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Michael White

Week 1 Homework
Unit 1: Week 1
Chapter 1 pp. 20-21 Exercises 1,4
1. Free software allows the users to have complete freedom over the software or program.
The characteristics would be:
a. Freedom to distribute
b. Freedom to run the program for any purpose
c. Freedom to improve the program and release to the public.

4. The free software foundation is a nonprofit organization that promotes the use of
user computer freedom and defends the rights of users.
GNU is a UNIX familiar operating system that is free.
Linux is an open source operating system. Linux provided the kernel to help
GNU/Linux. Many users helped Linus write Linux. Linus was responsible because he
merged all the code.
Chapter 2 p. 50 Exercise 1
1. The process of installing Fedora/RHEL involves realizing what you are installing it for.
Then managing the install based on that reason.
Chapter 3 p. 86 Exercise, 1, 4, 8
1. A live system can be booted from removable media such as a USB or CD-ROM and be
ready to use without installation. This works well because it comes auto-configured and
save an abundance of time without having to do the install.
4. Put /boot at the beginning of the drive so there is no issues of Linux having to boot from
too far into the drive.
8. It defaults on and enters run level 5
Chapter 11 p. 498 Exercise, 1, 3, 7
1. When the system in single-user mode, you can only login at the console. A few of the file
systems are mounted and many daemons arent running. When in multiuser mode you are
able to login in any terminal/workstation that is setup for login. Most if not all file
systems are mounted and all of the daemons that the system is set up for are running.
3. The su command stands for substitute user. You are able to allow privileges to yourself of
any user whose password is known. You may also execute a command as a specific user.
To login as Me or Michael, you would first switch to root, and then type su Michael or
su Michael to establish the environment that Michael has ongoing when you login.
Michael White
Week 1 Homework
7. 12-15 character 2 uppercase, 2 lowercase ,letter/number combinations, and special

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