Frozen Review

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Warning: Mild language, Some hurtful comments that you may disagree with and spoilers (if you
don't want any spoilers, watch the movie before you read this)
My first movie review to discuss about is Walt Disney's Frozen, which was based on Hans
Christian's fairytale story called 'The Snow Queen'. This is the second Walt Disney princess film
to be 3D after Tangled. Well if anyone wants to include Merida from Disney's Pixar film Brave,
then Frozen would be the third movie to be 3D. First of all, I would like to say is that when I first
saw the teaser with the snowman, Olaf, and the reindeer, Sven, I thought it was cute but it still
didn't spark my interest. And then the trailer came out and it looked pretty interesting. It was still
pretty iffy to me but I did had high hopes that this movie was going to prove me wrong, due to
the hype. And after I watched it...well...I would probably say that if I were still a kid watching this,
I would've loved it so much. But I'm 19 now, who starts to see and understand flaws much more
different now.
It wasn't a movie that made me go :D.
It made me go =.=
I guess I was pretty right about this movie when the teasers and trailer came out. I didn't like it
very much. It was a very weak storyline and really didn't have much of a purpose. But in some
ways, it did give pretty good key points no matter how weak the storyline is.I will start off with
reviewing our characters.
Character Review
To tell anyone the truth, I didn't find Anna and Elsa very pretty. Well, I would say Elsa is prettier
but they both looked very common to me.
Anna, the princess of Arendelle. She's cute, and funny but I was annoyed with her right off. I
know she wants a world of adventure and all thats fun to her but she was just very annoying
with the lovey dovey stuff to me and I will explain why later.
Elsa, the snow queen and of course Anna's older sister. At first, I thought she was pretty and
because she has the power to create snow and ice and at the same time was the problem to
why it snowed and stuff like that, I kinda thought she was going to be cool and cold-hearted like
everyone else over-exaggerated. But she was nothing like that. She was just as annoying as
Anna. I was mostly annoyed with the fact that she was freaking out most of the time and well,
she wasn't that strong of a character.
Kristoff, the mountain man and Anna's love interest later in the movie. At first, I thought he was
very ugly and was going to be very annoying like Flynn Rider from Tangled, but I actually liked
him. He may not be handsome but he was the most helpful and more down to earth than Anna
was about things.
Olaf the snowman and Sven the reindeer, our main comic-relief of the movie. I knew Sven was
going to be cute and he did a lot things that made me smile but I thought Olaf was going to be
annoying as well. Okay let's just say I thought and found everything was going to be annoying in
this movie. Back to Olaf. So I thought that but in the end, I ended up loving Olaf. He was so cute
and I love the fact that he wants to experience summer but has no clue what's going to happen
to him when he is in the sun, lol. I also loved the part where they gave him a carrot nose and he
was so happy about it. I also love how he does a lot of cute and useless things and is such a
caring little snowman with a sense of humor. I can go on forever talking about Olaf and Sven's
cuteness but I guess I will address these a little later. If not the movie, these two really made my
day when watching the movie.
Hans, the prince from the Southern Isles who is 13th or something in line of his throne and of
course, our backstabber antagonist. I didn't find him handsome but I loved his outfit. According
to what I heard about his art concept, they based him off of Flynn Rider for being handsome but
to give him that secretive bad guy look as well, they gave him sideburns based off of Flynn
Rider's partners, the Stabbington brothers (look up their pics if y'all don't remember).
Duke of Weselton, he's not very important but I did thought he was our main antagonist, and
he was pretty funny.
The Trolls...the main resource of the movie....uh...unfortunately I don't think they deserved any
purpose in this movie at all....
The Original Story and My Plot Prediction
The original story of The Snow Queen is a pretty dark and confusing fairytale and we all know
we can trust Disney to make a storyline enjoyable. I've never read the story of the Snow Queen
but apparently what I knew about it was that our main characters weren't teens or adults, they
were kids. The troll in this case was the antagonist who saw the world as ugly and bad so he put
some sort of splinter in someone's eyes or heart to be cold hearted and see the world as ugly
and bad. A little girl and boy are our main protagonist. The Snow queen in this case was a
neutral character. The splinter got into the little boy's eyes and it made him see the world as
ugly and bad and he started to become aggressive towards everyone. But the Snow Queen
took him away, freezing him and taking him into her palace to pass some sort of puzzle to make
him good again or get the splinter out or to get the devil out or something like that. So it was the
little girl who went on the adventure to get him back and of course, there was a kiss of love to
free the boy from being frozen and the snow queen let them go, letting them live happily ever
after. This was just a summary I read and feel free to correct me since I don't know about this
very well. And then the trailer came out which was very different from the original storyline.
So what my predictions about this movie based on the original story and trailer was that some
bad jerk gave Elsa the power to control and create ice and snow. Elsa may have liked it at first
but it ended up accidently attacking her sister Anna of course and with that being done, Elsa
was either sent away so she won't be able to hurt anyone or she ran away, fearing she might
hurt someone because of her powers. Years later of course, Anna and Hans were engaged and
it's a happy time until, Elsa's powers got out of control and then the non-stop snow came. Anna,
finding out about her sister and her powers, goes out on an adventure to look for her sister to
stop the snow, along with Hans. Then they meet up with Kristoff and his reindeer Sven, and Olaf
on their adventure. Kristoff and Anna may have argued a lot with each other at first but in the
end they liked each other whereas Hans got a glimpse of Elsa and fell in love with her and other
stuff like that. So to say, random stuff happens and in the end, Elsa finally learns how to control
her powers and she and Anna rekindle their sister relationships and Kristoff and Anna marry
while Hans and Elsa gets married. Cheezy but I think my predictions was a better storyline than
what I just saw in theaters.
I am going to start off with this first since I found more flaws with this movie than I did with
likeable things with this movie. Anna and Elsa were the most annoying characters ever.
She was cute as a kid and when she was singing 'Do You Want to Build a Snowman' as a kid
but as a teenager who looks more like an adult than a teenager was just corny! I understood
that she and her sister didn't hang out as kids but that was my biggest problem. That was the
lamest and dumbest thing I've ever heard! Elsa locked herself in her room from Anna just
because she doesn't know how to control her powers and doesn't want to hurt her sister?! I
mean come on, they are bound to see each other now and then, only Elsa just tries to hide her
powers from Anna or just runs away more often from Anna when she can't control her powers
so that way their relationship feels distant but locking herself in her room to keep Anna safe is
the lamest thing I've ever heard. It was annoying how Anna first met Hans and was like, Oh my
god! I just met you yet Im in love with you! etc. something like that. This just shows how easy
and stupid Anna was.
In some ways, I was hoping to like Elsa but she was just as annoying and weak like Anna. I
hated to see her panicking like Oh my gosh, its getting stronger I cant control it! And that part
when she ran away and sang that horrible mucky voice Let It Go and changed her outfit and
all, I thought we were seeing an antagonistic side of Elsa and I was so hoping to like her but
still, she was still weak and terrible and annoying as expected. Both sisters were the worst in
this scenario.
Then there was
As I mentioned before, THE TROLLS HAD NO PURPOSE AT ALL IN THIS MOVIE! According
to the original story of The Snow Queen, the troll was the bad guy in this. But as Disney, they
made the trolls good guys but I still felt they really served no purpose. They were the most
random characters that needed to be cut out!!!!! Sure they were informative but it was so

Songs... made me cringe except for Olaf's song. Actually, I didn't think the song timings were
right. All the songs came in so randomly that made roll my eyes. They were like musicals that
were so expected and didn't blend in well with the setting. Do You Want to Build A Snowman
was pretty cute until Anna grew up, she sounded like a brat. For the First Time in Forever was
weird and I wasn't feeling it. Then there was that song with Anna and Hans about falling in love
at first sight was like the dumbest and annoying and cheesiest song I've ever listened to. I
literally turned away and listened to my mp3 player by the time that stupid song was done. And
yes, there was Let It Go, the song almost everyone loves so damn much. Well guess what
homies? The voice is so fucking ugly!!!!! Of all the voices they could've picked, they chosed
such a low pitched voice that made Elsa sound more like a 50 year old woman than 18-20 year
old or however old she was.
Some of the lines and quotes were so cheezy. Like when the parents were consoling Elsa,
Dont Feel, Just conceal. Is that just a way to make this sound disney like or what????!!!
As I said before, there were pretty good parts that this movie did point out. Like the falling in
love at first sight. Now in this day and world, it takes time to fall in love. I was going to get very
annoyed with this until Kristoff told her straight up, you can't just marry someone you just met or
think you like. This is where I actually liked Kristoff.
The part where

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