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CALL FOR BIDS Official Publication No.

M I N N E S O T A March 5
, 2014

PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Public Works \ Impound Lot
330 Second Avenue South - Suite 552
Minneapolis, MN 55401
For information call
AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER David E. Schlueter, (612) 673-2834

To furnish all equipment, personnel and incidentals necessary to accomplish towing of vehicles from public or private property
for the City of Minneapolis, all in accordance with the attached specifications and bid form.

Complete project documents are available for electronic download at the following link:

A pre-bid meeting will be held on March 12
, 2014 at 2:00 PM at the offices of Minneapolis Purchasing 330 2
Ave. So.
# 552 Minneapolis, MN 55401. All interested bidders are encouraged to attend this meeting.

Successful bidders with cumulative contracts exceeding $50,000 will be required to submit a written affirmative action plan
(AAP) to the Minneapolis Department of Civil Rights (MDCR) in accordance with Chapter 139.50(b) of the Minneapolis
Code of Ordinances.

The successful bidder shall be subject to a pre-award compliance review by the MDCR in accordance with Chapters
139.50 and 423. In addition to the pre-award review, MDCR will also monitor SUBP participation, minority and female
employment participation and prevailing wage throughout all construction projects. As of May 1, 2012 the employment
goals for onsite labor on all city construction contracts are 6% female and 32% minority. Employee hours and wages are
required to be filed electronically with a free online account at Information regarding Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQs) may be found on the web at Questions may be
directed to the Department of Civil Rights at

The City of Minneapolis hereby notifies all bidders that in regard to any invitations to bid, advertisements, solicitations, or
contracts to be entered into pursuant to this Plan, businesses owned and controlled by minorities or women will be
afforded maximum feasible opportunity to submit bids and/or proposals in response and will not be subjected to
discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, ancestry, national origin, sex, including sexual harassment,
sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, marital status, or status with regard to public assistance or familial

Prospective bidders' attention is called to Minnesota Statues 13.591 Business Data. This section states in part:

Data submitted by a business to a government entity in response to a request for bids as defined in Section 16C.02,
Subdivision 11, are private or non-public until the bids are opened. Once the bids are opened, the name of the bidder and the
dollar amount specified in the response are read and become public. All other data in a bidder's response to a bid are private
or non-public data until completion of the selection process. For the purposes of this section, "completion of the selection
process" means that the government entity has completed its evaluation and has ranked the responses. After a government
entity has completed the selection process, all remaining data submitted by all bidders are public with the exception of trade
secret data as defined and classified in Section 13.37. A statement by a bidder that submitted data are copyrighted or
otherwise protected does not prevent public access to the data contained in the bid.

Bidders are hereby advised that their bid document may become available to the public once a successful bidder has been

The City of Minneapolis has adopted an Environmental Purchasing Policy (EPP) that is incorporated into all bids. A copy
of the policy can be found at this link:

Prompt Payment: Per Minnesota Statutes 471.425 contractors shall pay all certified small subcontractors for undisputed
work completed, within ten (10) days after the City of Minneapolis has paid the contractor for the completed work.

Chapter 471.895 of the Minnesota Statutes prohibits gifts from interested persons to local officials. Local Officials includes
any individuals who purchase or advise or recommend on the purchase of goods and/or services.

Conflict of Interest/Code of Ethics: Contractor agrees to be bound by the City's Code of Ethics, Minneapolis Code of
Ordinances, Chapter 15. Contractor certifies that to the best of its knowledge, all City employees and officers participating in
this Agreement have also complied with that Ordinance. It is agreed by the Parties that any violation of the Code of Ethics
constitutes grounds for the City to void this Agreement. All questions relative to this section shall be referred to the City and
shall be promptly answered.

Minneapolis Code of Ordinances, Section 18.200, relating to equal benefits for domestic partners, applies to each contractor
and sub-contractor with 21 or more employees that enter into a "contract" as defined by the Ordinance, that exceeds
$100,000.00. Compliance with Section 18.200 is required commencing January 1, 2004. The categories to which the
ordinance applies are services; the sale of purchase of supplies, materials, equipment or the rental thereof; and the
construction, alteration, repair or maintenance of personal property. The categories to which the ordinance does not apply
include real property and development contracts.

The contract is in a category to which the ordinance applies.

Please be aware that if the contract initially does not exceed $100,000.00, but is later modified so that the contract does
exceed $100,000.00, the ordinance will then apply to the contract.

A complete text of the ordinance is available on the internet at:
coordinator/finance/purchasing. Copies are also available in the office of City Purchasing. It is the contractor's and sub-
contractors responsibility to review and understand the requirements and applicability of this ordinance.

All successful bidder(s) will be required to comply fully with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA).

* * * * * * * * * * *
Official Publication No. 7924
Published in Finance and Commerce March 5
and March 12
, 2014

Sealed bids will be received and time stamped by receptionist until 10 AM, Local Time, March 26
2014 at which time they
will be publicly opened and read aloud. Do not fax sealed bids to Purchasing.

Bids must be accompanied by a bid deposit in the amount of $2,500.00 in the form of a certified check or bidder's corporate
surety bond made payable to the Minneapolis Finance Officer.

Successful bidder will be required to enter into a formal contract and provide a Performance Bond and Payment
Bond in the amount of $100,000.00.

Envelopes must bear the name of the firm submitting the bid and be addressed as follows:

City of Minneapolis Purchasing Department
Bids opened 10 AM, Local Time, March 26
, 2014
330 Second Avenue South - Suite 552
Minneapolis, MN 55401

The City of Minneapolis reserves the right to waive informalities in bids, to accept or reject any or all bids or any part of any
bid. Bids must be typewritten, or printed in ink, and signed in ink in handwriting.

TWO complete bid form responses, including attachments, are to be returned, one of which must be an original.


Automatic Bid/RFP Notification:
Visit the Purchasing website at - to sign up
for e-mail updates and to view Formal Bids, Informal Bids and RFPs

Effective January 1, 2014, State of Minnesota requires vendors to obtain an ST-3 exemption certificate to substantiate a
full (State & Local) sales tax exemption on sales to Minnesota cities, counties, and townships. This form can be found on
the City of Minneapolis website at

Instructions to Bidders

IF the Call for Bids, indicates a bid deposit is required, the bid deposit should be in the form of a certified
check, cashiers check or bidder's corporate surety bond. If certified check or cashier check is used, it shall be
made payable to the Party named in the Call for Bids. Said bid deposit shall be retained by the City of
Minneapolis or Board as liquidated damages and not a penalty, in the event the bid is selected by the City of
Minneapolis or Board and the bidder fails to execute a contract, therefore, and upon request of the City of
Minneapolis or Board, a performance bond and payment bond, as may be required by the City of Minneapolis
subsequent to award of contract.

By submitting a bid, bidder agrees that said liquidated damages shall cover only the damages sustained by
the City of Minneapolis or Board, from additional administrative costs, expenses or re-advertising and re-
bidding and other damages sustained by the City of Minneapolis or Board as a result of failure of successful
bidder to execute a written contract, and a performance bond and payment bond when so required, but shall
not cover nor preclude the City of Minneapolis or Board from claiming damages on account of delay, price
change, loss of other contracts, loss of income, inability of City of Minneapolis or Board to fulfill other
contracts, loss of other benefits of this contract, or damages, direct or consequential arising out of breach of
contract by the successful bidder.

Whenever separately numbered categories as to materials, equipment or services are set forth in the
specifications and in the bid form, unless specifications or bid form is qualified by the statement "ALL OR
NONE", bidder may submit a bid upon each, or all, or any selected number of categories, and in such case
separate category shall be considered as a separate bid letting procedure, and the City of Minneapolis shall
have the right to make separate awards to the lowest and best bidder in any particular category, or to the
overall lowest and best bidder where it is found to be in the best interest of the City.

Bidder is responsible to ensure they are in receipt of all addenda. Contact the buyer if questions.

Visit the MN Department of Revenue website, Sales Tax Fact Sheet 176, for tax updates for Local
Governments Cities, Counties and Townships -

If a lump sum bid for materials and/or equipment includes labor and all incidentals, the bidder is responsible
for all applicable sales tax on taxable items required in the performance of the bid and should be included in
the total amount bid.

Specification Information

Unless qualified by the provision "NO SUBSTITUTE", the use of the name of a manufacturer brand and/or
catalog description in specifying any item does not restrict bidders to that manufacturer, brand or catalog
description identification. This is used simply to indicate the character, quality, and/or performance
equivalence of the commodity desired, but the commodity on which bids are submitted must be of such
character, quality, and/or equivalence that it will serve the purpose for which it is to be used equally well as
that specified, and be acceptable to the using department.

In submitting a bid on a commodity other than specified, bidder shall furnish complete data and identification
with respect to the commodity he proposes to furnish. Consideration will be given to bids submitted on
commodities to the extent that such action is deemed to serve the best interest of the department or boards of
the City of Minneapolis.

If a Bidder does not indicate that the commodity he proposes to furnish is other than specified, it will be
construed to mean that the bidder proposes to furnish the exact commodity as described.
Small & Underutilized Business Program (SUBP) Requirements

It is the policy of the City of Minneapolis to provide equal opportunity to all contractors, and to
redress the discrimination in the Citys marketplace against minority-owned business enterprises
(MBEs) and woman-owned business enterprises (WBEs). The SUBP, as detailed in the
Minneapolis Code of Ordinances Section 423.60, applies to any non-construction-related
equipment, food, material or any part or combination thereof over $50,000. Goals may be set on
commodity and supply contracts based on projected availability of SUBP firms.

There are no specific goals on this contract. However, should the bidder/proposer find an
opportunity to sub-contract or purchase materials with any businesses on this project, you are
strongly encouraged to solicit SUBP firms.

For more information on locating certified businesses, please visit
or call the City at 612-673-2112.

Living Wage Certificate

In accordance with Chapter 38 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances, the City of Minneapolis has
adopted Living Wage Regulations, which requires the "payment of a Living Wage for services valued at
$100,000.00 or more.

The definition of Living Wage is at a minimum indexed at 130 percent of the federal poverty level for
a family of four (if no health insurance is provided) or 110% of the federal poverty level for a family of four
for businesses that provide basic health insurance. For purposes of this bid, the minimum required wage is
indicated in the bid documents. By submitting this bid, the undersigned understands and agrees to the

The current rate is: $ 12.45 per hour (if providing basic health insurance)

$ 14.71 per hour (if no insurance is provided)


Company Name



These specifications describe a Contractors responsibilities for the Impound Towing
of vehicles from public or private property to the City of Minneapolis Impound Lot
for the City of Minneapolis. They are intended to be interpreted in accordance with
Chapter 168B Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 349 and Chapter 478, Article X of the
Minneapolis Code. Any additional laws which may be applied to towing regulation
or which may be created during the course of the contract created by this bid are
intended to be incorporated into these specifications. Portions of these specifications
which are in addition to law or ordinance are also binding.

1. SNOW EMERGENCY as used in this specification, is defined as the time
periods during which the City is enforcing snow emergency, winter parking, or
special district winter parking regulations in accordance with Minneapolis Code of

Snow emergencies typically consist of 3 Snow Emergency Days. Day 1 generally
begins at 9:00 p.m. on the evening of the day the Snow Emergency is declared and
continues through 8:00 a.m. the next day. Day 2 begins at 8:00 a.m. on the morning
following the Snow Emergency declaration and continues through 8:00 p.m. of that
day. And Day 3 begins at 8:00 a.m. on the second morning following the Snow
Emergency declaration and continues through 8:00 p.m. of that day.

The City reserves the right to cancel a Snow Emergency or towing activities at any
time. If this cancellation occurs any time prior to the normally schedule time,
Contractors will be notified by a phone call and an email. Upon such notice, the
Contractor will immediately cease towing vehicles tagged for snow emergency
violations. Tows on route to the Impound Lot will be accepted for up to 30 minutes
after the phone call and email notification ending the snow emergency. Tows
arriving more than 30 minutes following the notifications to cease will be considered
to be unauthorized tows.

2. STREET SWEEPING PERIOD is defined as the time during which the City
is enforcing temporary No Parking zones associated with street sweeping.
Normally the City sweeps every street in the city twice annually up to a five (5) week
period beginning mid-April and mid-October. Daily hours of enforcement are
generally 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. weekdays.

The City reserves the right to cancel or extend Street Sweeping or towing activities at
any time. If this cancellation occurs prior to the regularly scheduled time,
Contractors will be notified by a phone call and an email. Upon such notice, the
Contractor will immediately cease towing vehicles tagged for street sweeping

violations. Tows on route to the Impound Lot will be accepted for up to 30 minutes
after the phone call and email notification ending the street sweep. Tows arriving
more than 30 minutes following the notifications to cease will be considered to be
unauthorized tows.

Street Sweeping may not occur in every zone each day since routes are pre-assigned
by the PW Street Division. The number of tows will vary based on area and weather

The portion of Minneapolis lying north of I-394 and I-94. See Exhibit, District Map.

The portion of Minneapolis lying south of I-394 and I-94. See Exhibit, District Map.

The six geographic areas of the City assigned to contractors during street sweeps and
snow emergencies. See Exhibit, Zone Map.


For purposes of procuring its Impound towing services, the City of Minneapolis
divides itself into two categories: districts and zones. Districts describe the city
during those normal business periods when the demand for tow services is low. In
contrast zones describe the city in unusual business periods when towing demands are
known to be high: snow emergencies and street sweeping. The area described by a
district is larger than a zone. There are two districts and six zones.

The City will contract with up to six main tow contractors. Of these, two will be
district contractors working in their respective areas during normal business times.
During snow emergencies and street sweeps, the City will add up to four contractors
in the following scheme: the contractor for District A will automatically work Zone 3
at the district tow rate awarded and the contractor for District B will automatically
work Zone 5 at the district tow rate awarded. Zones 1, 2, 4 and 6 will be assigned
their own contractors based on results of this bid.

District Bidding
Bidders are allowed to bid on both districts, although only contract for one. If
awarded a district, you will not be eligible for additional zones.

Zone Bidding
The City will allow a bidder to contract for up to two zones. (Assuming that
you were not a successful district bidder or choose not to bid on a district.)


If your Company bids on multiple zones and are the successful low bidder
within those zones you will be assigned up to two zones at the Citys

If your Company is awarded two zones you will not have the option to opt out
and only perform tow services in one zone. You are required to accept both
zones that you bid on and were recommended for award or withdraw your
entire Bid from consideration.

In summary, at the end of this bid process the City will be entering into contracts with
two (2) District Towing Contractors and up to four (4) Zone Towing Contractors.

Tows shall typically terminate at the City of Minneapolis Impound Lot located at 51
Colfax Avenue North. Snow emergencies or street sweeps tows may also terminate
at 1025 W. Linden (under 394 Bridge Lot), or such place as the City may designate.

Below is a table with the yearly average number of tows per districts and zones over
the past 3 years. This data is provided to assist in the bidding process and is in no
way a guarantee the number of future tows.


Type of Tows District A/Zone
District B/Zone 5 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 4 Zone 6
District Tows 12,828 9,365 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Street Sweep 1,484 1,021 568 570 1,070 612
Snow Emergency 615 351 442 370 919 225
2011-13 Total Average
14,927 10,737 1,010 940 1,989 837

The City has agreed to tow for the University of Minnesota. This agreement to tow
for the University could terminate during the term of this contract. Tows may occur
on either the Minneapolis or St. Paul campus. The tow contractor for District A will
provide the U of M tows at the District A contract price plus $15.00 per tow from the
St. Paul campus.


Business entities, partnerships or corporations shall not act as separate bidders if they
subdivide their interests and assets or otherwise operate with co-mingled funds,
employees or equipment.

At the time of the bid submission, bidders must describe their towing experience.
The description must be to the level of detail as laid out below and must be submitted

with the bid. Bidders not meeting these submittal requirements may be deemed

All Bidders must complete Experience Worksheet for items 1-6 below (See Exhibit,
Section III A. Items 1-6: Experience Worksheet)

1. Years in towing business. Three years is the minimum.
2. Provide towing history and references including a list of current and past
3. Minneapolis address (use 25 mile definition, page 9, Article VI)
4. Number and types of trucks operated currently and during the last three
5. Evidence, shown by documented history, of ability to procure and
maintain insurance for a towing business and tow trucks.
6. Include a list of qualified subcontractors that you are currently using and/or
propose using during the contract.

The City of Minneapolis expects that all vehicles are towed in a professional manner.
Towing operations must be free from theft, abuse, threats, or intimidation. They must
also function with sufficient integrity to assure the Police Department that vehicles
ordered towed in criminal cases are moved directly to the Impound Lot without
tampering or interference.

Bidders will have to undergo a background investigation performed by the City of
Minneapolis Police Department. This must include all towing company principals.
For the purpose of these Bid Specifications the term principal shall be limited to:
(a) The owner(s) if the towing company is a sole proprietorship; (b) All partners if the
towing company is organized as any form of partnership; (c) All corporate officers
and directors if the towing company is organized as a corporation or limited liability

A principal is not an employee unless the employee is also an owner, partner,
officer or director as defined in these Bid Specifications.

Each respondent shall have scheduled a background check with the Minneapolis
Police Department at 612-673-5320 for each principal prior to the date of the Bid
Submissions. The actual background check must be completed and passed as a
condition precedent to the Citys delivery of the contract for towing services to the
successful bidder.



1. Possess a current Minnesota Drivers License in effect for the year prior to
towing for the City. Tows performed by drivers with a suspended or revoked
license will not be paid for by the city.
2. Be a minimum of 18 years old.
3. Possess a current D.O.T. medical card.
4. Possess level 1 certification of the National Driver Certification Program
or proof of attendance at Minnesota Professional Towing Associations
Training Class. Upon request the contractor must provide the City of
Minneapolis verification of the training.
5. Have a driving record meeting the following standards:
a. No driving-related suspension or revocation within the last three
(3) years.
b. No convictions in the last three (3) years for any of the following
- Hit and run
- Driving under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance
- Careless or reckless driving
c. No more than three (3) moving violations in any one year.


1. Background checks performed to detect criminal and driving history as
listed above are the responsibility of the Contractor. Checks must be
conducted by a business following the Fair Credit Report Act and passing
results provided to the City annually for each driver.

2. The Contractor will submit to the Impound Lot Manager a list of drivers
hired by the Contractor and subcontractors to perform towing services
under this contract who pass the background check required in B.1. above.
This list shall contain driver name, company, and drivers license number.
Drivers who pass the Contractors background check will be submitted to
the Minneapolis Police Department.

3. The Minneapolis Police Department will conduct a more extensive
background check before any driver can perform tow truck services under
this contract. Once MPD approves the background check, the Impound
Lot Manager will provide a City-issued photo identification card to each
driver. Every tow driver is required to have this ID card in their possession
while operating at the Impound lot.

4. The Contractor shall require its drivers or the drivers of any subcontractors
to report to the Contractor, during the term of the contract, which includes
any extension period of the contract, any arrests or convictions of a crime
other than a petty misdemeanor within 24 hours of such arrest or
conviction. The Contractor shall advise the Impound Lot Manager in
writing within 24 hours of discovery when, during the term of the contract,
which includes any extension period of the contract, any driver working
for the Contractor or any subcontractor has been arrested or convicted of a
crime other than a petty misdemeanor. A person so arrested or convicted
shall provide information on the crime or related to the crime as requested
by the Minneapolis Police Department. The Minneapolis Police
Department has the discretion to require that such person submit to a full
or supplemental background check to be performed by the Minneapolis
Police Department and the person so arrested or convicted shall cooperate
with the Minneapolis Police Department in the conducting of the
background check. If the driver does not provide requested information or
does not cooperate with the Minneapolis Police Department in the
conducting of a background check, the driver shall not perform towing
under this contract. The Minneapolis Police Department has the sole
discretion to determine whether a driver is able to perform tow truck
services under this contract.

A driver is automatically disqualified from performing towing services under this
contract if the driver has been convicted of a misdemeanor, a gross misdemeanor or a
felony, unless the driver meets all of the following criteria:

1. If the driver has been convicted of a misdemeanor, at least one
calendar year has passed from the time the driver has done all of the
following: 1) the driver has served the entire sentence for such
misdemeanor; (2) the driver has completed the entire probation for such
misdemeanor; (3) the driver has completed the entire parole for such
misdemeanor; (4) the driver has paid all fines for such misdemeanor; and
(5) the driver has paid all restitution for such misdemeanor.

2. If the driver has been convicted of a gross misdemeanor, at least five
calendar years have passed from the time the driver has done all of the
following: 1) the driver has served the entire sentence for such gross
misdemeanor; (2) the driver has completed the entire probation for such
gross misdemeanor; (3) the driver has completed the entire parole for such
gross misdemeanor; (4) the driver has paid all fines for such gross
misdemeanor; and (5) the driver has paid all restitution for such gross

3. If the driver has been convicted of a felony, at least ten calendar years
have passed from the time the driver has done all of the following: 1) the
driver has served the entire sentence for such felony; (2) the driver

has completed the entire probation for such felony; (3) the driver has
completed the entire parole for such felony; (4) the driver has paid all
fines for such felony; and (5) the driver has paid all restitution for such


In addition to the automatic disqualifiers, a driver may be disqualified from
performing towing services under this contract for other reasons determined by
the Minneapolis Police Department at the discretion of the Minneapolis Police
Department. The Minneapolis Police Department may, at its discretion, perform
annual background checks of drivers. The Minneapolis Police Department may
also perform additional or supplemental background checks when the
Minneapolis Police Department determines that such additional or supplemental
background checks are needed to comply with Criminal Justice Information
Systems (CJIS) background requirements. The City will be responsible for the
cost of any background check that is performed under this contract by the
Minneapolis Police Department.

1. Contractors are required to provide at the beginning of the contract cycle
and at the beginning of each quarter of the contract duration, a current
employee roster which will be kept on file with the Citys Towing and
Impound Supervisor in order to identify employees involved with towing
and handling of vehicles. Employees may be checked to verify that they
meet all the qualification as outlined above.

2. Federal Regulations require certain drug and alcohol testing for drivers
who are required to have a Commercial Drivers License. For purposes of
this contract, the City will require that Contractors become members of a
drug/alcohol consortium testing pool. The Contractor shall provide the
City, the name of, and proof of participation with, the consortium
drug/alcohol testing pool of which it is a member.

For purposes of this section, the definition of driver will be held to include all
agents and employees of a Contractor who will operate a tow truck as part of this
contract, and will not be limited to the meaning as described in section 382.107 (49
CFR). Contractors will be responsible for seeing that all employees and agents of the
Contractors company who drive under this contract meet the following current
requirements in CFR Title 49: Transportation PART 382CONTROLLED

a. Pre-employment testing as described by Section 382.301

b. Post-accident testing as described by Section 382.303
c. Random testing as described by Section 382.305
d. Reasonable suspicion testing as described by 382.307
e. Return-to-duty testing as described by 382.309
f. Follow-up testing described by 382.311

The City may request, based on reasonable suspicion, that a driver be tested for drug
or alcohol. This request will be made to the Contractor.

The Contractor shall maintain records of all results of these tests for individual
drivers and will make these results available to the City upon request.

Trucks shall have the equipment necessary to tow any and all vehicles in accordance
with vehicle manufacturers recommendations. All towing vehicles must be
registered in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota, pass current yearly
State inspections, and be properly identified per Minnesota Department of
Transportation regulations.

All trucks must be equipped as specified by State law including emergency and
warning lights.

All contractors are responsible for providing all Personal Protective Equipment such
as gloves, hardhats, eye goggles, etc. and must be in the towing vehicles at all times.

All equipment is subject to inspections by the City of Minneapolis upon request.

All trucks must be equipped with a 2A10BC or larger fire extinguisher, as approved
by the fire marshal, properly charged and in good working order at all times. All
vehicles must meet minimum safety standards for tow trucks as required by State and
Federal Law.

Each tow vehicle shall be equipped with a broom, shovel, and container to clean up
accident sites. The Contractor will be responsible for maintaining safe equipment at
all times. Tow trucks must be kept clean and free from rust and other body damage.

The Contractors name (not the subcontractor if one is used), address and telephone
number must be displayed in lettering on both doors of each vehicle to be used as part
of this contract. Said identifying information shall be in letters a minimum of 3
inches in height, and otherwise meet the requirements of Minnesota Statute 221.031,
Subd. 6 (b) and (c) and Chapter 349 of the Minneapolis Code. Temporary magnetic
signs for hired or subcontracted towers can be used.

In addition to Item A. above, all trucks used in performance of this contract
shall have posted in letters not less than 2 inches high the following:

November 15 to April 1: $15.00
All other times: $ 5.00

Article X, Section 478.1080 of the Minneapolis Traffic Code describes drop fees and
how their use is to be enforced. Drop fee rates and dates are subject to change by the
City. Tow drivers are required to accept all legal payment methods for drop fees.

All Contractors and subcontractors are required to identify which zone their truck(s)
are working in during street sweeping and snow emergencies by displaying lettering
e.g. (Zone 1, Zone 2, etc.) on both doors of each vehicle. Said identifying information
shall be in letters a minimum of 3 inches in height. Zone identifying information can
be combined with required truck lettering described in Section V. A.

Zone Contractors will be required to have a net minimum number of trucks for snow
emergencies and street sweeps for each zone as shown in the following table. These
trucks must be operational and on the street during the entire day of the specified
periods. Upon demand contractor must be able to provide a list of all vehicles towing
for the City. This listing shall include vehicle make, model, year, and license plate


1 5 trucks 7 trucks
2 5 7
3 10 14
4 9 14
5 8 12
6 9 13


The Contractor shall:

A. Maintain a place of business within 25 miles of downtown Minneapolis,
where all records concerning towing in Minneapolis are kept.

B. Have an operating telephone, computer, email address available at the
business location.

C. Be available to immediately respond to calls from the City at all times.

D. The Contractor will be required to keep, for a period of seven years, records of
all tows on a form supplied by the City (see sample of current form attached
to these specifications). The Contractor will submit a completed copy of this
record (Tow Sheet) to the City when the vehicle is delivered to the Impound

E. Invoices for towing shall be submitted in an electronic spreadsheet format
supported by hard copy. If not submitted in an electronic format, invoices
will not be paid.

F. The City retains the right to inspect tow records created by the Contractor in
the performance of this contract.

G. During a snow emergency or street sweeping period contractors shall provide
a Field Coordinator in each zone they are towing in. This Field Coordinator
shall direct the Contractors trucks working in that zone. The Field
Coordinator shall be in a vehicle, carry a cell phone and be available to meet a
representative of the City anywhere in the zone within 15 minutes after being

H. The contractor will investigate and resolve complaints from City residents,
City staff, and/or City officials, and will report the outcomes of complaints to
the City in writing within 30 days of the date the complaint is received by the
contractor or the City.


A. Flatbed trucks capable of carrying more than one vehicle will be counted as
one and one half (1.5) vehicles when considering the requirements listed in V.
D. Table B.

B. All vehicles are to be towed in or transported, not driven. Flatbed towing
trucks shall be used to tow vehicles with all-wheel drive and vehicles found
without tires and/or rims. The Contractor must remove the vehicle without
damage to the wheels.

C. Towing of vehicles from City streets are classified as Red Tag, White
Tag, or Inspection. There is no distinction in bid price for white, red, or
inspection tag tows, but there are differences in how they are to be responded


1. The Red Tag tow applies to vehicles on which an enforcement officer
has placed a tag displaying the word Tow directing the towing and
impounding of a vehicle for a traffic, parking or equipment violation. Red
Tag offences are varied. They include snow emergencies, street sweeps,
time zone violations, fire hydrants or other parking violations. Red Tag
tows are described in Article X, Section 478.1160 of the Minneapolis
Traffic Code.

2. The White Tag tow applies only to District Contractors and is used
when a Police or another enforcement officer calls for a tow on a
particular vehicle and personally stays with the vehicle until it is towed or
removed. The towing Contractor must arrive at the location of the vehicle
to be towed within 30 minutes of notification of a White Tag tow.

3. If the Contractor is unable or fails to respond to a call within 30 minutes
for a White Tag tow, the City may call other parties to provide the tow
and the Contractor shall be charged any additional cost incurred by the
City in addition to the penalty fee specified in VIII. Table C.

4. If the call for a White Tag tow is cancelled, or if the Enforcement
Officer decides that the vehicle should not be impounded (after requesting
a White Tag Tow) the Contractor is not entitled to any reimbursement
under this contract.

D. The Minneapolis Department of Regulatory Services has the authority to order
cars towed from private property. These vehicles are marked with placards.
For the purposes of this contract, these are referred to as inspection tows.

1. If the Contractor is unable or fails to respond to a call within 48 hours for
an inspection tow, the City may call other parties to provide the tow and
the Contractor shall be charged any additional cost incurred by the City in
addition to the penalty fee specified in Section VIII. Table C.

E. The Citys Towing and Impound Supervisor or designee shall have the
authority at any time of the day or night to order a Contractor to tow from a
particular portion of their towing district or zone, from a particular street, or to
tow a specific individual vehicle.

F. Only vehicles ordered towed under City authority shall be towed. The towing
Contractors responsibility is to determine that every vehicle it tows has
been ordered by the City in accordance to MN 168B.035 Sub. 2. Claims
resulting from such tows (i.e. those not ordered by the City) are the
responsibility of the Contractor.

G. The Contractor shall protect vehicles from damage caused by rain or snow
when being towed. When leaving cars in the Impound Lot, all doors are to be
closed and locked, and windows rolled up. When doors and windows are not
operable, the Contractor shall use water proof covers (tarps, plastic wrap) to
secure open windows and doors.

H. All vehicles shall be towed to the City Impound Facility or designated site by
the most direct route. The maximum time allowed between arrival at the
scene of the tow and arrival at the Impound Facility is 60 minutes excluding
Snow Emergency or Street Sweeping towing cancellation provision where the
maximum time is 30 minutes after that notification.

I. When accepting a drop fee resulting from a red tag, the Tow Truck operator
shall give to the owner/agent of the vehicle a printed receipt with companys
name. The receipt shall list the owner/agents name, vehicle make, and
vehicle license number. A copy of each receipt shall be submitted to the City
upon demand.

J. All contractors must provide a copy of their proposed drop fee receipt to the
City prior to contract execution.

K. Tow truck drivers and any employees working under this contract shall not:

a. Tow any vehicle that is occupied by any person.
b. Be verbally of or physically offensive, abusive, disrespectful or
discourteous to any motorist, city employee or any other person.
c. Remove any parts, property or other objects from a vehicle unless
required to safely tow the vehicle.
d. Operate a tow vehicle in the commission of a crime.

L. Contractors responding to white tag tows at accident scenes shall remove any
glass or other injurious substance dropped upon the street from the vehicle

M. Tow truck drivers towing under this contract shall keep a clean and well
groomed appearance and wear a uniform consisting of shirt or jacket with a
company name and logo. In times of extreme heat or cold, modified uniforms
(but not sleeveless shirts or tank tops) with the companys name may be used.

N. All tow truck drivers will be required to have on their person and immediately
at hand City-issued photo identification including driver name and employer.
City staff and/or City security contractors will at any time ask to see this

O. Passengers in tow trucks cannot enter the Impound Lot with the tow truck and
will be required to remain outside the storage area as a ward of the Contractor.


P. Vehicles, once lifted and off the ground, shall proceed immediately to the
Impound Lot.

Q. With the exception of U of M tows, for tows outside its boundaries the City
will use the District tow company delivering the lowest mileage price (See
Article XIV of this specification).


A. Payments to the Contractor will be made by the City for each tow. The
Contractor shall bill the City once per week and no later than Thursday for all
tows made the previous week. The invoice shall list the Citys tow number
and the corresponding dollar amount. Billings for mileage should also include
the tow from and to addresses on the invoice. The City will pay invoices
within 30 days after receipt of the invoice.

B. No reimbursements will be made for any costs incurred by the Contractor
except for expenses specifically described in this Contract. No payment will
be made for any incomplete, inaccurate or defective work until same has been
satisfactorily remedied at no additional cost to the City.

C. The Minneapolis Impound Lot Manager or designee will have the
responsibility for the monitoring and administrative duties associated with this
contract. This Manager or designee will have authority over the Contractors
employees while they are in the Impound Lot.

D. During Snow Emergencies and Street Sweeping periods, the City may require
more towing capacity than, in its opinion, Zone Contractors are able or willing
to provide. During these times the City reserves the right to arrange for
Impound Towing Services by utilizing trucks from other tow companies who
have successfully bid in the city. Zone Contractors who are recruited in this
way will be paid their bid price for that Zone.

Zone Contractors shall not have any claim or interest in the tows originating
from their Zone, performed by other Contractors when arranged as described

E. The contractor shall not subcontract any towing work under this contract in
whole or in part without the prior written consent of the City. This written
approval will require a minimum of ten (10) working days.

If a contractor uses subcontractors, the use must occur on the condition that
these Public Impound Towing specifications, including insurance, are passed
as requirements to its subcontractors. In addition, the contractor must obtain

the express promise of its subcontractors that they will comply with these
specifications in their City work.

F. The need for a proper level of towing performance has been established by the
City who considers it essential that contractors meet its needs. Therefore, the
City has assigned a specific monetary penalty for certain types of contract
violations. These penalties, when applied, will be deducted from payments
due to the Contractor and shall be as follows:


- Lack of truck registration or license plates (see Section V) $50.00 per occurrence
- Lack of proper signage on trucks (see Section V. A., B., C.) $50.00 per occurrence
- Late response to inspection tow more than 48 hours late (see
Section VII. D.1.)
Accepted bid tow price per
- Less than specified number of trucks on duty at the start or during a
snow emergency or street sweeping towing period (see Section V.
$150.00 per truck per

- Late response to White Tag tow within 30 minutes (see Section
VII. C.3.)
$100.00 each occurrence
- Failure to tow within the 60 minutes between arrival at the scene of
the tow and arrival at the Impound Facility (see VII. H.)
$50.00 each occurrence

- Failure to meet licensing or equipment standards (see Section V.) $50.00 each occurrence
- Unauthorized tow (see Section I.B.1, B.2.) Accepted bid tow price per
- Failure to provide a legible and City approved receipt for drop fee
to the owner/agent and the City (see Section VII. I., J.)
$50.00 each occurrence
- Failure to clean up accident debris (See section VII. L.) $150.00 each occurrence
- Drivers found working without passing a valid MPD background
check (See section IV)
$1,000.00 each occurrence
- Theft, abuse, threats, or intimidating towing operations. (see Section
III. B.)
$250.00 per occurrence
- Driving in towed vehicles or damaged wheels (See Section VII. B.) $50.00 per occurrence
- Failure to close doors and windows or cover broken or missing
doors and windows when leaving vehicles in the Impound location
(see Section VII. G)
$50.00 per occurrence
- Subcontracting any towing work without the prior written consent
of the City (see Section VIII. E.)
$100.00 per occurrence


The initial contract period will be from July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2016 with the
sole option of the City of Minneapolis to extend the contract up to two times for a two
year period July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2018 and again from July 1, 2018 through

June 30, 2020. The prices quoted will be firm for the initial two year period with
prices for the two year extensions calculated subject to a maximum percentage
increase or decrease in proportion to the U.S. Consumer Price Index (all items) of the
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Minneapolis/St. Paul area
during the initial contract term. Such price adjustment, if any, shall become effective
on July 1, 2016 and July 1, 2018, and remain firm for the contract extension periods.
Calculations using the Consumer Price Index will be the most recent available
whether annual or a semiannual measure.

Notwithstanding the penalties provided for in Table C, the City, at its sole option and
discretion may cancel the contract for any one of the following reasons:

A. Failure to perform the terms of this contract.

B. Two or more LATE RESPONSES OR NON-RESPONSES to white tag tows in
any 30 day period.

C. Four or more UNAUTHORIZED TOWS in any 30 day period.

D. Four or more instances of TOO FEW TRUCKS during times and events listed in
Table B of these specifications any 30 day period.

E. Four or more instances of, FAILURE TO TOW SPECIFICALLY NOTED
day period.

F. Failure to maintain the bond and insurance coverage as described in the Sections
XII and XVII of this document. Failure to adhere to any City, State, or Federal

G. Two or more instances of EXCEEDING MAXIMUM TIME ALLOWED
THE IMPOUND LOCATION, in any 30 day period.

A VALID MPD BACKGROUND CHECK, in any period. Contractors are
responsible for all subcontracted drivers towing for them.

In addition to the foregoing the City, in its discretion, reserves the right to cancel any
towing contract with sufficient cause or due to budget, policy, or the public interest
with no further obligation to its contractors. This will include the Bassett Creek
Redevelopment project where the contractor will be given a minimum of a six month
notice of cancellation.


If, due to ordinance and/or policy changes regarding City towing practices a
substantial reduction in the amount of tows is made, Contractors will be permitted to
request reduced tow truck requirements from Table B within their zone.

The City in its discretion may decide to change the towing documentation (paper or
electronic) system and process and enhance its operations. This may include a
requirement that all tow trucks have a web enabled device (smart phone, I Pad, etc.)
to enter towing information.


All Contractors shall furnish a bond in the amount of $100,000.00 (one hundred
thousand dollars) consistent with Article X, Section 478.1060 of the Minneapolis
Code and in a form prescribed by the Minneapolis City Attorney. All Contractors
shall maintain this bond during the entire period of the contract.


The City of Minneapolis will have a Heavy Duty Impound Towing contract currently
in effect. The Heavy Duty Contract is bid as a separate item and has one contractor.
Contractors awarded a contract as a result of this bid may also hold the Heavy Duty
Impound Towing contract.


Once the City receives all bids, it will rank bidders from lowest to highest within the
associated district /zone based upon the bidder submissions for districts and/or zones.

The assignment of district/zones will be determined by the City of Minneapolis
subject to the bid requirement that no tow company will be awarded more than one
district or more than two zones.

In the case of a tie, where more than one bidder has the lowest price for a district or
zone, the City of Minneapolis shall assign the district or zone at its sole discretion.

Prices are also being requested for mileage charges for tows outside the City of
Minneapolis excluding U of M St Paul Campus tows. District bidders are being
asked to submit a per mile bid for round trip tows from the Impound Lot to a pickup
site outside the City and back to the Impound Lot. The total round trip will be the
basis of payment. This price will have no bearing on which bidder receives the bid
award for Impound Towing.


The Contractor will be notified by the City in writing of vehicle damage or other
complaints submitted to the City attributable to the towing contractor. The
Contractor shall have 45 days to resolve the complaint and report the outcome to the
City in writing.

In situations where the Contractor cannot reach agreement with a person making a
damage or theft claim, the Contractor shall forward in a timely manner the claim to
his insurance carrier for processing, if applicable.

The Contractor will be held responsible for the loss of and/or damage to each vehicle
they tow, including equipment and contents, between the time the Contractor or his
agent arrives at the location of the vehicle and the time the vehicle is parked in the
assigned spot at the impound location.


A. The City of Minneapolis requires the Tow Contractor to indemnify and hold
Hennepin County, its commissioners, officers, agents, and employees harmless
from any liability, claim, demand, judgments, expenses, action or cause of action
of any kind or character arising out of any act or omission of said contractor, its
officers, employees, agents, or subcontractors.

B. The Contractor will take all precautions to protect the public against injury, and
will defend, indemnify and save the City, its officers, its employees and its agents
harmless from all damages and claims of damages that may arise by reason of any
negligence, malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance on the part of the
Contractor while engaged in the performance of this Agreement, and against all
loss by reason of the failure of the Contractor in any respect to fully perform all
obligations under this Agreement.


All insurance secured by the Contractor shall be issued by insurance companies acceptable to
the City and admitted in Minnesota. The insurance specified may be in a policy or policies of

insurance, primary or excess. The Contractor shall secure and maintain the following
A. Workers Compensation insurance that meets the statutory obligations with
overage B Employers liability limits of at least $100,000 each accident,
$500,000 disease policy limit and $100,000 disease each employee.

B. Garage Coverage with coverage at least as broad as the Insurance Services Office,
Inc. Form CA 00 05.

Liability coverage limit of at least $2,000,000 for garage operations or
alternatively Commercial General Liability limits of at least $2,000,000 general
aggregate, $2,000,000 products completed operations, $2,000,000 personal &
advertising injury, $2,000,000 each occurrence, $100,000 each occurrence fire
damage, and $10,000 medical expense any one person. The policy shall be on an
occurrence basis, shall include contractual liability coverage and the City shall
be named an additional insured.

Liability coverage all owned, non-owned and hired automobiles with limits of at
least $1,000,000 per accident.

Garage keepers comprehensive coverage with minimum limits of $100,000.

C. Employee Fidelity Coverage with limits of at least $75,000 coverage applying to
all individuals performing services under this contract. Said coverage may be
increased at the time of contracts renewal by the Citys Risk Manager to assure
said Fidelity Coverage remains consistent with such coverage as may be required
by City Ordinance or otherwise deemed reasonable and prudent for tow operators
working in or near the City. The Employee Fidelity coverage shall have an
ownership clause to provide coverage for theft of money or property that is in the
care, custody or control of the Contractor and shall benefit either the City or
members of the public, as their interests may appear.

Acceptance of the insurance by the City shall not relieve, limit or decrease the
liability of the Contractor. Any policy deductibles or retentions shall be the
responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor shall control any special or
unusual hazards and be responsible for any damages that results from those
hazards. The City does not represent that the insurance requirements are sufficient
to protect the Contractors interests or provide adequate coverage.

Evidence of coverage is to be provided on a City furnished ACORD form
(Attachment A). A thirty (30) days written notice is required if the policy is
canceled, not renewed or materially changes.

The Contractor shall require all of its subcontractors to comply with these
Page 1 of 2


Tow Company Name:

1. Years in towing business (three years is the minimum) years

2. Provide towing history and references including a list of current and past customers.

If needed, attach additional information on back and clearly label it

3. Minneapolis address (use 25 mile definition, page 9, Article VI):

Page 2 of 2

4. Number and types of trucks operated currently and during the last three years.
Year Make/Model Type (flatbed or wrecker)

If needed, attach additional information on back and clearly label it.

5. Evidence, shown by documented history of ability to procure and maintain insurance for a towing business and tow trucks.
Attach the appropriate documents to form, which will include current/past insurances held by company.

6. Include a list of subcontractors that you are currently using and/or that you propose using during the contract (if applicable)
Will not be utilizing subcontractors check here

List of subcontractors, if needed attach additional information on back and clearly label it.



Offl. Publ. # 7924 Company Name_______________________________
Bids opened at 10:00 AM
March 26
, 2014 Date__________________________________

Bid Form

The undersigned, being familiar with the contract document, including Advertisement for Bids, Bid Form, general and
special conditions and in accordance with the provisions thereof, proposes to furnish all labor, materials, equipment and
supervision necessary for the public Impound Towing of vehicles, as follows:

1. Impound Tows
District A $_______________________/ea.
District B $_______________________/ea.
Zone 1 $_______________________/ea.
Zone 2 $_______________________/ea.
Zone 4 $_______________________/ea.
Zone 6 $_______________________/ea.

2. Price for towing outside of City Limits $_______________________/mile

Successful bidder will be required to enter into a formal contract and provide a Performance Bond and Payment Bond in
the amount of $100,000.00.

Please return the following items with your bid: Bid Form Signed Living Wage Certificate - $2,500.00 Bid Deposit
Experience Worksheet

Acknowledge Addenda No:____ ____ ____

Bidder must supply Federal Tax ID No. or Social Security No.____________________________________________
If social Security Number is provided, this individuals name must be included as Bidder.

Bid Bond or Certified Check for bid deposit attached in the amount of $_________________________

Bidder affirms that this bid(s) has been arrived at the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion
with, and without any agreement, understanding or planned common course of action with, any other bidder of
materials, supplies, equipment and/or services described in the Invitation to Bid, designed to limit independent
bidding or competition.

TWO complete bid responses, including attachments are to be returned, one of which MUST be an original.

CIRCLE ONE: Corporation Partnership Individual
(Signature) (Name Printed)
CITY_______________________________ STATE____________________ ZIP +4 ZIP
BUSINESS PHONE (______) ______________________FAX(______)_____________________________________
EMAIL: _________________________________________________________________________________________


Please fill out company name, address, etc. above and indicate below or on back side of this form, your reason(s) for not
offering a bid and return this page to City Purchasing, 330 Second Avenue South Suite 552, Minneapolis, MN 55401.
Please indicate NO BID on the outside of your mailing envelope.
CALL FOR BIDS Official Publication No 7924
M I N N E S O T A Date: 4/2/14

Suite 552
Minneapolis, MN 55401

673-2834 David Schlueter



Please see the following information to update and clarify the specifications for this project.

VI. G. During a snow emergency or street sweeping period contractors shall provide
a Field Coordinator in each zone they are towing in. This Field Coordinator
shall direct supervise the Contractors trucks working in that zone and shall report to and take direction from a
City Zone Coordinator designated by the Public Works, Transportation, Maintenance & Repair Division
Street Department.
The Field Coordinator shall be in a vehicle, carry a cell phone and be available to meet with the designated City
Zone Coordinator or designee a representative of the City anywhere in the zone within 15 minutes after being
called, and be prepared to deliver contract towing resources per VII. E.

VII. E. The Citys Towing and Impound Supervisor or designee, or designated City Zone Coordinator shall
have the
authority at any time of the day or night to order a Contractor to tow from a
particular portion of their towing district or zone, from a particular street, or to
tow a specific individual vehicle.

VII. P. Vehicles, once lifted and off the ground, shall proceed immediately to the
Impound Lot after the contractor has properly entered towed vehicle data into the Citys impound tow
management software and addressed any drop requests.

- Less than specified number of trucks on duty at the start or during a
snow emergency or street sweeping towing period based on hourly validation checks (see Section V.
$150.00 per truck per Occurrence hourly validation check

Please see the following information to update and clarify the specifications for this project.
Tow vendors will be assigned tows that they must enter into the Citys impound tow management software
using web enabled phone, Ipad, or Personal Computer. These tows must be entered into the Citys impound
tow management software prior to departing the field tow location. them entering the impound lot.

Please consider any changes and\or corrections as part of the original bid specifications and submit your bid accordingly.

Please acknowledge receipt of this addendum on the bid form.

Bids opened 10 AM, April 9
, 2014
Purchasing Department
City of Minneapolis

CALL FOR BIDS Official Publication No 7924
M I N N E S O T A Date: 3/25/14

Suite 552
Minneapolis, MN 55401

673-2834 David Schlueter



That the above named bid be amended as follows:

The bid opening date is changed to April 9
, 2014 at 10:00 AM.

Please acknowledge receipt of this addendum on the bid form.

Bids opened 10 AM, April 9
, 2014
Purchasing Department
City of Minneapolis

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