan [when he actually continues reacting to events]
Iran Closed Border with Pakistan after Terror Attack in Balochistan
Iran Claims Missiles Can Reach Strategic U.S. Base in Indian Ocean
How Iran Gains from Assad Victory
Syrian Rebel Infighting Kills 630
Egypts president punished Hamas, Jihadi Islami in Gaza, and fired up strife in
Palestinian government
Senate Foreign Relations Committee to Review U.S. Aid to Palestinians
Will the West Fund Hamas?
Ya'alon: Land for Peace Paradigm Has Brought only Terror and Rockets
Palestinian Lecturer Who Led Auschwitz Trip Quits after Backlash - "My letter of
resignation from Al-Quds University was a kind of litmus test to see whether the
university administration supports academic freedom and freedom of action and of
expression as they claim or not."
Palestinian Forces Clash with Hamas Loyalists in West Bank

Further Ugly Vibes from the Obama Administration

The gloves are off. The White House has now unequivocally designated Israel as the
scapegoat and is meting out punishment for the disastrous outcome of the peace
negotiations it initiated. The process began in March when President Obama publicly
lambasted Prime Minister Netanyahu in a brutal and offensive manner the day before
their scheduled meeting in Washington. It climaxed last week when the White House
reneged on its commitment to Israel, announcing that it would continue business as
usual with the new PA government after the merger with the genocidal Hamas, the
terrorist organization which remains utterly committed to the destruction of Israel.

Prior to this, administration spokesmen had been campaigning behind the scenes to
undermine the standing of Israel with the American public. That Israel had frozen
settlement construction for nine months and conceded to an abhorrent release of
bloody Palestinian terrorists were facts they simply ignored. Conversely, the Palestinian
refusal to make a single concession or agree under any circumstances to an end of
conflict was rarely mentioned.

Even following the announcement of the PA-Hamas union, Secretary of State John Kerry
continued blaming Israel, making bizarre predictions about it becoming an apartheid

state, which followed his earlier warnings of an impending third intifada and
international boycotts all of which he subsequently retracted.

Kerrys views were echoed by his envoy, Martin Indyk, whose feral hatred of Netanyahu
should have disqualified him from assuming any mediating role. When Netanyahu
agreed to the wretched terrorist release, he made it clear to both the US and the PA
that construction in the settlements would resume. Yet, in a series of background and
open briefings, Indyk laid the primary blame for the collapse of the peace negotiations
on Israel for having announced building tenders for 700 homes, not in some obscure or
isolated settlement, but in Gilo, a suburb existing for over 40 years in the heart of Jewish
East Jerusalem. And so it was that this provocative action, the poof which scuttled
negotiations, became the basis for condemning Israel by the administration.

To make matters worse, unsubstantiated allegations were circulated that Israel was
engaging in massive espionage activity against the United States. Despite angry
disclaimers from Netanyahu and leading government officials, the Administration failed
to refute the charges which were even used to justify denying Israel eligibility for the US
Visa Waiver Program.

However, with Obamas current catastrophic ratings and the impending congressional
elections, it was assumed mistakenly that at least in the short term, the White House
would avoid a frontal confrontation and merely give Europeans the wink to intensify the
pressure and avoid a frontal confrontation.

But the Administration shocked Israel by accepting the new PA-Hamas government even
before the consummation of the union. This was in flagrant breach of former
undertakings, betraying its long-standing ally by announcing disingenuously that it
would work with the new PA- Hamas government, as long as it abides by the principles
mandated by the US. Yet, far from renouncing terror, Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal
boasted that the reconciliation will actually consolidate the resistance from one of
intifada to another until the liberation of Palestine.

The US initiative was clearly designed to pave the way for Israels further global
isolation. It was immediately endorsed by the European Union, the United Nations, the
UK and France and of course China, Russia and India all of whom praised the union as an
important step towards Palestinian reconciliation.

AIPAC, the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, and other Jewish
agencies immediately condemned the charade stressing that US law expressly
prohibits funding to a Palestinian government in which Hamas participates. They urged
Congress to conduct a review of assistance to the PA and ensure implementation of the
law denying support to the PA if it cooperated or bonded with Hamas.

There were senior lawmakers Democrats as well as Republicans who also
condemned the move and insisted that the Palestinian anti-terror act passed in 2006
specifically precludes the US government from funding any government in which Hamas
is involved or exercises influence.


Although there is no certainty that Congress will, in the short term, force the White
House to back down, public opinion unquestionably opposes the Obama policy. Despite
the hostility generated by the anti-Israeli liberal media, opinion polls all indicate record
levels of support for Israel amongst the American people. The most recent, conducted
last month by Paragon Insights on behalf of the Israel Project, showed that a 2-1
majority blame the Palestinians for the breakdown in negotiations and agrees that Israel
cannot be expected to deal with a PA which merges with genocidal Hamas terrorists.

Over recent months, Congress has also displayed a lack of confidence in the Obama
administrations lack of accountability and transparency in foreign relations. This has
created major tensions, particularly amongst Democrats who do not wish to be obliged
to choose between abandoning their President or supporting Israel.

That is the reason why Democrat Senator Robert Menendez, head of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee and a powerful supporter of Israel, temporarily withdrew the US
Israel Strategic Partnership Act from the agenda. He did so out of concern that an
amendment, introduced by Republican Bob Corker reflecting congressional distrust of
the presidents handling of nuclear talks with Iran and demanding greater
accountability, could create major splits in the ranks of the Democrats. The bill, which
designated Israel as a strategic partner and had already been passed in the House of
Representatives by 410 to 1 majority, was designed to expand US weapons stockpiles in
Israel and extend areas of joint US Israel collaboration in areas such as energy, water
and homeland security.

Ultimately a compromise will be found, but this behavior reflects the turmoil even
amongst President Obamas Democratic supporters concerning the administrations
appeasement of the Iranians and pressure against Israel.

In the meantime, the House of Representatives passed the National Defense
Authorization Act which included major boosts for Israels missile-defense programs as
well as sections highlighting concern about negotiations with the Iranians and was
carried on a bipartisan majority of 325 to 98.

It is indicative of the direction in which the wind is blowing when potential presidential
candidate Hillary Clinton, in her new memoir, signals her disapproval of President
Obamas policies when referring to the tactical error in trying to enforce a hardline
on settlements. She also criticized Obama Iranian policy, telling a gathering of the
American Jewish Committee: I personally am skeptical that the Iranians will follow
through and deliver No deal is better than a bad deal.

After the November midterm elections, the president will increasingly become a lame-
duck and with the onset of primaries and campaigning for the next presidential election,
there is every probability that the Senate and Congress will act against Obama if he
makes further excessive demands on Israel or totally capitulated to the Iranians.
However, it should be noted that, despite the Obama administrations harsh political
behavior towards Israel, it has in fact strengthened the crucial US-Israel defense


Israel must weather the remainder of Obamas presidential term, diplomatically
balancing resistance to the negative pressures without severing its crucial relationship
with the US. It should simultaneously seek to further strengthen the public support it
currently enjoys amongst the American people and throughout Congress.

Regarding Hillary:
Hillary Clinton's Book Is Being Destroyed By Critics


Palin: Hillary Book Proves Obama Campaign Fired First Shot in Real 'War on Women'

First Gaffe Of Campaign?
Super-PAC in fight over 'Ready for Oligarchy' merchandise

No Regret For 'What Difference Does It Make'
Benghazi Investigations 'More Of A Reason To Run' For President

'We Came Out Of White House Dead Broke'

Hillary Clinton: John McCain My Favorite Republican

With a smile, Hillary deflected tough questions on the eve of the release of her book Hard Choices.
Diane Sawyer asked Clinton if there was "anything you personally should have been doing to make it
safer in Benghazi Clinton responded that she gave very direct instructions that the people who have
the expertise and experience in security, because she is not equipped to sit and look at blueprints to
determine where the blast walls need to be or where the reinforcements need to be. Sawyer continued
to ask Clinton about her role in Benghazi by saying I wonder if people are looking from a sentence that
begins from you, I should have. .

Morning Jolt . . . with Jim Geraghty

Why Hillary's 'Dead Broke' Comment Matters
Hillary's "Dead Broke" comment is the 2016 presidential cycle's early version of her
"Tuzla Dash," when she claimed that during a visit to Bosnia as First Lady, "I remember
landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony
at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to
get to our base." Of course, there is no record indicating any danger to her. {And this
was confirmed on videotape.}

Hillary Clinton misremembers events so they fit into her own personal heroic narrative,
not as they actually were. Lots of people do this, particularly politicians, but this is a
dangerous habit for a leader to have. If they cannot assess and interpret past events
clearly, how much faith can we have in their ability to assess and interpret what's in
front of them now? Or in the future?
In case you missed it . . .
Hillary Clinton said she and husband, Bill, were "dead broke" when they
left the White House in 2001 with a meager income of $416,039 and
$11 million in debt, as she defended her $200,000 speaking fee to ABC's
Diane Sawyer.
Clinton insists the speaking fees were necessary for the family of three
to make ends meet, managing two mortgages and the steep bills for
daughter Chelsea's private school education.
"We struggled to, you know, piece together the resources for
mortgages, for houses, for Chelsea's education. You know, it was not
easy," Clinton told ABC's Diane Sawyer, in an interview to air Monday.
Remember when I chuckled about a New Yorker writer referring to her as "Lunch-pail
Hillary," suggesting she will run a populist campaign that is "critical of the Wall Street
types"? Apparently she really intends to do this.
A woman with a net worth of $200 million, who gives speeches to Goldman Sachs for
$200,000 each, is perhaps the single least plausible populist of all time. She may
attempt to pose as this reform-minded outsider who will shake up "The System," when
she is perhaps the personification of "The System." You can count on one hand the
number of people who have had more influence over public policy than her since
January 1993.
But she's going to try it, because she is apparently incapable of perceiving herself as she
is. Because massive wealth is seen as suspicious or inherently corrupting in today's
political culture, particularly in Democratic circles, she has to pretend she's middle class,
that her personal-finance worries are just like those of Americans making mid five-
figures or less.
The "he's unbelievably rich and out of touch" attack clearly did damage to Romney in
2012. Hillary Clinton has to hope lots of people don't react the way Jimmie Bise Jr. did: "I
know of dozens of ridiculously-talented, hard-working people who'll never set foot in a
mansion. But Hillary Clinton buys two and weeps."
Our Charlie Cooke:
Leaving aside for a brief moment how utterly farcical it is to use "struggle" and
"houses" in the same sentence, the notion that the Clintons were presented in
their post-presidency with anything other than a license to print money is
unyielding in its abject hilarity. By 2001, Bill Clinton had made $200,000 per
annum for eight years while paying nothing toward his housing or upkeep, and,

in addition to the extraordinarily lucrative speaking gigs that American ex-
presidents are now to expect, he had a lifetime of pensions and benefits to look
forward to. (David Graham points out that, in the last 14 years, he has received
nearly $16 million from the government.) By the end of the year in which he left
office, the couple had made $16 million and enjoyed between $5 and $30
million in assets. By 2004, they had $50 million to their names. And by 2014,
Clinton had become the highest-earning former president in America's history,
with net assets of nearly $200 million. Being smart sorts, the couple knew full
well that this was coming, which is why in 1999, with their apparently
destructive legal bills still racking up, they bought a $6 million house in
Chappaqua, N.Y., so that Hillary could legally run for the Senate. One suspects
that, if the Clintons had been genuinely worried that their legal fights might
bankrupt them, they would not have done this, nor would friend Terry
McAuliffe have agreed to loan them $1.3 million toward its purchase.
Hillary argues that Benghazi investigation is "minor-league ball" unworthy of the country:
In an interview with ABC News, Clinton said the Benghazi inquiry from
Republicans gives her a greater incentive to run for president because
she considers the multiple investigations into the attacks "minor-league
ball" for a country of the United States' stature. But she said she's still
"It's more of a reason to run, because I do not believe our great country
should be playing minor-league ball. We ought to be in the majors,"
Clinton said emphatically. "I view this as really apart from even a
diversion from the hard work that the Congress should be doing
about the problems facing our country and the world."
(Tapper also offered a balanced, clear, detailed assessment of the deaths of those six
soldiers after Bowe Bergdahl's disappearance. It's not quite so simple as to say that the
search-and-rescue missions got those soldiers killed . . . but it's not quite accurate to
assert, as the Pentagon did, that the solders' deaths had nothing to do with Bergdahl's
disappearance. The adjustments from the Bergdahl search put U.S. forces into more
dangerous territory and pursuing leads that they might not otherwise pursue -- leading
to a higher risks, and eventually, the six soldiers making the ultimate sacrifice.)
The back-and-forth regarding a putative GOP-effort to attract support ASAP to thwart BHOs initiative to
manifest the Cloward-Piven strategy follows:

This is the ongoing reaction of the liberal mindset that truly must be calmed for your
movement to become more readily acceptable, regardless of whether it is based in
reality/fact, in your view. Positions are perceived (rightly or wrongly) as equally
dogmatic on your side. Perhaps, if the conservative leadership just stops talking about
these policies (to appease your base), you can minimize the impression that they will
indeed be important causes which will have an important impact on decision-making.

The Dems/Libs keep raising social-issues to retain their caring base; the GOP keeps
trying to discuss substantive issues such as debt/deficit.

Giving an inch or two on issues related to gun ownership might go a long way.

Mentation is on-the-table.

Also, while you place a lot of emphasis on current challenges in foreign policy
understandable given the worlds events and your stated position on the role of the
federal government, I would be interested in data (perhaps previously shared but I do
not recall) about the relative importance the public at large places on foreign vs.
domestic policy. If it is domestic policy that leads, these social issues become even
more important.

Regardless of such fluctuating data, Foreign Policy must be confrontedalong with its
Domestic import.

Positions on immigration, which of course is a domestic issue, have led to differing
political outcomes.

This is untrue; Immigration has both domestic and foreign-policy implications, for it not
only relates to the Islamism that threatens the world, but it also threatens to flood
America with social-service needs [n.b., Cloward-Piven, which Rush just discussed].

If that is correct, the economy and social issues (the definition of which I view broadly
because these matters are so intertwined) are the key issues.

They can be lumped/split depending upon the point that needs to be established.

I suppose it is about jobs but also, importantly, how federal and state resources will be

This is true, and a balanced-budget is mandated on state-levelswhich is why it is vital
to keep as much spending of this ilk dispersed, as possible.

One concern liberals have relates to the lens through which decisions would be made
about cutting funding. If, for example, there continues to be a push to kill Obamacare
and replace it with competitive risk pools with no individual mandate and no expansion
of Medicaid, can a commitment truly be demonstrated by your wing of the Rs that
broad-based access to healthcare is indeed a priority?

Yes; witness the pre-BHO world, and superimpose interstate competition [for starters]
plus the age-26 and pre-existing illness criteria [stare decisis].

Without that perception of commitment and just a philosophical debate about spending
and the role of the federal government, your argument that Obamacare has not
expanded access to the extent predicted will fall short among skeptical Ds. I suspect the
general reaction will be yes, not yet give it a chance. You must convince folks that
your policies are not simply about stopping Obama. Its not enough.


That commitment existed within prior GOP-Administrtions, so it did not merely result
from a philosophical discussion; skeptical Dems will have to recognize that socialized
medicine via ObamaDontCare [admittedly, as a prelude to a single-payer system] has
been given a chance, and has been demonstrated to be a fiscal black-hole without any
major redeeming outcome yet generated [with more people net uninsured than when
it was initiatedand with millions to be pushed into the Exchanges after large-scale
employers are encompassed]. The GOP has an alternative philosophy and practicality,
starting with the RSCs Scalese, whose work is based on that of John C. Goodman.

While you personally are deeply entrenched in facts, politics is as much about reality as
it is about perception and likeability. You may not like it, but the so-called soft stuff
ones emotional/gut reaction to what a candidate/elected official says which may or
may not result in actual outcomes truly matters if you want to win elections and build
a broad base. So criticize as much as you like about the lack of facts, but failure to
acknowledge the underlying concerns which motivate the opposition will continue to
breed skepticism.

This initiative recognizes the trenchant need to tackle the heart as well as the mind.

Your lack of trust in Obama is driving you. You argue that stopping him should be the
sole motivator that trumps all other concerns. Yet, for that to be accepted, the Ds must
be convinced we can trust that in that process you (conservative Rs) will not muck in
social issues or decimate non-defense federal spending (at least not at a rate where
states have no ability to pick up the slack). This is the soft stuff. It matters as much as
fact. It is why platforms and stated positions matter as they suggest what motivates
someone to want to come into political office.

The Dems/libs must first concur that BHO is out-of-control [seriatim, regarding foreign
policy and domestic policy] and then the GOP must present cogent alternatives; once
yall realize the profound predicament BHO has created during the past half-decade,
alternatives to the GOP [in this two-party system] will be recognized not to exist. Then,
both the hard/soft stuff will converge effectively, yielding a far greater shellacking
than occurred in 10. And if you arent part of the solution, youre part of the problem.


Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 8:43 PM
Subject: Action-Items-CLVI [Hillary & Middle-East]

Every time I try to think that I have covered-the-bases [Jaws-II: Just when you thought it was safe to go
back in the water!], glancing through Facebook [and other sites] invariably provides further grist for
dissemination that appears even more definitive than its predecessors. Apparently, its open-season for
Americas enemies, as they detect blood-in-the-water and a POTUS who clearly isnt up to the job.
Organizing these data conceptually entails dealing with Foreign Policy [regardless of how its popularity
polls on a given-day] and Domestic Politics [no matter what is viewed as politically-correct]; thus,
focusing upon the Middle East and Hillary yields ahead-of-the-curve perceptions that promise to be
durable [the former, sadlythe latter, less-so]. One wonders if the American People are paying attention
to how quickly the world is collapsing around them; it would seem that irreversibility has set-in. {FLASH:
Eric Cantor LOST in his primary, viewed universally as a victory for the TEA Party Movement! This was
based on the issue of Illegals, contradicting the view posited by Politico as I IDed a few days ago).} Also,
the following hyperlinks are so unbelievable that they are included both here and @ the end: Hillary
Clinton Accused Israel of Being Occupying Force, angering pro-Israel community and Hillary Clinton
claimed Israel denies dignity and self determination to Palestinians in the West Bank. One would think
that this will kill-off her POTUS-16 Campaign.

Levity is needed [Combination of dance, technology, and light into unforgettable pieces
of performance art; Dance Using LCD Projector; Beyonce performs Run The World; Nine-
Year-Old Piano Prodigy; and a disabled-vet performs If Tomorrow Never Comes by
Garth Brooks]. And a series of pieces on the Turing Machine seems apt to group
[TuringTtest; chatbot passed the Turing Test; Computer Program Passed the Turing Test
For the First Time; Why The Turing Test Is Bullshit; and No, A 'Supercomputer'
Did NOT Pass The Turing Test For The First Time And Everyone Should Know Better].
Finally, note the explosion of name-dropping embedded within this Conspiracy Theory:
Obama Killed Top Philly Mob Boss [Lewis Katz?] Linked To JFK Assassination.

Islamism is rampant, worldwide:
Honor killing in Scotland: Muslim burns ex-wife to death for being too Westernized, twin daughters
say that: We had an hour to say goodbye. She was so badly burned we were told we couldnt look at
her face.
Wife and Doting Mother Beheaded by Muslim Husband in West London Home
Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and especially Iran have been violating every possible international norm of
human decency over the last few decades; although graphic videos are difficult to watch, sometimes
they are vital to watch in order to set the record straight.

Anti-Semitism is rampant in Europe:
Jewish Teens Escape Axe Attack Near Paris, Hatchet-Wielding Man Chased Synagogue-Bound Brothers
500 Muslims entered a CARREFOUR store in Paris, collected from the shelves all products imported from
Israel, destroyed them, and called for a boycott; French police did not intervene, the management of the
supermarket stayed away, and other buyers did not intervene.
A Jews, Out of France! rally video reflects how widespread this movement appears to be.

The current issue of The Economist suggested that, although Jews are unnerved, Europe is not sinking
into violent anti-Semitism; curiously, this lib-magazine characterized GOP-primaries as mud-wrestling [in
mississippi, iowa-and-california], but it did not cover the biggest story of last week, the Bergdahl-swap.
A European Commission official sent an expletive-filled and anti-Zionist email on Sunday to the rabbinic
director of a pro-Israel organization following a newsletter he received from him.

The Middle-East is Exploding:
The Egyptian authorities have sent invitations to major world leaders to attend Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi's
inauguration as the new president of Egypt, excluding four countries [Qatar, Turkey, Israel and Tunisia].
Hamas called on armed wing to kill soldiers and settlers - Gaza-based groups rift with Fatah deepened
after PA suppressed its West Bank rallies and refused to pay employees salaries; this illustrates why one
cannot construct a Chinese Wall between its military and its social welfare components [as the media
did with regard to Hezbollah in Lebanon].
The published an Opinion by former-Ambassador [to Syria] ROBERT S. FORD advocating
efforts to Arm Syrias Opposition; his opening-lines constitute a direct attack on BHOs stewardship: In
February, I resigned as the American ambassador to Syria, after 30 years foreign service in Africa and
the Middle East. As the situation in Syria deteriorated, I found it ever harder to justify our policy. It was
time for me to leave.
Jews and Palestinians: A little history remembered
The media wrote that militant Jews danced and prayed, a corruption of common usage of this term.
{Peres is no longer Israels Presidentand his resemblance to Chamberlain is uncanny}
{Rivlin is now Israels Presidentand reflects Israeli Reality}

Swap-Gate is uncontrolled:
HuffPo Sources: Bergdahl a Traitor; Obama Silencing Soldiers
At the time Rolling Stone reporter Michael Hastings was killed under suspicious circumstances, he had
recently written a huge expos on Bowe Bergdahl, revealing that he had deserted his unit and actively
sought out the Taliban. Hastings had also revealed Bergdahls anti-American sentiments, publishing the
emails to his father that so shocked America: I am ashamed to be an AmericanThe horror that is
America is disgusting.
BOB BERGDAHL SENT ANOTHER 'JIHAD MESSAGE' - At the White House, he said in Arabic, In the name
of Allah, the merciful, the compassionate, which, according to an Islam expert, amounted to him
claiming the White House as a spoil of war.
Watters World Goes to Sgt. Bergdahls Hometown
Obama had ordered the soldiers picking up Bergdahl to execute him at first sight, according to
the Facebook page called Bowe Bergdahl is a Traitor.
BenghaziGate - Narrative
State Dept: Five Guantanamo Detainees Will Not Have Substantial Impact on Battlefield
Democratic Senator Blumenthal: Obama Made A Mistake By Not Telling Congress About Bergdahl
Krauthammer: I Find It Odd That Congress Didnt Complain About Obama Changing Health Care Law 38
Times, But Is Complaining About Bergdahl Exchange
Obama officials hit Kerry on Taliban risk 'baloney' remark
Dem rep compares Taliban to soldiers in American Revolution

BHOs Scandal-Sheet is expanding:
Benghazi could have been a Bergdahl Gambit that Went South
The House Oversight Committee revealed the IRS sent the FBI a database containing more than a million
pages of confidential taxpayer information that is protected by federal law; AG-Holders DoJ admitted

the FBI should never have had those data in the first place. The information was delivered just weeks
before the 2010 elections to the FBI, after a conversation between Richard Pilger, an official with the
Justice Departments Election Crimes Branch, and former IRS Director of Exempt Organizations Lois
Lerner, a central figure in the scandal.
BHOs anti-Zionism is palpable:
Obama in 2008 --- 'I've been adamant about not negotiating with Hamas'
1939 letter found, plea to FDR to save Jewish kids!
Victor Davis Hanson Warns of Isolationist Sentiment
Social Security Administration Rubber-Stamped $400 Billion in Disability Claims

BHO is decompensating:
Liberalism Unrelinquished [This piece differentiates classical from modern]
Key to Obamas Diplomacy Giving Up
Perfidious President - Barack Obama is worse than lawless.he is profoundly dangerous. {This provides
an overview of his major errors.}
Obama could face 10 years to life in prison, says Judge Napolitano, for aiding a terrorist organization
Judge Jeanine Pirro demanded Obamas impeachment for endangering national security in violation of
his oath; she vilified him for breaking the sacred trust between himself and the people he leads.

The Dems are desperately trying to change-the-subject:
Wendy Davis: Republicans dislike 'people who don't look like them'
Harry Reid Calls Udall Challenger a Loser

Domestic-Affairs are chaotic:
Dem Crusade Against E-Cigs Drags On {much to my dismay, as also documented by Bill Godshall}
The U.S. Chamber Of Commerce calculated that BHOs EPA proposals which require states to make
major cuts in pollution from coal generators, will, by 2030, cost upwards of $51 billion and an average of
224,000 lost jobs per year.
white-house-hid data and blamed-gop-for-border-flood [regarding Illegals]

Pennsylvania appears to be abusing The Forgotten Taxpayer [Guzzadis term]:
$1 Billion And Counting For States Taxpayer-Funded Stadiums
Five Facts about Pennsylvania Public Schools
School district revenue is at an all-time high.
Total school district spending is also at a record high, at $25.56 billion.
School district reserves grew by $445 million.
Property tax growth has slowed.
Employee benefits continue to outpace other categories.

Cultural-Issues abound:
Planned Parenthood Used Taxpayer Funding To Teach Teens Violent Sex Acts [explaining Texas policy]
Dating Lesson Asks 8
-Grade Girls to Declare Publicly How Far They Will Go Sexually [causing revulsion]
Veteran-taught 3-black-thugs-a-hard-lesson-in-humility-and-respect
Mississippi sailed through its first test of the new Voter-ID
Low attendance, 70% drop in children and a decrease in Gay Day [@ DisneyWorld] patron visibility and
revelry means the warning banners and their implications of the event made a huge difference for
families with children.

Homophobia in Russia Is Taking a Kafkaesque Turn {contrasting with the healthy debate in America}
Jews gamble $11m. to save fading Pennsylvanian community - Faced with withering institutions and a
mean age of 60, residents of Wilkes-Barre form an ambitious plan for a central Jewish hub
Kill Keystone, Kill People
ObamaDontCare May Saddle Taxpayers With Thousands in Unexpected Dues

Regarding Gun-Laws, a Dem-lib friend raised a number of possible solutions [For your
eyes only] that led to three conceptual views [which provoked open-minded reactions]:

Regarding your patter, its goal [None of these provisions keeps guns out of the hands
of responsible owners for the purpose of self-protection or hunting even though I
would not object if they did. I am not talking confiscation of legally purchased guns.] is
laudatory, as is your sensitivity to state/federal division-of-labor; looking forward to the
fruit of your research.

Regarding this point [While I would like to kill access to guns with multiple rounds,
without doing the research, I suspect it is the simple handgun that is causing much of
the problem. Simply want to make people really think before purchase and use - to
know that gun ownership is a big deal which comes with a host of responsibilities.], you
are correct; research is needed as per my letter-to-the-editor, which notes the inability
of gun-control advocates to cite science to buttress their public-health claims.

Regarding this point [Both the states and the feds are increasingly putting restrictions
on access to opioids solely out of concern about illicit use. Certainly, we can do the
same for guns. And I don't buy the argument that we don't have a constitutional right to
pain medications. This is a public safety issue not simply a constitutionally-based
argument. And assuring public safety is something in which the government clearly has
a role and responsibility.], you essentially answered your own question; remember,

Hillary has not done well during the roll-out of her book-tour [and testing of the waters for 16]:
hillarys-greatest-accomplishment her-non-answer
Hillary Clinton said it doesn't matter if Bowe Bergdahl deserted his unit because one of
our values necessitate we bring everybody home.
Hillary Clinton 21 highlights

Clintons State Department allegedly broke the law by intentionally obfuscating and
downplaying to Congress the terror threat posed by the Nigerian extremist group Boko Haram.
Hillarys Broke Gaffe and Inevitability
MSNBC Broke Into Laughter As They Mocked Hillarys Dead Broke Comments

Clinton Accused Israel of Being Occupying Force, angering pro-Israel community
Clinton claimed Israel denies dignity and self determination to Palestinians in the West Bank.
Clinton recalls being surprised by what she termed life under occupation for the Palestinians,
according to the book.
Pro-Israel officials and insiders on Capitol Hill have called Clintons comments tone deaf and said that
her claim that Israel is an occupying force reveals a bias against the Jewish state.
When we left the city and visited Jericho, in the West Bank, I got my first glimpse of life under
occupation for Palestinians, who were denied the dignity and self-determination that Americans take for
granted, Clinton writes.
Clintons comments demonstrate that she supports the Obama administrations efforts to pressure and
marginalize Israel, which current Secretary of State John Kerry recently accused of becoming an
apartheid state, said one senior GOP Senate aide, who worked with Clinton when she was at the State
What we see here is the true Hillary Clinton, no longer muzzling herself for fear of reelection in New
York or Senate confirmation fightsthe woman who embraced Suha Arafat after smiling through anti-
Semitic tirades, said the former senior GOP Senate aide who for years battled Clintons State
The source referred to a 1999 incident in which Clinton sat by smiling as the wife of former terrorist
leader Yasser Arafat went on an anti-Israel tirade.
This should put every American on notice that Hillary Clinton plans to continue Barack Obamas failed
Middle East policy that coddles terrorists and castigates democratic allies, said the former official.
Clinton knows she lost to Obama in 2008 because she was outflanked by the leftshe wont make that
mistake twice and she knows how much the left hates Israel.
Clinton goes on to take aim at the Netanyahu government for not returning land to the Palestinians that
she claims has been occupied by Israel since 1967.
Clinton is referring to territory seized by Israel in the 1967 Six Day War, in which Egypt, Jordan, and Syria
attacked Israel from every side in a bid to destroy the Jewish state.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Clinton claims, is not serious about the peace process.
This claim has been echoed by senior State Department officials, several of whom have sought to blame
Israel for the recent failure of peace talks.
Netanyahu has been deeply skeptical of the Oslo framework of trading land for peace and a two-state
solution that would give the Palestinians a country of their won in territory occupied by Israel
since 1967, Clinton writes.
One senior pro-Israel official who reviewed Clintons comments dubbed them as troubling.

The quotes, which gives insight into Clintons thinking, are troubling, the official told the Washington
Free Beacon. Most Americans, when they first experience the tiny distance separating average Israelis
from enemies pledged to their destruction, immediately think of the difficult security situation that our
allies have to negotiate. Not Clinton though.
Clinton has come under fire from a pro-Israel group for not publicly condemning Kerrys apartheid
remarks about Israel, which were criticized by many Democrats.


Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:55 PM
Subject: Action-Items-CLVII [Cantor-lost-to-Brat]

For the first time in American history, David Brat defeated the incumbent Majority Leader Eric Cantor
was defeated in a primary election; DC WAS ROCKED and GOP Leadership is in 'chaos' because this was a
Referendum Against Amnesty. Cantor was defeated by the Tea Party he helped create, as highlighted by
Drudge [and RedState and the right's frenzied paranoia]; Immigration Reform Will Go Down With
Cantor, with Brats achievement characterized by his supporters as The Great American Miracle. Thus,
The Secret Immigration Whip Count ['Now, Later Or Never?'] has, to some, set the stage for BHO to act
imperially, again, by granting blanket-amnesty to the Illegals.

Illegals flagging down border patrol to gain entry to USA
Child Alien Crisis Obama's Fault, But GOP Won't Pounce
Central American newspapers tout Obama amnesty program
Kids Complaining Burritos Making Them Sick
Chicken pox, staph infection fears
Widespread sexual activity
Feds violating child abuse laws?
Valerie Jarrett in secret meetings with activists
Influx 'threatens to transform nation'
Zuckerberg's Revamps Pro-Amnesty Push with Two TV Ads
Border Crisis Will Only Get Worse
Rush Limbaugh: Drop Illegals Off in D.C. Suburbs
Obama's Criminal Activity on Immigration
Gosar: Latino Voters Don't Support Amnesty
Illegal Immigrants Intentionally Surrendering to Border Patrol to Gain Entry to US


Thus, the TEA [Taxed Enough Already] Party Movement has been emboldened:
Cochran Attacks Tea Party's McDaniel: 'Extremist' Who'd Be 'Dangerous' if Elected
Cochran Says Other Senators Approved Executive Assistant's Extensive Travels
John McCain: No Good Options for Dumped Border Kids
John Cornyn: America Needs To Care For 'Dumped' Children

Rand Paul finds himself on the wrong side of this issue:
Rand Paul Teams Up with Michael Bloomberg Group to Discuss Amnesty
Ron Paul Backs Tea Party Challenger McDaniel in Miss. Race
Sen. Rand Paul: 'We're Not Going to Get Involved' in Mississippi Senate Primary
[Rand Paul to Hillary: Take Your 'Sad Song' of Financial Difficulties to the American People]

Ted Cruz finds himself on the correct side of this issue:
WH Mocks Ted Cruz for Blaming Influx of Illegal Immigrants on Obama 'Lawlessness'
Rafael Cruz: 'The Bible Tells You Exactly How to Vote'
Ted Cruz on Border Crisis: Obama, Reid 'More Interested in Partisan Politics'

The Ever-Changing Bowe Bergdahl Narrative
Dem Senator: Obama Simply Did Not Have Time to Tell Congress About Bergdahl Swap

Four of Five Taliban Released in Bergdahl Trade Will Likely Fight Again
CNN: Bergdahl Requests Not to Be Called 'Sergeant'
Boehner: 'We're Going to Pay' For Bergdahl Swap

ABC Newss Diane Sawyer destroyed Hillary Rodham Clinton on Benghazi
Hillary Won't Say if She Called Lewinsky 'Narcissistic Loony Toon'
Hillary's Bad Choices

GOP Senator: WH Exposed CIA Station Chief Forced Out of Afghanistan

Poll: Plurality of 48% Want Full Repeal of ObamaDontCare

If Republican Boehner doesnt like Mexican food, he must be racist and should be removed from office

Gates Foundation Backs Away from Using Common Core Tests for Teacher Evaluations
How Bill Gates pulled off the swift Common Core revolution
Anti-Common Core Speech by Dr. Duke Pesta
A Los Angeles Superior Court judge has struck down teacher tenure as unconstitutional, ruling in the
highly-anticipated Vergara v. California case that such protections "disproportionately affect poor
and/or minority students." Judge Rolf Treu found that laws granting tenure after two years, prioritizing
seniority in layoffs, and making it difficult to fire teachers violate state constitutional guarantees of
adequate public education.

Guns: Chicago Death Toll from Fri. to Mon.: 7 Dead, 28 Wounded

Proposed Voting Rights Bill a Huge Step Backwards

GOP marched in the Philly Pride Parade

Muslims Gas Jews Outside Paris
Israeli Defense Minister: 'Zero Percent Chance' of Hamas Recognizing Israel
Most of the people in the Middle East have no idea that Jews once lived among themvirtually all signs
of Jews there have been erased.
Jewish Holy Places in Judea and Samaria

A few years ago, the terrorist organization Hamas, decided to send a gift to the
President of Israel. They sent him an elaborate box with a note. The President opened

the box and saw that the content was feces ( shit, merde). He opened the note which
said, For you and the proud people of Israel.

Since the President of Israel, Mr Shimon Peres is a wise and experienced person, he
decided to reciprocrate and he sent to Hamas a very nice parcel and a note. The leaders
of Hamas were very surprised to receive the parcel and opened it very carefully
suspecting that it might contain a bomb. After opening they discovered that it contained
a small chip that was rechargable by solar energy with 1800 Terabyte memory and a
3D hologram display capable of functioning in any type of cellular phone or Tablet or
laptop. In other words the most advanced technological invention and development
made in Israel.

The Hamas leaders were very impressed and read the note which said Every leader
gives the best his people can produce.

Putin risks a war in Ukraine to build his Eurasian Union because he is implementingin whole or in
partthe Eurasianist doctrine developed by the man know as Putins Brain, Aleksandr Dugin.
Petro Poroshenko Orders Humanitarian Corridors in East Ukraine; Slaviansk 'Mayor' Ousted, Arrested
Ukraine and Russia Reach 'Mutual Understanding' to End Violence in East Ukraine

Spanish King Abdicated so His Son Would Not 'Wither Waiting like Prince Charles'


Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2014 3:52 PM
Subject: Action-Items-CLVIII [Holocaust-Education, Cantor-Loss, Hillary-Gaffes, Iraq-Loss]

[This above-the-fold announcement serves as a culmination of a -year of intense
lobbying: the Mandatory Holocaust Education Bill passed the Senate unanimously [with
only Sen. Washington absent] and, presumably, will fly through the House and be signed
by Corbett; common-ground was IDed via an amendment by Sen. Folmer that would
allow for a voluntary initiative during the next two years, with a mandate imposed if
fewer than 90% of the school districts comply. Needless to type, we are thrilled.]

[Meanwhile, daily calls are being generated to Temple U. regarding ongoing presence of
a Holocaust-Denier on its faculty; the initial effort will be focused upon the need for this
anti-Semite/anti-Zionist to recant (and later to explain the origin of these ideas).]

Needless to write, there is a certain celebratory atmosphere abounding among those who have labored
within the TEA {Taxed Enough Already} Party Movement; captured here are the highlights of the flying
e-mail and phone-chats that have emerged overnight. Key-concepts that must be dismissed [after the
pundits @ FNC/MSNBC have been duly monitored] is that turnout was HIGHER than it had been in 12
[despite the rain]; its possible a chaos project drew Dem-votes [recalling the concept that was coined
by Rush during the primary with Hillary in 08], but Cantor lost everywhere [urban/suburban, including
in his home-county] and that a harbinger had occurred [when his handpicked candidate for party-chair
had been defeated]. Last Thursday, Id noted Cantor was forced to respond to competitive pressure
when contrasting what occurred in Richmond with what didnt happen in PA [regarding Mike Fitzpatrick]
and Id also noted deceit [Eric Cantor Sends Another Deceptive Anti-Amnesty Mailer] when disagreeing
vigorously with predictions [re-stated yesterday in the Wall Street Journal, on Election Day, which
claimed 'Immigration has been a No-Show in GOP Primaries']; this is what I wrote in response to such
claims [48-hours ago], noting that graph #1 is my view and graph #2 is that of Politico-Libs:

Politically, there is no doubt that this issue has affected at least one GOP-Primary race,
as Dave Brat claimed Illegal Immigrants are Pouring into USA After House Majority
Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) betrayed his district on amnesty, Announced 'Kids Are
Welcome,' and shares the blame for surge in illegal immigrant children flooding into the
country. When his Hometown Paper Endorsed Cantor, it Made No Mention of Amnesty;
perhaps, as a result, a POLL showed CANTOR'S LEAD had been CUT TO 52-39 IN
VIRGINIA PRIMARY. Nevertheless, Cantors comment on Border Crisis
[incomprehensively] was: Let's Work with Obama to Give 'Kids' Amnesty.

ignoring other factors affecting local races and by cherry-picking analysis of the national
races, ignoring Cantors: Sen. Lindsey Graham appeared to put himself in political
jeopardy when he wrote and championed an overhaul of immigration laws, but he is
poised to lap the field in Tuesday's Republican primary in South Carolina. GOP Sen.
Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, who also backed the bill, is in a strong position ahead of
his primary this August. Rep. Renee Ellmers (R., N.C.) easily survived a primary challenge

after backing liberalized laws. And Tim Donnelly, a leader in the movement to stop
illegal immigration, lost to another Republican this month in California's open primary
for governor. Opposition to an immigration-law overhaul remains high within the
Republican Party, but primary season is showing that support isn't necessarily a career-
ending move, nor is opposition a clear path to the nomination. That could factor into
the decision by House GOP leaders on whether to move broad immigration legislation
this year. Boehner (R., Ohio) hasn't brought any immigration bills to the House floor,
allowing his members to avoid taking a position. Defeats of Republicans who back new
legislation surely would have hurt the measures' chances.

GOP NEEDS TO FOCUS ON 'MAIN STREET OVER WALL STREET' [per Brat]; Id add that this constituted a
defeat by Main St. over BOTH Wall St. AND K St., as was noted obliquely [Lamar Alexander and Thad
Cochran Braced for Falls After Cantor Crumbled and TN SENATE CHALLENGER claimed LAMAR
ALEXANDER IS THE NEXT ERIC CANTOR]. Additional commentary [c/o Drudge/Breitbart] serves to
amplify the historic nature of this event [assuming the GOP-Establishment adjusts accordingly]:

GOP Leadership Fallout: House Of Cards Meets Game Of Thrones
Cantor to resign as House majority leader July 31
House Republicans up late weighing strategy in wake of Cantors shocking defeat
Cantor loss throws Congress into disarray
[Rush said that Amnesty is NOT-DEAD, recalling how ObamaDontCare passed after
Scott Brown was elected Senator.]
Exclusive: Laura Ingraham Savors Historic Brat Upset She Helped Fashion
Cantor's Graceless 'Concession Speech'
Eric Cantor's Election Rally Stormed by Immigration Protestors
David Brat On His Amazing Victory: 'It's Like My Life Dream On Steroids, Right?'
White House: Cantor Lost Because He Wasn't More Pro-Amnesty
Cantor loses primary to tea party challenger in a stunning upset
GOP trying to assess impact of Cantor loss
Jews Wrestle with Cantor Defeat
WAPO: Loss is Bad News For Big Business
Chaos erupts at Cantor election night headquarters
House Majority Leader Ignored Voters' Frustrations
New York Times: Ingraham, Levin, Breitbart Powered Brat Past GOP Establishment
Mainstream Media on Cantor Shocker: We Should've Read Breitbart News
WSJ Ran Dumbest Media Attack On Dave Brat, So Far
[Epstein really piled it on by opening his piece with a non-sequitur
connecting Brat's writing about Hitler and the fact that Cantor is Jewish.
Epstein then quoted a perfectly reasonable, factually accurate, and
articulate depiction of Nazism, a Nothingburger from a 13-page essay
Brat wrote in 2011. Epstein closed with a whipped-up word soup about
"Hitler, Rise Again, Tea Party, Defeat, Jewish."]

The Top 8 Consequences of Cantor's Defeat
Cantor spent $168,000 on steakhouses; Brat spent $200,000 in total
BRAT HAD RAISED ONLY $231,000; Cantor $5.7 million
Eric Cantor Primary Loss a Referendum Against Amnesty
Earthquake: The Cantor Story that Caught the Political World by Surprise
Video Montage: Stunned Cable News Hosts React to Eric Cantor's Primary Defeat
Eric Cantor Loses to Tea Party Challenger!
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor falls to tea party challenger in Virginia primary
Big Upset in Primary Ousts Eric Cantor [Time Mag]
DC ROCKED: David Downs Goliath
Miller on Tea Party Victory in Virginia: We the People Put Establishment in Its Place

GOP's habit of eating its own, reflecting a well-established pattern of insurgent attacks
on the establishment. {This snarky topic by Politico covers-up its prior erros, vide infra.}
The GOP leadership scramble - Eric Cantor was presumed to be John Boehner's heir.
Cantor loss kills immigration reform - Tuesdays result is likely to raise pressure on
Obama to use executive authority on deportations. {Note suggestion that BHO would
only be doing anything due to external pressure rather than acting on personal views.}
Pelosi: 'Whole new ballgame' - Eric Cantor has long been the face of House
Republicans extreme policies," she says. [Email from a Democrat close to Pelosi: "This
is the biggest upset of all of our political careers. Republicans and Democrats of all
stripes on K Street and especially in the tech world are shocked and ultimately
depressed. We all know that this will only lead to more Republicans being scared of
bipartisan issues, which will only lead to further gridlock."]
Boehner's status now seems more secure
For Obama, Cantor loss at a price - The expectation is that Republicans will now stay
further away from immigration and other issues.
Brat, the college professor, said he won because he benefited from Cantor's attack ads.
{This is c/w my conclusion (vide infra drawn last week, regarding Cantors deceit.}
Cantor raised more money from the New York City area this cycle than metro Richmond
Big Money failed to rescue Cantor - The darling of Wall Street, K Street and the
Republican establishment goes down in flames. {Note (accurate) inclusion of K St.]
5 takeaways from Cantor shocker - What his loss means for the Virginia GOP,
immigration reform and the tea party.
Who is Dave Brat? [rsum]
Poll: Immigration didn't doom Cantor - The survey says the majority of registered voters
in his district support reform. {Once a goal is fixated, its difficult to dislodge; such abject
intransigence is remarkable, and reminiscent of this summary of current journalism:
Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), perhaps the most outspoken amnesty proponent in Congress,
said the stunning defeat of Majority Leader Eric Cantor in the primary Tuesday is no
impediment to President Obama moving forward with immigration unilaterally.


"Dont Sweat the Details; Dont Question Authority; Remember Your Job
Is to Advance Narratives, Not Report Facts; Quote Directly from Press

Releases; Pick Sides (i.e., promote sympathy for one side and hostility
for the other; Dont Describe People: Label Them; Hype the Issues You
Personally Care about and Downplay Those You Dont; Listen to the
Insects of the Hour; and Use Language Tricks to Obfuscate."

This was the WaPos pre-election posture: Responsible Virginians, even Democrats,
may have an obligation to vote for Cantor to make sure Brats politics are rejected.
{Rush opened his mologue with this precise point, noting that the poll didnt discuss
Amnesty. Thus, he corroborated the manipulation Id sensed, per this analysis.}

One commenter wrote the following:

Cantor a political hack. Didn't care about the details of gun control, kowtowed to short
term business interests on illegal aliens, diluting our democracy. GOA ran up the middle
against him. The guy was spineless. Establishment hogs neglected to acknowledge or
recognize the Republican base, which is speaking ever stronger, failed to acknowledge
or recognize winner Brat, or to ask him to stay the Cantor course on Israel. More DC
beltway people totally out of touch with the voters, taxpayers, citizens, moms, dads, out
of work car won't run Americans.

[GOA = Gun Owners of America. Long-time sleeper, now emerging as replacement for
NRA, which is seen as an arm of GOP-Establishment [confirmed by personal experience]
{I had also heard of this split, but hadnt recognized its intensity.}

Note this commentary [Cantor loss is shocking only to those who are not paying attention]:

Yes, yes, yes, Congressman Eric Cantor (R-VA) was an important man, high up, famous,
powerfulblah blah blah. And he lost his five-million dollar primary campaign to a grass
roots candidate who spent a couple hundred thousand dollars.
Hey, Republican establishment folks, are you now paying attention?
Do you maybe now understand what so many of your own voters have been telling you
for years?
To wit: America is worth saving, and it can only be saved by breaking from the creeping
Big Government identity of moderate Republicans. That means No on amnesty, No on
gun control, No on universal background checks aka gun owners database, No on
In other words, Hell Yes on freedom and liberty.
Cantor failed on these issues, and his voters punished him for it.
While the NRA lost out to Gun Owners of America in this race, probably no group was
more closely identified with Cantor, and the Republican establishment around him, than
the Republican Jewish Coalition, a nice group I have had some exposure to. Sadly, RJC
mishandled Cantors loss in a gargantuan way that may spell the organizations descent

or even demise. In many ways, Tuesday nights RJC is emblematic of the larger
Republican establishment, which also seems determined to drive itself over a cliff.
Late Tuesday night, 11:26 PM, to be exact, the RJC issued a brief lamentation about
Cantors electoral loss and how great Cantor was and blah blah blah.
Did RJC acknowledge that REPUBLICAN voters had spoken? Nope. Did RJC congratulate
the winner, economics professor David Brat? Nope. Did RJC publicly stake out hopes
for Brat to follow closely in Cantors pro-Israel shoes? Nope.
Instead, RJC came across as soundly rejecting the wisdom of REPUBLICAN voters in
Cantors former district, and failing to acknowledge the Big Government issues of a) gun
(citizen) control and b) illegal aliens, who are destroying American democracy,
disenfranchising American voters, and robbing American taxpayers.
RJC may be a small group with great intentions, but Tuesday night, they were the lost
voice for the entire Republican Establishment. And it shows just how out of touch the
establishment is with the American citizen. Every conservative activist who reads the
RJC statement will wonder what the hell is in the DC Beltway water, because it sure isnt
anything theyd want to drink.
The folks who ran and funded Cantors campaign, who issued public statements for him,
who stood by him when he wafted in the wind on critical issues, and who bewailed his
loss, are incredibly out of touch with the actual voters, taxpayers, citizens, moms, dads,
students, and out-of-work-car-wont-run Americans who are slowly, surely, awakening
to the crisis we are in, and who are not not shocked that Cantor lost.
But the expertsthey are shocked.
Another individual wrote the following:
From personal experience, in 08, I learned that there is a divide between [Jewish]
Conservatives and the rank-and-file in DC. The Republican Jewish Coalition will give Brat
full support as it does all GOP candidates. There are more Conservatives in the RJC than
may be apparent; for us, this is a victory. It is also proof that term-limits are important
to keep leaders on point rather than politically expedient.
David Brat's support for Israel has yet to be examined. Domestically, he hit every note
Conservatives care about. As a professor of economics he brings a refreshing,
knowledgable voice of reason to Congress. He made himself available to constituents
and provided a plan of action for domestic problems. He did not get big money from Tea
Party groups despite being characterized as a Tea Party darling.
Eric Cantor seemed more interested in DC politics than the concerns of the people in his
district. Eric is a nice guy and a Conservative on most issues but Immigration/amnesty
and being inaccessible cost him the primary. Unfortunately, I understand he became
arrogant in the past 4 years.
Based on the lightening speed response from DWS [both on TV and via an immediate
fundraising letter] characterizing Brat as a Tea Party insider, he is a greater threat to the
Dem (Obama) agenda than Cantor would have been. Amnesty is on the table for 2014.

Pundits expect Obama will sign another executive order today on immigration based on
election results from this contest. {Ive read that he wont do this until after mid-terms.}
It should be noted that both of the above-authors [and myself] are Jewish, illustrating the preference
that is shared among true-conservatives to promote key-policies @ the risk of losing a strong supporter
of Israel. [Subsequent colloquy among us has reinforced this viewpoint, recognizing that the RJC may be
lamenting what we actually are praising.] Here is another personal reaction:

David Brat ran as a REPUBLICAN, and with the support he garnered from grass-root
REPUBLICANS he took down the bully. The tea party may have backed Mr. Brat, but its
support [in particular in the $$$ part of the campaign] was woefully inadequate. Laura
Ingraham and Mark Levin were piviotal; thus, the support for this candidate needs to go
straight to this candidate [not the republican party or the tea party]. Vet your own
candidates whom you want to support and support them; this "we did it" mantra from
everyone saying they helped David, the only people who helped and won this campaign
was DAVID BRAT and his intelligence, honesty and support of principles, and oh yes the
people who voted for him to take down the bully cantor. {Plus TALK RADIO, in my view.}
This is what NUMBERS-USA announced:

Immigration was the key issue in what numerous national commentators are indicating
was one of the biggest political upsets in congressional history. David Brat was
incredibly outspent and little known, but defeated the man who most Congress
observers expected to be the next Speaker of the House.
Throughout Wednesday, we will be updating our news coverage of this biggest election
story of the year that came out of Richmond, Virginia today. Check it out at:
Chuck Todd told Rachel Maddow on MSNBC that Rep. Cantor's defeat in the Republican
Primary today killed any chance of "immigration reform" this year.
Many others are concluding the same. We certainly hope they are right.
My public statement this evening was:
"The wage-earning voters of Rep. Cantor's district apparently felt
abandoned by his immigration positions that virtually ignored their
anxiety about stagnant wages and high unemployment and that
projected primary concern for unlawful foreign visitors and employers
seeking more foreign workers.
"Prof. Brat's insistence that immigration policies should focus on the
needs of American workers and taxpayers provided a sharp contrast to
the corporate-driven vision of the top echelon of the Republican Party
that Rep. Cantor exemplified.

"Prof. Brat pledged to seek all 12 of NumbersUSA's legislative
priorities, which essentially are the recommendations of the bi-
partisan U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform to cut legal
immigration by half and to turn off the magnets for illegal
Brat is an economics professor who understands that even Congress can't revoke the
law of supply and demand. He believes that if Congress floods labor markets with
foreign workers, wages will be depressed, and that the government shouldn't do that to
its citizens.
Novel thoughts, right?
View Prof. Brat's immigration survey
Prof. Brat said he supports eliminating birthright citizenship for the births to illegal
aliens and foreign visitors, eliminating chain migration and the lottery, and stopping
the importation of unnecessary foreign workers.
Rep. Cantor, on the other hand, was part of the House Republican leadership in 2011
and 2012 who refused to allow a floor vote on an exceptionally strong E-Verify bill
passed by the House Judiciary Committee.
Behind the scenes all last year, Cantor sought to engineer passage of a series of bills that
apparently would have given amnesty to at least a couple of million illegal aliens while
greatly increasing the number of new foreign workers brought into the country. While
Cantor was willing to require additional enforcement along with those increases, his
influence repeatedly watered down the effectiveness of any new enforcement that was
written into bills.
Nonetheless, none of those bills has come to the floor -- and he never unveiled the "Kids
Act" amnesty despite talking about it for a year and giving ammunition to those who
sought to unseat him.
Cantor's plummet from public approval based on the amnesty issue is even greater than
that of Sen. Marco Rubio last year who went from being the most popular 2016 GOP
presidential contender to an also-ran after leading the charge for the Gang of Eight
We tend to agree with TV commentators tonight who suggest that Cantor's loss today
threatens to greatly unsettle the House GOP leadership in ways yet to be determined.
Our interest, as always, will be only on how it affects immigration. Keep coming back to to follow the story.
I know you are especially appreciative of our NumbersUSA staff who have kept you
informed about this Virginia contest over recent months.
A friend forwarded this essay exploring The Other Reason Eric Cantor Lost [which recalls the observation
that he had lost a county-level GOP election approximately a month ago and also notes the problems
(which exist also in PA) related to the endorsement process]:

Eric Cantors defeat has finally given me cause to rejoin to share with you a smaller, yet I
think just as important reason for Eric Cantors defeat. It boils down to one word.
Starting this spring, Eric Cantor and his chief consultant Ray Allen, along with various
other goons from his Young Guns network, invaded county and congressional district
Republican conventions and manipulated the rules to slate off Republican activists to
deliver congressional district chairmanships to his allies. This first happened at the
Virginia Beach mass meeting back a few months ago. The contest was between State
Sen. Frank Wagner and Republican activist Curtis Colgate for the chairmanship of
Virginias second district. Wagner was the establishment pick and Colgate the
grassroots. Wagner and his Young Gun allies slated off hundreds of activists that were
being elected to the second district convention.
It was petty, unfair, and ridiculous. When the 2
CD convention met thankfully the
slating was reversed and Colgate was elected chairman, though as of now I do believe it
is still being contested to the State Central Committee. There was another story out of
rural Campbell County in Virginias 5
district where Allen and Cantors Young Guns
succeeded in slating and later on winning the 5
District chairmanship. A sitting
Republican delegate was actually slated. The tide was turned in the 3
District, where
2012 Ron Paul state chairman turned 20-something conservative leader Chris Stearns
beat back slating to get reelected to his chairmanship. The real omen came a few weeks
ago right there in Cantors 7
district when incumbent chairman Linwood Cobb was
ousted shockingly by Dave Brat-backed Fred Gruber.
So what does all this mean?
If it wasnt for Cantors bullying across the state, his attempt to disenfranchise
Republican activists (and not just tea partiers), outraged Republicans across the
state. The blogs, Facebook, and Twitter exploded in the last few months over these
actions and it gave Brat at the very least statewide sympathy if not an army of potential
volunteers who didnt need much motivation. Cantors district is dead center in the
state and its not that hard to get to. Nobody would have given Dave Brat the time of
day no matter what he attacked Cantor with if it werent for this colossal mistake rooted
in Cantors vanity and dream to somehow become the Republican boss of
Virginia. Cantor needlessly angered so many people that suddenly everyone was willing
to give Brat a listen. He is a college professor, this is not someone who will easily be
distorted as some sort of nut job unfit for office. He is thoughtful, smart, and
hardworking. Cantor then went into negative overdrive, calling Brat a liberal college
professor and pointing to a paper one of his students wrote who he was an adviser to,
all the while insulting everyones intelligence. He is also notorious for not having very
good constituent service.
In short, Dave Brat is talking to the air if Eric Cantor doesnt decided to bully his way
through the state party, slating good activists and creating enemies everywhere. Forget
amnesty, forget asking if Democrats voted (its an open primary Eric Cantor lost
because he attacked his own party across local, county, and congressional district
conventions. Around Virginia, the word slating was spat out and Cantor owned it. Let

me tell you, the supporters of Young Guns and slating where all over social media
laughing, bragging, and making fun of the grassroots for beating them at their own
game, meaning conventions. It was nasty. It was only after all of that was Brat then
able to expose Cantors record on amnesty, spending, TARP, etc etc. It was just the icing
on the cake.
As further evidence of the ascendency of the Conservative message, note:

Ken Cuccinelli, the former Attorney General of Virginia, will serve as the president of the
Senate Conservatives Fund!
Hes a principled fighter who is respected by the grassroots and is passionate about
electing the next generation of conservative leaders.
Throughout his time in public service, whether in Virginias State Senate or as Attorney
General, Ken led the fight to defend constitutional rights, protect life, stop tax increases,
and keep Virginia a low-regulation state.
As Attorney General, Ken fought the federal government to reduce burdensome
regulations from the EPA, FCC, National Labor Relations Board, and -- most famously --
was the first to sue to stop Obamacare.
Ken Cuccinelli is the perfect person to continue and expand on what former Senator
Jim DeMint started with SCF.
Watch Ken's Video Message to SCF Members
Were confident that Ken will help the grassroots do even more to help elect principled
conservatives to the U.S. Senate.
And Ken could not be joining our team at a better time.
The Washington establishment is spending tens of millions of dollars to defeat
conservative candidates, but the grassroots are fighting back.
Not only did Dave Brat win in Virginia last night, but thanks to your support, Ben Sasse
won in Nebraska and Joni Ernst won in Iowa.
And now we're on the verge of nominating Chris McDaniel in Mississippi and T.W.
Shannon in Oklahoma on June 24
Conservatives are on the move and it's more important than ever for the grassroots to
work together to support principled candidates.

Please watch Ken Cuccinelli's video message to all SCF members and then send him a
quick note welcoming him to the team.
Ken explains why he's excited to join SCF and why it's important for Americans to stand
up to the Washington establishment.
Thank you for your dedication to our nation's founding principles and thank you for
supporting SCF. You're changing Washington one election at a time.
Best regards,

Matt Hoskins
Executive Director
Senate Conservatives Fund

Rush Limbaugh advised that America Use the 'Elian Gonzalez Doctrine' on Children Illegals, even as RYAN
because he paid attention to the locals [and also because he has continually distinguished himself on the
Foreign-Policy front]. Also, Senator Tim Scott Won a HUGE Victory in Primary; Left Goes on the Attack.

Obama Popularity Hit Low [44%] in Poll After Prisoner Exchange, per Bloomberg; it is
down from his previous low of 46%, in December. Fifty-two percent see him
unfavorably, matching the December high. And majorities disapprove of his job
performance across a spectrum of issues. Fifty-eight percent of Americans disapprove of
Obama's handling of health care, 4 percentage points higher than in March, even as the
law exceeded its original signup targets. Fifty-seven percent disapprove of his
management of the economy, with just 38 percent approving. [A WaPo-lib claimed BHO
is trapped in a self-constructed bubble, a prisoner of groupthink.]

Recalling how RMN was nailed via Watergate due to the cover-up and that this, in turn, was blown after
he was forced to divulge the raw-tapes, it seems that the same could occur with Benghazi-Gate; instead
of reading her 33-page chapter on the topic, one would think that Gowdy will want to read raw-data,
perhaps explaining why Hillary Clinton Doesn't Want to Turn Over Her Benghazi Notes. With Huma back
by her side, it seems Hillary conjured [a flimsy] Benghazi Video Explanation ripe for probing; her slipping
popularity will fall further as her dead broke quote takes hold (notwithstanding claims of a WaPo-lib
that its only a teachable moment that points to a hole in Hillary Clintons argument.

Another Hillary gaffe occurred when she said Abraham Lincoln had been a senator;
actually, he lost to Stephen A. Douglas after the Lincoln-Douglas debates {listen here}.

I actually write about Rahm in the book. I asked him not to read it
before we sat and did our interview! But it was in the very first chapter,
the chapter I rightly call Team of Rivals because thats what it was in
the beginning. A senator from Illinois ran against a senator from New
York just as had happened way back with a senator from Illinois named

Lincoln and a senator from New York named Seward. And it turned out
the same way.

[A Dem/lib who watched most of the last half of the Sawyer interview felt Hillary's
answers often were not compelling; she was reluctant to take personal responsibility,
not even of the "the buck stops here" variety.] This is precisely what Talk Radio has been
observing, and it suggests she will probably not want to tarnish her image by subjecting
it to media-scrutiny [particularly noting that shell probably testify publicly to Gowdy.]

Regarding other domestic issues, NSA claimed it is necessary to destroy documents because its Systems
Are Too Complex To Stop Deleting Evidence. A Secret Bergdahl-Swap Prediction was that only one Will
Shun Taliban and two are LIKELY TO RETURN AS HONCHOS; Obama claimed he owed no explanation to
Congress for having Released Terrorists. Marijuana gaineds ground in the PA-Senate. Tom Ferricks last
column for AxisPhilly focuses on Philly-Corruption. {Also note that a first-grader in Cobbs Creek brought
multiple bags of heroin to school.}

Obama is looking to Act 'Administratively and Unilaterally' on Guns because Obama said
"mass shootings have become run of the mill" and the U.S. is "the only developed
country where this happens." In contrast, BHO praised Australia's firearm confiscation.
When expressing a preference for scrutiny over eliminating guns, a WaPo-lib may be
retreating. {Also, Sun News will no longer report killers' names or show photos.}

Noting the Anti-Zionism of J Street and that synagogues are being targeted by vandals across world, it is
not surprising that an Expert Said a European Intifada is Coming; this is congruent with this spate of
topics covered yesterday by Pamela Geller:

VIDEO: Muslim Viciously Beats, Punches and Kicks his Wife in a Department Store
Beliefnet Whitewashes Quranic Anti-Semitism
Taliban stage 2nd attack on Pakistans largest international airport
.@BarackObamas #epicfail: Al-Qaeda seizes Iraqs third-largest city as terrified residents flee
Devout Muslim group Boko Haram kidnaps up to 40 young mothers
Belgium: Jihadist Calls On Young Muslims To Follow Example Of Jewish Museum Killer
Muslim cop chops off child brides nose
Muslims Gas Jews Outside Paris
Hamas Reveals: Abbas Told Us He is Tricking the Americans

Regarding Iran:
Cruz: Israel Strike Against Iran 'Could Happen In Matter Of Months'
U.S., Israel Vow "No Surprises" Policy on Iran Nuke Talks
Congress demands Iran come clean on "possible military dimensions" as basis for verification regime,
sets red lines against further sanctions relief
France: Iran Needs to Give Up Centrifuges for Nuclear Talks to Succeed
Why Iran's Nuclear Demands Could Backfire
Inspections: The Weak Link in a Nuclear Agreement with Iran
Worries grow of international split as Iran announced bilateral negotiations with more than half of P5+1

Regarding Israel:
Dangerous Unity: The Perils of the New Fatah-Hamas Government - Elliott Abrams (Weekly Standard)
Netanyahu's bitter enemy elected as new Israeli president

Rivlins victory, Netanyahus defeat
Meet Israel's New President: The Noble History of the Rivlin Clan
Meet Israel's 10th President
Israel Seeks Return of PA Forces to Gaza, Dismantling of Hamas Military Arm
IDF: Gaza Terrorists Have Hundreds of Rockets Aimed at Tel Aviv
Hezbollah-linked groups blasted for trying to lock in presidential political vacuum, as sixth election effort

Regarding Iraq:
Apocalyptic Assault by Islamist Militants Underway in Mosul, Iraq
Washington Watches As Iraq Speeds Toward Disaster
'Mass beheadings' by al-Qaeda forces in Mosul and Tikrit
Iraq governemt on brink of collapse
Turkey calls for emergency NATO meeting
Jihadis Become World's Richest Terror Outfit after Looting Bank for $429 million
Terrified residents flee
SPIRAL: Al-Qaeda seizes Iraq city
Insurgents Overrun Northern Iraqi City of Tikrit
Surprise Assault...Arms windfall for insurgents
Terrified residents flee
Maliki offers weapons to citizens willing to fight
White House Struggles With Naming Foreign Policy Achievements
Al Qaeda offshoot overran Iraq's second largest city, threatening to reshape regional balance of power
Stability is deteriorating quickly in Iraq, where officials are confirming that Islamist militants have seized
control of a second city, Saddam Hussein's hometown of Tikrit. Officials tell the AP that the provincial
governor based in Tikrit is missing, while the New York Times notes that militants encountered precious
little resistance and appear to be on their way to Baghdad.
Iraq Crisis: Islamists Force 500,000 to Flee Mosul
ISIS: The Al-Qaeda-Linked Islamists Powerful Enough to Capture a Key Iraqi City
Jihadists Seize Areas in Iraq's Kirkuk Province
Super-Lib, David Ignatius, noted the return of al-Qaeda by declaring And its a good time for Obama to
explain more about how he plans to fight this menace without making the mistakes of the past.


Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2014 5:59 PM
Subject: Action-Items-CLIX [Kurdistan, Mandatory-Holocaust-Education, Bergdahl, Cantor]

As gleeful as one might be after having noted the defeat of Cantor by Brat and passage by the PA-Senate
of the Mandatory Holocaust Education Bill, it is vital to recognize what is occurring urgently in Kurdistan;
my recent essay [America Must Recognize Kurdistan] MANDATES that BHO help to-the-max ASAP the
struggling Syrian-Kurds, as well as the Iraqi-Kurds who just re-took Kirkuk from the Islamists, even as the
the Iraqi army is Joining With Kurdish Forces In Effort to Retake Mosul after 500,000 Fled and Sunni
radicals seized Turkey's Mosul consulate. Key cities in Northern Iraq have been overrun by Sunni-
insurgents, and Militants are now Sweeping Toward Baghdad; as ISLAMISTS CLOSE-IN, BHO Demanded
Iraq 'Step Up to the Plate' on Terror Surge which they acknowledge is rapidly deteriorating. Meanwhile,
an al-Qaeda Splinter Group ISIS is Marching Towards Iraq's Biggest Oil Refinery as Refugees flee tide of
terror provoked by this 'full-blown army'; Thousands of Iraqis have taken-up arms as the Government is
on brink of collapse. IRAQ ANARCHY IS SPIRALING, as CBS Reports Iraq is Falling Into Chaos.

Rebuffed [secretly] Last Month was al-Malakis urgent request for air-strikes, which he
has again requested. As the Mideast's colonial borders broke, countries reacted [Turkey
calls for emergency NATO meeting, Iran Deployed Forces, and Germany called on its
citizens to leave immediately]. Ralph Peters concluded that, in the Middle East, the U.S.
is in the "Weakest Position Since 1945" & "Jihadis Are Winning." Thus, Medieval Sharia
Law was Imposed [and far more heads have been rolling in Iraq than SHOULD roll in
America], recalling the [false] claims by Obama ["The World Is Less Violent Than It Has
Ever Been"] and Biden [Iraq is One of Obama's 'Great Achievements'].

Obama isn't ruling-out any potential responses to escalating violence in
Iraq and has long been monitoring the situation on the ground there.
"What we've seen over the last couple of days indicates Iraq's going to
need more help" from the United States and from the international
community; he has been working "around the clock" on options for how
to respond. "We do have a stake in making sure that these jihadists are
not getting a permanent foothold in either Iraq or Syria for that matter."

BHO should know that Sic vis pacem, para bellum. [If you want peace, prepare for war.]
Noting also that al-Qaeda-linked Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan claimed responsibility
for Karachi Airport Attack, the below-photo suggests there are potential-targets for the
USA to bomb caravans of ISIS-terroristsif only BHO would stop talking and start acting.

Illustrating, again how Putin is playing chess while BHO plays checkers, note his multi-front moves:
Putin Brings China Into Mideast Strategy

Russian Bombers Fly Within 50 Miles of California Coast
Young Russians yearn for glory days of Soviet Union
T-shirts, Merchandise Showing Off Vladimir Putin's Triumphs on Sale in Moscow
Russia Seeks to Develop Nuclear Energy in Argentina
Russia, Ukraine Continue Gas Talks as South Stream Construction is Stopped
Former Belarus Leader Stanislav Shushkevich Says the USSR is Returning

Yesterday, it was noted that the Holocaust Education Bill was passed unanimously by the PA-Senate,
resulting from intense efforts [documented herein] that were initiated this past November. It should be
recalled that the article on this topic in the Exponent a fortnight ago [Debate Continues Over Holocaust
Education] was problematic, as per my input [how-to-be-a-really-lousy-journalist-for-fun-and-profit:
"Dont Sweat the Details; Dont Question Authority; Remember Your Job Is to Advance Narratives, Not
Report Facts; Quote Directly from Press Releases; Pick Sides (i.e., promote sympathy for one side and
hostility for the other; Dont Describe People: Label Them; Hype the Issues You Personally Care about
and Downplay Those You Dont; Listen to the Insects of the Hour; and Use Language Tricks to
Obfuscate."]; thus, it is not surprising that the article in the Exponent regarding what just transpired was
also profoundly flawed, as per my input [which, when noticed by another reader, prompted a set of
follow-up notes that provided hyperlinks to key-articles that had been composed previously]:

Omitted from this piece, unfortunately, is the pivotal component of this legislation; it
BOARD OF EDUCATION [a report on the "voluntary" nature of this initiative, to be issued

Perhaps the full-length article to be published in next week's Exponent will include this
information, for it was the stumbling-block during the past -year of intense lobbying
that was pursued regarding this trenchant issue.

Meanwhile, efforts continue on multiple fronts to address the existence of a Holocaust-denier acting as
a Temple University Professor; one need only recognize the need for such a rudimentary education
through primary/secondary schools, so as to minimize the production of such anti-Semites who might
infest the College/University campus. Some feel efforts should be made to boycott his classes, but this is
a rather labor-intensive concept that fails to invite the perpetrator to fess-up [noting also that this
type of deviation from recognized societal norms would be viewed as unlawful were he to be in Europe].
Other symptoms of anti-Semitism relate to Israel [Peace will occur when Palestinians Accept Jews as
Neighbors], a college-campus [first proactive anti-BDS student resolution passes at Western Washington
U.] and in a secondary-school [Anti-Semitic Slur Published in Silicon Valley High School Yearbook. {Also,
note that Islam is the second-largest religion in twenty states.}

Now that Obama is as unpopular as Bush, he may wish to recognize that even his friends
have concluded that Obama's Being Pretty Stupid for a Smart Guy; he continues fanning
racism while playing the blame-game ['A Lot of Young Men of Color Aren't Doing Well']
instead of listening to people such as Charles Krauthammer [BHO "Should Try Telling
The Truth, because It's Easier To Memorize"]. As a result, compiled have been the Top
Ten Casualties in Obamas WarsTo Whom He Wont Apologize.

Hagels testimony regarding Bergdahl did not go over very well [Hagel Gets Testy With Lawmaker Over
Bergdahl: I Dont Like The Implication Of The Question; Hagel admits White House mishandled some
aspects of prisoner trade; Hagel: "I Know Trust Has Been Broken" Over Bergdahl Trade; Hagel: Bergdahl
Deal Was "Imperfect" But "Right Decision"; and Hagel: 'Offended and Disappointed' at Treatment of
Bergdahl Family] as Dems trotted-out more inane rationalizations [DEM SENATOR: OBAMA SIMPLY DID
NOT HAVE TIME TO TELL CONGRESS ABOUT BERGDAHL SWAP] that raised the question as to whether
Dems will Pay a Price for Bergdahl Deal. It was revealed by the DoD that Bergdahl Spent 'Much of His
Captivity' in Pakistan and was Not Traded for Money and that Bergdahl Heading Back to USA on Friday;
also, it was discovered that his Prison Letters Revealed Frustrations With Army and that [contradicting
prior assertions] this Prisoner Exchange Wont Bring Peace Talks, Taliban Said. As Opposition to Bergdahl
POW Swap Rose to 54%, a lib Law Professor Jonathan Turley said BHO would be Heading Into A
Buzzsaw If Obama Defies Congress Over Bergdahl. {Also note: 'None of the Above' Won Dem Primary
for Governor in Nevada.}

CNN Slashed School Shooting Stats Claim By 80%

Anti-Gun Group Demands Boycott of Hallmark over Neutral CEO: 'Not Choosing Is a Pro-Gun Choice' -
National Gun Victims Action Council (NGVAC) is calling for a boycott of Hallmark cards this Father's Day
because Hallmark refuses to publicly support universal background checks.
Obama Lamented Lack of Passion for Gun Control

National Park Service Seeking Ways to Honor Historical LGBT Achievements

Brandon Darby's Border Scoop Stoked Cantor's Defeat
Eric Cantor Announces Exit; Asks Republicans to Put Aside Differences
McCarthy vs. Sessions for Majority Leader, Roskam vs. Scalise for Whip
CHAOS! Activists Storm Cantor's HQ After Concession Speech
GOP Rep. Diaz-Balart: Cantor Defeat 'Clearly Doesn't Help Our Cause' of Immigration Reform
Al Sharpton: David Brat 'More Than A Brat -- He's A Threat' to Civil Rights
Laura Ingraham: Reporting on Children in Border Facilities 'Significant' in Brat Win
Limbaugh: Cantor Lost Because 'His Constituency Became Barack Obama And House Leadership'
INGRAHAM: National Tea Party Groups Didnt Help Brat
Cantor fallout will shift the GOPs 2016 contenders to the right on immigration
Giddy Dems' new strategy: Watch the GOP implode due to their allegedly being extremists.
Brat Wins, House GOP Shuffles Their Cards
Brat Beat The Establishment -- Now He Gets to Fight The Machine
Ball: Nobody Saw This Coming
Tracinski: Why We Fired Cantor
Dionne: The Tea Party Purge
Fund: Looking Back at the Tea Leaves on Eric Cantor's Defeat
Purdum: GOP Circular Firing Squad
Podhoretz: An Appalling Cantor Meme

Establishment support for McCarthy is building
Cantors ambitious maneuverings are one reason he is the first House majority leader to lose a primary.
No Cantor, no Obamacare 'replace' vote Gone is the majority leader who wanted a Republican
alternative to Obamacare according to libs.
Cantor to Step Down as Majority Leader After Primary Defeat, effective July 31.
Cantor's loss scrambled 2016 immigration picture
The political earthquake following Cantor's defeat affects potential candidates out front on reform.
Cantor lesson to GOP is Stray at your own risk; Cantor, no ideological moderate, was in many ways an
unlikely target for a conservative insurgency
House Leadership Shake-Up Sets Off Scramble in Republican Party
There Were Warning Signs; Cantor Missed Them.
Cantor Loss a Blow to Wall Street
Brat: Republicans Not Paying Enough Attention to Main Street
Cantor Backs McCarthy as Successor
Cantor: The Fire This Time?
Goodbye GOP, the Tea Party Has Won [a typically-Dem view]
What Cantor's Loss & Graham's Win Mean
Cantor's Defeat Is One for the History Books
Virginia-7: Here the People Rule
11 Political Lessons From Eric Cantor's Loss [all of which are typically-lib views, regardless of the issue]
Cantor's Loss Especially Bad News for Big Business
Yes, Eric Cantor, There Is a Virginia
Let the Republican Infighting Begin
DC Paying Too Much Attention to K St. & Wall St.
Eric Cantor Out in Tea Party Shocker
Cantor's Fall Leaves Defense Hole in Congress
Brat Teaches D.C. a Lesson in Humility
Why Eric Cantor Lost
The Triumph of Rightwing Populism
Chuck Todd on Dave Brat: "South In A Different Place On Immigration" Than Everywhere Else

Cantor's Defeat May Signal a Populist Revolution
Benefits of Beating Cantor
Cantors Mistake
Smoking Gun on Cantor and Amnesty
Virginia GOPs were not fooled

Politico reported that Rep. Marlin Stutzman will enter the race for House Republican whip, complicating
the competitive race. Stutzman, a third term lawmaker from Indiana, will face Louisiana Rep. Steve
Scalise and Illinois Rep. Peter Roskam. [Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) will not run for House majority
leader, according to GOP sources. Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) are
running to replace Eric Cantor for the No. 2 slot in GOP leadership.]

Heritage Action remitted a communication that mirrors conclusions drawn previously:

A political earthquake rocked Washington, DC last night.

The implications of Dave Brat's stunning victory go well beyond politics, however. As the
Weekly Standard's William Kristol explained, the race became "a broad populist case for
a Republican party focused on Main Street and Middle America, not on Wall Street and
corporate interests."

For the past four years, Heritage Action has been making the case that conservatives
should not be in the business of protecting or justifying corporate welfare. Instead, we
should confront the Bigs Big Wall Street, Big Government, Big Labor, Big Education and
Big Business head on, and fight for the conservative policy solutions that will save the
country, not simply those that help the well connected.

And last night, voters made DC listen.


Sent: Friday, June 13, 2014 3:51 AM
Subject: Action-Items-CLX
[Glick, Iraq, Mandatory-Holocaust-Education, Illegals, Cruz, GOP, Cantor, Hillary, PA-GOP]

Just heard Caroline Glick discuss her version of the one-state-solution [maintain status quo, based on
1922 League of Nations Treaty, which has never been superceded]; she emphasized that even the Israeli
Arabs are recognizing the stability of the Jewish State is desirable, manifest as their voting for non-Arabs
for the Knesset. Additional business was conducted, including the provision of rather potent negative
feedback to Eric Berger, the author of the faulty report on the Mandatory Holocaust Education Bill;
amazingly, his rationalization for having failed to note the delayed-mandate phraseology was that he
wrote was he was told to write rather than bothering to check the primary-source in the process.
Caroline has also worked with Sherkoh Abbas [the source of a series of articles Ive written regarding
Kurdistan, including one published two months ago, America Must Recognize Kurdistan, and I took the
opportunity to pitch formal recognition of Yom Knisa as a holiday commemorating the date when
the Jewish State was first established [by Joshua, A Holiday for the Ages and Today - American Thinker].
Finally, efforts to expose the Holocaust-Diminisher @ Temple were reviewed with Mort Klein who,
again, provided a gripping intro to Caroline; I will report the results of my efforts, probably, tomorrow.

A reader recalled the classic stand-up work by Woody Allen: The Moose.

The impending collapse of Iraq weighs upon those who had hoped BHO would muster some semblance
of sensitivity for those who worked with America during the past decade-plus but, alas, his icy-heart has
apparently [again] prevailed: skim/read and weap/seethe:

Decapitated heads of policemen and soldiers line the streets of Mosul as ISIS imposes Sharia
ISIS just stole $425 million, Iraqi governor says, and became the worlds richest terrorist group
Romney: US in 'very difficult position' on Iraq
UK Will Not Help Iraq Retake Mosul
ISIS, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Sweep Across Iraq, Capture Tikrit
ISIS Threatened to Invade Jordan, Slaughter King Abdullah
White House Statement on Iraq: 'We Offer Our Condolences'

The impending collapse of East-Ukraine weighs heavily upon those who had depended upon NATO,
regardless of the claim that, After Ukraine, U.S. Trains More Special Forces in Eastern Europe; note that
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov finally Admitted Russia Helps Rebels in East Ukraine as Pro-
Russians Capture Children in Snizhne, a revelation that emerged while Interfax-Ukraine reported three
Russian tanks entered Ukraine near Snizhne and gunmen captured a bus full of children in the city.

The impending collapse of the US-Mexican Border weighs heavily upon those who prioritize rule-of-law:

OBAMA USING infamous socialist strategy ['CLOWARD-PIVEN MANEUVER'] by flooding the
border with illegals

Sarah Palin: 'Amnesty Will Decimate Main Street'
HHS: Grantees Sheltering Illegal Alien Children Must Provide 'Family Planning Services'
Ted Cruz on Unaccompanied Child Crisis: Little Girls Are Being Sold Into Sex Slavery
Sheriff Arpaio Likened Influx Of Illegals To Hurricane Katrina and Worried Of Disease Being
Brought Into USA
Zuckerberg Pushed Skewed Amnesty Poll To GOP
Trust Me! I Told Them Not to Screw You Until August
Texas Rep. Farenthold Responds to Crisis at Texas Border - With the cartels being squeezed out
of money due to the legalization of marijuana in Colorado and other states, theyre looking for
new sources of revenue and it looks like theyre turning to trafficking children; theyre bringing
them across the border in dangerous conditions or, worse yet, theyre selling them into slavery.
Cruz: Explosion Of Minors At The Border Is A Direct Consequence Of Obama's Policies
Crisis leaves border unprotected, cartels 'in control'
Illegals being shipped to Massachusetts?
Homeland Security chief: Isn't Obama's fault
Biden: Need 'constant, unrelenting stream'
Cruz Blasts Obama Admin Over Texas Border Crisis
Flake, McCain: Obama Needs to 'Send Clear Message' New Illegals Not Eligible for Amnesty
Ingraham, Mulvaney Duel on Immigration
Gov. Rick Perry Again Calls on Obama to Secure the Mexican Border
DHS on Border Crisis: We Will 'Act in Best Interest of the Child'
Crisis Leaves 'Vast Swaths' of Border Unprotected, Cartels 'in Control'

A friend communicated these thoughts in response to prior Blast e-mails {with comments}:

While I agree with most of your federal policy views, I'm shocked and disappointed with
your comments opposing immigration reform (and your dehumanizing reference to
many immigrants as "illegals"). {That term is used as short-hand, but it does define
their status with precision.}:

Please remember that the outrageous US war on illegal drugs and drug users created
the criminal drug gangs and skyrocketing violence in Mexico and Central American
countries (where many of the migrants have escaped from). {Noted, but indubitably a
mutually-exclusive consideration.}:

Besides, comprehensive immigration reform is needed now just as much as it was after
WWII when many Jews and other Europeans escaped from racial and ethnic

persecution. {LEGAL immigration is needed, not ILLEGAL immigration, and one cannot
claim that they are escaping from being exterminated.}:

I don't know how much Brat's opposition to immigration reform influenced voters to
reject Cantor, but both the liberal news media and the conservative news media quickly
claimed that was the key reason (as doing so was throwing red meat to both of their
rabid partisan loyalists). {The supplied hyperlinks note this was the tipping-point that
embodied distrust of D.C., etc.; this was an accurate portrayal, particularly noting the
videos of the influx of kids from Central America.}:

Other than Brat's stated opposition to immigration reform (which Brat's research likely
found to be a winning election issue), he appears to be a smart and reasonable
libertarian economist (and nearly all libertarian economists support immigration
reform). {Concur, except for the last assertion.}:

It seems Pamela Geller [vide infra] has fallen for Ted Cruz [as have I], noting Ted Cruz on Cantor Loss:

The times they are a-changin. Taking back America. In my column on Monday, I wrote:
How many times does Obama [and the left] have to show [themselves] to be an enemy
of the American people and American interests before the people take action? What
American politician is going to take the lead and impeach this jihad agent in the White
House Who is going to save this country from this coup

We have our answer.

Following is a statement from Sen. Cruz on last nights Virginia election result:

The results of last nights election in Virginia are reverberating all
through the nations Capitol. Eric Cantor is a good man, but last night,
voters in Virginia made D.C. listen loud and clear. This election should
be a reminder to all in Congress Republicans and Democrats alike
that the conservative base is alive and well, and the American people
will hold us all accountable. Each of us needs to do what we said we
would do and tell the truth. Washington needs to listen to the people,
stop spending money we dont have, and stand up and defend the
Constitution. I look forward to working with soon-to-be-elected Rep.
Brat to help turn our nation around, to pull back from the fiscal and
economic cliff we are facing, and to bring back jobs, growth, and
freedom in America.

Also want to point you to excerpts from an interview on Glenn Becks radio show this
morning regarding the engagement and impact of the grassroots this election year:

As bad as it is getting, and it is getting bad, were seeing liberty under
assault, were seeing an administration trampling our constitutional
rights, disregarding the rule of law, but as bad as it is getting, it is
waking people up. You look at the results of last night. Dave Brat was

outspent 50 to 1, and yet the people woke up and said were tired of
business as usual in Washington.

You look at the results in Mississippi, where the fourth longest-serving
member of the Senate has suddenly found himself in a runoff because
Chris McDaniel is running a strong grassroots campaign. How does
Washington respond? By heaping lies and personal attacks, and trying
to attack any candidate who takes on the Washington status quo.

You asked what we can do. The biggest thing we can do is rise up and
demand that our elected officials in both parties listen to the people,
and that we hold every elected official accountable, and I think 2014 is
going to be a very strong election year, but I think 2016 is going to be
even stronger, because sometimes things have to get really bad to
startle people out of their slumber, to wake them up and say its now or
never. We either stand up now or we will lose the greatest country in
the history of the world.

The collapse of Cantor weighs heavily upon the GOP-Establishment:

Dear Tea Party, On Cantors loss- You didnt build that
Steve King: Cantor's 'Cataclysmic' Defeat 'Most Shocking Election Results That I Remember, Ever'
to-be former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was not just reportedly unavailable to the
constituents in his own district, Cantor made himself reliably unavailable to Capitol Hill reporters
when his staff stopped his weekly pen and pad pressers with reporters almost two years ago.
Boehner Not Sure If Immigration Related To Stunning Cantor Upset
Cantor Continues Push for Amnesty for "Kids' After Primary Defeat
Obama: I 'Fundamentally Reject' Cantor Loss Means Immigration Reform Is Over
Dave Brat a Libertarian? His 23-year-old campaign manager is, and the media isnt happy

The collapse of the GOP-Establishment is exploding:

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin said T.W. Shannon, Chris McDaniel, and Rob Maness Can
Topple Establishment Like Dave Brat, noting that Dave Brat's shocking victory can give
momentum to conservative Senate candidates in Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Louisiana.
Retired Col. Rob Maness, the conservative candidate in the Louisiana Senate race, claimed Bill
Cassidy (R-LA) is an Eric Cantor Clone on Amnesty.
GOP Senators Scurry from NRSC HQ After McConnell's 'All In' for Thad Cochran Fundraiser -
Sens. Roger Wicker (R-MS), Lisa Murkowski (R-AL), Rob Portman (R-OH), Lamar Alexander (R-
TN), Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), John Barrasso (R-WY), John Thune (R-SD), John
Cornyn (R-TX), Bob Corker (R-TN), Susan Collins (R-ME), Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), Dean Heller (R-NV),
Richard Shelby (R-AL), and McConnell (R-KY).


Rep. Steve King (R-IA) Called on Boehner to Delay Leadership Elections in Wake of Cantor Ouster
so House Republicans can elect leaders who better represent the will of the conservative voters
that ousted House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) in Tuesday's primary for embracing
amnesty legislation.
This Conservative Favorite, Texas Rep. Jeb Hensarling, Opened The Door To Run For GOP Leader
Hensarling Bowed Out Of Majority Leader Race, Stuzman Launches Whip Bid

political hierarchy [in the form of the state] has met its match in todays networked world
10 Voices Shaping the Modern Republican Party
Mark Levin to GOP: "Stop Chasing Ethnic Groups, Stop Chasing Genitalia"
The Limits of Electoral Libertarianism

The collapse of Hillarys book-tour continues:
Sawyer Destroys Clinton on Benghazi
Hillary Snapped at Tough Questions... from NPR!
Clinton defended change in gay marriage stance in tense interview
Reading Between the Lines of Clinton's 'Hard Choices'
Cantors Defeat Isnt Good for Hillary; its Bad for Her.
Hillary: Asking Why We Need Immigrants When Americans Are Out Of Work A "Fair Question"
Clinton: Released Taliban "Not A Threat To The United States"
O'Reilly: Hillary Clinton Should Run As A Republican

The collapse of gun-control efforts continues:
Far More People Killed In Chicago Than In All Mass Shootings Combined
New Mass Murder, Old Lesson

The collapse of efforts to expand big-government continues:
Schumer: Time to Penalize Colleges with Tuition Increases Above the Rate of Inflation
Dem Rep: Obama "Has Not Been Very Good About Keeping In Touch With Congress"

The collapse of everyone-but-Cruz for POTUS-16 continues:
Peter King: I Fear Rand Paul-Ted Cruz Takeover
Rand Paul: Let's Compromise on Amnesty
Rand Paul: Secure the Border [doomed, it is hoped]

The collapse of MSNBC continues:
Chris Matthews: "Looking Down Our Noses At Tea Party Has To Stop"
Chris Matthews scolds Ronan Farrow: Liberals need to stop looking down on tea partiers

The collapse of many cultural-norms continues, as the GOP attempts to define itself:
U.S. Ambassador to Israel Flew Gay Pride Flag over Tel Aviv Embassy

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Said It Will No Longer Fund Abortion because abortion and
family planning have [inappropriately] become conflated.
Libertarians Versus Conservatives
Pope Francis Is Right About not preferring Pets to Children
George Will, Feminist Theorist

The collapse of Bergdahl-rationalizations continues:
Inhofe: US Commanders in Afghanistan Not Advised on Taliban Release from Gitmo

The collapse of BHOs anti-terrorism activities continues:
In Downplaying Boko Haram Threat, Obama Administration Makes Crucial Error
Understanding the Haqqani-Taliban-Al Qaeda Relationship--in the Haqqanis' Own Words - There
have been occasional suggestions amoung some in the media that the Haqqani Network (who
were the terrorists Bowe Bergdahl was with) is somehow a separate entity from the Taliban.
And Al Qaeda is not even being mentioned in this regard. This is a grave error.

The collapse of ObamaDontCare continues:
Obama Admin Approves Another Year-long Delay For Obamacare Small Business Exchanges
Majority of Americans (Still) Wish Obamacare Had Never Passed
The Short Unhappy Life of Obamacare

The collapse of the PA-GOP is not a foregone conclusion:
Corbett sat down with feuding UPMC and Highmark
Corbett read Sandusky investigation report
Folmer: alcohol & pot hypocrisy
PA voters not solidly behind drilling tax
Brouillette: Different rules for unions

Katie McGinty running for state Dem Party chair
Wolf endorsed McGinty
PA Democratic Party chairman to oppose Wolf's choice for seat
Here is the Dem-rationalization to oppose Paycheck Protection:
From: "Senator Rob Teplitz" <>
Date: June 12, 2014 3:37:57 PM EDT
Subject: Re: Paycheck protection / taxpayer funded dues collections

Thank you for taking the time to contact me about Senate Bill 1034/House Bill 1507. I
appreciate the opportunity to help address issues of concern to Pennsylvania families,
taxpayers, and other stakeholders.

I am opposed to these bills because they appear to be simply an attempt to prevent
working men and women from exercising their right to participate in the political

process. They are based on two false premises first, that payroll deduction for union
dues and fair share fees is a unique and costly endeavor, and, second, that employees
are forced to join a union or work in a union-organized workplace and make those
payments in the first place.

I would prefer that state government focus on strengthening working families by
pursuing and implementing common-sense public policies in areas such as public
education, job creation, and health care.

Robert F. Teplitz
State Senator, 15th district (Dauphin/York)
(717) 787-6801
Senate Box 203015
Harrisburg, PA 17120-3015

US Navy Secretary Wants To Ban Tobacco Sales On Navy And Marine Bases
House Committee: VA Stonewalling Subpoena, Legal Action Could Be Taken
Wendy Davis Replaced Campaign Manager as Bid for Governor Struggles
A Historic Victory for Kids in California
Dreaming the Impossible Green Dream - Keeping up with electricity demand means covering
108,000 square miles with new wind turbines, every year.
A Fight Against the End of the Planet

Venezuela Shortages Reach the Grave
Five big EU countries press Israel to delay settlement plans


Sent: Friday, June 13, 2014 2:12 PM
Subject: Action-Items-CLX [Iraq, POTUS, Cantor, Media, Bergdahl, Illegals]

Happy Friday the 13

Iraq continues to revert tragically and, thus, the lengthy analysis provided by NRO [acquired via e-mail,
so necessarily reprinted infra] congeals key-data in much the same way as is done when preparing these
Blast e-mails [embedding hyperlinks]. In follow-up of a few prior items, consider first how BHO
Operates Under His Own Constitution, "Ruling Like A Banana Republic", ignoring corruption [Obama
Judicial Nominee Accused Of Unethical Political Donations] and setting the tone of lawlessness for
everyone with whom he works, including his Veep [Joe Biden: We Need More Illegal Immigrants] and
the Senate Majority Leader [Reids Sale of Mining Rights Revives Allegations of Cronyism]. {And, soiling
his POTUS-office, Obama Blasted GOP at High School Graduation, Telling Students To Vote for Dems.}

Regarding POTUS-16, whereas Chris Christie cavorts with Jimmy Fallon ["Dad Dancing"]
and Sen. Ted Cruz advises Politicians to Get Back to Listening to Main Street, the Dems
are probably wondering if Hillary will run; each Clinton book tour stop is the result of
painstaking planning and, during her book tour, she claimed she has a "deal" not to talk
to reporters who are not pre-screened and dismissed Matt Drudge and Karl Rove as
gamers trying to plant false information in peoples heads. These feed into the view
that Hillary is Unlikable [and subject to scathing satire] so, perhaps, she will run on a
platform of being famously famous. {Also, Hillary said she 'Couldn't Predict' a Group
Named 'Islamic State of Iraq and Syria' Would Advance into Iraq.}

Post-Mortem quotes flourish about Cantor's campaign [which allegedly was bedeviled from the start];
Boehner blamed it on Obama and Obama blamed it on Americas Cynical Mood Because Of George W.
Bush. I subscribe to the view that Cantors Defeat was due to the fact that the GOP Establishment
channeled their conservatism not toward downsizing government but to thinking that they can run
government better than the Left [citing immigration and elitism as manifestations of that paradigm].
Indeed, its refreshing to Meet Dave Brat, as he explains why he dislikes the term RINO and admits
that, even as an Economics Professor, 'I Don't Have A Well-Crafted Response' On Minimum Wage.
Perhaps inevitably, McCarthy put a stranglehold on the race to replace Eric Cantor with an aggressive
whip operation [which is not surprising, because hes next in line]; the key-conflict will be over who
might replace him [as Whip].

Illusstrating why the media remain corrupt is the fact that MSNBC again was caught
Selectively-Editing its Dave Brat Interview; indeed, reflecting their skewed priorities,
rather than report on the fact that the FBI has opened a criminal investigation into the
VA Scandal, ABC & NBC highlighted the 20
anniversary of the infamous O.J. Simpson
slow-speed chase in the white SUV. Ethics are also askew in the print-media, noting that
the NY Times wont investigate Hedges work amid plagiarism charge.

A former Bergdahl Platoon Member concluded 'Now We Know He Deserted For a Fact' after having
reviewed his Letters From Captivity; after the Obama State Department suggested Soldiers Are Lying

About Bowe Bergdahl, the Bergdahls Team Leader said Attack Us All You Want, But Were Not Going
Away. As the USA quietly moved detainees out of a secretive Afghanistan prison, Cruz condemned the
exchange. {Bill Maher said Obama "Kind Of Did Do It Illegally."} This is Speaker Boehners Statement on
Congressional Concerns Raised About Prisoner Exchange:

More than two years ago, Members of Congress were briefed on the possibility of such
an exchange, and the chairmen at the time and I raised serious questions to the
administration. Unfortunately, the questions and concerns we had were never
satisfactorily answered and they remain today. At the time, the administration deferred
further engagement because the prospects of the exchange had diminished. The
administration provided assurances, publicly reiterated by the White House in June
2013, that its engagement with Congress would resume if the prospects for an exchange
became credible again. The briefings in late 2011 and January 2012 were highly
compartmented to ensure the safety of Sergeant Bergdahl and to preserve space for
diplomatic negotiations. While press reports at the time citing administration sources
revealed that the White House was considering this prisoner exchange, Congress kept
the serious ongoing policy and ethical discussion with the administration private. There
was every expectation that the administration would re-engage with Congress, as it did
before, and the only reason it did not is because the administration knew it faced
serious and sober bipartisan concern and opposition.

The Illegals continue to arrive, into BHOs open-arms:
Officials Overwhelmed by Influx of Children Crossing Mexican Border into U.S. on Their Own
Obama Admin Forbids Lawmakers From Taking Photos Of Illegal Immigrant Facility
Gutierrez on Flood of Illegal Minors: 'Shame on Anybody That Wants to Demonize Children'
Horowitz: Forget Amnesty, Congress Voted to Give Welfare to Illegal Immigrants
Border Patrol changing diapers, heating baby formula for surge of children
'Our Future Rests' on DREAMers
Feds vow to 'reunite' minors with parents in USA
VIDEO: TX deputies chase SUVs loaded with migrants
AP on Cantor Loss: Amnesty Legislation Now 'on Ice' Until After '16
Texans Organize Rescue Posse for Children from Border Crisis

10 Surveys From Republican Polling Firms Show Support For Immigration Bill, and
Republicans who dont do the bidding of corporations are getting bulls-eyes this
primary season. Attempting to inject clarity, mark-levin said the republican-controlled-
congress-acts-like-it-has-no-power and that people are tired of the status quo and of
Republican leadership attacking their base rather than standing up on the principles that
the party is supposed to support.

Regarding other Domestic issues, Thanks were extended to Taxpayers for a Subsidized Ticket on an
Airplane Gutted to Meet Stupid Regulations; also, Obama allowed 18 states to continue delaying a key
part of ObamaDontCares health insurance exchange for small businessesemployee choicefrom
being implemented until 2016, if then. Noted also is the fact that Wendy Davis' campaign is like that

AMC series; it halted and caught fire. {Heres a Conspiracy Theory: Benghazi Filmmaker CONFIRMED To
Be An Agent Of Eric Holder Justice Department.}

Regarding Israel, a HOT MIC picked-up a Top Palestinian negotiator referring to BB
thusly: 'I don't say shoot him. He isn't worth bullet.' On the bright side, Gorgeous wall
paintings recounting the Crusader history of Jerusalem were recently exposed when the
sisters of Saint-Louis Hospital, near the Old City, were organizing the storerooms. {Also,
Sen. Leahy is Holding-Up Egypts Apache Attack Helicopters.}

Regarding education-related issues, the fall of teachers unions may be due to plummeting revenue,
declining membership, and/or damaging court cases; perhaps related, one-third Of all Pa. Job Applicants
Eliminated By Mandatory Drug Tests. Although a Loophole allows school districts to raise property taxes;
school districts can apply and qualify for an exception from the PDE in the instances of excessive special
education costs, grandfathered debt from school construction, and retirement contributions. {Also,
Facing a $1.5 billion state deficit, lawmakers are taking another look at taxing natural gas extraction
despite Gov. Tom Corbett's opposition, and the PA House fails to act on state pensions.}

Regarding Common-Core, the Gates Foundation determined, for the next two years,
that assessment results should not be taken into account in high-stakes decisions on
teacher evaluation or student promotion; although everything you need to know about
Common Core has been compiled, The Insanity of Common Core Math was Revealed in
Under Two Minutes [and, retroactively, satirized by Abbott And Costello [13 X 7 is 28].
Regarding grammar, people have proffered 7 Helpful Tips and the 23 Worst Parts About
Being Good At Grammar, and a grammatically-conscientious person found ways to cope.
{Also, parochial schools are excluded from the Holocaust-Education Mandate.}

Regarding Cultural-Wars, a new undercover investigation of teen sex education by Planned Parenthood
[which receives taxpayer funding under Obamacare] exposed its counselors as providing graphic sexual
advice to minors; this type of information may justify Texas denying reimbursement to this entity. Also,
offsetting prejudice emerged from the GOP [Rick Perry compared homosexuality to alcoholism at San
Francisco event] and a top-Dem [AG-holder-slammed-boy-scouts-as-bigots]. It may be recalled that, as a
college student, AG-Holder participated in armed takeover of former Columbia University ROTC office;
also, hAG-holder is to-create-homegrown-terrorism-task-force. {Also, SMOKE-FREE ORGANIZATIONS


5 Times Obama Abandoned US Allies
ABC's Jon Karl Grills Carney over Obama's Claims Al Qaeda Is Decimated, Destroyed
Obama Team Predicted Rosy Future for Iraq in Congressional Testimony
Obama warns of jihadists in Iraq, confirms emergency situation may require military force
Obama: U.S. considering 'all the options' to stop insurgents in Iraq
The Presidents National Security Team Isnt the Problem. Obama Is
Obama can't get out of Iraq because the situation constitutes another potential foreign policy mess
AP Reporter to Obama Official: People Predicted this Would Happen if We Withdrew from Iraq
New Al Qaeda Group Produces Recruitment Material for Americans, Westerners
Iranian troops crossed border and joined Iraqis in Islamic civil war
Baghdad prepares for the worst as Islamist militants vow to capture the capital

Iranian Revolutionary Guard Helps Iraqi Government Retake Tikrit
"This is the consequence of a president that did not take the right actions at the time opportunity
presented itself." Mitt Romney
Exodus as chaos spreads...
UN: 800k refugees...
Terrorists 'full-blown army'...
Medieval Sharia Law Imposed...
'Roads lined with decapitated police and soldiers'...
Iraqi government 'paralyzed'...
VIDEO: Thousands of soldiers captured...
Iran Deploys Forces...
Americans evacuated...
USA Secretly Flying Drones...
PAPER: 'Worst case scenario'...
Vets: 'What was point?'...
'It's LIke Punch In Gut'...
Oil Soars...

Jim Geraghty - Some Big Questions to Consider on Iraq

First, the obvious: Is ISIS bad for our interests? Does anyone want to dispute this?

The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria has thrived and mutated during the ongoing civil war
in Syria and in the security vacuum that followed the departure of the last American
forces from Iraq.

The aim of ISIS is to create an Islamic state across Sunni areas of Iraq and in Syria . . .

It wants to establish an Islamic caliphate, or state, stretching across the region.

ISIS has begun imposing Sharia law in the towns it controls. Boys and girls must be
separated at school; women must wear the niqab or full veil in public. Sharia courts
often dispense brutal justice, music is banned and the fast is enforced during Ramadan.

Sharia law covers both religious and non-religious aspects of life.

Some may point to their dispute with al-Qaeda . . .

The stories, the videos, the acts of unfathomable brutality have become a defining
aspect of ISIS, which controls a nation-size tract of land and has now pushed Iraq to the
precipice of dissolution. Its adherents kill with such abandon that even the leader of al-
Qaeda has disavowed them. "Clearly, [leader Ayman] al-Zawahiri believes that ISIS is a
liability to the al-Qaeda brand," Aaron Zelin, who analyzes jihadist movements for the

Washington Institute for Near East Policy, told The Washington Post's Liz Sly earlier this
year . . .

But a dispute with al-Qaeda does not indicate they're any less dangerous or ruthless:

But in terms of impact, the acts of terror have been wildly successful. From beheadings
to summary executions to amputations to crucifixions, the terrorist group has become
the most feared organization in the Middle East. That fear, evidenced in fleeing Iraqi
soldiers and 500,000 Mosul residents, has played a vital role in the group's march
toward Baghdad. In many cases, police and soldiers literally ran, shedding their uniforms
as they went, abandoning large caches of weapons.

Two: Is the preservation of the existing government in Iraq in the U.S. interest?

It's understandable if Americans feel no particular affection for Nouri al-Maliki . . .

The stunning gains this week by Iraq's Sunni insurgents carry a crucial political message:
Nouri al-Maliki, the Shiite prime minister of Iraq, is a polarizing sectarian politician who
has lost the confidence of his army and nation. He cannot put a splintered Iraq together
again, no matter how many weapons the Obama administration sends him.

Maliki's failure has been increasingly obvious since the elections of 2010, when the Iraqi
people in their wisdom elected a broader, less-sectarian coalition. But the Obama
administration, bizarrely working in tandem with Iran, brokered a deal that allowed
Maliki to continue and has worked with him as an ally against al-Qaeda. Maliki's
coalition triumphed in April's elections, but the balloting was boycotted by Sunnis.

. . . and it's understandable if Americans see this as similar to Syria an Iranian-backed leader stuck in a
bloody fight with Islamist extremists:

In the worst case, if Mr. Maliki were driven from power, the shrines were threatened
and radical Sunni insurgents were killing Shiite civilians, Iran would more than likely be
compelled to intervene, say experts close to Iran's leadership.

"They are our ally and we will help them," said Hamid Taraghi, a political analyst who is
close to the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. But exactly how Iran would do so
is unclear.

But we do have interests in keeping the country stable:

Iraq is a major oil-producing country that shares borders with Iran and Syria. The United States has a
large embassy in Iraq, and the country has attracted sizable foreign investment. "We're committed to
this country," [James Jeffrey, a former U.S. ambassador to Iraq], said. "Its stability is important."
Growing chaos in Iraq would lead to a spike in oil prices and would likely spread instability throughout
the region.

Three: Can we make a difference? Obviously Maliki thinks we can, otherwise he wouldn't be asking for
the airstrikes, and Obama wouldn't be considering them.

While initial reports indicated that the Iraqi army turned and ran, there are some men in Iraq willing to
stand and fight against ISIS:

Volunteers flocked to protect the Iraqi capital on Friday as militants inspired by al-Qaeda
seized more territory overnight, continuing a rampage that is threatening to tear the
country apart.

Iraqi officials said tens of thousands of volunteers had answered a call to join the ranks
of the crumbling security forces and repel advances by heavily armed fighters from the
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) as the group seized the towns of Saadiyah and
Jalawla north of the capital.

Iraqi state television showed the new unpaid volunteers scrambling to get on packed
army trucks at recruitment centers after a call from the Shiite-led government. The
mobilization of the irregular forces, as well as Iraq's notorious Shiite militias, to battle
the radical Sunni Muslim insurgents threatened to plunge Iraq into large-scale sectarian
bloodletting. The volunteers also appeared to be mostly Shiites.

For what it's worth, some like Leslie Gelb argue we need to ensure our help is minimal:

And before the U.S. government starts to do the next dumb thing again, namely provide fighter aircraft
and drone attacks and heaven knows what else, it should stop and think for a change. If America comes
to the rescue of this Iraqi government, then this Iraqi government, like so many of the others we've
fought and died for, will do nothing. It will simply assume that we'll take over, that we'll do the job. And
when things go wrong, and they certainly will, this cherished government that we're helping will blame
only America. Don't think for a moment it will be otherwise. Don't think for a moment that the generals
and hawks who want to dispatch American fighters and drones to the rescue know any better today
than they've known for 50 years.

Sure, I'm in favor of helping governments against these militant, crazy and dangerous
jihadis. But first and foremost and lastly, it's got to be their fight, not ours. As soon as
the burden falls on the United States, our "best friends" do little or nothing and we lose.
If they start fighting hard, and we'll know it when we see it, there will be no mistaking it.
Then the military and other aid we provide will mean something.

That's persuasive in the abstract, but what if the Iraqi government is just short of being
capable of pushing back ISIS? Is it worth withholding our assistance to make the point
that they need to be independent? How much can fear of future scapegoating limit our
options in the here and now? If we really are going to adopt a philosophy of "we could
help you, but we suspect you'll grow dependent upon us and blame us for problems
down the road", could we please apply that to domestic spending programs as well?

Four: What is the risk to our forces? We already have drones over Iraq.

The U.S. since last year has been secretly flying unmanned surveillance aircraft in small
numbers over Iraq to collect intelligence on insurgents, according to U.S. officials.


The program was limited in size and proved little use to U.S. and Iraqi officials when
Islamist fighters moved swiftly this week to seize two major Iraqi cities, the officials said.

Before the Islamist offensive, the program was expanded based on growing U.S. and
Iraqi concerns about the expanded military activities of al-Qaeda-linked fighters.

Officials wouldn't say what types of drones were being used but said the flights were
conducted only for surveillance purposes. The program was launched with the consent
of the Iraqi government.

A senior U.S. official said the intelligence collected under the small program was shared
with Iraqi forces, but added: "It's not like it did any good."

Obviously, manned flights would include more risk to pilots than unmanned drones. Downed helicopters
are more common that fixed-wing aircraft getting shot down, but sometimes the enemy is lucky, and
sometimes accidents happen.

We already have Americans in harm's way:

U.S. contractors began evacuating the air base in Balad, 50 miles north of Baghdad, that
is being prepared for the arrival this year of F-16 aircraft purchased by Iraq. The
international engineering and electronics company Siemens was trying to move 51
people out of Baiji, about 30 miles farther north, where they are upgrading Iraqi power
plants . . .

About 10,000 American officials and contractors are in Iraq.

Looking for a 'Weh' Ahead in a Bad Situation in Iraq

As the GOP candidate for Senate in New Mexico, Allen Weh has a tough road ahead.

But he might be a good guy to have in Washington right now. He's one of the guys who spent some time
training the Iraqi forces:

"Regrettably, the current administration's failure to consummate an agreement to leave
a residual force for training and counter insurgency operations has directly contributed
to the deterioration in security conditions in Iraq and a deterioration in military

Weh, a retired Marine colonel, was the Chief of Staff of the original Coalition Training
Team sent to Iraq in 2003 to begin organizing and building the new Iraqi Army and Air
Force. Among other initiatives he was personally responsible for obtaining approval to
establish an Iraqi Special Forces capability that could employed in the growing fight
against Al Qaeda.

Weh was the only American officer assigned to a joint selection board that selected the
first group of Iraqi general officers appointed in the Army and Air Force. Weh was also
directly involved in getting a cadre of Iraqi officers assigned to coalition country military

service schools such as The Australian War College, the Jordanian Army Command &
Staff College, and the U.S. Army War College.

The nucleus and planning for an effective Iraqi Defense establishment was accomplished
beginning in 2003 and continued for several years thereafter.

Weh returned in 2008 as a guest of the Deputy Commander of the Iraqi armed forces
and given three days of briefings on the progress made after he left in April 2004.

"In 2008 our progress was impressive," said Weh. "There was no question then that this
Army was on track to become the stabilizing force it was intended to be for both the
country and the region."


Sent: Saturday, June 14, 2014 3:54 PM
Subject: Action-Items-CLXI
[Kurdistan, Iran, Israel. BHO's Scandal-Sheet, Illegals, Cantor, Hillary, Cochran, Corbett, Jonah-Goldberg]

{[(PLEASE, if you must choose between mine and that of someone else, read the essay
by Jonah Goldberg @ the end; it is replete with truisms and is extremely well-written,
and attempting to distill key-concepts within is absolutely-simply impossible.)]}

{[(Then note the gorgeous graphics accompanying an insightful-challenge to those who
aspire bridging the R/D-schism [publicly and privately] due to BHOs abject-failures:
Political Polarization in the American Public - How Increasing Ideological Uniformity and
Partisan Antipathy Affect Politics, Compromise and Everyday Life.)]}

{[Both of the aforementioned prompt reading the entire text; headlines dont suffice.
Each time these blast e-mails are initiated, they appear shortand then necessarily
become amplified as keepers arise]}

The one positive outcome of what is transpiring in Iraqper Krauthammer, again last-nightis that
Kurdistan appears to be emerging as an independent entity; it may be recalled that Id starting
advocating USA-support for this effort [via ghost-writing essays with Sherkoh Abbas, the President of the
Kurdistan National Assembly] starting in 2008 [The Road To Iran Runs Through Kurdistan And Starts
In Syria] which was inadvertently reprinted as if in mint-condition a half-decade later by Israpundit.
Having discussed this on Thursday-p.m. with Caroline Glick, I learned she had been trying to get people
in D.C. to meet with Sherkoh but, alas, to no avail; this explains his frustration [along with the loss of his
brother, in combat] until, finally, he emerged to collaborate with the piece published this-past-April
[America Must Recognize Kurdistan]. Perhaps, finally, BHOs foreign-policy team will listen to him.

To be summarized prior to addressing other issues MUST be the explosion of info
regarding whats happening in Mesopotamia [which may become forcibly trisected];
again, my view is simply that America must support Kurdistan and, to whatever degree
el-Maliki aligns himself with a pluralistic-future, the Baghdad government [as long as it
abides by guidance provided by the Kurds]; indeed, this is the precise model that has
been consistently advocated regarding what should transpire in Syria, as per our essay.

Obama ruled-OUT sending troops back into combat in Iraq but promises to review military options
including air strikes; OBAMA'S 'ALL OPTIONS' INCLUDE SURRENDER and Obama Told Iraqis To Play Nice
With Terroristss.

Former President George W. Bush's office says he won't weigh in, telling MailOnline that
he has 'decided not to criticize his successor'
President says ground forces are off the table but other options will be among what his
national security team presents him 'in the days ahead'

Republicans in Congress insist that waiting shouldn't be an option: 'We need to be
hitting these columns of terrorists marching on Baghdad with drones now'
A senior Air Force official in Afghanistan said air bases there and across the Middle East
expect 'contingency plans' in the next 72 hours
Obama could have airstrikes underway in 24 hours, according to one retired general
The president is traveling to North Dakota for a Sioux tribal event, and his national
security adviser is not with him
His authorization from Congress for military force in Iraq has never expired, so he could
legally do it without approval from Capitol Hill
American surveillance drones have already been flying over Iraq for weeks
Iraqi army units have been overrun by ISIS in Mosul and Tikrit, but gov't forces have held
them in check for now without surrendering Baghdad

Dana Perino, Bob Beckel Bitterly Argue Over Iraq Implosion
ISIS Issues Rules for a New Islamic Caliphate
ISIS Path Of Destruction Towards Baghdad
Beck Issues Dire Iraq Prediction: This Is the Beginning of Whats Going to Spiral All Around the World
200 U.S. CONTRACTORS SURROUNDED BY JIHADISTS IN IRAQ - No help from military as escape routes
cut off
Iranian troops cross border, join Iraqis in Islamic civil war
ISIS butchers leave 'roads lined with decapitated police and soldiers': Battle for Baghdad looms as
thousands answer Iraqi government's call to arms and jihadists bear down on capital
Carney Believes Iraqi People Should Determine Future Of Iraq
Two divisions of Iraqi soldiers - roughly 30,000 men - simply turned and ran in the face of the assault by
an insurgent force of just 800 fighters.
Thousands of IRAQI SOLDIERS, MEN & BOYS Captured By ISIS
Jihadists 25 miles from Baghdad, line Tikrit road with beheaded troops and police
Sunni vs. Shia Explained
Baghdad braces for siege
Fall Would Make Current Gas Prices 'Look Like Bargain'
Iraqi volunteers join fight
Vets watch as insurgents undo sacrifices
ISIS Leader: 'See You in New York'
McCain: Iraq Conflict Poses 'Existential Threat' to US
Robert Gates' quote about Joe Biden getting almost every foreign policy/national security issue wrong in
recent memory seems pretty fitting right about now.
Joe Biden Called Iraq One of the Great Achievements of This Administration
NBCs Tamron Hall Is Worried About Iraq Because People Are Blaming Obama
Al-Qaeda kicked this group out for being too vicious. On Tuesday, they conquered Iraq's second-
largest city.
Analysts and lawmakers press White House on Iranian issues beyond nuclear program
Iran-backed Iraqi PM blasted for sowing seeds of expanding sectarian war
Iran and the US: The Enemy of My Enemy
Is Iraq Still "Signature Achievement" of Obama's Presidency?

Obama Found He Can't Put Iraq War Behind Him [analysis of NY-Times]
Alarmed by Iraq, Iran open to shared role with U.S. [analysis by Reuters]
While pundits on both side of the aisle proclaim the problem in Iraq is not BHOs precipitous pullout
from Iraq and that a terrorist takeover of Iraq could not have been predicted, it was predicted by that
hated harbinger of militarism, President George W. Bush, in July 2007:

I know some in Washington would like us to start leaving Iraq now. To begin
withdrawing before our commanders tell us we are ready would be dangerous for Iraq,
for the region, and for the United States. It would mean surrendering the future of Iraq
to al Qaeda. It would mean that wed be risking mass killings on a horrific scale. It would
mean wed allow the terrorists to establish a safe haven in Iraq to replace the one they
lost in Afghanistan. It would mean increasing the probability that American troops
would have to return at some later date to confront an enemy that is even more

Saudi Scholar: Mickey Mouse, Sesame Street Part of 'Jewish Plot'
Kerrys Top Officials: We Need Another Intifada Against Israel for Progress
A branch of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria terror group has claimed responsibility for the
disappearance of three Israeli teens in the West Bank
PA spokesperson denounces Israel for blaming kidnapping on Fatah-Hamas unity government, says PA
not responsible for safety of settlers in Israeli-controlled Area C.
Palestinian factions celebrate reports of kidnapped Israeli teenagers, risking diplomatic deterioration
Netanyahu confirmed: Teens kidnapped by terrorist organization
Palestinian Authority Corruption is Eating the Palestinians Alive
Growing radicalism in Palestinian-controlled territories generates unity deal criticism

In other international news illustrating the failure of BHOs foreign policy, note that the
Bergdahl-Swap continues to fester [The Taliban Five had 9/11 roles that were worse
than imagined, The Taliban Wanted A 6th Guy Back, But He Died On An Elliptical, and
the Daughter of first American killed in Afghanistan learned that freed Taliban leader
was behind it]. BHO failed to condemn worldwide Islamism [Muslims gas Jews outside
Paris; Brussels Jewish Museum Shooter Had Waged Jihad with ISIS in Syria Before
Returning to Europe; VIDEO: Devout Muslim Group Boko Haram Stoned Young Girl to
Death; and while BHO remained silent, Congress moved to rescue Meriam Ibrahim].
{Also, 29% of Americans want to close the GitMo terrorist prison and move detainees to
U.S. prisons, while 66% dont; these views have stayed roughly the same since 2009.}


The final round of meetings between the P5+1 partners (U.S., U.K.,
France, Germany, Russia, and China) and Iran is scheduled for Vienna
next week. This week, Iran is holding bilateral talks with the U.S.,
France, Russia, and Germany, leading to worries that Iran's leaders are
hoping to implement a "divide and conquer" strategy. It has worked for
them before:

Iranian negotiators have a history of seeking to divide
international coalitions in the context of nuclear
negotiations. A top Iranian official bragged in his
autobiography that in the early 2000s, when now-
president Hassan Rouhani headed Tehran's nuclear
talks with the West, the Islamic republic had managed
to divide the Americans and Europeans in order to lock
in Iranian nuclear progress.

Russian sources said they were "relatively optimistic" about the
upcoming meeting in Vienna after their talks with Iran this week. The
French were not as pleased with their bilateral meeting, according to a
Bloomberg report:

"We are still hitting a wall on one absolutely
fundamental point which is the number of centrifuges
which allow enrichment," Fabius said in a radio
interview. "We say that there can be a few hundred
centrifuges, but the Iranians want thousands so we're
not in the same framework."

Iran is also talking about a 6-month extension to the negotiations if an
agreement can't be reached by the July 20 deadline. Such an extension
is provided for in the November 2013 interim agreement on which the
talks are based, and there was concern at the time that this provision
would lead to Iran dragging out the process and trying to secure more
time for its ongoing uranium enrichment program. Amb. John Bolton

In exchange for superficial concessions, Iran achieved
three critical breakthroughs. First, it bought time to
continue all aspects of its nuclear-weapons program the
agreement does not cover (centrifuge manufacturing
and testing; weaponization research and fabrication;
and its entire ballistic missile program). Indeed, given
that the interim agreement contemplates periodic
renewals, Iran may have gained all of the time it needs
to achieve weaponization not of simply a handful of
nuclear weapons, but of dozens or more.

Congress is monitoring the developments closely. The House Foreign
Affairs Committee held the first in a series of hearings this week on Iran,
with a particular emphasis on the verification process for any final
agreement with Iran.

BHOs Scandal-Sheet also must be updated [pilots account reveals new cracks in the Benghazi cover-up;

IRS: Lois Lerner's Emails to Outside Agencies Are Gone; and Senator Ted Cruz Wondered what the IRS
would say if we told them we couldnt submit tax documents because of a computer crash]. GALLUP has
found that Obama is not 'honest, trustworthy' and Jimmy Kimmel Explained the Differences Between
Putin and Obama [noting that Russia Sent Tanks to Ukraine Rebels; BOMB FOUND NEAR UKRAINE
PRESIDENT POROSHENKO'S OFFICE IN KIEV; and 49 people died when pro-Russian separatists shot down
a military transport]; BHO can continue to ignore signs that the beating heart of the US economy is
failing by promoting reverse-racism and gun-control [thug-playing-the-knockout-game-gets-shot-twice-
'MASS SHOOTINGS'] but, ultimately, his secrecy will continue to erode support among Generation-X.
Note that BHO has been intervening in public records requests that seeking info from local police
departments about a piece of cellphone surveillance equipment that can sweep data from entire
neighborhoods; even an aligned puter entity like GOOGLE [which collects personal health data from
fitness apps and Android wearables] cant explain-away its bias, for example, manifest when its
definition Of 'Bigotry' only uses 'Right Wing' as an example. {Also, New legislation just passed by
Congress in response to the VA scandal could cost $500+ billion over the next decade.}

It is necessary to recall how liberal-fascism is being manifest on the campus [Professor
'terminated' for challenging 'global warming'] and it is also necessary to recall that a
Philly-local, Chubby Checker, has yet to be inducted into the Rock$ Roll Hall-of-Fame.
{Also, know that China used more cement in the last three years than the U.S. used in
the entire 20

The invasion of the child-Illegals continues, c/w BHOs efforts to implement Cloward-Pivin ASAP:
Border Agents: We're Letting In Gang Members
Immigrant parents urge U.S. officials to help their children flee Central American violence
More than 35,000 illegals entering TX each month
CA Native Can't Cross Border While Hundreds of Illegal Children Head to Military Bases

The fall-out regarding Cantors loss continues to rage, both nationally and locally
[noting that I triggered a stir while waiting-in-line for Caroline Glick to sign her book,
Thursday-p.m., when I averred this was good for America, even if the only Jewish
Republican in Congressand Speaker-in-waitingwas soon to depart]; Limbaugh
argued Cantor lost because his constituency became Obama And House Leadership.
[Also, for Cantor, Loss of Leadership Role Means Far Fewer Perks.] Overnight, Ral
McCarthy after both Steyn Bashed 'Tin-Eared' Promotion of McCarthy and hugh hewitt
took to imagining the impact of house-gop-majority-leader-ral-labrador. Finally, as
quotes from David Brat have suddenly become subject to intense scrutiny, his claim
that The government holds a monopoly on violence has been morphed into an effort
to marginalize him; in counterdistinction, like-minded people have decided that a
'Libertarian Moment' in Politics can Be Very Libertarian.


Meanwhile, Hillary's Bad Week Showed What a Difference the Media Can Make, as she discovered that
identity politics might not be as easy as it looks; the media have turned [CNNs New Day anchor Chris
Cuomo commented that she had better run, after all the media have done for her], perhaps noting that
Iraq cast a shadow over Clinton and that 'Broke' Clintons Reported $12M Income in 2001. Ironically,
Hillary has experienced Hard Choices and Tough Interviews, particularly when Clinton Got Testy With
NPR Reporter Asking if She Always had Supported Gay Marriage; such combat [Hillary Clinton vs. Terry
Gross] served to expose cracks in her support from mainstream left. Her sycophants were unrelenting
[Carville: If GOP Loses Against Hillary, "The Republican Party Will Be Extinct" and Woman who lied about
'Mitt Romney causes cancer' campaign lied about Hillary's 'accomplishments'], but most everyone else
recognized that she's running in 16 after, again ironically, she Delivered a Strong Critique on Income
Inequality; why Hillary spoke-out against Scottish independence is unclear. LEST WE FORGET, Hillarys
Ex-Boss Said He Fired Her from the Watergate Committee for Being a "Liar" and "Unethical." [Allegedly,
she gave "erroneous legal opinions and wanted to deny Nixon representation by counsel; she was even
unwilling to investigate Nixon because (after having regularly consulted with Ted Kennedy's chief
political strategist, violating House rules) she channeled the desire of some Dems that Nixon not face an
impeachment trial lest heas a part of his defensecite abuses-of-office by JFK.] {Also, noting sparse
productivity, it is unnerving that Chelsea Clinton made $26,724 for each minute she appeared on NBC.}

Within the political world, Cochran seemed to continue to regress [TEA PARTY PRESSES
EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT'S TRAVEL; GOP Sen. Thad Cochran didnt know Eric Cantor lost
primary; Michael Bloomberg (the gun-grabbing, New York billionaire) gave $250,000 to
the super PAC supporting Senator Cochran; and, when asked by a local television
reporter to respond to his bizarre comments about unsavory acts he said he committed
with animals as a child, Cochran said he didnt remember]. Chris Christie appeared at a
$10K-Per-Head San Francisco Luncheon Friday and JOE SCARBOROUGH advocaed
DRAFTING MITT ROMNEY IN 2016, while Alison Lundergan Grimes was endorsed by
Elizabeth Warren.

When recalculating Corbetts chances in November, it is instructive to note that, after a Messy Battle,
Virginia Legislature Rejected Obamacare Medicaid Expansion; also, Corbett signed legislation creating
panel to develop new school funding formula. As the legislature pieced-together PA's revenue puzzle,
one Senator was to seek a vote on competing pension bill. Also, perhaps explaining why Katzs son has
decided to sell his half of the Inqy to Lenfest [after lerning that pilot error may have contributed to crash
of Katz's jet], the Thursday-issue of Metro averred that he had been miffed because Lenfest hadnt been
sufficiently sensitive even to have called him to express condolences.

As per yesterdays Blast e-mail, investigative reporter Dennis Owens [of abc27]
exposed Taxpayers for Integrity [Collegeville, Montgomery County] as having smeared
Marc Woerner via anonymous robocalls and, perhaps, having cost him the election as a
member of the GOPs State Committee; he had been polling-well until the last-minute
smear-campaign disseminated allegedly-outright misstatements of fact. Although the
named principals [Maria Cusick and David O'Connell] have been IDed, no one yet knows
who had financed mailers [~$10,000]; rather than having been perpetrated by one of his
challengers, some blame a cynical and sleazy Establishment operative.

10 Things to Know About Anne Frank's The Diary of a Young Girl.


This is Jonah Goldbergs weekly Blast e-mail; it is chuck-full of thought-experiments:

The big news of the day doesn't lend itself to excessive jocularity. Nor should it lend
itself to partisan gloating. This is awful, awful, stuff.

I supported the Iraq war. But for at least the last half decade or so, I've said it looks like
it was a mistake. I've said "looks like" not to weasel out of anything, but to simply
acknowledge that things change. If after a wobbly start Iraq got its act together and
turned into a stabilizing, democratizing force in the region, then it wouldn't be a
mistake. If it continued to slide into Iran's orbit, possibly breaking apart en route, then
the war would have been for naught. Sometimes you can't get to a good place without
going through a bad place first. That's true in our own lives and it's true of nations.

I truly believe that the Arab Spring and Iran's Green Revolution were aftershocks of the
Iraq war and that we could have advanced the cause of liberty if we'd taken advantage
of those opportunities. I'm not saying it would have been easy or that more chaos
wouldn't have come with such efforts; I am saying that it was worth trying.

Barack Obama, on the other hand, believed the Iraq war was a mistake from day one
and that conviction informed every foreign-policy decision he has made since. He has
said, insinuated, implied, hinted, and shouted as much almost every day of his
presidency. So invested in the Iraq war being a mistake and so invested in received
opinion celebrating his foresight he has not merely acted on the reasonable view it
was a mistake, he appears to have done everything he can to make sure it is
remembered as a mistake for all time. The Left wanted the Iraq war to be Vietnam, and
Barack Obama has given them what they wanted. All that's missing now are the images
of Americans clinging to helicopters.

Let's Get the Spin Right and Everything Else Will Follow

The president deliberately let negotiations over the status of American forces in Iraq
deteriorate until there was nothing to do but lament that we couldn't work things out.
Indeed (as I write in my column today), his entire Iraq policy his entire foreign policy
has been driven by a need to make it conform to his political talking points, rather
than the other way around. There's nothing wrong with presidents keeping their
promises, but presidents have an obligation to do so with the stipulation that the
national interest might diverge from what Jen Psaki can vomit up on Crossfire.

Consider the White House's claim of "decimating" "core al-Qaeada."

This is a metric designed to conform to talking points, it's not an actual foreign-policy
objective. Whenever someone points out that al-Qaeda has "metastasized" and controls
more territory than ever, the White House falls back on the claim that we've taken the
fight to those who actually attacked us on 9/11. That's great, or at least it sounds great.
But how is that a strategic objective? What does that do to further America's interests?
If the U.S. had wiped out most of the Japanese generals who plotted the Pearl Harbor
attacks, but Japan was still at war with us, would anyone say "Well, we can wrap things
up now"?

As for the word "decimated," I often wondered if they're hiding behind the popular
meaning of decimated i.e. "crushed" or "destroyed" while keeping its traditional
and literal meaning kill 1 out of 10 in their back pocket in case they need it to
defend against the fact-checkers. Something like:

Carney: We've decimated core al-Qaeda.

Reporter: Jay, we've checked and most of the original al-Qaeda
members are still alive.

Carney: I refer you to Webster's dictionary. "Decimated" means to kill
every tenth member of an army. We are well ahead of that standard.
Frankly I think you should salute our rhetorical restraint.

We Change the Past

There's a staple of physics and life that the present can't change the past. What's
done is done. Don't cry over spilt milk. The horse has left the barn. We already emailed
the pictures of you with the hooker. Etc. Given the riot of unknowns that is physics
today, I'm not sure that will always be true. And, in a very real sense, I'm not sure it's
true about life either.

No, you cannot change the facts of the past. But you can change the significance of
those facts. I'm not talking about Orwellian lying or Soviet airbrushing or the shoving of
innocents down the memory hole. When new events take us by surprise the events that
led up to it suddenly take on greater meaning.

From an old-school G-File:

In 2002, Adam Garfinkle, then of The National Interest, wrote a
wonderful essay about Saudi Arabia. He quoted R. G. Collingwood's
observation that "every new generation must rewrite history in its own
way," and proceeded to argue that at least part of what Collingwood
meant by this "is that what interests us about the past is at least partly a
function of what bothers us or makes us curious in the present."

For example, for the French and British, when war broke out in 1939,
the years 1918-19 became less significant and the years 1870-1871
loomed large. Or, when the Berlin Wall fell, 1917 the year of the
Russian Revolution suddenly became much less interesting, but 1914
the dawn of imperial implosion and nationalist explosion became
much more important. This is all a lesson in the obvious for my beloved
bride, who studied U.S.-Soviet relations in graduate school. By the time
the ink was dry on her diploma, there was no Soviet Union.

The point of all this for Garfinkle was that, in the wake of the 9/11
attacks, a whole new narrative of the 20th century was written. While

on September 10, the years 1914, 1945, and 1989 seemed of
paramount importance to historians, on September 12, the year 1924
suddenly leapt onto the stage that was the year the House of Saud
emerged as the dominant power on the Arabian continent. Before that,
1924 was the answer to a few trivia questions and little more (e.g., In
what year was the People's Republic of Mongolia established? When
was Frank Lautenberg born?).

Right now, the most important thing about 2011, according to conventional wisdom, is
that Barack Obama authorized the killing of Osama bin Laden. It was certainly a good
day, and a glorious one for the White House communications team which immediately
turned it into a Caesarian argument for his domestic political authority. But what if ISIS
succeeds in holding onto Mosul and Nineveh? Or even goes on to grab Baghdad? What
if Iran is fully drawn into the conflict, rendering vast swaths of the Middle East a literal
battleground and not just a figurative one for a bloody Sunni Shia civil war?
Suddenly, the most momentous thing about 2011 wouldn't be the killing of one aging
terrorist hermited away with his "Girls Gone Wild" DVDs. It would be the White House's
passive-aggressive acquiescence to the abandonment of Iraq. Again, as it stands, the
Iraq war was a mistake. What we're seeing now are the fruits of a policy aimed at
making sure it stays that way.


I'm already exhausted by all of the commentary about Eric Cantor's defeat by David
Brat. I would have said three days ago that its significance can't be exaggerated. But I
would have been wrong. The Democrats' glee is certainly overblown. I heard Nancy
Pelosi say yesterday "I can't close my eyes! I can't close my eyes! Can someone get me
some eye drops!?"

Just kidding. I just always expect her to say such things given that she has the eyes of a
Moloid caught off-guard by a camera flash. She said yesterday that Cantor's defeat
means the midterms are "a whole new ballgame." She continued:

"Eric Cantor has long been the face of House Republicans' extreme
policies, debilitating dysfunction and manufactured crises. Tonight is a
major victory for the Tea Party as they yet again pull the Republican
Party further to the radical right," she said in a statement.

Bless her heart.

The thinking seems to be that the GOP will be pulled further to the right in future
primaries, or something. Meh. There aren't that many primaries left, never mind ones in
districts where Democrats could win. Regardless of whether it made sense to fire Eric
Cantor the guy had an ACU rating of 95 and putting aside any questions about
David Brat, I think his victory is a positive sign for the midterms. Base elections are
about intensity and turnout. Can anyone dispute that the results in VA-7 demonstrate
that the GOP base is energized?

Anyway, I'm exhausted by all the winners and losers talk.

Frank Meyer and Fusionism

But I'm never too tired to talk fusionism!

Brian Doherty has a very good post on the limits of libertarianism during this so-called
"libertarian moment." Doherty observes that Brat is very libertarian on many issues dear
to libertarian hearts, but he is not a Reason magazine libertarian. That's right. He's a
mainstream conservative, at least in his ordering of principles (though he may be more
intense about those principles than your average conservative). He's for limited
government, traditional morality, individual liberty, and free markets. In short, he's a

Just in case you didn't know, the unofficial official philosophical position of National
Review is fusionism (except on Cinco de Mayo when it's "Two for One All You Can Drink
Margaritas!"). It's also worth noting that the unofficial official position of modern
conservatism itself is fusionism. Ronald Reagan all but declared it so in his famous
speech to CPAC in 1981, delivered shortly after his inauguration:

It was Frank Meyer who reminded us that the robust individualism of
the American experience was part of the deeper current of Western
learning and culture. He pointed out that a respect for law, an
appreciation for tradition, and regard for the social consensus that gives
stability to our public and private institutions, these civilized ideas must
still motivate us even as we seek a new economic prosperity based on
reducing government interference in the marketplace.

Frank Meyer was the long-time literary editor of National Review. The basic idea of
fusionism is really easy to understand. A virtuous society must be a free society because
virtue not freely chosen isn't virtuous (if I hold a gun to your head and say "Mend that
bird's broken wing," you don't get a lot of credit for being kind to animals). Of course,
the fuller idea is more complicated. As Daniel McCarthy notes, fusionism is often
described as a political rationalization for constructing a coalition of libertarians and
traditionalists. McCarthy even gently and largely correctly criticizes me for using
the term that way from time to time. More on that in a moment, first I have to clean his
blood and viscera from my halberd.

I'm kidding, I'm kidding. McCarthy is absolutely right that Meyer's argument was more
sophisticated than the shorthand. Fusionism was a metaphysical argument, not merely
an organizing principle. Meyer believed that the tradition of Western Civilization is
liberty and that our cultural institutions are valuable and glorious and worth preserving
precisely for the role they play in protecting liberty. For Meyer, "the Christian
understanding of the nature and destiny of man" was what conservatives were trying to
conserve and that the best way to do that was for the libertarians and the traditionalists
to embrace the fact that the core idea of Western Civilization was the glory of "reason

operating within tradition." And reason pointed to the glory and necessity of

Abstract principles were everything for Meyer (this mindset might explain his early
betrothal to Communism) and the highest principle was "the freedom of the person."
This sometimes led him into some ridiculous ideological cul-de-sacs. Writing about the
need to stop the spread of Communism, even if it meant using nuclear weapons, Meyer

[E]ven granted the most horrendous estimates of the effects of their
use, the preservation of human life as a biological phenomenon is an
end far lower than the defense of freedom and right and truth. These
the victory of Communism would destroy. These it is our duty to defend
at all costs.

Now I am a pretty proud anti-Communist, but this is where I say, "Uh, maybe you should
sit out the next couple plays and think this over." The preservation of the "biological
phenomena" called "human life" strikes me as pretty high priority, not least because
without it, only the cockroaches' definition of freedom, right, and truth will prevail. Life
is hope. Without it there's no one to do the hoping.

So where was I? Oh right, fusionism. I think one of the reasons why the definition of
fusionism has drifted from a philosophical approach to an organizational one is that,
philosophically, fusionism doesn't work that well. Oh, I certainly believe that the
fusionist goals of a free society, limited government, and individual liberty are sound
and coherent approaches. But the actual case that Meyer laid out for fusionism is simply
too dismissive of the importance of community, tradition, order etc. Not every moral
choice should be made from a bill of fare that contains every conceivable immoral
choice. A healthy society takes some things pedophilia and incest come to mind off
the menu, even if that means denying individuals the added virtue of voluntarily
refusing such options. In a world where everything is permitted, virtue has a very hard
time poking up from the weeds. The challenge for conservatives is how to balance the
cherished principle of individual liberty with other cherished principles that are just as
essential to the preservation of the Western tradition Meyer holds so dear.

But, as an organizing principle, as the locomotion that keeps the bicycle of conservatism
from falling over, fusionism is extremely useful and very, very widely held. The vast
majority of libertarians in this country don't call themselves libertarians, they call
themselves conservatives, and rightly so. Because they we! are fusionists.

Professor Brat, Fusionist

And that goes for Dr. Brat. Here's an excerpt from an essay he wrote in 2011, which
grapples with the tradeoffs between order and liberty:

Let me add one more definition to the picture to heighten this tension.
In economics and political science, it is common to define the
government as the entity that holds a monopoly on violence. This

definition goes back to Max Weber, but it is used by recent Nobel
laureates in economics as well. It does not mean that the State alone
uses violence, but it does mean that when push comes to shove, the
State will win in a battle of wills. If you refuse to pay your taxes, you will
lose. You will go to jail, and if you fight, you will lose. The government
holds a monopoly on violence. Any law that we vote for is ultimately
backed by the full force of our government and military. Do we trust
institutions of the government to ensure justice? Is that what history
teaches us about the State? Or do we live in particularly lucky and
fortunate times where the State can be trusted to do minimal justice?
The State's budget is currently about $3 trillion a year. Do you trust that
power to the political Right? Do you trust it to the Left? If you answered
"no" to either question, you may have a major problem in the future.
See Plato on the regime that follows democracy.

So now, I hope you are feeling even a bit more ill-at-ease. The logic
above is inescapable for a Christian. If we Christians vote for what we
consider to be good policies, we are ultimately voting to ensure that our
will is carried out by the most powerful force on earth, aside from God.
The U.S. government has a monopoly on violence, and that force
underlies the law of the land.

Do we have the right to coerce our fellow citizens to act in ways that
follow our Christian ethical beliefs?

He goes on to discuss usury the topic of his essay but that there is how a fusionist
wrestles with trade-offs.

A Monopoly on Ignorance

I bring this up because the other day I caught Rich Lowry (Praise be upon him) and Alan
Colmes discussing the Brat victory on Fox. Colmes tried to make the case that Brat is
going to be an embarrassment because of his allegedly crazy statements. Exhibit A was
that Brat thinks that Hitler's rise could happen again. Now I think Brat's not quite right
about this, but it's hardly like he's endorsing the return of Hitler. Rather he's repeating
an utterly commonplace, bipartisan, and healthy concern that is usually summed up in
the phrase "never again."

Then there was exhibit B. Colmes noted that Brat had written that the State has a
"monopoly on violence" as if this is crazy talk. Rich quickly noted as the conversation
was being cut off that this is pretty much the standard definition of the function of the
state. Charles Cooke goes on quite a tear defending Brat on this point. They're both
right. My only complaint is that as Brat notes in the original essay but Charlie doesn't
"monopoly on violence" isn't even Brat's phrase, it's Max Weber's. His claim of
Gewaltmonopol des Staates is nearly a century old.

All of these people getting bent out of shape about Brat saying such a thing are
betraying their own ignorance of a really uncontroversial even boring staple of

political philosophy and political science. Charlie is right that Brat's claim is a neutral and
non-partisan one. But the irony here is that liberals want the most expansive definition
of Gewaltmonopol des Staates. Under Weber, the State isn't the only entity that can
employ violence, but it is the only entity that can regulate it. The State, and the State
alone, determines which violence is legitimate and which isn't. In effect it licenses
individuals to commit or threaten violence in very specific circumstances.

Liberals want the state to cancel many of those licenses. That's what gun control is
largely about, the rescinding of permission or ability to use violence (or effective
violence. You'll always be free to slap and scratch your robber, assassin, or rapist).
Almost everyday someone on MSNBC wets himself over the fact a free citizen
somewhere is carrying a gun. Their proposed solution: the State should better enforce
its monopoly on violence.

Various & Sundry

Happy Father's Day everybody. I thought about running through a lot of the social
science on fathers but it can all be summed up by saying "Dads matter." The rest is
commentary. Still, for those interested, here's my eulogy to my Dad. Every year I hear
from a dozen people who write to tell me that they read it every Father's Day. So do I.

Zo Update: She's in jail. Our dog-sitter(s) fell through at the last minute, and so she's at
a lavish kennel that bills itself as a dog resort. It remains to be seen whether she sees it
that way. What was it William Blake said, "A Robin Redbreast in a cage
Puts all Heaven in a Rage, but a Dingo on a chain, isn't such a pain." Anyway, she's just
there for the weekend. I tried to teach her how to sharpen a chew toy into a shiv for
when she's out in the yard. But she didn't seem interested.

London Calling: I will be at the Center for Policy Studies' big conference in London next
week (the National Review Institute is a co-sponsor). I'm really looking forward to it,
though how I ended up on the "New Media and Liberty" panel is a bit of a mystery to
me. If you have any suggestions for in-flight reading on this topic, please send them
along: "New Media and Liberty: Why is the US pre-eminent in digital innovation? And
what are the lessons for policymakers in the UK/Europe in areas such as regulation and
freedom of speech?"

People say I'm too obsessed with dogs. I say, it could be worse: Woman who cares for
100,000 cockroaches in home: 'These are all my children'.

A Father's Day Story (Language warning)

Stanley Kubrick was overrated as a director, IMHO, but he knew how to write a letter.
Though he might have ended with "May your genitals sprout wings and fly away" or one
of these other literary insults.

Though none of these were Great Moments in Punctuation!


For the Liberal Fascism file: Employees sue company claiming they were forced to say "I
love you".

Um, doctor could you pay more attention to my spleen? Doctor's license suspended
after allegedly sexting during surgeries and sending semi-nude selfies.

What was I saying about the state having a monopoly on legitimate violence? At least
this guy wasn't waiting for Uncle Sam to get off its rear and nuke the moon.

Arizona man arrested for shooting at moon.

And they said Rick Santorum was crazy! Amphibians Wed in India.

'Meat Rushmore' Sculpture Shows Presidents Covered In Jerky.

Ex-Air Force Law Enforcement Agent Says He Hoaxed Major UFO Mythologies.

Spanish dog gives birth to bright green puppies.



Five great books crazies love. (Waiting for someone to say, "If banning Catcher in the
Rye saves just one life, it's worth it.")

Reminder: I'm coming to the Cleve!

Big Business Vs. Libertarians in the GOP


Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2014 9:27 PM
Subject: Action-Items-CLXII [Mandatory-Holocaust-Education, Iraq, Illegals, IRS, GOP, Hillary, PA]

After he received eyeball-to-eyeball [negative] feedback c/o moi, The Jewish Exponents Josh Berger
updated a previous version to reflect a more accurate descrption of the legislative measure. He kindly
preserved my provision of hyperlinks to what had been accomplished to document my assertions, and
additional observations were provided in an effort to flesh-out the import of what has been achieved
with regard to educating youth about Holocaust, Genocide and Human Rights Violations:

Thank you, Eric; readers may also wish to know that advocates for this end-point have
accommodated other voices by working to ensure that this UNIT will not only
encompass the Shoah, but will also confront other genocidal events [such as the
Armenian massacre] within the context of human rights violations. The goal is to ensure
that curriculum is not just "historic" in nature; rather, we envision students learning of
more modern manifestations of such mass-cruelty [e.g., Rwanda] so that they can be
encouraged to maintain vigilance when future behaviors comport with these templates.
We want our youth to recognize that the "bases" for such inhumanity may vary and may
overlap; sociological, religious, economic, political forces must all be weighed when
conveying an appreciation for the profundity of this particular lesson-plan.

This was accomplished without having first acquired clearance from Chuck Feldman and/or Rhonda
Fink-Whitman and, thus, no effort was made to critique past/current statements they may have made;
regardless of the implications regarding the shift-of-focus of the article [from unabashedly claiming that
the Federation position had emerged victorious to recognizing that a (delayed) mandate existed], it was
felt desirable to ensure an accurate and complete presentation of the info had been conveyed publicly.
Confronting these lobbyists [notably Hank Butler] during -year of playing whack-a-mole to ensure
policy was based on TRUTH, this was not fun, and an effort will be made to educate his clients as to how
his reputation was impugned by his [mis-]conduct regarding this Motherhood/Apple-Pie issue. {Perhaps
raising another level of scrutiny, Liberals are Furious over SC Law to Teach the Constitution in Schools.}

Efforts will continue tomorrow to chat with the office of the Provost @ Temple U due to
the continued employment of a Holocaust-denier [and Israel-basher]. As key-precedent,
it is noted that Jim Keegstra, who has died @ age-80, was a Holocaust denying high
school teacher, mechanic, and mayor of Eckville, Alta.; his prosecution for the wilful
promotion of hatred went all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada, where the
controversial law was upheld as a fair limit on free speech.

After McConnell Called for Military Aid to Iraqi Government and IRAN ASKED U.S. TO INTERVENE IN IRAQ
recognizing the existence of an Israeli-Saudi-French military alliance against Iran. Know that this was not
a sudden event, for this Sunni extremist group [renowned for the mayhem it has inflicted] set clear goals
for carving-out and governing a caliphate, an Islamic religious state spanning Sunni-dominated sections
of Iraq and Syria; it has published voluminously, even issuing annual reports, to document its progress in
achieving its evil-goals. *SHOCK PHOTOS* have been posted by ISIS OF MASS EXECUTIONS IN IRAQ, and

A Fmr Army Vice Chief lamented that It Seems Like U.S. Sacrifices in Iraq Were All For Nothing.

On Fridays Morning Joe on MSNBC, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) went head to head
against show co-host Mika Brzezinski and Huffington Post correspondent Sam Stein over
changes to U.S. policy regarding Iraq under President Barack Obama as ISIS forces
approach the capital city of Baghdad. McCain first took Brzezinskis query that some of
this could be pinned on the Bush administration for churning the hate and taking
Sunnis out of leadership position in the Iraqi government.

What about the fact that we had it won he said. What about the fact
that people like me said we got to fire [Donald] Rumsfeld. Weve got to
get the surge going and what about the fact Gen. [David] Petreaus
had the conflict won thanks to the surge? And if we have left the
residual force behind that we could have, that we would not be facing
the crisis we are today. Those are fact. Those are fundamental facts. I
expect you and others to blame it on all these different events. The fact
is we had the conflict won and we had a stable government.

The Huffington Posts Sam Stein questioned McCain on the definition of victory and
said he was confused by what McCain was attempting to convey.

I think you are confused because you didnt know what happened with
the surge where we basically had the country pacified. We had a stable
government in Baghdad and we the conflict basically won, McCain
replied. Weve still got troops in Bosnia. A residual force would have
stabilized the country. Military experts will tell you that. So, Im sorry
about your confusion, but the facts on the ground were that Al Qaeda
had been defeated almost completely.

Apropos to the tenor of this discussion are observations of Tony BLAIR ['It would be
worse if we hadn't invaded'] and others [IRAQ: A SUNNI-SHIA HOLY WAR TO

These events have also been experienced in England [BRITISH-BORN ISIS FIGHTERS VOW TO BRING
IRAQ INTERVENTION]. {Also, Maher Hit Islam Again ['The Sunnis and Shiites Are Going to Have This Out']

Again illustrating how BHO is failing to help putative allies of America, nine Moderate
Syria rebel [from the moderate Free Syrian Army] officers quit over shortages and
mismanagement of military aid from donor countries to their uprising against President
Bashar Al Assad; We are fighting both the army and the Islamic State of Iraq and the
Levant ISIL, Abboud said, referring to a jihadist group operating in Syria and Iraq that
Syrias opposition turned against in January.

anyone and everyone except for the terrorists and others probe Jihad and the Culture of Hostage-taking;

predictably, the media have provided poor coverage of the Kidnapped Israeli Teens. Also, one wonders
why BHO has not openly condemned the kidnapping.

problems have exploded over the weekend [e.g., introduction of tanks and anti-aircraft
weaponry into Eastern Ukraine by Russia; Finland's Next PM Wants to Join NATO; and
Protest at Russian Embassy in Kiev Against Aggression Towards Ukraine]. Indeed, MARK
MURDERERS? and Obama's Iraq Statement, per Krauthammer, was amateurish ['It's as If
He's Learning How the Presidency Is Done']; such observations prompt some to claim
the Curtain is Closing on Obama Presidency.

Meanwhile, lawlessness abounded along the Mexican border as Illegals flowed into the USA, [Teenage
SCRUTINY; AZ threatens legal action on Fed's immigrant dumping; PALIN said OBAMA is EXPLOITING
ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT KIDS; and Obama Admin Forbids Lawmakers From Taking Photos Of Facility];
politically, as LUIS GUTIERREZ CLAIMED HE'S 'NOT FOR AMNESTY' {?}, Cantor Said Immigration Views
IMMIGRATION AGENDA. The post-mortem continued, as Top Jeb Bush Adviser [Mike Murphy] said
Cantor Didn't Lose Because of Amnesty and 'McLaughlin Group' Panelists said 'No Doubt' Cantor Lost
Because of Amnesty. Regarding forces affecting Illegals who are not @ the border, an Illegal Immigrant
Who Hid in Church has been Allowed to Stay in US and an explanation has been offered to explain Why
Many Illegal Immigrants Don't 'Wait in Line Like Everyone Else.'

He has also not explained why, although the IRS COMMISSIONER TESTIFIED IN MARCH
LOIS LERNER EMAILS WERE ARCHIVED, it was leaked on Friday that Lois Lerners Emails
were lost; thus, Sharyl Attkisson formulated a few questions for the IRS in this regard.
Thus, Palin said, regrding the IRS 'Losing' Lerner Emails, Obama is Worse than Nixon.

Hillary's Book tour from Hell [during which she has been stalked by a Giant Squirrel] has prompted
scorned, Kathleen Willey, said Let me tell you about 'dead broke.' Also, Hillary averred that she opposes
Scottish Independence and, perhaps in reaction to the furor she has provoked, HILLARY concluded THE
over Gay Marriage Dodge and Gallup found her era of high favorability Ended as Poll Numbers Plummet;
FOURNIER has depicted How Clinton Could Squander Her Second Chance.

Regarding the GOPs Civil-War, SHANNON and LANKFORD are NECK-AND-NECK
officially wrested control of the Iowa Republican Party from supporters of Rand Paul to
those loyal to Gov. Terry Branstad. {Also, Cantors loss spurred business leaders to
mobilize to preserve their clout in Congress and MICHAEL STEELE claimed there is 'A LOT
OF INTEREST IN' ERIC CANTOR FOR RNC CHAIRMAN; a reasonable reaction would be to
wonder if the business-leaders have ever stopped mobilizing to lobby for their pet-
causes and to wonder what they dont like about Reince.}


multiple explanations have been proffered to explain why OBAMA FLUNKED CLIMATE SCIENCE 101.
{Also, Anthony Weiner said he Favorited a Hookup App Tweet 'Accidentally.'}

In PA, Senate negotiations regarding a bill to expand sales of beer and wine have
intensified; also, a study ranked PA as the 5
most corrupt state. {Note 8 actors whose
boxoffice draw is nosediving.} There is no shortage of suggestions for candidate Corbett,
and Sen. Mike Stack Lt. Gov bid is a boon for Philly Councilman Brian O'Neill (R).

Finally, although I have not yet thought-through Caroline Glicks thinking about a one-state solution
[detailed in her book]although Im a bit skepticalher message isnt dissimilar to that conveyed here:

If-you-voted-for-obama [and havent recanted this decision]

If you voted for Obama, you may want to ask him why he supports the Hamas/Fatah
unity government even as Hamas rains rockets on Southern Israeli civilians.
If you voted for Obama, you may want to ask him how many rockets have to fall before
he pulls the funding from the Hamas/Fatah unity government.
If you voted for Obama, you may want to ask him what it means when Jen Psaki says he
is watching the Hamas/Fatah unity government closely.
If you voted for Obama, you may want to ask him why he is funding the Hamas/Fatah
unity government if Fatah is unable to do anything about Hamas missile-launching
If you voted for Obama, you may want to ask him why he is funding the Hamas/Fatah
unity government if Hamas controls Gaza and Hamas rains endless numbers of rockets
on Southern Israel.
If you voted for Obama, you may want to ask him why he continues to support the
Hamas/Fatah unity government now that a U.S. citizen, a minor, has been abducted by
If you voted for Obama, you may want to ask him why Canada condemned the
kidnapping of three young boys while he remains silent.
If you voted for Obama, you may want to ask him if he is able to point to this kidnapping
and state unequivocally that it is terror.
If you voted for Obama, you may want to ask him if he can state that the kidnappings
are not Israels fault but a matter of pure terror, by one party alone.
Because if he cant name the kidnappings and rockets for what they are: pure
unadulterated one-sided terror alone, he is blaming the rape victim for the rape.

The enemy rapes us daily, for years on end. And like an unwilling rape victim in a Muslim
country, we are told to marry our rapist, or hang in the condemnatory atmosphere of
world isolation.
If you voted for Obama, you voted for our slow torture. You keep us awake at night,
twisting and turning, worrying for the safety of our children, begging us to adopt a false
narrative that makes no sense whatsoever.
We are not the stumbling block to peace. We ARE peace.
If you voted for Obama, you voted against peace.

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