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Katie Bentley

Kellie Stewart

IPP 240


Compare and Contrast: RID vs. AVLIC

There are two different professional Codes that provide ethical guidance to ASL/English
interpreters. One is the RID Code of Conduct and the other is the Association of Visual
Language Interpreters of Canada (AVLIC). There are many things within both of these
professional Codes that are similar and some things that are different. Both of these Codes also
employ specific criteria that is projected to protect the consumers and the professionals in
specific interpreting situations.
The Codes of Conduct for the RID and the AVLIC are both set up with specific tenets
as the RID calls them and values which the AVLIC calls them. They both illustrate a brief
idea or value as to what the professional should adhere to. The tenets of the RID Code of
Conduct are more deontological or rule based. They give a strict guideline for what the
professional is expected to adhere to. The AVLIC values or tents are more deontological or rule
based as well. They, like the RID Code, give a guideline for the expected behavior of the
professional which is a statement that is quite strict and definite.
On the other hand, there are aspects to both of these professional Codes that entail more
teleological aspects. In the RID Code, the illustrative behaviors are more teleological as they
describe the behaviors the professional should possess based on the particular situations they are
in, which are more principle or ends based. Similarly in the AVLIC code, each tenet has
subcategories with specific behaviors expected of the professional as well which tend to be more
teleological, focused on a principle based philosophy. Both of these Codes are quite similar in
structure. Each Code begins with a designated amount of tenets or the main values. These are
then addressed as the main categories throughout the Code, which are more ruled based and are
then followed by a more ends based explanation of the behaviors expected of the professional.
Throughout both of these professional Codes there many other similarities in what both
entail. The main tents addressed in each Code involve the same key aspects. Both Codes
address the issues of confidentiality and responsibility in decision making, having the skills and
knowledge to provide quality service, being respectful of the consumers and colleagues involved,
being ethical in all business practices, and to continue ones professional development. They
both cover the same broad categories of what the professional should adhere to.
Both the RID and the AVLIC Code address the issue of sharing information as needed
with colleagues (RID 1.1 & AVLIC 1.1.2). This behavior is geared toward protecting the
professional in being able to divulge information as needed in particular situations which may
assist in providing quality service to the consumer. Both Codes also address the notion of being
aware of other professional Codes within a workplace that could impact the work (RID 3.4 &
AVLIC 1.1.3). Holding high, the needs of the consumer, facilitating communication access, and
conducting themselves in an appropriate manner at all times are all factors addressed by both of
these Codes as well (RID 4.4, 4.2 & AVLIC 1.2.1 & 1.2.3). These behaviors of holding high
the needs of the consumers point directly to the protection put in place for these consumers with
which the professional works. These tenets protect the consumer in being ensured to have the
highest quality of service provided.
Another similarity among both of these Codes is the issue of the professional knowing
their own skill level and competence and to what limitations there are on their abilities (RID 2.0
& AVLIC 1.2.4). By the professional being honest in their own consciousness of their skill level
this also protects the consumer from what could be a less successful interpretation. It ensures that
the professional is being held to the highest standards and is competent for the work they are
accepting. Both of these professional Codes also address the importance of being aware of any
conflicts of interest and disclosing this information to the consumers (RID 3.7, 3.8 & AVLIC
1.2.5, 1.4). They both also address the issues that arise from breaching ethical or professional
conduct and the methods to a resolution the professional should take (RID 5.3 & AVLIC 1.2.6).
Both the RID and the AVLIC Codes also address the ideas that while in their role, the
professional must refrain from counsel or advice (RID 2.5 & AVLIC 1.3.1). They also both
cover the ideas of functioning and working as or with a team and what is expected of these
members (RID 5.2 & AVLIC 1.3.2). They also explore the fact of not using any work situation
for personal benefit or gain (RID 3.9 & AVLIC 1.3.3). The ideas of a faithful message being
rendered throughout the interpretation process is evident in both of these Codes as well (RID 2.3
& AVLIC 2.2). These various aspects of these tenets protect the consumers involved in the
situation to have access to the most effective and accurate interpretation.
Some other similarities throughout these two Codes are the ides of professionals being
able to remain neutral throughout the interpreting situation regardless of physical or emotional
factors (RID 3.2 & AVLIC 2.3.3). Professional development is a broad category that both of
these Codes address as well. Both the RID and the AVLIC Codes address the importance for
continuing education and the need for ongoing professional development (RID 7.0 & AVLIC
2.4). These Codes also cover the issue of providing services in a non-discriminating way no
matter what the factors are, addressing the needs of the consumer in the particular situation, and
adjusting to those needs (RID 2.1, 2.2 & AVLIC 3.1, 3.2). These constraints protect the
consumer and ensure that they have equal access available no matter what factors lie present.
The last few behaviors that both of these Codes address similarly, are the issues of the
professional properly and honestly representing their credentials, certifications, etc. when
requested (RID 6.1 & AVLIC 5.2). They also address the concept of rendering payment for
services in a fair manner and only for services that have been provided (RID 6.7, 6.8 & AVLIC
5.3). Overall, I feel that many of these similarities among the two Codes are driven by the same
general values and principles that they find essential. I feel that some of these two Codes
principles that have driven these similarities are responsibility, respect, honesty, integrity, and
On the other hand, both professional Codes have some slight differences within them as
well. The RID Code gives a guiding principle that relates to pertinent reasoning related to the
tenet. It gives an explanation as to the importance of the principle placed within the tenet. It
then continues with the illustrative behaviors that are expected of the professional of how they
are required to act. The AVLIC Code does not present an overall explanation as to what
principle is tied behind the tenet. It gives more of the expected behaviors of the professional
throughout specific situations in what is expected of them.
There are many things that differ throughout the two Codes. In the AVLIC Code, the tent
that pertains to confidentiality, absolves members of this obligation with the consumers
authorization (1.1.1). This differs from the RID Code in that both Codes do address the fact that
there are exceptions to this tenet, as in if ordered by law, but the RID Code does not express the
idea that with the consumers authorization, the professional is absolved. Another difference is
that in the RID Code it involves the illustrative behaviors of shredding or locking files that
contain data, invoice, records, etc. and the need to inform the consumers when the law is
requiring you to disclose information (1.2, 1.3). These two behaviors are not covered in the
AVLIC Code but are geared toward protecting the consumers involved and the fact of all data
being confidential. Within both of these Codes, there is the issue of respect for colleagues.
Both of the Codes address this concept but have some specific differences in what they state. In
the RID Code, it addresses interns and students as well as colleagues where the AVLIC Code
does not (RID 5.0). This difference in the RID Codes tenet is it is geared to protect the up and
coming professionals to the field.
In the RID Code, it addresses the idea of providing information or referral regarding
available interpreting or community resources (2.6). It also explains that the professional must
have a care in their choice of attire (3.5). This Code expresses that the professional needs to
not use mind altering substances before an assignment (3.6). Finally, explained in this Code is
the issue of obtaining consent from a consumer before having an intern present (4.3). These
specific behaviors that the RID Code outlines are some that are not present in the AVLIC Code.
On the contrary, there are ideas and behaviors in the AVLIC Code that are not in the RID
Code as well. In the AVLIC Code, it addresses the importance of the professional owning their
work and knowing its affect on their own integrity and that of the profession (1.2.2). This Code
also explains that the professional is responsible in their preparation for an assignment (2.3.2). It
also expresses the idea of knowing the difference in professional vs. social interactions between
themselves and the consumers involved and what is considered appropriate (4.1). In general, the
tenet related to integrity in business relationships differs from that of the RID Code (5.0).
Some of the behaviors explained throughout this tenet reflect aspects of the RID Code but on a
whole, this piece is slightly different. It addresses taking care of property given to the
professional (5.1.4) and the idea of the professional refraining from any unfair competition with
their colleagues (5.5.1). This Code also states that the professional may not terminate work or a
contract unless they have reasonable and fair grounds to do so (5.5.1, 5.1.3).
Overall, I think these two Codes are quite similar because they are both geared to protect
both the professionals and consumers in any interpreting situation. Between the two Codes, each
chooses to go into greater detail about some behaviors than does the other. Overall, I feel the
two codes are quite similar to each other in their structure and what is included within the Code.
Even though they are not outlined exactly the same, within each Code you find the same
guidelines and expected behaviors throughout. Overall, the issues covered in each Code seem to
be quite similar.
I feel that the similarities throughout these two Codes would help interpreters know the
kind of behaviors and actions expected of them. I feel these Codes would also help in any
situation when the professional is needed to make an ethical decision based on many factors. On
the other hand, I do feel like some of the differences could hinder interpreters following the
Code. One for example, is in the AVLIC Codes tenet dealing with the professional being
absolved from confidentiality with the consumers authorization (1.1.1). I feel like in instances
where this authorization has been given, the interpreter walks a fine line. They would have to be
able to keep track on what day and which situation the consumer gave them their approval and
are able to talk about that situation and which ones they arent. Another example is in the RID
Codes tenet addressing respect for colleagues where they include students and interns as well
(5.0). I feel that this would help interpreters following the Code to know how their behaviors
should be regarding those that are just beginning in the field.
Overall, I feel that both the RID and the AVLIC Codes would assist both novice and
veteran professionals. I think the way that each Code is organized gives a clear understanding of
the behaviors and actions expected of the professional. I think for the most part that the language
used in each Code is clear and concise. I feel that there is always room to ask what if, in
specific situations that could make the tenet or explanations harder to come to a decision based
on a number of factors. I feel that overall both of these Codes give ample advice for an
interpreting professional to refer to for the behaviors they are responsible for. I think that both of
these Codes would assist any professional in their ethical decision making.

Works Cited
Association of Visual Language Interpreters of Canada. (2000, July). Code of ethics and
guidelines for professional conduct. Retrieved from
The Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. (2005). NAD- RID code of professional conduct.
Retrieved from

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