TRA To Sue Gulf News For $5.4bn

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August 2014
Abu Dhabi, UAE
TRA sues Gulf News for $5.4 bn
TRA (Telecommunications Regulations Authority), Abu Dhabi are suing Gul !e"s an#
$a%har &aroo'ui or ()*4 billion or an Act o Economic Terrorism +lus slan#er an# libel
o Gill ,allace -o+e an# ./U0A 0i'ui#ity 1rogram*
./U0A is an im+ortant &oreign Direct 2n3estment (&D2) or .UAE in3esting #irectly into
amilies an# com+anies aecte# by the global crisis* Gill ,allace -o+e is lea#ing the
U! 2nno3ation in &inancing 1olicy an# +utting it into +ractice to ser3e 200,000*
$a%har &aroo'ui , a 4ournalist "ith Gul !e"s too5 a +ayment rom an 2n#ian in ,est
6irginia, U7A to "rite a smear article "hich he +ublishe# in Gul !e"s, online an#
throughout 7ocial $e#ia "hich #amages the re+utation o .UAE an# the "orl# irst
+rogram that has the su++ort o the Unite# !ations, G20, &78 , Embassy9s,1:2
Go3ernment $inistries an# De+ts an# 200,000 aecte# in the irst $ass /ollaboration
-- 7heih5 ;halia signe# 0a" no < o 201: instructing all Go3ernment $inistries an#
De+ts to collaborate "ith Gill ,allace -o+e (1rogram De3elo+er) an# /entral 8an5 to
ensure that 200,000 amilies an# com+anies recei3e# 3ital economic su++ort to +ut the
crisis behin# them*
$ohamme# 0ari, 0egal De+t, TRA sai# =-- 7hei5h ;halia, 1resi#ent o .UAE is 3ery
angry that a truste# lea#er has been attac5e# "hilst ser3ing at the higher le3el or the
greater goo# o the UAE, Emirati9s, e>+ats an# "or5ers?*
TRA has ile# +a+ers "ith the $inistry o @ustice an# Gill ,allace -o+e has re+orte#
$a%har &aroo'ui to 2nter+ol or committing an act o Economic Terrorism*
-o+e comments = ,hen one selish +erson ta5es a bribe that sto+s 200,000 amilies
an# com+anies recei3ing critical in3estment, +re3enting .UAE rising rom 14
to to+ :
"orl# ran5ing or -uman Rights it is a sa# #ay or 7ocial @ustice?*
ATRA AAmbassa#or-o+e
.TRA ./U0A .$a%har&aroo'ui .Gul!e"s .7ocial$e#ia .UAE .Unite#!ations .G20
.&78, .Embassy .Go3ernment .200,000 .$ass /ollaboration .EconomicTerrorist
.2nter+ol .la"suit .7lan#er .libel .-umanRights .1olice .!ational7ecurity .Economy
.&oreignDirect2n3estment .&D2 .1o3ertyAlle3iation .7ocial@ustice .2n3estment
.UAE "ill climb rom 14
to to+ ) in "orl# or .-uman Rights* 7ocial @ustice or A00*
This chil# ha# "aite# 2 years or a "heelchair B ./U0A got him one in C #ays
This family in Sharjah needs school fees plus funds to restart their
@CNN @BeckyCNN @AmbassadorHope
Becky Anderson interviews ill !allace Hope on CNN"s Connect the !orld
# live from Abu $habi
Social %ustice for &''(''' families) $irect investment for school fees(
business re*starts( jail( Court +rders( rent and bank loans to pay down
and improve ,i-uidity in ./A0) This new 1nnovation in 2inancin3 model
can be applied to every country with 3ridlocked economies)
reek family torn down by debts after mother*in*law had stroke) Apartment
pushed her out onto street and .C/,A paid rent for a studio in 1nternational
City( $ubai
415 Too late for this family) Santosh 6umar( 2ilm $irector was in debt) No one to talk to)
Nowhere to turn)
He su7ocated his 8 year old child and with his wife slashed their wrists)
!hat a waste of talent and skills)

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