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Driver's License

Daughter: Guess what, Mom. I got it.

Mother: Great. That's super.
Father: What's going on? So, what did ou get me?
Daughter: !othing. I got m driver's "icense. #$a. %e.
Father: Wait, wait, wait. Where are ou going?
Daughter: Mom said I cou"d ta$e the car to schoo" this morning, and . . .
Father: &o"d on here. I've prepared a 'ew ru"es regarding the use o' the motor vehic"es in
this house.
Daughter: Li$e what?
Father: Let me get m notes here.
Daughter: Dad( That "oo$s "i$e a )oo$? Mom, Dad's )eing mean to me.
Father: #$a, "et me get m reading g"asses here. #$a, here we are. *u"e num)er one:
!o driving with 'riends 'or the 'irst si+ months.
Daughter: What?
Father: Teenagers o'ten "ac$ the ,udgment to drive responsi)", especia"" when severa"
teenagers are invo"ved. I mean the speed, the ,oride, the cruisearound town wa past
Daughter: %ut that's not me( Do I rea"" need this "ecture? This is such a drag(
Father: -urthermore, who rea"" needs a car when a pair o' shoes wi"" wor$? I mean, "i'e
was di''erent when I was our age. In 'act, I used to wa"$ to schoo" . . .
Daughter: .eah, eah. I $now. %oth was uphi"" in ten 'eet o' snow. I've heard this stor
man times.
Father: .eah. #h, where were we? #h es. *u"e num)er two: .ou a"was must wear
our seat )e"t and o)e the ru"es o' the road.
Daughter: Duh. I wasn't )orn esterda.
Father: #$a, ru"e num)er three: .ou can't drive "ong distances at night )ecause ou
might get drows and drive o'' the road. %ut driving to the movie theater is 'ine.
Daughter: %ut the movie theater is right across the street 'rom our house.
Father: /+act", so ou can ,ust par$ in the drivewa and wa"$ there.
Daughter: Mom( Dad's )eing unreasona)"e.
Father: 0nd ru"e num)er 'our: .ou shou"d never use a ce"" phone whi"e driving. That
cou"d cause an accident.
Daughter: %ut .#1 do.
Father: That's di''erent.
Daughter: &ow's it di''erent? .ou even need m he"p to turn our ce"" phone on.
Father: 0nd ru"e num)er 'ive: *emem)er that I "ove ou, and I'm ,ust a protective 'ather
who wants his daughter to a"was )e sa'e.
Daughter: Does that mean I can ta$e the car now?
Father: We"", I don't $now.
Daughter: 2"ease dad, p"ease. .ou're the )est dad in the who"e wide wor"d.
Father: That's not what ou said ear"ier.
Daughter: &e, having the car $es in m hands changes m who"e perspective on "i'e.
Father: We"", o$a. I guess i' I'm considered the )est dad in the wor"d 'or 'ive minutes,
then I'"" accept that.
Daughter: .eah.
Father: #$a, )ut drive care'u"" and don't 'orget to 'i"" up the car with gas )e'ore ou
come home. 3Bye. Love ya guys.4 #$a. &on, do ou thin$ I did the right thing?
Mother: .eah. She has to grow up sometime.

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