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M. A. Khan, Ph.D.

Reading Assignment pages 1 16 Essential Clinical Anatomy

INR!D"CI!N ! #E #"MAN $!D%
I. Anatomy
Science that deals with structure and function of the human body
A. &'oss Anatomy
1. Regional anatomy
2. Systemic anatomy
B. Mic'oscopic Anatomy
1. Cytology
2. Histology
3. rganology
C. De(elopmental Anatomy
II. Anatomical e'minology
A. Anatomic Position
B. Planes o) the $ody
1. !edian "lane #midsagittal $lane%
2. Sagittal "lane
a% !idsagittal "lane
b% "arasagittal "lane
3. Coronal #frontal% "lane
&. Hori'ontal #trans(erse% "lane
C. e'ms o) Relationship
1. Anterior #(entral) frontal%
2. "osterior #dorsal) behind%
3. Su$erior #ce$halic) cranial%
&. Inferior #caudal%
*. !edial
+. ,ateral
-. e'ms o) Compa'ison
1. "ro.imal
2. -istal
3. Su$erficial
&. -ee$
*. Interior
+. /.terior
0. I$silateral
1. Contralateral
2. Combined 3erms
/. e'ms o) Mo(ement
1. 4le.ion
2. /.tension
3. Abduction
&. Adduction
*. Circumduction
+. Rotation
0. "rotrusion
1. Retrusion
2. In(ersion
15. /(ersion
*KE+EA+ *%*EM
1. Classi)ication acco'ding to shape
3here are o(er 255 bones in the s6eleton classified into * main ty$es according
to their sha$e7
a. +ong ,ones
Consist of one dia$hysis and 2 e$i$hysis8 slightly cur(ed for strength
e.g. femur) tibia) $halan.
b. *ho't ,ones
9early as wide as long. e.g. car$als) tarsals
c. -lat ,ones
3hin and flat
3wo thin $lates of com$act bone enclosing a layer of s$ongy bone.
"ro(ide strength and large areas for muscle attachment.
e.g. cranial bones) sternum) ribs) sca$ula
d. I''' ,ones
Com$le. sha$e. e.g. (ertebrae) facial bones.
e. *esamoid ,ones
Small bones enclosed by the tendon of a muscle
:ariable in number. e.g. $atella
f. Accesso'y ,ones
e.g. sutural #;ormian% bones
2. *.')ace ma'/ings
!any surface mar6ings or bony $ro<ections indicate $laces of muscle
attachment) articulations) $assage of blood (essels and ner(es
a. Ele(ations
1. ,ine) ridge) crest
2. 3ubercle = rounded ele(ation #small%
3. "rotuberance = 6nob) swelling
&. 3rochanter = large blunt ele(ation
*. 3uberosity = large round ele(ation
+. !alleolus = large ele(ation
b. -acet = small round surface usually for articulation
c. -o'amen, g'oo(e
d. !the's = head) fossa) groo(e) meatus
3. Di(isions o) the s/eleton
3wo ma<or di(isions
A.ial s6eleton #about 15 bones%8 a$$endicular s6eleton #about 125 bones%
a. A0ial s/eleton
Arranged around the median $lane. 3he s6eleton of the head) nec6 and
trun6 consists of7
S6ull #cranium %
Hyoid bone
b.' s/eleton
Bones of the a$$endages #u$$er and lower e.tremities%
>$$er limb bones8 $ectoral girdle #sca$ula and cla(icle%
,ower limb bones8 $el(ic girdle or hi$ bone
&. $lood s.pply and inne'(ation

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