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Nai nesh Sut har Mobi l e# 91-9376998808

SAP Basis Consultant (ID No. 10093431)

Overall 17+ year of I !"#erien$e as a !"e$utive to a %&'inistrator of syste'( Out of 17
year of e"#erien$e 'ore then 10 year )or*in+ on ora$le &atabase an& ,inu" Server
'ore then - year as S%. /asis %&'inistrator an& %I0 -12 Server

SAP %&'inistrator )ith stron+ e"#erien$e in SAP Basis %&'inistration an& O3%4,!
$onsultants1 !"#ertise in troubleshootin+( .roble' resolution( an& strea'linin+
#ro$esses to in$rease effi$ien$ies )hile #rovi&in+ 2567 #ro&u$tion su##ort1 Me'ber of
tea' that s$he&ule& an& i'#le'ente& all u#+ra&es( $o''uni$atin+ s$he&ules &ire$tly
)ith users1 %ble to establish effe$tive on-+oin+ relationshi# )ith users to 7ui$*ly i&entify
#roble's an& i'#le'ent solutions to ensure syste's e"#erien$e little or no &o)n ti'e(
Lead team to manage SAP environment for multiple projects.
Architect, design SAP Solutions and determine hardware sizing for new ERP implementations and
SAP upgrades projects.
Recruitment , team development & grooming in various administrative sills as demanded.
8aily a&'inistration( 'onitorin+( troubleshootin+( an& tunin+ of all S%.
!44 610 an& Solution Mana+er environ'ents
3es#on&in+ to an& resolvin+ infrastru$ture relate& in$i&ents 9 #roble's
.rovi&e Su##ort an& :ui&an$e to the other .ro;e$t an& 8evelo#'ent
tea's &urin+ the buil&( test an& #ro&u$tive o#eration of #ro;e$t
I'#le'ent #lan an& .rovi&es su##ort for 8isaster 3e$overy an& 83 test
as re7uire& for S%.

.rovi&e all as#e$ts of te$hni$al su##ort for S%. /asis %&'inistration in a
#roa$tive an& rea$tive 'o&e to ensure that the syste's #erfor' )ithin the
ter's of their res#e$tive servi$e level a+ree'ents1
.erfor' !arly <at$h analysis an& a##ly re$o''en&ations1
Maintain 'ulti-lan&s$a#e environ'ents throu+h re'ote $o#ies( syste'
refreshes( an& trans#ort 'ana+e'ent 'onitorin+1
.rovi&e &aily su##ort S%. !44 !n&-=sers )ith syste' an& re#ortin+
.erfor' 8aily Syste' >ealth 4he$*s on all S%. syste's an& &o +eneral
troubleshootin+ an& &ia+nosti$s $he$*s on te$hni$al as#e$ts of the syste'1
4onfi+ure an& Maintain rans#ort Syste' ,an&s$a#es an& o#erate
4han+e Mana+e'ent ools
.erfor' Setu# an& 4onfi+uration of Solution Mana+er 44MS in or&er to
'onitor 9 a&'inister the S%. syste's1
.rovi&e .ro&u$tion Su##ort on a #erio&i$ 25"7 su##ort )ith on-$all
res#onsibilities to *ey $lients1

Tecnical S!ills
.erfor' S%. soft)are installation( u#+ra&es( a##lyin+ su##ort #a$*a+es(
syste' $o#ies6refreshes an& installation a&&-on soft)are $o'#onents1 9 In$l1
Of all S%. a&&-on #ro&u$t li*e !.643M6/.46!SS9MSS6S3M1
<or*s )ith OS 9 8/ %&'inistrators for o#ti'al S%. .erfor'an$e
4onfi+ure the S%. Net )eaver environ'ent for hi+h availability
Setu# of =ser .rinters )ithin S%.( as )ell as su##ort the installation of
?ront-en& :ui@s for en&-users1
Install an& $onfi+ure all re7uire& S%. &atabase an& a##li$ation servers1
Maintain S%. Syste's #erfor'an$e by #lannin+ an& e"e$utin+ S%.
tunin+ strate+ies1
.erfor' S%. $lient a&'inistration A$reate $lient( $o#y $lient( et$1B as
Mana+e S%. users( authoriCations( an& #rofiles1
%##ly an& 'i+rate S%. 'aintenan$e Ahot #a$*a+es an& *ernel u#+ra&esB
throu+h all syste's usin+ a stru$ture& 'etho&olo+y1
8istribute the online S%. user )or*loa& an& 'onitor an& 'ana+e the S%.
ba$*+roun& ;ob )or*loa&1
Monitor all S%. syste's A)or* #ro$esses( users( syste' lo+s( short
&u'#s( lo$*s( &evelo#er tra$es( syste' tra$es( &is* s#a$e( et$1B1
P"esent P"o#ect $%
4o'#any D %nu#a' In&ustries ,t&
.ost >el& D Sr1 S%. /asis %&'in
.latfor' D <in&o)s N6 %I06,IN=0
8uration D Se# 2009 to #resent

Po"#ect 1 $ Anupa& In'ust"ies (t' ) Anupa&% *+I In'ust"ies (t'
P"o#ect Tas!
Installation of serve an& S%.( 8atabase AOra$leB on %I06linu"6<in
Sa# $lient a&'inistration
S%. /asis O:S a$tivities
Intera$tion )ith ora$le &atabase usin+ S%.8/% an& /3OO,S
a*in+ online an& off-line ba$*u#s 9 restore an& re$overy
3unnin+ statisti$s 9 table s#a$e a&'inistration
I'#ort or e"#ort &ata
4onfi+uration of trans#ort 'ana+e'ent syste'
%##lin+ ora$le &atabase #at$hes(
Sa# *ernel u#+ra&e an& a##lie& su##ort #at$hes an& a&&-ons1
Monitorin+ users( ba$*+roun& ;obs an& &atabase #erfor'an$e
ra$in+ an& solvin+ sa# &u'#s #roble's
.erfor'an$e tunin+ of ora$le &atabase
Monitorin+ sa#( ora$le(
P"o#ect ,$ Anupa& In'ust"ies (t' ) Anupa&% *+I In'ust"ies (t'
P"o#ect Tas!
=#&ate Eernel 710 to 712
=#&ate 8atabase 1012 o 1112

=#&ate S%. !44 610 O !>. 6
P"o#ect 3 $ Anupa&% *+I In'ust"ies (t'
P"o#ect Tas!
?resh 4onfi+uration of 4fol&er
Set 4ontent 3e#ository
=ser %uhtorisation
P"o#ect 4$ Anupa& In'ust"ies (t' ) Anupa&% *+I In'ust"ies (t'
P"o#ect Tas!
Instalation Of Server on <in 2003
Instalation of Ora$le 1112
Installation@s an& 4onfi+uration Of Sol'an 711
=#&ate .at$h of Fava 9 %ba#
Sa# 3outer 4onfi+uration
P"e-ious P"o#ects$
4o'#any D Genith Infoe$h ,t&
.ost >el& D Syste' In $har+e6 3e+ional hea& of %N%N86N%8I%8
.latfor' D <in&o)s N6,IN=0

8uration D Fun 2001 to Se# 2009
4lient D 4entral /an* Of In&ia
4rete Ne) Server on 3ea& >ate ,inu" an& Ora$le( Mana+in+ &atabase( able s#a$es 9
8ata files an& 4ontrol files 9 3e& lo+ files( Mana+in+ tables( in&e"es 9 &ata inte+rity (
S#a$e Mana+e'ent( Se$urity Mana+e'ent( =ser Mana+e& /a$*u# 9 3e$overy( :ive
+ui&eline bet)een Soft)are 8evelo#er 9 4lient( >el# the' ho) to 4reate =ser ?rien&ly
o#eration %n& )hat an& <hi$h )ay a 4lient nee&
.revious .ro;e$tsD
4o'#any D ,a*hotia 4o'#uter 4enter( /orsa&
.ost >el& D e$hni$al >ea& 6 4ourse In-$har+e
.latfor' D Hb( Ora$le 8i on <in&o)s N
8uration D fro' 8e$ 1999 to Fun 2001
.revious .ro;e$tsD
4o'#any D So'nath Ealevani Man&al (AFivan Hi*ash >i+h S$hool Na&ia&B
.ost >el& D 4enter ?aultily 9 %&'inistrator
.latfor' D Novel Net)are( <in 8os Hb( Ora$le 7
8uration D fro' 8e$ 199- to 1999

.:8I SM= Mani#al In the Iear 2008
8ISM A %#te$h 4o'#uter B In the Iear 199-
/1% - S1.1 =niversity H= Na+er In the Iear 1995
.!3SON%, .3O?I,!S
?ull Na'e D Nainesh 4 Suthar
/irth 8ate D 01
May 1972
Se" D Male
!- 'ail D nainesh9-9Jyahoo1$o1in
,an+ua+es *no)n D !n+lish( >in&i( :u;arati

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