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match between the test and the comparison surfaces. The color filters
usually should be placed between the comparison lamp and the comparison
The Macbeth illuminometcr, shown in Fig. 5-7a, consists of a Lummer-
Brodhun cube, eyepiece, and comparison-lamp tube. Though less com-
pact and more complex in its application than the photocell-type meters,
FIG. 5-7o. The Macbeth illuminometer. b. The Luckiesh-Taylor brightness
it is self contained in a carrying case and is a portable instrument. A
diffusing-glass comparison surface (viewed by transmitted light) is illu-
minated by a lamp in a diaphragmed enclosure which is moved in the
comparison-lamp tube by a rack and pinion. The illuminometer may be
equipped with a lens to bring into focus and restrict the test field. An
inverse-square scale is marked upon the rod moving the comparison lamp.
Provision is made for inserting neutral filters by which the range of the
instrument is made to cover 0.001 footcandle to 10,000 or more foot-
candles. A control box carrying rheostats and a meter on top, with a com-
partment below for two No. 6 'dry cells, is regularly furnished along with a
diffusing test surface and a reference standard for recalibration. The
reference standard consists of a lamp in a housing having a hole for inser-
tion of the sight-tube so that the test-surface may be viewed. The illu-
mination incident upon the test-surface when a predetermined current is
passed through the lamp is known and serves as the basis for calibrating
or checking the readings of the illuminometer. Since the luminous re-
flectance of the test-surface is known or determinable, for normal illumina-
tion and observation in the 45-
to 55-degree zone the reference standard
also serves to calibrate the instrument for readings of brightness in foot-
lamberts (the product of the illumination, i.e., footcandles, by the lumi-
nous reflectance of the test-surface).
This instrument is capable of
-measurements uncertain by only abcmt 1 per cent when used by an
experienced observer.
The Luckiesh-Taylor brightness meter, shown in Fig. 5-76, is entirely
self contained. The batteries fit into the case which has a control rheo-
stat and scale on the side. The current is set for the calibration mark and
maintained at that mark while measurements are being made. There is a

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