Liberty Report, Dec. 2009 - Northern Michigan Liberty Alliance

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Liber t y Repor t Decemeber, 2009

Northern Michigan’s Home To Liberty Thought In Action

W elcome Patriots, to the
inaugural report for the
Northern Michigan Liberty Alli-
ance. We hope this will be the
first of many.

In this brief report you’ll find

current news, opinions, up-
coming events, and opportuni-
ties for further

Involvement, is really the key.

We have been placed in dra-
matic times and without our
action the flames of freedom
will be hushed out forever.

Reagan always said , “Freedom

is never more than a genera-
tion away from extinction .”
Let’s make sure that will never

Don’t Tread on Me--

Ben Duff, Co-Chair of The

Northern Michigan Liberty

What We Believe:

Natural Rights
Limited Government
Free Markets

Mission Statement :

To inform and educate

our fellow citizens on
the supreme law of the
land, the Constitution.
Upcoming Events
Defender of Liberty 2009, Larry Pratt
Common Sense The Northern Michigan arms. Also, he has written several
in Government Liberty Alliance is proud books on the matter
‘s Liberty Tour- to bestow it’s first every GOA lobbies for the pro-gun of individual freedom
position in Washington, D.C.
-”Government Defender of Liberty Award pertaining to the Second
and is involved in firearm
Exposed” to Larry Pratt, CEO of Gun
issues in the states. GOA’s
Owners of America (www.
Location: TBA, Sault work includes providing legal This past September, Mr.
Ste. Marie assistance to those involved Pratt was the keynote
GOA is a national in lawsuits with the Bureau speaker for the Northern
Cost: Free membership organization of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Michigan Liberty Alliance’s
of 300,000 Americans Firearms, the federal firearms9/12 Tea Party. He will also
Feb. 20th 8AM-6PM dedicated to promoting law enforcement agency. be a featured speaker at the
their Second Amendment Second Amendment March
Consitution Seminar freedom to keep and bear Mr. Pratt has been a leading in Washington DC, this
voice for Second Amendment coming April 19th.
Featuring: Speakers Rights for over thirty years.
from the National He has testified before The Alliance salutes Mr.
Center Constitutional numerous Congressional Pratt’s past work, but also his
Studies and Hillsdale Hearings representing the future work in defending our
College true meaning of the Second natural right to bear arms.
Amendment. He also
Location: Lake State appeared on many national Please Visit
Univ., Sault Ste. Marie radio and TV programs, and
his articles have appeared in Us Online
Cost: TBA papers across the country.
Events Open to the
Public A merica is hurting, Michigan is hurting. Michigan
leads the nation in unemployment at over 15% ! WWW.
Michigan Liberty
U nder the leadership of Jennifer Grandholm we’ve
already lost over 600,000 jobs, and are expected
to lose over another
Alliance 350,000! Almost over 1
T-Shirts Million jobs lost!

Now Available! ood job Jenny!

Be Not an Enemy of our Currency by Eric Cadeau

Representative Bart Stupak must General of the Treasury Depart- of inept leadership and rotten any gifts besides liberty. I am
support a complete and thorough ment’s TARP program, the U.S. business practices. It is REVOLT- capable of earning all material
Audit of the Federal Reserve by taxpayer has been exposed to ING to me that any representa- goods that I want or need.
cosponsoring House Resolution a maximum responsibility of tive of the great citizens of the
1207. $23.7 trillion. This is the sum- U.S. and our modem of trade, It is paramount that you defend
mation of the automotive and the U.S. Dollar, could turn his the rights of the individual and
Throughout its 96 year history, the banking industry bailouts, all of back and ignore the on going become a Champion for the
Federal Reserve has presided over the stimulus programs, and the devaluation of our currency and objective value of our dollar,
the approaching destruction of the bailout of Freddie and Fannie its resulting cancer to our liberty transparency in government,
United States Dollar. Since 1913 and other federal programs. and prosperity. and prosperity for future gen-
the dollar has lost over 94% of its erations.
purchasing power.. How long will While it is disappointing to me I know how essential a tool it
you stand idly by while the citizens that my Country has created must be, the Federal Reserve, 311 Representatives in Con-
of your Country watch their a mockery of Capitalism by to merely print any sum of gress have already cosponsored
savings dissolved by inflation? rewarding failures and by op- money it requires for Congress House Resolution 1207. What is
pressing the opportunity for to stimulate the economy, police holding you?
In a “worst case scenario” present- the natural occurrence of com- the world, and still bring home
ed by Neil Barofsky, the Inspector Be not an enemy of our cur-
petition to rid these industries the bacon. But I do not want rency

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